Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 8, 1931, p. 4

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to page 4 the georgetown herald wednesday- evening april 8th f93l s t- how do 1 keep young oh i learned that se cret when i discovered shredded wheat its the whole- wheat you know and has iron for making red blood and all the elements or building healthy tissue and b and by thljj wayittj readycooked and ever sp easy to serve for breakfast or lunch i just pour milk or cream over the biscuits on cold mornings i heat the milk it makes a most deli- cious hot cereal i and with fruit its a treat at any time tic canadian swedds wheat corumkltd my friend ive found a friend a friend sincere who aids me on my way his gladsome voice is mine to hear and brighter make each day shredded with alu the bran of the whole wheat spring millinery our new spring styles are now ready nothing so smart and attractive has ever been offered before call early and get your choice of the many beautiful creations for spring wear this friend i and of alt most irue his heart is loyalty when others i for cause esphew ah at my side jf he when sorrows spell is gripping tight and im inclined to cry this friend stands by the way taluftit and check my troubled sigh when i am lonely on my way and sun is cloaked in fog ah no one is 90 true so gay as this my friend my dog joseph russell pie cruets and pie by betty barclay a good pie consists of a good crust and a good filling well cooked thats alll try these and youll have a good pie thats sure we crust a cups special cake flour sifted 44 teaspoon salt a cup cold shortening 13 to v cup cold water sift floor orace measure add salt arm sift again out in shortening un til mixture looks like meal add water a little at a time mining with knife or spatula until dough cleans bowl of all flour and pastry use as little water as possible- roll dough h inch thick on slightly floured board pit loosely on pie plate turn edge and prick with fork bake in hot oven 50 degrees p 18 minutes makes one 9uach twocrust pie use v recipe for one pie shell only and cherry pie 1 recipe pie crust a cups red cherries seeded drained cup sugar v4 cup cherry juice 2tt tablespoons special cake flour line a 9incri pie plate with i of pastry rolled v loch thick combine cherries sugar cherry juice and flour and fill pie shell with mixture mois ten edges of pastry with cold water roll other half of pastry h inch thick fold half the pastry back on other half with sharp knife make several ir ui iiii uap steam place upper crust on filled lower one opening out folded half after it is placed on pie press edges together and trim off surplus pastry again press edges togetrier with fork dlpp- ed in flour bake in h o 460 degrees p 20 nunueesttkendeerease heat to moderate 350 degrees p and bake 20 minutes longer or until fill ing is cooked pot op oold dessert serves 41 cup sugar cup cornstarch vd teaspoon salt 1 cup milk evaporated milk may be used 1 cup orange juice 2 tablespoons butter mix dry ingredients add milk and orange juice and cook in double boiler until thickened- add butter pour in to individual melds cool serve with milk or cream promoted two appointments of consider- abie interest tc canadian hotel men and to um travelling public in gen eral have just been announc ed by h f mathews gen eral manager of hotels westr em lines can adian pacific railway a h devenish well known as man ager of the banff springs hotel becomes assistant general manager of hotels- western lines with head- abdnnui quarters in wl nni peg- while a e robertson formerly assis tant to mr mathews is promote to the nsnsger- ship of the banff springs hotel both of the promoted men are well known sad popular throughout the west and arei ties in the hotel bi authori- news and biformation for the busy fanner utilisation of the byproducts of fanning is one of the solutions to successful fanning f should utilize the skimmed portion of their crops as well as uie cream t a valaable bosfclet prepared in the hope that it will create a keener appreciation of first- class beef on the part of canadian consumers a booklet on beef mow to choose and cook it has been issu ed by trie department of agriculture at ottawa the booklet covers in a brief but clear mariner bocli subjects as the food value of beef selection and care and the relationship of the higherpriced to the lowerpriced cuts more than half the booklet is devoted to practical suggestions on how best to cook beef and the last few pages contain many excellent recipes beef gradltis and its value in protecting the oensumer and stimulating the producer are thoroughly explained