Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 2, 1932, p. 4

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vanxffmiiftfrhvi im t- nitr h 7 -s- page 4 the georgetown heraldtwedneeday evening march 2ittl 1932 atfc ask about the engine oil temperature regulator an efficiency feature of t- the new oldsmob a si six and ei0wt which ilso orir full automatic choke engine decarbonizer free wheeling- ride control syncromesh transmission tfamm vai tjrta ww j iv oneill son phonk it okobgetown the dependable oldsmobile have your eyes examined by o t walker dosc who eyenght sparialwr will be at watsons drug the second wednesday of ira rwoa stobk worn or yaw iasy eeossrit a t walks at his qfla style oftflasses at credit valley creamery s georgetown cream wanted m we will pay the highest market price for cream dehver- ed at our creamery or phone 332 and our truck 5 will call 5 credit valley creamery georgetown ontario v ihmui millinery hats at greatly reduced prices from 100 op also scarfs and a variety of stamped goods utt1k by little little by ntle the urn goes by abort if yu sing through it long if you sigh uule by little an how a day gone with the years that have van ished away llttje by uttle the race is run trouble and watting and toll are done uttle by uttle theakies grow clear uttle by uttle the sun comes near utte by little the days amlle out gladder and brighter op pain and doubt uttte by uttle the seed we sow into a beautiful yield will grow ft uttle by uttle the world stows strong righting the battle of right and wrong uttle by uttle the wrong gives way uttle by uttle the right has sway utile by tittle all tanging souls struggle up neater the whining goals utoe by little the good in men pfrwn to beauty for human ken uttle by tittle the angels see- prophecies better of good to be uttle by little the ood of ah lifts the world nearer the ptoadini caju jvtouaih iteming prench- onk of the boad8 to wvjvw two officiate in the ernpkry of the province of manitoba are nenr aetvtng prison m tor hawing nsap- propriated upwards of one hundred thousand dollars which tbeybetand lost on huruovacing t m gtven on trading suoh an ttemof news as this is that two men in a big and deliberate- act of dishonesty plundered the treasury of a large sun of m that however is not the way these things happen the probability to that neither of these men desired or intended to rob the province of snvtttag j of money were in their keeping and each man persuaded ndmaek that if he were to borrow a small sum just tor day or two be eould hot it on thing and doable bis money two or three times over pay bade what he had borrowed and bane a tug profit out of it a man know for instance that a certain hone race is to be run on a certain day be baa he believes sure luf as to which bona will win t if he bad a hundred dol lars he feels sure he eoukl win five hundred be besot rot the money cant get it anywnere unkos be should borrow it just tor a day or two oat of the funds that are in his keeping k be listens to that temptation he to a leasee kven tf be- borrows and wins and pays back be is a goner be cause the thtng proved so easy be gained an much be wffl do it again and go in steeper xf he loses and toe first umb be may lose he um tor a criminal position be moot get out of li and he funds plunges tries to be tebs himself that tf he can win to square the ac count and get his feet back on aoud ground be wm never again be suoh a fool as to put his angers into money not hts own it is not so kven if be wins enough to arjuare himself he does not db it instead ha regains son- ndenve in btasetf bo feels that ha is clever sad that he mate bag money pay back everything and b on basy street be does not wirfout he loses bo gats in deeper and d somatome comes to light he is arrested tried and sent to prism people say he did not seem to be that kind of fellow- the fact is be did not no htmeelf to be that kind of feaow when he finds hamsen in prison be tells himself that it tsnt as if be were a crook uke the r be is there more from bad luck than anytnlrag else bs is more than he knows they too have ex cuses u of them with ah of them bad toes is the iiusrau lliuy did not do it or if they did they did not mean to do it it was a they were framed by the police- the weak the irresolute who yield to temprarlnnwho deceive them selves with fain reasoning and me tsnsponarfxy other peoplcys unsay in the hope of rlrtig gain for them selves always data that they meant no harm always meant to pay it back they know very web rsoyrever that they betrayed the trust reposed in them many have done it nearly the res is the is the result that one would pent that even weakunn would know better than set toot on