Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 24, 1932, p. 1

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k w7vv s sixtysixth year of publica the georgetown hewld weubesday evening fehroary 24th 1932 150 por in advnce 200 to ua cnr time table r standard time a qaeag bast pssssngei and mall 1qs0 nm passenger 138 pm wf paawnger and mail 430 pjn passenger stops lor passengers if- ionic bast aural toronto 186 pm w sunday going- kast l passenger is pan passenger tia pm pgunepsmt 9s djn gate wees a- assimgerand malf ajn fev v paaaenger im ajn b paeaiinget jtoapjh m kuanfrin mail us njn passenger sunday 131 san arasv passenger sunday if- 10x pjn xj- gaaximk loan and rmng tit sua k getag saath mall and passenger up arrow bus dkmaset suvice leave georgetown dally wes bm am 1x60 p 3m pjn too pjd wjbo pjn dally ex cept saturday saturday only hbo pjn ah ul saturday sunday and holl- days only laws georgetown dauy e u u0 ajn 1o06 am 320 pan sjo pro id pjn ltuo pan saturdays sundays and holidays only reduced fare to holders of season ticket f and information at longs directory idem all on lli earth things i like tbe pungent smell of earthly a meadow and a plowed field rain a wine red paten of clover always brums j tbe feeling i am neering home again i like the ancient smell of- burning is a luabis cwfrolel jhrers soon aicmtre ts one of the biggest thrills of modem motoring do get behind the wheel of the new chevrolet and acpmlly arsocv the advantages of a 60boxsepower sixylieover motor silent syncromesh shifting fun and dowiwlraft carburetioa tbe musky fusenrf of old cedar trees upon a lonely sand dune i have stood ftnlfttntf the breakers from a thousand prom every corner of the world they blow drifting ike imirnnr to a deity they wake my laggard bestow a redolence upon my memory primeval ortrien i have loved since 4lsth created when god made the fragrant earth- by gene a diplomatic affair by ethel holmes to u box dau o knnath m lanupoul anliiii gabeaar natary famst jtnt taortgage money to loan acceleration when the light flashes green step on the gas then glide swifdy away ahead df the traffic 1 tbe new chevrolet gives yon matchless pickop lithe power that responds to every need keep your foot down watch the speedometer spin up to forty or foitytrve or more then slip the lever into high without even dick thats syncromesh for yon and yon on shift hack to second just as easily if youre in freewheeling you neednt touch the clutch once yon try the new chevrolet six youll never be satisfied to drive anything less asmninmtotgmacgtmmlmtmnmmjtmjtny aa ft tkr trd imtbah gtmml mmtmn owmmn smlf pwicy atmrts listing sntiifmrtim rodvcsd ik canada new chevrolht v b watson das sejkb bfabion pbaawxv stama sua s4saeessfasi proa- ja n oneill son raonk m s odobuwiowm mim lamb rbaonoai wuxuuaxr ntksk br day or weak nbomatrc f wkrnjt chiropragtic jea y service y and tjt to txmnja hr b n uj ce meclure salsa rstrb db sttthkaxand kont bar how and throat flpwilallst aa georget w emnlng sataiday afiauhion and eyentakg oovlbba nu tai pa or fey ap- ix qu boppued ocbce at mhs matthew main st home phone 187 r 3tp ks wise touaetbiemoet te- waflablft far your difnoutt col- saeuona that a what kelly aiken obunoatoixb ont sou bend your list noto or- account to m pteabi phone mr 12 rutifo2 to oeneral motors amadeasta of an maple leaf hoekey teams ramea tram pfbb cxci or ofoa at pnv netting gkftt fnnhr nnlmt tbnm jtm i- aawaw m ct unit tmd h aaart the bst gike jim ever taste4 its strrprtting how things aosstrar when i wu visitiag fny sister martha she gave me a new recipe foe lepup cake yesterday when- i spedalfy wanted it i conidnt find it wmtf- w i soyoo had to do wkbpot ltism poa oh no i jtat called mcttha on the tttepitone atl she gave me the reaps over again hat bad kwgs the best cake he ever tarntl i sam thtt cake ift imcky we aswjr uufkm mm chapelllftir his excellency has directed me admit you as soon as- you called the attendant led the way to- the private office of the minister of foreign affairs opened the door and annoumc- ed mme cbapeuerl the huveiu said the mtnlnter appreciating your past services to desirous of addtng