i w9f cira stysixtfa yew of publication the georgetown herau wcsimday etreninw july 15th 1931 150 per annum in advance 240 to usa tbb waiting chat theres many a window lit tonight for the boy that isnt there and many a plate tamed upside down and many a vacant chair and many a mother sad at heart de spite the time of year asighlng or the mitng child the boy shes holding dear each step thats passing by the door may tiring the wayward one her heart is beating rapglly aboping its her son ahopmg that the missing child that mischief loving boy will turn his steps toward mother door and bring her old heart toy oould have made trouble and here is a place in this life belt needing three stitches t that doesnt weaken the belt dont be an old granny still mumbling objections to this fusslness about bis equipment mart fade went over everything with dan and when they finished they nod made little repairs in live places lnsl9ni- ficant trifles that might be terribly important whenuie life of a lhatt de pended upon perfection the 1 lng out of a splinter might let a down into bis belt with such a that the belt would slip a belt might not look so vet serious near the ground but if it brought the chmtoer do from a- nlnefetonf shes prating and abnptng as she done for yean and yearn ahopjng ancl a praying with a heart that is torn by fears awatohlng and awslttng by that empty ptsxe and chair and otryfng hard to make believe her missing boy is there therels many window ut tonlabl jk the msfrmawmat and maby a heart tbafsjdull and- sad another weary day t ood speed nan to the old borne town before it is too late to sit upon that waiting chair and nil that empty phuet prissen pote county council uk nt vatlon or half that it might broken bones possibly worse things every article was in duplicate so the inspection took time the tame ape by k e harriman yrhea mart fadel went owl to tlie m ygrd to trim and ton the soar far dm wen along aecorcjtog to the a ohpotufc catnpbora the tree was perfert snectman of the oregon pink 1safcltq ho the best spar r 9 world today at fie face u was tour fdstj in dlsmater sd nrst branch jutted but from trunk more than seventy feet up branch vss as thick as a man higher up and scattered around tbe bote were others as large and wo that were about ten inches thick asjsjeta as smaller ones tbe tame apenulitrtrhn all these limbs off for twesjtkjfet up the tree then trn hlr v the county council met at milton on tuesday july 7th considering of reports occupied the major portion of the session tbe education committee reported a lneeungwlth the burlington high school board and town council it seated that the board had executed onntracts with all their teachers but that no increase would be made next jer no action was recommended by the committee- the committee alio reported a joint meeting with the wgn school board and the oounea at which the board ask- ed fbr 40000 to build an extension to t sch the g olarkmce k wiggins hi 1 artsy oihralir nataxy raw tt1 bjook oaorgatown moans a timatrwon r a waxsoh ikiva mam marian mast ijdjs djdj3 tot mia lamb mmmowbvmm millbih ndatse br day or week a chiropractic frank petch c e mcclure au baal batata merchandise am r5 dea ih r 5 georgetown wood rata a gkoo atagie cord x h r u ivvvwltrlr dktn youshaveobis i uiunuwt an- t shaved this morning and make faoe sore to shave twin a rs iajrerwell it makes my usee awe wtsm roa only ansa onoa- sbf i- the lvl a l company opened oamp four again after a long winter idleness and large crew was busily engaged the long track on which the loaded oars hauled out and down to the great mills in the valley was to celve a new arm ah along its length were switch tfrogs from which sprang many spur tracks each one serving a carefully defined area when any one of these sections had been logged the track was taken up and moved to a new place and renamed one morning the canto boss called several heads of departments and gave them orders the swampers he told them will begin clearing tbe right of way for the new m line this morning and your trackmen win start lifting the old d line to transfer it i have spar tree and have had the track line staked tbe eng are leaving the d yard this morning to relocate at the new m yard as 1 the way is- swamped hatton is up a new tame ape today the riggers will hang tbe backline blocks and be on band to guy the as soon as the ape has it a station s 1 brakes 1 broadcasting from speights garage wishing to your attention to call brakvservivpe r moto if proper adjuafmen brakes need lining electrical brake your brake troubles to us made we can do it or if your equipped with the latest machines to do it the cost of one fine alone will pay vr the average brake lining job or