v v ix y the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 26th 1931 oada ortutge pekoe fcas most tascinating fai l m- p doit drive your car in and let us put it in- proper shape fat winter driving foj- 655 we will do the following wok on any 4 cylinder or or 895 for any 6 cylinder car grind valves remove carbon carburetor cleaned and adjusted spark plugs and electrical system checked distributor cleaned apd timing adjusted battery charged and terfriiraals cleaned change oil to winter grade price of oil extra check transmission and rear axle crease car thoroughly drain and flush radiator set generator to proper changing rate above prices good to november 30th only speigh garage the motor experts job printing promptly and neatly executed tie value of your telephone is just awraf you vtour tdephooc is as valuable as you make it for it is always ready and always dependable it offers yquspeech with mote and more people it is always increasing in efficiency and simplicity new customers old bank established in 1817 0 years before confederation the bank of montreal gave canada its first permanent bank and bid the founda- nnbrof the canadian ranking system at its hundreds of branches throughout the country the bank is omau wel coming new customers each new gener ation of canadians finds in the bank of montreal dependable safety and in all fircnvial marten rank of eatawaftwd itat total amma in f georgetown branch d wilson managta s- coffee totat by betty barclay ooftee usually is made to drink but real coffeelovers know that it is also lnade to eat it provides delicious flavoring for cakes pies and puddings cftentlmes transforming a plaln- earyday dessert into a piquant and delicious dish coffee blends well with most other ingredients too here is a recipe for a tasty coffee pudding cabanola cream 3 cups milk v cup cornstarch s teaspoon salt vz cup heavy dvam a 3 tablespoons ground coffee s cup sugar ior a little less 1 egg white mi teaspoon cinnamon extract tie coffee loosely in a square of cheesecloth and place it with three cups of milk in the upper part of a double boiler scald meanwhile mix cornstarch sugar and salt with remaining v cup of mllk adot to the scalded milk and cooky together until thickened remove the bag of oat- fee after three minutes but continue cooking the other ingredients twenty minutes cool slightly and fold in the white of egg and creedi both of which have- been beaten until soil add extract beating it in well and torn into a moist which has been dipped in cold water the mold may be- lined with lady angers in which case- the cream must be nearly cold before it is poured in honey ice cream 1 pint milk ft cup heavy cream cup strained clover honey 1 junket tablet 1 tablespoon cold water h teaspoon lemon extract dissolve junket tablet in coldwater add honey to cream and milk and stir well to dissolve warm mix ture to lukewarm 110 degrees p not hot remove from stove add flavor ing and dissolved junket tablet stir f se then into freeser can let stand until firm and cool place in ice and salt and freese news and kforrnajrion for the busy fanner bay canadbui cattle with the present rate of- exchange prevailing united stales cattle buyers are coming north again to nnv dairy and feeder stock trie advage that trie present depression in canadian funds affords just a jlttle more than offsets the ojs tariff- barrier which has kept them at home for some time past a buyer recently arrived look ing for dairy cattle presented a letter of credit for 11500 and was given a deposit account of s16s0 thus the present prospect is that a consider able demand for canadian live stock will develop marketing geese the time to prepare freese for mar ket is when the weather turns cold in the fall they should then be taken off pasture apd those selected for market should be placed in small penned enclosures provided with plen ty of water and grit and kept clean they should be fed heavily on whole com the best medium for the fatten- log of geese and about two weeks heavy feeding should fit them for market twentyjour hours before killing geese should be starved but given plenty of- water gape should be used in plucking um dry or steam niethods being recommended for the reason thai the featners are particu larly valuable bring as- much as so cents pef pound the dressed bird should be rubbed over with a damp cloth and set aside to cool the twelve bird box makes a desirable market familiar vegetables guise in new spinach a la tonralne put a peck of washed spinach in a saucepan with one and a half cups of water and one teaspoon of sugar cook for twenty minutes drain and press through a colander mix in threequarters teaspoon salt onequar ter teaspoon paprika