to the amounts al ready paid you another 60000 francs and i doubt not the government ex pects me to add to my past services a correspondlrji amounts can you leave for london torughctf i can go anywhere at any tame very well i will explain the minister east a look about the room habitual with him before enter ing upon a matter involving secrecy leaned forward in hla chair and spoke in a low tone the british government has made a treaty with the ambassador of the aabume parte at ixrodon by which the sultan grants valuable fowe to great britain we have been negoti ating with the sultans siiiawilin bare in paris for theae same prtwalagea but we are too sir bradford ohtsnester one of the younger members of the brttkjh tttp- ohnatia corps ha engaged p by sea for cxmetantlnople in a ahk sail ing on the 14th he will cany with htm the brulactturklsh treaty or signature at the turklah foreign of fice r la our- purpose to delay him ethher alvstaituag or on the way lame ohapelrtrr reached loninn the next morning and reported m peraon to baron le bran the ambasavanr in order to auslat you be said n ghre a dinner tola evening at which sir bradford eh if heater will be pres ent have you ooetumee everything except appropriate jaw- els i shall pemonate a wealthy aan- erican widow mrs worthlnxboo wood very weu i shall expect you at a- at the dinner given at the french ebbbaasy mrs wortliington wood vtto though bom of rrench parents had lived the first fifteen years of her life in america was- takan in to dinner try sir bradford grt bat knew that hut family though ancient vers not rich and that he would gladly fake a wealthy wife she nranlteatstl aa roach interest ha seeing his o tat he dunes on the irish cfsannel and some 900 miles fronrtodon that he thlnkrng to- rjeneftt in the matter of a oouruhlp should he deem such deshwhle arranged a noose party to go there to remain tin the when he must return totnadty to be ready to- sail on the lath of couna mrs wood was invited the next day a small number of guests a at the duma b was whiter but the house was bluer fully lighted and logs blazed on every hearth sha bradford devoted himself to the young widow them are wo men who poaseea the knack of carry tag an bnpreesmle man quickly off bus feet such was afns worthinjjton wood she a so to speak a lore potion there was in it a reav- aon to cause her vlctkji to feel that he could never aspire to p hsk that shot a spark to feigned innocence to ezctte ni sir bradford in wood and sev eral others jt che- house patty had up trobt i ca the aaone train and in the same eompartanant aim wood hottoed that her host ear ned a lea4rierhbnd hag that- ha never lost sight of h he left the train flor a nvwnent at a station he took thet hag with ban tf be went into the nxuat- tng cctnpartment to enjoy a dear the hand bag went with ban lars wood also noticed that whan b entered the family equipage to be driven to his hotnaj while he gave up nls rugs urrrhrhraand other smh be- loogdnga to the servants ha bakt on to the atehet she deemed it raacaa- to her plana to know where- the band beg should be deposited bat soon as the host entered the house hla guests to be shown to their hy the iioejasnieener he pearad when acta wood nan nlra the satchel waa not with hhm- tt have brougbt with me aba said to htm a few of my fines not daring to leave them in have yon a safe in tbe houser xrtadnty he said one mossamt x wm rail the nousexeeper toe sate la to my ne she will go with ins tfat la tt aixu for you to got i n allow my safe to be opened e hytnyaelf on second thonrnt i will keep my valuables locked tn my trunk there was a faint reproach in the arm aha gave ban and her tone pardon me- he said 1 would tvuat you but my ho you would not trustr certainly i would trust yon botb but there is property ba that safe that dosent belong to one would i be jnstnlea tn pemdtunc any ode boe ewer truatworthy to go in therer- hki tone wu stowtng more desidod intersats of state faint wiianlntnn of ridicule lie tried to excuse hlmneaf but only got tangled in his own i inuaua don you think- said the lady to the ocnera that sir bradford owea me i reparatlonr all hentenngty agree