keep your brakes adjunxjl all yeaur do it now be able to stop when you have to speights garage brake specialists you will find our prices meet with your approved top mur supply of kodak film ake plenty of kodak fdn x good pictures of the good ti for f good times you re planning this weekend stop today and stock up we have kodak verichrome film in all popular sizes its doublecoated taster more sensitive to color try some you will notice the difference immediately damns drug store georgetown aa br unions garage piunupt and export service on all liinils of cars wofiattaamp gnarantwad tires fqrsale gas ob grams and attto maiaj strest north a v a tame ape is an aristocrat among one climbers of a lagging camp king of mem all and takes more t on one spar tree than a high does in a whole year of work he got bis name from lumberjacks because he climbs to such belghs and works entirely alone 80 it was that work began the men worked well to aecomphab the task the camp boss bad set them the tame ape did not appear on schedule however since he had begged off to rtalt a fri ft ca to the ca two tsays li saaaliawwa at once mat he had oelebraaed too well during those two days the camp hoes looked him over and ordered him to bed in his little cabin rest up and sleep off your nervous condition be said i am not letting any man risk hb neck foolishly go to sleep until supper time and then eat and go back to bed perhaps you may be normal tomorrow mort fadel he new tame ape be- m to protest the i found m the words of the oamp boss but be was shut up smartly as long as i rim this camp i shall do what i think best and youye in poo shape ngnt no i expect uuwll- etice not argument from you that settled matters for the present and fadel crawled off to bed when morning came the boss bad a talk with him made turn bold his band out and watched to see if it trembled men insisted upon having the man go over all his equipment and test part to make sure that all was well he detailed dan logan to m the inspection and tests a scowl darkened mort fadets face here is a spur that needs the touch of a me said dan almost as soon as he looked at tbe linemans climb ing spurs you must have stepped on rock tbe end is bent over might make you sup fadel filed tbe steel spur but did nrvsuch a way that dan felt that his nfcoonr was insulting though rwnh ajjrgaaaajn nan went over every half jfaal fflrnlrnrr m the two ufe belts ttsv5rwat endrclea tree and the bodr otth at tbe same tune with to let the man lean into the belt action the climber of pine trees uses belt and spurs exactly as the tele phone or telegraph lineman does but where the wireman bores holes sets bolts steel steps and eroasanns the tame ape uses a saw and a shorthand led axe on this account as has an element of danger to guard against tbe terrible danger of halving a heavy branch catch his body or clothing and scrape him off the tree break bis belt and carry htm down to his death this danger is always present while be is trimming what kind of in old granny have you fellers got for a camp bossr fadel asked sneerlngly i know my stuff an keep my belts an spurs in good order hes a regular old maid fussln around the way be does oh i dont know he gum orders last summer that every guy lme must be inspected to make sure it was per fect and one chap slighted bis work of inspection then wheal the ape had set the drat guy line and the riggers were cinching up on the sec ond one this one busted where tbe donkey doctors assistant bad spilled muriatic add on it of course with all that tension on it from tbe tackle the riggers used when it let go the tree jerked back tbe other way and snapped the tame ape off like bean or pea off a limber stick he turned over twice and ed sitting down on a brush pile thirty feet from the spar i guess that made tbe boss a heap more particular though be always kept a sharp eye out to make swre nobody got hurt nto the tame ape was not hurt at all just bounotxi in to the air landed on his feet and told the riggers what be thought oftbem for not making their inspection of guy lines effective be was mad and i dont blame hlm tahl that wouldnt riappen cwtoe in a hundred years said fadel perhaps not but once is e dan retorted you wouldnt ask for second flip would your i know i wouldnt flmartyl it happened year that ends ltjwdej said perhaps but- there are other aod mts that nuwbt happen and whan ays 1npcv bhdbasm work tot want sour mean ilatht lbs wall engines each mounf- feet square were ttse round- the new yard was ed atuek line dragged a feet ahead looped around a a block returned to the engine caught tbe big cable end then drums revolved in faun ms le- untll one had unrolled the cable so that its end touched the tree holding