Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 17, 1932, p. 2

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page 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening february 17th 1932 a better breakfast for less money fjf economical nourishing majmim cmmmjm with canmjlmn rvf the ajuolah shredded wheat compamy ltd co the cold germs are in the air you breathe them into tbe system they multiply rapidly then you begin tofeel the distressing symptoms thats why cold infection must be destroyed and expelled from within take a- few laxacold tablets promptly proved safe and effecttve by millions of people price 25c cents darins drug store phone 327 georgetown mecaix and bttttkrick patterns theres money in your poultry pen if you put the bight chicks tbebk brats chicks oome rem g auuioved flocks where hm egg average 34 oimcea to the dozen and where every parent was mood tested by our bacteriologis so t chec 70a buy have good history behind them they are better layers and produce larger egg than ordinary stock let odr ptve tears of experience help yotj to make xeal money in poultry this year 7 standard breeds 100 ihre delivery of chicks guaranteed free booklet now ready giving prices and valuable in formation bray chick hatchery brampton ont opposite past office phone 7mw other bray hatcheries at welland durmvffle hagersville lindsay and peterboro bead office st catharines oat i inquiries fay mail should be addressed to bt oatharineb qulries fa local representative geo c brown nerval phone georgetown sb3 r 31 antomobile insarance do you carry insurance to protect yourself against accidents to persons and their property this office will be glad to furnish particulars and rates write forfolder h r mimms phone 114 georgetown 1 r h thompson co 5 s for dependable hardware j tungatin lamps clear and inside frosted 25 to 60 watt 20c each s outside colored lamps from 25c op electric toasters 40c each grey enamel wash bowls 25c 5 enamel oval dish pans 89c no 2 galvanized tuba 98c 5 mmp floor wax per lb 35c 5 pient johnsons electric floor polisher 5 we specialize in plumbing electrical wiring and furnace work of all kinds mccla electric ranges pease furnaces 5 j r b thompson co j firemen convention there is ho better way our citi zens can show their appreciat of our town rkre brigade than by assist- ing them in every way possible to put over t provincial firemens convention which will be held in georgetown on july 293031 and aug 1st just to give you some idea of what you may expect let us ten you there will be some three hundred dele gates here for four days and on the big day which will be monday aug ust 1st anywhere from six to eight thousand firemen and visitors are expected in town about three hun dred will hswe to and rooms and board for tharee days ana on the big day thousands will have to be fed this means that a large amount of money will he left in town and the convention will be a direct benefit financially to those of our citizens and organisations catering for their pair ronage while it win cost our local fire brigades in the neighborhood of fifteen hundred dollars tor prises etc thousands of dollars will be left with the citizens of our town lets pre pare to give our visitors a royal wel come and extend to them that hospi tality in keeping with one of the best tovns- in theptovrnce h ask telephone company- to reduce rates btwalton was a- lively place monday afternoon when it was in vaded by soape- 80 farmers 4n buggies democrats cars trucks farmers repre senting every rural telephone- jjne on the georgetown central some came as far as 8 miles to lift their voice against tbe disparity of the prices of agricultural products as compared with other products and services and to discuss the possibilities of loitering the high cost of irving to the level of agriculture the council chambers were beyond capacity mr bruyns from umelxouse was elected to the chair he pointed out that there was not a farmer tn ontario today who did not lose money that only those with reserves or savings oould pay their taxes or the interest on the mortgages that every fanner bad to go without many things and services not luxuries but even the necessities of life and there is no chance for better conditions he eaidj unless the rest of the world re that they are interdepandent with agriculture one lone tanner cannot do a thing but there is strength in numbers and if the 200000 banners in ontario were organised and knew what they want ed it would not even be necessary for them to go into politics to have their reasonable damanda gratified also mr geo nurse and mr ward ruddeu gave interesting discourses on the same aamject after ample and 1 animated dls- cnsslanlt wis unanimously rtwldwl as a beginning to approach the bell tele phone co with a request for a rural rate of 116 per annum for party lines instead of the prevailing 1830 which seems reasonable and moderate in view of the fact that agricultural prices came down so 70 during the last few yeaua a large majority declared obey wanted tnexr telfphonps taken outim- less the orampany compiled with their rt was hoped and expected that within a short time many other rural centre would add the weight of their mnaum to goocgetowns re quest a committee was nacmedto approach the telephone co oon aiding of mr george nuns of ashgrove mr peter dick of hornl station and mr a o m bruyns of liaaebouse firemen banquet business men and talk over arrangements