Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 16, 1931, p. 1

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w- 1 sixtysixth year of publication the georgetown herald wednesday evening september 16th 1931 150 per annum in advance 2m to usta the georgetown herald jl m moore ltosbar ana frvpaieter member canadian weekly newspaper asaoejaftlod c n r tome table- standard tims passenger passenger and mall 643 am huo a 139 pjn passenger and mall h 30 pjn passenger stops for passengers going east and toronto 944 pjn sundays going bast fatsenger 239 pjn raaseuger ox4 1iiu sj l- gehtg wmi i passenger and mall 716 sun passenger 854 ajn passenget 208 pm passenger and mail ao pjn ik passenger 1008 pjn passenger sunday 1045 ajn iv passenger sunday 1009 pjn ooba north t muul and passenger us ajn i- game souta tr mall and passenger 6 jo pm i si arrow increased riis seivice eastern standard time lieave georgetown daily eastbound 730 am 955 am 1155 ajn 165 pjn 540 pjn 810 pjn 955 pjn leave georgetown daily westbound 850 am 1030 am 1250 noon 350 pjn 650 pjn 830 pmx 1050 pjn reduced fares to holders of season tickets tickets and information at longs directory u boy daae banister ana solicitor oeorgetown ontario orncma ttiiii bidg icui at cxarknce h wkoouns awirlatar 8wcttar kocary oareas oneill block oeorgetown tataphone 1m john a thomqtson nataiy prttts mill stoats phone 313 and 3m c a oraham jarampton ontario k b oraham c h bowyea kknkath m lamodon barrister saueitac notary psmte ptnt mortgage monear to loan main straat south phona what have we done today we shall do so much in the years to come but what have we done today we shall give our gold in a princely sum but what did we give today we shall lift the heart and dry the j tear we shall plant a hope in the place of fear we shall speak the i words of love and cheer r but what did we speak today we shajl be so kind in this afterwhile but what luute vfe done today we shall bring each lonely lite a smile but what slave we brought today we shall give to truth a grander birth ajid to steadfast faith a deeper worth we shall feed the hungering souls or earth but whom have we fed today w ahs ii such joys in the by anch by but vhal hayn we shown today we sjiill build us mansions in the sky but what have we built today tis- sweet an idle dream to bask buthere and now we do our task vet hese the things our souls must ask what have we done today the passing of the wild horse r a watson nitus- marian priest las d jj3 labors to 6 sttot thursday aftsmnom ita ljps zxdjj w l sa to lane block one door north af cnsuls carriage factory am to 4 mi lamb rmacncal matkbnitzt by day or weak p- r rthnmr rf f i i a t r a j 1 years practice ray service wednesday and saturday 2 to 5 and 730 to 9k pjn aafa and boon by appolnanant frank petch avcttonkkr at oeoagatown qfltoa oheltstthjun out west in the fastness of the hllls and the open of the plains man is waging a relentless war with the wild horse for supremacy of trie prairie gone are the days when the chas ing of wifd horses was considered a sport second to rone for endurance skdll and strength now that mac hinery the snortlmc automobile and the plodding reaper is usurping the horses power the wild horse as well as his domesticated brethren is to be destroyed by the thousands it is es timated that there are about 1000- 000 of these free ponies roaming the open ranges and mountain retreats of montana oregon idaho nevada new mexico utah and arizona and that 400000 of them are in montana sheep and cattle me neverywhere are pro testing at the wild horses consump tion cf grass grass enough to feed 2000000 sheep and 800000 head ot cattle hence the wholesale slaughter of mans friend the horse the mustang has long been an integ ral part of the romance and hilstory of the old west lending much to its development and color wild horses hsvve been classed as native animals of the state of texas especially its southern portion they were there tie- fare the first white settlers since the mustang is of the same breed su the mexican horse it may be assumed that the mustangs were descendants of the horses brought to mexico by the conquistadores under the leader ship of cortex nearly 400 years ago later juan de onate and coronado took them further north they roved in bands of one to three dozen head under the leadership of a cunning stallion one or two male yearlings or twoyearolds may be in the band but no mature made can enter unless he defeats the leader by right of conquest in what is usually a tight terrible to see the astute ness and aagaclousness of these lead ers were almost human their heri tage of wariness and cautious intelli gence strengthened by stress of gen erations of evading mans traps of tentimes was more than a match for the pursuer running wild horses was fascina ting but dangerous pastime for the cowboys the mustangs were gener ally too swift and clever for the hunters one anthod of catching them was to fence a spring or water hole with camouflaged greenery leav ing the gate open after several days if the animals were not frightened they would enter the enclosure to reach the water then a trapper who had remained hidden so that his scent would not carry would shoot the bars across the opening capturing the whole