Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 15, 1931, p. 4

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v vrm t tli l page 4 the georgetown he wednesday evening april i 5th 1 93 1 it why do tke dolt vhy do so many capable and experienced housewives p u n i sh themselves so mercilessly with the eternal scrubbing of floors it is so simple to refinish them vrirth quick drying floor enamel r if hardwood varnish them with varnish it is so easy then to keep them shining with a minimnm of effort vhy not relieve your backpave hoars of drudgery save yoarseltthe fatigue and add to the cheer and comfort of the home by painting youx floors and woodwork now you can apply lowe brothers paint tonight after supper and nse the floor in the morning how simple how economical how convenient one pint rflpue bnthtn paint cheap and inferior paint setui before pabtung spring millinery our hew spring styles are now ready nothing so smart and attractive avas ever been offered before call early and get your choice of the many beautiful creations for spring wear the tabbing of the pioneer down the last ot the trails they are bearing in a solemn and lessening line through the valley of death they are rating with a soul unifrald and divine with a soul that was ever divine the old pioneer fathers are passing the last of a glorious line white head that is for with every sinking and wltti every aged heart that is dead you are losing sold threads in the linking of traditional days that are sped the epic eternally sped with tne gift of trieir stern tribula tion which now carpets the path that you tread there is never a aephyr softsigning where the primeval forest once lay there is never a jiatrlot dying bat a story is passing away and a glory 1s passing away of the humble who founded a na- tlon in the travel and stress of the day though the shanty that crouched in the deartns is a ghost in ttot wreck of toe past though lyour jxoneer fathers are neaiing the dark trail that is blazoned the though they pass down the trail that is last l yet- their spirits will hover above you in the wind and trie stars they win- love you fur the fight they will strengthen find prove you till they mould you the pioneer cast cameron keater quaint edu8 for korean following arc the automobile traffic rules of seoul korea in the english version issued officially for foreigners 1 at the rise of the hand of the policeman slop trinvrty do not pass nan or otherwise disrespect him 2 when a passenger of the foot hove in sight tootle the horn trumpet to him melodiously at first if he still obstacles your passage tootle with vigor and express by word of mouth the warning hal hal 3 beware of the wandering horse that be shall not take fright as you pass him do not etplost the ex haust pipe oo soothingly by him or stop by the side till he pass away 4 otve space to tne festive dog that s by the r axtold- entanglement with your wheelapoke 5 oo soothingly on the grease mud as there hrrt the skid demon ft press the drake of the foot as you roll around trie corner to save the collapse and tie up potato pricks covering ten ytabs misses claridge herald block upatnirs the average price of potatoes in the town in toe las ten years has been exactly c per bag this interesting tact was obtained from the records of mayor mitchell lor the years 1821 to 19m inclusive graphs were made of the monthly fluctuations for the whole period of ten years by mr w j a wright principal of the high school the lowest figure paid for potatoes in the decade was 25c per bag in 1932 and tne highest 375 per bag in 1937- it would seem from these figures that in the item of potatoes the depression of 1123 was greater than that of 1930 the one hundred and twenty monthly graphs made an interesting imulsrllnri a to tne best time to sell potatoes the highest av erages of the text years according to he monthly graphs were the months of april and the average for the per iod alo reveals april as the best sell trig mccthjrrrurge cemetery board rules and regulations the following general information regarding the operation of george town cemetery by the cemetery board will be of interest to the public gen erally the oard are to be congratu lated upon the splendid work already acco and are deserving of the hearty support of plot owners and the public generally in their effort to make georgetown cemetery a beauty spot of which we may all feel proud all lamlnonemroth cemetery are oonveyed to the purchaser by deed when paid for but the rights of the purchasers therein are subject to such rules and regulations as may be made from time to- time by the board the legislative assembly of he province of ontario provides in die cemetery act that all lots sold in this or any other cemetery within the province will be subject to such rules and regulations as may be tram time to time adopted by their respective management even though such rules and regulations were not passed until after a deed to the lot was issued purchase of lots those desiring to purchase jots in qreenwjood cemetery are respectfully repuested to visit the property in all cases where it is possible to do so and to select their rot or lots on the grounds where necessary uiformatlon may be given in regard thereto by the management perpetual care alf lots to greenwood cemetery are under a system of care which ensures the maintenance of thecemerery in a