Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 2, 1932, p. 1

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1 i y sixtysixth year of publication the georgetown herald wednesday ev ening march 2nd 1932 jjjtlso per 1200 to ua the georgetown herald j m ifooss misiilii canadian weekly newspaper anlalhai c n r- time table btandmid time 10 jo am 333 pjn 830 passenger and mail passenger passenger and mail passenger stops for passengers going east and toronto 955 pjtn- t sunday going east xaa pjn 813 djn 955 pjn 72s a asi a 208 pjn us pjn r31 am 1022 pjn sju ajn 628 pjn passenger passenger and passenger sunday sunday gemgjnarth mall and passenger gotaa- baata mall and passenger arrow 1hoease0 bus service men blaataa ttaft leave georgetown dally westbound km ajn lajso pm 3jmpjn tjo p 850 pjn daily ex cept- saturday saturday only 1ls0 pan 10so sun saturday sunday and noil- days only leave georgetown dally w voo am 10j am 120 pjn 060 p 3q pjn 1030 pjn saturdays sundays and holiday only reduced fares to holders of season ticket ttckbts and information at longs wew chevrolet six ownerts know what a difference si remembered best of all when im looking back across the timeworn pages of the book of years one face i see just one gentle falfe that alters not evermore the or but directory mm sox dale ontario nsmn wing skis mih at pi mhnnth mar flahiih notary rwkua ratines tfttafll block georgetown an asts bowikk l langdon r souettar jjary mortgage money to loan trrwi south phona 88 r watson roxnua mldjl marion priest loas djdjb rwars to 8 atjoosot thursday so many motorists have discovered tbe difference six cylinders make that today the bevrolet six leads all other automobiles in sales six cylinders are better in every way for example chevrolets sixcylinder motor pickstnp in high gear quickly and without vibration you get away ahead of the traffic and you do not have to shift gears so often secondly you can drive as fast and as far as you like without any sense of strain or fatigue for sircylinder travel is smooth quiet and restful at every speed then too chevrolet smoothness is builtin smoothness inherent in sir cylinder design and chevrolets method of i nsulating engine from chassis by thick rubber cushions it protects against the wearandtear of constant vibration ns long as you drive your chevrolet in addition to these great advantages chevrolet offers you free wheeling with safe silent syatoromesb gear shifting it gives yon 60horsepower performance with lowest operating costs of any ftillsixe tar regardless of the number of cylinders and chevrolet provides bodies by fisher smarter roomier and mora lastingly quiet drive a chevrolet she you will find one pleasure and advantage after another to emphasize the fact its wise to choose a chev rolet six pradmrad in canada new chevroeet six seems now and samp to nr i can feel a loving hand in mine en twining v when my faltering childish steps were fain to fall i with those watchful eyes like stars upon ine shining tts trie- face that i remember best of all when i look around and memory is bringing back again the echoed songs of long ago songs that ever down- the halto of time ringing songs that set my listening youthful heart aglow all the visions bright of- years gone by they bring me and they seem to hold my spirit in their thrall but the simple air a dear volpe used to sing me is the song that i- remember best of all when i think of all the gladness that has blest me and the sunshine that has made lifes pathway bright when i long from all the toll of earth to rest me till the dawning of the day that knows no night i remember all the love the years have taught me and the happiness that filled them i recall but a mothers love and all the joy it brought me it the love that i remember best of all the skeleton in the closet by f a mltohel mum lamb raotjj3al maxmrntrt ittjbsb by oar or weak rnr etrasmars nhmt f a- a a j chiropractic xray service one down in ion star welbissrlaj and saturday a to 6 and 7j6 to bj0 pjn by appointment 1mj fe p frank fetch atjcmonkam a real sad bam pkavpt assrvlos oeorgetown sir c e mcclure auctioneer real estate merchandise anu hum tar terms phone m r5 georgetown ontario dr stjtherxand eye bar nose and trnaat specialist at georgetown wecnesnay evening sttutclay afternoon and evening hours 3 njn oil b pm or by ap- pchitment olasaes supphejd office at miss matthews main 8t borne phone 107 r 8 3tp its wise to use the most re liable and effective service a- vsnleble for your difficult col- toctloru that is what kelly aiken tbe persistent coheetora of orangevuxk ont otfer you send your list or single note or account to them today j sanford 3te plnmbingtinsmilhidg bfdbjmaksilkeertblly uvea phone 84 r 12 gtwstgetown rjr no 2 monuments p0uj0ck a ingham calt ontv inpeeroar work ta oreenwood j stabsnblah subajm j n oneill son prone 14 georgetown ci5m listen togeneral motors broaoeaata of all maple leaf hockey teams home from cfrb ckcl or cfca at 9 pjo job printing promptly and neatly executed at the herald office the city of new york was found- y ed on the southernmost point of manhattan island and first grew to the eastward later it started up broadway and the east side as it is called fell into decadence but