Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 30, 1931, p. 1

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il vv i itii sixtysixth year of publication tbe georgetown herald wednesday evening september 30th 1951 150 per annum in advance 200 to ujla htf- ja pit r the georgetown herald l ml moobs pabtiabsr and proprietor member canadian weekly newspaper association c n r tmrtaikr standard time going east passenger 718 am passenger and mall 1017 ajn passenger j39 pm passenger and mall 030 pjn passenger stops for passengers goingpast and toronto 942 pjn sundays going east passenger ijspjh passenger 81 pjn 942 pm going wert and mall and mail passenger passenger sunday passenger sunday 718 ajn as4 am ibs pjn 63 pjol 1009 pjn 331 am vsa pjn oetng vnortt jmafl ana passenger u doing y mall and passenger 628 pjn arrow increased sekvice kastera standard time leave georgetown dally eastbound iso b 955 ajn 1155 ajn l65 pjn 540 pjn uq pjd- 856 pjn leave georgetown dally westbound 860 ajn 1050 ajn j noon s60 pjn 850 pjn abo pjttjc lojfo pjn reduced fares to holder of seaon tickets tickets and ihtormawoh at longs salada orange otifwl niiiversry will be held in the rylces united church georgetown on dtrectory ib boy dalb barrister sad scjletur qeocsetown ontario offloas ittng bids mill st olabenoe h wi04kns solicitor notary psmis ofsnaa frrtslll block osmrcftown t4ephons im john a thompson netary lumle offloas mill ft ursa phons sb and mb brampton ontario e a arabam b qrehsm o h bowyej i kknnateb m lamawon bartiliar seuettor nsiar fmbue first mortgage money to loan laato street south oaorgatown phone m obiiojmjl thursday ana door north ls carriage paotory ajg to pan mmslamfr u saswbbnist nbsb loferacilc lofeurresis praettce uibolsbir aiioiaonbbb ww 5il g kklv atimsaaaaa sssbbbaasbaai 5 qoorgatown ibbbjbibbsbiasbpsb ra fetv sunday oct 4tb 1931 special preacher rev d m solandt dd aasistant editor of the new outlook toronto services at i 1 am and 7 pm special music by the choir on following monday evening oct 5th anniversary tea will be held in the sunday school room of the church followed by an illustrated lectureon holland by rev dr solandt musical program by the choir and arthur barwell jtenor soloist admission 35 and 25 cents radio service radio tubes need replacing ensry year ft fesnre undistorted reception tubes piay llgtrt- and pe or no value this condition may exist in youir set an4 can only be detected by uptodate testing equipment as used by us tear wt tested fbbe wtth erery r d oenatm a ran use of poot uama sn t bamorlca do jt now -t- 0oh8divi f c whitmee badla bepasraand serdee oboboetown new opening i i first class service and pure eood i j v j a meals served at bd hours v t v accomodation for ladies ee qreajn qaa4ma and flatt dtbska main t south ftona g m bsii wiiiba aj j sbbbbbbbvbbbbvh mft ill itib f i5 let us iidjust fcie brake of your car so hat jm frwtctttkildy smtotlya with very little tw ureo yowlfoot r equipmont to imtwl them arjd ft prwes ftt willati the humble obbfit he liveid bis uttle life and never knew the work that ood bad fashioned him to do yet something seemed to whisper all day long be happy at your labor and be strong humble your post and let your neigh bors see how truly great a working man can toe strange whispering this and yet it held hhn fast purse poor at first purse poor unto tbe last- he whispered at bis toll bright btti of song befriended all who passed ius way along lived fclearuy bravely till jus fellow clan 3 envied and nralsedls meritb as a p3sn re neves sought by trickery to gain the isose enxqrbmnucunninc men bhlspertag he laughed and wvedi played fairly and was alitd and never jet lifes htfera sour his inlnd asvlf that voice kept true and show the world the good one man can do jink of him as one ood singled out always in working clothes to walk about and kept him poor of puree yet him wise in all to which gold often blinds our eyes and held him fast to drudgery hat might team bow one ttta humblest man can be old man cautious 4 p bedell monro ay ifa boil that wind right sat of a fumacel skinny sprawling over tbe taier of tbe tflger a thutyelgatfoot sloop tossed back tbe sandy hair that strag gled over bin paleblue pior eyes and wrinktedhl pug nose in disgust persplratloa dnnped ran his fore- i with tbe lee rail dipping water be sloop was drivlngovjrtbe bay to a bore just eusoerriible in the base of the a tnortdng the bananebsra staking faat-twen- tyvlgnt now wm twwrtynlne sod sja wnea we started jack answered him turning tram tbe dial tn tbe side ofthe rated cabin against the mast a third bay sat wltb bis knees drawn under bis chin