Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 12, 1931, p. 4

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t -is- page 4 tlte georgetown herald wednesday evening august 12th 1931 treasure molly bevan the blue bell poetess as children search the seashore twbtl the tide gathering each lovely wayefornken thing smooth ahirunk stone or echohaunted v hell the fallen feat her from a seapure wing w sol to that strange shore which ismy life find that the tidal days their treasures bring words t noughts and deeds rich friend- shifts precious hours lute faoonwhite pearls for memory to string r dou and fj8tnhucev differ without the ettigb test desire ta ap pear professional we rise to remsut ttaat unemployment insurance and the dole appear to have become hopeless ly contused in many of the plans call ing cor support from state or ft treasuries onesnneayment insure which the tract or ammuis aeneflta jobless workman jxroaen ne law paid while pgstotad in practice the govero- baent and the emweers have joined the a nvlasylng the premiums it it la wvsb unemnloyment 1 f rtun be actually sound and carefully safeguard to prevent abuse by alaetarn it is a method of hand ling aajbadintrlal problem tbaxdb- nowever 4s public charity aaill of supporting the indulgent bxtaxdng those who have and giving td those who have not or wbo say they havent it is a method of haivlltng a social problem and it places slackers vagrants the penni less infirm and honest outofworks on the same footing it may be that a system of unem- ptarymemt insurance is inevitable to this country oertamly the dole public charity will have to be t ttnued for definite classes who have been with us since time began but the two metnods should be kept sep arate and distinct all unemployed single men in the towns and cities as well as transient jobless win be eared for jointly by public works relief program to be laiu throughout canada before ions premier henry announced in an interview with the border cities star recently armlet of these two classes of un employed will be organised in each province and the entire cost of their i l from the munl- scbence helps spout f- ib ontario the men will be transfer red from the municipalities to wort in camps in the north they will be organised into units and will be hous ed in construction camps which win be erected within two months the into effect in this win be mainly the winter 1st b malnlrag portion of thel highway asked whether this meant the red- t reral go had definitely con- ttskuted a share of the cost of build 0 tog the national i mr henry said no formal undertaking had been grven he is confident however that federal money la assured tar the pro ject the federal government has asked ontario to ranrtnrt the final surreys and prepare the necessary plans tor thepistlmt this is being jaqutsshken win not be faito tbenama army in ontario ef forts wrtuvjie made to provide them wbwawimvnt at home so that um families will be kept together re- nasal of- the single men will in lt- self aid conditions in the munfctpall- 1 ties tfce they will not be competing for the jobs which arise c iar warburg a rioted banker says bsadawss revival needs the i of psychologists and not dountjbjsu per haps s few puy woutt help joe huhoi bought a saxophone mne no i but low it from the jjt ibut you cant play it j neither can he while rve got lulons of hours have been wasted by spectators at cricket matches when the wicket sodden with rain took perhajps half a day to recover in future a new type of electric tan will put an end to all thesedreary delays- toe new invention according to an article in answers is a boxluce ar rangement at the end of which is fan driven hy electricity it is run out to the pitch on a small truck the fan being connected by cable with the pavilion the strong current of ale produced will dry the pitch in matter of minutes we are always hearing of the bene fits which science has conferred ant industry but do we realize that most of our modern games and sports would be impossible without the help of scientific invention balls for golf tennis lacrosse and rackets all depend for helr very existence upon rubber which though a natural product would be without scientific treatment so do footballs and nails lor water polo the gloves of the cricketer and the core of the bat handle are made of rubber so are the grips on the han dles of bats rackets and golf clubs bllliardi as played today depends entirely oh the rubber cushion there is also xbe mat of the bowler thc cap ol the woman swimmer the stick ring of the hockey player not many years ago the only good- golf courses were the sea links where the turf is naturally short and fine today scientific research is m