Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 4, 1931, p. 3

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r-f- ata jjhesshk the cimsaelnirvn herald wednesday ewaung mavember 4th 1931 jmm tisl ladies skirts ladgea suede jackets ladfea teal leather jackets indies silk and wool hose 8k 1 f i i m i d brill co lower prices for seasonable merchandise now is the proper time to buy your winter goods as prices are at their lowest 395 us was 48e mens overcoats in various material and styfe v 121 mens felthats j 198 mens wool dress sox v 30c mens silk striped sox winter weight jjj1 s boys jerseys jjgc boys corduroy breeches doublelcnee and seat j j5 boys caps jj full stock of rubbers at the lowest prices we inuradae gooderikh and kaufman v lifebuoy brands d brill co phone 167 maw si georgetown local news 5 2 large pkgs lux hakes 3 large tins tomatoes 25c 3 no 2 tins pears 25c 3 no 2 this corn 25c 3 tins better pork and beans istr 40 oz jar gold medal orange marmalade 29c 6 dba sweet potatoes 19c y2 dba choice quality mincemeat 29c 2- lb fresh ginger snaps 25c choice breakfast bacon sliced per lb 19c lemons per doz only 7 r 19c tins in 1 shoe polish 21c choke fresh fruit and vegetables i ae farnell phone 75 we deliver wear a poppy do saturday atastorettjtfgv h and jotfe everything to jrolng to to all right saturdiyts poppor day in george- town and cdrnmonlty canadian trfgtnn armistice dance at aram friday hot 13th it will pay jou to read danas anniversary sale advt in this issue the second instalment of taxes are now due and payable at the bank of montreal remember the two minutes all exson armistice day nov 11th at 11 oclock ul the w a of st pauls church nona wul hold jfholr annual bazaar on friday nov 4th ldoht mas seems the minstrels at ttae gregory theatre and tuesday nlcnts a musical play entitled recett ins the parson wuttoe presented in llmehqiiiie flcmyteruuv church on tuesday nw mtb 8ecureyoinr tickets lor the isra- strfrlx- being put oh try oeorgetown band nor tb and 10th- its sure gonr to he scene show flswalw navies is the title of a play that win as put onat the guresory theaaa n thursday ho 18th watoh tor petttoilapi v tloroeeules oj flon baikdmn take ph to a concert to betltrrssi mtbie artnortee ntiia on armistice night uth nts wuueux bail left bassett potatoes at the herald office nut sat urday that vebjbea 14 ks this is a record sre believe hard to beat a- number of the members of oeorsetown pins brigade attended the cxtureh parade of burnbercrest fire baigade at tomnlo last rkmday- 7ne herald baa recerred interest ing copies of the kamlnops aeatmd from mr arttwr tyrrell an old georgetown bay thanks art kxserrlce men are reoueated to a memorial service to w cneai may be toamt in the tact that the acreage o potatoes m this has been a wonderful fau on frjday but mr bert beamsn when out to the country picked a bouquet ofbeaotirul ozme daiaws once church brampton will innmil a caneert wwl of ex cerpts from operas at the cantto theateon tueaday w ltth the wometal lnstitunj wffl hold a euehre and old tsae dance m the acena on friday mo mh oosd masks this te the big erent of the dont miss it of use jnamvtlan legion axe asked to paarde at 1 jo pjn on sunday gth totake part m the march to the memorial for the barrios there at s pxn all exaerrlee men of the district sxe inrtted to march wtth the tarto thla year incnaaed from istjob in 1990 to vm1h this year add to this the fhrtrmste liir of ta aravwrnalty beany yield and you out t nart fmnm srr -bttnpnjes- for the the young peoples bally of the ooelph ftawrtatliwi x4d be held m the oeorgetown baptist church on wednesday afternoon and evening mr beyholds ebrotkviue mr bar- rop of toronto and