gasdnsr tnto space from blue thought ful eyes that bad earned bun the name of dreamy he was wglrtern years old tbe youngest tit the three and a new comer accepted as such by the other boyi a sear a white thread in tbe tan of his mobile sensitive face curv ed from beneath a shock of brown hair past the right corner of his moutn to bis chin it quivered now as it did whenever be was disturbed or angry dreamy had never offered to relieve the curiosity of jack by telling them how be it tou see a red oag with a centre over white does mean thing be broke out celnomng indenchmg bis bands fie referred to the warning signal ajstm from the southwest thavhed flown from the eost board station when they bad sailed out o oharto- voii at s skinny looked at mm la scorn say qld man cautloua were only aye mum out and you neednt get so scared all youve been doing on ibis trip is act like some old lady youre a una one to take on a weeks cruiser dreamy looked out oyer ttie lag and said nothing he waa more miser able than be bad ever been tn- his life and he felt worse as be realised that skinny bad spoken tbe truth a wf before when be bad been invited to make the third on a cruise to green be bad jumped at tbe chance confident that be waa no longer on pnbatlon as a friend the first day um mam halyard bad jaromed a cloud like night thrust up from the base v try again said jack quietly sweeping his hand in a semicircle east and south similar clouds ap peared green light played at their a triple storm meeting over tne bay and the main one on a sweep from the open lake jack rubbed bis chin 8au down boys a jlbtl be enough in thstt wind in a few minutes the mainsail lay furled and tucked beneath a water proof cover and the boom bung rigid in lte lashings when they- had flnlsri- ed tbe task tbe boys found theuuehtes u twilight tor the doods had met fevise to the sun the thunder rolled wttiwut ceasetllghtrtme split trie borison m- three rrtmn dreamy dropped ftto tbe cabin and reappeared with a small oofi lot rope to which a canvas bag was attached hae sea anchor he ernlamed the splash of the anchor wa hkjt u tbe roll of maybetbvlipu hold and wewojxt need the sea anchor muttered skinny doixbtfapy well cut if the sail holds we may need these though jack tossed a life pteserver to each of 0ie others dreamjrs fingers trembled so that he could hardly adjust jala hes afraid thought skinny bos nothing but a coward a wave sneaked over the side and slapped dreamy in the face by tne time bis eyes vere cleared of wateft the sun bad disappeared and layer on layer of darkness closed on tyi sloop a burning darkness riven with flashes that only made ft more bjn- penetrabte tpe- bays edged closer to one another asocsnbtng breath swept them recoiled mto tbe olouas that billowed lower and lower then sky and water aeemec to m an explosion that tore tbe in that first mad moment tbe tar barely moved ducbed ane blowii as she was from all tides at ones though sbmilrtef o shoulde v bays were cut off from one sapttatr by the fury of the storm -meaihina- in m tbe rmln and spray nluagstd of tbe ughtn- the flare showed their seatuxari greouish faces oozdorteta watptt the buot of the anray waa the mac tbtttney had to bank for not betag engulfed for th forc of the wind kept tbe the tiger now began to pitch and plunge to twist and heel sroanatag and eracktng ss if she ware falttnf apart thunder peated tbe soreajn- tof of tbe wind rose higher and high er minutes seemed like hours dreamy felt wet hps against bis tney reefed for a stntall off marktnac who went aloft to free tbetaalyard funked his task and eluaa white and hehplees to the mast until jack helped lam down tbe tttude of tbe two othertf bad been tne same stace tbe came that morning ota seeing tbe storm egnal dresroy bad refused to aotnvuntn ttw others bad shamed bjm into sflenee it waa nottear but caution be anrued neverthrtess they bad called him old man oaatloas wuh- a sung to the wsrdk that jett doubtr ai tbefr true l tbe fear of oowartpuep bat fwjtae not broiled alive tbe tanned faces boutders and arms of tbe three were now a fiery red iba baas on the not wb be land to maka the rounded satof r th wstwr etieias mto baror sfoad uke a fishhook the bmrbaf wmoh is a pentasula naif a mue jtaott rlve miles of water he the psirlbtula and the op jbjpsj ftre atltaa also between bttipand flower end of tbe bay atbe end of tne potrd dlreotlns tbe that torn intobs anur haven braings a bghuaose stands o t b where tbe sand sbevles lkuiuy intodeep water wltb an eye always on the canvas jbnmigr coaxed the sloop on ber coarse 1 not to lose a breatb of scajmed -the- tmcaehmg iajwe and up