and two table spoons butter heat again and then press firmly into a bowl o mold turn the spinach out upside down on a platter garnish with sliceb of lemon and hardboiled egg and serve immediately two dishes with unusual appetite appeal are tarte aux olgnons and spinach a la tovrarne both show tbe french knack of achieving parti cularly delicious results with- every day foods tn both one of the secrets of success is the use of a small amount of sugar to restore the natural gen- den flavor of the vegetables and to blend the flavors of the other season- ers a hint worth remembering in this connection is that a use of sugar as a seasoning agent adds to the tastlness of a wide variety of fresh and canned vegetables tatie anx olgnons slice thin four large onions put in a quart of cold salted water- add ttoyal birthday cat da for farm boys and glk every boy and girl in canada whose tenth birthday falls between novem ber 18th and 3601 inclusive will receive a personal birthday card from trie royal winter pair toronto if jt is requested this is because the win ter fair on those dates also celebrates birthday this year the fair b designated a cornsnemorative show to recall the inspiriting influence it was to cana dian agriculture when founded ten years ago and it la to help in spreadng a cheery outlook respecting addressed to tike undersigned and etfsorsed ten der or repairs of south approach burlington channel r ont will be re ceived until 12 oclock noon tnesday november 3 ism for the repairs of tiie south approach to the bascule bridge at burlington channel went- vorth county ont flans and form of contract can be seen and apeclflctalon and forms of tender obtained at this department at the offices of the district engineer bquity building toronto ont to ronto builders exchange construc tion industries 1104 bay street to ronto s ont also at fine post office hamilton out tenders will not be considered unless made on printed forms supplied by the department and in accordance with conditions contained therein each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank- payable to the order of the mini ster of public works equal to 10 per cent of the amount of tbe tender bonds of the dominion of canada or bonds of the canadian national rail way company will also be accepted as security or bonds and a cheque if re quired to make up an odd amount note blue joints- can be obtain ed at ibis department ty deposulns an accepted cheque for the sum of tiooo payable to tbe order of the minister of public works which will be- returned if the intending bidder submit a regular bid by order n desjardins secretary deptartment of public works ottawa october n 1931 2t just in and on our floor jt het ln- agriculture that the blrtxiday party is being held a birthday greeting neatly engross- d with the childs name will be sent if parents or guardian will write to tbe royal winter fair office toronto jiving clearly the cbllds full name and address with the exact date of birth and year in addition eligible children who are able to attend tbe winter fair will be given a compli mentary ticket in their own name entitling them to free admission to every department of trie mr teaspoon of sugar and bring boil on a quick are cook a use home grown seed at the orowers council potato meeting held recently in toronto it was reported that ontario farmers had bought 55000 bushels of certified minutes remove from the fire and drain add the oulons to a lquarter of a pound of butter that hasbeen melted in a saucepan and cook they are lightly browned add three siloes of bacon that have been cut into small pieces and cooked m but ter let the mixture cool until it is just warm add three eggs beaten lightly with fow tablespoons of cream pill tart shells with the mix ture pour melted butter over them and bake until set to a i seed from outside the province last few i year it was stated that we have an new bates abe set for worlds grain kxhibition- at regtna tbe worlds drain exhibition and conference will be held at regina july 14th to august 8 1s3s instead of ln as originally arranged tbe new dates were set at a meet tag of tbe executive and finance com mittee of tbe organisation a few days ago at watch meeting tbe members concurred in the announcement re cently made by bon robert weir minister of agriculture for canada that the undertaking should be post- mhed for one yew the executive and finance commit tee will at once proceed with plans for tbe carrying out of the exhibition and conference in 183 all countries win ba notified of trie change of dates and those who have already accepted the invitation to par ticipate wul h requested to allow their acceptance to stand for 1933 notice to credtto