that he did weil this is the last night of our visit here let him intrust me with the- key of his safe till toroonow news and lafomiatiajii for the busy farater p yy tf wmfr subscribe for the herald al mr iswvv- r i i xou would be avfool to do so bare ta any box i intrust it to your care a tonrptatlon esate to htm not to be outdone tn a matter of eonfkkrka bat be resbtsd it taking the bn tn there were only a few asma for al nrraltotii he went away and placed it in liatacle the next evening at dinner use long widow lama e she aesmed to be in a light happy mood she tohjttoe stocs of how the boat bad- twfuaaato psrastt her to vut htb sate without bis being present tnd set aa the sksett jaaghtt by tuba pus teiltog thoboit nuahed i all dectarod that such an act would not nrfwjraruy be afagwlng any-oon- ndence whatever but ue widow tn- sisted that it would aaiisfy her and she gy held out her hanrl for the key the hwmgn ritirt through bbr bradford head thatt the safe being in his own room would be under hla control through the night there vat a pretty woman am fling at ham dar ing haxtra woman with whom be was faymated and whom be thought vit advantageous to marry nevcrtheleay be did nht- consent then avion ly there came a flash froan the womans eyes a haughty look- aa if she cktmwl such a defaal of nonftflrrtrin lcaulttng sir bradford put his tajsamhabpocket and tossed the key on the table be fore her amid a burst of laughter she seised it and placed it irfljw oorage the fhplnmat hert soccer yielded to an nnniiuie than be regretted bis act a man under a woman spell la llahkttr rush from one e to an- otnertone mnmrnt he trusts her tm- piiclty the next he ateara that ha has fallen into the tolls of a devil at any rate such was the tear of sir brad ford never for a i durrng the evening did he leave the side of ihe woman who pnirwaval tbe gey of bis safe tbe safe where waa that wtneb if tt pasaed tnto the pos session of another would ruin hkn if he burned away froan her for a moment it waa that ahe should not see the niramiiaiii on his face when he cursed htmwrtf for a fool the widow rallied htm arm you going to give me one mo ment atone be rmmtorvdl i not tn the hahtt of vlsumg any out my own room when i visit will you sleep with a ru under- your pulow jtxmlghtt- these were some of the lafisun liiga she gavn him much to the amusements of the gaeata at mldnbebt when the party broke up she had made no move she rose wtth the otheaa and went ap to her room tiiesnnment 8b braaabni heanl ha door close he went up to hla on apartment with hla eyes fixed on bis safe he gave himself up tctumhttous miiiy xt ifamaliariil has ruin and the key waa in the sion of a woman he nad known but a few daya pooh poohl what an aaal she only did it to bedevil me nonsenasl i have a l under my ptuov and if any one should come in bare tonight morn nonavneel whoa to comer- thua he tried to dhmaa the matter txom hta mtnet but oh if ha only had the key he went to bed and tried to sleep bnwnrwr would not come staacylng he heard a nmmima in hat room ha arose and- struck- a light he was a of hknaelf for doing- so but left tt oumlng tots made htm feel a trifle more boustoisahls and toward inoniliicr taw wm to wsmpi he wass wwakenad bv na valat bring ing hot water after a glance at the safe which showed no esddenoa of having bean uanparedwlth he arose and went dawn to tareaaxast a maid approached htm and said i took tbe hot water to jsmtwood kso she omnt snawer when x knoekedand i went in she tent there sir bradford manoned lbbe ught- mng the thought fiaaahsd thraoah hb brain that toe iey of 1 one with bar then be saw that he was ruined he was to ana oast af ternoon for prmatanrrriopae tbe only way to set the treaty waa to break in to theaafe bat tt waa a new and perfect ana put in straw be bed ear tered e ftrplornatlc savfce only m iondon conk men be- round of aufb- etent skm to do the work and tondon was too mflea away he pot hm band tohls h laasuyinil up to has room and locked htaantf tn twentotfoar houra later toe miraater af foreign afpunr in paitarecetved tbe card of bse ahapeoler he direct ed that she be at onsa ai wear be said i left