Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 6, 1932, p. 4

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flfsipi w ml tvswp gkfifiw fage the georgetown herald wednesday evening january 6th 1932 i auim knew there are gemai of vranderous bright ness ofthnes lying at our feet andrwe pats them walking- thougtit- v tjown the busy crowded if we- knew our pace wouh blacken we would step more oft with can ijee our careless test be treating to the earth same jewel rare if we knew what hearts sue aching for the comfort we might nrmtr if we knew what souls arc yearning for the sunshine we migbt fling if we knew what feet kfitoary walking pathways roughly lain we would quickly hasten forward stretching- forth our hands to ald- if we knew what friends around us peel a want they never ten that acme word that we ham spoken pained or wounded where it fell we would speak tact accent tender toeeotofrlfind we chanced to meet we would the to each one freely smiles osympattiy so sweet general news ffnesof s8q and costs wen imposed on she ouekph and twoklora raer- cistotovln qukph police ourt as a re saito rai onr srxvinacxdnes 4spv ehitea tiff- oases haye been tried before magtetrew j barr burlington during 1831 according to the annual report submitted toy chief constable lee smith to burltagton council at its last meeting jot and mrs d r mcdonald rockskte quietly- flelehrated their fortieth wedding anruversarv dt the home of their daughter mrs w sut ton atsm wendemere ave toron to on wednesday decetxaber 33rd ah the members of the immediate family were present anil a happy time was spent the nominations of the police vil lage of tnilsturrg were held on mon day night in town hall when the following trustees were elected by acwinanarlnn wilson awrey fred mrmntan cttfford thomson a dr davis who was previously on the board retired won- kiss been canoamenced on the erection of a breakwater ha front of the oh bronte cemetery where sev eral niawa here been washed away as the rasutt of water erosion the government has approvedof the un dertaking and will contribute half of the cost some of the graves m the old burial ground are nearly a cent- ray old btjs8ian abistocbats take op domicile dl canada f- fifteen russian aartstocrats from the land of the soviet reached mon treal on board thecanadian national train from fairfax bound for winni peg where they will make their future homes in spite of their high station in life those exiles are travelling in a number of small giacsrlrag cases and since their departure from the land of their birth have subsisted on the simplest fare mainly fresh uncooked vegetables another inember of the party a lady of international reputa tion with an unbroken pedigree go ing back many generations will reach canada next week travelling in soli tary state her delay in getting here has been occasioned by the fact that she has been required for exhibition purposes at several important shows hi tandon and other parts of england those distinguished travellers be long to the fitch family which are of the gemis polecat it is only dur ing the past 18 months that the brood ing of those small animals for fur has been undertaken commer in canada and during that period quite a large number have been imported by canadian brooders from various points in germany and russia where they are common witches are proline breeders pind their fur inequality is not unlike thtt of muakrat although of a light brown colour and- ahorc i the present shipment which has been brought to canada by the qana ulan national express s from a high grade statin and will be used for breeding purposes ny a fur farmer near winnipeg the prize member of ine party due next week is an inveterate pet hunter having been a prize win ner at most of trie- important shows of fur bearing antfnaun in europe and oreat britain while the male bleeps wfe john what is the difference b direct and indirect taxation hunhann why the difference be tween your asking me for money and going through my trouper pockets while rm asleep t even us the foreman was going from one man to another with a sheet of paper when he came to sandy mckie he said sandy this is a suhacrlptlop to get a wreath for jock stuart who died last week at your mates have given a dollar towards it och man replied sandy thatll make- me an jock square be owed me a buck tasty tidbits by bettf barclay lemon fluff fie makes 1 pie i 13 cup lemon juice orated tad 1 lemon 3 tablespoons hot water 14 tatolespoon salt 1 cup sugar beat yolks of eggs very ughtr- add lemon juice and grated rind hot water salt and cup sugar cook in double boiler until txilcfc add v4 cup sugar to stiffly beaten egg whites and fold into cooked mixture fh1 baked pie shell and brown in