it possible to produce perfect turf anywhere at- blngley the golf un ions of area britain have a research station where hundreds of little plots or land are planted with different grasses grown with different manures these grasses come from- sources ai wide apart as rhode island and zealand but the jperkct discovers a satisfactory sub- iitte for hickory for the purpose of m shafts for golf dubs that has been done we now have steel shafts but this steel is purely a scientific production next to rubber games and sports owe most to the inventors and forg ers of fine steels think of the con trast between the light hardshooting sporting gun of today and the heavy clumsy mussleloader of a century ago with its barrels made of beaten iron our grandfathers used mack pow der we have a choice of many ex plosives all less in bulk but stron in action and cleaner in use than the oldfashioned powder these are all products of the laboratory the anglers debt to the scientist is as great as thatof the- shooting man consider the difference be tween the ashhooks which our grandfathers used skid the light springy immensely strong steel hooks which are so cheap today then the suk hhe used by the fly- fisher is waterproof hy a purely scien tific process the modern reel is made of an aluminium alloy which is equal ly the result of e out substitute almost invisible and im mensely strong is another boon which has been conferred by science on the angler racing has also benefitted itofjast times a racehorse gone to the wind was of little use to his owner and trainer now horses in that state are operated on so as to render their breathing more or less normal again the process known as tubing is the roaring operation is the most often performed this con of replacing the faulty part of the ani mals windpipe by an artificial tube the roaring opearttonktlthe most recent iiaawj 11 here a soiau por tion of the larynx 1a excised so that te- total gumdwhlch has brought wind trouble by becoming be sgato stiffened no of course is sttsched to any these very clever operations has it happened to you sypcji in our child hood most of us learn to greatly dis like the words dont do that but of course when we grow up we learn that most donls have a lot of rea son behind them however sonic of us never do learn for example theres the man who habitually exceeds the speed limit i fallowed one of these chaps for about 3 miles yesterday on the lake shore road he didnt hit less- than afty at any lime luckily traffic was light he was indignant when i waved him to stop sure i know i was driving fast he said but the road- was clear anfl rm m a hurry i had to explain to jiun that no man ah drive a car at excessive speed and get away with it al ways you see in the city a at a much slower snj fjsally on the highways he it and at first emergency crop report 5 that lsron hes in trouble almost before he knows it no two ways about it i know ive seen it happen often enough the fast driver always gets his eventu ally sometimes even through so simple a thing as a blowout- better slow down before you gel yours brother well ru be seeing you below win be round a brief synopsis x telegraphic reports received at the head offic of thebank ot montreal general crops in the prairie provinces have been estimated by grain companies to stand at about 533 of normal oondrtlons lri the northern areas of all three provinces and in the peace river district and western alberta are generally favour able in the southern areas of sas katchewan and manitoba conditions are fair in some sections but general ly are from poor to a total failure the feed situation shows some im provement in quebec browing con ditions continue generally good with crops making satisfactory progress in ontario with the exception of oats which wol be affected by rust and smut all crops are in excellent con dition in the maritime provinces crops generally are making satisfac tory growth but warm dry weather would he beneficial in british co lumbia the weather has been very warm and dry and crops are matur ing rapidl quebtic haying is practically completed but has been retarded in some sections by rain the cutting of oats and wheat has commenced oorrv is in good condition while root crops continue to make progress a good yield of apples is expected -to- feaeco is developing satisfactorily pas- ontario hvtsand quashing practlcsjlv owe a very satiafactorv r the cutting of birtoyincit s general thealjtyandd ing of alfalfa is heavy dora roots suppose there was no local paper in soust town the lack of confidence business is bad because people fuse to buy we are told among other tt when rxaisideratlon is given one present period of depression there is a great deal ofjruth