mf pctv y7-r-r-vatto- f pag 2 5css jgam gfj- the georgetown herakl wednesday evening july 15th 1931 171 7 h tw i 8 w tec 8 v w e k- ffisft food store 1931 crop 40 oz jar gold medal cherry jam certp per bottle large bottle tiger catsup 3 bottles artificial colored vanilla tins choice quality no 4 peas 2 tim crosse ctblackwells pork and beans pure- lard inl lb cartons sliced per lb 35c 29c 19c 21c 25c 27c 10c 22c 6 fkgs deluxe jelly powders 25c 2 tins gold medal sardines 33c 3 tins old dutch qeanser 33c choice fresh fruit and vegetables at right prices s a e farnell phone 75 5 mbs j q sutherland j dr j a su glged 64 formerly helen itndsay a ter of the late james lindsay monday after betog ulfor six following a serious o survived by ber husband oaptahw fc sutherland of ot nrtln medical corps and bqaw enol1bh on tuesday july tth 10s1 at crottonryll hann esqoesing to mr and mrs c a english nee flora murray the m of a son seymour charles joseph dujd sutherland at ijmehouae ox monday july 13th 1831 helen ltnd- aay beloved wife of dr j g suther land harper at his borne 14 albany avenue toronto on wednesday july 8th 1b31 wuttam k harper secretary of victoria harbor lumber co ltd formerly o nerval obituary m stif- i r i i 8 iil of the ontario agricultural and one btaterf mfcs mary she was a member ot pieahyterlan onurcb 1 founded by her granottter mbs klouib i followina unvbrdtt mia louisa lana 1 e louis bartwell t b laorelapd 1 tnenids- qpunty fttneral passed away in avenue east end nesday afternoon oclock mrs hartavell or ten years a a eerobral herda m invalid from dlabete shortly before fatal in quelph ago the henrietta welch her was u years union there iiuivuksi oe h hartwell cat and morelant fort worth texas r b to one granddaughter jean who made her home hjir grandparents two brothers and two staters also survive mrs hartweu was a rnetnber of the sixth united presbyterian church in which she was a unless worker until her omasa prevented cmntlrniert activity the funeral was held from her late saturday afternoon june 2tt mu ii being made in homewood cemetery under the auspices of union presbyterian church on jesday july 21 are adjoining church cusandmac- slverton dj die following artists y comedian entertainers piano accordian violin and mandolin olive hudson selle y pianist jean frost entertainer admission 35c and 20e a juvenile leatue came dn wed july sth georgetown defeateofoules cleanem of oakvole 4 to 3 menauv pttehad good ball throughout the nine rnntrigs whan be allowed s runs he ti up bswwvtr in time to save the game the boys am playing bet ter ban every time out so call around some night when they are playing and see our future stars in action wvms hy inningst georgetown r h k 10 0 02100 04 8 a oakvdie 000300000 3 5 1 both low price and glrl a te j u may 3mjjjtfigatgsy one fior which you pay a lot ay not live up to its price tag both in the fact that its first price is moderate and its quality as great as to make its final cost the- very lowest the new seiberling alltread tire means economy we have your size below is a price list of a few of the sizes batteries georgetown mcnauy and ward oakvule barker and squires on saturday jolly nth milton de feated georgetown in muton by the adore of 4 to a to one of the boa games of the snswon walters pitch ed brilliantly and blackburn fwho was for mcnauy handled his io perfection outside of costly error the boys played al ball tuck and beaumont made real sen sational catches- tn the outfield it waa one of those camee which the breaks decide ami milton got that to win out oakvpie plays bere next saturday so lets see the best crowd of the sea son turn out to help the boys win this game as they need it bad soars by innings cru hhk i o o qi o o o o3 e milton 00030000 11 1 t 2 batte las georgetown walters and blackburn milton mersto and fetter the team as whole wishes clarence king their popular secretary a speedy recovery to health after his sudden 1d- batttno averaok ajb h pjo p muldoon 7 4 671 b isnldoon e 3 aw team a 1 boo woods 38 is 4 nftainrmnt 38 is 421 tucb 28 11 jos walters 34 13 j82 blackburn 25 0 m0 wilton 30 14 jso hepburn 36 ia 333 mcnauy as a 320 uituuin 38 ia j16 benham 33 7 212 hs entrance results georgetown ihjp1xs fabb 0nv nunobed pbb cent-twkntt- two take honoks of the 71 candidates at