prof orchard of hamilton will be among the apeasx mr j t wood rwgtrmng this week is gomj to call upon the ladka and mfanes of oeorsetown anwrtttng oraem tor nxsdetoorder lfnrttwl suits sweaters and tama measure ments taken would you toe kind enough to look at his iramplhi whsa be calls xtp ton are mrlted by the bappy trio to att a dan m t pariah ban msvalp prlday evening nor gth tmpleoonaee orchestra of toronto j si r fl thompson co for dependable hardware let us supply yon with your fajl hardware aw stovepipes jt- i elbows furnace pipes glass and putty building paper roofing axes and handles cross cut saws lknerns and globe tungsten jfcamps long handie stabubshovslj8 jq hajw thought qulbw cook stoves i- and heaters pease fuiwacs and boilers double barrel shogvn 600 lim cpluming ttmsmirili ss -v- walter pkkber 60ctanea lie oom- wuson murray lanrd the the annual armistice dance euchre under the arwpwa of oanaitlan lsglon oeorgetown lxa wmbe held to the arena oeorge- town priday rxoramber 13th musk win be suppued by the harmony personals mrs ctjrj oottorj la vtstttng jhenda in haatdton mrs wm tratsand ifr arthur tyndall spent suoosgr tn toronto mrs john cole ami family of to ronto spent 8nndny with mr kjw ooke mr and mn miontaonwy dr and mra mcoxtlndaue ttanted mm freure on sunday mis oauoway axil children ot bor- unajton are vmtinti at mini langaas mr and mrs phhlip roberto of royal oak mlctu nad mrs white of drayton out waited mr and mrs a 8toekford on 8nflay mr and mrs w h idas attended the dinner dance of ithe oentral on tario bbs unm todd at old spam ban tn toronto on monday night mrs a c mcastttchy who under- sent an o at st josephs hos pital quelph oat wflay is pro las nicely tber smxiy alends wish her a speedy restatstkax to health mars ty t oeorgjt pnxrrbclal field secretary of the w7ctv wuibs in oeorsetown and xddnitytrom ho etht to uth to ttai schools and assist j sunday serncea harms her stay in town she win t entertained by ifn a b dayfoot limehosjse mr and mrs geo moluora of toledo vtatted mr and mrs w- mfblere and mxc fueisliaus a llsi end obi saturday rdsdu pnaree tsnnat- ter riad a narrow -easane- from injury when his ear was badly damaged ha ioauhim with a track offtbarrat c of toronto iteaocddeht to nuwce at sttrercreet a on no 1 hlchway poor hsbuttfu blamed far the accident by cbiot maisnafi w investigated b is isnorted the truck sldessnped the back of the car way xdry pcaatoes a ara ctna gmns t iv betsucty minister of asrlcnltnre has bean ronflriad to- his name in dbde for she past week sof- ferinsj from tadal ynrsuyaw bis con dition tor a ttoe to bbu to nave been his hom that he proveaxenjt be a eapacted to be wsxftn to his bod tor at least an- ottasr week the a is beueved to have been tfg on by old war unds the madltlnn of paralysis is not esojiccjwjd to ce pasntansnt and win dear up in ttae it 1s stated naimoi j ontario 131 ajitomnhfw bxarkers now taring turnied oaarna special m snap at tta rsar of the on tario beforrnatory- there wis be more than loajooo ur and the baok- graand win be grey with the figures black the job la said to take 9s0 tons of sheet metal and 1380 gallons of patntw there as a man wocsang uf en the job uad they tarn out orer seoo pans a day it takes a 160 ibt pressure to raise tne letters on the plate which after prtnung are baked at ib r aaitpsnent wm com- msnoe about the 1mb day of koran- fathoms deep a ckesp sea story starring jack holt chapter heroes of the friday rk eth the land of mlsstns men ttarlos action rough rtdtnav stsrrtns bob steele charlie chaas comedy rone of the smiths night teaspoons arm be gtven away ola money a real human story torn from the front pases of todays ixjaisnpus a joan bsmrtt