bandi many times the animals through sheer fright would plunge a- round the corral sometimes killing or maiming themselves before ca toning down another common method of capture because of the bloodtingling sport was to run the band to the open range until they were exhausted a relay of riders was necessary for such purposes mustangs were in the habit or not grazing beyond certain lutalts arrange after v studying the hatntjs of a cer tain band riders would establish themselves at definite points in this huge circle then a rider would ap- proach the band directly from the front the horses taking flight would soon ontdlsranrt the cowboy for there is no mounted horse that can come within rifle shot of them the rider would then follow at a fast but not a killing pace keeping them always on the move coarfboys at different intervals would continue the chase keeping the bandr continu- eorgetoton itienf jbanb winners of first prize in class c at toronto exhibition september 3jrd 1931 good night we say to reading from left tj right the members of the band are as follows top rowjohn shepherd kennetli mcdonald ray thompson wilfred oill walter diggins james clarke thomas eason omar diggins anson thurston roy maglougbjen becon row harold wheeler albert blmson charlie wulson ernest slmson kenneth weston joseph carter reuben eason arthur herbert waldo piggins third row roy king harry hale roy bradley john addy roy norton bandmaster a h perrott harvey king edward balllngall wilfred leslie mark clark cyril brandford not in picturerrussel wheeler winston wheeler harry cook ernest porgraves hugo diggins w pedlar good nlsht sleep well those we love and watch dear faces glimmer on the stair and hear faint footfalls in the rooms abpv sound on the quiet air yel feel no fear though lonely they must go the road of slumber strange ob livion dark always wears to dawn sleep is so gentle and so well we we kmow wherever they have gone they will be safe until the morning lights goodnight goodnight i oood- night vsleep well beloved when the last slow dusk has fallen and your steps no mor make music on the emty upper floor and day is fully past we who so lightly let you go alone evening by evening from our trust- r tut sight into the mystery of sleeps unknown q we need not fear tonight deafh is so gentle dark will break to dawn love will 6e safe until the morning light sleep well goodnight i put this in the paper e meclure a fam baal estate merchandise anu sales mr terms phone 96 r 5 oeorgetown r ontario a k colmah general trucking service general trucking at all times and garbage removed weekly at lowest rates also orders taken for all kinds of stove wood phone 231 oeorge- notice to creditors orthe batata at margaret amelia tost the vauage of tewluiama conty of hsiten spinster please put this your paper this was the message on an envelope which was left at the office it came from a farmer a few miles out of the city and it is good enough to put in any paper i am sitting at the kitchen table tonight writing this my boots are in the oven getting dried out because i have been wading throug nslxinches of water in the hayfleld it has been so wet lately that i have had more time for reading your paper and i am beginning to think a man who works for a living is a fool i see where one company that had a capi tal of 13600 was bought up and a mil lion paid for it the stock on my farm is worth 3500 but i have no chance to make a million out of them so im in the wrong business an other day i mind reading where a man put up 190000 and sold out for a million on saturday i was at the stratford market and managed to oome home with 7 in my pocket and i got the paper too and found out that some ur sweezey had jianded a million to the politicians i used to do a little stumping myself around election times but no person ever gave me a million if they ive have quit or gone on just sjs the man with the million said and last i see where senator is supposed to have made almost two million and all this money centred around some power plant that hasna yet turned a wheel walt till i get my boots out of the oven theyre starting to smoke and not be lng a millionaire i havent got an other pail sometimes us folks in the country are called hayseeds and sodbusters and i guess thats about all we are ill be hanged if i can see how a farmer can make three or four million dolham and do it before he starts to work were slow all right we never get paid for anything un til we deliver the goods perhaps i could organise my farm into a cor poration or syndicate or something like that and seel stock for a million dollars if it stops raining i may try it and just look at this late of lawe si v all persons having claims against the estate of the late margaret amelia tost who died on o rabout nu day ot august 1931 avaieawllliatns aforesaid are requlr- ed jwteamrto the undersigned joseph huaillnoiit executor under the will of the said margaret amelia tost on fcor before the first day of october 1991 can particulars of cbelr elaims amp take notice that after the day- of october 11 the said wwntiwmt will procee to dls- the assets ot the said estate k regard only to the olahns of w be shall then hav bad notice that he will not be liable to any n of whole claim he shall