Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 8, 1931, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixtyfifth year of fnabfication the georgetown herald wednesday evening april 8th 1931 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa- the georgetown herald j bl moobi publisher and proprietor member canadian weekly newspaper association the two miracles 7 l canadian national electric railway easifaoond dally except sunday dally dally dally dally except sunday dally dally dally v westbound daily except sunday j dally daily dally dally daily dally 74s a-m- ax aun 1348 pjn- 148 pjn 430 pm sl4s pm p pm- 1148 pm h 801 am- 1001 am 101 301 041 pjn s01 pm 1301 ajn pan fast freight same day delivery service freight picked up at guelph georgetown phone 13 c n r time table standard time going eaat passenger passenger passenger and mail passenger passenger and mail passenger sundays going east 714 ajn- 959 ajn 10j8 ajn x39 pjn 6j1 ipjn sioo pjn- passenger passenger going west passenger and mall passenger passenger passenger and mail passenger passenger sunday passenger sunday 139 pjn- 813 pjn 718 ajn 854 ajn 3j08 pjnu tub pm 703 pm loin pm loas ajn loob pja wwv gomg north mall and paaongar gofnx mall and passenger central ontario bus lines lid 90 abbow coaches going bast 115 pjn 5 45 10j5 pjn 846 ldl tt going weat 1246 pm 345 7 45 pjn dally except sun days and houdaysj b4s pan sunday and holidays only ah more dependable than ever and lower in price the new olds mobile rl think what that mum to cgr noled lot jayajaaiaulply for aaora than thraa decode then beanno in aawj te aaa red prion consider the rcmsrkabl valu offered by jyvciiikwvwa ii directory uc mot dau i clabknce b wiggins notary paea omoaa otjalll block oo 188 notary poohe 1 street phone 331 and tal nw ease and silanca of operation downdraft carburation and a of apaad and laiwhtad ptahar and to jadoa waiuns hx you to driva to tart lea g hi awl motors ow samoa policy it your guarantee of aad aw gmac aaahln you to buy an oldsraobiu on tamarkably mkw iiieht stmcro- miih tiansmission fmraact aaaoota awa lu ansa frit to second to aajas aad back to sacoool au1 contiol p try eacf ffaat at at ipaa downdiaft c aaamjjla t4k with nonftood choki fves increased power hlghtr speed faster acceleration and greater smoothness insulated fishh looth are warmer in winter cooler in summer and exceptionally quiet riw outit sicomd oear assures smooth jwift acceleration rivalling high gear ptrformance in quietness oeu motors va l ue j n mmi son ontario tune in friday night on canada on parade the yearly miracle of spring of budding bough and greening sod is it less wonderful to view than is the risen son of ood what man can call the flower forth or bid the burled seed spring up7 can free the prisoned butterfly or paint the golden crocus cup no jnore than he could think or dream that ood could die that man could rise the selfsame power that calls the seed out of the darkness where it ilea could call the christ from out the grave o ignorant and foolish men who watch tie miracle of spring yet doubt that jesus rose again i by annie johnson flint in youths companion brampton ontario e o araham k b o h bocyer kknnkth m langbon barrister solicitor notary reel first mortgage money to lot main street boutto phona ml j j paul da b t raih aalaal otkoar of health n 1 township psoas sun 3 to and to- odtum and ba mot btraat r ftv watson dab obvm houra to a r l bkatat im dlab in owstua basra ajn to pjb mum lamb lajuotioajl matkbnitt by day or weak for pa phone bird qaor b b m chiropracnc xray service store monday wedaeeeay aad 2 to s and 7 to t pjn ottter daya and horns by 1bu fraakpmclr ucbnkkd the ooanua a i prompt barvtoa ohemannam bh43 post ofbee- aeorgatown airs cneltennam f rxkerr aocnonkkb and bbal bstatb m taara bajuii i pbonb m acrrom out c e mcclure auctimeer real batate mur and for terms phone b6 r s ontario wood good body beech and j874 alnrje rtt raiii at 8306 amfje oord- aattb pbonft m r is j bruntons oarage prcaaapt bjm eipert srin o afl irkadk of cara tires for sale can oal gretmea aaad aabto aooemanem mate sbvet nobbb pvate 280 gaostown j saivford stewarttovn plumbibgtinsmhhino eaiulcs aecrtaoy va phone 84 r 12 georgetown rjl no 2 one thimbleful- a days peed m one chick business magic by james parker long l l- ot why why harry nichols paused a mo ment in his resentful circuit of the room to lean his clenched fists on the table before josie stryker and hurl the demand into tier set face why is it that i come here one night and find you planning the de tails of our wedding and then two nights later ydu tell me you are not going to marry me the gray eyes that stared so un flinchingly into his hotly wrathful ones and the quiet voice that an swered his halfshouted words were calm i am afraid barry afraid yes i have been worried right along because ofyour way of think ing about the folks you dealt with it is so cruel so cold and then the things that have happened in the last two days made it so plain that i did not dare go ahead yo fret about aw nnittme iniy prev heri wh ha darcha jbtbtk v 1t1 oaaa say leaealaabal all c caa mart la tit btfls crop in one i hat hat at aaaat baa row start tenth of che job feed has to l theren tjaey aaautoor 12 comwerab and eight ao aaan ttfaufal chack st -tt- wsf v wat i tea caa abonl as startenaii 30 bnd 395 per bag for sale by p g e akly phone 175 yftl syker a kimball there are other realestate firms in the world a man that can sell the way i can is able to walk into- any office in the country and sign up dont you worry i can always take