i ills- sixtysixth year of publication the georgetown herald wednesday evening september 23rd 1931 150 per annum in advance- 2j0o to usa the georgetown herald j m moore psahsim and proprietor ouudkn w akly newspaper c n r time table standard time oatag best passenger 643 i passenger and mall 1010 i passenger 2j9 pjn passenger and mall 630 pin passenger slops or passengers going bast and toronto 944 pjn sundays going bast passenger passenger passenger and mall west passenger and mall passenger passenger sunday passenger sunday xas pjn s42 pm 7j am am a08 pjn 830 pjn 1009 pjn 1005 sun 1008 pjn gates north goto south mall and passenger 030 pjn arr o w bus iiickeased service eastern standard time leave georgetown dally eastbound 730 am 955 am 1155 ajn 155 pjn 540 pm 8j0 pjn 955 pjn leave oeorgetown daily westbound 850 ajil lojio ajn 12j50 noon 3i pm 50 pjn 8jv pjnjc 1050 pjn reduced fares to holders of season tickets tickets and information at longs directory lb boy dale bail mat and seliettor georgetown ontario oases king bids mil st l wiggins sattctter notary iwaue osboss onain block oaorgaiown telephone 1m john a thompson notary peuki uul bu phone 332 and at wbahasa an bowhb k o oraham brampton ontario o h u lanodon r sohettar notary pamki flat mortgage money to loan south b watson bjas- bulb marian priest ljpa djdj3 i to stbxoapt thursday w l to lane block ons door north olfstira carriage- to mi lamb pbactioal matbbnitx ndb8k by day or week for ps poena sara oe b b jt simple things ask loveliest the simple things of earth are love liest a are on the hearth the lamplights glow the hour when the heart finds peace and rest a mothers lullaby crooned soft and low the wayside blossom tiny woodland stream that sings a happy lilting roundelay soft billowy clouds that drift as hi a dream trie hush of dawn the suns last flam ing ray the friendly trees that give of fruit and shade the tendrils of thegrapeuke cling ing hands o there are scenes more- gorgeously arrayed but these the heart has known and understands frail has reached the pinnacle of power has conquered land and sky and oceans crest and yet when comes the hearts deep prayerful hour he knows the simple things are loveli est margaret e brufcer successful fair at acton oxteam days of yore there was a good exhibit and good attendance at acton pair held on wednesday of last week mr and mrs thomas bwackham- mer married in 1877 won the prise for the longest married couple on the grounds while mr and mrs john orate acton took the prise for the largest family in the horseshoe pitching- contest h and j hall of hlusburg carried off silver medals the oldtime fiddlers contest was won by charles dyer 62 of hlllsbarg d tarsweu arkell and h mocormkk hulsburg were second and third re spectively the hanana eating con test provided a lot of fun when ross mccubcheon devoured two and whistled in record time harness race results 216 class- jean qanot marion harvester little prince baron orafton 224 gertie dell basel peter mack oano reo patch draught horses j b leslie neal mcklnnon agricultural w b reld w h allen general purpose j clarice w a mccubcheon heavy horses in harness james duncan neal mcklnnon span general purpose w p laldlaw a a mcdonald light express horse in harness w p laldlaw w o brownrldge best heavy horse w p laldlaw best groomed colt m given light horses carriage j l crarke m given ro bert kerr roadsters w h rut- ledge w h allen single roadster in harness j l clarke w h ruttedge single carriage horse in harness fred wrlgglesworth n f lindsay span of roadsters w h butledge w h allen saddle horse a mckalg a holdings single carriage horse- mark given robert kerr span of high steppers fred wriggfcnvorth robert kerr single roadster pacer j l carke pony mrs wllbert wheeler single high stepping horse robert kerr n p lindsay single turnout fred wrlgglesworth w h rutledge lady driver mrs wc bessey mrs robert kerr pair of saddle horses j b devereaux oolt suitable for hunter w b reld w- w matheson best lady rider miss m fleck best and fastest road horse j l clarke james mclean high jump w 8 holding a mckay po tato race a mckay j b devereaux j lytle poultry w h mclaren d f mc laren w j alexander w h allen mrs j b adamson specials pen of bred to lay pullets mrs j b adam- chiropractic xray service r vvsjummsbbv shd flktuviuey a to 5 and 730 to mqpm days ajea boon sty anpointmsnt firtaikp auctioneer tin c e mcclure auctioneer real estate merchandise an farm sales for terms phone mr t aeorgetown ontario mm si kobhoveuino bbqtj1bbd standard anthracite scranton xoal r invajl sixes autonaatically screened and loaded select lamp tor thre p int sad oannel ooml in fact loanyayetyainig wbe found in any nptodate ooal and woo5xi john mcdonald fhonb 1 gtoboktown a r i pet stock pair pigeons s rldler pair rabbits w j alexander howard webster any other pet margaret me- donald mrs r m brown swine yorkshires a j murray k a snow berkshires w o brown- ridge other breeds a n stark wm b reld w j alexander special for best boar and sow most suitable u produce bacon type j f robertson ritchie and agar special for best pair of