that block hauled by the reeling m of tbe thinner here the men had seta choker around tbe s tree close to tbe ground and me two clasped hands as it were how the engine reversed sod reeled in the one and onehalf inch cable paying out the threefourths back line and tbe great sled crawled that thous and feet on the huge sled lay the guy lines belts scran tools to be used in oon- verttag a irving tree into a spar there were the chain and enormous high lead block with its setfoulttg devices that kept it working with smooth efficiency many wtuku at a time without attention tbe backline blocks so constructed that might throw tbe line dear any mom ent or replace it with ease a buck ing saw that singularly reliabfe de vise that operates through gasoline power with its frame standing on end as much like a curious dbg peerifcg over a log as anything else and cuts a series of furnacelength blocks for bring tbe yarding and loading engines dnder this lay a sledge iron w and ah axe for the use of the fire man in splitting these heavy blocks arrived at tbe crest of be rounded ridge bbe yarding engine made for bedplace tbe s bad leveled and there stopped the loading en gine had gone on ahead about ntty yard and there began to- set op an a rig bunt of logs and guyed stronglzt from this would swing a steel rail carrying a hook at each end tbese hooks would take hold of a pair of chokers that in turn would grip a log and swing this um ber lightly into place on a car bring ing a supply of tbese logs into close proximity to tbe aum was the yarders task the spar tree stood a little down hill from the- yarder straight across the line of the railroad track being mort fadel must clear it of obstructing branches today and let tbe too fall f doyphwi mtmh- th tbe annual reunion of the members of the dobblejcamlly was held at edee andrtnere began to- mivmkxa about 180 were in attendance from hamilton toronto dundalk oeorge town rochester n y umehouee brampton and muskegon mich a splendid afternoon was spent enliven ed by scotch songs and dances by miss bvelyn boomer of toronto and o oisby of brampton and william dab ble and sons orchestra of toronto speakers at the event were president of tbe association h k dabble toron to mr and mrs j- w patterson the latter before her marriage being annie pobble of muskegon adchti william dabble of cleveland john debbie of ffmtr- t tvihm it glloyflrirt would soon reduce it to slash to be burned later dan helped mort get ready for his climb and stepped back from trie tree with a tittle pang in his heart over the destruction of this pyramid of beauty mort moved slowly up the tree keep ing on the side toward tbe yarder engine fascinated dan watched us ptogiesa saw him come up beside tbe first limb cut a shallow notch an the underside then change from axe to saw and run a kerf down nom above presently the branch sagged along its length shivered jerked twice and lopped downward then it left the bole and went down with a rush dan deep breath tbe entire p ogr of the trimming operation with us attendant dangers to the trimmer kept dans nerves tense he noticed that every branch clipped tbe tame ape gained confi dence tb htm confidence meant reck- the increased inclination to create dangers through taking chances became plainly men commented on this dlaapproval once mort ved himself by swtft- rate it willi- be bmrejqqd luck than h good jttmaamtttveornmented one mantiv- hatton saw turn acting up he would let the boob go back where he came from mort settled to the work of topping the tree and made a good job of it but when the top bad fallen mort drew himself up to a seat on top of the spar ifiwteari of standing on his spurs hooked both feet behind the tree and l thetsnd line that hung from tbe back of his beh with this be hauled up a guy line booked it around the bole still sitt ing there be made three others fast and oast the soft and pliable hand iline loose to fall to tbe ground now the riggers using what a sailor would call a watchtackle drew the guy lines taut and made them fast to small trees while mort watched them critically and commented freely on the way they handled the lines when the last ube was set and the spar tree held rigidly in position he climbed to his feet and stood erect s with tbe desire to show off ittered disapproval went the rounds since a logger believes m being wholly reckless in time of need but in never taking risks that are not called for standing on one foot with the other stuck out to one side was the least of moris folly he went through a number ot stunts to prove bis lack of fear then sal down and took off one laced boot tucking it under his left armpit he shouted to dan toward whom be seemed to have developed a certain