for bio provincial fire mens convention in georgetown july 2930 31 aug 1 about thirty business men and oltisens of the town were guests of the firemen at a banquet in the legion rooms last thursday evening the object or the gathering was to talk over and make provision finan cially and otherwise for the big con vention of the provincial firemens association to be held in georgetown on july sss031 and aug 1st at 730 oclock over sixty sat down to tastily decorated tables laden with delicious food that would tempt any appetite and heartily enjoyed thehos- pltajlty of the fire brigade then followed the toast list which was as follows the king responded to by the national anthem- chairmans remarks song by harry hale provincial firemens association proposed by harvey helnbecker arid responded to by w h long first vicepresident of the firemens as sociation georgetown fire brigade pro posed by exmayor leroy dale and responded to toy n h tuck chief georgetown fire brigade song and community singing led by harry hale georgetown council proposed by n h brown and responded to by mayor j b mackenzie our guests proposed by auen roney and responded to by the fol lowing guests of the eventosr-t-major- oousens c b daytoot david wilson r b poulls g w mcuntock john d kelly w v grant a h perrott reeve harolotxseave e mcwhlrter t embleau a j oneill a r muck- art a h feller councillors major cummlngb geo davis jos gibbons h barnes a b parr and a r speight barry hale chief marshall j m moore was toastanaster all the speakers agreed that george town had been honored by the de cision of the provincial firemens as sociation to hold their con ventten here this year that our fire brigade is an indispensable volunteer organiza tion for the protection of life and property and worthy the hearty sup port of every citizen in their effort to promote and finance one of the big gest events ever held to georgetown a vote of thanks was tendered the committee in charge and all those who had assisted in making the even ing such a grftnd success the singing ji the maple leaf brought a pleasant and profitable event to a close gldtohlllams credit overflows banks aftkb heavy bain then was a flood in the glen last friday morning when the credit river overflowed its banks tollowtnar the heavy rains of thursday night the water ran over the road tor a considerable rtlntanne on the bth line and necessitated the closing down for a couple of days of beaumonts and hoe glen woollen at the former tbe store room was flooded and at the latter water sow ed through the boiler house there were a number of washouts tn tbe river bank and roads nut no very serious damage was done had there been ice in the river and a jam had resulted the damage would have been serious owing to the great quantity of water coining dow everybody is going to see who told the truth in the town hall at oten- willlanu v thursday naght feb 19th- church news j st ajbaari charon glen wtmaam second sunday in lent sunday school a pa kvensong 3 pjn chil drens service on wednesday after noon at cis lenten evensong on wednesday evening at 745 knsax presbyterian charon rev a l howard ma ph d pastor sendees at 11 aim and 7 pm at the naorrahc service the preacher will speak on predestination from pauls point of view st geates chareh rev w a o thompson rector second sainday in lent holy com munion 8 lav sunday school 10 sun holy communion 11 ajn evensong 7 pm thursday 415 pm chaldrons service thursday 745 pm lenten service sauvaiten army capt w bradleylieut j hooke sunday next sunday school at 10 am holiness meeting 11 ajn sunday school and bible class 3 pjm salva tion meeting at 7 pjn tuesday 730 home leanie ladies meeting wed nesday b pjn public meeting ah weloome baptart chareh rev a h frith pastor mr cnar- les kirk orgardst sunday school at 10 ajn putdle worship at 11 am i 7 pom at the morning service jr mocrrtornona letter and proposal will lie iy the story of john one of- the twelve will be the evening subject on monday evening the young peoples tfrdon will study the life of lither rice tbe enthaalabt tjnited chareh rev n w rundey minister mr norman laird choir leader 10 am sunday school and bible claesea 11 an moornlng worship the minister will preach die 1st of a series of more on gods eternal plan the kingdom no 1 gods poem the plan and purpose of creation this lea is la preparation for the eas ter season 7 pm evening iserwlce ohru tn the temple 61 mjf heart lst a on christ and the oram of ufa this series wffl deal with questions roans psople are jisfctaasn4 win haveuw deal wufctatiob aai jtvbat jt the use of reurlon and the church- wbat- the vatoa of bapusfci mad ohnrch iu th i hotxui inar nsge m dtforob defehttoe psrt- tnt wtttt ttotota tnat mevsca and hockey news bolton defeated the local boys for group honors 7 to 8 on round in overtime benefit show a big success gregory theatre packed to the doors and fi foqd stuff donated thrills and spills in final game last wednesday georgetowns hockey season was soon ushered to a close last wednesday evening when bolton tied georgetown two all on the game and 8 to 7 on the round in a junior oha fixture here this gave bolton the group honors as there were only two teams left in the group they were two very evenly matched teams and it was a great game to win and a hard one to lose the horseshoe manager duncan carried all evening seemed to lose its oharm we suggest he carry a rab bits foot another time although it