bacon hogs j f robertson sheep long woohed sheep j r little james parkinson lskestera q t wilson and son w m sutton special for nock of long woolled sheep james parkinson j y horrish oxford downs john b turner j 0 vnrniftg dorset horns j f robertson w b rekt any other down sheep j b maltlsnfl r a mc- enery best flock one woolled sheep j o cunningham r a mcenery sp pair fine woolled lambs r a mebnery three marketable wether lambs james parkinson j r little dairy cattle holstein percy lesue p c wriggleoworui mrs marlon mc- jerseys a j murray mrs marlon mcdonald grades dairy type w b barber mcoubough bros spec ials pet herd of jersey cattle w j alexander mccuiluugh bros best dairy cow an ytype percys leslie w j alexander beef cattle shorthorns j t nor- rish brace fletcher best herd w o oerrie j m gardnouse 4c sons best pen of calves w g oerrie j m oamhouse sons aberdeen angus arnold mcklnnon davis bros grades beef type cecil mccann b a mc klnnon ouson special bast herd shorthorn cattle w o oerrie j m oardhoose it sons d d wakhe special b in these days of speedy transporta tion by land and sea and air which is tersely and graphically expressed by the term mad rush it is men tally soothing- to look back to the days of boyhood and jve pass before memorys eye some faoullar sights of transportation of that period parti cularly those burnished by oxteans i lived in connecticut when a small youngster my home for three years was on a goodlyslsed farm two miles back from the oirmecttteut river my father had one pair of oxen or yoke or oxen as they wer com monly called and so i learned much of the ways of these strong faithful and kindly anlmalw at dose range but there were many oxen- owned by farmers throughout the town and i also used to get a lot of enjoyment from iqoidngljiyejt the many different ones and observing how they acted o particular interest to mejyas the watching of four five and six or more pairs of these cfcttle in one team oftentimes pass fai my home with big loads of railroad ties and cordwood brought from the hills suq farther back from tne river and be ing conveyed to the wharf there to be shipped- on sailing vessels to mew yorfc or other ports slower steadily patiently the oxen would trudge along hauling their loads and then several hours later i would see them returning haulll only the empty wagon save for a few bags of feed perniirjb a bo of grocer ies or other supplies the passing of a team was an event for there was but little travel on that road from this farm my family moved nearer to the river and though i was considerably older the oxteam never failed to attract my attention as they passed to snd fro the men who ussd to haul the timber from far back in the woodswere always kind to the oxen always putting on a sufficient number of pairs to draw the big loads with ease allowing them to stop and rest at intervals feeding them well and otherwise looking after them in a truly humane way on the ferry road at a dltranrr ot about halfmile from the wharf small neverfailing springfed brook flowed down from a hflmrtn and un der a bridge across the road m the hottest days the water was always de lightfully cool there was a driveway at the upper side of the bridge where a large tub was always kept oiled with water from a trough it was the favorite place in town for the water- las of iai here on many hot day i have seen an oxteam driven along and brought to a stop to par take of the demdous water in the case tf the big strings of oxen it was necessary to separate one pur at a time from the others in order that they might drink in comfort yes it was a pleasing sight to see these big oxen with their widespread ins and beautifully formed horns plodding along the country roads or to see them at rest during the noon day period in the inviting shade of i tree peacefully and contentedly chewing their cuds or else grasintt along the roadside the ox is the embodiment of kind ness and patience slow and deliberate in movement but nn great strength he does not well fit into the modern program of great speed and accordingly his numbers are- be coming less m fact in some rural sections bis presence would be a real curiosity children would look upon htm in practically the same way that they would look upon the elephant at the circus 1o those of us who know him so well know bis kindness bis patience his faithful services to man it is with a feeling little less than of sadness that we view his diminishing numbers to make way for the de mands of the age of speed somehow there is something about the lowing of an ox that seems to fit in with the setting of the countryside rather bet ter than the honking- of the horn of the motor truck but the note of the former does not signify speed eating to live edal best baby beef oeorae mack ina- the rmmber of scots who a mcklnnon oaeuo fell from wjuqq to mj a taylor wins realtors tbofht toronto realtors visited oeorgetown in force on tuesday of last week as guests of j a wutoughby when the thornton purkls aim the tall golf trophy was won by o a taylor of the chartered trust snd kxchange oo with a net score of 71 for the