jookedat itobarometer stui druu he grunted -won- dervhow ions ibs wtndtl lastr an oy patch sppeared on tbe- rip ples a quarter of a mbe away then sad another untq they strrface and began to tbe boat tbe jmftapped ing west automatically he nodded bis bead for some reason be was no lonsjer afraid now that the storm was on them and the knowledge brought a smne to his lips a strained amqe jbat jack saw to an instant of ugt be thought that dreamy bad ajone crasy but nothing seemed to matter there in the darkness and tunnou the tiger still whirled in drake but it wss evident that the jrhjd was sweeping more and more west jbh tbe sx srscbam fijpwsnlt he tbebsckatay frtw stru bis other band and be clung the water let htm down wltb a thud and choking snd bruised he was left sprawled on the deck still hangtn to what be bad caugtjt jaclrt leg a flash showed skinny scared and wbtte crawling towards him to gether they lifted the limp form snd dragged it between them into the cockpit struck headl screamed sktonot drifting with tbe sea anchor the sloop now met the o tiger had drifted sluggish to rise wltb a load of water that dashed over tbe cabin mto tbe eockplt tbe ugtan- trig flashed teas often but tbe wind was blowing harder an hour went by two hours dreamy wriggled his stiffened and i angers ntarei at tbe wan of from which the waves fen in white ntiraan and wmidered bow far tiger hsddrlfted sluggish to rise she wallowed and plunged lopad to tbe water inside andput we must he near tbe point thought dreamy- wonder if well strike itf as he looked astern his heart jump ed a dull red glow appeared again and stayed as dreamy- 10 futy nut fee shouted both boys gaaed hopelessly at tbe red flare to pass that sheltering harbor meant five more miles of water and tbe sloop was fining snd their strength was spent dreaas sbojrtad to skinny to bold jack than wtthhta face agamat tbe nab of water be orawled to tbe esbta tbowsnn rant sail atmetog apray the water tugged at bis legs the marline dragged him down then a wave lifted- tilin bore him on the foe born and the bell had been lost overboard with a box of equip ment skinny bad refused to buy others on tbe last leg of the cruise and it was skinny that bad scoffed down tbe suggestion of- telegraphing the news of their departure from charlevoix to their parents mow he was silent jack looked si dreamy almost to approbation but bis lips cursed in scorn ss be noticed the others trembling hands lookir cried dreamy pointing west toward the open lake and broke with a roar on tbe- beach it reoededplubklngr at the body of the boy who stunned and bleeding dug his nails bjto pebbles and clang need beep must have help dreamy repeated the words again and again as he staggered to us feet and forced bja muscles to carry him to- wards 4be hgbthouse who whos thlsrr someone grasp- ax-ljaesmy- 1 tta one of theni shouted a volce dreamy guided a band to the twine njubd jus waist ahuli he cried feebly sail collapsed on use sand wnenxlreamy opened- his eyes the late afternoon sun was streaming through a roundwmdow on tne bad where be lay why did he ache and what was be doing lit the llghtbouse then it all became clear we thought youd rather be with us when you woke- up why it wss bktany aim beside nbn jade whose forehead was decorated with a nusa purple tump jack rubbed bis chin and coughed wet mighty grateful to yon dreamy be aau heslttrpatry tbc llghth keeper got a wire from charlevoix 109 ss tbe storm broke people who saw us start thought we wut make t they tried to launch a boat here but couldnt tn that sea icaaseto just u they were hauun us round the point into calm water jack went on h where did you get that sear i thought of it ab through tbe storm when i oouw think ones when i- was quite a small kid said dreamy snumg i thought that x oould scale a oliff abd i landed on my face ever since that ome my father baa lectured me on tbe dif ference betsveen and cowar dice ooeob rd better let tn the others to see the young hero said skinny ingtihty weakly as tbe door be tnrnsd with an earnest look in bis eyes old man cautious sayl im be proud to be called that highway safety pertinent point btainr concise bdjlxs abb uud dow by li mf cttjf 8tuuy tbblsi jisblrh- tbe tor tela e ipja h nreawft terms of f vstllc and oonsjfjosldqdai be wiod pjwng- tbe of tbe good drtver and tbe usaa of bis ability have cbsnged are eotutantly ebang- tng and will continue to change as high way rules jwcome more fnrad andtexuiate was an luip point s bar tne- minister tto oomprebend the future of ever- increasmg traffic is difficult- mr ma- raiitay declared few people realise that it i etuy a matter