Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 30, 1931, p. 2

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rffy t page 1 the georgetown herald wednesday evening december 30th 1931 t ituiiilmhiniiiiiuuiiiaiiinmwimiiiiiiiimomiiiutiiihhnuim iiniuuiiuiiinutliuiuijnitiiui your vote and influence i are respectfully solicited for w goodson appelbe as deputyreeve for the lwwislup of equosing for the yenr l32 election monday january 4th 1932 0 boom huffman in peol memorial hospi tal brampton on wenesday dec 30th 1s31 to mr and mrs william huitman a sou died stacey iij georgetown on thurs day deaynber 24th 1931 martha wallcer widow of the late chas w staccy aged 77 years near at guelph general hospital december 23rd 1931 christena mar- trnr t henderson widow of the late frederick near aged 79 years your vote feind influence are respectfully solicited for william a wilson as deputyreeve for the township of esquesing for the year 1 932f election monday january 4th 1932 your vote and influence are respectfully solicited for nelson a robinson as councillor for the township of esquesing for the year 1932 election monday january 4th 1932 your vote and influence are respectfully solicited for i william schenk as councillor for the township of esquesing for the year 1 932 selection monday january 4th 1932 t in mfcmoriam strinqer in loving memory of our dear mother mrs charles stringer who iiassed away dec 30th 1830 one by one lifes ties are broken one by one they are linked above some daythere will be sweet reunion once again with those we ove i sadly missed bjf her sons oonlqjn william and george armstrong in loving memory ol a dear father and grandfather thomas armstrong who passed away december 20th 1919 you are pot forgotten dear father not will yoii ever be as long as wo and memory lasts we will rememfcer thee sadly missed w the family obituary mrs chas w stacey by the death of martha walker widow of the late charles w stacey on thursday dec 34th georgetown has lost another esteemed and respect ed citizen mrs staoey was in tier 78th year and had been a resident of georgetown for the past tritelve years she was bom in swarfham norfolk- ahlre england and came to canada 23 years ago her death occurred only a day after she had celebrated her ttth birthday surviving are two soi leonard in england and clifford scoutmaster of the georgetown troop of boy scouts seven grandchildren four brothers and one sister also sur vive mrs staoey was a member of the baptist- church and a strong temperance advptate the funeral service on satuay last was con ducted by rev a n frith of the baptist church when tile remains were interred in oreenwood cemetery john srnclalb q in the death of john sinclair at the home of his soninlaw mr john h lang orangevllle on tuesday dee- ember 22nd in his 87th year an other of the early pioneers of erin township crossed the great divide a son of the late duncan sinclair he was born in erin township whesre he spent his life he was a presby terian and possessed high ideals en joying a wide circle of friends and neighbors he is survived by one son wm t of georgetown and three daughters mrs oeo thompson bal- llnafad mrs f scriven toronto mrs j h lang orangevllle and two grandchildren campbell sin clair and jean scriven mrs sinclair predeceased turn about fourteen yean ago as did also one daughter mrs geo blair on april 7th 1931 the funeral took place on thursday from he residence of his sontolaw at orangevllle where a short service was held followed by a public service at melville church oaledon interment at melville cemetery advocate your vote and influence are respectfully solicited for lome l mullin as councillor for the township of esquesing for the year 1 932 election monday january 4th 1932 i your vote and influence wc g wesley murray as councillor a for the township of esquesing for the year 1 932 v election monday january 4th 1932 ikb 1- iw your vote and influence i are respectfully solicited for harrop j as councillor fpr tha township of esquesing for the year 1932 election monday january 4th 1932 mbs f s neab after a period of suffering lasting about three months resulting from a broken leg sustained from a fall mrs f 8 near of george passed away peacefully at guelph general hospital on december 23rd 1931- de ceased was a member of georgetown united church being