moderate oven orange maple snndae makes a cups serves 1216 1 cup water 2 i cups sugar cup corn syrup cup orange pieces 1 teaspoon maple flavoring 2 quarts vanilla ice cream boll water sugar corn syrup orange pieces and maple flavoring- togetaer for 30 minutes g until syrup is desired consistency cool vanilla ice cream of serve over r shake trtoroughlybofore serving l3vr ivnzzzxlu t espooos of some cheese of pirn- csnops a resolution for 1932 french dressing makes about tt cup 3 tablespoons jemon juice a tablespoons- salad oil m teaspoon salt u teasboon paprilta stir or shake thrarougiflybefqre servtaj to prencrj dressing ad graduauf 2 tablespoons of some cheese of pliru ant flavor u roquefort or snappy cheese which has been rubbed to a cream blerpi until smooth and you rhave an excellent cheese dressmg manhattan faddtng makes about vh quarts 1h oupe powdered sugar 1 oups orange juice m oup lemon jnoa i 1 cup heavy cream v 3 cuaps chopped burnt aonorwri 1 teaupoan vanlha dissolve k cup sugar in fruit juices turn inter ctulled mold or can of fa cream freeaer whip cream add re maining aujazar alnvmds and vanaua pour over first iaixbure seal tightly pack in equaj parts of tee and salt for s hours orange shortcake rhunf sufficient for l twolayer biscuit dough or waffle cake s oranges powdered sugar whipped cream or orange luce sauce peel orange removing ah wtorte metnhrane separate into sections sweeten ifjth sugar spread between ualitlesiud label qrowa rvfcoe i aaipabnblbtt 6 cents per looibs -y- it pays to chtjp jtm yean light grain by weight phone 90r2 georgetown news and information for die busy fanner inbeala- alfalfa inoculation of alfalfa has always regarded as an- aid to a good stand but it is even more than that besides being indispensible foe ayimim yields inoculation al so improves the duality bif from plants not inoculated inoculate al falfa and use lime it the sol needs it the seed crap the movement of clovers and grass seeds continues to be below the average for the season ordin arily export demand has relieved larger quantities this year the pro duction in is31 plus the carryover f ran 1930 constitutes a very much lar ger supply than the- cnanestlc market is likely to require this season and tbls coupled with limited exports has resulted in fewer offers to growers and very low prices as compared wth obiter years estrnrntm of production in 3931 and supplies to sight show substantial surpluses at red clover alslfcey alfalfa sweet clover and blue grass timothy is an better rtemanrl than some of the other seeds owjng to insuf ictent produotlon to meet domes tic reouireroentsj there is virtually no market at present for alfalfa 41- atke and sweet clover in ontario l where the largest auanvtlty is growjp comanerclaly m oanada th fouow- lng percentage of seena produced in ontarib is reported- soft bed clover 30 s4falfai 10 alsttrwi sweh clover layers and on bap ped cream or sauce of a oranges and cup orange bread yeaat bread makes i loaf 1 yeast cake 1 tablespoon fogsr 1 cup orange j i teaapoon salt l tablespoon witter 13 oup augar 3 cups flour 1 teaapoon grated orange rind u cup finely cut candled orange peel let yeast cake and 1 tab of sugar stand a few minutes beat orange juice to lukewmrnj add salt butter sugar grated rtad and yeast cake ad8 3 cups of flour and heat well let rise till doubled la bulk put m cop- flour on board add knead this in wttb the candled orange peel bhape into a loaf let rite fill light bake in a moderate oven 37 degrees f from 30 to minutes terra cqtta too late for last issue the a b oonoerf which was held lh the terra ootta united church on saturday dec isth was a deoaded suc cess there was a fair turnout and a splendid nrogram given by the child ren of the school constating- of recita tions drills etc mr fred pleat very ably performed the duties of chair man santa also generously distribut ed the prises to the children and all were rmlghtxrl wttb the evening on behalf of the officers parents and school children w6 thank mr savage of toronto for his generoui donation of 110m in aid of the sun day- mtihra the bumrite ooal co ltd of toronto are running their piant here in full blast and informs ustat they expect to run the plant night and day in order to keep pace with their orders we wish them continued milton ttaaated bed clover 775000 ajfalfa 3jjo0o0 alslke 1150000 sweet cloyet 1000000 tknomiy 34000 canadian fhlue atab essex corn crop the splendid com crop which was harvested to essex county this year la now rnovingto market somewhau ft- head of the usual tune not iff years have the growers been abje to shell corn until january the past year has been quite favorable and corn bat been dry enough for shelling since november there is much