two circuits of mr wlboughbys ninehole golf course though rain threatened- early in the afternoon the contest had closed before the first drops feu and the visitors then spent a pleasant evening as guests of mr and mrs wuloughby who also provided a program of music addresses during the evening were de livered by the president of the boara ja b w tt boatey and j a wuloughby little lucie auntie why do you put powder on your faoef auntie rb make me pretty dear lucie then why doesnt it father tom kept the car out rattier late last night son what de layed youf son bid blowout dad father buhl tire or roadnoustr scotland ijoaing qaekc ontario descendants of the high landers who settled in this province should bod cause for regret in the accompanying arttote this is tsjten from the ottawa journal apd reads the british census just cbmntefed has produced a jot of news sftyut soot and first we were told that the boots were drinking ian scotch then that scotlands populapnn ants fje- cunlag and hoar worst mow oif all that scotland is losing its language qaello lo other words is dying out of mare than 4jwj0900 persons in to scotland at the present time only 1so000 apeak gaelic and only lm of these speak gaelic alone fiirgr years ago there were 3100qo scots who spoke oaauc ana nearly a fifth of these n no other tongue the gaelicmaking group then eonsttfinv el moretban as per cent of ti whole population today it is tin than three per cen only in te bjgands doss oaells survive mwe than half of the in habitants of ross and orcmary tsm- nfths of all person in sutherland tovernass and a third of those argyle atil speak the language the counties of rosa an4 flan and inverness are eonceqfrated til but 00 of the tw bjsota who speak oaalio only between ib and i the fouowing article taken from oanadalnk will be interesting to many of our readers all through the ages from the prim ordial days when the hirsute cave man devoured his hors doeuvres on the hoof down to the modern manycours ed lucullan feast the world appears to have been pretty well jdtvlded be tween those who are living to eat and those who are eating to live old man stomach has ever been the determining factor tn the scheme of human existence prince and pauper saint and sinner lord and laborer have all had to kotow at times to its imperious decree feed us- not into temptation has become a modern interpretation of the ageold com mandment it seems to be one of lifes queer a that so- many people should have- p be under dietetic restraint and medical supervision from overindul gence in food while there are teem- lng millions woo- tad it a daily job to keen one jump ahead of starvation a more even division of the worlds loaves and fishes would brighten things up considerably a while back i was moved to write about an experience in a hospital whencvi was- kept in solitary durance for some time under the scrutiny of a qualified medical engineer and coupleof trained nurses the outcome ot this incarceration resulted in a banishment to the simple life and my whole attention for the past year has been centred an the problem of eating to live ive had to revamp my entire ration budget and install a new diet system no more midnight suppers no more biscuits and gangrened cheese no more deluges of not tea or coffee af ter an evening of bridge no more tenpenny burton or old vatted cream oh whats the use naming all the no mores the daily menu is dumb near all dont what a lot of joy has been taken out of living however it must be endured and so a pat1entthough muchabused stom ach has finally settled down to a well deserved rest i am now eating sen sibly soundly and simply and to my great surprise plentifully for con trary to some peoples mistaken ideas a simple diet does not necessarily mean a starvation one although at one stage of the game i was ready to believe that it did i am gradually becoming accustomed to this bay-and- straw regime revolutionary though it seemed at first the oldtime blub berbuilding viands have been ban ished and a new brand of provender mtroduoeu this new diet was evid ently intended for ruminants and other herbivorous creatures it is largely composed of green silage con talrdng weeds hay corn stalks and other farm produce burdocks plan tains dandelions mulleins thistles and other weedy ishmaels have also been pressed into use as material tor some strange and startling dishes the garden at our summer house has not been as free from weeds for years even the despised grass clippings from the front lawn are carefully salvaged as though possessing some food value rhubarb and cabbage leaves melon rinds carrot and onion tops potato peelings tea leaves and other kitchen debris instead of being dumped on the compost heap are now carefully sort ed over in the expectation of finding enough edible material for a tasty luncheon dish i have an intimate acquaintance with over fiftyseven varieties of raw and cooked salads nearly all of them either taste like saddle soap or har ness oil or are sprinkled with finely ground tan bark i am a convert to dehydrated fodder the naked and wrinkled prune has come into