in this bank statements maw that savings accounts have increased heavi ly in both numbers and amounts something almost unheard of to previ ous eras paralleling the present it is not difficult to understand the aero the average wutklugman eking a sense of job security un certain as to what the immedt future is going to be is saving an he n from his curtailed earnings and placing it in the bank to care for nimself and his family should eondlr mm get worse let business find some way to re- ore to the worungman his comv dence in the security of the future d he win begin letting go of his money far necessary purchases when he does so business will autssaaucauj pick up just now however you cant be very critical of the man who b playing it safe i mm both low pmce and low cost se rung ads u an advertising director of a colum- txis ohio newspaper asks the rather pertinent question suppose there was no newspaper in your town what kind of a town would you have frankly one becomes so used to a newspaper in a town that cahunlty of not hav ing one has never occurred to the most of us the cessation of the publication of the hometown nei paper would nave graver results than the majority of us ever suspect just how would this prosperous community around georgetown get sslong without a newspaper how would it know what is going on in the community perhaps less than a mile away from home how would it make known to the many readers of the eforald its wants sen its goods adver use its attractions and generauy keep breast of the whole community in which it is an integral part you would have no news of your communi tg and worse still you would have no news of your stores the stores that pay tages and that are the backbn of the town in whticb you reside bo which you corns to gejt your needs through the advertlsfhg columns of your newspaper you get si the up todate news of the stores you can not only do your advance shopping d save time in the purchasing of wearing apparel things for the home but you can cut down your food and g bill by buying advertised goods the newspaper has long ceas ed to be an experiment or even merely commercial business it is the organ on which the whole community relies for lis community news and the ws thatihe rnerchant wishes to pass of ijrejja tt wbsilettnat if such s sen sational s was made that the town newspaper would cease pub lication the entire population would be up in arms hrgging the publisher to continue that they must have tktelr newspaper and tobacco continue to show excel lent growth a bumper grape crop is in prospect and peaches and apples art doing well pasturage is aboi average for this time of yearv mahxttmespotatoes promise a good yield early varieties are turn ing out well the curing of late cut hay has been interfered with by wet- weather grain and root crops arc milking good progress appta are sizing wen pastures continue in good condltion what is the reasont pbofsssion ortsajcrowded thsvwotejenvnanchenr federation it is reported his just bent out a warning to all its mssabers against encouraging students to enter normal school with an interim secondclass certificate a firstclass certificate is rf before exumrkmg on the normal training course- this is the result of advancing the standard of mnlnvatlon for fathlna in public the new system of grants which the d is putting into force docs not rseluae any subsidy for an interim second certificate and ml skanly means that publioachool boards wtfl not engage teachers with ttui auaimeaon fltt scsdennc cer tificate will now btppmej ba nunlmumj and to obtain it the wspocfvateacha er will have to pass all semination in the upper school eourse the federation secretary staaesthatthe panfesslon is at present overcrowded axid discourages any girl attempting to enter it on secondclass interim certificate nuallflcatton says kin iasnr em if customers would pay their local merchants cash on the spot as they have to pay mall order houses and chy stores there would be less burying out of town the qrangevule sun hit the nail on the- head when it said the wonder to us is that this system has not become a general thing with all business metf long ago all mer chants and business men are allowed from 5 to so days to meet drafts on au purchases farmers generally speaking demand and get cash for their goods on delivery and in many cases on their farm mechanics and laborersare usually paid by the week therefore why- in ail fairness man to man should merchants and busi ness men be expected to allow credit without interest and be obliged to resort to force in many cases to get their own and in doing so shoot the profits on that and many other sales liquor stores beer warehouses railways post offices and