was raining heavily outside there was a good crowd of s and the ice was in fair condition this game contained a little of everything speed stlckhandling and heavy bodychecking were mixed up with an kinds of aggressiveness there was no score in the first period al though georgetown had the better of the play and banged shot after shot at tbe bolton net after 30 minutes of snappy play the gong sounded to relieve tbe pressure with still no score shortly after the opening of the sandwich reel georgetown banged home a counter which tied the round up and put both teams on even gdound mcnauy who played bril liantly all evening was responsible for this goal fast hockey and marvel lous goaltending was exhibited in the remainder of the period but no more scoring was done the third stanza was a renitlon of the second with both teams pressing hard to score and it was not till on a faceoff in f omt of the bolton net did ken richardson manage to bang in a good one this put the local boys one goal up georgetown then played a more defensive game land it was not until the dying moments of the full titne did bolton on a bullet like shot which glanced oft alootfa pads and hopped into tbe net score it was a gift for bolton there was a deep sigh from the crowd heard even above the cheers of the bolton supporters as the fans took their seats tor the overtime although the teams had had 60 minutes of strenuous hockey they were still game and gave the fans thirty minutes more of speedy puck- chasing it was not all the hut few seconds that bolton managed to score the wlrming goal it was counted on a nice play by the visitors when the georgetown defense was left wide open this goal put the local boys out bolton we understand play north toronto juniors some time this georgetown 4 bolton there was a good gime at the arena last night when georgetown high school team defeated milton high school team 4 to 0 the cithens of georgetown respond ed splendidly to the invitation of mr r l gregory and the entertainment committee of the lions ckib to at tend a benefit show at the gregory theatre last monday evesamg there were two shows and the theatre was packed to the doors the price of admission was a dona tion of food of some kind that could be handled by the relief oommlttee and the quantity and quality of the donations is a credit to the cltltona of georgetown it shows the calibre of the people we live among and their willingness to play the part of neigh bor and friend like the good samari tan of old when those less fortunate than bhexpselves are in need it la a grand spirit of which we are justly proud everybody enjoyed the show and the large audience looked happy and they were happysln the realization of the fact that they were helping others mr ernie feller president of the libra club was the chairman of the evening and thanked the people for heir splendid response he also thanked mr gregory for his gener- osity in donating the evenings pro gram theatre operators and every thing in connection with the show- entirely free of charge it was a most generous contribution to the aid of the needy the lions club oarhmtttee were looking after- the receiving and listing- oi the goods whdeb will be turned over to the central committee to be distributed as they see fit mr keller then introduced the charming madame favtlma great mind reader and person extraordin ary who in her gorgeous robes ap peared in person on tbe stage and answered several very difficult ques tions handed to her roan the audi ence by her very able attendant lion bill bradley this part of the pro gram was sure enjoyed axtd appreciat ed at the close of the second show the lucky number draw was taken and the prises were awarded to the holders of the following numbers first prize a half ton of coke do nated by mayor j b martwmne to the holder of no 3921 second prize a 15 lb nam donated by a e wright to holder of no 3934 following is a complete hat of the goods donated at the show t2 large cans tomatoes 19 medium cans tomatoes 1 small can tomatoes 37 large cans com 78 large cans peas a small cans peas 3 pfcgs green peas 7 large cans pork and beans 24 medium cans pork and beans 4 cans wax beans 3 cans mixed vegetables 1 large can soup 1 medium can soup 87 small cans soup 3 large cans n 1 small can pumpkin 1 large can mhied fruit 7 medium cans mixed fruit 1 large can spaghetti 3 small cans spaghetti a cans irish stew 9 large cans salmon 6 small cans salmon 1 iarge can chlcrm haddze 2 large cans herrings 1 can kipper snacks 7 cans sardines 10 lbs butter 3 pkzjs meat 1 large pall lard 3 lbs lard 3 cans carnation milk muk tickets for 40 quarts bread tickets for 63 ktavrea 49 grocery orders 100 bread orders 1 large can apples 3 large cans cocoa 1 large can baking powder 1 large can honey 13 fkxja corrjflakes 4 pfcga shredded wheat 1 pkg maffeta 6 pkgs quaker oats 1 small quaker oats 60 lbs rolled oats 1 pkg cream of wheat 1 pkg pancake flour 5 pkga soda wafers 1 pkg macaroni 4 6 lb bags flour 8 lbs tea m lbs beans 31 lbs sugar 3 lbs prunes 1 loaf bread 5 jelly powders 1 bottle horse radieh 87 quart jars fruit pickles tables u pint jars fruit ptokles vegetables 5 small jars fruitjplcatlea vegetables 8 bags potatoes 11 qt baskets potatoes qt baskets potatoes limited special oarka pack and quality first- economy always your doumebarrdkd purpom for shopping at carrbiral carnata own creamery butter camtra sbced btealdw bacon carroff rich ou cheese c 0 d f i s