amount of anti pathy come on up baby and learn some thing about keeping yer head oool when yer toga wont reach the ground h no reply more leaned a htoe to fhe right and laughed to derision looking down at dan his boot slipped a trifle aod be tried to clip it with bis elbow failed and grabbed with us right hand movement tilted urn farther and the boot went t white wort ana nantfo wxmuiiued on page 4 ti mt sailing off to earth npf sidelong crooking leg to hook a guy lme a oskville council tnls- flnance commiee report atk- cdanou to consider grants to fair boards in the county discuawan tookplsce on the land a resolution was moved fair bepatd a s400 grant ought forth an amendment grants be made this year amendment called fbr and s7bo0 each to and- turlington totiflgjoo each to last year muton ut to other tiiree societies 7800 j each this meant a after much dls- jtlon granting 7600 to burlinmoneslcspn oeorgetown and milton alr rtm this saving of w0 this the agrlciatwm apmmtttees report itir p of 480 salary to tbe two corn borer ihspectors this brought forth oppoattlad finally a 30 per cent cut was vnade in their salary and a resolution passed that be dismissed untill their services vagaln required dingle and or of bur- asking of an the and ithe polfcrj wuu3sbnteh pfoore yibo passed away at his home mborecroft acton thurk july 2nd i prize essay following is the first prise essay on flame to share in account for line between and a plan of hon othe town lying brant house and the town the beach the mayor in 1b33 an argument arose as to which parcels of land were in hatton coun ty and which were in wentwortfa kelther registry office would register deeds end finally the town was ord ered by the inspector of cegal offices to make the survey tbe council had kept postponing it from time to tame ztz but eventually tbe work was eomplet- ed in lssoia hul oftlooo had presented to the town which ha be paid and as about fifty per of the work was in establishing boundary line between the two ties the burlington council felt should not be called upon to whole cost some discussion took on whether the county was obligated or not and finally the matter passed on to the road committee to report an at a later date a resolution of condolence was pass ed to mrs h p moore and family another resolution regretted me death of magistrate moore and peti tioned attorneygeneral price to ap point a halton man as judge of ttie juvenile court for halton and peel alcohol in grade vn of the t0 oompetition written by deans oeorgetown is a liquid it is by tbe fermenting action of upon sugar it is found in wine beer whiskey brandy and gin alcohol has many uses it is put into f and varnish as it makes a bright pottshed surface it is used in the making of brass work woodwork pianos trunks lead-peh- it is usenup the chemicals for soak- lng alcohol mamvsajo- naturausta cor preserving it is ustafawsmpng to spirit for isjitjjn jw0 with isjjood fcst w c letters going notes and cornlllslts jz the engme o stood for dobbie family rednoin quebec and other members of tbe family the guessing contest was won by mrs robert johnson and the following is the result of the other races and events grandparents team race mr and mrs h k dobble mr and mrs james dobbie married couples race mr and mrs root johnson mr and mrs ronald ellerby pie- plate race clifford dobbie and ada boomer mr and mrs robt john son young mens race olifford dobbie percy dobbie young ladies race dorothy mac- arthur nellie lane s mens boot race robt johnson olifford dobble ladles boot race evelyn boomer beatrice lane- boys race oeorxe johnston earl johnston qlris race lola dobble stella lane the following officers were elected for the next year president mrs t marshall acton viceprestdent hyatt dobble oeorgetown secretarytreas urer frank ixxttevoronto kxecutlve oommlttee ji aloton h k dobbie and a5bwjktftoronto mrs fhos lappm rmwhxass wilds and jas report 8 8 the following for 80 no a or jr iv helen cameron vivian-clarkj- 3r m charlie atnoook betty beamish fraser mandttriavi jr m margaret beamish nbns frances cameron barbara campbell bruce coleman n jean dick hone ross oarbutt dougald campbell tom hancock i ivy hancock hons mavlne llot hons howard coleman keith dolaon i pr a stewart elliot hons j munday joe schertal pr b don dolaon a pr c donald oarbutt gerald munday teacher bessie r mcdonald flag resolution passed among the resolutions adopted at the final business session of the can adian press association held recently a the following whereas we be lieve it isdesirable to adopt a dla tinotlve dominion flag for canada tbe design of which should include the onion jack resolved that we ap peal to the parliament of canada to treat this- matter on a