i r the heraw sixtysixth year of publication the georgetown henjdjedncadmj evening november 18lkl931 150 per annum in advance 200 to ujsa the g herald m atttobr oanartbn weekly newspaper cnr time table standard time oolaarbaat jrvrnvmscr and mall passenger rataengnr andmall passenger stain or passengers going kant and toronto 8 43 pjn sunday going best 239 pm 718 am 1q17 ajn 39 pm 0j0 pm rp tt riaimur passenger 81a pjn 9 42 pjn 1 oerag was j5i aaeienger and mall 718 im 854 ajn kis jpeasenger ij 1 rsmiiiiiiii vatnenger and mail ms pjn 625 pjn passenger 1009 pjn prt vaasoher sunday 831 ajn passenger sunday 1009 pjn ir mac erth aaah and passenger oerag sooth v ju ajn a avail and passenger 628 pjn the odd8 the thlng3jnen fear axe glorys ripest needs the darkest day brines tohn mans brightest deed it is the threat of imminent defeat that ultimately makes the victory sweet who lives at lastro triumph will at length recount the heavy odds which tried his strength arrow inct eased ms seivice eastern standard time leave georgetown daily westbound 8c50 ajn 1350 pin- 380 pjn 7j0 pjk aso pjn daily ex cept saturday saturday only 1150 pm 10jw ajn saturday sunday and holi days only leave oeorgetown daily eastbound i tjd0 ajn 1005 ajn 220 pjn 6js0 pjn 820 pm 1020 pjn saturdays sundays and holidays only reduced fares to holders of season tickets tinketo and anayohiation at longs directory get breakfast so quickly why fm serving shredded wheat oi course 1 just take the biscuits from the package and serve them with cream or milk sometimes i add fresh or stewed fruits if youd like a hot breakfast i can prepare it in a jiffyt shredded wheat crisped in theoven while iheat some milk to pour over it oh im a friend of shredded wheatl jts ready cooked ready to serve and its just us delicious and nourishing for lunch as for breakfast 1 the canadian shrfeddh wunt cxmmrkltdl u sot dau oaageuisii ontario bldg irm at cawabknob h wiggins mat hehwtar notary paalie osjmap cream stock georgetown i ftal graham aad bowtke brampton cadario a o oralava r b graham o h jagarma kknkctb m lamgdon aaudtar notary paalte mccney to ijoan phoos it g ias djjb tea bnepfinsday f l la favaswnofc one door north af ormuoa oarruge factory janus aaa to pjn mum lamb rmaonoal kuaautwxr nubsb voa or weak i poena sir georgetown oatarie chbtopiaciic rawbvar qiaiaalsib gears pnctloe an ssjabeass laiiaif qnlaanath xjuy service oatles nt tvwifntnri store avfey iretaaajay and saturday ito b and 7 jo to j0 pjn httna by appo shredded wheat with ail the bran of the whole wheat open day and night regular meals 40c up we serve pure food in season now oyster month and hot drinks for cool weather all kinds of sandwiches or pie for the light lunch main st south phone 2 georgetown men think they wish to live their days in ease but peace and comfort give no vic tories in difficulty lies all true delight j fear becomes joy when mu are put to right the fretful failures which have tried the soul are glorious memories once we reach the goal v why are the tales of hardship proud ly told why do men sum lerttve their struggles old recall to mind with pride the storms theyve known and tell the long dark nights they wept alone unless the dangers which they feared the taost have grown to be the jbrys they c to coast fjfames the leas was left shepherd the uia of rnanajrrt the oowjerenat candidates for lis paupat the oon- greaatian was crtticad a did not lax the mannr of this nan the appear anee of that the vatce at any henry kcndalts tense ihmal did not re lax aba pruyn swaved wiiiaahi to her paw aueja miailkai ufted her chin with an the old hard pride that had softened and vanhtwd when then came to her the uaue son whose death she now in tn the arann the rtrnrtalh and piwjms ahd atrau- tons osscasaed thebr paacnees the 4waonuttness of this time der of they henry kendall they read the aid alicia mrauton fancy lu one to dkonerf said mrs ijrnyat m the iv tnlng tew- of the cancrega- tlon it uu to servsqe no one tar reatinded anoaber uvat anai not be foetiar adawaabss nj said in e uaat aanoat all the snrgi went wjodsk one re- membered for an instmnartbat thecon- greaatlon ttseat was nawje ap of sin ners who needed nirftweofsk far al varteoea of faults st jaaats set si its lovety vauey lima l cor o and a ahasae to sis de- aonsmation- n time was we thought that cruel was our fate but now we love the woes we bore in hate the care tha bronyht the frown no at ttto believe that far apimj years ua mpeapte had heard of ayidatavsri a harity from the upa of a saint the ber arthar wtlliaan was i thirtieth sunpty be arrtved late satnrday ewening and nimwraj nrr one brings a smile our happiest memory is our dreariest mile strength anew and it shall be when we have uvea that these dark days shall prove oar them through bfcrar a quest frank patch aucnxonktat afasal and raitaa sir c e- mcglure autktraeer baal batata tohararliae anu furm phone ftg vi