3fc wbafi mm swawm vv the ceotownhexald wednesday evening july 1 5 a j 93 1 ikk 5 is irjte today a tittle wee phaa to have toe chotertflowew sbi n r on ttth hu end 2iwoul4bnwbste tofcvtodort word s anda smile taut s can eee s- vir has ceased to be f immawmtom a lovhutanue honinttiiawt know re true dtn feanmftmtoimd my casket wwseotstfwst i td adieu au the pink or wtdce or 5 one liloaaian now ixgcfcnak load whan rm di s 0 best jvc la- eriolow long we ifye xba sands nm in thkgbies ontty whet we khreyt wmsesav tjto tia catoo grlcthe blow that sunga asjbatbow anooujit io suchtfalntx v j amd comrw8tlq8 o tjurinc tin rhootnof june there were itothe workmens cxtreoensa- tsfto aoouente si agates june a year ago shd 7076 june of m there were s3 ite ta june this jeer- benefits ssiarded axonunt- ed to tslltuso of which ttttmajn ins f cadrapeneauon and 9708833 for mymj sid v this brings tbe total benefits award ed during she half year endta june 30 to ssu17165b as compared with t3713s68t7 during the corresponding news and infbniiation for the busy farmer ftftysevih ayrshire grade oort out of olengary and atormoot oojimtles during tte- thiid week of hsy to settlers m rortfaern ontario the selection of these cat- urwiarvsja x s cwem of the ontario use stock branch seventeen head went to settlers in the vicinity of the hearst demonstration farm and tne rest to other northern points c period of 19s0 and 3mlmts during the same period of 1929 x during the tint ate moo of 1931 tha accidents reported nurflised 2638 fciecreaaer 10300 from tne number tordeavnlpertodof 1930 and m less- than the nnbtherfor the eorre- oondlnr period of 1938 stooasawdwts tte fscuh as foitora iwi itft ngftmta sieo y teeafeaajly w tor the hajpyear were to8aq with aaveragetbs ehequei ihave you een aie new nelwaess banycarrtaw v ria l i w donf think rnuoh ot them kistowata wocwe moreto the prhiatltt of a drflnltn scheme of crop rotation la being found an im portant factor tajjeducirm feed- tne chief tdtvantages of such a tlee are 1 mtrlntawflng and ing tin aoll fertility thus yields 3 assisting in weed 3 nj-nt-mlg- in the control of anil crop dlaeaaea by havtbg j erapaon iresk utiti each near makes a more even- distrihutlon bortfirouijhoutthe year pobssb eli the ruoi per- acre is best ways qtndaetog coot of ucttou in wift respeel frir ocantanie weeded inalatatti- obtanu today it tanqi u of rirrtrw ot ifwinant tatiued wahe w tlietiijmof hmn 5l 19rtkanrwhe treasurer curacteor mjorta wb the fees and expenses tberewa all aeaaejb zl 1oat nuwaaid arreara of iaaea- andotistac eslldja awton ajoatth ayof octolmvjssl at the hour ot mlfomraan iipon the touowtorl dayr days unto the imstarfccmce ottpowof msj- k r- a be wifflrti-tit- to- dla- lrtthfce charges thereon pursuint to rlbasv- vn l ontario of may iiii an4treet tears taxes rdstult ar6bigpp p b harrison treasurer town of aeorsetown total asojsa ss5m prk oaqanagl s uzrey ann b 1sm30 aujsl ttrtne town cf oeorgetown qf asltoq rrorhtce j to me amending actatrtmpter 91- i7l john bmatodeot rothalton aysofaldxojjm jcaad dwtjqntoises upon ttoe mn aodforlrea of taxes made b roe wmet omsrewltterted by- cflidal lg75 k coptvbeng returned toyou 3ndreto and to afffl jbe ad lands or jo irsbplsofflbent to pay the taxes thereon together with isasrserlmd by vjrtne of the f f tgjliijoiii lwml sftrt aw seal of se town of qeorgetown1 lp- j b icaofeenzie j mayor 1 sagas 14k ffiii yr m v i- 80 bbsww- are iower are to wbieet- tbi reafnaale is not the r thk tatatjb an oontlnned from page 1 and with the other btntnafcf a grip oil the spar end tne men gasped as hey saw the lung ape slip with a jerk his body eaaaed aqdlng and be bung- bead down with ms unshod foot waving and one band rf- the small cable the top guy hne nd in it a hook wltto a sharp point- sod it encircled the upper two inches of the spar the hook of course had been placed on the- line from below feawtrja its point above the wood a scant half- tnto this space the 4eg of the had slipped and the hook had ed the leather a strip of lea- uer no more then two inches wde held the weight of the tame ape archrng bis bodynd taking bold with the other hand he pulled hbnseh bttfway up to his former position but could not gofarther and dared not lest be rip the- leather of hie boob oonvinobd of thrr tropoeotblllty of iresalnlng his atatjon top ve sw 1reeole lettumbett taok tohav first bpctltvin dan could bear m yqloe u be cried and wtlrnpered then loa looked dgph at on ground that eeemed aolar jnmr and screamed r trtm appralffa nrtp thrr menjaok at one anotoer- and- shook their womjmthefdarefl unttor- tsae to esoue atort pan utidjirstood heiplattber cf carnmi within reach of aideeperate mas at sneb aj heigh ntmawbw ctateh srruggvs and