comedy hovl nov- 1mb a special bus wm leave georgetaam at 00 nxn or the grand opening of use mapie leaf arena oarden at to ronto on ttiiusdsy hot uth 8peci- itreturn fsm fjjtt any further rnformstlnn ami taekats for the bus arena may be sennmd at longs mrs j noble and jadkle week end wtth mr and mra a mere- dltn taere was the asoal high jinks about town an bstiowewn but sesioos pranks were carried oat aba w muttere n wtatttns her son oesorse in toledo acaa neilson and her ponos ttttaoecvthe parents and friends at use school last friday afternoon the children gave a xolendkl little pro gram after which young- and old jom- jpd in a speums mstchu at the dose of the entertslnment lunch was serv ed by the pupus miss svorene mv spent sunday wtafa- friends m cmiyyltasii mrs cook of owen soond is viatt- rna her slater mrs ytm lane stewarttown ttm at johns xj fisdlowen soda ta the town pri evenms nut js sop ber were uitauut and ves7 tans was spent amo arid coinnumlty is mew advek11sements j j to rent wit an modern eon- wlied for stove ytppty mrs us 3to dry beech and maple wood tus a straxla cord delrrered alex d rome wax stp sbtos onenmgs baldwtna ontarioa narmilci farm check boad aaorge- y ltxr far sals cboace spies gus per tlts per barrel band to percy lawne phone m r ix gth line zaajseatos- ltp far bale to acres of good iurntaa for sale xpiiy to alfred tttnrapsnw ijt k ojjfa tbssueslns c b x bairanged for the uruxtug and fact that nsaatyeveryoga- was to tuxnt added a sfndeat to the 1mb of the rw mrae actedj at chaurrasn for tho oocasleov afnr the jim of the quite task fortne jodgea ft was deeued that marewtttelecimaster and mazy btadd were wen tt ittsr of the- prise for fancy dressed cm and masters davkt hqdgt and harold wikon the anile jtcxe oames ho oontests were then fesed out mr i a was saaoaaml tn wtun- the aajseeattoi and also the bean mraf contest a start play was one o the main featnrea ota the pro gram whlffti wa grfen ixy ana of the atfa caaae to a dose by i the dni norvajl sroasiw rartted to the bassir and tea of the w a of paxils church to be bald in use parish bib on friday nor stn at s ocaoek toon wffl be numsrous apsdal st- uctkxoa this year to dont buss it mrs or j webster who nas been qufm m for some weeks hi rmprovtng phenon of btantxord sgan the- end wtth mrs jno mjf tns bsnpytilo w ha dance in the parian tn pridaw nlgnt ton ara jttrl obnd rnasic aadrs good tinsefor everybody tta ypjfcv ofht ontad cannon held thetronenlnc gsscmtsw on men- day m when there was a large satherinsj pnmfst attar the opening hyxxm and prayer miss d bsatte read the sjtoua leason tut twne m read were adopted and the mtisltng wan then left ta ousts of man d wattost ntera rrswimn t pr guwmws 4sqw9wmtwabq ck tfwjwstwstallxl vf avsboska a xnooth ocgan i by o blg- neav a debase bssotvcd that an apt is more useful than a notato- bows chorus rouowej is a hymn lmncb was then sorted and the bal ance of the evect spent tn games antes were bhhiii enjuyad 9e had io nmn one stair at a taw oa ber wads ad to bed six room house on john street decclat au conveniences to mia m smyths mata st oomgato t last op saturday everung at ghiesory ttxeatre or between theatre and her oonxe at john and victoria streets apws gokt brooch set waft peaxfcc phjate nlease retem to mrs witt mefrits town jfp cbftswwl fttorit tak jbroote bskkk enttcfc to fjoaten oato cafe unable for stoitr onvea ggj s xno agsptf p w breoke geofgetoarn and it lny flnt off ihrffjasuwhota iti fost v9ba9afwsl lwwiabrwrpla flt vaa devrtea phone hrl ltp pibh and mow that the cold weather la here reryone will want gun and ehsps so nasi can or phone early and svosd the roah wood mo l bmdanod b and maple baxdwuod knots tor fur- hum