care of you i am not worrying about that but when you left johnsons it was the same thing and before that when you left hendersons and i dont know how often before that they objected to the way you took care of their patrons aad you shrugged your shoulders and kept right on with no ones welfare but your own in mind when i spoke to you about it you would not listen yon passed it off with talk about not being in business for anyonee health but your own when i sent old allen barton and madam my old nurse around to you and asked you to help them out and you took all their savings and sold them a rotten old grocery store where no one ever made a living it brought things to a head they trust ed you and so did i and you failed us all the quiet voice was beginning to tremble and when father pro tested at what we all felt was an un fair way to treat a customer you in sulted him and resigned i surely did just a week before he had urged me to do my best to work off that blodgett place and promised an extra commission 1 told him and its the truth that i am not working for the buyer and the seller both i am the agent of the seller he hires me to sejl and just so long as i sell i am a business sue cess 1 am sorry about those bar tons but i explained the situation to them if they will get after it they can make a go of it all right no harry you were not represent ing anyone in that deal but yourself it was that extra commission and the thought of beating out the other sales men that made you forget about me and my wishes and it made wonder if you would be any more regardful of me after we ware mar ried i thought that when love came into your life your point of view would widen and you would get to love other folks as it la you are so hypnotized by the need to succeed that you hypnotize the people you are dealing with but you also frighten them off in a little city like this you have to deal with the same people over and over and after you have made a person buy something be did not want you may be sure he wont come back to use your own langu age you sold me yourself at the first interview but you are a wgbprearure and you could not the goods stick if you had changed aa i hoped we could have been happy but 1 see now that you cant change then all there is to say is good byet i am afraid that is all harry i wont pester you i dont agree with most of what you say but we must not get into an argument oood- byev i want you to promise me one thing anything that i can i want you to pronuae me th if ever you decide that the oolden rule will work and that a salesman i can help both the buyer and the seller you will tell me so thats a safe promise the door closed on one side of it a grayeyed gui dropped her head upon her arms on the other the alert figure of harry nicholas teeter ed uncertainly on his heels his future suddenly had become a ttung without attraction instinctively his feet car ried him in the direction of the of fice where he had been working but before be turned in at the door he remembered that he was not welcome there with that realization came the thought the man that i to blame for all this trouble is old allen bar ton his squealing to stryker was what started joete off these people that run around complaining becaijse they think theyve had the worst 61 a deal make me sick i 111 go and tell that old hayseed what i think of him before i do another thing the store was merely a large room built on th front of one of the drab storyandahalf houses that made up the community of mill workers it occupied a corner at a streetcar in tersection that had been one of harrys arguments and there were dingy display windows on both streets harry sniffed at the looks of the untidy wtndowa in the half light of the dun interior he hesitated a moment trying to find the proprietor a mellow motherly invitation came from the back of the store here we are obrne on along bacfc and then the voloe went on to some one else- yes my dear youre no older than my granddaugh- terd be if toe good lord had given me you do any wasteful shopping in my store you hadn t ought to buy so many taters right now they re still coming in from the south but within a week or two they 11 be fetching em in from trie farms around just you do up half a peck that will be enough and to spare i d wrap em myself if i had any eyes but here 1 be half blind and al in the hospital and no clerl yet harry leaned against the counter and watched this unique way of wait ing on customers the old lady swung back and forth in her rocker and ran on no nor i wouldnt buy any of those little potted things theyxe tasty all right but unless a body la made of money theyd better stick to the raw stuff and do tfteir own cooking why dont ye try one of those- salt fish fresh it up good bile some taters and fry a morsel of salt pork and make a boat of drawn butter sauce its best with boiled egg but that aint noways necessary and youve goj something filling and tasty arid cheap afthe same time yes my dear you will have to make the change yourself i cant see for shucks you tell your neighbors that we are running the store now arid will be mighty glad to sell them their keocge and tell them were folks were had a hard enough time getting along so that we want tp help other folks stead of selllrjg them a lot of rtuff they dont want no more than a cat needs an extra set of legs well my dear oh i see now its a young man pretty bold of an old lady like me talking up so free what can i do for you i should like to talk with mr bar ton the cutting remake that harry had intended to make bad left him it was