Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 26, 1931, p. 4

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r v pe4 fall fair at georgetown friday and saturday i september 1 8 1 9 special prizes horses w ii 13 single high stepper by the president t u uslle 6 otr single turnout road by provincial paper mills 6 00 best planners turnout single by r k ander son mp 6 00 best ladydrlverby otorgetown coating mills 6 00 best delivery horse by browns bakery 3 00 best- road horse w o bessey and h barnes 5 00 best gentleman driver by eh brill co i hat valued s 00 best half mile dash open 3 in s heats 5- of purse to enter 4 25 oo 15 00 best general purpose horse on rein by prank fetch- and geo edwards 3 00 best agricultural horse on rein by john irving 3 00 potato race by john h- bingham and john mcdonald 6 00 best herd of horses tnot less than three 1st 1000 off any article purchased from massey harris company 2nd 500 off any article purchased from mousey harris companys agent best heavy team on grounds including heavy draft agricultural and general purpose by o e cleave 3 00 t 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 300 3 00 3 00 2 00 4 00 cattle best jersey cow by credit valley creamery 3 00 best registered shorthorn female under 2 yrs by ool o o brown open to county of halton 3 00 best registered shorthorn cow by harold cleave 3 00 best holsteln heifer naked in township of esquenuig by dr learmonth 3 00 best calf registered shown by boy or girl by dr paul silver cup 10 00 beat ayrshire cow l w damn 3 00 best group of three dairy cows consisting oof one mature cow one 2 year old heifer and one yearling to be sired by a pure bred bull to be earned and raised by exhibitor living in the immediate district covered by your society previous winner of a t baton prise in this class not eligible pourpiece sqver tea service valued at 35 00 best baby beef ford motors and el dickie 3 00 sheep and pigs 1 best pen of bacon hogs not less than three by c j buck 3 00 2 best pen of fine wool sheep not less than 4 sheep one male and 3 females by j beaumont 3 00 3 best pen of long wool sheep not less than 4 sheep 1 male and 3 females by k y barraclough 3 00 3 00 2 00 fancy work 1 best collection of fancy work by mrs p a huxley miscellaneous x 1 best bushel northern spy apples by j n oneill and son wheelbarrow value 7 00 st 3 she butter in u lb prints by r d warren 9 00 best pr dressed chicken by erwin oddhaun 5 00 pr dressed chicken by r h thompson 5 00 pr dressed chicken by isaac bennett 5 00 local homemade bread cottage roll by a e wright 2 60 best display in hall by merchant or manufacturing ann 1st bank of montreal 2nd l w dann 10 00 best v bushel alslke seed by morley pettit 3 50 best bushel alfalfa seed by morley pettit 2 50 best collection of baking by harold c mcclure done by lady in esquestrsj township dnsisang of 1 layer cake 1 pie i dos tea biscuits cookies auid tarts prise fernery valued at 5 00 best collection canned fruit by r marcbment 2 00 best collection fancy baking homemade 10 varieties fay 0 w swackhamiwr enamehvare value 3 00 xm best 10 pail of clover honey to be delivered to x 3 x a 8 7 8 a xio m 12 3 00 5 00 by m olarkson xm beat hamper northern spy apples w r watson 15 best collection of articles used by first settlers mayor mackenxle 16 best 10 lbs honey in comb by h w hlntoo 17 best oouectfon pastry toy c p ready goods 18 best display cut flowers by ii r cook ib by j m moore x best hah dos buns herald 1 year x largest v dos fresh eggs herald 1 year x beat and neatest 1 lb butter herald 1 year x largest half dosen onions herald 1 year x best bushel cooking onions 30 best 3 spikes gladioli 1 white 1 red properly named in separate containers by dr neilsan oiadtoll btdbs value 2 00 x31 pr of dressed chickens box of comfort soap by a k famell value 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 i 1 50 1 b0 4 00 s 00 2 00 the georgetown herald wednesday evening august 26th 1931 tt is easy to criticize it is easy to sit in the sunshine and talk to he man in the shade it is easy to float in a well trimmed boat and point out thp places to wade but once we pass into the shadows we murmur and fret and frown and our length from the bank we shout for a plank or throw up our hands and go down it is easy to sit hi our carriage and counsel the man on foot but get down and walk and youll change your talk as you fee the peg in your boot it is easy to tell tzie toiler how best he can carry his pack but no one can rate a burdens weight unut t has been on his back the upcurled mouth of pleasure can preach of sorrows worth but give it a sip and- a wryer lis was never made on earth ella wheeler wueox -t- coffee iced or punch by betty barclay new and lnfcstiiiatson for the busy farmer toared northern ontario hon thomas l kennedy and a party