Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 2, 1932, p. 3

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b5 t ihf jr t tne georgetown herald wednesday evening march 2nd 1932 as pb- for the lenten fast local news readycooked the ideal lenten food light and nourishing mrf rt cab canw avn wnswt toe canadian shredded wheat company ltd lasting distinction y there is an air of distinction so perfectly tailor ed into leishman clothes that even after long wear there is no ijb mistaking them bbrflb bbbb cheaper 5clf uvno grade clothes bbbbbbbbb quality and satis faction long out- lasts any tempor ary price advan tage and in the end quality has the cot advan tage too leishman clothes are made and sold upon this principle d brill co phone 167 georgetown pure food store 241b of pastry flour 52c w white swan pancake flour per pkg 15c 2 tins falcon brand keiffer pears for 29c 3 tt pure lard 29c 1 lb pkg crisco 24c crosse 6c blackwella chili sauce per bottle 25c crosse fie blackwell s beans with pork and tomato sauce 10c melrose coffee freshly ground per lb 65c 1 lb tin red cohoe salmon 25c peamealed back bacon in piece per lb 19c 5 tins brunswick sardines 25c 2 tins 2 in i shoe polish 21c choice fresh fruit and vegetables at right prices a e farnell phone 75 we deliver sv kffl your cold drive away infiuensa flurem the tonic medicine bring im and wonderful results m cases of influenza there is nothing to equal fltjrkm as a quick and complete remedy if fltjrkm is taken when the first symptoms are felt mttuenaa will not develop and all the un pleasant aches stiffness cbuus and congestion will quickly disappear b is welvto have this wonderful remedy in the bouse at all tunes ts cent bottles danns drug store phone 327 georgetown mecaix sud btjttbriqk fatteswg i songs in picture at knox church april 12th it be sqre and near miss given bur- rill soloist baptist church mar 22nd councillors parr and speight were absent from council last evening account of illness vthe only communicable rf reported by the mho for january were three cases of mumps dresses the greatest assortment of spring slik dresses at the lowest prices h silver georgetown st johnts w a stewarttown held their second birthday party at mrs baileys home on march 1st the local officers of the salvation army will be pleased to receive cloth ing of any kind for distribution among the neely tlie local council of women hold a st patrick tea on march 19th proceeds for benevolent work and school nurse watch for the menu to he served at the shamrock tea to he held in knox presbyterian churchon satur day afternoon march 12tfi it miss ryan prmctaau and miss lindsay of the publm school staff are ul this week wittr the severe cold thai is prevalent intown at present mr blaczdbtdtiestgner of the wu- llam lelshmanco highclass tailors of toronto snll be at brills store all day friday march 4th with all tbe latest and best in sultinss for men you arelnvued to call and inspect- his lines brill sc co georgetown in the united church on monday evening inarch 7th at s oclock the rev r a johnston of west united church toronto will give an illustrat ed lectuxe on nova scotia music will be provided by the victoria male quartette toronto dont miss this very fine program it personals law spring millinery you are cordially invited to in spect our showing of spring millinery in all the latest styles and colors misses claiidge herald block old tyme concert at glen the ladies of llmehouse united church will put on an old tysne con cert in the town ball qlerrwilllams i under the auspices of the ladles aid of the olen united church on i thursday march 17th program at 8 admission 25c and 15c 3t mcr r d warren of toronto was a visitor in town on friday miss lizzie ldangan of toronto was a visitor in town during the week miss margaret laldlaw of ottawa is visiting with miss mccoll charles street mr and mrs galloway and child ren of aldershott are visiting at miss langans miss marion mckay rn of to ronto is spending a few days at her home in town mr w hyallen of milton was in town last tnursday and made the herald apleasant call beggs and mrs g c of toronto spent monday friends in town mrs stuart smith and baby daugh ter margaret are spending this week with mr and mrs gilbert sinclair mr and mrs oeorge wrrggaasworth returned home last saturday after spending some weeks in toronto mr and mrs ray cowles of to ronto were weekend visitors with mr and mrs oeorge wrtzglesworth miss lille francis passed her eke- rdentary theory with firstlass honors at toronto conservatory of music last week pupil of mis laathews at the recent midwinter ewsmlns- tjons at toronto conservatory of music kathleen wilson and jane rumley were successful in passing their primary theory examinations ifelen williams passed her introduc tory piano with honors