of some is yaaia since that time when there was no department of high ways and not one moe of paved road to the open oountry while in ontario we are bow tn tbe proud position of baring over 7411 miles of pavement and bjm7 duels of unprov ed gravel roads to get even a better jdea of the steadily increasing traffic hazards it is amy necessary to com pare tne motor vehicle registration of 317m in 1914 with seaibb tn iflkkr- pne for erery ss persons hj the njo vinos speaking of 91 learfut death ton resulting from ecejdsnw tn tola pro vince duxtqa um flrat six months of thai year the minister urged every jtatseer to curb impatience on the highway and to drive carefully point ing out tbe following dangerous prac tices whkm should be anaotntely avo jdo not attempt to pass snothafar when cumbbjs bffl tw which you the eovsr sad dropped below half the terror tftocatlrtg sick with the tt tbe gentle roll- the boom crashed drownmt without a chance for use be groped amid the floating otutter untn he found what be sought be turobled back bxo the cockpit a vave broke on tbe cover just olossd m haste be cast os nto ttfe is and knotted the end of a roll of mar line innhdtms waist tb the other end of the roll be attached a ocd f rope then another coil wbiab la mm be made fast to a aids e bkmny felt a bundle of rone thrust mto bts lap a roll of twine into bit band tnetantty he pndarstood shrieked enoojfaecemsnt bat did not bear ing on red lkji and ball asfar to one stoe the tr jronss sbnaaj jevd bpfflsfewwao ins asurssrea rib thmsi x efdtod htm a coward to think x called bta a oowardir even drive over tbe brow of a blind hqt st a high speed do not attempt to pass another car a blind curve if an you win be solely stopping your car on a curve d el most exruany daiurouy tbe slow drtyer la aba prtmary cause of many a xtonot park on the travelled portion of a high driving to tb left of the centre line particularly oabflls snd ourves shows poor- j parking alstisil of another ear on narrow atreets causes trafflc jams it is dangerous and illegal to park wltbtn jo feet of a corner turn right near the curb only to turn left from near tbe curb is also iniw and hsmnfvn v before making a tttrri of any kind be sure that it earn be made in safety and without obstructing trafne dont enter a nhrough hlcbwayv without ooravwatinri for the traffic it is carrying bsilwar grade erossmas exact 1 nuauy a fearful tou of kuled u in jured watch for wsntnkalgat and be eautloue wjiere tbjron s noor africn reineinbers great missionary a testimony of another sort and more recent comes from the mouth of an erstwhile heathen or child of heathen parentage who confesses to owing all that be values most in life to the influence of theegreatest mis sionary africa ever saw it is written by miss mabel shaw and is extracted from her journal letter of june 1s28 miss shaw is principal of the uvrngstone memorial boarding for obis at mbereahi among awembk casembes tribe describing a visit paid by her to a district wlthn her radius sbeigtyoa a brtof unadorn ed account inemorable in- its mingled aathoaand beauty of a conversation with a man still living who had once come face to face with livingstone in that village there la a veryoio man the last man on the uuula who bad seen david livingstone he bad come- to tbe eampthat morning ui talk to- me and he and- 1 sat look ing over the river he once again a hoy seeing the white man cccolng round the bend toe uttle dtrgmjut the people scattered climbed tress use roofs of their bouses- be bad fallen tram the sky tby said he had ctooiln on his feet the old man said excitedly 1 was a boy i went atv i touched but tbe head man pulled me back you1i be bewitched by bis medicine they said then he sat hi sflenee and at last he said as if to himself and he laugbtd there was love in his eyes be was not fierce- again tbe silence i dare not dis turb and be made a path through our land and you his followers have come gods llgbtbrtngers snd more come- today i was a very uttle child seeing a great and high adventure that morn- ing t have never mot toavtd living stone as i did then i too saw him costing round jthe bend in a little toe carrying all be possesjedt 31 became holy ground then the others came his followers wltb- all their innumerable packages i thought of tbe array i came out wltb he tbe great saint and pioneer gods adven turer could put ail into a little canoe and he out tbe highway of god all across this great continent and that old mans eyes grew misty and his voice tremulous when he spoke of bkn and tears came to me and we med to share a wonderful tiling that old african sad i oh the bank of tbe