till after uhe beginning of the nineteenth century the handsomest residences were in the nelghbdrnood of the east river some years ago workmen engaged in tearing down an old tiwalllng near franklin square in which washington lived when first inaugurated president came upon a closet rjullt in a wall in which was a skeleton bow it got there was a mystery for there was no opening to the closet it being inclosed vithln four thick walls the find was jtcncd to a historical society wlch appointed hcileger bogardus an an- tiquarlanto investigate the whole mat ter and report the following is ex- tracted from the paoers filed with the the fact that the skeleton found within four solid walls is easily explained the house was repaired and altered during the last decade of the eighteenth century and the wall wherein was the door to the closet was made whole the apartme i closed was of such slse that workmen would not necessarily have seen what it oomtataen especially since there were no windows to admit light in that part of the house as to there being such a closet at all the story connected with it is a sufficient explanation for bhe opening which was walled up was closed bya sliding panel what has not been satisfactorily explained is the use tor which the closet was delsgned at tbe time the house was built such se cret chambers were not unusual es pecially in the homes of those who were in constant danger from some enemy but in america when the country was first settled avenues of escape were rather tunnels through which the settlers mlgtat save them selves from beselging indiana it seems probable that one bouse in franklin square was thus provided by its builder melnheer van vranken simply because he had a similar closet in his residence in rotterdam for it aprjears that his ancestors were prom lnent officials in the netherlands dur ing that period when the bloodthirsty duke of alva held the country in his grip but to the story i have unearthed concerning the skeleton toun din the closet melnheer van vranken came to america in 165s bringing with him quebec beckons winter sports devotees what was in those days a fortune soon after landing he sent to holland for brick with which to build his resi dence and completed it in 1q62 model ing it after his home in rotterdam even to the secret closet when it was completed the house was the finest m the city which was then a dutch town and called new amsterdam now it was in 1664 that bhve city was captured by the english the dutchmen refusing to make an effor to defend it despite the protestations of their governor- peter stuyvesant who- stamped with hjs wooden leg and swore by st nicholas that they were an arrant set of cowards unworthy of the protection of their patron ssunt this change in the government was also a bitter pill for melnheer van vranken to swallow be was dutch irom the crown of his head to the soles of his feet and hts ancestors who had been sailors had fought the english when the netherlands were a power on the sea now melnheer bad a very pretty daughter annexe by name who much more readily adapt- ted herself to the new country than her old- rather who could be content in it only so long as it was dutch when the english landed many of the inhabitants of new amsterdam wept down to the battery where the aqu arium now stands to see them come ashore among them was annexe van vxanken buxom and with eyes blue as the heavens above and roes of flaxen hair hanging down her back one of the boats which brought supplies ashore was cormnandsd by ralph bggleston a rmdsfarpman nine teen years old three years annexes senior though six feet in his stock ings he wore the jacket of a middy decorated with brass buttons that jhrime resplendent in the sun and ad- ssd to the attractions of his hand- some person hts eye lighted upon anneke who stood among those look ing on and annexes eye lighted on him to her this young man giving orders to a dozen- stalwart men who obeyed his slightest conrmand hctle less than a god but tbe young man was an duty and having unload ed his boat set off ror his ship lying out in the hudson river busy as be was however young bggleston found time to give anneke van vranken an amirthg glance and in return there was a rapture in tier eyes at what was to bee a heavenly vision it was but a few days after this that while walking under the guns of the fort whereon the rngilsh had replaced the dutch flag anneke met tne mldahdpman who was on shore leave strolling about with a brother officer this meeting seems to have result ed in an acquaintance between ralph and anneke but bow it was brought about is not known first sight lovers are not apt to be kept apart uhuough the want of an introdimtinn be this as it may the two went together down to the southernmost point of tne is land and passed tbe time there tro sunset when the midshipmans leave expired sitting on a rock love with that rapidity which can only be attained by persons in their teens eggleston wished to visit anneke in her home but she told him that tbe sight of an englishman was enough to throw her father into a fit and if he knew that she bad made the acquaintance of one of those who bad taken the city and changed its name from new amsterdam to new york he would