jmms s v c- r 22- sssr j rlrr- it ho bnqdi t steal trouble al kettle end sixtysixth fiir the i are boiling to steam with courage things aa black as the seem merry creature scorched e callous flic vceach us your power of mnuktliig the tfcg will to the days desire op to your neck in troubles they havent swept over your head stag like the steaming kettle till all your troubles have fled hinging wol sound so pleasant to any who chance to hear the kettle does naught but us duty tout doesnt its singing cheerr by wllhhmtna stitch m chaupstenrs aid socikyt quarterly report of the childrens aid society to june 30th 1m1- the quarter just cocopleted has bote qu a busy one t j ootn- plaints jeosrved and 44 hnesusations made mrolvmg hv jdl over forty the recent heat wave wtilcrf swept the whoje forth american continent inspired column of continent in news papers throughout the land but the following outburst of protest fan be attributed to the energetic anrj per spiring editor of the ahrtnston free when the sunshine wilts your cottar and your brow is wet with dew theres the pests who always holler is it hot enough for your though the mercurys perspiring par above old ninetytwo still those darn tools keep enquiring it it hot enough forvour- people swoon from neat congestion horses die and turn to blue bui it doesnt stop that question is it hot enough for you when from mundane life were fleet ing from the world where troubles brew wonder if well hear that greeting is it hot enough for you hcmokous rehlmren under present day condi tions there is considerable desertion and improper living on the part of the parents 11 cases have been taken to court is application have- been received for children resulting in 6 wards be ing placed in faster homes a targe number of the applies tinns are for girls to assist with house work more than- is posstbto to flu 48 wards nave been visited in foster homes where there are always adjustments to he there are a number of fine young bays under the care of the society at present ready for placement the interest of the people of peel and balton is solicited in assisting to procure homes for these children if there is any complaints in your vicinity take it up with the reeve or report direct to the inspector visitors are always welcome at the childrens home- in iciltoh g p thompson iiri contractor to hb lawyer judge the doctor says rve got snout a month to live j want to make nay will pig it so my overdraft in the first national bank goes co my aire atie can explain it to them my equity in my automobile i want to go to my son he will hate to go to orfc to pay the bob oiv my unpatd bills to the hood ing company they took scant awful chances on me and are entitled to something that newfangled machine on the job i want the engineer to have he made me buy it maybe he can make it work- t my equipment give to the junk man he has had ids eye on it for several years i want to have the funeral handled by you judge any undertaker will do but i want these sjx material men for rn they have carried me so long they might as well finish the job did you hear about the travelling l alciiman who died no left an estate of 500 towels 300 cakes of soap three doserj silver spoons and a hotel key simple yet delicious by betty barclay fain simple recipes produce deuolous foods try the following and you will understand why the answer is yes i magic lee 1 package lemonflavored gelatin 1 pint boiling water i cup green maliga grapes halved and seeded dissolve gelatin in boiling water chill when slightly thickened fold in grapes chill until firm break with a fpoon and pile lightly in sher bet glasses the irregular mass looks like lee serves 6 v grape zip i package lenaodfnavored gelatin 1 cup boiling water 1 cup grape juice dissolve gelatin in boiling water add grape juice chill when slight ly thickened beat with rotary egg beater until of consistency of whipp ed cream pile in sherbet glasses chill until arm serves 0 trnown herald wednesday evening july 22nj 1 931 i it haesueaerry serprtoe i junket tablet 1 tablespoon cold water 1 plht milk 3 tablespoons sugar h teaspoon vanilla fresh huckleberries sort and wash fresh huckleberries put a heaping tablespoon in the bot tom of ave dessert glasses prepare junket according to directions on the package pour at once over the huck leberries the berries will come at once to the top and make a very tempting dish let stand undisturb ed in a warm room until arm about 10 minutes hen chill novel cake fellings treasurers sale of land in arrears of faies in the coayokatiqn op georgetown county of balton by virtue of a warrant issued bar the mayor of the town of georgetown bearing date of the 5th day of may 1931 and to the treasurer directed commanding ham to pi with the collection of taxes on the lands hereinafter set forth together with the fees and expenses thereon all such being patented lands i therefore give notice that unless fce said arrears of taxes and oasts he sooner paid i shall on the 17th day of october 1m1 at the hour of 10 1 oclock in the forenoon and upon the following day or days until the said sale la completed in the municipal offlce of the town of georgetown pro ceed to sell the said