more corn than is nettled for the live stock po pulation of the county and there ahouulbe a large quantity for sale to other distributors corn has been gelling atlrbmssc to 3c a bushel oao short oowrsas wuntar short courses in uvestock and field crops poultry raising bee keeping factory cheese and butter malrlng and drainage started at the ontario agricultural- college this week in february courses will he given in fruit and vegetable growing floriculture and rarvwape garden ing ice cream making and farm me- coanlos thm will ba other ooursc for 1kb month of march young men urged to attend oneor more of these from ontario farms are especially oouiac tins winter ttaey provide a new interest in fartn work ap4 will giro new ideas and practical instruo- 0d- kpay- vyuuicrs wlnbers of the essay contest cob- ducted to connection trtttj the fifth junior farmers trip to the royal winter fair have been announced in addi toapecial prises awarded to writers of the winning essays in each county the department has a- wa ten chatzplonsznp prises for the ten best essays aunitted each ftupinntiip prise consists of two weeks short course at either the oa o or the ketnptville agricultural bcbooj thevurposs of the essay com petition was to enoourage menibers of the party to study and analyse the exhibltey displays etc during thelr rtay in toronto xne winners are wellington gordon green of arthur orey edgar ash of chesley r b 4 ffalchmarm vfm t stadder of sel- mrs f bescnby and daughter mar- jorle of- detroit foxmerly of milton were recent vialtora in town mr and mrs m knrixon and child ren left today for chicago uj where they jrill spend ohrtstmaa at the home of his brotherinlaw dr boss lang waiter bull lower middle road tra falgar reports having seen a robin hopping gaily about in his orchard one day last week atr bull says tub bird appeared to be well pleanfd with things despite the marked signs of winter and evidently decided to- stay instead of going to florida or when ever it is robins go for the cold season r e oomp leslie a- shaver grand superintendent of hamilton district no 5 assisted by hamilton cotnpan- lons installed the officers of st oalr r a chapter no is milton for 1933 as follows ex comp jas c ounningharqrz bx comp p d shorey htzl ex oomp a x mac- nabh h ex como r b qalhralth be comp w tr barnard sn cornp w b qlements t cksmp edwin bar- rop ps comp bussel smith 83 comp wllbert e ford js tmp wj b featliersbine jan ex oomp q oalbraith m i v oodip u h ritchie m 3 v comp harvey philip ml v ccaon h v merrt m 1- v there were a ruunoor of vulting companions present from mackay chapter stoney creek ohnmplnn much- gratitude hi felt to all those who helped make cririsbmas at the gordon heine vyery happ event tlifeatmpsphere of christmas was sug- gesied- in the deobcattbns throughout the rooms and the christmas wee tastefully jecoritedl by- the matron and her assistants bad many good things jor each child wwle daniel sotrlersv of milton mall carder on rural route ho 6 waa driving his teanf of horses down sprtngsteins tnrnrrrt op tuesuay the neckyoke broke and the horses ran away throwing mr spmera gut besides navlpa hte7 tight arm broken he received oujer injuries and is suf fering greatly from inock the spirit penetrated the halton county jail ben when gover nor mccallum made cmrlstmas day as joyous as poasxbjetry the eleven prisoners to a fowl dinner the members of the young womens aux- illlary of st pauls church here nakj their annual visit to the jau sjn dis- bdtect ctartetrm chelr ainorig gj brfrners ae traau consisted o or- tnaee candles rubs cakes and vtb good ffp r deputy fire cfblet edgar mnlan nett has been appointed ohlif of the woodstock fire departinenti the po sition having become vacant with the death of chief murray two weeks a- go firs captain william j bryce has been promoted to be djeputy chief and fireman 8 qrakam bayes baa bean aripouxed ilrexjaptaln chief mojannrtt is a native of came to woodstock in uot joining the fire brigade ban years lata- mr mojanneu is son o bbbt mojan- nebvfsr mlltoniampion acton mr geo lants received a bad blow on the hip when tbeuapof one of the ohamjcaj tonka bjw oft kirk rb 3 perth bobt bauantyne of st pauls r b 3 muflkoka uoyd stephens bracetxridge parry sound vlotor irwin magnetawan lanark stewart rodger lanark rr 3 ren frew lome wnelan of artamaton lecv donald b turner mallory- town r r 1 dendas james ashton of 4 newtngton sir wood for salel new avow fbicam i choice hardwood beech and maple 160 per single cord ralls clbo hardwood limbs and rails fsjdo bkandrobdl favote dvx a w- scriuwo yhard coal btfove worborn it itv rradenlrctedblae for your irisllf iilibq5p isjo v miss wllma banter has gone to toronto where she k accepted a