dietary prominence and the leathery dried apple become an epicurean delight i have been introduced to many weird dishes made from bud seed bran and shorts excelsior leather clippings cement rootling material old rope etc so far they have not fed me with dead leaves this is surprising as these are too plentiful in the fall season to entirely escape attention if i have to try many more experi mental dishes ril likely have to buy an interest in a gravel pit to be sure of a steady supply of sand and gravel for digestive maternal when i first went under treatment i was well padded with suet and was almost corpulent enough to fib a public position under this granuiat- ted cork and oornoob djet ive lower ed the gross tonnage melted off con siderable leaf hud and have high hopes of regaining my guilsfa flgura dm slowly acquiring a skeletonlike superstructure i also have what old bill bbakespeare of stratford once called a lean and hungry ook ru took like after another year of sacrificial servitude is hard to deter mine oh well i may not he able to sit up against a doormat steak with a bushel of french hied any more but rve stm got my memories so whats the adds prize winners at esquesing fair scotlands population barely s the excess of births over deaths wis a little more than oflhjt by the net loss of population caused byemigiatlon between mil and tn when scotlands poputatioa was grow- j rhoboke the nea tenyear psrm theslna 3 past forfy yaara has been loo i slant to snooursge a benef hat oaohne is to be intorrunted or stoi in the future gaelic stul stands fights ip the hiahunrls but erentn that stronghold the garrison is slow ly bains reduced it is so in ireland there la acme of the glens and along the wild coaits of galway men and women sull apeak the old irish tongue but deaptte everything- that can be done by top free state to save the language top number of those who us it steadily decline its great enemy the tblnsj that kals it la thak gaelic whether in its irish or its scottish form lacks the source of hinvneds of words that are a part of a twimlnology of ntoderb trade and finance and thus while men may allng to and may love the beauty and tradi tions of a grea languaae they successfully fight against hard realities aammst the natxadty of earning their daily bread that and that atone ts the story at the decliao of oeellc fib8t grain 8htppbo from patirohili bukvator wlnntoes man sept 18thwheat originating along he lines of the tlon of forming the first shipment of grain to go through cfhurchlll and the hudson bay western panadas outlet to the jea to the oanarlian wheat pool goes h honour of shipp ing one grain twelve oars of which are the buoj bay ewninal the ifalahoe of tne odd 400 cars will be dispatched tat tune to load two large trelanteri whfch wsl carry the test shjtpmento fjcwn the northern port this month the ftrfct boat onrnmenred loading at ohurcbdjl on september lth the ootervvnll loaq on september th both steamers arereported classified 100 al at lloyds they are equipped with radio direction finders and have previously carried wheat for the o wheat pool from vancou ver the three best grades of canadian wheat wal be included lpvthe ship- gat which aggregates maq0o bus hels but the specific quantities of no 1 hard no j northern- and no northern an not divulged the de stination of the grain has not been madge 1 hope everyone will i my new hat farlorte then youd better sstaw f t axrt sto unav- at ohurchlli an la in readineee for the golden harjafat from the west the elevator- ij ifor the final touches is rlffrflri machinery la com pletely installed th buge struc ture is now fa obw the dock is nearfy oocnpletau while dreesttns the two ships ikfct win arrive this 0 to nsaring ran rates merit of the gram qhn en batrnd the tune fortwlulam of vanooi froml l ship- crows nest rates to one mfie- pouowing is the ust of prize win ners at esqueslng fair held at oeorse town on friday and saturday last heavy draft a yr old gelding or ally n little 3 yr old gelding or oily lawdellbros pr of horses a an derson sweepstakes n little agricultural horses brood mare w b reld w h allan colt 1931 w b reld w h allan 1 yr old lwdell bros 2 yr old isaac mccready r a mcklnnon 3 yr old isaac mc cready team lwdeu bros t j brownrldge sweepstakes b mpkhij nop general purpose- brood mare j u- clark a a mcdonald colt 1931 j l clark a a mcdonald 1 yr o k brownrldge t brownrldge w h allan 3 yr old w b reld e brown- ridge a a mcdonald 3 yr old t brownrldge j l clark hgowtaod oeam w p laldlaw el brownrhge sweepstakes w p laldlaw carriage horses broo nrjare j l clark r kerr if olven oolt 1931 w o moffat k- kerr m given i yr old- m given r kerr j jackson 3 yr old m aires single horse v f lindsay team r kerr c bunt roadster horses brood mare adjmi reul j e turner jeolt 1913 reld moffat turner 1 yr old held j b devereaux syr old allan7a jardt- son 3 yr old j l clark single horse j l clark s h lindsay team w h allan saddle horse geo morden son m given mrs s r mason specials single highstepper b single turnout j l clark 8 h lind say farmers turnout n f undsay c burt lady driver