rnhvviti nobody else 6vl cried- dan 73- flipped tbetong broad oeu a- rwand jaitripitiijux piq it aroufiirl htorualu bodyv i fas they the vp reexport of bntj i year during the ex t to june 7th osni esof ar nort a ada exprsrtod a total of j7 packages brrttar tfihryear for the came period exports totalled ajtt packages rx- for the week endmg june tt 1 lifltj panksgwi nearly au of went to the british markets bttfeayiputter prodachon in tula tu settled down to an export bfste which may tn the long a real benefit to the can 1 a unlque development in farnntaj this year lithe extent to winch farmers are borrowing money from banks in order to pay caah for eommodttles such ssxbouaerimd thereby effectrosj very slowly taking very eitovol kxttngf his feet i lerttam ufeilianaaas bar woold- milemr iris ubootossusf j fit jhndr the belt crawling np thirty feet if he looked- 1 ed to be i be let his the- be to time he 46 do hja bast r- st ttadead father eamto ms and repeated iteelf over tdntng thmga that oo- mahien you is jiotfaxcg to tut going ahead when seems taking you into deep tod scares yoa limp la the n if yon do ivuecause tt la rlgaa eangnt at the truth tn this and shut resolute jswya once a spur rlradgskfo a hark near its umiip and through jerking his body aaade sweat came eut all ape htm and heart ngisuded heavily but he his i kiund pine trem in- itfff rjirattff ttds year is practically an bemg carsotsahd payments are bemg ba cash to take advantage of discounts m from cash payments both fed and p depart sa rijuk g active supparcco teas movement toward praci tkmlfain eorsiomy i inadtoon to being good busmen me praottoe it one winch baa a fourfold h jt makes f ertotser actually cheaper to the farmer tt benefits the fertiliser trade- in maktngli poesbite to sea cor csah therefme ta lower cost and in a larger volume it ben efitsthe busks tn providing a new tim for loans for wen secured purposes and it benefits the railway companies through the larger volume of freight carried wrr j if avv fcisjtji w m vsa sjbi svm p fc v v bkt v w canada vf illioims of pathfinder tread gjoodveare were tx id before ever this tlce va advertised it be canoe a bebt seller because it 4a a qbauty ttirc within reach of all in iadpi at4 mileage it is the equal t of many wellknown tires 8elling at 20 higher prices in t act it is second only to the ah weather tread goodyear note the deepcut husky tread the strongly ribbed sidewalls the full size buy pathfinder tread goodyejauwrtvith confidence in spite of ther low price when you see a sign ilfc k yam wittfindartliabu mmljupit ablm to g 9i iramidl- am jaervlcaonjow norfrorutst tlrts ead tube m a i fit ihlii iiisba at on tpj ebjd phmce htaosek tbntstood beyond tne pne and dedded her up so be twisted tody and he sfpyjuseeym on the t ne on towusone helghrtjahere a tame ape ehmg andjsjf cal with i rjf he coujd laort aiultfbjajct the oeepfngbeo his htm to be either or rapidly and surelya 1- imi g qoi od wear out to band 1 aald just jj higitt to tiliiii traming for the job tou base other js y ae b ou the wlrmnhd bill agricultural society reoenthv staged a better farm contest each contestant bad to be a bona fade farmer residing within ten miles of richmond hul ten eutou were secured the judges to makmg the awards took mto consideratlao the omnhuon of soil and crops freedom from weeds buildlnga live stock oondranri of fences implements end uqbwsiau ajipqbfzaukoc mr e w watson rj no 3 wood- bridge was awarded the sterling sunr tea service which was offered to the society for this pu fay john pat terson m prominent farmer to york ipounty xr watson ins for upwards of 30 sars odsxhasteawfaia farm as a dairy farm he has on the farm at present 13 purebred aceredtttel hobteln oows jj of which are en r o p test mr watson cm show from his milk rec ords the amount of muk given by each cow kept on the farmeaob day tor the toward efaiilrtli of 133 acres is gradually crops- eon toovli head at hat n two giryi lines thaspar atjotsjane vision uoue ot its feavbrcjualit4es tray ooot 2a was rearing slowly tfta of that hookssw every twist of ldorrs body made some fiber give away the terrorised fldne ape knew r he w a auuia ame rmta he vouldteel the leathertet go and this knowledge tot all sanity from his oked at him and band unc while his a trifle- to let hbn ninety feet leckejh a teavjble caatanos dans fingers rensmaa4xr untying the mpa from his halt making a knot in the end he tossed it to men but the tame ape ignored tt with swift hands dan triad again and again talking tottv frlfmened man and urging tatfrrao tie the rope under his arrns jkmafort did not appear to un- jiiiialitil a word be aid he was ut- emby out of hlsa4 with fear dan pxve tt up sf last and tried to mink of