sail back to holland with her by the first vessel going there therefore not being able to meert the girl who had charmed him in her own home he made an aprxxotment tomeet her elsewhere the next meeting between the eng hsriman and the dutch girl was in this way anneke was standing on the shore of the east river just north of the wall that gave the present name to wall street not more than ove or six minutes walk from her home a boat pulled by a single oarsman was coming round the southern end o the island and approaching tbe shore where anneke stood she went down to the waters edge the boats stem was swerved to the shore she stepped n and the boat continued tts course in the direction of the islands lying to the eastward it is unnecessary to mention that the oarsman was ralph eggleston wxto had pulled around from the wp-j- river to meet his new found sweet heart to take her for a ride on tbe east river where they could make love without being interrupted t of pulling across the river and- thence south on the opposite shore and re turning by governors island they very foolishly went directly past annexes home true the house was some dis tance from the shore and perhaps she thought bbat she might not he seen from there she did not reckon on the fact that the house was on a hill and that her father had brought to am erica the very spyglass with which his father captain van vranken had discovered a british ship that he had attacked and sunk melnheer hap pened at the time of this boat ride to be strolling about bis grounds un fortunately for the lovers the sunlight was refracted from the gold trlrmnmgs of the officers uniform metrsheer van vranken wondering what one of these hated naval men was doing out on the water with a woman who must be dutch went to the house took down captain van vrankens spy glass brought it to bear on the oc cupants of the boat and to his horror discovered his daughter there in com pany with a british officer i know not what immediately fol lowed the revelation the next link in the chain of the story la that mcelnheer van vranken oletennmed to shake the dust of manhattan island off his shoes since it had become english selland go back to rotter dam with ms family by this move be intended to separate anneke fyorh the english midshipman who had crept into her affections while her father was drinking destruction to the english fleet in drafts of schnafps anneke was put under a strict watch during the period in which the pre parations wtbelg made for the return to the netherlands for there was much to be actxxnpllsheii bven tbe heavy four post bedsteads re quired the strongest horses on the is land to drag them to the landing and a lighter of extra slse to take them to the ship anneke was in charge of katrlna leaker an old maid who had no sympathy for young toverrahd hat ed the english this wtfmanwas en joined not to let her chargaout of her sight for a single moment and since bhe father feared the young midship man might under pretense of search ing the house for arms bring a party of men to take away his sweetheart a six pound cannon was mounted at tbe only gate in the high wajl surround ing the place the day tbe farhiry were- to sail for holland katrlna lemke and anneke were left in the house tul the last minute while melnheer van vranken strperlntendented tbe hauhrxj of the last of the household- goods to tbe when be had fhuihod ten his fasau and put on board the ship he returned ibr his daughter and her dsienna he found the house vacant from this point the story is vague it does not appear that kjjurma lemka was ever found the next heard of annexe van vranken she was living in england the wife w captain sir ralph fi of tne british navy the loss of the duenna and the escape of her charge are to he accounted for only by conjecture though there to an intml tmdltxtu thai it was explained by lady bggleston this exp accords with the recent discovery of the skeleton in the closet the tradition is that while the two women were alone together in the van vranken home airf brake away from her jailer and bkt m tbe closet the dnenna followed her- and entered the iooeuand anaake slkpped out and shut the door ainekethindiia- only of flight left the place- and communi cated with her lover who came ashore married her and took her to his ship annexe did not know what i now suppose to have been the case thaltn closing the door of tb closet it had been heat by a spring bock the panel closed automatically with the closing of the door my theory is that kat rlna lemoae was caught in the coset could not release herself antt perished doubtless the skeleton discov there was hers this theory la borne but by the fact that it is the skeleton of a urwmploymbnx kcduokb by land settlement 4lm 4 canada canadian national railways lieuli many people to solve urgent economic trobkeaam facing one of the moat marked back to the land movements from canadian urban centres experienced to years is taking place at the present time and is likely to gain- mexnentum during the present year according to w j black director of colonisation and agriculture for the oanattltn nation- a raowaye its- extent is indicated on entering a chapsl high school maintenance discussed by committee in an endeavor