great river tbe vignette thus etched illuatrates 1 perhaps no lengthy dissertation oould the nideudle impression pro duced for good by the impact of liv ingstones personality upon the smaarl- nation of benighted africa in the last journals vol p 90s appears this entry ims june lltbtroased the mberexa ten yards twoad and tbghgjp this is all but under the simple memorandum as we now 1 a nieee xt work was unconsciously dons that remains an uuiuo mem ory irtoembsd of at least one negro bere ajpd there throughout central atrlba signs uke this abound pointing to the enlightening snd uplifting in fluence exerted by livingstones mere presence upon the africans he met day by day to bis journeys tnrtrtents like this are a sufficient demonstration of tbe fact that the predotmnant interest tat his ufe was not that of exploration for us own sake or that of arraaamg insormauon about curlousand untaxat- llar creatures of natural watory but of bruiting to bear upon h africa tbe fraternal sairtt of the gos pel of cnris srrom uvlngstojae by j b mibusea a lonely cow at th7s fads in tbe cattle pen at hvalpsund fair stood an old woman with her cow she stood off a little to one side with her solitary cow either hecauae she nwdest or because she wanted to attract more adaption she stood there sp tjaquulj bar headdress drasm sjstty down over her fore head on account of tbe sun and knitt ed on a stocking which wa already long iy to be turned back into a thick roll she was dressed tn a quaint otafashloned style with blue skirt that smelled to a bomeuke way of the dyepot and abrovn knit ted shawl crossed over- her fas onest tbe beaddress was faded sad wrink led after its jong sojourn to tbe drawee taa wooden shoes were flat- taibttvi but she had pollshebt tnem xn addition to the four needles she pued so swiftly with hex worn hands she bad an extra one stack in her gray hair she stood with one ear to ward the music which came frotn tbe booths but she also looker now snd again at the people and animate that traded and crowded beside her all about bar aha coming from all dlrec- mobb were noises and co the iyightng from tbe horsestalls the bustle of boats on the beach the crashing of drums and loud cries front the clowns but she stood there in the sunshine oh so oainuy sod knitted on her stocking by her side wltb he head near her eaow stood tbe cow bored and stir leged cbewtag its cud it waa an cow but a good one with a heal looking coat of hair and a really bearing since it was a good cow it m long beforekijnan came over at it andxin his fingers well groomed bide a which tbe cow resented enough to become vexed au t bow much for the cow fxifbffium asked the man tansfandng w took from the cow to ann ann kept oh itt ttla act for sale she repjled smile ab yotjtabb wtth the thbong have 5cu ever stood at the corner and watched tbe throng go byt i what different expressions the faces who they and the glance fjomeachj have you ever wondered ju were and what their work is here and if they dream the things you do have they too known hope snd tear do they live in homes of comfort where love and peace abound or just in cheerless lourwall huts where joybells have no sound do they know of all the bsppinem a newborn life can brtngt have they felt the hand of sorrow with the smart of deathli couatbagr ahlyes for each one baa a burden whether heavy or light tobear and all tar tbe ttooas as they pats ialohg know something of joy and care but just byrxthe bearer exprstalotn just by the gjtnee of the eye- they reveal the whole dt 7their nature some laugh at life eome sigh sordlbane is standing today at the ocr- ner wui yon meet their iapee wuh a crown no pick up your load with a cheery and hmtf j as you pass the throng dorothy wuhvii mckeowa vt53 notes and cctmments we have been constantly merchants to keep thejr names be fore the buyirsi public by conlsnnt riewspaper advertising it is there fore interesting to find an tafluenual financial perlndlral such as the am erican banking vf rnalfing thki statement no business man in any town should allow a newspaper pobusbed tn lua to go without his name and busuieab bemginentloned tat tts eol- j this applies- to tut ktnds of business or professional men it dose not mean that you should have a whole half or even a quarter page ad to each issue of thepaper but your name should be mentlnned if yon do not use more than a twoinch apace a stranger picking up a n should be able to ten whatjruataieas is represented tax the town by locauos at a paper tbts is tbe best possible town adv the man who does not advertise his business doss ssf injustice to himself sad the town the ufe of a town