not have received notice for the as- dlsbrbnted or any part there- lously swinging to the huge arc this ould carry on day and night not al- lowvig the mustangs to eat nor to drink the riders themselves would use up to or three horses a day m- it a vs of this unceasing pace the wild hori woum n exhausted that they wens gay victims for the lassos and hobbles they were then thu oorralew and broken for the saddle by bronco busters t but now their usefulness beli an end these animals must make for the more useful sheep and cattle slowly being pushed back farther and farther and fenced off from the best pasturage and water these remnants of proud equine ancestors are slowly starving to death in several states a reward of five dollars a head la of fered to stimulate mass extermina tion these feral horses are now regarded as unfit for commercial purposes tn summer they roam far in seach at the few trickling water holes and in win ter they paw the toe and snow for the scant grass and foliage but for the moat part they roam over coun try which has little grating value in recent years many animals have been converted into marketable pro ductscanned horse flesh which to ex ported to europe and considered there as a table delicacy the hides are utii lined for basehajls and gloves ani- ntals not worth shipping are taken by government trappers to be used as bait for the coyotes and wolves there is something of tragedy in the passing of the wild horse out for them to have fallen to such low es tate as to warrant their destruction as s nuisance and outlaw is tragedy beyond repa science to the rescue tt is not many years since the can- adlan west was considered to be too far north for the profitable produc tion of wheat this opinion was based on the records of early frosts which caught the grain before maturity later attemspts indicated that early sown red fife would ripen in most seasons without loss then came thcj marquis and the rewara wtncir clipfl fled a full week o rmore off the period i ir seeding to harvmtlne and itnol georgetown mber31 this first samuel laxnpel euphemla street wellknown local junk dealer and pol ice court interpreter who has helped many an applicant from russia and the slavic countries of europe to ob tain naturalisation papers was laugh ing heartily over an experience of a fellowcountryman of his who went to get his citlxenshlp papers in the united states this is what happen ed born yes sir where russia why did you leave russia be cause i could not take it with me where were your forefathers born i only had one father your business rotten where is washington he is dead do you promise to support the us a how could i do that with a wife arid three children what state are you in now ter rible if the president and vicepresident dled who would be in charge the undertakers who discovered america colum bus where is he now in ohio where was the declaration of in dependence signed at tlic bottom were you ever convicted of a crime no i always nad a good lawyer do you know why the hand of the statute of liberty is ii inches long yes because if it were 12 it would be a foot wiarton echo producer and consumer fj ttent ihe bogey or fcit has b the plant breeder and power driven pjejnents made pos sible the eitenatov of ujg wheat belt of the peace river wrlct a tittle less than a hdred years ago john stuart mill in ma princi ples of political economy declared that climate shut out scotland from any chance of wheat growing slhoa then 60buahel crops of wheat have been grown in the midlothian and moray frith districts tl was thought possible by kill that by some appli cation of chemistry wheat could be grown in be north a forecast which has been fulfilled taking these in stances it us evident that plant breed- tog mechanics and chemistry can prove wonderful helps to agriculture black forest famed for cuckoo clocks few products of industry have found their way into so many cor ners of the world as the black forest cuckoo clocks according to the tour ist information office of the oerman national railways plain clockmak- ing is of course much older in the black forest about 1730 anton ket- terer of schoenwald is recorded as having for the first time added two tiny bellows to the works of the then wellknown black forest wooden clocks these tiny bellows produced the flutellke cry of the cuckoo while the cuckoo is a specific black foerst product the information office continues clockmaking in that region dates back almost a hundred years more into the time ot the thirty years war thejv i pieces were natuxabtrann wtreniade entirely ot wood stmaterlal so abundantly furnished 21 w forests from which the clock- wker carved out by hand the cog wheels levers hands and dials a stone served as weight and the regula tor was a small wooden horizontal beam equipped with small weights which could be moved to accelerate or retard the works an old house on the roedeck near yaldu bears a memorial tablet wifli the inscription in this house the socalled qlas- hof at waldu the kreutse brothers constructed about 1640 the first black forest clock the skill and inventive spirit of the black forest clockmakeiv soon made it possible to increase their pro duction by simplifying and mechanis ing the methods of manufacture an