oeoraatown ontario rcaiceil pdces for fall tans taar omnm to be cleaned rt aad smaatna iadik8 coats jibirs tjrts a ovamooats a suits and overcoats to measure onarantend to fit lb0rs8bltl fsjmskd 43oc i if v a rose tatlobt caaa lane hi r 1 ff liclncriagjr lfi potje84r h r cskfxjttrwn rur no 2 u r fit tawritwyalre omtatng bis son on sold by john mcdonald advertise it bays hydro electric system best light bulbs of all sizes guaranteed orders taken for ranges appliances ofl all kinds r p h ii i i i n j ii- h ftsioffice town halt ja or jour plndc and 5 y t nutht have dad to do 5 o that aort boseu a rv i the supply at st james the less by else stngmaster l- eam vaujet is sbt miles long and about a mile and a half wide on on of us long sides the hills rise gently and here farmers have cut from the thjck woodland small farms along the opposite umb of the oval the mmmtalnn rise steeply that their skies are safe only for strongmuscled men this great escarpment is divided rojdway as if a mammoth knife with tfiro great had cut a wedge through this gap passes a river formed by the fluence of two streams llowfaig opposite directions along the bases of the hills sunrise comes a little rate to learn valley and sunset a moment or two early but in the hours be tween you can watch the slisdows of the clouds drift along the great green wall and sometimes see the clouds themselves resting upon the kmravilt the upper end of ueaun valley is hidden from the lower end by a slight ridge thai rises opposite the gap- the villagers in the lower end can ace from their homes rrouung of the mileiang buildings or uw great fur naces or laboratories in which they labor they can watch only the rising towers of smoke or steam by day the rosy glow cast by night the sky when cinder is ramped or the bells of the furnace am lowered sometimes to their earn there reaches a strange sound as of tt smothered groan of a monster sometimes the loxaj creaking lines of cars start with their burden of valuable metal or acid the monster seems to wait the villagers know the origin of each sound shes breathing heavy thomas will say of the furnace that he neaps to tend eight hours nut of twentyfour polish stnnislaus will think with pride of the hundreds of barrels of oxide he has sealed that day beginning now their journey to the other side of the world in the lower end of lam on the level boor of the valley ties the village with its neat cottages its stores us pleasant streets us great hood house where ku thomass daughter teams to cook and polish stanislauss daughter vnmn to and both are taught to love their new country where the village ends the park be gins the village sale belnrapi to the village here the band pings on satur days and holidays here yaunde may bring her intricate ernbaxtdery here qtesata her tittle baby brook brabbling down iron the wood land to join the a aerosi valley finds itself crossed by bridges and overhung by rosea rhododendrons and waded tn by children and listened to by the park extends to the of the gently rising hills where the farmers fields have been rolled and planted into smooth lawne bare are set the bouses of the auperbxtendents and managers who am nr for the success of the vast hnikimia at the other end of the vatleyand for the safety and wellbeing of bv thrioaand men this part of the wulnrotiil of learn has close connection with the great world alts fonrlau la here this morning and tn new tork to night there visit at the boose of mr pruyn men whose xramea are known from the atlantic to the paci fic when alicia pruyn married robert moulton the governor of the state came to her wedding in toe park midway lltlwuii the village and the superintendents re servation stands the church jof st james the lass it h btrut of nattv stone great blocks of rich red sand stone h has a squat m tdwer and beautiful windows trees over shadow it vines cluster about it thick e shadow the paths that lead to it inside alt is dim and coot in the days of doctor watbted thither along paths and sat within watching the ntckerinc shadows of the l or the alow shirting of the stadnstjf crim son or purple on the floor and listen ing to the rich voice of tt preacher dmfmlatirmr oraiaonnc anllllrinit hftt spiritual chdldrencthen tt was that you woaldered whether the peace of heaven was not like uus peace doe- tor adams had passed tla meridian of his life when be came to trrem his experiences had been nuanttold and varied he seemed able to aid and btou other nam tn all then and sorrows aa he listened kendall let his brow arncoth out mrs pruyn eager laatkaa mxaie- countable even to her mends rcitmad to settle ijito repose and alleto laotor ton drawing her black- well a uttls closer across her face nut her hand into her nnshaodls and wept che antei heavy tsars of grief that a tacvnaolaw the backs of tt to the churoh of janv mup are his you can ahw amy m quart tmaecrnrtnn to grief or tp rapi but when