pupils- miss margaret dickie atom acrow i carters attention i an invitation has been received and j accepted from high park curling club for two rinks from georgetown club for friday afternoon march 11th at 230 pjn any curler deslr- lng to make the trap is requested to get in touch with the president secretary there is strength in nambers the second meeting of georgetown rural telephone subscribers this time together with acton brampton and i muton subscribers will be held in the council chambers at stewarttown on monday march 14th 2 pm to date the offer of 15 per year as made by i the last meeting has not been accept ed by the bell telephone co let every farmer be present it prises for essays in order to stimulate interest m the coming lecture by hon duncan marshall in the town hall george town on the 14th mat the esqueedng agricultural society is offering two cash prizes of 33 and 2 for the two best essays by school children of the district on the lecturers trip to the old land come on now boys and girls heres your chance my irian coleen- under the auspices of holy cross church the guekph players present st patricks day program with a three act irish comedy my irish ooleen assisted by james gallagher the canadian john mcoormick in the gregory theatre georgetown thurs day march 17th at 80s pm ad mission 35 cents reserve seat plan at watsons drug store robbed bat captared bandits mr claude burnside manager of tile dominion grocery at ronoesvalles and garden ave toronto with his clerk were held up in the store last evening at the point of a imulvci and relieved of 4770 when the three robbers left they followed and cap tured them with the- help of other citizens mr bumsides who is large ly responsible for the capture of the holdup men is well known in town being a son of mr and mrs charles burnstdea mrs wm mcfadden mrs- john gibbons and mr george emott at tended the funeral of the late philip bovalr bracebridge on monday mr and mrs isaac bennett of georgetown mr and mrs bertland oonover of erlndale were the guests of mrs r bennett and miss m z bennett on sunday mr and mrs russell salmon were called to bracebridge on saturday owing to the illness of his rather mr salmon sr showed some im provement on sunday and mr and mrs salmon returned home that af temoon an xray examination of the injury received by joe woods at the hockey match on monday night revealed that there was a separation of the outer end of the collarbone joe will be out of the game for this season and it will be three or four weeks before he will be able to use the arm but joe says its just one of the breaks of the game among the elderly ladies who have assisted very materially in the work of the acton relief committee is mrs jas moore mill street mrs moore has not been in the best of health but has knit over twenty pairs of mittens for distribution by tbe com mittee she also pieced a quilt for the same purpose an example such as this is worthy the emulation of youn ger folks enjoying a better measure of health free press balunafad taorjs bonstrels there was a good bouse to hera the tuxls minstrels at the town hall last friday night the boys put on a very creditable show and certainly provided many hearty laughs tor their patrons in choruses solos etc all took tosh- parts well and the end men were very runny mr c m carrie of woodstock added consider able amusement to tbe program by bis clever impersonation of the color ed man in a number of songs mr a maclaren made an excellent inter locutor it was an evening of fun and all present enjoyed it gregory theatre wednesday march 2nd sweep stakes thrilling racing picture starr ing eddte qtndan comedy op papa the duke compter 2 the gallop ing ghost with red orange friday march 4th one way trail western starring tim mccoy i laurel and hardy comedy our wife novelty village specialist- fox movietone news silverware night teaspoons win be given away this week saturday march 5th matinee at 3 put cuban love song haunting romance tropic adventure comedy unusual musical novelties starring ibawrence tzbbett and lupe velea comedy cannonball- novelty fish ermens paradise amateur contest b a robinson butcher ws dkltver every saturday choice prime ribs of beef choice shoulder roasts plate strloln steak round steak shoulder roast pork c pork chops side bacon sliced choice roasting chickens choice fresh bqc u me nionb aorgetown 1u r u n a robinson butch norvau ont 14c w ue to lie lb e me la ue lb e to 13c b me lb lie lb xtfl lb church news st albaa charon glen wmiamz fourth 8unday in lent mothering sunday sunday school- 2 pan even song 3 pa wednesday childrens service 416 pjn quiet hour 745 pm sl georges chareli rev w o o thompson rector fourth sunday in lent mothering sunday holy communion 8 am sunday school 10 am holy oosnmun- lon 11 am kvensong 7 pm thurs day 419 