deeply interested in all the efforts of the church in pro moting christian life and fellowship in all departments of the church being an active member of the wo men s missionary society also a faith rul attendant of the church until en feebled by illness which began about four years ago which also greatly hindered heating of the broken knee she is survived by one daughter mrs jas reid of perdue sask and one son william of hornby also one bro ther john henderson of oararasa she was born ofrthe fifth line esques ing near balnnofad and after her marriage to the late f s near lived on a farm on the tenth line esquesing until moving to georgetown twenty one years ago since that time she has been a resident on queen st from which place the funeral which was largely attended by friends and rela tives took place on saturday dec 26th the service was conducted by rev mr rumley pastor of george town united church the remain were interred m oreenwood cemetery the sympathy of many of the friends and relatives was expressed by num erous beautiful floral tributes the pallbearers nephews of the deceased were jas henderson of tottenham will henderson of orand valley alex near of rocfcwood wm cooper of acton john mcoean of erin and fred shortdll of balllnafad mrs w r hume after a period of illness and suffer ing borne with great fortitude and courage mrs w r hume passed peacefully away on friday dec 18th the funeral was held on monday af ternoon dec 21st from her late resi dence in nelson services being con ducted by rev j w altklns at the home and in st pauls church 1111 ton of which church the late mrs hume was a member relatives neighbors and friends from points far and near turned aside from busy preparations of christmas week to at tend the funeral service to pay tribute to the beautiful life of the late sins hume as well as to express sympathy for the bereaved husband the three sons donald gordon and sherwood who remain and the sorrowing father and mother mr and mrs james wat son georgetown sisters mrs b u millar vancouver bo mrs p u thompson georgetown brothers john and edgar watson toronto three cousins of the deceased messrs ellas orvule and morley watson of nelson assisted the choir of bt paul church in the service of music the late mrs hume before her marriage was eleanor m watson daughter os mr and mrs jas watson of george town she was a public school teach er qualifying for special teaching work for which she had a rare gift in both vancouver and ouelph fih was keenly interested not alone in the missionary and local wont of the church bus- he womens institute her enthusiastic support and ham personality will be greatly missed friends from a fllrrt who came to attend the funeral were dr r a- ramsay washington dxj dr gears hume ottawa dr t e watson niagara pans messrs eu and john watson toronto mr stanley knapp gait mr arid mrs john taylor chut mr and mry serb taylor gait mr angus carter roefcwood mr edgar switser brampton a election in esquesing run for reeve deputyreeve and cotjnctiaors large gmcikrino at nomina tion card or tsmnk8 j we hereby convey to friends and neighbors our very sincere thanks for the- huuiy unrtnetanw extehbed to as during the llmee and deatltof -era- beloved mother one late imrs p b- warison and daughter there will be an election in es quesing on monday next jan 4th and the following candidates arc in tin held for reeve qeorge e cleave and george currle for deputyreeve w goodson appelbe and wm a wilson for councillors edwin har rop lome l mullin o wesley mur ray nelson a robinson william schenk nominations at stcworttown on monday last were as follows for reeve george qurrlc by daniel mcglbbon and duncan mcdougall george e olcave by p o mcglbbon and sandy lawson j r lindsay by j n ruddell and john barnes for deputy reeve w o appelbe by p o mcglblxm and j n buddell w sa wilson by e erwin and john campbell oeorge carrie by floyd downs and j neilson win qowdy by w j rltclue and duncan mcdougall councillors w q appelbe by james mcdowell and john a elliott l l mullin by david l joe and j a elliott christopher t moffatt by w j mc donald and r n brown edwin harrop by sandy lawson and seward wilson r n brown by james mann and pefer mclsaac w k wilson by j neuson and floyd downs wm schenk by r addy an4w j alexander wesley murray by alex k mann and h b burkholder n a robinson by