doctor aoatni va ed to nil fathers sad uaf no at fjt directions and sauted writh his btue son to the village ana- was long for coty a part of b eoaat the feet of arthur jnnlor v tds fat little body then bis father ear ried him on ne ana and hhs satchel in the other band and slowly the tandaord sauted a nttte as he saw the prea raaatne ap the steps to the ban parch he was taller and more angular b seeaaea to the hm- treeper than any of the other candi dates and he spoke as if were elsewhere ss sleep he found hhamlf in with which he wa acquainted with his uttat boy at which bnrdett the anahiad ih hb head with pay be went at once to his room and snpeareii da the manual the williams locked eve than ne had in the to the neantthd ilmaih the park and abater be tan the bay by the narad wore a ah as it b ing to retain ha hb tain directions that he bad heard ivolte good- said be wbh a nod t win not touch she hymn books and i ww not kick the stool i wot he good- the rev arthar wmtoaas staright- eneu nis mawiaaus savraveary w ukbt hrtadth which was amain than ap peared at first sfgbx i must take aay a he to himself bat be oaebt to have he aaght to an uncarpeted floor without feel- tbe force of the contact hut more dearly ptamnnrl were mortinca- uon ea regret though ihla was chumn and though the uunrhu waited a murmur of pity frjuowed young arthur then the ntornsur ceased at their pastor the congregation or st ham the lent looked once more and at them their supply looked uvj return on his aider face were also rwmfvataon and ernbarraasment and ragrct but graven more deeply was grief of the sort tkat a human being techs bx bat one of the tragedies of una toe congreaatfou of st janus the leas saw siprlrirnly how it was wtth tlus young aaan and felt sudden ly ninety and onav and aware of tla atn of faultlncung in- dfrtdomlty the c of 81 james the less nude resolution to had fault no longer but to have patt- to comforv and to help y and lastly- iter the swpnd tan the bev arthur williams fabed to proceed with the division the sermon he had begun he locaea s into the face of henry he saw wittaatnasement one pelican bih a friend to mail fi of atrs pnuyne saw beyond both henry kendalls face- and mro prawns tears into their hearts and fett a thrul an tluoosh ban they were dldsnl but it was for him they were sh but it was at their andean rvalhrstion of has grief r they torn mast know what grief was they aanat base suffered tt was no wonder that to them also his epigrams his carccony wrought paragraphs seem e as ch upon thejrlnd say little boy nas no mother he sals quietly and with a deeper voice read to the end of his fourthly and saying to that please has preaching should be no lon- snpty that having suffered he now otaafort that having yield ed nunaetf as kmb to the sins of bite a lumihiniil he could now e men to tree t of sin i cad not see what all the oongrega- tton saw with fresh tears that alicia sgrailton had risen and had followed tab boy out under the trees nor did ne dream that here in pleasant learn yifefj was to be for years to ha su and his home he knew easy that hope and strength and fattjn were once more his ack in the days when pelican bui had two good eyes and flew with the flock nobody knew igfery much about him he attracted no snore gtlentlori than any one of a tnousand of his kind but one bleak nursing about ten years ago bui as he has since been naroacl lost one eye from a gunshot jcfijqdl inflicted by the hand of a cruel invteeakmb hunter thus m he decided to ttve alone s as sociating with the inore perfect apecl- meoeof the pelican tribe and today chlstty because of this isolation he is known in almost every harbor on the pacific coast he visits all of ounx t a familiar figure along the water treats bill is returning to- manktau goorl for evil in exchange for gun shot be has rjrtenrlcd crieodshtr placing his trust in humanity despite his m tawing eye the great old pelican closely approaches the haunts of rnah ai all seasons of the year and has in gratiated monet with all who make his acquaintance ite is the pet of ttae veteran waterlronters woe to tbelnchvldnal who attempts to do bill farmer harm those who know and admire the lonely okt pelican would no more think of injuring him than if be were a friendlydos above all pelican bill is a weather prophet or at least is regarded as such by his many human chums along the various docks mot a few of thef declare bui to be jfcrnflij jf on a sunny afternoon bui is seen sittiruf dejectedly on a pilot- letters oftentimes it makes you better when youre ill to get a letter oftentimes when you are sad a wee note will make yob glad sometimes when youre all alone in a letters friendly bone you will find the syrnpathy that you need it seems to me letters are an easy way to make brighter some ones day betters make the miles seem fewer letters make old faiths seem newer letters make a frienauy hand wahnly reach from