the big departmental and chain stores get cash without question that is their m of doing business frequent ly one bears of the competition of the big store or trig firm in opposition to any of the small concerns and at the same time the little fellows are carrying t of dollars of thetr books with an overdraft or paying 7 per cent interest to carry on why be the goat dntil the small business men get together and sot a hard and fast rule of cash and carry they win oe in trouble and the situation win continue to be even more serious milton 1 and bessie hor- been spending the lbs boner returned to rocks wbo holidays dixon and relatives havej their homes in windsor flsnerbaef claim that the 8txteen creek is providing plenty of sport and good fishing these days rock perch and eels being plentiful at the harbour mouth hrs tirelm who has been visiting her aainjt mrs b thee left yesterday for toronto where she wol remain few days before proceeding on her thiswmic tost trw outstanding value contained in ovary general motor ear at your convenii soorbyyour i dealer for you to drive i inspect you can then toe the many points of beauty and mechanical de gn which are made possible through association with general motors world wide organization you can appreciate those special features which adapt the cars to canadian road and climatic conditions and you wil be fjrtget rrjosr part of material purchaseel within the tempire general motor issues with every car a generous owner service policy which states the exact service to which an owner- is entitled osxl which holds good at any of the thousands of general motors dealers tfirouc north america call your dealer tod if you wishyou may buy economically on time payment through gmac uos mclauqhlahiuick to 260 factory tfirb mora than 8 ou f 10 mclaughlin buick ownart buy mclaughlin buicis min 09 aii- caoillac over 50 mpdoli available ranging from ha cadillac v8 at j350 to tha cadillac vi 2 at 5 1 30 and up to the cadil lac vlo with custom bodiei for j 1 5000 and more all prices at factory toaes extra i mw- i l po yoiwr tele book tmdmr m caw- tor edoe mi mm mmm 4jey general motors cars have outstanding value here and there new brunswick will have aa open uu fur part ridge shoot ing from october i- it this year according to an order issued by hon l p d tllley provincial aliarater of lands and mines value las year or nova scotia flaberlea waa placed at s10411- 200 according to a recent cana dian government report tha lobster and cod are of chief im portance since the royal canadian air force made its first experimental flight ores- lake winnipeg in 1911 use total number of photo- aranhs taken from airplanes la i close to half a nilllou condemned to the atockyarda tpree years ago cano paul bruce mature holsteln bull was recent ly crowned gnand champion hol steln bull of the calgary stam ped and exhibition he was ac quired from hla former owner by the canadian pacific strathmore farm and won in tha railways eolora wood for sale choice hardwood per single cord s373 mixed wood and ralls sim rails and hardwood sx5 slabs s3m j bkandfoko sssj or sssj bar treasurers sale of land in arrears of t days before proceeding wfll trtn jrojb rjbprnto she goes to bos- ton wbg she will take the boat to brttlagjyegt todies as far as rjerne- rara returning to boston and hen t panama to her home in oaltfornla the members of the milton branch of the c legion with ttoelr os children and sweethearts en joyed their annual picnic in f c wlihnolts broye near milton on saturday afternoon acton tm wof oourse an effort to reduce ttkt sunpqr of teachers and prevent s dftchna ifl salaries the two years normal course is in the direction w px a tire for which you pay a low price may turn out to be very costly one lor which you pay a lot more may not live up to its price tag both in the fact that its first price is moderate and its quality as great as tct make its final coa the very lowest the new sfibfrijng alltread alreonefcna economy we haveyourwize below is a price list of a few of the sizes r size portage regular heavy i o duty 30934 575 765 2gim440x21 650 830 9x450450x20 735 890 1135 311x450450x21 740 925 1225 mi3359 870 1025 1265 e 2ftii 475 475 x 20 880 lp70 1305 x50 500 x 19 20 1k05 1390 mm x 20 940 4k40 1425 miijjrss x 20 ioas- 130 i6i5 311x25 r525x 20 1085 1330 161 5 mm j 21 z -liag- 13i70 j e3o5c50xr9 17i25 msfeittiflaiv ri awhsstj 3vwaawwfwfaawwawiaf i- wnnlliwiem mgbfaj8hhkrbslr mo t top cleaners tfawort well on the faurtc of some cms may not be cor rect for others the weight of thfrr is materially reduced if the jack is set as near the end of the axle as possible flecause highoonspression imrti an harder to cool trie radiator should 9 trained and