mrs wc bes sey w stein sons delivery horse w p laldlaw b brownrldge road horse j l clark gentleman driver m given general purpose horse w p laldlaw agricultural horse b a m i mccready plate race jb devereaux clark bros herd of horses j l clark m given team lausdell bros t j brownrldg cattle shorthorn cow w o oerrie geo c burt bull calf burt oerrie 3 yr old heifer oerrie 1 yr old heifer genie heifer calf burt ban over 1 yrbwtjas barnes herd oerrie burt sweepstakes w o genie jerseys cow p h boulter w j alexander l g filla 2 yr old heifer ella r j graham boulter 1 yr old heifer ella oraham boulter heifer calf ella alexander bull over 1 yr ella alexander oraham bull calf bua alexander herd eola alex ander oraham sweepstakes ella holstein cow p leslie t q dol- son w j fraser 2 yr old heifer dolson leslie ftaaer 1 yr old heifer dotson leslie fraser heller cajf leshe h dolson bull over 1 yr leslie bull calf t o dolson leahe j m fraser herd leslie dolson j m praser sweepstakes h dolson ayrshire oow y7 b lausdell j i clark w stein it sons 2 yr old heifer clark stein sc sons 1 yr old heifer lausdell clark stein son heifer lausdell stein bull over 1 yr lausdell stein dc son j l clark bull calf stein son clark herd lausdell chirk stein son sweepstakes lausdell specials jersey cow alexander ella shorthorn cow oerrie burt holstein heifer leslie h dolsan can dr pauls special l o eda ayrshire oow lausdell clark eaton special f h boulter baby beef burt hartley cameron holstein oow lea- he dolson sheep lelcesters ram v m suuo geo t wilson son shearling ram wilson j norrlah ram lamb wuaon sutton ewe sutton norrista shear ling ewe norriish sutton ewe buns norrish wilson sweepstakes sutton any othe rdown ram a mc enery j f robertson ram tamb robertson mdenery owe mcenery robertson shearling ewe mcenery robertson ewe lamb mcenery ro bertson eweepstakes mcenery gotswold barn john oaraftouae root beattle wti ram gard nouse puller bros rain uimb sard house beattle ewe gardhouas beat- tie shearling erwe oardnouse beat tie ewe lamb oardhouse beattle sweepstakes gardbouse oxford down ram j r turnar shearjtng ram j q qt a n 8tark ram lamb h peaooof ehi awe ql stark alearllna ewe q turnar awe bunh peacock ounrdms- ham sweepstakea cunningham shropshire ram t w baxter a n stark shearling ram baxter ran lamb baxter awe baxter hftlwnr ewe baxter ewe iamb baxter pe- cock sweepstakes baxter bsmnahtre rwnnarn a wil son shearlin ram a b wuson ran lamb a 8 wuspnj ewe a s wuaood shearuiw ewe wlson ewe lamb a swoson specialspen of fine wool sheep a 8 wilson a mcenery pen ty lonf wool sheep j oardhouse sutton pair of ewe laintokjrdfaery ounnlnfr nam fmit snows h l hutt trof maclaren kings maclaren r c breckon blen heim plppens breckon maclaren northern spy breckon wilson bald win breokoh cunningham r l preening breckon wilson russeet barnes cunningham mcintosh red hutt breckon crabs breckon fend- ley pears bartlett fendiey barnes pears flemish beauty breckon wil son pears other variety breckon hutt plums lombard breckon plums other variety fendiey breck on grapes blue breckon hunter grapes white fendiey breckon grapes red breckon fendleyi col of appples domestic mrs h lyons f wilson specials bus n spy mrs h lyons hamper of n spy b wilson floral kxhlbiu asraniuma mrs w mcdonald ooleus miss l edwards mrs mc donald ferus breckon mrs a m- bfsra berkawraboar wa brownndge boar tl brorwnrldge fullsr bros sow brownrldge rsuler broa sow 1931 brownrldge mokmnon sweep stakes brownrldge yorkshire boar e a snow j f robertson boar- 1931 robertson snow sow stark robertson sow 1931 robertson mcklnnon sweep stakes robertson tamswertabbr a n stark w wis rfld a h- starlj swescv baoon hog ro liart special pen of bertson and snow grain winter wheat wk h h hunter b wuson spring wheat f r fendiey wusou peas small j ounnlngharn r hunter oats t j brownridjre f r fendiey barley e wilson cunningham 4 varieties grain f iv fendiey h bus alatke f wlbwm h bua alfalfa t j bbrsrrulge boo n yayetojilai bus of potatoes w huddell w i watson co of rxjtatoes fendiey w f thoinnaon haiti carrots lausdell bro geo leslie supplng turnips r h hunter b wilson r feeding tur nlns j o cusinlngham inangali ounndngham brownrldge pompkliv ounnlngham wllsopi eitroni fend iey o brownrtdaei watennaloru wilson hunter aroaah field hunter rutti squash hubbard huu penti- laycarrot shorthorn fendiey w f omnaoni beet turnip tnoropjcm wataon beet long fendiey hunter parsnip tinxnnaon wuson cabbag wt fendiey brandford cabbage red hunter ounnlngharn celery fendlay brandford cauliflower fendiey onions red fendiey hunter onions other variety brandford fendlay to matoes hunter rtesswood apeolkavr- m doa onions fendiey 1 blu onioas a l watson nellson ferus other varldty breckon neilson geraniums sweet apented mcdonald plaint in woomo l wat son nellson house plkntt neilaon hanging basket nelbpn duest mil ler breckon w r watson rare plant mcdonald cat flowers asters 10 bloomsmrs a e dodd rc breckon asters 4 cdlorsw-breck- on dodd cosmos mrs h cleave mcdonald coltngela breckon w r watson dallllai dodd mrs drrpatu i dot of c dallna dodd gladioli