irs estate of in tre butter af hannah palmer brown late af the tewsshta of essjsesmg in ty of ralton widow notice is hereby qiven that all persons having any claims or de mands against the late ttantiah pal mer brown who died- on or about the second day of october ad 1s31 at the township of tig in the county of ralton and province of ontario are required tn send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersign ed solicitor tor harry devereaux and rnssel oray the mecutom of the last will and testaments or hannah pal mer brown widow dece their names and addresses and full parti culars in writing of tstetr claims and statements of their afleounu and tbe nature of the securrtletj jf any held by them amd take notice tl twentythird day of nov the said harry devereaux el oray will proceed to df assets of the said deceased persona entitled thereto gard only to one claims of shall then have had notice tbe said barry devereaux oray will not be liable for assets or any part thereof person of whose claim they then have received notice dated at georgetown ontario twentyfirst day of october aj lost leroy dale jt solicitor for the said execul debts courted if effectiveness thing to you your list of to kuy tbe montwy no collection means ahy- fyou win send and accounts aiken collectors qs rendered jjo cnart excellent of certified cobblers corp and oreen mountains in ontario tins year and it was recom- mended that ontario farmers should arst make use of this seed before im porting owing to unusual market con ditions it was felt tbat farmers might order their suppue and money by making their purchases now ewes weekly crop report the weather continues to be very satisfactory to ontario farmers there nas been enough ram fco encourage the luxuriant growth at pastures and n many areas to increase the flow of underground streams and fill wells which have been very low- or empty rami work is well advanced fall plowing will be finished tn good time wheat is making wonderful growth and there is fear thau in the more southern districts growth will be too rank all classes of live stock are in good condition wcatner had perariv ed continued pastarage and there is x bountiful feed supply the root crop being harvested in food condition good southdown and oxford positively no reserve terjatb veal calves and all sums fli al5 and under cash over that tanounx 13 months credit on approv ed joint notes acceptable at the 6 per cent off fox cash dairy production is above normal the yield in oxford county has been es timated at 20 to 30 per cent higher than last year while in orenvule 40 per cent increase has been report ed farmers discouragement is con fled aknost wholly to rntrnrt prices keep the pallets well fed the time is at hand when pullets should be confined to tbeh- winter quarters but the pens nhoulri first be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected birds will not do the best work if infested with lice or miles is is dur ing tbe winter months that tbe birds make their best profits and for this reason they should be boused and fed in a manner that will keep them healthy and vigorous tney will quire a full ration of suitable feed be sides plenty of clean water green feed shell and grit the change from tttt growing uon to the laying masn should be mads gradually homecrown grains cannot be sold for much on tbe mar ket and while they may form a large proportion of the birds ration they do not supply all necessary ingredients for tbe production of egajs- the use of a high protein commercial mixed with chopped grains will give much better results than the grains alone boys and girls contests the year 1b31 marks a new era in boys and girls club work in ontario early in tbe year new policies were issued in connection wltb the follow ing club objects calf garden grain potato and canning as a result there were 230 boys and girls clubs with a total meanbershlp of 5068 carrying on active programs dur ing tbe year on october 19th teams representing the swine and cattle clubs held their provincial competi tions six swine and twelve cattle clubs took part in tbe co in each case a team was composed of two club members between the ages of is and 30 years the winning team in tbe swine department was from lennox and adffltagton and scored bbs out of a pranlbli while the runnersup scored dos tbe ooonaeutlan consist ed of judging of four classes of swine and answering questions on general management and iriarlatlng of swine tbe peel county holsteun club was high team in the cattle competition scoring 1081 out ot a possible 1300 points tbe cattle club teams judg ed four classes- of cattle and answered questions en inanagement and care of cattle the hinu teams from