flushed at least once a month undue strain on tha starring gear is prevented if the ear la kept slightly 1st notion when turning tha front wawsss tahure ta keep the car within the wlilte une on ttw roadway not only is an infraction of the law but it is a menace to traffic the spare tire ahotim not be left on the back of the car too long it la better to put it to work before the rubber de stop the car irmnedlately if a bee or a wasp files inside driving the car and disposing- of hhe insect cannot bo done without a sting or an acd- dert drive alpw when agreed through a partly flooded sertibsribf the road tbli not only giro belter trsctfonbut prerents s wetter on the igni tion equ as would be uw tx if driving faster and mrs s h vincent and spent the holiday wjth friends sdnta ra kenpey bj and fiss by the boat routeb pormfcm6ol and vlatt at the borne of their brother or a a b kenney at maple tjreek operation wuma mcmlll of lbs staff of acton public rooi undtrwept an or appendicitis at grarnp- rebortedas nuj- progress fowjrd recov- aoto siqnax okvick tha ontario department pranu studw- ted to imjeuui bjftaat tbegkw mid op ated by lbs orwer o aman dtunmy atalimnen fastened autbsv rear of fita twiomlnitthrssiwaisipieh raste ovtlbs1ae m lbs dufertlonof the of ttsnxostpraer of che oar oper- hitobt to point agpnw ing fa ery mr and m- b- r- ffm of ponjuols junction re snendlng a few days at the home of tne latter bro ther jdr tom rumley mr eugene mcpherson took part in the canadian henley at port pal- hotisie last week although ba audu oar crew with whleb be was rosing failed to capture first prise the arv gonaut olub under whose colors he was a competitor carried off the most points in the regatta viators at mr and mrs tluoaas watsons over th holiday were mr end mts w wstsob snd mtas paulina of ormd vmer mr- mot m aosv ruth ot oressaore to ae hla 28 nepbewa and blecea la canada to return the visit naade him by the canadian bishops last year and to aee the pafbedrai on vancouver island are the three reaeona for the two months visit to the dominion of- bla lorahlp the bishop or lon don dr a r wlnnlqgton- ingram wbo arrived recently aboard the ducheaa of york aaai pvery sstts afr and mts will j sou wht nl- ty or wort wayne indiana mr 8soh la educational secretary of the yjj- cjk at that points free press john n bixiott istafaaistsutb by an order iln oouncll dated she 38th day of july john r blllott of the town of milton was appointed police llaftttrate in and fo the county of halton be lu tne late mr moore p to to milton mr bulou waa s in ttariueaing townsnlp lately he has men associated with the brra of hutcneobtaral kjmott nierchaata ooly reurlmj about month ago he is weu known tbroogtwut hal- ton bavins been a reptesenlatlve of h in the township and county oouneus during isnbe servo- warden his knowledge of the thern end of the oounty aboold risat ly assist in the perfonnanet of nai dutlea for some tune there has- bseri a wldetpread desire to have a potlee h milton as tt is ctjl town said the crown al sn4 rwrmtta wuo ate mr jm dswoto sifbss tteittaomavxkm of nfa aabbgawwawjsuavasaqhflalbu r jtzsrtr irhvseu ytnacnam tales wttxa tbwoanaolaa national pmta pswt i bacant tests pf tha new moth canadian pacific locomotive rsooo fleatlned or heavy work in the chnndtan rqckles have proognt reaults in excess of the most ssuigwlne expectationa it polled a train weighlns 7941 tons almost equal to three normal tralna from smiths falls to montreal a distance of iis mile without bitch in 64 hours and showed over m fuel economy vr score pf ssfbi tne aczracate and placed wlm ul the klars hundred sa the first hundred hots in the kings prize at haley are called sergeamfoe- cu wuuun fwsm of montreal baa nst returned from tha- fam ous rifle snooting meet with added laurels he baa made hla z tha kings hundred year since 1919 and for the tan rears baa been employed st the angus shops of the cana dian pacific railwa halfway around the world in it days london to yokohama via flit and honolulu la the rec ord of m its p be w ley of landon who left soufbampbm july 8 oa he new empress of britain was rushed to montreal by boat train where sae boarded pie impairta limited foi- vancouver at toe latter pert she left on the bm- areas of canada arriving at yoke pama july hi tha combtn of a two shpa fast time i dm atlantic and tha mikes thla trtp a recprd betl lobdoa and the orient travelling incognito under the nam of prince and princess 8ukv hodaya their majesties the king and quaes of slam with a larre solta want aarpaa oruwda by caa- adlan pacific from quebec where fbay stayed at the chateau fron- tsasc adopping for a couple of waajut at b banff springs hotel tat us heart of the canadian