mrs nellson verbenabreckon r j oraham mignonette mcdonald breckon rnarlgoldsdodd breckon paneies breckon mcdonald roses breckon neilson stocks mcdonald sweet peas mcdnnaw pendjey pe tunias dodd mrs paul trniins- dodd breckon salvia breckon mc donald col of perennials nellson mcdonald col of annuals mcdon ald hand coquet fendiey dodd table basket dodd fendiey table bouquet breckon dodd living room bouquet dodd mcdonald specials display of cut flowers mrs l e fleck 2 spikes of gladioli mrs dr paul ool of gladioli mrs nellson mrs paul dairy 5 lbs of fresh butter mrs c peatherstone mrs o h swttaer mrs j bird 5 lbs dairy butter mrs bud mrs featherstone mrs swltoer 0 lbs dairy butter mrs bird specials warrens special mrs w a thomp son moores special mrs bird wf smiths special mrs w a thomp son jjomcsuo science tarts mra r tripp miss b wheel er apple pie mrs tripp mrs bird fruit pie mrs tripp mrs hyde cus tard pie miss wheeler mrs tripp pumpkin pie miss wheeler mrs hyde layer cake dark mrs h cleave mrs hyde layer cake light miss wheeler t j brownrldge exhibit of baking mrs tripp mrs switser miss wheeler canned vegetables mrs switser mrs nellson canned fruit mrs switser mrs nellson pickles sweet switser nellson pickles sour brownrldge switser marmalade miss edw raspberry vinegar mrs sherwood mrs dodd specials pr dressed chicken by erwln a goldham mrs hyde palr dressed chicken by r h thompson t j brownrldge pair dressed chick en by isaac bennett r j oraham pair dressed chicken by w h long t j brownrldge homemade bread by a b wright mrs john bard ool baking by h o moorure mrs h cleave ool of canned fnnt by r- marcbment mrs o h switser col of fancy baking mrs tripp 10 lb of honey fendiey ool of pastry mrs hyde m doa buns mrs hyde tt dos eggs o l watson ladles work open to county of halton only mitts fine wool mrs j gibbons mrs r c nixon socks fine wool nixon t j brownrldge socks coarse wool nixon brownrldge rug braided mrs i sanford mrs mcdonald rug crochet mrs featherston mrs w r watson rug hooked mcdonald mrs sherwood rug wool yarn miss p wallace sweater coat nixon mrs j b a damson house dress mrs san ford miss hazel marshall centrepiece whit emb mabel sparling mrs w r watson pr pillow slips int and emb mrs paul mrs watson pr pillow sups any other mrs gibbons mrs b j robson bedroom towels emb and int miss wallace mrs wat son guests towels ool emb watson mrs m clark bath towels emb miss wallace mrs q page bath towels cr trim mrs s dofabte mrs adamson tea towels emb miss wal lace mrs r j robson ladies pyjamas mrs gibbons mrs ed ladles pyjamas miss wallace mrs qlbbons ladles stepins miss wallace mrs watson ladles bed jacket mrs john parmer miss edwards ladles work bag mrs watson miss wallace bed room slippers miss wallace ladles white wear mrs watson mrs gib bons boudoir lamp shade miss wal lace miss edwards enamel work mrs adamson mrs nellson library centre piece r j oraham mis paul sofa pillow washable mra clark mrs wataon sofa pillow silk emb mrs clark mrs cleave sofa pillow any other mra robson mrs joe qlbbons boudoir pillow miss marshall mrs adamson tea cosy snd holder mrs nixon mrs paul tea cosy mrs al latt tatting mrs nellson mrs sher wood french knot mrs sanford miss edwards liquid emb mrs ahatt mrs watson hsmsutching mta h qtoave mrs adamson swedish weattnf mrs watson mrs neusonj table mats crocket mrs sherwood r j ora ham table mats emb miss m mrs wataon single piece cotton and silk emb mrs ofbbons miss mar shall single piece crocket for towel mrs nixon mrs dark single piece new mrs mark clark mrs otobons mens pyjamas mrs nellson laundry bag miss p wallace tiaodkercniefe mtss wallace mrs adamson kitchen apron mrs adamson miss wallace plain sewing mrs cleave- mrs wat- son article to lighten work mas wat son italian cut work fine mrs wat son italian out work eoarse mrs adamson mrs cleave wool comfor ter mrs sherwood mrs robson ladles work open cress stitch mrs hymen miss p wallace eyelet emb mrs bogart mrs hymen lace mrs paul mrs rdbson bridge set mrs hymen mrs bogart card table cover mrs hymen mrs cleave five oclock tea doth emb mfes wallace mrs farmer knock hymen mrs bogart fancy bed spread mrs farmer sirs watson quilt cot tonpieced mrs featnerston miss ed wards quilt applique mrs watson mrs featherston tray mounted mrs clark mrs cleave picture in wool emb mrs boeart french knot mrs watson mrs clark- bedroom towels crocket trim mrs hymen mrs bo gart bath towels trim miss wallace mrs bogart guest towels col emb mrs bogart- mrs hymen beaded flowers mrs clarkj t j brownridge chuds rompersv mrs bogart mrs watson col of crocket work mrs bogart mhk hymen -col- of emb mrs bogart miss marshall quilted article mrs bogart sealing wax mrs nell son mrs adamson col of fancy work mrs sherwood mrs watson miss marshall mrs barleys special mrs mark clark mrs sherwood mtss sparling btend craft oil painting landscape mrs bo garcmrsvpeatheraton oil painting fruit mrs peatlterston mrs bogart water color miss poibevmrs bogart water color fish mbs forbes mrs hymen water color fowl miss forbes mrs hymen pen and ink drawing mrs adamson e alcott pep and ink any subject