a shock to realize that the old lady who- bad been in the background while the- sale was being made was nearly blind and somehow the brave way that trie was trying to run the store in spite of her affliction appealed to his sympathy who ever heard of customers being invited to go to the as the store business began to pick up his business instinct began to urge him the nervous excitement that had driven him before the completion of a big sale of real estate was with him all the while and idea after idea chased through hb head to further the prosperity of the business some worked some failed his purchase of a bankrupt stock of goods drained the credit of the bartons already quaky to the last shred and the concern trembled on the brink asbe struggled to sell the old and shopworn stuff on the strict moneyback policy that madam barton- had insisted on on the other hand a chance con versation overheard between farmers having to do with the difficulty of dis posing of their produce led to an ar rangement whereby he agreed to dlsv pose of the produce of certain fanners at a price higher than they had been getting but lower than he- had been paying the middle men and when he passed that saving along to the buyers he found his shop thronged with canny housewives eager for strict ly fresh vegetables eggs and dairy butter and he had to hire another clerk he had hot cared to associate with his old friends because of the difficul ty of explaining just why a man with his earning capacity should be work ing for day wages in a tiny neighbor hood store because idleness made him think of josie he fell into the habit of studying nights or working on store problems of one sort and another he was alone a great deal since old al had returned from the hospital his wife had spent much time with him the door into the little offloe be tween the store and the house was open much of the tune but he had grown so engrossed in his problems that he hardly ever glanced toward it even when additional stir announced that there were visitors in the room beyond so it was that ne was never- consoious of gray eyes that watched him as he bent over his accounts and full red lips that seemed pursed to cash register and make their own whisper i told you so change and her way of selling was equally foolish here she had an in experienced little housewife who wanted to buy a big bill of goods and aad i vouldnt fan tnhray letting mat why you must be the clerk i telephoned for the agent wouldnt promise but he found you all right did he say that we oould only pay two dollars a day to start and where theyll be coming- rom i dont know but its like this you see we bought this store just a couple weeks ago and come to fliid out it wasnt such a bar gain as we thought first off though its a fact there wasnt a thing that young man said that wasnt so but al thats my man you know al got to worrying hes getting old and i dont see very good and all our savings except just a little was in this so al got to worrying and he took down sick so hes to the hospital and things dont look so good that we can promise much money nor even a steady job for a moment harry had nothing to say there was certainly nothing for him to do in the realestate dust iness in tnat city he had worked for every firm there and yet could not go back to any because of hot words spoken at bne time of parting and here was an old woman trying to run a business and sell goods on a oolden rule basis why not loiter round for a few weeks it would take the woman to go bankrupt the low salary meant nothing to him he had all his savings that were to have fur nished a home ill take you when do i begin right away son and if you would do a littfcv houaecleanlng first off i would feerbetter if i hatbvt been so blind id have gone crasy the way things must be in here as harry hunted up the rubber slatter and let some daylight through the dirty windows he agreed that she probably would have done just that he had no knowledge of retail trade save his sajfismans instinctive feeling for what would attract folks but that made htm spend a busy af ternoon mopping the floors reversing the package goods on the shelves so that the fresherlooking ones from in back were hi sight and watting on an occasional customer all the customers knew just what they wanted except one and on him harry turned himself loose here is my meat he thought as he noticed the hesitant manner of the shy little man wttb ha penouscrawled list in his hand and he proceeded to sell nun a choice assortment of the oldest and most battered stock in the place only stopping when the worried look and the anxious hand feeling in the money pocket told him that the bot- om of the purse was in sight meanwhile old madam barton had nothing to say as he worked she rocked and glowed with satisfaction at the sounds of bustle about her when the laden customer had gone out harry opuld not resist a little boasting even though the wrinkled mouth of the old lady was drawn out into a straight line of disapproval majtoe that wasnt selling he announced as he opened a blank book to start a want list of goods sold out that little fellow came in here to buy a package of tookpicks and a cake of soap and before i got through with him i had sold him sixteen dol lars worth of odds and ends if he comes in here again he will have enough stuff to start a store of his own his brsjr rather trailed out at the end the pw lady was staring at him in a bothered way her poor pale- blue eyes were wide open with sor row but mty boy we cant do that that wouldnt be folksy maybe he needs that money for