any quantity x u at u wood for sale low pawn ossacs nardn sssaeh and mapte cord bads ut barowood ttmbs and rails un i sau mjj owe stair at a rasa oa aeraaads id knee that wax bjov aba had to do it and wasa ska du get to bed h i aw du get i sot ntw i could aot on a of tea terrtble paaw ay kne and i might say as all my at aigbt lesaal ftaly crawl up what aught have p a serious no ouaui bait thursday night when mr k a bsban mr oar- close friday nov fen waa sovar tea 8arvlee mr w abrowrirldteof otutonelxf uful silver tea service donated by the r baton co at acton fan pair the prase was swarded for the farmer fatntna the inotanotaxta on live stent at the mr ft wis a dose race and only a fswpointo sepa m fa tfa nsn oontesta 4 oaty one cam beard sfanon osnaty ran aaxbas opened at mjbon on moaday mr justice oarrow jsishlng the only ease triad was a nonjury drn aetk t pf of qeonjetoarn vit ahvard atooannah the i tax ool- tfdtaetsgn was brought for the arxxai of rirstenura of tana the verdict was ta favor of the -oor- porstton tm ms farm at on itandur vsfnuns of last week mr a g ucosohan had richt mtn ftt ma tw ta whlt kwmsfa with v jo nwfc ijfar g m v ptun abran tibe faeton awn to be wurondd wscbuq taapjrty thirty vnuug ladies in tows wen entertatnad to an enjoyable ajowa te party tnit 4 to 6 wswjt on sarddnr sbx last y mr m ftattmrietor of tot i the party was enjoyed and anpradated 1 by all praamt tot ttutnhs of ttjg ladwa waa tendered to ibvmc fay ha aanarcmnoapttomy the antoem trs saest- hajjrst ttltwjaa of thetfnltol osupuh wag htutntha aaootroon of the ehufon on tanday afternoon now 3rd the special speaker of the afternoon was mrs bsws of mutoo who cave aivery mlm talk on the otswittl hotnea tavsetorim-an- anwr andbtsvettonbxx befreah- ssrvedand a sods halt st the dose of insamhac rthe bwtswlrg alwfv wstl wawmi jssxaas thoa rha wm iri1 s trip txi sacra whan betseen the ath and ttb una on the ugharay coming irons acton the drtisr mr clarence sasham betng blhsced by the heavy irn and glaring xvssrlllglitt of an t ear got a little too doaa tn the edge of the wat psorement and tnlbo the ditch mr waa badly ksxxkad and and ha- ako baa his bed tht qs wtli fmr ataaiiar cnb mmi both mr m snd mr vse hope foon i io m to bed one ttsir st a tswe tajiiglvacbeaatltotrwmilylaanre entlrehr last an nana and tiffin and if acadad eown a9 xwa snstairs tmmatataae la act i ted 10 years yasster v teal aevet w waaost do yaa btajtai whet asanas rbsa- reautt of awaghfc sana sans on ahrs erestals sahs la cvjipmiliwsi w gragcisiini aisjxhmitkd tax sevuc tja aaat of land for s of wawbam tffzussu wsbs awqjovaxamq ckvba jct- ittn anu be continued at the manka- pal office on saturday not tth at 10 oclock axn the fnttowh nropi ty wm be ofhwed for sale park lot no i ana st caxansgrt aura party taxes taut ammi ijrjs total 1ju p b babbjbon treasurer 30 cents amni a heavy tjreed htrd is getwnaj rsady to lay leghorns are a faster raatux- rat bird and though they lose a little in ate they bake it op hi speed of roatxrrtty and eggs laid otir txbds are bred s ay gnod abad gos front the start not pea w wmttn who crl thh atratn and tea bred birds for s9 yaars has knitted goods ladies allwool knitted suits fall weight re- i rhiced to 45 i laches silk and wool knitted suits reduced to tx qc i skirts j ladies fine botany wool pleated skirts 430 i dresses j ladiea teal silk dresses coloa black and brown c7s ijwfics black celanew dresses housedresses lfwiirit houac dresses light and dark colors laiaies rayon julk dresses x vi misses aljwoovflajuieldresses sizeajs 7 6 sizes 10 12 4lx il v blchmers r lwcues silk rayon bloomert woods lavender silk bloomers dark colors only vests ladies nonrun silk vests 