and the booklet should prove help ful to canadian housewives and re- tall meat merchants copies can be obtained from either the provincial or federal department of agriculture or at your local agricultural office auction sale the fallacy of holding eggs for a rise in the market has been frequents ly shown as these eggs invariably grade seconds farmers are urged to market their eggs in the very best of condition which naturally is as soon after laying as possible so that they will get the benefit of official grading post dinted feesjle farmers who are feeding cattle for beef are asked to note that consider able numbers of halffat cattle have been brought in by shippers the mar ket has enough depressing factors to mi fttor are re- quested in their own interest not to sacrifice halffinished stock and there by adversely affect uie market as a whole peed your beef cattle to a finish and get all the market has to offer cakz puddtno 1 package chocolate junket 1 pint mitt leftover cake cut leftover cake in smal and put a heaping tablespoon in each of four dessert glasses prepare choco late junket according to directions on one package four at once over the cake let stand in warm room until arm about 10 minutes then chill this may be topped with whipped cream if desired misses claridge herald block upstairs beclrccm what cf it n is it just an uninspiring room or is it a sanctuary to which you can go for rest and relief from the irritations and hardships of the day how few of us realize what atmos phere means in a bedroom how few know how to achieve it with such tints as orchid oyster cray and beryl green which are but viva o 49 d um9 lowe brothers mellotone color card you can achieve that delicacy and refinement of finishthat quiet and i tearfulness of atmospherethat charm and beauty of taste which should characterize the bedroomof all rooms mlfllctcne hat hfell paint is washable color fast extremely economical and durabl the colors are scientifically adapted to the proper atmosphere for the bedroom living bodra and dining room it comes in fourteen soft tints and wrsjta here and there there are 75211 tractors in operation on the three prairie provinces sf canada according to a recent estimate- last year 8991 tractors were acid in western canada barnwell alberta on the line between lethxtrldge and medicine hat breaks use record for spring plowing and cultivation for 1931 work en the land there is general and began march 36 motor tourist travel to new brunswick from united 8tates was almost so per cent greater in 1930 than in the previous rear according to a statistical state ment issued recently by the can adian customs commissioner while the railroads of this con tinent are not responsible for deaths or injuries to trespassers on their lroperties they annually spend many thousands of dollars in preventative steps and educ ational campaupu to reduce this drain on the men and women of the country george h jones bead of the canadian pacific supply farm at strathmor alberta baa been ap pointed sons manager ofthe col onisation finance corporation of canada limited with headquar ters at porta la prairie mr jones ts racoauused as one of the outstanding livestock authority in canada registration of tteistems advanced registration work with the rcusteln b has been grad ually gaming ground since july last when the first of the herdgrading demonstrations took palee already more than 4000 cows have been classi fied and with the opening of spring a busy season for the inspectors is predicted some of the lfrllng counties with herds graded include igeds 33 ox ford 18 glengarry is orenvule 21 hamlmand 34 perth 23 prince edward it york u waterloo is quebec 33 in leeds county of 4st cows grad ed 442 were class fled good or bet ter oxford sm out of 300 perth 208 out of s3s waterloo 186 cat of 188 qrenvifle 24 oat of sjmt bslttt- maad iso out of sju york 1 out of 1m glengarry ll out of uyl and quebec sos out of 312 it wtu thus be observed that the number of cows and heifers quautng as fsdr- or poor has been niuuss uon small bay beads fcarty in recent yearn the t been to put off the buying ot sea til spring is actually in sight merly the peak of the season was early in maroh with many fanners laying in supplies in mid winter now the period of most ac tive buying has slutted well on into april the purchase of seed the foundation upon which alll agricul ture rests is too important an item to be left to the last minutes around is drying out fast in an localities and only a little warmer weattier is needed to make conditions right for sowing a rush buying of seeds is against both fanners and seedmens