mrs auatt e alcott stencil work mrs hymen basket handcade tbbs fllentnn mrs sher wood photography t x brownrldge mrs nellson service tray mrs bo gart mrsl hyxntn leather bag- mrs r j robson mrs j gibbons paper flowers mrs wataon o brownrldge wool flowers mrs watson mrs adam- kaaernkss bogart article made of wood mrs joe gibbons mrs bogart penman ship fbij boy b kennedy map of canada stuart maclaren book of portfolio 2nd mrs sanford pomltry asiatic cock w bumaclaren w h allan ben maclaren maple ridge farm cockeral maclaren 1st and 2nd pullet maetaren n rldler barred rock cock 1st and 2nd f r fendiey ben maclaren w j alexander ooekeral w h fendiey ptdlst allan fendiey rock whltecock rldler ml en hen allan maple ridge farm cockeral rldler qrahaunrr puttet rld ler maclaren wyandottes white cock maple ridge farm r j oraham hen maple ridge farm allan cockeral maple radge farm maclaren pullet maple ridge farm maclaren wyandotte buff cock maple ridge farm alexander ben maple ridge fa alexander cockeral maple rldgefarm pullet maple ridge farm r i red cock maclaren alexan der hen maple ridge farm alexan der ooekeral maclaren maple ridge farm pullet maclaren maple ridge farm white leghorn cock alexander allan hen fendiey alexander coc keral allan maple ridge farm pul let allan maple ridge farm leghorn aov cock harold mark n rldler hen maclaren n rldler cockeral allan rldler pullet rldler fendiey anoona cook maclaren absn hen allan fendiey cockeral allan maple ridge farm pullet allan maple ridge ffcrm minorca cook maclaren maple ridge farm hen maclaren maple ridge farm cockeral maple ridge farm pullet maple ridge farm mac laren buff orpington oocki maclaren mapla ridge farm hen 1st and 2nd maclaren cockeral fendiey maple ridge farm pullet fendiey cornish cook fendiey alexander hen fendiey alexander houdan oooav maple ridge farm hen maple ridge farm ooekeral maple ridge farm pullet maple ridge farnr a and v cock maclaren hen maple ridge farm maclaren coc keral maple ridge farm fendiey pullet mapel ridge farm maclaren turkey male allan rldler female mack rldler oeese toulouse male maple ridge farm rldler female maple ridge farm rldler oeese ehwden male 1st and 2nd allan female 1st and 2nd aflan ducks pekln male allan mac laren female allan maclaren ducks rouen male 1st and 2nd allan female maple ridge maclaren ducks aov male rldler ridge farm female maple ridge farm n rldler too weary i am eager to be gone too far and wide this mad and maudlin- scene in every changing aspect have i been played- king and captain seer and clownish pawn i known love triumphant suffered love forlorn across the mud- and lakes seen even- tng march behind the eastern m morn ing dawn thrilled to deluding hope of rainbows arch loved learning and then learning teamed to scorn nursed faith and from me had faith fiercely torn so weary then omnipotence i pray par some new field or glen or cosmic shore for some mare magic and a brighter ny rest peace then toil and weariness once more 4 rvam ixiokwood i ii joy today whatever may annoy the word far me is jayt- jus toy the joy of life the joy of flowers the joy of bright blue skies the joy of rain the glad surprise of twinkling stars- that shine at night the joy of winged things on their flight son travelling ease mrs robson mrs lth j noonday and the tried true joyousness of eventide the joy of labor and- of mirth the joy of air and sea and earth the count em joys that ever flow from whose vast beneficence doth dim the lustrous light of day and lavish gifts dtvtne upon our way whatever there be of sorrow 111 put off till tomorrow and when tomorrow comes why then twill be today and joy again john bndrack bangs notes and comments now that summer has rt y on leaving behind its memories of aott courses and summer f on say a of blis tered backs of icecream clothes and onepiece bathing suite this ts a good place to wisecrack that a bathing suit is a garment with no books but plenty of eyes the july death rate among indus trial classes in panada was well be low that for the corresponding month of 1930 the cumulative death rate for the period ending with july shows says the bureau of statistics a drop of s per cent as np with that for the uke part of last year lower death rates than hi 1930 are in evid ence for all of the epidemic rtlwaerw of duldren there has been a large deotine for tuberculosis deaths from pneumonia have been much lass fre quent than during the first seven months of 1830 the death rates for inteetlnal complaints is much lower than ever before recorded for cana dian industrial classes is a j in some quar ters for a commission to inquire into the administration of hydro over a period of years we are not in sym pathy with the motive that is actuat ing this demand but nevertheless there are not a few people in ontario who would luce to see an exhaustive and independent audit of the hydro ac counts and figures particularly of the figures which determine what con stitutes cost to a municipality the fact that there is no meeang of shere- holders where questions may be asked is one of the taknteawa of potato ownership and in the case