childrens service 145 pm lenten quiet hour cant w bradley lieut j hooks sunday next sunday school at 10 am wfft meeting 11 ul sunday school and beble class i pjn salva tion meeting at 7 am tuesday 7 jo home league la meeting wed nesday s fun public meeting all welcome mr i catted chateh rev r w rumley minister norman laird choir leader 10 sun sunday school and bable classes 11 am morning worship the penetrat ing power of the spirit john 3 3rd in ssrlat cm gods eternal plan 7 pom evening service rome ties fare marriage and dtvoroe 3rd in series on christ and the crises of life aa quasi lis is jtau ptflfflln sge isftllsl the young peoples meeting which was held in the church on tuesday evening was well attended the pro- gramme was in charge of the literary comtnlttee who bad arranged tor a debate on resolved that a man has a right to make as much money as he can legally the debaters for the affirmative being messrs j p- klrtawood and archie mckay and for the negative mrs blake vanatter and miss cook msuiy excellent points were brought out which showed that the subject had been given some seri ous thought the decision of the judges was in favor of the negative miss beta shottill and mrs allen rendered a very pleasing duet- miss shortiu opened her home for the meeting of the womans mission ary society on wednesday afternoon the programme lor the womens world day af prayer was used as no meeting was arranged for the date ap pointed feb 12th a number of visi tors were present a very ooxopre- hensive paper was given by miss n mckay on africa and mrs b van atter gave some very interesting items of missionary news arrangements were made foe the easter thank-of- ferlng meeting which will be held sometime in april when toe ladles will present a missionary play mrs soper has returned from visit with friends in toronto miss rattle lindsay has returned home after bfpndhrsr some time with friends in toronto the many friend of mrs david mcehery sympathise with her tn her recent bereavement in the very sud den death of her brother miss jessie mckay has recovered sufficiently to again take up her school duties at stewarttown the weather was ao that could be desired for mr o mcmenemys sale on friday which passsd off very sat isfactory we are pleased to learn that mr and mtrs mcmenenxy are taking up residence in the village while mr and mrs oear are moving unto their farm miss nell mckay has returned home after spending two wuta with her sister mrs klrkfwood of erin matter that the canjabuah people out of their savings have readuy absorbed bonds issued in recent weeks by fed eral and provincial governments of a total issue of umboj54o0o bonds by canadian governnsentts andeor- poratloais in 1931 no less than nearly 9p were pl in thus country automobile exhibitions in several cities hare been largely attended and a fair amount of business la reported to have been written t4e bgytfry however cannot be called active and production is not running above a year ago iron and steel industries quiet silk and rayon lnduatzies are working at a high ratio textile mills and boot and shoe factories are mod erately well employed retauers as a rule are carrying small stocks upon the whole the mild open winter bras not been helpful to business although the value of external trade of canada continued its downward course in january an agrregate of 99497000 for the ten months of the current ascai year to date comparhzg with 149o03loo0 in the corerspbnd lng period last year it is notable that the balance of foreign trade appears to have definitely turned in favour of canada last month the excess of domestic exports- over imports amount ed to 5k2s2000i compared with al excess- of imports last year of is- 686jw0 and in the elapsed ten mnrithti of the current fiscal yea exports have exceeded imports by tljb4jno again st an iznpjort excess of t79441000 in 193031 axt impovement of close upon one hundred millions in- the foreign trade balance m the short period of ten month is an important aoaamp- of j lishment ua its bearing on monetary exchange a feature of the returns for january is the growtirfuf trade with great britain tn erpohs from canada last month exports to great britain amounted to s98710o0 an increase of tlsaxdoo over the corre sponding month last year while in january exports of canadian products to the united states at tl72sg00o were 4767000 less than in 1s31 the budget is the feature of the paruamentary nn tn relation to business this year tarixt ngm are not expected to be numerous in view of the impending f tjonfer- ence to balance federal t a rather deep cut is being made into ex penditure and increased ta ration is anticipated to close the iaulmng gap between in and outgo as many commodity prices may be affected by the nature of the new i an early budget enclosing government proposals