geo c brown and james hughes on motion of george cleave and w a wilson xownsbip clerk i m bennett was appointed chairman and called upon those nominated who ad dressed the electors as follows reeve george cleave said he was pleased to again have the privilege of addressing the ratepayers of the town ship he reviewed the work of tne post year explaining the various re ceipts and expenditures as presented in the fim- statement they bad continued the policy of road building but at less cost to the ratepayers the township was in good shape financial ly he read a report from the coun ty clerk relating to the expenditures on county work on roads schools old age pensions etc which showed sn pproxhnote balance of 12000 the rnnt of the roads was an im portant matter and the road mac hinery purchased by the county was doing good work land the roads wen kept well above the average there had been an agitation to have the second line between acton and mil ton made a provincial highway but the cost of 44000 per mile of which the ratepayers would have to pay 20 par cent was too high he did not press to have this work gone on with as it would cost in the neighborhood of 800000 obd the county could build the road cheaper the council of 1931 as a whole had endeavored to give the best possible service to the atepayers the roods must be kept up and those off the highways have a right to their ijiare of good roads there is no better asset to a farming community than good roads and ac cording to engineers esquesing is on a par with any other township 1 queslng has no debenture debt and the township is amply secured for every dollar of back taxes the splen did credit of the township is due to the policy of those who served in years gone by as well as the present council and the same policy should be continued in toe future deputyreeve oeorge currle was pleased to meet the ratepayers again to see that the gathering was getting larger and that an interest was being taken in township affairs be chink ed all for the many kindnesses which had been shown him during his ill- less last summer the township had received its full share of county work this year but whoever represents es quesing in county council next year must fight against any more expend ture at the lower end of the county ff more debt is saddled on the coun ty we shall never be able to pay 11 off it is time we went to the gov crnment and told them what to do and not always have them betting the county what they must do if they want another highway let them jet funds where they may but not from the ratepayers of halton with jld age pensions and other levies the county council has become a collec tion agency for the government the upkeep of cemeteries is quite right and we should show respec to the pioneers who to a large extent mode our country what st is today the township of esquesing is in the best position of any township in the pro vince we have no debenture debt and thanks is due to the councils of the years gone by as well as the pres ent for this splendid financial posi tion the 10c rate for hauling gravel last year accounted for a lot snore work for less money whoever com pose next years council must econo mise and cut down expenditure out side of malntainence and reduce taxes if a member of next years council he would do his best to reduce ex penditures be was running for reevesmp after having served t years as deputyreeve and the men under wished to sdvance he would leave himself in the hands of the electors and abide by their decision councillor w g appelbe was noml noted for both deputyreeve and councillor he said he would accept whatever position the ratepayers wish ed but whoever coohosed 1932 coun cil should economise and lower the taxes they should be cautious and not go in for any big expenditure he believed 100o0 could be cut off of road expenditure and still carry on he was opposed to building any more highways through the county to txilld up clues at either end he was a candidate for deputyreeve and was quite satisfied to abide by the decision of the ratepayers councillor w a wilson sold he was a candidate for deputyreeve for 1933 he was in favor of economis ing as far as possible and while the roads must be maintained he believed expenditure on them could be con siderably curtailed he appreciated the confidence of the ratepayers