land to land on i think we should dont you write more letters than we do margaret sangstrr notes and comments mush fob antelopes hi the golden days of 18ss wrbtea dr william t hrjrnaday when i was mailiig a irdgaty struggle to lead the natiooal ituseums buffalo- liiijiuna outfit on toriotory and snatch a lew wad t h n as brands from the bnrntng we rosuned over the bare and deserted buffalo range that roll ed and aniluil in lnuil the yellow atone and the lftasoori rivers north of blues city we found the few we soognt and if you are 1rf hunter yourself you bad one of thorn even now on h tendollar when the tan reached the young p pat e and sat for a while in pew from the front of that of doctor i service far tatter than t 8t lord had noticed on our hnrtttng arrafnds there were iihimmu tarn hundred pronghomed a in the warm and bright aulas they ware broken up into awan bands of from ten to twenty but aa that aarfully cold winter closed in that bleak country they r to large herds top taffato nunter was james ey now widely known fro lolemztve to bullngav be was then cowboy but tn the last yearn of the sweat northern bison herd be had been mvional ravffalo hunter for i asem to ranawober that his as some twehe hundred headj along with hb aarnnxpvjshinents as a baanter add phumxtnan jtm played the mouth harp as bo callettlt with lmhi taste and snh his rrrfii oar fit was autthoadharmoiuca mouth onus that looked as if tt bad coat bbeen cents fifteen years ago he pared a good strbag of old melodies thai are now an dead and gone and luglarsd by the rwirrtocsn ragweeds and begaarticks of music known as -jam- there was the devfla dream the lajiiera imrnpam afoneyalusk home of course and at of centra i the thetr and down at the floor afra frayn 1 restawaty and ajbda ava atrthe wau trying to ptan hxt juuin that forgjrt her grief the aware of the attitude of his i nary had been awxesafaa bat be could eoamal haaaetf to brluvancy no past moaansey hb ed by whaheva aavaad so aha bow use dry hrawa eapty aavava as chair ham were cawsatod men and woaasnx he dal not havavat tliaaa he did not angaiias then ne end not swan hold then- attention hb said to baa- self that hat grief had cjeaefaed tn mm the bra of ufa i toorthly- of ais to the the startled ah- rose a cry i front senwy cnr the bataror the pw m rrontot her and ahem afootton pat her hand up to her throat as if be atop aa oat- cry of heard anything at au aoo fopnw the ay i then he steamed as t a spall had been put upon nha to the aavonlabavant of the vrawmw n arv arthar artha mjd he am go oat uialrr the tteaa unto obiuejh arovar stkr to the second paw from ma amda tt okar to the congrega- that thto arja a bad a uawaya aatawoxaval toward ardm ant aa an gat wasmfor aqrh one eold and windy night at the do bottes when we retreated to hat bottom- of a rtrtrtillkn coulee twen ty jeet deep to coast and eat our grab wttn a trifle of oonsfort jim apt out has rntthful mourn harp- and played tor aa so long and so weh that we forgot the cold and the grim gray of bardpan earth and went to one line sunny afte in october aa jam and i were leisurely riding to ward camp we uaaaut near a small bunch of five or she antelopes mow said jan t wonder how those lopes woild ufce my old mouth bain be began to play the antelopes gave ear an heads came up from tne bunch erase sod aa they listened uaey stood a sun at statues thetr fasxe la toward ss do on dowry- mid i and see what they will do but keep on qtoany we rode tusward on our way and ra bleat if all those antelopes dtdnx paw op then- feet and travel wttp as to hear the music they manrarnrrt their d and travel eat along parallel wtth us for at lea the nxadc p umbo and bemgnettber tunscry nor fright ened they jjoat acted naturally wkn tn o you might work long befnre ajsttlnv a rawjtlon uke that various irawlral experi- a have been tried upon our cap tive ttona tlgera leopards hears and few other snsnsfs hut atnee they w to thmt ouartera and ttoa the mains have been mostly iiuillt fame awaits the enterprls- tenter wtjo wfll learn the the bute use violin yes and aho tne humble mouth harp and then an and play real music to wad animals at ease in their haunts bubvbmobvmwir jean nxtient youwlsh to hl au the animals off their see rangeal of vmtero canarhvto 190u crop have 1 over ennadmn hauonal route to the grain mar- lass of the world bearing with them of prairie farmers the of wheat are baled to grain man lunula and train trade aasocla- ttoat tn germany wnlland italy bsl- hwa prance mgffgua vmland and mps up aimutuw by the western uiata bt oosamxttee in w naa tjbje savalai ctantslll grain iroin rrarttoatr every duarlot tn the west anvlb tptlr of the-auall- by of wsjaat wbloh aviuaipaali or expaot in tne fllbng of large xt each igrade are i of the bea of gra xa4sjnhvjr his great bill sunk upon his his breast his wings drooping and his eaoiers ruffled that means rain within twen tyfour hours