the diplomat at las home far the new hog grading regulations put into effect by promuknation tn the t oaaette of janmary so ex tend tbe provisions for grading in hogs on the basis of offkaal grades in such a way aa entirely to h- flat-pric- tradftoc hogs add from farmer ortrther producer right down mat lover lhe line to the final packer or iwocea ser must he traded in ou the taaata er ofnolal gradea ttaa ensttna to the farmer full benefits of thb aarreeaaent wtth the psttktng industry wsaereoy a prenunm of onetbtjilar is paid for all oogagrsolng select baoant the reguaums also provide- for hnat pre- mhunfor ouallty whleh is rlghtty hta passing lack to laigi measure to the original producer use aiuroals of cliarlea dickotut by chris seweu far han turnips and carrots are the moat cornraonly used of neld loots as feed for hsrses there b no ijueatian a to the value of held roots as feed for horses a value which is too little ap- predated hoots are rarely sliced or pulped vhen fed to horses for the reason that the outstaadthe virtue m root iwf is the hmefkial effect- on the teeth lmir n inilllni friwii llin nmiaaij biting into the whose root the prin ciple values of roots in the ration tor hnreea are 1 increase piuatabulty x porta a anfrailfwit addttlnn highly dralt foamtngas it does a food in the natural or unchanged farm 5 asbhtstn or mrreasm the dtgestt- blnty of coarse foddeoi 4 beneflte the teeth and gums 6 are silently lajsauve when oharles dickens wrote the interest in animal welfare waa noth ing like aa keen as it is now it is quite probable that apart from his own household pats the great novelist was no so inaiillally an ant- injmy qj fcj m aa hardy i or exaira tar though be tttto douxhtily at the aouaea of his time ahose abuses sl- ways concern human life and have no l to the wrongs of sub- tmmamty regauvjlng creatures of the hearth andhocao we gather that whu he e dogs highly cats made no particular appeal to him inueed 1 can oafrecau one puss prasuneat in his books and that is rtroots huae gny familiar in bleak houserc a horribly aaaage feline ready to at tack anytiody at her master com- to cheer the world when ttunam went secmrrt worth while in an hour of need and nothing to help one qod made a to still the pare of achmg hearts too hurt and sore to weep to lull the throng of memories qod mads a dreamless sleep to share hfea joy or sorrow l whichever fate anight send to help to erimhten lifes bard load qod made for man a friend p n hart scott gaautkw path8 here mortal ianca made beauty oery- wttb dots however it- is dioeront one msjat imstulcal not tc e a tsgiuenbig of the throat at tbe olelloate account in pomoey and son of the lovelorn great hearted xoota shhvgtng that ikucit ions aynivarsdu of a caxune diosenea wtuoh pasu had loveov and uu tt to the bereaved rvwence and even the and umaniisniisli terrier tbe oonapanlon of bdi sudes had hta good pdtnta betps fatuiful onto derah wjjr when body of the nuttuerer ojuxfsad the duconr s he xsad a despatr- intj enxwttatmxu on to and maaamg- thenvfen i far heavav and oashsdoot par dora o apan- lel jtin her creatorta not so nraaai while tbe in the province of ontario ate devot ing a good deal of time and thought and di a up tti wa for rebef ssi wwiiwiiuiliy astvaue of varl- oos kinds their inain otataottve fa the cduntry women at then- regu lar monthly mee pass on to each other much lalisalilii liiftsiissllisi aaln ed- through m e they are utuhdng to aplencbd tags tbe u ajmlaahto various sources the truknte branch of the deparwsssbt of afrteltare pro wtth tbe treaty locked m hla safe there is thekey- and how much ttnat do you thmk wewm aatntt she haunded htm an item cut tram a newspaper stattng that sir bredsord ohlcbeater had sent fooobdon for men to open has aate that they had failed and others more aklllfttl bad one- up he had offered tbe isstxr xoooo ifthey would- do tbe job m three hoars that will do said the mlcitster our treaty is on the way he drew her a check for vuioo fran bb glad tod ssaavb df thbsb motoruau who have objected to the increase tn the price of motor ear ueenses ahould accept the new price and be glad that they reside in ontario