to curb the rapidly irasreasxdg expenditure for maintain ing the high schools in batton county the frtnratkma corraraittee of the oounty councu invited the chairinan and the county appoirjteiee of the various boards of education to meet in the court house at bouon on fri day afternoon feb isth members of the educational com mittee of the oounty council present were reeve harokl cleave george town deputyreeve j leslie peer nelson also warden e ul readbead and county clerk barry pettlt in the at of reeve w n rob inson chaarman of one educational committer the vkechaurnmn harold cleave puwunl after expressing his spatifasatlon at the large blsnber tespancang to the request to attend mr cleave plained that the purpose of the meet ing way to consider wsays and means of curtailing the cost of maintenance of the high schools which had grown rapidly during the last decade until the county grant had now reached the formidable sum of 184000 the of the counts council are being subjected to criticism by the ratepayers who want to know- if aotnetfalng cant be done we helpless be atad and appeal to you to take some united action to relieve this situation he then called on tbe county clerk who gave some stsmstlce the total cost of marntatnlng the bbgh schools m the county was su4vxm of this amount 13000 was contributed by the legislature through grants and from the fees of rtonteehlrnt stu dents of the balance tbe four town ship paid s40000 in fees for students attending and the towns where the schools are located siljooo there are 639 town students stxenrrmg at an average cost of 113 per student and 443 rural students at an average oost of 80 per awninwi there are 54 batton county stud ents attenrmng bgh school outside the county at a cost of 83 jjw student while to pupils from ouasvde are at tending within halton ootmty these pupils pay an average of s7753 of the amjxx tasjboo is paid for derjenbures 77000 tor teachers salaries s00 for other salaries s4jw0 for fuel 3j00 for urranee the balance for various other pm pu in the dasdusslon that followed the opinion was freely exuies that tbe taxpayer should have relief it is estimated that there is more than by the fact that during 1031 2884 famines were settled en farm lands adjacent wjoanadiah national rail way lines embra an area of ap- prooumatery 403700 acres in ho 2983 single men placed- in arrtcul- tural emptryrrtextt nearly ail of the families came from canadian towns arid ctiee and many of them had previous agricultural ex- pecience but in the boom years forsook the land tor the alluring pro fits and shorter hours of work then offered by industrial employment in the cities since then many erf them have been put on part tune and others have become uneanpioyed and with tbe prospects of their life savings be ing gradually depleted have decided to return to the land where tbey can be assured at least of a roof over their heads and enough food to eat it is not a case of simply increas ing carauhan agricultural proosicclon states mr brack this movement ac tually represents tbe efforts of many people to solve for t in a practical way the urgent economic problem which faces them they argue that on a farm they can be at least sure of srssweiance and at the same txae have a better chance to conserve what bruited funds they may have acquired charing long years of lndnstrlal ensployidbnt in pursuit of this pomcy of assist ing families in urban centres to- re turn to the land a coordinated plan was agreed upon early in the year with the federal and provincial govern ments and other colonisation agencies to give every possible aswlsrann to such famwiwi in finding a satisfactory location- this policy has worked very satisfactorily and has enabled a great many nun him to become re-estahusfa- ed the economic value of this merit is mqiifwsvmahle and it is our firm belief mat the transfer of rami bes from the cities to the land which has been taking place quietly and steadily during the past 12 wrwmti win bring about greater stability in our national life and at the same time develop a more desirable ratio between urban arid rural population love built this shrine these hallowed c walls uprose to give seclusion from the hurrying throng v from the tumult ef4he street com plaint and wrong from rivsury and strife from taunt of foes if foes thou hast on silent feet come in bow low in art thou too hast sinned uplift in prayer thy heart v thy fathers blessing waiteth read within this holy place in pictured light por trayed the characters of worthies who from penitence whoeer thon long past still speak the message here dasplayed in universal language not to fade leave then thy burden all thy cares and fears faith hope and love are thine for thou hast prayed ohn davidson dont moixy coddle tour children a more beauttftjl canada every unimproved or implanted home in canada can he roads more attractive by the judicious use of trees shrubs vines flowers and wellkept grass the old saying that a home la not a home until jsls planted very well emphasises the nec and w of planting some paces have lagged behind til the matter of beautl this is perhaps more no- ln rural districts there is abundant evidence to that where iritelhgent attention is given to this