of hydro there are a number of things observ ant people would uke to know it la not a matter or allaying anaplnfcma but rather of enlightening ahao cuat of the system in ntattera winch at present are and always have been utterly opaque to ton herald latitude irmnnait xo es timate climate hotter than southern stalest entiand ml sa canadas whiter throb five oc tea cloth crocket mrs hymen mrs bogart needle point work mrs bogart chlkh dress mrs sanford mrs bogart luncheon set wt embv mrs hymen luncheon sett col emb miss marshall mrs nellson buffet set mrs bogart miss sparling serviettes mrs hymen mrs cleave dollies mrs bogart mrs hymen applique bogart hymen ohima wool set bogart adamson cmkhs wool suit mrs otbbons mrs adatnsan baby nlbdw mbs ettwerds mrs bo- gart baby carriage cover wool mrs bogart mri farmer baby carriage cover any other mrs bogart miss westwards curtains emb mrs clark mrs bogart curtains hanjomade mrs one of the ewjneralltiea of informa tion acquired toy most people and which serve to mlsgjulde them in later conclusions is the easpposltlon that everyplace along the equator are warm to the point of languor and that all places in the far north and the ex treme south axe intolerably cold in proof of the fallacy of this one need cite a few examples only m skagway alaska terminus of the canadian nationals route to the land of the mi bun from vancouver it la frequently hotter in snldsummer than tn many places in the southern united states southern california while at about the same latitude as florida escapes the trying summer heat of the latter state wgi much north of most of canada never ex periences the low winter temperatures co to canadians the south of france about level with nora scotia knows no winter frosts ocean currents prevailing winds mountain ranges astrooemlca laws these all play their part in rendering almost useless the generality by which most people estimate the climate of a strange country most canadians have never been to the west indies or to the british honduras or british guiana coun tries served by the ndir nation als fleetof hady liners and most canadians still think of these places as uncomfortably torrid this sum mer more was done to eradicate this misconception than ever before more people visited these cterlbbaan coun tries and teamed for themselves many prominent visitors to r- from the west indies declared publkty that they were going back to the indies to- gat cooled off afterf experiencing canadas summer heat one promln- ent perscher of the gospel of cool yourself in the west indies in the summer and warm yourself there in the winter is professor deo ward of harvard university he says the temperature n the west itahes never reaches the hlgih readings recor tn most of the united states the high est mhperatnm aboard the lady haw- una aboard which he made the round trip from boston to british many oldtimers can recall the gay nineties those hectic pre-prohi- dttton befo de wan days when the more fastidious maltres dthotel placed a rubber mat under the company cus pidors in the lounairicrooms of the hostelry it was a subtle recognition the capacity for making mvrarps the same is equally true about the rubber tip on the end of a pencil g la liable to error sometimes i think it was pope who wrote to err is human to mrgtve divine tat least vel blame it on htm anyway the capacity for making rniarakrs is so thorough a human trait that we just daturally take it for smusteo when a person of wisdom and judg ment makes an error it is not ukehj the same error will be repeated a careless imtnlnrmgr person is apt to keep on making errors when a mis take happens it should be at ones ad mitted and rectified aa far aa possible accepting leaponssblltty and endeavor ing to avolda repetition of them in the future will profit much h- should he used as stenpfng stones on the road to perfection bowwow agalnl at the scotland agalnl at the wxgiwk national sheep dos- trials only two out of the sntyi from the south the or border cothes even in such typi cally english counties as devon and iv liailmm the sheep are gtuuded by dogs of the scottish breed the celebrated old english sheep dog baa been found out he is condemned aa clumsy and noby and laay n may continue to boast of the bnndoc breed but for the sheep dog at any rate the right breed is from this sun of the border we have tmrrilcrt them with whisky and prime acmi and aviators now it seems peer craiturs they cant even go to the dogs without us aber press 1 oulana tn july was 87 land to british oulana the was i in a smart tillage in ireland the mother of a soldier met the village priest who asked her if she had bad news sure i have she said pat has been armed oh i am very sorry said the priest did you receive word the war office o aha said i received from nhnastf the priest looked perplexed and said but how is that sure- she said here is the letter read it yotrreajf i-tr- mother i am now in the hot land- at a jewish wedding everyone was happy except the brides father askedwhy he was so gloomy rajat sslrw dat 1 base to gtva rachel away tj9 r ra 7 yv r v ail a rivi i t r