len nox and adoupston and peel will re present ontario hi tbe nation con tests at the rdyl winter fair 1300 points irotti durham n tai tw a nian went into ootun book store and asked for a copy of whos who a whavt by jerome k havenx got dot book amid cohen but w haf wwi be and votx be ooi by bradstreet ceawjefanto f the stable sergeant rrja befqtwt lima ever ride i ahl heres just the szd- for ydttit ha has never been rlov you can start unreserved auction sale the undersigned has received structlons from campbell- gtekn to sell by auction on the premises lot 4 7th line erin township on monday november x 1931 at 3 oclock sharp tbe following bosses standard bred horse 6 yflah dar bay bam uaby dell sire mr penalty percheron mare 5 yrs bay registered thoroughbred mare ooijy otfell by ouetl 7 yrs old this mare has been a conslstant winner at cjjjt spring filly colt dam dolly omeil sire captain afordon chest nut driver 10 hands age about 12 yean good all round horse brown work hor 14 years old cattlepure bred bolstem bull 5 years old holsteln heifer calf at foot hosateln heifer calf at foot holsteln cow 4 yrs cab at root holsteln-poll- ed angus cow 4 yrs calf at foot hol- stetn cow 0 yrs calf at foot hi stein cow 7 yrs fresh jersey- hssxt heifer fresh holsteln cow 7 yean supposed to calf december lltxt ayrshire cow 4 years supposed to cab december 28th hol steln cow 7 yrs supposed to calf jan 17txi rrolstcln cow 7 yra supposed to caut jan 17th practically all these cows were raised on tbe farm 13 hotatfin and ayrshire heifers 3 yrs old bred polled angus bull calf b the oijfter that amazed even radio experts i a 3minute test of the new rosen super- veterodyne radio even under only average conditions will amaze you sharper selectivity finer tone fidelity i the only superhet with rogers fullyguaranteed tubes arrange for this free test now inspect this handsome lowboy model complete with 8 rogers fully- guaranteed tubes mi breeding j and undsay clerk wp oray and prank fetch at auctioneers cxeajuno credit auction sale faaui stock and imtijements the undersigned has received in structions from w wauogutswoatth to sell by public auction on thualsday october rstta mil at lot 13 6th line esqueslng the following qattijb durham cow fresh calf at foot grey cow fresh calf at foot red cow due in pen mllrlng well ayrshire cow mllrrnb due march red heifer bred in sept milrlng well drery cow fresh not bred fspotted cow fresh not bred 3 durham heifers 18 naons 3 jersey heifers 18 mona 3 ayrshire heifers 18 mans ayrshire heifer 6 mono durham bull 8 moos p10s yorkshire sow bred 8 oau 160 lbs each pigs old ohain and powuj00 bus barley 500 bushel oats 300 bus mixed grain so bus buckwheat 3 geese 1 gander 4 young geese 10 pure bred white leghorn eockerels so pure bred p rock cockerels oartn and fowl to be sold subject to reserve bid 600 bus in 300 bus turnips horses sorel horse good in all leness grey mare lay mare good driver supxjeukrvtsaf binder in good repair deertng drill eleven disss good as new deertng mower ml ya manure spreader in goad repalr ael land roller 3 drum quebec riding plow new if h walking plow sprint tooth eaklntor set narrows tans bain wagon with gravel box market wagon 3 teats root drill root lper stewart horse cuppers men grinder pea harvesters grain lifters for binder bay rack farm mm on drum post hole diner bans shovels and other articles everttnlng must be sold as farm is fo sate twrxsb orain roots fowl and nuns of t30joo and under cash over that amount 11 norrths credit on bankable paper 8 per annum off for cash everything most be settled for before lifted jxx case of bad weather sale will be held under cover it frank pbtcsh auctioneer mm radio j n oneill son georgetown phone 14 send your oothee to a rose to be cleaned pressed and repaired raws your clothes neat and in shape for very little east mavrs suits cixankd pabssttd 100 we lellne ladtat fur coats we make new top coats we turn over your old coats to look like new mens suits ratssskd 50c bverything done by experts a rose taaxost i j sanf0rd fai nil dvbwuuvfvu rhlalltflgtld8bi look them over first 4 the merchant and manufacturer who advertise actually are placing their merchandise before you for inspection they invite your most critical attention and an uncompromising comparison to speak say to their products we now stand on your own merits i and their advertisements so have introduced you tg the publi dpl 4 it is through adv are brought to most economical fmy bsi-iiaiiv-v- i t- read the ab 5 if the manufactund merchant did no their wares they woula to th tising rigidly tests the r hc so tested and found n i in the lonoj run y well as on his product i 6nc rea that it pays to read a atte ti