Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 17, 1932, p. 4

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wjri paa4 tf the georgetown herald wednesday evening february 17th 1932 tf 1 j sources v ltmaiot tn an tldcated wumil ittkr dlvbsqn1 pi advertise il pays wa sun life asisurance company of canada strength njmjm mi imjn statement for 1931 assurances in force kt new assurances paid 0 carat total dkohe aet total disbursehents payments to poucyhoudkrs and beneflciabjes jn1991 paymentto poucvbolddrs andbenbrciabues since organeeatiom surplus and c30ntingzncr reserve total liabilities assets at dbcember mat 191 tim years business reviewbd sso31077o00 52759000 197140000 15609000 9s2mx0 s941830oo 21126000 o0567mkm 628oi0o0 sottyone years of service sun tlfe assurance company of canada im a rkitnoa bear lor as down the hut of lite x e boon i ask one mercy i would havs though sdght should dim steps bo my sense of bearing thou wut gnat to sue wtth heartm dolled this world would lonely be no eoumd or natures footsteps as they peas no winds low whispering to leafy tree nor cheery chirp of cricket tn the the sound of vesper sp even son i fata would hear een to my jour neys end the stream low murmuring as tt flows without us music would aeem less a mend the pattering footsteps of the slant- tug rain uke-pajnoy- armys many wintf feet a sarmnew would create akin to pain n seem unheard upon the glisten ing street- and so dear lord this is my humble abowt tnaathy beat oeorge h clark domtnlc brings to the of canadian fanners that- while this entrys c timothy saad is hilly 8000000 pounds a year can ada only produces lfioojooo prarnda a year importing mostly from the unit ed states the balance hr clark goea on to say at the present tune umo- thy seed in eastern canada is bring ing farmers around tc per pound while the priceto western pa is around 8 cents per pound this price is of course controlled largely by the price at which united states p ers can lay their product down at canadian points and this price in cludes such items as the coat of the seed transportation insurance hand ling charges and customs duty are there good reasons for these importa tions or could that production pro fitably be kept at home that an the little intimate sounds j lore be mine tm that glad day when called o share rjtrlner harmonies with thee above t bvelyu b peacock- newa and information far qsebasy farmer mg waal che itamthd although faced with poor markets and auyn 8000000 pounds or one of the largest wool clips ever handled w h j tiadsle told the ontario sheep breeders a the other day that the canadian cc- operattwe wool orowers- had disposed of this asuiuminiby and- that full set- tkments would be made immediately moreover al through the oo- opsratti would reestve as high or higher prices quality far quality as wen paid in canada or elsewhere due to caueful managemenu bandttng charges bad been cut a third tab year obtt of a cent per pound our warehouses are practically emp ty stated itr ttadate and we en ter the new sta son hi frmriient shape tats record has been made in the face of 4tre predlctlonsthat wool could not be add at any price and was only possjnee thai speaker claimed because tat cooperative during the past ten yean bad been opening up many new outlets tn britain and elsewhere tor canadian woo these outlets sav ed tbadtuatton in um according to mr tiaiale al ha was of the fins ouuvsulion that as we were pro dumsr only a fraction of our do- mesjtio consumption of wool and wool products practically- an our clip sboukt and a market in canada township north yjgth themil ml but the ore alfalfa a valuable crop apple gju have found that in w got mitnrtrnt color and ma turity lor the fruit tt la necessary to keep tht orchard in sod breaking only at mberrate of 8ve or sni years and for thtu purpose the beat crop to use is alfalfa a to w b bomer- ast cnatrrnan of the ontario market ing board and a practical h the rairilngton district mfsfti being perennial in nature remains in the ground year aftervyear its roots penetrate the aoo nrbch -deerp- m than those of the apple tree and therefore do not t mochof the moisbnm supply available to the tree wnr the roots open up the sou males tt porous thereby allowing the a to p the son which to turn sumulates baotsrlal artl thai plant is t of taking nl- rogen from the ah- and storing tt in the roots as nttrates ah good or- ebardoala apply nitrate tertohwjrs early in use spring to promote rapid growth and to srlmnlate bloanmrag a crop of alfalfa is an extremely cheap source of