rather than in any other province aha the motor at use ontario de- partsnent of hi has prepared a table showing the carnparattve praxa hi ontario and other umkiinii par rnaratawi a nostus- wtuoh coats s7 tn ontario costs 1m0 tn qoehac and tasjm to hew bronawick in aar ttje branmcoaavixba and this is tbe lowest of an otner provinces with the evowsuon of ootarto thus it la shown that to tbda province the motorist is to thb frnrhi able to secure ids license for mm lews than the lowest of all the olbar p out fct british ooliuxela the larger autotdobaue llotnaai ocat more one purchased in ontario for sso tscoo in tbe pacttk coast in stskatchewan ton abierta it to sold for tsajsn and th neva sootla s4u0 and tn new bronawaok atim for a gu ueehse the eont rates are quebec tlsjrk new wtdt m nova sootla tsso prince bdward island ww tanatnha tit nsaisklmiaan sntfena brttlsb ooluiibbwi tsyuff the rvasbn for t much larger eost fa other provinces la that mobiles sua not astray aa aa in ontario it was a teo lesson in school ten me- said the teacher whei b the capital of ttnajanov pkase teaehet- retojtod a bay i heard dad say ttamvrt was america au prshoat r dad look hen iaas vote nmpmt t that ybunv tor stay so lato nkp2iiokasaeswi7 what yodr omhm saysprat tat fiawbm mj awa gtve aiaieialtii in to groups of- woaasn sad snrts in then- boms centres last veer re to law wui niii tn 41 tn l nmnhflg 3t in tood values ajd to addition there wars 14 threeday in a few in teuallj s00o girls and vsaaea took of these special inufsas rurngu there were of one months duration tto twelve hundred- young women mostly girts from the farm took ok vsaas atoatsfmvflawiaw9 aaswjwtqcws covered hooalrax oloththg and food problems with nlsravs morning and avfterncon the dep of agrk cuttuteh h thlsway trytng to take tn th gtrisof rami ontario some of tbe a enjaymmcbe owitrss of n tmoogh fvn eatal ashed in the tecbtdeal aax bsgb snhopts esven as hi the higher forms of the pontic today regard the ii nsingcw tatet tbe aormtirit otlts bat nwanwnts nwnwwltng with those of the frail chald wtfsrtt tn- flnltrly tosailiilig uke kjpltng rnckana dogs were not oe to the written page be kept al of th aoudimas- ttff eallaua bsjh xmcubuw mvboq walla vaaamiejbbs bo dobsfj now sptamw to lmawvo ootjxobesbd any of hatan be did ovjaamusbbbhay ooeabjfwvesi aaaqu mnnexjhe had of tppai list to moant over the yard when he was an guard oi tstp wtth shy oowwkers wind and ism and dew tnd fawhlonert out of earttra most transient txdngs a charm forever old forever now prom trodden thttaxadghfares of din and toil we enter here to peace that hesuty lays i j opon the beart and read ta leaf and bloom propheuc wcrcts whose truth out lasts our i the fragrant paths run through the gardens peace and he who wauls wtth vision clear can s kvei beyond tkie borders shuaing sou the garden of the soul ailed ar- cadyl arthur walbee peach in the new york times the fast of lent originated to very early times its observance was old even in the days of irenaeus who died about 900 aj the period of the fast watt gradually extended by the 4th century to forty days it origin- ated hi a desire to commemorate our lorcta forty days of fasting in the of au feathered thfjajs for they crop n xee works pretty fjou when heu of old oovioaaty that her bttte bard a thing the utua of a in the etaes and the strong heart of theohod aawareaa was taute and mo tionless for ever twase itirsvitmi mentlrsis birds tn u rays in rhanrawrtg the fact of on aheep and methods for txafr con trol a oanwwan authority spvea foar gkoa reasons as to whyit pays to dip steep these are 1 sheep that are tree from tkaa and lice grow mora and better wool t a clean flock requires lees feed and is mom easily kept in sjood coh- dttlon s the lamb crop la stronger owes milk better and jambs trow more rank rparasttes are a souree of rrlsnranfor to sheep the good hajtd sbouubentintlful of thai otbb flook he also points out that aa a result of opptng the saving to fesol and to- creased weight of lsaoha and wool may easily amount to tram mo to 1lao par tbseoas of dipping three cents per headv me have tlr au petsaj atberahan nnxbxasa sn- ebsxtog