75c reduced to complicity patfeeztts 425 mm 198 mcbe georgetown ontario v 1 ab trace of wde aevl and laws they esaaae w gjainj that aanrle a are evert aaaln pawe thh sss yntasttt by taayaas a tjettk af wxmaaromm tucnon sale poppy fund the poppy day ledge wtth thanks th fodowtng can- oct d o atsson a x 4v tjntted rjawmji major o eouaum tdajor l orsnt wr h tt ija oredxt lodge ap a am 10j tojo p 1 ojbo box lacrosse the last gama on ttag arsdnls will bepmyed ttharga txare on frt- m- aa aamkaia ay rnsnt ns itaa ana aara oaesilvnwa ig now tor 4th placalmt if win it wot matms tkate two tnaan art i the tdatow auwatoewfrw com to stqavvamp rev john pringle ttngle of the ukonf forkaertf of owxasetown a 00 h totoxorato to go north to ttn htasay cpnv csa as qnttad dituijli iwjwaaaxb john prkxes wag a wsukuoau nguie in tta fnonrke rum lma when he ueked to the goufseoa jja ha rs- tmrngejuhavm vt t- jfivv ijt vf rv vsc ri tkw by at downey a tbn k at the smata of treanor late of thatoan of oeorge town la the county of axtltao wktow dicaawjd to- sen by rabaw aatatton oh rattjatdat noyambsot slat pfh atlx boar of k odorkr is ha after noon at the the rcjsawoar aroajsjitnaitjr tatosm l nagsr awa on the morttiast s yktnrt atrett in awatwl tctfw ot 0mttmlowibe ogt taai pransmah an orar atsoom rorsjheaav house in a gnod stats of rapstr 1 lot anaabar sasvan en the north stdo ot fsros street in tta said town on sakl property b esvaad a two- ttorw aaawxoosa fraatt bosnei town lata naajbtr i u n oeoswskowa nan re lit of part of auttlwwn tnaatoraalttarataoaatsatosltnat- ed b the reatdtritaalpsopertyrf oeorgetown t oobbpaay uxnlt- ed and ui of jd wmiam a me- c9urat stjxxx afxaet qsu t j jta of wsratmtw pro- jetttet w at ofltw tor sale tree t sohlett to a re- ten par cant of the pnr- ey wffl be paid to the ventkra soncnor si the tame of the tale tad the balance wttttn thirty daya thereafter for further partkauara and condl- tfcnaar sale apply to lebot dai o ontario soorator for fresh fisb uaw troit -n- wjrwhltpriee 9m1 for tarsnes on early hair had nsliig ebxdka from this xatnona ta and btoodxastad atrarn wrue wmuviwoou potsw pi quebec ranges and heaters ranges that excel in heating cooking baking do not purchase your rare ting or rooking reqinretnents tins fall antjl you have mspect- ed this very popolsr btie one ued cook stove here in wj ror soi is soing to get a real batguxi call at once and see it richardsons hardware 2w geor twywuptf smslif nottoa ks hereby atvsn that a wm to heu npnsnt to the l usta atnv by s honor the judhja of the coaxoty court of the ooxroty of baxtno at the tcanxthto trsmrakay the ub day ef h iktt aft mtv nnv for raarhsr ad osaapadnta wawatahnt t rat sioood ntrmwtte tmaav lwts at tat mi of aaw for dattd tthday t t- v lfliiffing the looms in rnuls they axs pot a that tt os- nd erap to the taonkthsvi tertauy to tat qaqwjaaaaagjgj lea laawaw dry dry avary dras of water nam at rarnaott phone to- s any one ot ttasststi jftglfeyti we give you ak even brake erperts on mrctwrnkal ftjtowwilic sttelnwokc and people attention i j3bv6rcotiirt young peoples band of the salvation array toronto will be mutswrftlom silotway night smiiay toventer 7 ft 8 or limt of sessricca cacrrcn neacs pagm 2 ektfrit rmfim 1932 mocma s nroxn iszjso up reduced prices on a and b batteries and radio tubes rtmag of ah makes of bytn enjuytuent ejfv i throng of nstorva enansdng pasture and to the peabsalof raasuisrevexrts amah fc at yo at b eyas we are wovttsy of your patronage and rranfwwnoa we am experienced tnihe art cdrptcnvstfy r m r stark wlu ibtiat dsmya rw btorsj radios insurance ufa fire antrt rjcldedt and and xkwernmant tiir mm

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