georgetown at the recent h 8 entrance toe following were successful helen adams john alexander hon r beaumont fhon gladys beaver bon herbert blgneht frank bolger choh annie bowman william bowman lloyct boyd esther brill hon cyril ohsrk eusabeth campbeu hon godfrey collier enid cook ruth davis hon harry dewnurst una piggms hon tdattasnn tnon martha eawaxdi mary jfeller hon nancy berry honj jack fouus ban bobert gilbert jumaod olven herbert rtartnock florence hsvwes oaorge hienaersoo peias hul walter hodge ojd jhdsuer frances jenkmson honj bruoe kennedy hon dorothy kennedy hon rosle lomsao eric owens ian mackenzie hon t kenneth mx-kitnle- helen mcallister ida afeirn charles mclean hon dorothy mcuntock thos meekrn james monlven dorothy ai n bfilhulladtl prrti donald murray mildred r marlohi jofin p h j joeephino hon wlllisavreston ranktoe weir reld helen ritchie dorothy sargent hon bertha scbenk jdlariow hon irene starret hon alfred 8ykea ban mary tost ban edith tyers ban itfunrft valentine rnasel varey bon basel walker hon margaret wybo the bighest five in standing in or der at this centre were frank bol ger ian mackenzie dorothy mtaljn- tock bruce kennedy mary fwler all pupils of miss annie byan prin cipal of georgetown public benool the highest mark in oanadtao his tory at this centre was taken by batner brill marks have been mailed to success ful rsnqidates and certificates wth be issued as soon as posaibla to those who passedr any appeal for rereadtaf of papers should be in the hands of in spector j m denyes of muton not later than jqiy 28 a fee of 2 must aoeompany an appeal which will be refunded if certificate is much credit j due miss ryan prin cipal of georgetown punpe sshocl for the splendid standing of her pupils at the entrance fflraminatvmn tblrty- rourpopus tried and all passed 23 tak ing honour and the five bh- est from this centre were from george town school this to a record to be proud of and the herald extend con gratubukms to both teacher and pupils church news town council georgetown july ittn 1931 council met at 830 with mayor haw i hi tn the chair and council lors barnes bessey ctimynlngs navls qihhnris and parr present resolutions were passed to have connecting bnka of county roads run from maple ave along charles street to church street and then along church street to main street and to have a survey and estimate of cost for paving of these streets made by the county council a new a water meter is to be put the clerk was uutnteted to write mr j b rjaylor re unnecessary whlsthng bl radial earn coming ipto the georgetown station council adjourned to meet at next regular meeting or at the call or the mayor esquesrng council stewarttown june 29th 1031 the adjourned m of the court of rovjupa tor the township ot es- queaing was nekl this evenings all present mr gjoave- in the the appeals of the court were dis posed of as follows john k moore appeal dlsadssed jas waiaon as- sesnment reduced 8700 herbert tay lor assessed to harry deveroatix and reduced 000 bell tlenbbne co ap pealallowed muton brick co appeal dismissed w d johnston appeal diagsisbed halton brick oo appeal dismissed wm guupan appeal dls- 84 oeergeti services next sunday 8 am holy communion corporate onmmwntrsi of the 1930 confirmation class and friends 11 ajn mattrns and antmon by the rector 7 pjn kvensoos add sermon by the rector fraabyteriaa cbarah sunday july 19th morning serrtee only at 11 ajn when rev dr a v brown formerly of brentford wul preach rimrlay achool and bible classeaat 10 ajn service aa usutl at ihnehnobb at x30 pjn standard time united cnareh rev r w rumley minister mr norman laird choh leader sunday july 19th 10 ajn sunday school arid bible classes 11 am and 7 pot- video services with the baptist church- ser vices in the united church lbs rev dr bryce secretary missionary and maintenance fund united enurefc of canada win be the special rtf moved by wo appelbe seconded by w awltoon that the chairman of this oourt of revision he and is hereby authorised and required to initial all corrections reductions al terations and additions made by this court in the assessment rolls for the year 1931 and that the assessment bolls as finally revis and corrected be now passed bythls court and that the clerk be authorised to certify for said rolls- carried moved