is desirable carloadings are still decreasing a gain over hast year m the second week of january proving transitory total loadings at february oth were 22451 cars leas than a year ago and tn coal and coke alone has an increase oc curred activity tn mining is at a rather low ebb in tbe case of coal copper sine and nickel while production of gold is being vigorously p in january the ontario output of gold s3su70s was approximately 400000 more than in the i numb last year the average index of wholesale prices of bunding materials is down to bjb comparing with 144j b 1920 when the peak was reached contracts let tn january are lrmt ed at tiat3soo0 an increase of 13 over december the return of tbe canadian banks for december shows that deposits by the public decreased 8041000 call loans at home and abroad are down t517t80o0 and current loans declined 320ms00tl in the case of public de posits withdrawals were doubtless oc casioned by purchases of national ser vile bonds note circulation declined 42000o following the normal course the fall in 1990 being 31116000 this shrinkage being due in large part to slowing down of farm operations and closing of navigation mote circula tion on ijecember 31st was about 6 less than at tbe o date of the previous year a reduction not out of line with the fan tn comsnodtty prices bank debits to tndfvtdna ae- 8eedlng down a field of alfalfa ta easily equal to a liberal application of manure also because of its long thick roots alfalfa is a splendid plant for opening up heavy clay and also for adding ff timii to light sous once established it will in a few years smother out most weeds to derive most advantage from this cheap fertilizer it should be fol lowed with heavy feeding crops such as corn cabbage potatoes or any market garden truckj where seeding down for the firsttime it is advlse- able to sow at the rate of 13 to is pounds to the acre and it ks also a good plan to inonilatr the seed as there is an aimmdance of highgrade homegrown seed offered this spring and the price is low there should be no temptation to buy anything but governmenttested alfalfa eerbaertag grawera the growers markets council at the present time is asking all fruit and vegetable growers to icgu their acreage under cultivation and the amount of each crop tey produce 1 bmnsare being sent out as widely as possible and any grower who does not receive a copy is asked to write in to the council for one a concerted effort is to be made to provide- next year against any repetition of the disastrous rnarkeung season expert ended by growers last fall so far as frojtsvand vegetables are concerned d mftwtnatto has been available from practtcaby u producing districts in canada with the exception of ontario this has resulted in ontario production al ways being a most disturbing factor on domestic and export markets and pbbaauababba i mcbean co kmwaa5eassaae3beassawasaasssssesbf bigger and belter bargains the net returns to the their production highly unsatisfactory with this information avanalns for ontario as provided for in the regls- brauonforms an accurate estrmarr of ontario produ can be made and thus closer working faculties can be arranged between all the fruit and ngetahk protzuetng provinces m order tlftt the greatest qossune advantage may be taken of all markets regis tration will serve many other purposes such as pest and disease control pro vide minf lists for marketing and other information yet its primary purpose is to esnatue the council to know who proctapee the various varie ties of fruits and keep growers inform ed of opportunities to sell at better pa lues new advertisements almllnaiil two large rooms apply to mrs a kennedy ouerpm street oeorsntown 3tp hesse law sale ar beat on chapel bbuul six rooms and ad modsm copawi i iff tares apply to lira mcdougao tf business summary the following is a brief summary of information received by the bank of montreal from its branches throughout canada and from its of fices abroad has been issued under date of feb2srd the quite slate of trade is charac teristic of a season between holiday buying followed by bargain sales and the opening of navigation with resum ption of held operations despite pre valent dullness however there is grow ing an of better business in the not distant future the measures adopted by the united states con gress to liquify frozen assets release hoarded currency expand credit and enlarge note circulation are expected to stimulate trade in that country and have favourable reaction upon condi tions in canada the adoption by tbe parliament of great britain of a comprehensive tariff upon imports with preferences to products of bri tish countries can hardly fall to in crease the conimerce of canada with the united klngdtom and above all trust is reposed in the imperial beono- mlo conference meeting