something else maybe he has been saving it against his rent run out and catch him and tell him that if he wants to re- urn any of it we will be glad to buy it the day came when he felt eyes on him and looked up across the two rooms through the door he stared into the eyes of josie josie d to drop- harry went out grudgingly but when he found the little fellow hover ing uncertainly on the street corner and marked the flush of happiness in his ace as he sold half his purchases task again he oould not heap feeling better over the second half of the transaction than over the first that was not the only lime that harrys instinct got the better of him in the next two weeks but the times grew fewer and whenever the watch ful old lady caught him overloading buyer and made him correct it he found that the store had gained a steady ouatomer when it was not corrected the person never came again harry was honest enough with ban- self to wonder if it was not so also with larger sales satisfied buyers came back to the grocery and the flood of satisfied customers promised to make the business a success why not real estate for a time be sooth ed hfnwelf with the thought that real estate was sold only once in a long tlm whereas groceries were sold ll him n h mhiui nnt fttttrtotnrjiii but he ootua not lnoi himself of the truth of insurance long convince in so frequently on her old nurse and watch harry at his work in that instant time was obliterated all the turmoil of thwarted emotions waj back in harrys heart the big day book slammed shut and without i word to the clerk in the front of the store harry rushed through the store and into the street when he came back josie was gone but he knew that he could not go on now after all why should he he had made the store profitable the bartons could hire other clerks and keep on his going would mean notn lng to them nothing he doubted it men of his ability content to sub merge themselves in anothers bus ness were few and highpriced and he could not believe that the kindly light in madam bartons eyes meant only approval a a profitable servant but ettiier he or they must go the danger of meeting josie was too gteat and to meet her without things hav ing been settled was unthinkable he went on into the living quarters and an hour later he owned the store the bartons had their savings back and more so much more that he was amazed at himself for m had merely said yes yes and sign ed the paper without looking at the amount why should i bargain my boy she had protested m know so much more than i how much it is worth and after these months we are sure of you the old folks were eager to return to a little house in the country where their money would support them in quiet the next morning the place was a tumult of packing to harry in the office struggling to shift his mind from the memory of gray to figures of inventory came a short and bristly moustoched little man who delivered his card and announc ed himself as t j whltham of the black and yellow stores inc with out further preamble he declared that he had been watching the store and his corporation had decided that it was worth adding to their chain they were willing to pay so much for the stock fixtures and good will he was so familiar with the contents of the store that harry could only gasp as a salesman harry handled the opportunity atrociously he not only betrayed the former bad history of the site but even the fact that only the day before he had bought the store for half the amount offered whltham shrugged and smiled and finally harry agreed but he announced i wouldnt feel light about taking all hat profit myself there would be no use talfe- lng to madam so i guess we will settle it by splitting that profit in half make two checks one to me and one to mrs allen barton r there was more talk in the course of which harry agreed to take a new position as a- kind of trouble man whose duty was to go around and put poorly paying stores on a paying basis and concluded the financier since the trouble is nearly always in the point of view of the manager we want your policy drummed into them i dont know whether you have ever put it into words but as we watched you it seems to come to this the man that sells the goods is the ser vant both of the buyer and to the producer not knowing the effect that these words had had on harrys life when uttered by another person he wonder ed at the sudden paleness of the young mans face then he went out harry gave madams check to her feeling all the time that josie was in the same house with him that of course could not be his rudeness of the day before must have driven her out of his life forever then he went to his desk and sat down to write a letter he had thought he should never be able to write he turned the paper over and over for many minutes die feeling that josie was in the house grew stronger and stronger until it seemed as if she had come through the door and was standing at his elbow he struggled to keep hdmsett from turning to look at last he wrote v dear josie your theory works i was wrong things are coming so fast that it seems almost magical in whatlt does for a fellow but it isnt magical if it were it would have brought me you as well as money and position aa his pen wrote the last word a hand rested on his shoulder and a voloe whispered to his ear gven that harry my dear seetoh to the end i miles well old gene macdonough remained scotch to the last breath plyee what do you mean miles when he felt a heart at tack coming on he managed to fall in front of a passing auto so the would have to pay