nonparty bsshv and we further appeal to all canadians irrespective of race creed or origin to cooperate toward the solution to this vital national question plays a thinking part dont be st nolo said mother to jpssie why cant you be quiet like jtmnne oh he has to be qulsv replied jessie you wew placing hes daddy coming home from the bigs and pw jbn w tos2 a ft food thing to not ond is taken atirrf2 it ffs sahjj if vot l doctor 1 sahj bodi kill awtonrsw- beforefchlorf of edtegmmat ht ss s tolntsrprs lm the etrrtod cahol x t tt d alcohol n binders oxygen out of ouraoow tv in an acotdent when p bleedmg aloobol should no ss it loci es the flow ot hi alcohol affects the mmd at has easuy thus we see that while aoeobol has many uses if taken as a drink it is mankinds greatest enemy a nations gie asset are her men women and her youth the standard of her people is the standard of the nation and anything that lowers the standard must sooner or later be regarded as the enemy of tbe -r- no gun licenses wtxl br isstjrd ibltn 8ertembkr warning that no one easept burn ers win be allowed to carry guns in ontario during may june july and august has been issued mo reason has been advanced for tbe new regu lation but apparently there is objec tion to promiscuous al from many quarters tbe regnntion is farreaching in its effect atnee it wfla prohibit expeditions which at this season of- the year sue popular groundhog g a ramalsu spore will be taboo farmkaw was he prtvuiged to carry a a nrviuohaigef w prlvfilabd to carry and di fire arms it is stipulated howmti that they may shoot only on thekr own properitles in view of the new regk illations no gun lln win be is sued until sep ah permits ex pired may slst dont quit school is serving a tot of people is instmet ot sojmtntbf was amo a n tanffawa a short thae it was sagcasaajbl hy there are always plenty of children who look forward to leaving aehool in iionnal times they can be ah sorbed interindustry sad rs4abalt just now when the majority dustrtes sie on short jmnf ingly difficult to find work men for the skilled workman f then again times have been chang ed the mechanical age is upon us men are dally finding that an efficient piece of machinery u for tbe task which it took htm years to learn to do property just recently a young married work ing man is said to have stated that before the war he bad two occupa tions and that be had lost both of them through mechanical means m prewar times he had played in the orchestra of one of tbe movie shows and during the day followed his trade as a painter and pspfcrhanger m came canned music and he lost bis job in the movie show then came the spray gun and painters began to have a hard time last winter be waited for three months to get a job 1 that painting was done by a spray gun thus methods are changing with the age and this is just one of the many changes which have taken place in almost every industry there is one thing on which a cap ital value can be placed education it is ihvalueable it is easily carried it is a heritage that cant he squan mend on a mg building and he hound the majority of use i dered to fathers we recorab this thought and to the children this if you have a good education it cant be taken away from you and it whl en able you to quickly absorb hew meth ods and fit in with the changing scheme of things in the changing world thus you wfll always be aide to wrest from the world a living to the parents k your child at school if its at all posswe to the- child make the most ot your school daya h you dont you wul uve to regret it ah yocr life the boy who makes the most ot his school days win earn a good hying in ufe while be other feudw win only a hand to mouth this to niij ss web to the oouhtry and to the saras down the kudoff or xutienterar untn the sstmmls he has a toehold which la whory hi shelter and tbe possibility of producing his own food at the same time the mid off mnrhantn or clerk or carpenter or painter to the great ctty finds hkaasst unable to meet bis rent sod store bm and faces eviction and the toss of yean of savings it is simple p and has no thing novel to st- olv agb rmnsrons granted eight of the ten applications for old age nmeiona letal by the old age p i board of i which met a muton one was i and back to be applied tar of tbe ten agmlg one burlington and two from rlelson townsbsp with the others ceasing from various parts of tbe county laepeetor p caper p who baa been maktqg some mvesttgattons to the county a that he would make o osb provincial the halton board methods here lies a man who saved his all for days when the rain and should fab he new no pleasure shared no 1 and died hefbr the busxard can v m tt he what a night what a ctrl what taot- rivs