important step in this deireloomeirt was the invention shortly before the beginning of the eighteenth ntury at the last meeting of the county council a lengthy discussion took place in regard to the cots of living and it was the unanimous wish of the coun cil that a resolution be sent to the government agitating for legislature to regulate the spread of prices be tween the producer and consumer mr vanscrlver with easy eloquence strongly championed the cause of both producer and consumer and asked the pertinent question the government has voted 10000000 for relief work who is going to pay it is it to be taken from the top six inches of the sou he further contended that when we as a nation wake up to the way in which we have been deceived and hoodwinked by the capitalists there is going to be trouble and very serious trouble unless measures be quickly taken to alleviate the distress ing agricultural and industrial con ditions in canada today profiteer ing is the most deadly enemy to the welfare of any nation and if the gov ernment could be made to realize the imminent danger of this profiteering system he was sure immediate steps would be taken to put every kind of business on a proper working basis mr buck mr vanscrlver has given us his views tn no uncertain manner but i being a farmer myself am naturally more interested in the situ ation from the viewpoint of the far mer and let me tell you gentlemen that conditions have come to such a pass that the farmers cannot possibly go on year after year selling produce at less than production costs hogs on the market today are worth 575 and you all know the price you pay for your pork and bacon from the store in another part of the province i heard on good authority that the farmers had got together and agreed as a body to positively refuse to pay their taxes until they could obtain a better price for their produce the interest the council is taking in this matter should i think be known to the public and i certainly hope that it will be given every prominence by the press tt is a mighty serious pro position gentlemen when the pro ducers of the country are forced to quit farms and equipment for non payment of taxes when the least you general news the theft of 55 choice birds from his chicken houses is reported by jacob colling lowrule and provincial con stable cook is investlgatmg all coun ty police have been notlned found guilty of having liquor illegal ly cecil early campbellvule was fin ed 100 and costs with the alternative of spending three months in jail traffic officer j mitchell made the arrest jack lee tbrontoi chinese and his white wife were admitted to ball at orangevuie on monday each pasting securities to the value of 5 000 each they are charged with assisting in the theft of a number of chickens recently and will be tried at the fall assises orangevuie canadas estimated population at the end of 1930 was 9922000 ac cording to a return issued by the do minion bureau of statistics when the compilation of the decennial cen sus is completed the population of the dominion may be seen to be over the 10000000 mark announcement of the prise winners in the wcto provincial essay and poster contest for 193u and 1931 has been made by mrs w e mulhouand provincial superintendent of t scien tific temperance instruction among the winners was miss laurene oal- bralth of milton who was awarded a special prize in the university con test the mayor and other members of the council of the town of orulia are seriously considering the advisabulty of separating from the county mrs maria pickering brampton and formerly of ghurehvtlle celebrat ed her 83rd birthday on tuesday and left yesterday to visit her son bert at sault st muriel rev c a simpson superannuated minister of the methodist church celebrated hds ninetieth birthday on saturday last rev mr simpson has been a resident of streetsviue since he retired- from the ministry in 1903 word has ben received of the death at verdun near montreal of mrs dr jas appelbe formerly of oak- vllle and a daughter of the late chas culham who lived years ago on the sixth line farm now owned hv furoess cnle oakyilldjr total b announced as notes of sotknob latest discovkbds8 hardly a week goes by without the discovery of a new use for the photo electric eye one of the latest devices is a robot railroad mail sorter it does not sort the individual letters but guides the sacks filled with mall for one city from the postofbce to the requisite loading platform in front of the proper railroad oar the are placed in a container which tra vels on an automatic conveyer of overhead monorail type the miners are made up into trained about fifty pulled along by a ant motordriven carrier at about five miles an hour aa each sack reaches its destination in front of the ear a beam of light actuates a poho-elec- a beam of light actuates a photo-else- relay to release the mall sackthrough the means of a solenoid mechanism this ingenious mechanism is set beforehand by an inspector photographing under water a new method of photographing un der water is described tn a patent re cently granted in washington the device is in the shape of a long cham ber slung at an angle from the side of a stup its lower end being faced with glass its upper end open the