of agricultural officials includ ing heads of experimental farms re cently made a tour of northern on tario visiting each of the experimen tal farms ancl many private farms they reported that the farmers seem ed remarkatoly prosperous and optimis tic having splendid crops new barns and good antmali the itinerary of the trip in the course of which the minister opened the lakehead ex hibition at fort william took the party from new liskeard to coch rane whence a side journey wastmade to james bay the underlying pur pose of the tour was to decide what the government can do to assist the agricultural development of northern ontario eps- j isw muwll m 3jxsfls voxa skfemy jtattftw jjm- afcl many who regard luncheon as in complete without a cup of coffee pre fer their brew cold this time of year those who do not already know of iced coffee or coffee punch should try these recipes iced coffee make coffee a little stronger than usual as ice dilutes u serve in large fancy or colored glasses with plenty of cracked ice sweeten to taste top with whipped cream or serve with plain cream coffee may be chilled beforehand in an airtight container or poured hot over the ice where ice is plentiful toffee rwaeh in a bowl place a block of ice make your coffee by the drip method which means it should be finely ground and that it will be fragrant coffee should be fully a half stronger- than usual because of dilution by the ice pour four cups of coffee over ice add i cup of heavy cream and 23 cup pow dered sugar then place a quart of vanilla ice cream in the punch bowl in large spoonsful and a cup of mara- cttino cherries and their juice chill punch thoroughly and serve fresh peach dessert 1 junta- tablet 1 tatsespoon cold water teaspoon vanilla 1 cup milk 1 cup light cream diced fresh peaches dice fresh peaches in the bottom of 5 dessert and add a few drops of lemon juice and sugar to taste mix cream and milk and prepare junket according to directions on package pour at once over the peaches let stand undisturbed in a warm room un til firm about 10 minutes then chill outdoor delicacies here are two little recipes for delici ous dishes tint may be made while on a phg trip they are of course equally suitable for borne consump tion camp fire pad 1 package orange flavored gelatin 1 cup boiling water 1 cup orange juice and cold water 2 oranges free from membrane and cut in pieces 8 marshmallows quartered dissolve gelatin in boiling water add orange juice and water chill when slightly thickened fold in oranges and marshmallows chill un til firm serve with whipped cream serves 8 jellied 3 cups stewed prunes seeded 1 package lemonflavored gelatin heat prunes to honing and dissolve gelatin in not fruit chill until firm serve with sweetened whipped cream serves 8 orange cheese salad serves 6 4 oranges 2 packages of philadelphia cream cheese 1 cup toasted cocoanut 1 head lettuce inside leaves pare oranges and separate sections maste cream cheese make into balls and roo in toasted cocoanut on let tuce covered salad plates place orange sections with t or 9 cheese balls top with a spoon of mayonnaise confederatio li interna- tionai convention at toronto more than two hundred managers and field representatives are attend- ing the international conventional of the confederation ufe association at che royal jtqrw hotei toronto this week the associations most success ful underwriters from great britain cuba newfoundland british west indies jamaica trinidad g jm good ul new trophies for royal wntbt fair to salvador mexico curaco are present as well as those from an the provinces of canada mr charles s macdonaw presi dent and general manager hi wel- cotng the delegates on behalf of the directors and officers referred to the fact that this was the diamond jubi lee year of the confederation life the association having been estab lished in 171 prom small beginn ings it has grown to be one of the most widelyknown life insurance in stitutions in north arnerica business in fore totals more than three hun dred and eighty million dollars hon george s henry premier of ontario extended greetings from the province and re particularly to the pleasure it gave him to see so many present from great britain and the british dominions as well as from various countries of central america mayor w j stewart gave the dele gates a hearty welcome on behalf of the city of toronto at the official banquet on thursday evening the principal nuwrtrr will be the hon dr h j cody who will discuss the sub ject canada among the nations speakers at the business meetings were charles s macdonaw president and general manager john marshall holoombe jr mtariager life insurance sales research bureau v r smith assistant general manager and ac tuary o d devlin general superin- t of agencies j h birkenahmw associate actuary o t vamey