situation we wish her every success mrs fern bwngerof toronto was the guest of mr and mrs r pucker ing and family last mtk mr and mrs m ott have moved to mr 7 0 tjkbmpaoua noose on trie 10th line a number of our young people were kindly entertained to a fowl sup per and dance at the home of mr and mrs o drill bpckstde recently and report an enjojrahla tlma mr and mrs- j marchment vand family have moved to olenwlulsmi prior to thaw removal a farew party was tendered to toe youngpeople of terra ootta and vk4nitcron-wednea- day evenln and a very enjoyaus time was apent in games cards and dancing we are sorry to sis snob etlrrihlectuens from onr midst and we join in wlshmg them success in then- new liorne in the passing of another muesfabe your corresposideht again wishes to join in wlstunc toe editor staff and experinacotal union the ontario experimental union will hold its annuel meeting at the ontario agricultural college on jan uary 13 and 18 aorxxidmg to announ cement by prof win spulrreu head of the ftekdof h department of the o a o and secretary of the union the meetlhe will be attended by farmers from ill parte of ontario and from many points outside the province market for barley in bacon and beef tliere is practically no limit to the resent tests show that it produces bet- production of barley in canada and ter bacon and beef than outer grains it is proving fully the equal of corn fed with suitable supplements in the form of homegrown leguminous rouanages barley can be used m al most any proportion of the grain ra tion up to one nomdred per cent as a beg feed h develops an entirely sat- lafaetory class of bacon which is more than can tie said for earn fed to o- aual propnruans sod ss a feed tor best cattle barley a undoubtedly one of th best of oiir canadian grown ovtxne grains the tocreased use of barley and other codrse grains at their prueait low levels win make for much better quality lnthe beef being irahcnted and this in turn win create a rawnand for more beef of me iberald a very banpy and praeperous new year- erin mr and airs leslie thompson and son prank of whitby mr and mrs peter dick and daugrf violet and jean of qeoraeetown were chttsbrruut visitors wkfc mr and mrs johto let- lie r t the home adtalxv and mrs bohert bjrwdod 8th line erin vnotthe soene of a hippy gauhertmj on monday evening when they entertatned about fifty youns- tcple froarr acton the evesung was spent to euchre sad 4sj ojng a datrrty luneh was served sua a sp a n j i ll mr and mm w j puh of brio qnt quietly oelehrated on saturday last pmarmh anniversary of their wedjbnj mv and- mrs- young were cnarried t- the ncrne of tbe brides brother mr- john isrew 1w tbay tuwe 5a farm w itvm ttonusbip their cantdrsn katfibwin doogus and sarsrflaflthitlisifc splos up the ontriarsspnhe sttjl s5 jctl is a nf i the ore on friday evening mrs h p moore and mr b j moore are attending the funeral of the late lyman s burthn to st oudr wqch today mrs e f collier spent a day ibis week in toronto wftht etwood oobter her grandson who was hurt two weeks ago while slelsdtrktttur be is tog nicely mr charles selwood of calgary who is wm1i victoria oouege in to- rorrto spent at few days wttb his fgranumother mrs a b rncklln fore leaving for new york to si ohrtabmas with rslattves there free press past masters and w bro j a lea- lie installed the following officers for 1933 in walker lodge a f and a m on monday night i p u war bro w r e blair wm wor bro btms mclean 8 wbro amble atebabb j w bro h l rxtnue chap very wor- bro wm cooper treaa bro 0 a conway sec wor bra bml mndonam sf dea bro c a darby jr dea bro geo oordon i o bro v b rumley d o c wor bro c w wilson organist bro dan taylor 8r std brk cecil ortpps jr std bro thomas kitty tyler bro john jennings auditors bro p r bajwltogs and bro p b mcflkjajy mr and ataawsamert cleave and miss dorothy mrs ishurham and carl of ge to vtstted with mr ad mrs h b wllabn on sunday mrs j l warzen and mr fred warren of toronto spent christmas with mr and mrs john wood and other acton relatives mrs r j mcrsehxue and flora jean of otoversvibe n y are visit- tog at the home of her parents atr and mrs geo sopor mr and mrs john kennedy of bar- nla made short cells on acton mends on tuesday free pma ho abovelwno ajrunted stanpard anthracite scranton coal in all sixes aartoatasnsauty screenerl n loaded coal wood bfii tjn tor domastkvand bag and oannel ooal m tact i carry everythtog to be found m any uptodate ooal and wood yard john mcdonald pbonb u oeokfhtown hydro electric system best light bulbs of all sizes guaranteed s orders taken for ranges and 9 appliances of all icinds x office town hall fl a 41 have your eyes examined by q t walker dosc eyefdcht spedalut btwbipton who will be