in ottawa tn july to evolve a plan of preference within the empire that will rebound to the advantage of an british- countries in matters of trade meanwhile oomntodlty prices have in several instances fallen this month to the lowest point in many years rubber copper sugan zinc judo dairy products corning within the category wheat has risen to price by a few cents per bushel and it ls noteworthy that the export of wheat from canada tn january although smaller in quantity than in the corre sponding month last year was slightly higher in value the stock of wheat remaining in canada 18800s000 bus hels la about 5000000 bushels less than at this time last year the value of the canadian dollar in tenpa of new york fundi has recently appre ciated to which end a conttrmmg favourable balance of foreign trade bmcoasrawtml nor tt it a v counts tn january totalled 31071000 000 as c with t3 in january 1b31 in the foreign exchanges new york funds during the lnorith declined from 174 to i3tt pi tms was generally reflected in the other cur rencies sterling cables rsrrhntng from 4j1 to s03 and french francs tram cents 4jts to 448 babes of other european currencies showed dwnlmm ranging up to 10 with spain out standing with a loss of one cent lire were the exception from cents sjr7 to 5jb3 there has een a gnod investment for mrh grade securities with steady the outstanding features being successful fl of 33s40fun0 province of ontario and 35400400 province of british columbia bonds ontario continued mud weather qas retarded sales of winter goods and the volume of retail trade has been substantially under that of last year wholesale trade is largely l to replacement orders collections are stow automobile production is cur tailed to present demand and manu facturers are finding it difficult to arrive at a proper level for pro duction schedules fairly good orders were received by furniture plants fol lowing the january exhabitionb the production is fuuyup to the level of last year tractile nulls geoerauy are busy and find demand ahead of that of last year the i flour trade during january was disappointing and there is little export dnnanrt the lumber and steel industries continue at a very low ebb paper hanging of all kinds satisfactorily and at price james bjsrrnedy goelph st g 3tp fw sale class condition also chiffonier at herald offlce flrst- apply itp pure bredtolay white wyandottea 50 cents per fifteen 33j0o per hundred barred rocks special mating 76 cents per fifteen only pedigreed males used j watadna ftmne 82 r 24 nbrval station stp clkabjmg credit auction sale news amd infojuunon for the bust parmka csnat crap kt crop reports received from repres entatives would indicate that tbe ma jority ot lrfestock are in good condi tion and have had tbe opportunity of more exeitise this winter than for some imnnii past a riumber of poultrymea report that their flocks are starttng to moult due to heavy production early tn the season and the supply of eggs has fallen off as high as so per cent to some cormtlmi conslerable c 13 i unw re garding tbe supply of ice and wood as there has not been sutocient cold weather and snow to supply ice and allow for transportation of ice and wood down in oj it was re ported that all roads were open for cars a condition that had never be fore prevailed tn that section of the country peel county states that baby chicks are being hatched now ror the early broiler market and that hatcherymen are expecting a normal demand for baby chicks this spring waterloo ctounty reports that the farm outlook euumu more optimistic than for some snonths and that there is tendency or prices of farm pro ducts to improve weuthgton county hastnereaued us alfalfa acreage from 10000 to lajooo acres in the last five years and with the cheap alfalfa seed this year it is e that more alf alfa than ewer before will be sown farm stock imixements etc the undersigned have received in structions from malcolm b turner to sell by public auction at lot 13 3rd line esquestng on thursday march ltth 133 at 1 pm sharp the following horses grey team 8 and s yrs drey mare 8 yrs black horse 8 yrs grey qeldtng 3 yrs sorrel mare aged filly risin 1 yr cattle red cow calf at foot red cow calf at foot grey cow calf at foot 3 ayrshire cows cakt at foot jersey cow due time of sale rrnih cow ml wing well- 3 durham hetfem 2 yrs bred 3 durham steers 3 hhl stein heifers 1 yr 3 jersey hetfers 1 yr 3 durham heifers 1 yr sheep and pigs 12 oxford ewes bred 3 spring laanbs 3 leicester ewes ram aged york sow with 7 pigs 3 weeks old york sow with 7 pigs ready to wean 15 chunks 3 old implements etc f at w bin der f ex w mower f a w rake john deere bay otaedr dam drag culttvatnr com planter m h culti vator derlng disc drfll 3 lumber wag ons democrat buggy heavy bob sleighs light sleigh set harrows baf fler 3 