in the past and would leave himself in their hands councillor lome mullin appreciat ed the confidence of those who placed hurnsme before the electors for 1932 council be said taxation must be reduced by reducing expenditures roads must be maintained but much new road should not be built until times warranted it e would be a candidate for 1933 and if elected carry on as in the past bdwin harrop said he had not come to tile meeting for municipal honors but had been prevailed upon bo stand and as there was no repre sentative from word one he would be a caiklidate if elected he would nracuce economy and endeavor to work in bast interests of ratepayer mr wmoowdy sam he admired the council for what they had done in the past- year llmehouse and vicini ty never had better roads he con gratulated the councils of the past and- present for rexusing to run into debenture debt and urged whoever ight compose 1932 council to stick to that principle he had no notion of being a candidate for municipal honors but was proud to be a rate- layer in the township of esquesing n a robinson thanked his mover and seconder and said he had not much notion at present of being a candidate the council had done good work in the past ilr brown said he did not come expecting to be nominated he crlti clsed the statement as inaccurate ana thought a more reliable one should be presented to the ratepayers he od watca and believed the farmers should be given the ob of drawing gravel for the roads in order to help them earn money to pay their taxes wm scheirkr said he wouirj he i candidate as he believed the rate payers were entitled to a man at the north end he asked the ratepayers for their support and if elected would work in best interests of all concerned g wesley murray said he had been pbvalled upon to be a candidate but vvould not force an election if there was an election he would be a can didate and if elected would practice economy he was thanlcfiu for- the i eduction in taxes this year and be lieved they could be further reduced if elected he would strive to get value for all monies spent and work in the best interests of all concerned road superintendent thomas l lclle thanked the ratepayers for the splendid treatment he hod received at their hands during the year if the work done on roads this year had been dome with teams the costs would have been double the cost of finish ed road gravelling grading etc was about 300 a lot a mile incfudthg col verts etc east about 1000 about 10 miles of mud road should be done in 1932 half the amount of last year he read a statement of the money pent on different roads in the town ship reove cleave following the other speakers said he had protested most strenuously against the building of third highway through halton the cost of building bridges was outrage ous if reelected he would continue the policy of economy and would en deavor to reduce taxes the mg year if no unforseen circumstances occurred much of the money col- lacted had to go meet fixed ex pcndluires and the council had control over only a small proportion of the taxes collected he did not agree with bhe proposal to do road work with teams as 1t would cost too much and members of council were bound by oath to do all in best interests of the ratepayers as a whole he would be a candidate for 1932 re had been three years at county council and had endeavored to nerve the ratepayers to the best of his ability as far as he could remember previous represen tatives have had four years at coun ty council in reply to a question by mr ruddell be said he would do all he could to assist in securing a re duction in telephone rotes in the township mr mcxlntock of the bank of com merce on request explained matters re garding bank in crest etc and con gratulated the ratepayers on the ex cellent financial standing of the township high school results in this report the names are ar ranged in each class in order of the total number of marks obtained the names are included of those who pass ed in at least five subjects hon after a name denotes an average of 75 or over the numbers after name denote the number of subjects in which honor and pass standing respectively were obtained form ia mary feller horn 8 1 edward lunan hon 6 2 kathleen mulhouand hon 7 2 gladys beaver hon 6 3 esther brill hon 7 2 prank bolger hon 5 4 ruth davis 5 4 