road general news misses claridge upstairs harald block hydro electric system best light bulbs of all sizes guaranteed orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hall hk counter cheek books grit your supply of counter check books a the herald office to provide food tor famlhva de- lief fund rabbit hunta hstve been or- gantaedbyqrtnia man who base al ready brougbt fn several hundred of the to needy at oakvulb council m monday evening last w an the ismiii present esisga beefs w rt bobtnson mayor aaost gave it out in a no un certain sound that there would be a change hi the mwvnplnjment nttrratinn before next winter the town win have to out tt out or sao bankrupt was the terse way m waaoh he put it be thought it not unwise to speak of it now as those who have been profit ing by the towns relief program wfll have to get along without resef next winter so that that to a fir wh ilaetiujuil the pro perty of trevor- biulueib proton sta tion mrs weaaey denser a bride of one monthi lost her ihamond engage ment ring though tt seemed uke lookkog for the provsnblal needle m a haystack searchers set to work to find the jewel among the ashes and debris they bad not been at work long when stansst lyons pinked op the ring blackened but the stone and tt was returned to the if- on rvmruary llth bert former a stent at the dundadc o p r depot was a agent at oorbetton a d sny agent at oorbett will he transferr ed to abnannton a bolt of lightning which mysteri ously found us way into she in which they were sitting partially s but did no injury to the rami ly of w j overland datarwot during nut thursdays eleotrtral storm at a meetin of the feel county f w k m i l rl rangeraenta were completed for a ban quet to be held in brampton on alar 7th quest speakera win he the bon t u kennedy mtnawer of agricul ture to bouck of chippawa at- thnr lcakaba obettenham and wilson prassr ontario oav 0ub obsanplons wm he guests of honor bryan otwu 18 stroetsvffle r had a nsnow s front drowning when he phinged through the lee whde skauni on the lake ax mndale he was playing lag wtth onrnpanlons when the in gave way bs uisu to cung to the edge of khw tea and putf- eftbtawsv to safety eeiaffered so m-effetiss- noyd watt anot atr and mrs henry wast mutoo was badly in jured on thursday of last week when attaokedlby an inf bu on the praoarb of jolsa s perry toronto tovnslup watt had t by mr parry but a few days h ere am dtk ere new llrunswick will be selected as the training ground for the boston urulns hotkey club prior to the 1 svi n h l aemaon about 40 players will go into the hunting vamps sorhe time around october 16 autumn sowing of all grains ill soviet russia last year amounted to 95400000 arras representing a decrease of 10 8 per cent from the official fall sowing programme mapped out by the government according to a recent cabje re ceived by the canadian depart ment of trade and coinmerce weekend trips so popular last year on canadian railway lines wfll remain in forceithia year after february 29 the date set for their discontinuation the canadian passenger association has reached una decision under pressure of public demand under this arv rangement round trip ticketa between any canadian stations for any weelen4 are offered by the railways at the rate of one and a quarter times the regular single fare two alberta speedskating re cords were smashed atr the recent banff winter sports carnival the 220 yards event waa won by a e jiardy of saskatoon in 20 seconds flat 46 seconds better than the- farmer alberta record the three mile event was also taken by hardy m minutes and 25 seconds beinf 29 and s6 second less than the former alberta record miss margaret j nfcovof orumheuer was elected carnival queen and will reign over rwui pinter sports carnival the banff of j933 travellers in canada at easter tide will have the benefit of the same ticket privileges as were granted them at cnnstmas ae- ccffding to a recent announ cement made by the canadian passenger association on behalf of the cana ctian pacific and canadian na tional railwaya this concession will be fare and a quarter for round trip generally to the tratetttng public between thursday males 24 and sunday march 27 with return available up to tuesday march 29 fiftyseven 10year lease ef salmon and trout fishing rivers lakes and streams in new bruns wick will be put up to pubue auction at the parliament building fredenrton april 7 next at upset pnees ranging between 25 per annum and 12000 per annum is the announcement of hon l p d tilley provincial minister of lands and mines they represent the pick of salmon fishing facilities on this nde of the american continent at the close of a meeting of the directors of the canadian