depends upon the live wide awake snd liberal a hminasn man the season tat the chunsixpper and the festival is here these de lightful events crowd the late sutnmer and early autumn evenings they come- in such niimbers that a prob lem of selection is oft times new ntnd the pity is that there is no deartng house to regulate the dates s0uat cooperation might elimtnatn coaqpeu tion as it were to this day and gen eration of socalled high apem ena- tenbe when we seem to d an largely on rnanufactuted erijojinetbt b is indeed arefreebjns treat toattsnd the average country aksitih aostpar at these events there is to be xcama plenty of food and aitsorlatvtn bar greater to value than tbe prise pam tor she ticket these affairs are con ducted for profit of course bat broader profit than monetary alone the good fosk who and provide them add to tbe measure of good win that mi always want to come again if other attractions lose tbefr appeal and es- joyment runs at a low ebb if the ap- petite fans and ufa snes a uttle stale prank up tbe ear ana seek out ana of these suppers in this isc you win find a tonic that wm restore tost appetites soothe jaded nerves sad revitalise a low spirit ab to one even ing such good food yon have lever tasted unless p ynt are a supper fan and such qoatat ties of it tbe good folk who wtwstk- ly serve you are never oonteak untb you cry quits alter bavins- sates yoar ful and such owlractea as yon wnt find and dnsenrrot luato toochea bat the average ureal lacks added to this on frnds opportunity for wlden- jojg the circle of acoislntanoe tt knowing ones neighbors just a mmto better to get the roost out et br ing la not such a hard job after ab mere are plenty of opnoojtnaweb these countryside events are n parcel of them tt you r a church supper fan pa swing up a valuf add to lifes j vev jbb thehsae e iwjffiawfjj jssjja ins eywvon- tbe taomw snft oathimdsr dreamy sw wltb his aid the waves fcutta w imks eaoju whaofonabtihrbra be stnsnned one nunnteon ttte ewst wpms osslcs past two fst o ebsi m er aj be towltolnaibb arnut sairtbeisjbi an part of tlm tower dttwstty opposite blf bt bow fsr he n follow rosrin the care i sh to the of fu notpaoawsy tram or tnto the always look behind jwo in other words practice care oour- tasy and i sense snd ugbways will be safer the feoadrast ntaybe the are of a series on the subject of highways and saiet whep she had to this manner turn ed away many men of- course the be lt they began to atoaxtp about her a man who bad once bet- tore tried to buy the cow and had been refused now returned and made bid that was more than tern-ptln- old ann said no to- a veiyufirm voice but she seeaid toheworrted is it sold then w asked tba man no tt csrtahuy was not sold rvm but why to an the world do you stand herezthen and parade the cowt nann hung her head but stub- kept on knftttng why 00 yurhs1xct6hare who wr mjm born ke iiirr w scs in the tousae of an was swtni nextwiimvrws thtiiarenos between an aberdordan kvia jyfteesn ttie abwdonlan t u drttrout of a coeoawttr no bad7 repliea ttn ah jda wf a drink jnkmg his friend ha4takhthe bint he sbswersafaas i dent mmd i sndbuy a coocist ad i with the cow asked the man now felt himself positively is it your ojvn oowt yes it certainly was that ajnlywas anns cow tft is awih a lonely caw r confidently tt la such a toxielw cowl it is the only one x have on my little fans and it so very seldom gets out among other cattle iand so i thought n brtng her to the fair so that she could nangle with ber own wrsdad enjoy herself a ml yes really than what i ossnibtrr anff i meant wen of canada bail and oroxon and duggan had aa aaj ment that their profits and eo slons would be spht ftftysfts ac- rifdiniy duggan received bav tbe- oommisslon mm tba sate yjusjgan cashed the oheque received snr the mnanissvm it was througb signature that with the tra the oonrmlssvtn amounted to this tbe crown held to be an uncon scionable profit whlohls torbudenba the aforementioned act the dtfsnpa contended tbsuihetiwlahion aaan- ordmary budness deal and urwsd the ditsmatal of the oasfe matistrate bt falconerdecided that tbe rorwntartrv was exorbitant tba a were each fined tloo wliitoot coatscrange vtfle sun ia visiting bis sons codega ig into 1a chemistry cjaaa- some students busy wla retort and test tubes wbat are you trymg to dor ba t si r a opoldnt do arry harm to any one andahd to u wm that came bare but wo arent sale arm ap we pt a- aswacasjiw we-reendeavorfiig- the stojtwit to a utu autvaul iftuisgrr l1attakfwrtiowa agreed tbt fanntrr3vben you tind tttwha are- anyr tp i t- au a- i ivi jx

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