manager for otreart britain and ire land atllio leon manager for cuba r h melville superintendent- of agencies western canada wm bo ten superintendetrt of agencies eas tern oanada and newfoundland a b i superintendent of agen cies british west indies cuba mexico and central america lighter balem wanted at the recent national hay con vention uv buffalo strong complaints weremade against the practice by canadian producers of pressing and baling hay too heavy and many dea lers stated thai unless this 1 fault is overcome they would discontinue handling the canadian product canadian dealer are urging that the attention of fanners in hay producing districts be brought to this fault the bulk of baled hay is used by carters and truckmen who have to carry the bales some distance to get them to the feeding loft when a bale runs 150 lbs or more in weight this is a heavy job o heavy in fact that the buyer will pass up the heavy bale for one which he can handle with greater ease the popular demand in the tay market today is for the light three wire bale weighing around 120 lbs parmers-ln- hay districts who are us ing presses are urged to give atten tion to the stated preference of dea lers and buyers in the hay market in a good year for hay almost any kind of a hale can be sold but with market conditions such as they are this year and with the restricted out let which prevails every attention should be given to putting up bates if hay of a weight desired by the mar ket 3 for west tomato shipments on a large scale from southern ontario to the wes tern canada market represent a new development confidently expected as the result of recent orders for seven carloads of the fruit especially pack ed the consignment according to charles w bauer secretary of the growers market council is to go forward packed in lugs and paper wrappers and he an the day when a large proportion of the on tario product will be marketed in this manner chevrolet 11 i in i i 1 i r i i i i ili pohtiac 6 models listing from 875 to 11015 at factory taiei entro ovr 40 point of rubber in sulation in th chauu absorb engines vibration noi and road thoefcs oldsmothle 6 models ihting from 1085 to 120 at factory tafc aatra includes such advancod engineering refinement as he faihous syncromeih tronsrriis- lion arid down- draft catfeu- retion mclaughlinbuick 22 model lilting from 1290 to 26o0 at factory taies ttr more than 8 out of to mclagfrin buicl owner buy mclaughlin baick again and again cadillac over b0 models available ranging from the cadillac v 8 at 3520 to the cadillac viz o 5 1 30 and up to the cadil lac v16 with custom bodies for 15000 and more- all prices at factory totes extra qauge v a i u e in the building of general mofprs cars ttterje is no cornrrornso with qualify if a part fails to corrforrn to specifications in either- substance or dimensions it it rejected general motors has modern plants uptodate machinery and equipment and every known facility for progressive manufac- rural materials both raw and finished are for the most part obtained from reliable sources within the fnpire and uniformity in quality is assured through the watchful care of skilled inspectors craftsmanship is of high order tasks are performed with the neatness and skit cnaracterisjkc of canadian work men direct results are smooth perfor mance quietness dependability long fife and unusualy low prices gauge- these qoaitties for yourself your dealer wil gladly furnish a car for demonstra- tion at your convenience he wij also explain g m ac the economical time- rmymenfptan and the general motors owner service policy which gives com forting assurance that the outoamftnc values of any general mob car wul endure x rmapaa k shh aialu general motors cars have outstanding value barter to britain pinal arrangements have been com pleted by hon thomas l kjennedy minister of agriculture and bon o h ferguson canadian hlgfa oom- nlssloner to britain whereby on tario will make a definite bid to cap- lure the overseas barley market this year testshrpmeaas of eight differ ent grades of barley are being dis patched to england and after the tnarket consumers there have made their selection a carload of tbe pre ferred grade will be forwarded txvm here it is understood that 20000- 000 bushels of barley can be taken from ontarso if conditions are satis factory at present a price of s108 per bushel is being paid less costs of shipment- fresh fratt market far grapes the grape growers of ontario are in a fair way to solving the market ing of- this seasons crop with the wineries requirements greatly reduced the gmw were faced with the neces sity of making arrangements to sell this years heavy crop in some other manner steps have now been taken o re vive the fresh fruit market for grapes in the prairie provinces in ontario and eastern canada an