matter the results may be very satisfactory indeed is a land of rare natural beauty from the bras cvor lakes of cape breton island to those famous mmitin whose feet are kissed by the waves of the padoc nature has en this country with the most beautiful and tbjei greatest variety of natural scenic grandeur to be found anywhere in the universe mountains while we would not exactly give the above advice to mothers in regard to their children yet me would utter a word of caution about being too ten der to ones children protecting them from all the rigorous experiences of life such as getting up in the morn ing and hustling to the dally work standing by it when it is inconvenient or arduous meeting l and crtttw cisms and hardships with a smile hewing down trees in tbe forest of difficulties in the pioneer spirit of joy in conquest the child who is too much shielded from the seamy side of hfe will be a supersensitive softie he will find it difficult to get a job where he is known and almost impossible to hold one because he will not possess the sttcktol and courage to en dure the monotony and severuy of 200000 tax arrears on farm property alone in the county td income of the fanners and business t been greatly reduced wage and s men have had big ems and many ratepayers are imrmployed qw tbe opinion the mss- dnsumstanoee the teach- should be willing to snare with others in a reduction others felt that the salaries now paid were dwderate when compared with those of other schools of imri not in the pro vince and that a cut rrdsht mean the loss of the best teachers and that the reduction would prove a ease economy one nroposltaon nude was that a cut of 3 be made on the salaries between 1200 and 1800 5- between 1800 and 3500 and 7m over that amount reduction in salaries were thought to be the way to effect a saving as the other exepndltures snob as pay ment on debentures fuel etc are fixed and it was felt thai the reduc tion suggested was quite moderate and that the teachers should and would be wining- to accept no action was taken but the chair men were asked co consult therr boarcts and report at a meeting to be held later in burangton mttmcotauties wile benefit local rnunlcipabtles will benefit considerably under the new old age pensions plan which has been an- rmunced by means of tie new pen sions agreement ontario has entered into with the dominion government an arrangement whereby the domin ion in future is to bear 75 per cent of the pension aprsratrmuery 1400- 000 a year will be saved to the pro vince and 800000 armuuury to the municipality according to hon wil liam o martin mntn of public welfare under the old system of payments the dominion contributed 50 per cent tbe province so per cent and the munldpel 30 per cent while there is no ofnrlal ooimraxation avan- abks at present the provinces and municipalities shares frcm now on are expected to he is ami io per cent respectively the pew agreerrtent may be expect ed- from ottawa any time now mr martin stated and tbe adjustments as between the province and munscl- pautlea will immediately follow it is expected that all arrangements will be retroactive as from august 1 1b31 sakee streams forests puuna water falls are to found in great abtindanre the unlovely spots are mannade and it would seem that the least we can do is to make these roanmade places sufficiently a that they will in some measure at least he in with the great natural beauty to be found throughout this great domin- lon the progrexetveneas and thrift of a community or municipality are oaten reflected in its appearance and the best advertising that any com munity can do is to present a pleas- hag appearance to the world an ap pearance of progressxveness thrift and industry reflected by wellplanted and wellkept pubtte and private grounds we are influenced to a greater ex- tesnv than we realise by our surround ings craldreu are partlcularhr sen sitive in this regard surely a in and around which flowers grown is a better place to bring up crifldxen than a heme where no at tention whatever is paid to these of the plant mntjdom as the bent the tree is lricaned is an old saying and very arphcahle in connection with trie training of chil dren if children are taught to love flowers and to become familiar with them their hearts will be fined with love for these things winch will jeave leas room in their hearts and rnlnds for the things that hurt and destroy we frequently meet with the ob jection that gardens and flowers coat too much or that they take too much time the truth is that it is not so much a matter of money or time as it is of desire and disposition tf we are disposed to have gardens and flowers and reauy desire to have at tractive home sutroimiflngs we will hanre them- do matter how busy we may be it will pay great dividends in satis faction and will increase the value of the home tour indmdohialefforts in making your home more attractive win li your street if your street is improved your city or town will be irnproved and if your city or town or township is made more beau tiful you have helped to make a more beautiful canada it is not a wndness to do too much for your cxuldxen to waft them along through the years on flowery beds of ease bearing the brunt of life