fsrasers sxampnrtsngj thetr own fowl ansat have a license from tkafi wardm aojadthe owinlst cssrk if they want to trawaport fowl highway from opa place txavprowsetal statute requlxea that be taken oat retaixbesa of whether oavnot ban b a local by the p but tt is thcssrbt that toajof a bylaw by county streoithens the osxctakf has patrpoes of the teener b to the pouce to get a ta ehkwsn thlevea aa an than tv producer or trsnapwtjbg toert must tarry baa hc- enae produce the same when icimet ed by the autboriuss and also sbow a record of the purshejb made frosatbe vendor the tteaasw rapilattsi dost not ap to a priv iilt trana- xwirting foai bought from bat wttl be i a if be is a omler ta fowt due to the soweast of onfaitu-pno- dajoed clover aod sam ased that year miera rnay aem oriwn 10 to s amres more than theylmrs basn ha the babtt of doing states a h aeartto icarkets board an adattioo to this tbe total coat of seed win be materlal- ly leas nature has endessrared it svjul app to oflee llowi rrloss by psovwstosj a bnnnttfnl cjan fab ijwij ekwex fabaa in tne piuvliahe- pixidiassd of naost rears aaad of very high the 1m1 legums crop ht- beeh lehunlnj at varying is place the figure at oaw winch wm ensure anapte hqih qoaaty ast- atfa red clover and abate of hardy stxatos to roost ttb l of every farmer tn tana pravfnoe v this heavy supply of ixisna legume seed b a real uaualiq to sd hjxesers pajrucularly those not actually or regu larly engaged to tbe ptrxkactlon of the peraonnel of peel oottnty oonn- ntffobvtbr imlls as fouowi waawallotth aadjw tvjrohto tovmahto kpajjettandb a v7naley rih x amott ajsam bwrwnxaltar- vjatn v i v v s if pathetic mhs fate h bleak house kept larks htinets and go and- hanaed t after the emottona sad objects of her sad past hope joy youth peace best uf dust- aataeumtraer polly wigs words bags nrmp pnrnder pre- wbrit jaiguut gaarmoa and spaa- sv tbep baxriahybudge and fats raven grip- are teaeparahl c tn otaa assasqasjavw walla wataa qoqqe drawn a portrait tor he was adoxctod to ravena and at dtt- tanes kept two hiavpsn tingtbs death of the first he wrote a letter ho his friend itorster which oontathmthas sehtenee towards elewen olejock be was so much works that tt was found nseeaaary to muffle the saaovs could a ohrisuan invalid nave ex- p uaaer with legn to the larger cjoeatkan of fab- play for all the ssnmal world obaries dtckens was a product of has time he tndkblosd sportofor srsas- edand i cannot remexaber that be ever mvetahed sgslnat tine hkksous atrocities of the the women and little ouldran then groan ed loomed aa was to be espeetadlao large in ms foreground that he had no room for anything els in- coat- ae the brotherhood of ajlc has barth doss- not seem to base emenr- ed tp hta u nnbd had be uvedhi the towsxosai eettsury mstsacl oir the nlnateenth i think tt would hae so thbt say facta- atari el vykjgsn any great war has always been followed by an ttaorease tn the tohaoco hssai ooamt oortt burope has ner problems but they am not of the ktodto lusttfy amy pan icky feemnat- ivar kiuisaui why b if that the word joy baa uoppad out of our vocasmjaty touayf dean inge the proletariat of today become tbe rjjutocratb of tooxsrrowotts 8ktaner it la not the color of the man which oounta but the character inside the man loin wwngdon we are trying to run a twenueth- eentury world with wlgnherihi-cen- tury social pobrjieaaielm prkhk women cannot ontnpete anooeaaful- ty wtthasaa to the higher reaches of buatneatr owy there- patth baldwin m the past mmtbrlsts kne by cafltusf tt a war it that in the future psctntts wm oover war tsvicsjtima it a crime ok- matnrtty of judgment can only come wtsen ttannght has been deep ed by knoweldge and life tfsr by axperienjrayiohnqrier m theawaut of au to many laf o p mt other jaople mooeyj joseph p day in- ifoim freed was tn the drivera seat now fear is in it otto h bahn there has been more thought and more feeling about public affairs to the last year than in the ten which preceded it waiter t never to the mstory of the world has there been a civilisation ao con pettuve as thb one fsnrue hurst change is a phase of prove si decay is a prerequisite