tatenstve market cattunatgn has been entered in to and an appropriation made for advertising the household use of grapes which will be put on all mar kets at attractive prices success in this case la to a greater extent than in most products dependent on the quality oarrent crop kepon the grain harvest has progressed rapidly over the province and thresh ing has been the general practice pall wheat has averaged s5 bushels of good quality grain to the acre and barley has yielded sausfactorty threshing returns bear out earner reports of material damage to the oat crop through rust and smut corn and roots oonttnue very prornistng m southwestern ontario beans are i tng serioushr affected hy a small worm new to this crop cutting of the to bacco crop has been general since the middle of august a man unaecostomatl to praising his wife went out of his way to call her an angel mary he said one morning recently you are- an angel and she 4tett charmed- all da m the evening she ventured tdjasfc turn why she had beouso hooort wellt said the wflyl bsan yodar always nitttng matvytja are a always harping on 1 tthssiaodtr tm own account you j bare nofhias t vy- van wheat drawers pall wheat growers hav a problem of primary importance to cfaudder ac cording to george r paterssp feed and fertiliser distribution expert what am i going to do with the crop just harvested mr paterson txlieves that farmers will feed what they can to cattle hogs and poultry wheat when supplemented with other grams and supplementary concentrate may readily be utilised both in dairy cattle and hog rations the returns at pres ent prices of dairy products and pork might well toe considered as definitely more than the present farm twice of wheat as a feea for dairy cattle cheat should be supplemented with ante protein rich teed and it will ttve best results when ranted wtth bran and oats also for swine wheat may be fed as high as onequarter the ration in growing pigs and one- third in finishing pigs wheat is also standard part of poultry scratch ground wheat may also euhoutute for shorts in the math has it happened to you bu pca time 5 pjn sunday place kingston road is miles wit of toronto coming west about half a mile of cars mov ing very slowly and more cars joining the procession every minute brakes screeching horns honking heads thrust out of windows i flashed up to the head of the line and got him with the goods 10 miles an hour he was driving i steered him onto a wide spot off the road and i told ban r plenty i says vrtow do you know there wasnt a doctor in that line going on an emergency call anyhow whats the idea of hold ing up several hundred people just because you want to dawdle along till church time funny thing was he dunt realise he was doing wrong they never do didnt know he was insulting every other driver on the road they dont think of that but itl bet he will give others little consideration hereafter if he doesnl well for his sake and the sake of all the rest of us lets be hopeful ail accoonts collected we place 40 years successful collecting experlexies at the dis posal of those whaviist then- ac counts notes etc with us no collection no charge kelly aiken the efficient collectors osanetviujs applk season returns dairy hero profits there is probably no more interest ing phase of expenmental work car ried on by the department of agri culture at ottawa through experi mental farms and stations than the studies made from actual operation in the cost of dairy hards at the bzperlraental station of morden manitoba the report ror last years op shows an aroraaje pro- 1t of swto for a herd of nine cows the maximum individual production vaa tuns lbs of milk averaging 4j0 per cent of butterfat this e showed a profit during the lactation period of tlous in contrast with this morden llarjorto with a milk production of 108so50 lbs testing m per cent butterfat shows a profit over cost of feed ulfc pqually interesting are the figures supplied far the experimental btstlon at bosthern bask where the average profit under conditions for ltao from a herd of 15 cows was 81 per head this herd produced an average flf 10bs41 lbs of hulk rating 598 butter- fat do you favor eompelunt married men to wear thumb rings to distin guish than from single nrar its not all necessary no hnsband whos been properly trained oan ever be mistaken for a speaking of timely topics now that the apple season is here again the dominion fruit branch supplies facts about the food value of apples which have special interest the varieties of fruits consumed are numerous and their use is important to a proper diet but no fruit is more valuable than the apple an apple a day is a real health message they act as a tonic and regulator and thus are the cheapest as well as the- most pleasant form of nrnvtlrtne one can buy they are a source