interests as lajeaaturally a large volume of business bannot be handled so satisfactorily in few days ss if spread over a week or two the buyer has not the same opportunity to consider quality and proper varieties and there is the risk of local supplies running short also there is a temptation to accept inferior untested seed winch invar iably results in low crops and dirty fields the sale is prohibited for seeding purposes of anything that does not come up to the rigid stand ards laid down by the seeds act buyers are warned against sny seed that has not been governmenttested and approved travelling incognito their maj- mtlss the k ift q f fliam win not appear st public recep tions in victoria or vancouver whan they arrive with their re gal suite aboard the empress of japan en route to new york april it the conaiiloeneral for 81am snnotmeea a total of 1068 moose and 10- sts deer were taken by hunters in the new brunswick woods during the past hunting season bringing the total for tie past ten years to 11814 moose and 80333 deer ac cording to the report of the game warden of the province i un per under and byvlrture of the powers of sale contained in a certain inden ture of mortgage dated the 23rd day of may 1922 and made between james mathevraon wallace as mortgagor and william skirrow as j ana assigned by the said william sknrow to florence i wrighy by indenture of assignment of mortgage bearing dale the 28nn day of september 1924 which will be produced at- the time of the sale there will he offered for sale by public auction on saturday the second day of may issi at che hour of twelve oclock noon at the meqibon bold at comer main and mod streets georgetown ontario by frank fetch auctioneer the fed lowhnj property namely part of the west half of lot rtumber 23 tothe 9th concession of the town ship of esqueslng and more particu larly described as follows commenc ing at um southerly angle of the said half lot thence north westerly along the easterly limit of the allowance for road between the eighth and ninth concessions fifteen chains and five links more or less to a post planted in the centre of the westerly limit of the said half lot thence northeaster ly along a line running through the centre of said half lot two chains and thirty links to a post thence easter ly six chains and fifteen links to a at the distance of four chains and seven links from the ees erty limit of the said road allowance in between the eighth and ninth con cessions thence still easterly ten chains and forty three links more or less to a post planted in the south- south westerly along the southerly limit of tne said half lot ten chains and fifty seven links to the place of beg terms the premises will beof f end for sale free from encumbrances subject to a reserved bid ten pilf cent 1 of he purchase nv will be paid to the vendors soucltora at the time of the sale and the bal ance wltbln thirty days thereafter for further particulars and condi tions of sale apply to harris ex kkachik 28 adelaide street west toronto 3t solicitors for florence i wright week end specials bread6 lhw pes raisins 23 2cr trdrapm vbgw n butter macaroni 325 butteri soap low 45 cleanser 2 15 peas3rwi27 11wn tliln i t 9imach v 45 rctoes4 lawcu- srw new ohwapic biscuits lawatlbab wst f cfawdsc ahaw maple syrup 63c no 10 at f i main street georgetown and cabt- colmarr8 tkockino aok 8zbvick we sre prepared to do an nds of trucking and cartage no job too an no- job too big courtesy and vice guaranteed phone 3s3 georgetown ont or p o box 127 queen street shoe hospital bum pint t lout brolhtn fatal mp go os r as on quart o chmpanjimftrtmpatnt smutbdvpidnthit m sfewpwpw r thompson co phohe ocoaorrown announcement has been made by the canadlin paclllr hallway company that shipments of freight at eastern point for points west via port menleoll will now be accepted subject to delay at port menleoll pending the tlrsl sailing there will be five canadian pac ific ateamers on oreat lakes ser vice durrnr tin comrnijpiieason- qlven a year of peace and china will become a dominant fac tor in enormous trade develop ments between great britain and europe in the far east says sir ernest thompson prominent british cotton manufacturer who returned irons a british soonomto mission to china aboard the im press of canada- recently the majority of the directors of the saskatchewan poultry pool ltd are women and for severs years they have directed uie pool with conspicuous suc ror the year to january 31 1931 the pool did a gross turnover of 381v 000 according to the f report president bertha holmes crease of 9 per eenf over and par call over 1938 i7j6 f ra- lust