bruce kennedy 3 6 ida bason 3 6 weir reid 3 a josephine 2 6 russell varey 1 6 alfred sykes 3 4 isabella watson 3 4 lydla snow 2 7 dorothy wright 3 5 elizabeth walker 4 4 mary tost 1 7 richard beaumont 1 7 john packer 2 s marlon ostrander 0 6 bertha schenk 0 john foulls 1 7 frances jenkinson 2 s helen ritchie 1 6 raymond given 0 6 dorothy 3argent 0 7 mildred caseley 2 3 elizabeth smethunvt 0 s form ib dorothy mclintock hon 8 3 nancy perry 3 5 dorothy mhnms 3 7 hotel walker 3 5 rosie lorusso 2 5 irene starret 3 3 duncan tost 3 3 harry hlckey 2 5 ida mckane 3 4 mildred norton 2 5 john alexander 0 7 denis hill 0 7 kenneth mackenzie 2 4 doro thy kennedy 0 7 helen mclean 3 2 marjorie haines 3 2 lillian mc lean 0 6 william preston 0 6 marion schenk 3 3 helen adams 2 3 enid cooke 0 5 owens mc donald o 6 harvey nurse 0 s frances evans 1 4 form h norma smith s 4 mar guerite accmaster 4 4 albert wi- lloms 4 3 margaret near 2 6 kath leen wilson 1 7 isabel alexander i 7 frank kentner 1 7 edith mc kane 2 4 edith loree 2 5 norman herbert 2 6 margaret long 2 4 david saxe 3 2 joy laird 1 0 ross duncan 1 s james ross 3 2 form ii commercial mary stan dshs 5 marjorie mocalg 3 6 har vey dewnurst 0 7 lloyd sanderson t 6 albert holmes 0 5 hazel wal- dle 2 3 gordon johnson 1 4 jean hh1 0 6 form m jean evans hon 4 edith buuivant hon 6 3 joseph harris 5 4 nellie maynard 3 6 josephine rickey 2 7 evelyn heart- well 3 6 violet dick 1 6 bernlce mcdonald 1 a kathleen hale 3 4 david crlchton 2 5 isabel thomp son 1 7 helen mcdonald 1 0 wil liam devereaux 3 3 graham famell 1 s percy saxe 1 4 alan mcdon ald 1 4 margaret mtitatook- 3 3 mona scrymgeour 0 a helen brown 1 4 francis atkinson 1 4 william maclaren 1 4 elizabeth bonattum 1 6 doris sykes 0 s doris greene 0 a form iv arthur dayfoot hon 0 mary bludd 2 a oordon al- cott 3 4 james evans 0 a edith godfrey o 8 margaret maedonald hon 4 a marjorie mckane 3 5 june frank 1 charlotte mocul- lough i 4 perfect attendance and punetgklityi form iv james evans arthurf dayfoot form m mona scrymgeour percyl saxe kathleen hale jean evans i form n jean mcallister kathleen wusori smith joy laird haril vey dewhurat form ia aiadys beaver raymond given edward lunan kathleen mul- hollond frances jenkinson elbrabetti 8methurst bruce kennedy ian mae- kensle form ib hazel walker dorothy mlrams albert reeve town council georgetown dec 29 1931 oouncllanet at 8 p m with mayor mackenzie in the chair reeve cleave and councillors barnes cummlngs davis gibbons and parr present the mayor addressed the council thanking them for their cooperation and kindly relations during the year and expressing a wish that the same happy relations may exist during 1932 the reeve and different- members of council all spoke expressing their appreciatlon of the ability of mayor mackenzie and the fairness with which he conducted the affairs of the council durlpg 1931 reeve cleave also received his share of the kind things send by the differ ent members of council moved by davis seconded by parr that- the treasurer be authorized to ly the cemetery board 121 00 left by the will of the l harrison estate for perpetual care for their plot in greenwood cemetery carried moged- by barnes seconded by cum- mrngs that the treasurer be authoriz ed to nay the cemetery board the difference between one mill on the assessment und theeerhetery deben ture being u619c802 43 or 45953 carried moved by parr seconded by barnes thai the back boxes accrued against the property purchased by dr paul at the tax sale in excess of the pur chase price amounting to 40 49 be written off the roll also 885 be written aft the roll against the proper ty purchased by thomas trainer canled yeas mayor reeve barnes parr and davis naysgibbons moved by cleave seconded by davts that the treasurer pay the following accounts l harding cutting wood 8 40 c staccy cutting wood 8 40 jas hearing cutting uood 7 20 h marchment ww sts 18 00 h marchment ww sts 18 00 h marchment ww sts 18 00 l harding cutting wood 8 10 c stacey cutting wood 8 10 t willsmlth cutting wocd 5 70 haines bros streets 4 50 h marchment sts 18 00 john mcdonald ww 38 35 a e cripps fire truck 4 93 a c roney w w 3 00 georgetown lumber co woollen mil 181 33 wjr watson 3 35 p b harrison postage law costs 13 85 asligrove fallowing is the report of ashgrovt public school s s no 3 esquesing for the fall term