condition becoming its sacred purpose for all time prom this time into the future all burial space dtferedfor sale will be purchased under the system of perpetual oare and also tne manage ment has made provision whereby he owners of the older lots may avail themselves of the same system the term perpetual oare shall mean the cutting of the grass upon the tot or graves at reasonable inter vals the raking or cleaning of the jot or grave the pruning and care of the shrubs and treesujind such work as may be necessary to keep the lot or grave in good neat condition under the agreement however the management does not bind itself to mwin replace or repair any stones or monumental structure erected upon any lot nor do any work of a special or unusual nature fnteratenta all graves shall be and closed o t si nf tfto tioaid u sta t the direction of the tjuperiiwjept tfcjljss 17 and shall toe of not less than sublc- g sh ent depth to allow the body to be four feet under the surface of the ground all graves will be grafted level and either sodded or seeded soon after closing as the work may reasonably be done charges for interment must be paid in advance the person ordering a grave open ing or other services will be held res ponsible for charges incurred sisterly advice the newryweds were giving their first real party an important de tail came up which bothered the young wife if atony were only here she can arrange anything why not telephone her 8jo did and her sister was of course able to toll her what she needed- what a relief that lode distance call brought canni- bmt a ottoim one teacher frank what is balt- prank dont know mum teacher well if you ate your father and mottaer what would you bet- frank an orphan mum a surplus of power and nimble ih traff ic sucylada wlt rlmu lower prices ofctlit aloe every dbrerh frecrrkon of inbuilt quality end value fitters expression in tne improved and refused durantf14 the- durant vi jt is a car of quiet elegance willi its surplus power it is swift and smooth nimble in traffic andasy to handle the duranistif merits your immediate inspection because of its exceptional value and its proud ownership record see it drive it your duranl i dealer will oblige jfalnrtnanc servicm plam ault av caaawsaa c ceswiab by canawaw taafcal jatawftfwmwnww swrwicw plm tojooo mitmm to jam fjtm t mm m 014j- durant motors of canada umited toftonto lca9dq xamada a monmnenta headstones markers the management has no wish to interfere with the individual taste m the design or construction of morrrirn- ents or other memorials but reserves the right to prohibit the erection of any structure and to remove any ob stacle which is not considered desire- able in the cemetery all plans and specifications for monumental work shall be submitted to the superinten dent for approval applications for foundations must be made to the board in writing- a design of monumental work to be er ected with the dimensions shown the material and finish of each part spe cified must be submitted upon re quest of the board and receive the ap proval of the latter before the orders for foundations will be executed monuments shall be of standard bronze granite or marble no artl- lflcial stone sandstone limestone sappstone or any perishable material will be allowed the erection of no monument or marker will be permitted on any tot or grave until the deed therefore has been issued and all charges against the lot have been paid only one monument will be per mitted on one lot and in cases of lots whose area u leas than 10 square feet the monument shall not exceed 2 feei six inches hi height nor 6 feet in length or 18 inches in thickness or width the position of the monument on the lot snail be determined by the superintendent oare of uroands wanting besides the work guaranteed by the board under the system of perpetual care plot uwueis may have work done consistent with the rules and rmp by hg arrangements with the board no plot or grave shall be defined by any fence railing coping hedge embankment or smiisiismi j c any trees or shrubs be planted to de fine the corners or boundaries steps or other architectural features are permitted only when authorised by the superintendent and appl for the erection of same must be made in writing and accompanied by such plana and drawings witti speci fications as the superintendent may require the superintendent wlllgbe pleased to confer with thoseslntefested ratae beautlflcatton of ag grounds anovwlll whenever the personal views of the owner are not in conflict with tbe plans bonor the ui of the lot er no removal and no planting of trees shrubs 6 towers will be permitted by any person other man employees of the board and the management reserves the right to en ter upon remove or plant any tree shrub or flower where such action will be in aosordance with toe best interest of the cemetery tft taepnbkc any person dumping garbage or rubbish of any kind rn any place other than the public dumping ground at the rear of the park will be prosecut ed by order of council w g marshall 2t chief of police notice to dog owners dog tax is due and payable on- or before may 1st tags may be secured from the town clerk or collector cogs allowed to run without tags af- ter above date may be destroyed and the owner fined w o marshall at collector auction sale under and byvlrture of the powers ot qale contained in a certain inden ture of