weekly crap report alfalfa and clovers are in a bet ter condition now than they were in 1930 according to the weekly report of agricultural representatives at the same time eggs have reached their lowest value in years the maple syrup harvest it is said will not be up to the standard of recent seasons in bruce fall wheat and clovers are still covered with snow and the far mers find the seed situation excep tionally good leaaseederjanwlu be purchased in qlengamy this sea son than in recent years low egg prices have stimulated orenvule far mers- to cull their flocks milk pro duction here is 29 per cent higher than last winter kalton reports fall wheat and clovers as coming out of the winter in fairly satisfactory con dition in leeds there is consider able activity ss regards livestock and a number of cheese factories have opened wheat and clovers in lin coln are in better shape than in 1930 while several gioweia have already planted early psss norflolk reports an increase in fluecured tobacco acreage to 20000 acres the new seed cleaning plant in ontario is being given much patronage with a good demand for the certified product renfrewfarmers have disposed of be tween 10000 and 12000 bushels of mixed car lots of seed barley at fair prices boring cultivation has started in the wetland district in the vege table sections pure seed for mixing is very scarce in wellington ibe re- port- blaming this factor tor poor yields we do not sell shoes our business is rebuodtng and repairing and we always repair sny shoes that come in providing they sre worth repairing we dont turn any frisky jobs away kverythlng m tne line of boots and shoes are accepted and if we cant repair them no body else can you can nave your shots repaired any way you want them bat we always advice the bast aonrrrdtng to ttae make and style of the shoes we can compete for workmanship with any shoe repair plant m canada me we have had over 38 years manufacturing experience and alias in dress shoes sewn cement ed or nailed half or whole soles note we always pick out all old stitches from the welt of your atooes are rebuilt not nobbled all prices reduced bat quality re mains ttae tfltrft you are invited to give us a caul j a ballantine box 546 phone 300 georgetown ont monuments pollock a ingham gait out inspect our work in greenwood cemetery 4 t im f qaaek grass central 8prmg ullage or late fan tillage is not a satisfactory means of destroy ing quack or couch grass according to one authority who has given three years observation to the work sod who doclscan unqualifiedly that sum mer is distinctly thermos dependable s for destroying quack grass by tillage the degree of oontro is in dlrtroporuon to the thoroughness of tnage timeliness of the weather oonlduntmi ordinary oulttvatkm is not effective in ootstnd an eosaalon- al and hatfhearted stirring of- toe sou stimulates the weeds growth tne on disk plow baa been found very nffeotivej in qsaok ajraes ourntna- hon and am low op epav jv no bdhovkujmg bxqudxzd standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes autocratically screened and loaded cotsl wood select lump for domestic and t3ireahjttg imtluuses snxmi- itf and oannel coal in fact i early everything to be found in amy uptodate coal and wood yard j- jokn mcdonald phots 12 gtwratsteivn need money most you get some ready cash quickly then use kelly aiken the collection of they get results no collection no emerge hydro electric system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hall what is a q in this community sue htxtsdweds of individuakasend families on the watch fan an atavertiscment aatuch will offer them what they want at an advantageejtaa rgsj ar j call them baian huntesa if you will kut thrifty hoppers woultl be a better rusiignarkm thrift is a commendable trait aasl merchants should oator to it 4 one family wants a new carpet the need is no urgent another ragsnjay is- looking forward to buying diningroom furniture it may not be for a tawelve month wjonc man ia thinking of buying himself a watch one woman a shopping hsttr a an asrnswha j all can be made to buy earlier by adveisisiiuf advertising can make the desire so keen that the bar gain is forgotten in the fever fox immediate possession a note to meroants 4 stimulate busineas by the offer of some slow-imov- ing lines at special prices brigkten up buaineas by advertising some desirable goods at reduced prices make advertising banish dull business often you can tempt the buyer who is biding his or her time to buy rroin you sbth thrnr of your naming hop where ybu are invited to shop vi i v

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