at wataont drug store ceorwetown tfaersecond wednesday of eyery montn phone watsons drug store fob appointment or yea may nwnawlt o t walkxk at tds oneeln brampton the newest style of glasses at reasonable prices potato cjhamplan bvhnund manrace of simooe county who won flrst prise tor his potatoes at the royal winter fair was recently the guest of honor at a banquet spon sored by the barrio kxwania club it was att by nearly two hun dred townspeople and farmers includ ing leading federal andprovinoial ag ricultural orhdala it is noteworthy that serebyears ago the banis ki- warrfana- ptnthasvyi oartlfled seed po st s per bag and dhttrd i toe farmers of srth an liuenttvw to xhowoa was nromo- ted largely by atswart l page local jigricultural representattve who was titabrumentel to netsting mr mau rice in growing boolsys three years ago prof w j stnitatel of o a c deciared that at no place or by ho mkn has there aver been a better eam- pls of potato anown than tbose ex- blblted by mr maurice oocsi o- president to refer to the grownup ona of the noiavhamp- lon who assisted nan mi producing the prise- potatoeijf you want to for- irward agrtouttrrerrt woi not be done by ratatog boys- and sendtog them to t cttiea succemiojan only come by baajlais boya taeriavcn ms farrn whp tove anotn m street soufvrbfainpton bae- aba andersmiat married at the turn t john hwsonmjr anders icivfaferfwyear on jasawskjbrija a erajpi hoifilmdsibaagktiis treewerarjpomson bev fbdsapdsdvcwo tlis- aeeutrni shall nc41ee shall be am ass shau bear as slfi as at 20 still rt aai lat ft 55 i have been baking tbe small dttaii of- kruachen salts every morning hr the last three yean i wouldnt be without tbam in tbe house i used to suffer with constipation and puea but am never troubled in that way now i am 58 years and aa slim aa when i was so i have to work very hard aa i have my family and an invalid father to attend to and i always say it tits krusehen that keen me nt m b theres- nothing like hard work and activity for keeping operfluowa fat away tbe trouble wttb moat touts la finding the necessary energy that if where kruachen cones to after you have bad your dafly supply of kruachen every morning for a couple of week youll get what m known the world over aa that krtjschen heeling the urge tor activity wdl fm your entire being yann not be content to alt in the old- arm chair after your day work la done youd feel the spirit of youth within you what a joyous feeling youll want to bike long wauka play fame and your work win cease to be aherd- ahjn if vrm bec a rjkaiut no t cke in tbe estate ef miuaslsr praa- ete caia late sat qe the oewaty af ixalisav oaraeaer se- esatssa aui peksons hasnns cjajms agatntt the estate of alsaanus msnte carnp- beu savitbiald who dved on thetenth of october uol are rerniested to send to the tindenupiedbxeeutrbi ofths frjuparueulara of their olamc ffsfisgliff iavssaj orbsfore tbe jutrtssdutasy of jjawaiy lk after wsiewb ouly those for georgetown merchants only i tk eres no need for a fence around georgetown j you cant put a fence around georgetown to keep georgetown people from shopping elsewhere neither can you prevent them from buying from mail order houses i 3 none the less it isnt by any means the hardest task to get georgetovvns folk to shop and buy in your stores its a task to be sure but one in which your help will go a long way- 9 people buy where they are trainexl to buy educate them to buy in georgetown and theyll always buy there and buying education is very largely a matter of advertising 4 advertising thats the solution i your own advertising and that of the manufacturers whose goods you strive to sell both in your local home newspaper should prove effective in keeping georgetowns business in georgetown and georgetowns dol lars in georgetown j where the manufacturers advertising is concerned your task is easy fl when their salesmen comp to sell you goods talk up george town u them talk it up with enthusiasm make them realize frow important georgetown is to you n turnover how important jt is to their companies in more sales v- 9 talk up georgetown so that these salesmen will pass the good vtord on to their sales managers who decide where advertising ap propriations are to be spent g v9 with the advertising of more national manufacturers in your 1 local newspaper georgetown and the surrounding country people otl ea8 to 8no m y stores youll find it easier to keep thern coming to your stores and thete wont befeny need for a fence around georgetown i yon need the uivertismg aid of the noskiuictuters whose good you stock 4itge tlieir sakutien f tcoitntiend your local home the grgetown hprab m b i xi j mpibasliamgt vxv-

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