pacific held at montreal february 8 president e w beatty announced that in order to help western farmers over the present period of depression the company has of fered to writeoff interest on land contracts for the year 1931 this offer will be extended to the year 1932 on condition thst the con tract holder paya his taxes and one full installment on his contract this year further encouragement in the form of a bonus will be given to those who make payments on account of arrears oftnterest the bonus to be in proportion to pay ment made this should be of great assistance to contract holders on the companys lands who have suffered through depressed markets or crop failures 824j the railroads cannot oonlinu to nay a million dollars a day in taxes they cannot pay iniercr- on their bonds thev cannot br new equipment unless tney en the money inouttlnx the rail roads in a sound moneymaklnc position we are aiding the whola country says the hornell ny tribune times unkmpl6xmknt to an work combs end the end of expenditures on public works designed ostensibly for un employment renef has been advocat ed by the post for some months and is now cearly foreshadowed by pre mier taschereau of quebec in a statement to the legislature mr tas chereau not only announced that que- bee was through spending mlhlotis on public works but that ottawa also had no intention of renewing the policy he said we of the province of quebec have said that we are at an end of our resources for the under taking of works of this kind and we know that such is the position at ot tawa the net result of two years forced expenditure on unnecessary put works is thai some 1 130000000 has been added to the dead weight of the dominion the provinces and the municipalities and that sons 000 individuals have received steady work for two years not a few municipali ties have been just about bankrupted and the credit both of the provtnceo and the dominion has been severely strained financial post mr james cameron who has been cn31 section foreman at chelten ham for many years is being trans ferred to jnglewood and with bis fami ly will move there within a tew days excess fat is a danger to health apt itm ird to insurance companies reject application of o and women they cant take any risks good health cannot talned where tberea excessiv weight fat la apt to shorten life and con stipation impaired mental activity loss of energy and strength are but a few of many eosnpnunts which sometimes arise hi overweight men why not lose this superfluous fat- regain glorious health and good looks again dimply take a half teaspooafol of kruschen salts in a glass of hot water every morning before breaknurt kruschen b the safe and healthy way to reduce based on scienti principle the slenderising action of kruschen can be speeded by putting out nitty meats pastries and soiog light on butter cream and potatoes kruschen helps blood nerves glands and body organs to function properly again yon gain ani new strength and energy feel years younger look better work better- why postpone attractiveness and superb healtlif start the kruschen treatment today i free trial offer 1 you have p tried cnhkfacn try t tsm t our ewpmae we ban ruttriboted t trsu many special giamt rrivifw wmch nsk it easy for yon to prove oar cawim for yosmw ask our dratxlat for tbe nnr giant t5c package tribacmtribaaofearrtfttifer tsc bottle taadrat wiihfctsnsantetrb1 bottle mxtbdtbtiar mlmm one scek pprts the trial bottle first- pot t ta the test and then if not aurehr cratoowdumti krnskrsendomevvrtlirn vssiqi rcmilsr bottle is still food a bark your drutrgist is aqtnorited to your 75c immedhtrrv and witlaoat qi you have tried erusktsen free at oar c what could be fairer e triffith huchfs ltd b- 17s6 hag toronto t eatab km iji r a k oouun general t s and general trucking at an tunes garbage removed weekly at rates harwood tu0 single eord mbtod rails tuo single card phonk 321 qworoatiown montreal witnessed an unpre cedented invasion from quelle on the first weekend of feb ruary when over sooo men wo men and children drawn from all ranks and classes arrived on the three dollar return canadian pa cific excursion from the ancient capital four special trains were seated on a glittering loe throne between two huge natural icebergs miss margaret 8teven- aon of edmonton in her role as carnival queen and assisted by bis honor ueutenantoovernor w i walsh opened the 16th an nual banff winter sports carni val at that canadian rockies re aort uiib month the appointment of w r pat terson to be general auditor canadian pacific railway has been announced effective feb ruary 1 over the signature of ib r lloyd comptroller in succes sion ft o c oahan who died re cently- mr