lands or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to dis charge the said arrears together with the charges thereon pursuant to p b harrison treasurer town of oeorgetown taxes expenses pees total treasurers offlce oeorgetown ontario this 6th day of may 1931 parcel lot plan street no ho no years 1 3 11 king 192830 j park 3 cavanagh survey ann a e 193430 3447 5500 9331 55 00 tso33 2j0 148s1 change your fillings occasionally and your cakes will be more sestful here are- two suggestions for this sea son of the year banrywp filling 1 glass currant or grape jelly 1 can coconut southern style beat jelly with fork until of con ststency to spread put between layers and on top and sides of cake sprinkle thickly with coconut makes enough filling to cover tops and sides of two 9inch layers lemon coeonat fuung 1 cup sugar 3 eggs slightly beaten juice and grated rind 1 lemon m cup shredded coconut combine ingredients in order given place in double boiler and cook until thickened staring constantly cool and spread between layers of cake makes enough filling to cover one fl inch layer t cm chevrole 1 im01 a h i a i k n h arrbi pont ac motors value 6 mod listing fron 875 to 1 01 5 at factory taxas atra oyer m points of rubber insula tiorvjn tha cfvauit btorb angina vibrvtioit noiia and eod shocks oldsmoille r s laaab chaos with oranges serves s 6 lamb veal or pork chops melted butter sliced oranges salt pepper paprika trim fat from thick chops and dip in melted butter oil broiler well and broil chops 8 minutes turn and place a thick slice of peeled orange on each chop broil 8 or 10 minutes longer sprinkle generously with the season ings serve hot 6 modals listing from 1085 to 1230 at dory toiaj aitra acer of superb perfortnenca sellinq at the pric of an ordinary all inclikjaa such odvncdnlnerlnrj -raftne- inahts at hi fomow syncromtr frammission and doivndraff carbwrwliofu mlauqhlinbuick f 22 modalslistingr from i2v0 to 2o60affoctory taiai axtra kon than 8 out of 10 mclaughlinbuic ownars buy mclanghliobuicb again and again evary mclaughlrnluictt has tha nonclashing syncromsk tranmiuipn and enginaoil tampar1 a fur rtvtjotatpr cadillac ovr 50 modatt available ranging from tha cadillac vg at j 3 50 to tk cadillac v12 a 5130 a 3d up to tha cadillac vli with abitom bodiai for 15000 and mora all jiricaa at factory taias extra tha worlds finemkcan l t fe under rfw dost scrtrrlny of preierttd buying tha extra value of general motort cars has enabled them not only to hold their own but ako to gain a constantly wider popularity this popuuritv is so marked that on everyones lips you nmrttie phrase gonoral motors value everywhere you tee these fine cars a model for every purse and purpose rvintorishjiave come to realize that the extra value in general motors cars is increased by the ha bit 9l tne-jvaft- a v cvirmidered btbs splendid body of goneral motors tsalers located everywhere in catiada r merirjj substance and reputation in their junities m you tho canyenience of inly ing ttirc gmac general motors own film lpn they also extend the protection l kzt m sv p- whose broad and provisions are in force wherever you may m ot canada or the urtihij states see the nearest ter today and examino general motors valus t 4 llmim aaaa smaiar seavatal meast cars far su avm general motors cars have outstanding value r- h ere an ritk ere the too at toledo ohio has se cured a mammoth sturgeon captur ed in lake st clair canada tha fish weighted 239 pounds and was sold to toledo for 100 to p harrison of the town of oeorgetown in tnck county of balton province of ontario treasurer of the town of georgetown to wit br virtue of the authority riven to me under chanter 238 of the revised st of ontario 1817 and the amending acts and chapter 81 sixtysecond victoria ontario statutes 18w i john boyd as nt of the town of oeorgetown in the county of hallon mayor of the said town of oeorgetown do herewith autiaarase and direct you to levy upon the lands described in the return of lands to be sold for arrears of taxes made by you m duplicate to me bra ring even date herewith aruvitral by official signature and the seal of the said town one copy being returned to you with this my warrant attached thereto and to sell the said lands or so much thereof as may be sufficient to pay the taxes thereon together with the tees and eaprnm s chargeable under and by virtue of the aforesaid act as witness my hand and the seal of the town of oeorgetown this 6th day of may 1911 j b mackenzie i3t mayor e thompson co for dependable hardware let us sharpen your lawn mower we aaupen kpaaaaand ewdjust your lawn mower at a very reauvorujkle coat taylor forbes ball bearing lawn mower 9 wheel 16 cut 950 14 cut 90o orange mfarahmallow ftnff serves 68 1 cup cream k cup sugar 1 cup quartered inarshmallows 1 cup orange pulp and juice whip cream until thick fold in other ingredients serve oold blow sand psodccks pkortt- abu crop o a c farm at st williams making qeoal program grass catchers grass shears edgers and corrugated garden nozzles hose and repair your screen door and windows screen wire cloth black and garvd 18 to 46 wide new perfection oil stoves and ovens tudhope electric rangettes electric