of natural fruit sugar and thus provide energy eaten raw between meals they satisfy the craving for sweets the water contained in apples is in its purest form they tend to promote proper eli mination as skin and framework pro vide bust and the organic salts are diuretic apples counteract a tendency to acidosis as they leave an alkaline ash a well masticated apple thus aids digestion apples are a good source of vlu mines which are necessary to the body one large apples gives one hundred calories the apple is refreshing cooling bwiiumng and wholesome and may be eaten between or with the meals they may be obtained nearly all the year round and because of their food value their fine flavour their abun dance and popularity apples are just ly termed the king of fruits no shovaxejno required standard anthracite scranton coal in all sixes autotriaticajjy screened and load coal wood belect iump for domestic and threshing purposes smith ing and cannd coal m fact i carry everything to be found in any uptodate coal and wood tard john mcdonald ffsoae 12 georgetowri treasurers sale of bnd in arrears of taxes in the corporation op georgetown county ophabton by virtue of a warrant issued by the mayor of the town of oeorwetown bearmg date of the but day of may 1b31x and to the treasurer directed commandin him to proceed with the ordlecuon of taxes on the lands hereinafter set forth together with the fees and expenses trjerean all sush being patented lands i therefore give notice that unless the said arrears of taxes and oj sooner paid i shall on the 17th day of october 1bs1 at the hour oclock in the forenoon and upon the following day or days unto sale is completed hi the municipal office of the town of oeorgeto worst ceed to sell the said lands or so much thereof as shall be sumdent him charge the said arrears to with the charges us putfc than dtntlon treasurers office p bharwboi hi georgetown ontario trssv kte this 5th day of may 1931 town of qe- justice of the parcel hot plan street years taxes gyp- peea no no no 118 king 192830 sm7 s5joo 2 park 3 cavanagh survey ann s e 193430 trail s5oo 130 top b harrison of the town of georgetown m the county of halton province of ontario a treasurer of the town of oeorgetown to wit by virtue of the authority given to me under chapter revised statutes of ontario 19x7 and the amending act and sixtysecond victoria ontario statutes la r john boyd the town of oeorgetown in the county of wh mayor of the of oeorgetown do herewith authorise and direct you to levy xgnu lands described m the return of lands to be sold lor arrears of taxes mi by you in duplicate to me bearing even date herewith attirrtrrt by oftv signature and the seal of the said town one copy heme re toatac wtth this my warrant attached thereto and to sell the sasd land onn much thereof as may be sufficient to pay the taxes- themoavtofesnlr wny the tees and expens chargeable under and by virtue of she aforesaid aasr and amending acts as witness my hand and the seal of the town of oeorgetown this 5th day of may 1ss1 j b macetknzib mayor job printing i m he couldnt read for indigestion per some yenra previous to ibs i was subject to iikllgmtlon with head- arbea and uiouaands of ton aparkling in my eyes which prevented me fxuin reading i decided to try knnrlira salts that was august 103a and i have taken a utile in my ftrnt moralhg cup of tag ever since i now eat any thing snd a entlily free from indigestion or alaia p c- now let t be ahl quite definitely that what kroscheii aid for him it wui do for everybody else- who aulfrn from indlgestioi mv did the fart is that the lltleaawiytesv ur atlmulates the tbytwfgsm jalce to aid digestion and then ensures complete regulars and unfailing elimination of all waste matter every day 1 soon after you start onkruscben you will begin to feel the benefit voa will and to your satssfaction thai- you are able tel enjoy your food without stit dona efteiheltecta and as yon pe you will ate that the relief which kmcbra brjaga is taaaaj rftaat i us ojoopjm im 8m sjw- ucml ihmt m fsaoaaviwuy laawr taaaiavy rase as any avv mils nigtt nwr am jma a 4 jo aari nr aaw stul hospital days were loody of cotirso her friends did all they amid to keep her checrrul her room was s bower of roses baxhow arte looked forward to emaingwiien jack oouu sit by bcr and talk of us day st the offace then came the news that be roust leave town on boat nets she wondered how she could stand the wait until be came home but jack wise fellow knew how to i bridge the gap pwnptjy each evening at nine he called her over long distance and told her all the things she wished m hear extravagant not a bit for night rates are always inexpensivel vust could be worth rnorefpc what it cost 3l vm -p- jm 5srjtjfrtrej5 frlaaatii

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