by ll mullin seconded by w a wilson that this court of revi sion do now adjourn carried stoawttown july htb 1191 the rrueetng township council met pursuant t adjournmant with reeve g k cleave in the chair de puty reeve george currie and coun cillors w a appelbe l u mullin and w a wuson present mlmrtes of last meeting were read and con firmed it was moved by w a wilson sec onded by george currie that the fallowing accounts be passed and paid board of hydro oomnlssloners georgetown street lights at aien wibtams apr 1st to june 30th 5200 hydi- electric power commission branrpton lights at councn chamber 9ih acton public utilities oommlssion crescent street lights 11600 elmer c thojnlpeon court costs and bailiff fees re taxes 8u18 beu telephone 3813 to july 15 8211 to julyib vtal t b40 i m bennett stamps 300 3 bulbs for light at township buudlng l5 total 8 4j0 w hesbttt charity pago h dabble attending court re col lection of taxes alooo carried it was moved by l l mullin sec onded by w o appelbe that the treasurer pay accounts as passed by the board of health dr b j nelson r indigent case 1js c b swack- hammer 9 trips to toronto hospital re indigent patient ws00 carried it was moved by w o appelbe sec onded- by george currie that treasurer pay the road sheets as presented by the road superintendent 8830847 carried it waa moved by w o appelbe sec onded by w a wilson that this council do now adjourn to meet on monday aug 10th at 730 pjn car ried special jubilee offer visit our showroom now anniversary gift to ail visitors make it a poiot to pay us s visit heat nor mo can hapn this lasting gjsss-srnootnsur- buc that it withstands hard knocks and seratcbe that that you wont warn to miss among other things we are making a special jubilee offer tothose who purchase i an offer that will surprise yon with its generosity we are presenting an anniversary gift to all adults who visit our showroom and we are giv ing a dramatic demonstration ol the oodurlag qualities of frigidaire lifetime porcelain we are showing that neither the acidresisting porcelain interior a in addition to all this we are showing how the colds control speeds the freezing clce and desserts how the hvdrator makes even wilted vegetables fresh the quicknbe ice tray releases ice cubes with finger tip pressure one at a or a whole trsyful come in today and receive your anniversary gift g r muckart plumbing tirismitjiing and electrical wiring georgetown v ontario bowling the prise wuuienitdibs tjajf july 8th we ror the beat gross- spore mrs o t mckay for ne least number of putts missccdennid and for the lucky draw mrs w the next ladies day wm be wed nesday july 22nd and win be in charge of mrs coffin and mrs darin tea win be served at 8 oclock and play will commence at 0 ocloek mos entries for the sixth bwbn at the canadian na tional exhibition than there were for last years event interest appears to be worldwide and the largest galaxy of natatorial stars in history will gather at toronto for both womens and mens sections friday august 28th and wednesday september 2nd respectively pmamhm j superior stores a bowling tournament was held on thursday july sth mixed twilight rinks were present from burlington muton streetsvaie brampton acton and georgetown first prise was won by mr flem ings rink of milton fleconfl prise by mr coles rink of brampton third prise won by mr joe gibbons rink of georgetown composed of mrs j kaiser mrs l darin mr squires and mr joe gibbons the mens rink composed of dickie deans richardson and h cleave are still in the running for ontario pro vincial lawn bowling association honors having won every game play ad they defeated streetsvllle la the semifinals last night and are now ready to play in the finals clover leaf salmon tall tin creamery butter per lb best quality soap chips will washing spoil your holiday no woman need about family wash during vacation this year our 2 for 25c 2 1b 23c 25c i lb u in old windsor floor wax lard or shortening per lb rubber rings 3 pkgs classic cleanser 2oc j light delivery f a 12c 23c 2 for 15c ruck jar sale tat s j calls for and delivers right to your cottage door north as far as beaverton on the cast side and barrie on the west side of lake stanooe west as far aa oakvole not lowest as far as oou- ingwood tnrlmfmg wasaga beaeh and east