and it tin addition bo this bill should stanef for long in tervals on one foot with the other tucked up under him that means that the rain will he accompanied by heavy winds and consequently heavy seas many of the old seadogs on the lum ber wharves believe that the d 8 weather bureau should take its tips from this remartable pelican nostlng storm warnings for the benefit of navigation whenever bill performs that stunt of natanvina himself on one of his beautiful webbed extreml- tiea of course pelican bill may be over rated as a prognostlcator of future wualrur cond ttlcym perhaps he makes no claims to being a prophet as re gards tilings of a cllmattrai nature but an skeptical persons will have a bard time conwincinai the water-fron- tera that bui is without a natural gift as a forecaster of what the elements have in store for humanity the wise okt pelicoi will permit his human friends to approach within a few feet of him and will even accept a fish extended to him at arms length but none are allowed to touch him he is never vicious- be merely re sents undue familiarity with a flap of his huge wings and moves over to the next pile bill ta tne personification of dignity in appearance and in every that there is no lack of money in canada is indicated by the- increasing bank deposits the total and immense sums of money now insavmgs ac counts go far to show that canada is a jong way from being on the rocks the life insurance sales research bureau has just issued a statement to the effect that up to the end of sep tember this year the people of canada and newfoundland had bought 387- 323000 of new ordinary life insurance the total of insurance in torce tn panada at the present time is tsjsoo- 000000 or 650 for every man wo man and child hi the dominion that is a per capita showing higher than any other country to the world ex- capt-the- baited states wtth minora in canadian savings banks and life insurance put away by a nation of a little over ten million people there is every reason to hope that canadians should get back to normal prosperity long before any other people on earth of one eye has in no way handicapped this bird as a diver be rises to great height above the bays or the ocean and keenly inspects tie wa with his one remaining eye then head down he falls like a flash into the brine emerging after several seconds with bis dinner when the supply of small fish is great bui like all pelicans stores away a supply in his great pouch for future consump tion this pouch lies just below his enormous bul when ailed with fish it la very conspicuous there has been no little specula tion as to why pelican bui after los ing his eye so quickly stinnnert the great flocks of pelicans that make their home along tne western coast and east his lot wltri human beings this is a question mat never will be definitely answered for bui has no way of conmuinicattnf with his hu man friends but it is believed by many that the old pelican deeply conscious of his injury suffered no little humiliation as a result of it and went into voluntary erile tet at times when a distant flock of pelicans trails gracefully across the dry bui from bis perch on a pile cranes bis neck to watch them in tently until they are lost to view and a faraway look touched with some thing akin to sarhwm comes into the old birds single eye the drkatsouukd bfacalpin you have some wheat to seuf said the miller to macarpin i have three thousand bushels replied the settler tne millers eyes narrowed then he made v an offer for fats wheat that made the thrifty scot stare wtiy man he rorrlalmcri at such a price you could make no profit grind ing that wheat into flour what have ye to mind selling it tor seed grain replied the miller coolly for be thought he was nra of his manu a vision swept before the mind of ataoalprn misfortune bad overtaken the sstttenretit early hosts- the year before hald killed all the grain and the last that his neighbors bad had from the years before had long since gone bo keep them and a few cattle alive they looked into the future wtua dismay maiahpln because he had farmed more extensively and had sturdy sons to help mm had grain stored away from the previous years when prices were lovf and he had re fused bo sell his wheat at a loss now the miller was offering him money beyond his dreams but in his vision lavralnvh saw the coldhearted man rohsg among his struggling neighbors naced by famine and extorting money from them and the cold sweat came out upon tils brow he would not seo his wheat to this man i tne next sabbath morning dressed in till best macalpln took his stand early by the gate of the little kirk on the tnvw and as each fellow church man and neighbor peanut he whisper ed tn htm you can get seed grain at my pieace measure for for each bushel you take at you can bring me a bushel after har- at alter doing that for the members of his own congregation he sent his sons off to