to itoiymoexl b the tutatrs bslonga to the bold james at gmcald there b notbtog uke work to make people hsuawcarrie chapman oatt strana psytoi of debts makes the debta brow larger and not amen- authors ahould be reed and now should always raise the money to pay its ea end not borrow ttoharlea a i3swea we aeed to aprtokls avltuia bot noma over the mterarr wxhriiqeor ithtyvaag pecvw of today wim btrw b tt is an litis iisalng fact that na tions sad individuals in au ages and in an parts of the world have ohaarved days and nansvi of fasting and pray er the jews from tbe hftrmtt of their existence aa a dtotrnet xuttloa observed days of fawtmg whqe our lord and ma apostles did not com mand psetrngs tahetr language shows that they iiswvsrvrt fssung and prsy- er a very irnportsuit means of streng thening and hajllcllng up the cxirist- laov charagter lent is a wttaess to the preeious- ness of spiritual gifts christ von hla battle against satan to the lonely wilderness by faith and by the sword of the spirit which is the word of qod in these daya of the disarmament conference when the srate u of the world are trying to abolish the cruelttjes of war as means of set tling national d the world needs especially the spirit of the lenten prayer thatt qod will give us grace that our flesh being subdued to the spirit we may ever obey christs godly motions to righteousness and true hohneas so that gods will may be one on earth as in heaven and the k ot the lord may cover the berth is the waters cover the sea think stttaissht amttkical individually there is no pluckier or s man than the collectively there la no jcsaahae at midersundrng tbe trend of workd events or of ap- prslaing world oplrrinn consider the plight of the united states today vaults are fan of gold and her streets are fun of workkes men her bouses are crowded wtth goods but then- order books from foreign customers are empty the circle la complete the collection of war debts and reparations has ele the pros perity of america on a gold ooaeavsfl her own history has no clearer ex- of the tafidorahle taw of cause yet america refuses to face tbe truth she wm not or she cannot thank stnbznt- why doss not the press of anserine take the altnerton tn its ownhaatbr if the poiltsrisns dare not apeak the truth because of a precedential election to the offing let the newspapers do- so when the of ficers of a amp on tbe rocks can only rocks ass means of saving the vessel tt to time for tbe to think for hbmself- prom the deny b of tub canadian dollajt on a dominion dollar there is this wbjy the dommkan of canada wm pay to the bearer on demand one dollar the one dollar is to gold on a one dollar of tbe united states there ta thb inscription ibis cerunea that there has been deposited in the treasury of the unit ed states ot america one silver dol lar payable to the bearer on dem silver douau- and the value of tbe sttver to a silver dollar is ex actly bl easts 1st the american dol lar with xt cents worth of silver in it to worth is cents more than the can- jar bsuted by gold what can the average nana think of thai- journal saw en8tabjl in pattot we made a mistake to last of the sentinel says a a good subscriber told us it the same day there was a letter to our post office box that illgrit belong to as we called for tunetyetght over the- toeprinavi and got 1st we asked for a spool of no 60 thread and when we got home we found it waa no so the train waa i e to thirty minutes late we ar- at the depot twenty after train time and the train had gone we got ow muk hm and there was a mistake of ten cents tn our we felt sack sad the dootor we were eating too much me we hadrrt tasted meat tor two months the sarsaje man said the jitney was bussing because tt needed a new timer we cleaned the spark pings and its running one ever since yes we made s mhvtmke in last- weeks ot the paper browns f getttag- ready what b the idea of the taking french lessons they have adopted a prenoh baby gtrl and want to understand what it sayswhen unesma to tautl 7 1 yon know youd make a sa flresaanr he hows thatr- tou never take your eyes off the 4f- m

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