anndwi and surer way of effecting the rescue mort had writhed up his own leg and grabbed at a guy line then et bis bands dtp and sagged hick again head down he swayed and his free leg dams face ai a loop in the rope come to htm and h toootwlde loop t f as it jqikbu tbo rapo uort no 2 panasd i he said with a grin tane alter today rrn i raxj things auno sctat once not la the umetoelean up your slow accounts ki ectric system orders taken for ranges r and applieuices of all kinds tffffflftff aw bwi srbibwbrrbyvb7wbwssbasab office mall 7 i conufiated garden nozzles fij repair your screen door anevwlndovvs screen wire cloth black and galvd 18 to 48 wide rw perfection oil stoves and ovens tuohope elextaie ransettet electric hot plate ltfcctary eletric rtuagea l work w lmi lf 11 fully aplendk the wen kept bams and and in a winners of there cash pr au the terms ykdted were in excel eneondttlon and a real credit to the owners it is interesting to note that all the farms in the contest bad from 13 towawes of sasmmer fallow trac tors were found 00 eight of the ten farms the farms were about equally divided in the use of corn and sweet clover as an ensilage crop dairy cat tle and fercheron horses seemed to be the most popular rlassni of live stock au pigs on these farms were of the yorkshire breed only one ooorjestsnt kept sheep bad weeds were a problem on all f sthna but fay a short rotation of crops susnmer fallow and careful eleanup methods were kept under control clover and alsdce crops on au farms were shorter than usual the judges in the contest were barry legga jefferson oeo meken he wajowdmle and a a martin de partment of agrtcultute toronto mr psrtterson who oontrmuted the flrstnrtse was so wen pleased with the oontestjsat he has promised the dir ectors a special prise for a stmlllar con t the general in the zz3bmjm3m7ejzttjx2tiz ix p mielsau rskssj waahuigton used rwomsnaldlsls h rastrasllbraau mstjjubumbbi ttasasawsba t wbare rat the and mort seised still upside down bis electric- high in the air clinking to dan m panto frenay mort tried to eta hie lagu men on the ground saw and toiuted to dan sdviatn him to kick uw other sojdlerst the fenow loosttjr be wfll kulob both dan shook nil head and hohf to the rape the wrenching of us leg began itlr the spur hi its seat and a spa of fright made dan shudder as ma eyes again measured the spar to the ground dea would be certain this crasy man loosened his hold on the rope and his spurs grip on the tree involuntarily he let just enough length of rope slip past bia bands to lerk mort sharply the answering screech was instant it gave dan ah meat apd he let a couple of yards of rope slide swiftly past then snubbed it again the resultant jerk snat iba hands of mort fade off dan and let him swing part away round the apaw then back to hsntj head down one long agonised shriek of fearj and mort fainted swiftly dan tha rope sude keeping just tension on it to natural its tayf take it easy son nan u oar fvsel uw bnctatv a to bvrfima dan llfpidihls head and the djreotpmof we soc are no kj cj suddenly the weight left the i a voice boomed from below that an was wen dan let go the hand una and lo his bead on his arms above the end of the spar tree ahoy there dan stng surprised pan lifted peered over- his left aim 5 at once be started b df and gaun the woods boss celled to him to gojmuriand take it slow fc toagbe alqpg just in time to ss h4wwf the ator could be undertaken just now vbdeh would put many an idle man to work an thdrndual may not bejsble tu me- compllah mulch alone tanftbe united actions of mdlllons otrfdlvlduala vovu go a longeweewarfle beerjrjrt- taung faba c r atane in fiance and these son- you have ith rtofy of your dajujaajfjattarttwat war es dad twt why did tm1lflni no bhotsxunq avtwruud standamt anthrac3te scranton coal in all sices aaitovfsatscady screened coal wood select huanp tar dorneatlo and tbreatitnk putpu bnanh- mgaaotoanneloaal m tux le a to be tound ht any uptodata coal an john mcdoiisia 12 again say it that all yot paid for this where did yoy ever find these but arent they awfully expensive i wish i could do it wky it costs me nearly twice that much do tell me where you get them for that how do you ever manage so well on so tittle w j read the advertisements know what you want before you go to buy get the most for your money by knowing what manufacturers and merchants are offer ing j advertisements will keep you abreast of the tiiiies they will enable you to spend the family income wisely they wid help you to live better at less cost 4 then when rataarks similar to those above are made to you pan on this good advice for all who want the beat at the least cost- read advertisements arm wuv ahstastcqyi- a j y v tr w