hot plates mcckrv electric ranges plumbinc sheet metaj- work electric wiring t turkeys weighing 7 lbs at the age of only nine weeks and heavy crops of rye and vetch growing on pure blow sand are the visible evidence of the practicability of an experiment in turkey raising started by the ontario agricultural college at turkey point a few miles from st williams in norfolk county tire years ago a recent visit by professor w r graham head of the poultry dent al the oa0 and director of the project and dr 0 i christie presi dent of the college convinced them that large numbers of turkeys can be reared as sucoeeafully grown as v fast or faster and marketed in as good shape from this locality as anywhere in the dominion the olajc turkey farm was estab lished as an experiment five years ago with r c kfarrton the present super tntendent in charge of the work bt suc has he proved its worth that plans are now under way to build mm a permanent residence from which he can plan and direct new experiments along the hoes already started on the occasion of the visit some ism birds were at range with sim snore e some of the oldest birds at nine weeks old had already attained the weight of 7 lbs an in crease of ltt lbs over the weight at the same age last year it is hoped to market a number of these birds in september thougtl the majority will be held for the tfeanksgivtng day de- feeding bees on sugar and milk at the government experimental farm at agassix bc has resulted in an average of 23 pounds mora honey than on ordinary diet this may mean a further impetus ta canadian honey aroductlon capital amounting to tew000004 is invested in the development of is000000 horse power electrical energy in the province of quebec throughout canada electric poweg development inraaunenta total 1- 400000000 stkong team to atepresent ontabio in grain judging woauuvs grain exhibi tion meymamnmximkmyytmymeymkimtnmfmk kast and west of sues as also la london berlin paris and other famous centres canned and froxea salmon from british columbia was successfully marketed last year host of the shipments went from victoria monday august 10 has been off- dally set ss the opening date of the fourth buyers week to be held in montreal tha first buyers week brought 151 buyers from all over the continent to montreal tha third brought 1100 buyers indicat ing tha growing success of tha ontario will be represented by i team in the junior grain judging com petitions to be held as a part of the programme or the worlds oram ex hibition and conference at begina in 1932 this decision was reached the recent ania convention of the agricultural representatives of the ontario department of agriculture held at quelph- teams will be selected by hon contests which will likely be at kemptvllle bowmanvwe ooejnfa and london the ave boys obtaining the highest score at each of the elim ination contests will be taken to the ontario agricultural college and there given further training pollowing this three boys who score highest out of the twenty will represent the province intense interest in the junior grain judging competitions as well as in the interagricultural college class is evident in every province in the do minion the generous awards off er- ed are proving particularly attractive apart altogether from the opportunity afforded juniors and young college students of receiving excellent training in grain judging work a total of mts0 is offered in cash awards in the junior competitions and a valuable trophy and postgraduate scholarships in the interagricultural college class x h thompson co tijhm georgetown mmm the system employed on the farm is to move the young birds which are tocubainr touched into field houses at the age of two weeks turkeys must have free range for the sake of sani cation if they are at all cramped for space blackhead soon kills them off these houses are placed in fields of young rye a crop which la emin ently suitable for the growing turkeys de digestive system since it is very low hi fibre and the birds are allowed to roam at will this green feed is s by a dry mash whlctr is kept before the birds at all tames in waterproof hoppers while fresh water is always available the younger cards roost as a rule in the nouses but as thery get older high roasting perches are provided in the open not only are these birds proving moneymakers in themselves but they add a great deal to the fertility of the soil as is weh shown by the rela tively heavy crops of rye and barley grown on the blowsand st turkey point the free ranging habit of the turkeys is of great advantage in this regard resulting in the even spread of the highly nitrogenous droppings this natural fertiliser combined with the p down of green manure crops is building good soil out of what was formerly considered as the poorest of waste land with the help of shelter belts the trees for which ate being o from the provincial forestry station at st wullama much of the loss from soil drifting will be prevent ed both poultry farmers and the gen eral public who may look for turkey dinners in september will watch the deraelopment of this farm with a great deal of interest individual holders of canadian fadno railway common stock