other churches tn the neigh borhood to make the same offer early the next day a proe of men with bags on their backs men on uuij men on ann and men in wagons came in as vara kiln gate not one was denied youre an alike to me today said macalpln bushel for bushel it shall be what you take at seed thne re store naebushel for buibel after har- teacllor this is the worst eoawjosl tlon tn the class so rm going to ssjumle h analyesotvrlte a note teutag your father about by jdjr j bjrohardl pupo i dont ears causa tie wrote it it yon do be- we all know people who are al ways grumbling at the government grousing about taxes about unensptoy- ment criticising the church and state telling us oonomnuly that this and that is long overdue and yet nanny of us are not doing w to njrfr matter better perhaps we are npnar- lng the truth when we say we cant do much pew people can supermen are very scarce but there is virtue in doing ones best and if everybody did that this sad old world would bilg up considerably you may not agree with us but we are of the opinion that no imsewlsh effort to straighten out tangles right wrongs or ease bur dens is ever lost your effort may be but a drop in the bucket but the whole pailful is made up of just such drops if you cannot inthe conflict prove yourself s soldier true if where fire and smoke are thickest tnere no work for you to do when the hattlrfleld is silent you can go with careful tread you can bear away the wounded you can cover up the dead the world is a long way from the ideal but every tune we all do some thing for nothing thats for t but love we make a real contribution to its happiness peace and prosperity the alias craig banner reminds us of the daily deficiency saying a poor sick woman whose sufferings bad made her a little morbid made a curi ous reauest of a friend when i am dead and my neighbors come to my door with regret and sympathy do not let any of them in the house because i have lived here for years lonely and forlorn and shut in and not one of them has dropped m to cheer and comfort me if they offer their cars for the funeral refuse them because they never asked me to take a ride though they must have known how much an invalid would enjoy getting out do not less them lay a flower on my coffin for they never gave me a single bloom tn life now this wo mans neighbors are not especially hard and heartless people they are just busy people engrossed in thetr am affairs even as you and i and when they hear that the poor invalid the street is dead they wfll be is stricken at having failed in kindness to her and they will rush over to her house and try to atone for their neglect by riiff their tri butes on her bier we all do the same thing and i often think that the most cynical thing in the world is that we have to die to snd out what our family and friends think of us and the esteem in whoh we are held in tne community the words we hungered and thirsted to bear the love that we broke our hearts for are only whispered into deaf ears o g sntrbgents par exceed last two years winnipeg man nov ulth fl covering the marketing and loading of grain during the month of october along the lines of the canadian na tional railways on the prairies far eoreeed the figures of the previous two years according to a report issued by x p white superintendent of car service recently to date marketings for the month totalled o2000 bus hels which is double the 20054000 aggregate of october 1990 and the 32- 967000 aggregate of october 1839 tradings since the first of the month have reached 29812000 bushels in 20- s41 cars as compared to 1527000 bus hels in 11355 ears last year and only lo44i000 bushels in 10830 ears hi 1929 inspections have likewise in creased to 17063 cam this month com pared to lun tn october tost year and isjim hi 1939 at present there are jsmoooo bus hels in store tn country elevators on canadian national railways compar ed to 23u00 bushels of brain at this time last year a total of 53799000 bushels of grain are in store at an elevators at the lakehead and van couver elevators contain 13e3000 bus hels shipments to vancouver since august 1st 1931 now total 3530 cars and shipments to prince rupert have also commenced for toe season with lis cars en route to the northern port on the pacific taking the count if was a misty 8unday morning in the highlands father snd son were returning from the kirk presently they pa wed a field where a number of big rngii cattle were lasuy erajdhg father said the little scot there are twelve mighty fine animals in that faeld p the old scoffrowned down on his son angus- he said you may not count the beastles on the sabbath day and besides there are thirteen another difference between plants and anlnuus said the lomlmi is that plants are not auaeeptjhleof close attachment to man aa arshnslw are how about burn teacher piped a small bay who ha pssaurt has sum- in ttto sta tjr 1 4r- ijsssfc k