chamber is large enough for one or two operators and a camera part of the chamber will be immersed in water while the photographs are being tak en and thus the operator will be able to take pictures in any direction of coral rocks marine vegetation ftsn life etc less expensively than by any other submarine method a system ot compensating weights allows for the absence or presence of the operator keeping the chamber under the water at an even depth mst sthorough investigation of the urrecedentecvsad in prices be tween producer and consumer and that a copy of thls resolution be sent to every county council in the pro vince and a copy be given to every member of the provincial and federal governments milton reformer fenian veteran 88 birthday observes poauuviul at ontma executor out of depression comes necessity out of rieotasity emerges invatton out of invention grow now methods of wok out of work will come renewed prosperity j why should i marry said a con- flrmed old xnaid i dont need a hus band i have a dog a parrot and a cat but that has nothing to do wkh it oh yes it has the dog growls all day the parrot swears the whole time and the cat spends every night out thats enough for me a bride so the story goes sent a dollar to nerw york recently for a copy of a book advertised as what every young married woman ought to know stoe received a oook book by matthias loftier of outonbach ot a device tor producing cogwheels in a semlmechanlcal manner at about the same tune wood was abandoned as a material in favor of brass which made possible both an increased pro duction and more precise clocks the toy on handwork and in mak ing toys which is toborn tn the in habitants cot the black forest has since the invention of the cuckoo clock resulted in a great variety of ingenious mechanical clocks which i also helped to spread the products of i this industry all over the world might expect is that they should be l- tz enabled t omake a comfortrtlsjj i narrled and 64 single men lng sana resoiu- cottage owners at oaledon lake n qovernmenu rg- just south of orangevuie have been successful in negotiating for hydro power and it will oe available to the residents in a few wee- east texas crude ou other day for about price of first class ixmgview texas 10 to 15 cents a tains 42 gallons of drinking water each supplemented by from the caledon 200 has been raised through dona ttons to provide cteledon vfllage with street lightning bwtog armstrong orangevuie suf fered severe lacerations when his truck swerved into the ditch while on his way to toronto with a load of poultry mervtn smith the r escaped uninjured the truck badly smashed the jteatb of edward rankin oc curred friday at his late home third line west chlnguacousy after a lengthy illness mr rankin was born to ireland fortynine years ago com ing to canada live years ago he is survived by bis wife one daughter margaret major grant nas lived in oeorgetown tor 70 years major lachlan orant one of the few remaining veterans of the fenian raid celebrated his 86th birthday on friday last at the home of his grand daughter mrs j a early oeorge town- major orant enjoys excellent health considering- his advanced years but today is conned to bis bed with a slight cold he is one of the oldest residents of oeorgetown and can recall ntany interesting chapters in trie history of the town and district where he has resided for over seventy years major orant has served his town to nearly selling the urth the water at brought from barrel con- gauon bottles for 50 cents grant of 100 townahkp council ot driver was cleanap time with harvesting and threshing fta tailed tt is not too early to start prep aration for the winter if the stable is not given its annual cleanup now it may be neglected altogether the minimum attention should sweeping the ceilings always odd jobs that should be attended to before the cows are stab led for the winter the panes that have been broken from the windows should be replaced the broken latch the detached hinge and broken floor should be looked after whue these are small things their neglect for a year or two makes a slipshod stable anrf this is the mark of dairyman notels and comments in spite of dark shadows at graft moodiness that continually business horizon every now there arises a bright spot ore faith in the humanity aoidhlgh ethics of the majority of those who constitute the business world the outstanding current evid ence of this is the story of jotin o jenkins of long island who a few weeks ago after nearly a quarter of a century of struggle handed over a cheque for 406000 in anal payment of 1200000 lost by the depositors in a chain of banks controlled by his father now deceased the crash in 1907 caused the rather to die of heart failure and the son immediately set about the task of restoring to deposi tors every penny of the monies en trusted to his fathers banks the 406000 cheque is die final payment after a 34year struggle canada too as many examples of such high and devoted loyalty in business and many of her i leading citizens today have made similar sacrifices to clear thelr name and prove worthy of the con fidence of those with whose money they were entrusted financial poet in i have often observed course ot nay experience of life