h somasnvv date cookies qmaraoaafan baking powder 23 crrwt saadal cjyhe tm 39 a- 19c 17 v23 a 16 n fiaur 55 tfc ntxha soap pearl white ib ii 39 soap flakes spedal mccoraiaa better rlag biscuits 22 naoavs bast chain qaatky tomatoes 2- 15 graaa vans tatadw peas t 2 newt 15 prunes 325 del moss bum choice dried peaches z- 35 a a i sowtmwtn ii n s 11 qt baskets apples 7 1 4 1 1 6 qt baskets apples basket onions baskets carrots basket parsnips basket beets 3 11 qt baskets turnips 1 bag vegetables 3 cabbages 3 squash 1 dozen oranges 1 gate soap a doaen pair socks i boys uveiiao a shawls 1 pair boys boots 1000 sign fbtttion scout news last week mrs ool present at the meeting and with her she brought several models for the boys to use in soap carving mrs m clark was ohoean to repre sent the troop at the gathering which was held at the royal york toron to the troop was certainly well rep resented and the boys are anxious to hear any new suggestions which mrs clark tsay have brought hack with her last saturday several at the scouts were led on a hike by the seouter all went well until at dinner time it was discovered that soaneone bad for- govterr the fry pan as no one wished to eat his meat raw two of the boys manaaed to borrow the rwnessary uteibu from a nearby farmhouse an added detioacy invented by the stout er was fried potatoes dipped in cocoa despite the cold weather and the rather muted cooking all present had a very enjoyable time and plans are being made for another hike soon three of the smuts were grren the prtvuege of aiding the lions club when they gave a picture for- the nn relief last monday evening- in an effort to counteract the peti tion asking for the sale of beer and wine in grocery stores and by the glass in halton county which it claims is being sponsored by tb4 moderation league the hamon county wottj has been circulating av counterpeti tion which although jnrwmpvite has vbeen signed by over lam residents in troounty the petition was pres ented to premier george b henry feb 4th be assured the deputation that he had heard nothusx of the other petition t a rvlakfilook mjp who intro duced the depuiaitdon to the premier told tbe star that the moderation league had been orroulatlng its peti tion in halton county since last aug ust iheympnoyed the unemployed in the chsfrlct and paid 10 cents for every name put oh the hat mr blakeiock said polntttxg out be had been personally canvasaed mrs w o riddiford burlington president of the halton jcotrnv wjo t u pointed with pride to the work of the members all our w are voluntary and we have bad over 2000 sign trie work la not quite finuhed yet fi sua md mrs riddiford said that they were paid i0 a day 10 cents for every name secured in the country and 6 cents for very name in towns or vlnages a near tbunc dismal james and his friend were walking in the park suddenly james slapped and nod ded to agrey4iaired man on a bearj o seat i rfr theres the fellow who- aialacued me out of ove thotieanrl pounds he teldhis friend really he axelaanaid yea said janua he woulcnvt let his daughter many me oranges medium size 2 doz 65c grapefruit teedless 5 for 25c lemons per do 25e bananas 31b 25c main street phone 357 georgetown i keep prayed up t wo parsons so the story goes attending a conference had beds in the same room one was a young man the other was old they began their devotions simul taneously but the older man was off his knees and into bed in a twinkling the younger mans prayer was long when he rose he felt caller on to chide the older man for the brevity of his prayer the old mans reply was both blunt and rebukinjt i keep pray ed up young man i keep prayed upl theres a point in this story for those who employ advertising to sell their goods and service it is keep continual contact by the agency of published advertising with those from whom you want business many sellers lapse into long per iods of silence then when busi ness is bad they may burst into advertising hoping that there will be immediate and earnest atten tion on the part of those address ed buyers are attentive and respon sive to those who maintain steady contact witli them via published advertising to them they are friendly when in the market for what the seller offers to him they turn easily expect antly confidently and responsive- ly the advertising which costs least because of a minimum of buyer resistance and a maximum of goodwill and responsiveness is that which is published continu ously contrariwise the advertis ing which costs most is that which bursts into sjght suddenly and 4n- termittenly bice the fires of vesuvius it costs moat because it dosent get the required re sponse in the timehmit set t heres another little story about prayer a story with a point a small boy told his sunday school teacher that he never said his prayers in the morning but al ways at night and why not in the morning asked the teacher why said the small boy any fellow whos any good can look after himself in the day time many sellers are very much like this small hoy many are worse many advertise only when dark ness begins to fall over their busi ness many dont advertise at all the right idea is of course to keep on distributing among buy ers information about ones oods and wants at all times thus do the leaders silence signifies seller-indiffer- buyer in greatest nirmbers go where they are invited to go r o i j nv x- x sm w 7 v v

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