mortgage dated the 23rd day of may 1923 and made between james afathewson wallace as mortgagor and winiam sklrrow as motrgagee and assigned by the said william sklrrow to florence x wright by indenture of assignment of mortgage bearing date the 72nd day of september 1924 which will be produced at the time of the sale there will be offered for sale by public miction on saturday the second day of may mm a tile hour of swerve oclock noon at the mcglbon hotel at corner main and mill streets georgetown ontario by frank fetch auctioneer the fol lowing property namely part of the- west half of k ttraber 23 in the 9tt concession of the town ship of ksmieaj and more particu larly described as follows commenc ing at the southerly angle of he said half lot thence north westerly along the easterly- llrnlt of the allowance for road between the eighth and ninth concessions fifteen chains j and five links more or less to a post planted in the centre of the westerly limit of the said ban lot thence northeaster ly along a line running through the centre of said hah lot two chains and thirty links to a post thence easter ly sdx chainsand fifteen links to a post planted at the distance of four chains and seven lurks from the east erly limit of the said road allowance in between the eighth and ninth con- cessnons thence tin easterly tn chains and forty three links or less to a post pi anted in the sqi erty limit of said ftaif lot ty links ten chains to the place and fifty seven ot beg terms the premises will be of fered for sale free from encumbrances subject to a reserved bid ten per cent 10 of the purchase monies win be paid to the vendors solicitors at the time of the sale and the bal ance within thirty days thereafter per further particulars and condl- uoxis of sale apply to harris jt keaohie 26 adelaide street west toronto it solicitors for florence i wright queen street shoe hospital w do not sell shoes our business la rebuilding and repairing and we always repair any shoes thai oome in providing they are worth repairing we dont turn any tricky jobs away xverythiag m the line of boots and shoes are accepted and tf we cant repair them no body else can- you can have your aboee repaired any way you want thsmr but we always advtoe the bast acoordlnt to the make and style of the shoes we can compote for workmanship with any shoe repair plant in canada oldsm colmans t asj age service we are prepared to do all ona of trucking and cartage no job too all no job too big courtesy and service guaranteed phone 331 aeorgetown onu or p o boa 127 me we have had over ss years shoe manufacturing experience and specl- auae in dress shoes sawn cement ed or nailed half or whole soles note we always pick out all old stitches from the watt of sewn work your shoes are rebuilt not cobbled all prices reduced but quality re mains the same yott are invited to give us a call need money must you getsome ready casta quickly then use kelly aiken the collection specialists of owen sound orangevale aadph they get results no collection no charge hydro electric syfflm orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hu1 j a ballantine boot 546 phone 300 cieorgetown ont phone 279w garage ste v georgetown drivers and vehicles no automobile carriage or other vehicle may be turned around on any drive the oemetary board respeotauly directs that patrons using automobiles within the grounds be exceedingly careful in driving very often tne tod bordering the drives is injured by horses and automobiles and requires constant repair from such injury the management especially requests the drivers of such vehicles to avoid driving on any sod within the cem etery ox at the entrance should any injury result from disobedience tethls reguhaii th sw s will re quire the driver to pay- the cost of re pairs to the injured part it u the intention of the board to ake greenwood cemetery as wall adapted to the services to which it 1 dedicated as the power of the designer d the administration of the man- agement are capable of creating the beauty of the grounds cotnbincd with adequate adxmnptratlon will ac complish this providing the co operation of the lot owners and visit ors obtains the board therefore re quests that these jasaut be reapacted and that all titttdrs yilj take an in terest in all makers pertaining t9 these ends feeling a personal rsspoav stbulty for the good eppeanance of ths grounds and the proper at of the place greenwood cemetery boarda qeorgetown out april wfc lstl monuments pollock ingham gait ont fnspect our work in oreenwood cemetery e- awatwsawawaw no shovelling beqfjislbd stand antthtaclte scranton coal in all sixes atitosautically- screened sum lowated coal mi- select lamp for domestic and threshing purposes smith ing and oamwl coal m fact i cany everything to be found in any uptodate coal and wood yard ijidki aid flmoe 12 geuscclov if you are near a post box you are in touch with jf it suits you better to do so you may do your banking by mail your njoney is safer in the bank than at h send it in any shape most convenient for you to a bdahch oc the bank of montreal cash should be sent by registered rnail write to any branch for our booklet banking by maat it may save you many a trip to town bank of montreal batwmsgbd uut total assets in excess or faoofioojooq georgetown btanch d wilson managwr- l r v m t n

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