nitrate supply alfalfa being the heaviest yiewer of all lngutne and grass crops may be cut twice a year the u which are allowed to remain under the trees make an emrtlfnt xonlch which pleading guilty to a charge of shooting a pheasant tn county police court before magistrate w h floyd tn cobourg y krnest hoots cobourg was fmedtso and costs tv p hall ko pos couneit urged the yimii fine uv view of the fact that it was accuseds first appearance on any charge aerer brothers general store at mon station was burned early fri- dayamornlng together with almost an its contents- the ore is thought to have originated to the- upper store room and- spreadr so quickly through the romplnrd store and dweuing that veryjittle of the- stock wasltovred fife caused by the exjuoshm of a lantern to the haymow completely de stroyed a bank barn with a number of head of bve stock implements gram etc on the farm of tttomas mckerr to esqueslng of milton on january fcoxa fifvociqa lqa was beyond control only a team of horses were saved jm loss is fuoo partly covered by tnmrranre batpalr to the caledon tt system necesjdtated by new yearlt storm are completed it is said the cost will be about 0 appearing before magistrate uott c milton a a cwlins of to- tronto was one 10 and costs for reckless driving he was the iis who crashed into the rear of a wagon driven by m mcmeertn kmtng horses box muter was remanded a week on a charge of obtaining money under false p blood pnwwitng caused by a boo nlatmed the ufe on tuesday of bo bert ix armstrong o of bopeviue he had been imanuici of proton town ship fur is years three brother and three slaters survive mr was unmarried when oakvllle holds another old boys reunlon one former resident who wished to return win be absent because of death of win b frowse in toronto on tuesday m his seventy- eighth yearf his funeral was held yes terday afternoon with btasonto honors conducted by st oearges lodge at toronto a tew old f l braved the storm to be ptesfltit rbco wnen the rural women of went- wortnoocmly organised a womens instttnta m lavt for the dissemina tion of taiewibdfje reutrng to domestic economy tnrhirhtbr household arcw- teotare with special attrntlrm to home aanisaiaojx a better ihsim standing of the e and hygtente vame of fuel and the ca suh mt georgetown ite- vv raonicws ai earn and training of child- ran wttja a view to raising the general standard of health and moralso our people- uttto end they think that sb years laser the rural women of umn aoatt pretty well over the face of the earth would follow their ttss main uuiuu of the women tmutu is to provide ednratlnnal op- iwiiiiiihwi for grownups batrlnaj ctt racsy upon the l of bksns ttte they sre endeavarfenf to uiuwlda for the rural iwmiwiiiidltlbi aonaeof the advantages found only in lbs larger centres such as snttal nsajllna pavom libraries rest root athletlo fleua parks rinks etc the cr is srstmajmes heard that t tnsuu of ontario are idhgini larsjety of toarnswomen when as a inaatir of tact surveys made at dm- sraht taumb end to different parts of the utmusu tat recent years show pat oma per cent of the members are living on the tarns xi per cent are made up of y who have lived on the farm and only lilt per cent hawe never lived on the farm one of the chief factors contributing to suo- ceaa la that the residents of the vb- lagan and entailer towns are cooperat ing wtth the faint women in wakf the trntuutes a forceful ednmuonal factor for woman of reaponsbauty are aotnrt- to- are motetta tn m of nped aodara wcy mbmsij in pcofldliav ebwusgiitty 0cilpaaacb wvnq utllastlsabt tt general news iamaw isaai sssbissaa consult p e robinson etk8ioht btwiaubt at danna drug store from s to 0 an repairs wm receive byes make your appointment with mr darm baby chicks b c warn uaastwifs ojlc bakbbd bocks from stock tared for the high est standard in production ajae and colour body sbat unit onnlty and d vitality from eggs sversghaf at m ounces to the dtosen sad no egg weighing kat ttan tt ounces to- the and uo each tn fa to lis la may ijcthobbbwjjrom ue each in march to 10c each in nay osstaaa ratduscvrom stte aneggtototsotwoorleasto he an n in lota of 1000 or started chicks sho per onkk per week more prices a forced and separate hafrnhwt this year noakas cur the most eootsnt to be found earuerwtms pxyuhry faitn jquality has no substitute m fnesiromlpmbs wot do we war why do we wait tm ears are deaf before we speak our kindly word and only utter loving praise when pot a whisper can be beard why do we wait tm bands sre bald folded pna e we piace wdflkal