patterson wbo was born hi toronto in 1890 is one of the youngest railway executives on the continent plans for a nations champion ship for grouse and woodcock dogs are under way and nsw brunswick is considered as the best possible locality for staging the event field enthusiasts in the united states recently held a meeting to discuss the champion ship and were greatly influenced by the advice of osark ripley well known sport writer who strongly advocated the claims of new brunswick indication of the contribution made and being made to elvillxa- ttorl by the engineering profession was demonstrated at the 4mb annual convention of the engi neering institute of canada held at the royal tork hotel toronto recently a very wide variety of topics formed tbe basis of speeches and discussions at tbe convention at whlsh the most out standing men in the profeasian present a rose tabvoat opposite oneill spring will be here soon start by having your clothes looking clean and neat for very small cost hiihh miijiwg preastng and vt done butts and spring ooats branch cleaned and piinumi sua trousers pus and refre sse sealed tenders adneiosod to the undersigned and e tender for painting of south leaf of burttdgton bridge will be received until is oclock noon tun say march a tfgt for the painting of the f or south leaf of the bascule bridge at burungtan channel wentworth coun ty cmt form of contract can be seen and specification and forms of tender ob tained at una imgaarbnient at the of fices of the district kngtneer wnntty building toronto ont toronto ban ders frnlisiigc sr construction tywlm tries 1104 bay street toronto 5 ont and at the post office hsmlrarm out tenders wffl not be wssihstied un less made on printed forms supntlsd by the department and in acocadance with conditions contained therein bach tender must be i by an accep cheque on a chart bank payable to the order of the min ister of public works equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender bonds of the dominion of panada or bonds of the canadian national rail way oasnpany win also be accepted as security or bonds and a cheque tf required to make up an odd arnormt by order h dbbjardsns secretary department of public works ottawa february 22 1s32 tt a little brown jug left grand pre n 8 recently on a long jour ney south to the land of dixie unlike the brown jug or tbe old song it did not contain ale or anything likely to excite the u 8 customs officials just water from the historic well of bvange- una at grand pre memorial park alts of the birthplace of long- fsnowfc heroine the water will be need to christen the new 10000 ton steamer acadia to be operated on the run between now tork and yarmouth nb bkttng the sport that bas had the greatest growth of any winter activity la the past decade reach ed hs peak this year with thou sands of skiers trekking cut to tbe laurentiana north of mont real- every weekend special teams are pat at their disposal y th canadian paelflo hsll- way similar weekend outings are encouraged by this railway in all ha great centreskof popu lation and it takea a major place jly tosstlngs across tho 55se55s the new- way to buy coal bine coal let the color be yotrr guidv no shovelling required automatically screened and loaded standaxd afltjttace in all sires select lump smithing and cannel john mcdonam it gstsmtarttoww illustrated under auspices otf esquesing agricultural society a trip to the old land by hon duncan marshall in the town hall georgetown mon march 14th at 8 oclock j w nickell old time fiddler and others will take part in the po program admission 25 cents chairman e mewhirter president seldom are substitutes equal in quality vsw i here is at mesaage to an jpoppsmt of both and varying nsist upon branded trademarked and advertised merchandise do not accept a sub stitute fox what you name long experience has shown that goods which are widely and steadily advertised in the newspapers are the ones that are irarthy of your faith modern newspaper advertising does you a great service it permits you to accept without fear goods you have never tested what others have believed in and accepted you also may buy with confidence advertisers must m and remain honest if they want to be successful in business today their an nouncements hear their names and sigfriatures they tell the truth to protect themselves as well as to safe guard you a newspaper advertisement is a publicly printed bond between advertising merchants and the buying public it is the strongest guarantee for goods of hon est quality at fair and- competitive prices refu thrifty shoppers will buy advertised goods e to accept any substitutes v and tw

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