your self in order to spare them you earmot digest nor assinuhato their food for txiern neither can you learn for them the lessons of life nor ac quire for them the disciplines of stern actual work day in and day out with out these leewrms and these discip lines they are likely to fail when they bump up t the outside world the necessity of holding a job and earning a living or of doing their rightful part in their own home ox family life if you have been too indulgent to your cmktren snap out of it at once map out for their daily routine a programme which will give them de finite tasks and responslbllitlea after you have outlined your plan persist in carrying it out this wih require courage and firmness and be a hard ship for you amee these overindulg ed children will regard you as a cruel tyrant who is iwywg on thm but persistence in giving ones chil dren the crlsnjphnc and habit of hard workss tbe finest preparation for hfe a mother can give her child b is better than a life insurance or large inheritance in assuring them the com forts and successes of life then too the happiest most agree able most appreciative people in the world are those who hare learned to tackle hard tasks without fear or dread to stand up to the exigencies of life as tbey appear and to keep a strong continuous courage in the face of difficulties dont cripple your n by overnxsherlng overln chngence win only make them namby- pamby stirring newsargus the fluid milk business the men wr love he was a guest of a cockney family in england they were eating ham young son please pats the am father father dont say am say am mother turning snukitady to the guest rthey think theyre saying net foreman you must ntt smoke his wo t- lksjrsgwrmra wutalusjt at we love the man with roses on has tongue the man who sees the boys dirty face but rnenxtons his bright eyes who notices the shabby coat but praises your studaous habits the man who sees the faults but is quick to praise and stow to blaine we like to meet a man whose smile would brighten deadness whose voice hs full of x music of the topits whose hand shake is an inspiration be nukes us forget our trouxtes as the ravens croak is for when the wood thrush sings cod bless the man of cheer there la plenty of trouble here and- we need no increase of it the fluid milk business hi ontario has worked around to a situation where tbe producer is losing money the consumer is paying for uncurbed extravagance in distributing methods and custributors are paying dividends there is nothing normal y wrntr in a weuescabhshed firm paving d dendb to its shareholders it would b- cause for rejoicing if every business in canada were doing it right now but producers and oonsuiners are so involved hi a most unhappy situation that tolerance on the part of produc ers at any rate has ceased to be a virtue mint prediction is the biggest single phase of agriculture in eastern can ada and bhe marketing of fluid milk presents more inemiarhmes and injus tice than any other agricultural pro duct if the farmer is getting all bis mux is worth then the is paying too much if the old law of supply and demand operated nor mally and naturally consumers would be getting cheaper milk and they would be using more of it that would in time tend to correct the situation and restore a semblance of nelarsm in values and casts the whole trouble is that the dis tributors have got their costs too high and have developed certain resrretable practices wtoich are the direct out come of costly competition board of health orrhnanoes government regulation and extravagant iwt for service on the part of urban con sumers have all nrrrmlnfd to make dis tribution a costly business it would be in the interests of the public at large and create a better frame of mind if this whole business of production and dis of fluid milk were thoroughly investigated by a competent body who should he em powered to divide tbe conaaxner dol lar in accordance with their itshg into the just and proper propor between producer and distributor then all the interests concerned would know definitely where they stood and would be omlged to bdrorhiee the economies and efficiency required to make their res business pror fltable the fanners advocate british method faster some time ago a united states arm undertook to show ho wquvsdy a suit of clothes could be made from the sheeps wool it succeeded hi producing s suit la she hours and bye minutes then the other day a yorkshire manu facturing firm and a leeds tailoring firm started with the shearing of a sheep and finished a suit for the hon j h thomas in exactly three- hours and twentytwo minutes or two hours and fortyuxee minutes faster than the united states record saaee for use goose wan to neighbour i wish you would sell watt oka yesterday my daughter had to atop her airmhsr les son because your slog was whining an the time ktlgiaxlot tito sorry- bat your btsjeo tt a passenger on thv limited looking under his berth in the morning found brie black shoe and one ton jbe called the porters- attention to the error th porter scratched his head in wla well ef det dont beat all he said data de second time dls mawnin det mmakera berynsd 43 msi i aa

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