the alarming increase in the num ber of fires in western ontario dur ing the threshing season of 1030 caused considerable discussion at a recent conference of threshermen the concensus of opinion was that if smok ing about the threshing machines and barns were stopped there would not be need for much le regard i t matter it was recommended that a chain or wire from the separa tor to the ground to carry off the static electricity would be a measure of protection a bill which has passed its sec ond reading in the ontario legisla ture gives threshers liens on the grain they thresh as security for their charges one provision in tne bill re quires every person operating a threshing outfit to secure a license from the minister of agriculture un der the lien provision threshers will be able to take possession of sufficient grain to satisfy their claims and af ter a period of 15 days to sell it the lien will have priority over all other chums judgments and debts against the farmer the gatbebtng place life changes all our thoughts of heaven at first we think of streets of gold of gates of pearl and dazzling light of shining wings and globes of white and things all strange to mortal sight but in the afterward of years it is a more familiar place a home unhurt by sighs and tears where waltetb myny a wellknown fao with passing months it comas more near it grows more real day by day not strange or cold but very dear the glad homeland not far away where none are sick or poor or lone the place where we shall find our oym and as we think of all we knew vltho jhere hare met to pact no more our longing hearts desire home too with all the strife and trouble oer robert brownmg notes and comments the man who la sure better times are just around tne comer doesnt know any more about it than the one who is sure matters are going to get worse and worse but he is a heap more cheerful company during the year 1930 there were more than 1 000 bank failures in the united states and oot one in canada american experts in finance are aware of this fact and freely admit the superiority of the canadian banking item which has long been claimed by the canadian bankers to be the best in the world a pronouncement that while he was head of the government there would be no abolition of the speed limit on provincial highwsvys was made at the ontario good roads association ban quet in toronto by premier henry when i pass out from my present field of endeavors abolition of the speed limit may be tried but not now i feel that it would be too dangerous despite the argument that it is being done in england- but they have winding roads in england and the curves are a speed deterrent in them selves new regulations passed by the government are aimed at eliminatin some of the unsightly features con tained in signs along the provincial highways the general aim is to keep the roads free from cluttered up conditions for instance any road side place of business will be limited to a single sign illumination of sign will be banned except where the pro per authority haa been secured an signs on beims fences rocks lngs will not be allowed imrs advertising in connection is in tru interests of some business conductec on the particular property the question of taxation was never so much before tne public as at the present time during the days of the war increased taxation was necessary the public appreciated the fact and made no objection then following the war came a period of expanding revenues there was a great demand upon the public purse there was an increased aprjreslavtlon of the respon sibility of the state and the public for the underprivileged health educa tion workmens oornpsneatlon old pensions hlgnwaora mothers al lowances and dozens of new services of all kinds called for increased ex penditure the public demand for these services was great the govern ments had the money i of paying off their debts guvcauments expanded in these directions now governments are feeing the bills re venues are decrestslnaz and yet the serviees are continuing the bills must be paid and the taxes are prov ing irksome at the same time gov ernments are looking for new sources of revenue governments federal pro vincial and municipal are all faced with a serious problem ratepayers are calling to be relieved from the taxation burden while at the same time there is actually a demand for expansion ol services there is an overlapping of taxation and in many es taxes that bear very unfairly are imposed it la a tune that the whole problem of taxation should be investigated suggestions have been made that there should be a confer ence of various taxation bodies to go into the whole question conferences and commissions aa a rule do not ac complish much but it would mean much to the public if there oould be simplification of taxation and an inquiry seems necessary at tne same tune the public will have to learn that it cannot expect governments to do everything without paying for the services if we want old agej pen sions highways improved education etc then we will have to pay the piper and governments cannot draw the money out of the skies it can not be obtained py any wave of a magic wand london tree press weekly visiting paul and bora worked in the city many miles from mother and the home town it occurred to them that weekly trips by long distance would save them all a lot of loneliness so it was arranged euid what fun they get out of these frequent voice visits their mother touktot miss them for anything and neither would they 1 h t j t

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