i0sb wttqn hutci and loieo in their flawless grace why do we wait tul eyes are sealed and lo to tight loveta deathsdem- dear wistful u u we bend asjove llsinj with hqrf irvr h tdanear why do we wait tut hearts are stlu t ten nem au fhe love thats ours and gtve to them such meed of praise and lay above them fragrant flow eret how oft we carekav wahvtm bfet bweet uppi are past and break ojrr alahsater box of orntment at the very last oh i let us heed the ttvtng friend who walks wtth us ufas watching our eyes for took of lore and huug for a word of praise notice to creditors m af bat wortum v- wow oxvxh pur suant to the statmlajnttiatbajbalfjhat an crvduoni and athara una lug vintons or dessands against the aetata of the said wehaoea buck who dtad on or snout the nineteenth day of jooy ibm at the- mid town of oorgasown are required on o before themthday of rwbruary lsal to send by post pre paid or deltver to the tuawialgmi rxscutor of t of the satd de- tbatr ffs isilan rattaaa and nue fan nrtrisnlara in writing of their claims a statement of their acnounta and the nature of the a tt any held by them and tab3 laryrjonj bst after such but wanmray data tta a bsjeeortor wvl proceed to dlau wa tin of the said deoeased among the par- wxfltl cintttbl ttacsowq llwevtlaf ylegawtll only to the chums of wnlcn they ahau tnen hare notice and that the aentor wm ant be nana for said aiwnln or any part tneraof to any person or parsons of what notice w n by him at xf gt1ft cpaavhaaruchaas datbt at toronto this 1st day of john u monabb 0o h p bdge ssi o ufe bnildrng toronto ontario solicitor his st wood no bud hardwood innbs and wiod sj0o hardwood knots for fur- am bata t an cjaantlty m u amnl have your eyes examined o t weilkter dos who will he at wntaona drug storey georgetown the second wedkjearlny ofevety mrinth pbonbwatbotrspsmo btobb fob apihntmknt or t aaay awa o it wmjcjmt at ha btjace m awasapten the newest style of riasaes at reaaonable prices laliabbmbuipb4bbabawbbbbhaaiabi ib a vlbsjl best ught bulbs of all sizes guaranteed orders taken for ranges ai4e j appliances of all kinds 2 office town mall sold by john mcdonald bntartrjim j swfasky ft sms- na i oat f to the best advantage st to tne regret at acme of the lead ens that here and there we and bran- m the of nsqneyand pruvlduaf anp- pbea for community ir-ilwtie- rstkf that they are to a large en ovasaj the tact thai the i pnorpoee of the isgaiil is that of edavavjon in htttrltton elotudb buus inar health wtth a whole ling of the cultural and ontario has 1100 womens wtth a rnerr of 41000 a new orgaaisanaa an aasjeaaton of reprassolatlvea of ad oounty omrordls la the pr to further tta taimers totanats a ukety to be uas uulmum of the uahn bald by hon ttns l kennedy mto- aaw of agriculture at the parllamejit bolwmrsre recen wtth several vaasbtsea of coiuny an parts of qotario at ha tamest to davie into jrotawa tta utoeter de- olarad tt would w nbgyidvkm toj itf to the ovensnant ho it as us tntsnoki to have ana 1 of 4sratnlunvi in aaon ootiiswoo wl f to hstt mpa grew eropa awanalhr fttawl a sag and ctlmauo o of ha the new way to buy coal bine coal let tjw color be your gnidei i no shovcbmo required automatkaqy screened and loaded stbndard andwacite in ad select luinp smithing andcannel john i5 iwnatiiw sicbstpnowif for georgetown merchants only turning slow sales into swift turnover q youve got lto put forth every effort to keep georgetown and district folks coming to your stores and buying in your stores f advertising in the herald can help accomplish that aim not only your own advertising but the advertising of thesiaxiufacturers whose goods you stock s welk 3 you cannot get the advertising support of these manufacturers merely by wishing for it- youve got to make the manufacturers re- alifce how necessary it is to you if you are to sell their goods success fully t j and you can make the manufacturers realixe it by selling their aalesnien who call on you on georgetown- fcy mteresting them in georgetown as an outlet for your merchandise by ihterestulg them in your local home newspaper as the means to more sales of your merchandise in georgetown and district j this is an opporturuty you merchants of georgetowns fhlat you should make the most of one that may mean all the difference be tween slow infrequent sales and quick profitable turnover you need the advertising aid of the manufac turers whose goods you stock urge their their salesmen to recommeisd your local home newspaper- the georgetown herald m vv ias lt

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