roffa- klas where they officially opened the hleblend gathering then golag on to vancouver where they will anil by c pacific sm- preaa of canada september 13 for the orient they govern a coun try of rm0oo square miles with a population of about 1u0o0oo no shovtxung rediked standard aithracite scranton coal in au sizes automatically screened and loaded coal wood select lupp for domestic and threshing purposes smith ing and cannel coal in fact 1 carry everything to be found in any uptodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald phone 12 georgetown in the corporation op georgetown counts op haitok by virtue of a warrant issued by the mayor of the town of georgetown bearing date of the 6th day of may 1931 and td the treasurer directed commanding him to proceed with she collection of taxes on the lands hereinafter set fortti together with the fees and expenses thereon all such being patented lands i therefore give notice that unless the said arrears of taxes and costs be sooner paid i shall on the 17th day of october 1931 at tne hour of 10 oclock in the forenoon and upon the following day or days until the said sale is completed in the municipal office of the town of georgetown pro ceed to sell the said lands or so much thereof as shall ibe sufficient to dis charge the said arrears together witfe the charges thereon pursuant to statute treasurers office georgetown ontario this sth day of may p b habrxbon treasurer town of georgetown parcel no lot no plan street no 1 3 us icing 2 park 3 cavanaath survey ann 8 e years taxes expenses fees total 193830 3447 5500 192430 s8251 5600 9032 2 jo to p b harrison of the town of georgetown in the county of halton provmce of ontario treasurer of the town of georgetown to wit by virtue of the authority given to me under chapter 238 of hhe revised statutes of ontario 1927 and the amen clang acts and chapter 91 sixtysecond victoria ontario statutes 1899 i john boyd macrensie of the town of georgetown in the county of hakon mayor of the said town of georgetown do herewith authorise and direct you to levy upon the lands described in the return of lands to be sold for arrears of taxes made by you in duplicate to me bearing even date herewith attested by official signature and the seal ot the sakt town one copy being returned to you with this my warrant attached thereto and to sell tne said lands or so much thereof as may be sufficient to pay the taxes thereon together with the fees au chargeable under and by virtue of the aforesaid act and amenrrrng acta aa witness my hand and the seal of the town of georgetown this day of may 1931 6th j b mackenzie mayor and add this to your profits n mary had a bathing suit she carried txvber purse and every time she wore the thing it ihrunk up worse and o one can deny a man the right try spend hia dollar where he chooses it is his privilege to make his dollar produce the utmost in value the decision as to where that value is to be found is whether right or wrong his to make a tip on how to make a dollar go farther is permissable however and we suggest that you think about this q the lowest price does not always mean the best buy in fact in most cases it does not comparitive quality and many other things enter into the transaction but let us ta5ke two identical articles one here at home the other out of town let us suppose the out of town price is lower delivered to your door by 5c or 75c than the purchase you can make at home but it is not the most econon buy that money is gone for good it will never return to whereas if spent at home well heres an illustration j a shoeman owes a baker 200 and gives him 1 0q fifty per cent of the debt the baker owes a farmer toesr so he pays the farmer half his debt with the da purchases a pair of 200 shoes paying 1 dor uses the dollar to cancel his debt to the bake mer and tjle farmer pays for his shoes debt made a sale and still has his orgirialj acewftflu ctueded we piece 40 years successful couecttngl experience at the dis posal of those who list their ac counts notes etc with us 4mllmuaoho charge kelly tk aiken th efficient oouectori ovartoatvtfjlk i trlii j rou fscharging 30 for pota- the farmer the shoeman i baker to the far- shdeman has paid his apital so have the baker and farmer thats community busines three persons have made a profit on 1 00 and its still in the drnmunity to make more the dollar that goes the farthest is theone that stays at home j we are fully equipped mechanically and otherwise to give your printing needs every attentjsdii make it a point to consult us on all your printing come into the office or u phone 8 herald offh iafe ftp w x k tx i iv 2 v 3ft vtetf sh fivsfl

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