cutters 3 waiting plows 1 riding plow single riding plow double furrow hay rack set scales tmnntng mill xcut saw buckeye incubator brooding house quebec heater sine with trap and brackets 3 set heavy harness saddle set plow harness number horse cotters 40gal steel drum wooden barrel 5gal oil can 2fau oil can delaval cream separa tor quantity iron pipe 1 and 114 inch hydraulic ran forks hoes chains and other articles hay and qrahahout so bus oats about so bus barley 8 tons timothy and amaufa bay chevrolet flulaii car 1327 tkrmsau sums of mo00 and under cash over that amount 8 mon ths credit on rarsrahle paper ac ceptable to bank of montreal george town or tbe bank of commerce mu ton 8 per cent per annum oat for cash j a elliott and frank pzttoh auctione j f robinson clerk aawawagawawaawjssrsawawjawawjaaw new arrivals prints prints prints just to hand a lovely range of prints 70 pieces to select from no two alike prices 15c 17c 19c 25c dresses ladies print dreasea sizes 36 to 44 price 75c 79c 98c 125 and 135 ladies linene dresses sizes 36 to 40 at 100 ladies rayon silk dresses 195 ladies print dresses sizes 45 47 at 135 ladies black and brawn pure silk dresses sizes 4fl 42 44 496 i ladies black rayon dresses 425 hosiery m misses and childs pure botany wool rib hose sizes 6 64 29c sizes 7 to 9 perfection sanitary napkins simplicity patterns r 39c 25c 15c mcbean co georgetown ontario a with alfalfa seed cheaper today than in a long tune this is a splen did time to grow your own fertilizer since retrenchment is vital there la j no altemaave tor the farmer but to raise a large proportion of his needs on ha own land he wm grow more of his own v me and fuel and manwwui use alfalfa and sweet clover to puofreah energy into the alfalfa can bdgrown over a wide range of terrltorybut a kit clover should be l to those areai whan there fa no danger of gstttng it with the awaq eead crops a baby chicks s c white lzmlfmtns ojux bajtreb bocks from stock bred for the high est standard in production egg stse and colour body use and uniformity and disease free vitality from eggs averaging at least 34 ounces to tbe dozen and no egg weighing less than 33 ounces to the dozen chick price b unt half of march and an april 14c each may lie each l april 13ho each may tth to end 10c each started cricks 34c per duck per week more than above prices ctrstom hatchtno from 3hc an egg in iocs of iso or less to 3kc an egg tn iota of 1000 or more it win be well to place your order early rmmww with us is suh rood oswsvtaw 43 r u w write brtaunnk posjltry farm j sufoky r na3 oitfc spend for the home in by plumbing and heating what about the housewifes fatigue in the business world they made studies of operations so that wu will not beco too tired and thus toward the end of the day begin to be leas efladwnt no one thought until recently to make such studies hi connection with tbe work of the housewife but manufac- turem of modern pltjmbino ftxttjbes tor example the kitchen sink have really taken great pains to make height width workhisx- space and so on so that they will keep the housewife from over fatigue in her important kitchen duties you will enjoy our diaptaw of modern sinks in white and color g r muckaftt ixiimbtno heating phone 319j or 319w tmsmtthtng sad electric wiring georgetown have your eyes examined shell frames at reduced prices regular 400 to 700 or 20 to 500 white gold frames or rimless style special 500 to 1000 dont mi88 this opportunity to have your eyes examined by p e robinson ro eyesight specialist who is at danns drug store georgetown every wednesday phone 337 for aitointment r time is money right now df you want to cash d on your foottry later braitschacks are being sent out twice weekly to old and raw from oovemment inspected flocks bloodtested by our bacteriologist they will lay consistently eggs which fetch the ugliest market price 7 standard breeds 100 uve delivery guaranteed write for free booklet giving prices bra y chick hatchery asajamfton ont opatatte lvat omoe fhone 733w other bray hatcheries at weluuod dunnrole hagersrllle lindsay and ptoterbofo head office st cvjbarraas oat inquiries by mall should be ad to st catharines local reprtwenutrre geo c brown norral phonky oeorgetown 383 r xl t beat six room cottage possession april 1st kwmpuy on charles st apply to j w rouse to rent on lanrdock street posamilon jan 1st all convemlencea i apply to jas banantlne hamilton y if loads drawn anywhatw ander pcv mtoomtn pro- toat ajuaundl of lba wood no l hardwood beech and maple 330 hardtwood itmba and mixed wd vltt hardwood knots for fur- 380 ralls 3330 any qtuanttty j i 3- u wood for side nztw low prices oholoe baudwood beech and ataple 8380 par azogle oord ralkt 3130 hardwood stabs and ran fsjdo j branoford isal 3831

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