honour standing is denoted by 75 and over tv mary alexander 83 hazel rlddell 79 br iii charlotte wilson 80 edith wrigglesworth 78 angus mr- nanb 78 jr in marion dick 79 robot t alexander 34 william bradley 73 cleave wilson 69 sr ii william alexander 831 jov ruddell 82 john bradlcyv78 roy bradley 73 jr ii charles wall 75 prances wrigglesworth 72 jr i marion bradley 82 pr margaret alexander isf wnrd brownrldge 76 star pupil in spelling for the term edith wrigglesworth ruth e guton teacher rtewarttown the following is a report of the pall term for s r no 6 esruicsine to name are arrunged in order ot merit sr iv dorothy wilson hons har old lunan david hodre jack jen kins n lillian thomson sr iii harold wilson ihonsi j an tennanl jack mat leon jr iii loan cildocn fuanor gra ham muriel maclciir doiigjns law- sen cuddrn hons anema suens kennel h mumty ii class btttv roy smith i hons italph t hnmpsxm blllic timiant jr i vera henth brrmrd linn- nnt sr pr annie oraham prits i vrlcs jr pr iffnn smith bolhle ijvw- son myrtle wilson j m mckay teacher w f l heath postage r h thompson ww sts j sanford board of health t 3 speight town truck j n oneill son ww 6 32 19 34 6 00 13 86 13 lb 14 50 28 50 325 00 75 00 35 00 dr mcallister charity fire brigade grant nelson tuck fire chief wm h long deputy chief tons orieve caretaker lire truck 50 00 james muler caretaker resevolr 50 00 waterworks dent hydrant charges 1150 00 w p bradley dumping privi leges 25 00 halton county county rate 12672 s3 halton county hospital bill 369 17 carried yeas mayor reeve crummlnga barnes parr davis nays gibbons moved by gibbons seconded by barnes that this council move a vote of thanks to mayor irnu for the able and courteous jnnny in which he has conducted the affairs of the council during 1b31 and hoping that the same happy relations may exist during the coming year car ried moved by cleave seconded by davis that we do now adjourn to meet at the next regular netlng or at the call ot the mayor carried notice to whom it may concern take notice that after this date i will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name 3t wilfred spenoe card of thanks to friends and neighbors we hereby convey our sincere thanks for their many kindnesses sympathy and flow- era during the illness and death of our beloved mother the late mrs chos w stacey the family reelect georfle e cleav as reeve e of the township of esquesing for the year 1932 reeve cleave respectfully solicits your support when you go to the polls on monday jan 4th his own record is before you 3 years as coun- jcillor three years as county councillor he stands for progress sound business and econ omy he respectfully solicits the honor of serving four years as county councillor as have his six predecessors vote george currie for reeve of the township of esquesing for the year 1932 if elected i will practice economy as far as possible in keeping with good municipal government and in the best interests of the ratepayers election monday january 4th 1932 card of thanks vr we hereby convey to friends and neighbor our vary sincere thanks for their many kind expressions of sym pathy and beautiful flowers on the occasion of otjr sad bereavemexot by the death of our beloved son and brother mr and mrs e a benham and bon j twadstaawrtsw olde english cocoa 12lb tin 19 butter lb 25 peach ja 40oz jar 29 fruits starrer brand blueberries 2 no m arlxtr red raspberries no 2 bp privlw flurrsalad smal in lnn valur i peaks j special aylmar crtolhw pineapple a 18 holiday beverages tim wru- b minr tom collins jr i lltwi fancy capt cod cranberries pt 2lc new nuts candies moba aaaorud gum drops lb latnga mdroaa chocolates ik lovji p1ih nougats lb jelly beans lb 19c 20 walnuts lb 17c eatm fawv shnlltd almonds lb c fancy bordenim walnuts ik 4c choice qualty tomatoes 2 largest size rss is i carratrau cheese pound 23c t 30c 25c 29c sbsftswrzsc eggs dozen 2c old english style mincemeat 2 pounds 21 raisins 14b at fawy tori figs j h lb paga bates i fca carrolls ouamlly flrmt economy alwayt croaw a baahivk cam systupvlblui carrolra chm bind coffee lb carroll goldawtam tbak4bps porrrtaaltba vlaa vltonb 14b ba 3sc 45c 35c 53c oranges per dor mfliil street 30c 40c hid 59c grapefruit phone 357 5 for 25c georgetown m j at rt- jstimfmtiili iima2tiimkss

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