that every man even the worst has something good about htm though very often nothing else than a happy temperament of constitution inclining hum to this or that virtue for this reason no man can say to what degree any other person besides himself can be with strict justice called wicked let any one of the strictest character for regularity of conduct amrjogst us examine impar tially ho wxnany vices he has never been guilty of not from any care of vigilance but for want of opportuni ty or some accidental circumstance intervening how many of the weak nesses of masktnd ne has escaped its- cause be was out of the line ot such temptation and whaoflcn tf not always weighs more tuayqau the ibuw much be is liibjflgbjt to the worlds good optolonj world does not know man who can thus toe fallings nay crimes of rrpajf a brothers eye robert who has not felt ihe magnetic power of a great personality when you stand in the presence ot a- truly great and noble man all the oner in stincts of your nature are appealed to you realise what a great being a truly noble man is he inspires you as fine music thrills jand awakens the soul within to the purest emotion and as pirations you are lifted up into a clearer atmosphere tar above the de pressing every day conociouiness of moral weakness which like a fog ob scures a viston of things noble and true beautiful and inspiring you are versed to high endeavor because if you have keen perception you realise that t inspiring personality al though aouncieas possessing great in- the careless xlianksolvtno dat monday october mul offacial announcement ot date is made at ottawa herent gifts cf tnteuect and eeotus might have injured those gifts either by neglecting to cultivate and develop them to their utmost capacity r he might have put them to ignoble use he chose the nobler path of high e deavor of selfecmlaj and consecra tion of his talents to the service of ood and his feltow men bb is therefore a call find an to you irrtnri charter- tss9zaaa may come under to time tt is a great relief know that tn recent years they ap pear to be able to weather toe storms of the times and preserve inviolate the cash of their depositors not so happy is the condition across the line where to add to the distress already caused by unemployment are hundreds of bank failures that have taken place whereby thousands of people have been robbed of their r and rendered penniless at toledo ohio the four largest banks to the dty closed within a week pausing another panic eleven other savings assoda- tions operating unoer the buhsidg and loan laws of ohio have also decided to cease to pay out withdrawals and frenzy reigns throughout the city canadian banks along border towns are said to be receiving deposits american money almost faster tt they can handle them this speaks well for canadas hanking system and it is hoped that those americ de positors will not find their coofiednce misplaced so far to this country there has not been a single bank in difficulty every office in the gift of the citizens he has been a member of both the high and public school boards and for many years was council member of the worst ore menace hi this coun try the fellow who is always firing off his mouth some people notice thanksgiving day will be celebrated this year on monday october 12 of ficial announcement of the passing of an oxderln council to this effect was made las friday the necessary pro clamation will be issued shortly fixing of a date by order-to-coun- cd for the observance of thanksgiv ing day separate from armistice day or what is now known as remem brance day under a bill passed at the last session of parllajnent is a de parture from the former practice while remembrance day wul be com memorated each year on november 11 the separate- date for observance of ttuuiksgiring day will be fixed each yer by ordertfioouncu it now costs more to amuse a child forms of the high school than it once did to educate his father will be prouaoted on marks procured when a man wantshls handkerchief at regular marnmatinrm during the he reaches around and yanks it out of his pocket when a girl wants hers m pas8 on school terms work for some years in cities entrance to high school candidates have been given a pass on their years work in juie entrance class when the ar procured a certain standin need not write at nrrmlnntifln now the department of education for ontario kas decided to extend that system to the tower and middle standing be she arises shakes herself it oft the floor and picks always keenly interested to the the days are getting mutttothe has been whb the jlwtor jtrs rifles since a young mah majcf 1filjgzi honest man a debt orant u a prehan oututed rpardieto of what wdajor he has ope son chicago tj1 john major itonger ouiers iuim mra w a ijiberalllng shorter to an honest man a debt household help we clean your dirty residing to is never outlawed regardless of what kids for a quarter ad in the ekutra the law maybe n y year this course win cut down the work and cost of conducting high school etarntnatlrma and the result ahould be equally satisfactory frsmhto ttons are bald tocne to pluck out the poor ones than to pass the bright dslgent students r v- sguh -ifi- av-

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