nuan- bered 1um on september 1 1m0 and by tha 1st june 111 there were 34171 holdern an laerease of 1ssm this above the growag popularity of this stock since its split into four new shares for on of the old stock unity of all peoples who live est tbahores of the pacific vraa tha object behind tha recent visit to british columbia ant alaska- of the portland ore chamber of com merce who took a sevenday cruise on board canadian pacific steamer charlotte la northern rrhlhition chorus of 2000 voices ac- oompanied by st hildas band will be heard in four concerts at the cana dian national exhibition this year this the most famous choral organi sation in america appears in the coliseum on august 20 september 3 8 and 12 sis assailffvtws a feature of opening day at the c national kxhabluon to ronto that year will bs the th atara- tbowo world championship women bwanmlng race tbe fire prise wto- 55ljwjrttt wuf bvcillbh to iravavabtawhiae fae men jxt vsb hxas stftwrjufed for wed- jnd completing a coeuttoeeast holi day trip viscount duneannon son of ca governorgeneral tha karl of bessborough and bis cousin the hon arthur ponsonby arrived la vancouver over canadian pacific unas front the east recently they went on to a sixday trip of british columbia waters aboard sa princess maauinna ladles evidently also prefer blondes judging by the decision or the alpha delta pi sorority who elected miss margaret jensen blonde beauty of hunter college new tork as the sisterhoods most beautiful bathing girl at tha con vention recently held at the cha teau lake looiae in the heart of the canadian rockies effective july 1 the toronto ter minals division of the canadian pacific railway was merged with the bruce division of the company the combined division being known as the bruce division r w scott was appointed superintendent with headquarters al toronto visiting the canadian rockies for the second time in forty years colonel r stanley of alterslnk england said he was astounded al the progress and development at tained in that ompamllvely short perlil he was a guest al the nanfl springs holer hlch was nol ereth rhuikll wr when he was her a cuvsl of lord mm lh- 753 j sanford stewarttown plnmbiiigtliasmilliing hydronotice hydro will be off on the westeast side of guelph street on sunday july 26th from 2 till 430 pm c5woaax iexavxxtx mximkimcimctmkimctmcimcimcimchmxxmc i otxrig dve pfbotve 84 r 12 george rjr no 2 the way things ark oornq went yhave to make another out cant we wait until neat year we cant wait another week the other manufacturers sue already mak ing drastic reductions well have to do the sun well i dont see make any more decreases there must be some place youll have to flnd it rve gone over the whole b4tslnesa and its noth ing but a akeltpn altalr already i tell yott boss if we make one more cut everything wffldrop thats all let it drop that sat our prob lem weve tot to keep on cutting and s every place ve cap tmti were ptrttthg outitoolutery the swmniest gtrvs utbint sutt on the anarket art at oice now is the time to dean t your alow accounts send your list to kelly aiken successful collectors for 40 years oatalrakviixk they get results no shovaxuno ataoasutd standard anthracite scranton coal in all sixes alutoitraatnrally screened and loatled coal wood belect lump for domestic and threshing pui pu smfth- tngusnd cannel coal in fact x carry everything to be found fart any uptodate coal and wood yard jqhn mcdonajd vflatm 12 gvorcetown v and add this to your prof its no one can deny a man the right to spend his douar where he chooses it is his privilege to make his dollar produce the utmost in value the decision as to where that value is to be found is whether right or wrong his to make a tip on how to make a dollar go farther is permissable however and we suggest that you think about this j the lowest price does not always mean the best buy in fact in most cases it does not comparative quality and many other things enter into the transaction but let us take two identical articles one- here at home the other out of town let us suppose the out of town price is lower delivered to your door by 5c or 75c than the purchase you can make at home but it is not the most economical buy that money is gone for good it will never return to you whereas if spent at home well heres an illustration j a shoeman owes a beaker 200 and gives him 100 discharging fifty per cent of the debt the baker owes a farmer 200 for pota toes so he pays the farmer half his debt with the dollar the farmer purchases a pair of 2q0 shoes paying 1 down the shoeman uses the dollar to cancel his debt to the baker the baker to the far mer and the farmer pays for his shoes the shoeman has paid his debt made a sale and still lias his orginal capital so have the baker and farmer thats community business three persons have made a profit on 100 and its still in the community to make more the dollar that goes the farthest is the one that stays at home 4f we are fully equipped mechanically and otherwise to give your printing needs every attention r- make it a point to consult us on all your printing come into the office or plpne 8 herald office ji w 3jf ffi iipvirv irf v w m v8s vc 4 it v