as far as bowmanville this is the area we serve with our complete list of six kinds of family- wash just phone and tell us where your cottage is located and our driver wol call on his very next trip macs barber shop pbsmm321 u hi size portage regular 30 k 3j4 575 29kx4 x 21 650 29 xxso 450 x 20 7 35 30x 450 450 x 21 740 28 k 475 475 x 19 870 29 k 475 475 k 20 880 29 k 500 500 x 19 920 30 k 500 500 x 20 940 30 x 525 525 x 20 1085 31 x 525 525 x 21 1125 29 550- 550 x 19 1145 765 830 90 925 1025 1070 1105 1140 1330 1370 1415 heavy duty 1135 1225 1265 1305 1390 1425 1615 1670 1725 motorists join in tbkilijng chase a nnmlx ofobdnguacousy farmers together wttba lange number of motor- a tjjnning chase wed north of r down the highway bentdnres0spathe cow was finally a ftamers yard and locked in the bsrtt5f the tnadrlren by harold tost georgetown waa knocked into the ditch and overturned when it waa struck by a car driven by oeorge sharpe nerval sbarpe to alleged to have cut out from behind she truck on the brow of a lull and swung back again when he saw another oar approaching one of the of the pigs la the truck had its leg broken and the ow had her horn torn from her head traffic officer better nan charged sharpe with recklea driving h a clarke georgetown a passenger in the truck suffered- a- bruised knee traffic officer gulp came along to lend assistance and parked his motor cycle on i the side of the road sydney mills georgetown came along with his truck and watching the accident failed to see the motorcycle striking it and doing 850 dsmajga woman trotosuo when cae48 cba8h headon f sinclair vulcanizing and battery service phone 26w georgetown htfts mka douglas awltxer of r r no 1 beeton was taken to the peel mem orial hospital suffering from cuts in the right leg al bruises sunday following an hi which a oar driven by roy bfeon rk no 1 al ton crashed in a headon collision with the car driven by her husband the accident ooa when bwttser attempted to mate a left hand turn tnto a garage while driving aoum on centre road and ran tnto the bacon car which was oomlng north mrs swttxer was given medical aid by dr 25- ihg bem the faospttak traffic offloer heffenttan -mvestl- rted no arreati we ma bwlti- mooahad a ourioua corridencewas m atmuarto or itasuosnattfatak baocs be ftrxm ahavi l loweil priced ss 14 awoavimliia wn ioio to 840 at acroff1n art tha mart popu lar or in csaiwda bacausa with baauly and unooflirmn it combinas hold conomy pontiac a fin car modem car a ganaral moton valu modals hng from 1875 to 1 01 5 t factory t antra ovr 40 point of rubbar insuuttofr in tko chaula ibcorb angina vibration noiss and road thocb ol0smobile 6 modu listtna from 1085 to 1230 t fctory tim a cr of iuprb pwrworrnanca mh7og t tk pric of sn ordinary li indudot men advancaxi nginoorlng rtafino- mantiat tfia famous syrnmrylfji trariunistjon and downdraft carburatiott mlaughlinbuick ol 11 t r rtoni ij9vvto k60 at factory rnal tra mora than 8 out of 10 mclauqminbuick ownanbuy mcuugkhnbuicb again and again evary mclaughllnbulcl lai hia non- clashing syncromaih fransmluion and englna oil tampar- ahina ragulafor cadillac ovar sohod1 avaiubla ranging from th cacsllae v at 3520 m th cadhi v12 at tftio and up to ft cajiluc v14 with curtom boaaa hj iis000 and mora all prlc t ftteiy hn t irarua finaat j i 3 tr- i bbs aw itever efiaral motors ear you chooat you will possess the beauty and andurtng worm of sumt body f tta hlgr pricad cwfi wsl as the loast the fttkar emblem b aguar- jntea of dvancad but touncj ttyla coupled wht the batt of canadian craftsmanship nd mafarials toiar dodlss are attractrvoly appoihtad and uphol starad to a degree of luxury that adds to the value and enjoyment of your car you may be confident that your car s fine pavferman w halfm to pre 8ure factory operation typical of the wight ckuset of this policy is cow which entfhet you to free impaction and edjushnasifi t soo rnltat and rjomdas rirrlwrrnore the enswtl motors owner service policy offers you trsvaluabuproreekonwwevaryouirmydrrva every a of trkmatndi of gamaral motors dealers in notth amwica stands back of the pobcys compra- havarwrnta sa the nearest 6onaral motors dealer will eontlnu to msbdltbeijt iwrrmota foi2v jl 111 sa m rfvs wit a r ijjawri ll f ret mh ualr wadar h diswa mrrarwwppbaj p5iliss