Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 2, 1932, p. 5

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aurvr ctttrvr iff lititts j page 4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 2nd 1932 t- ask about the engine oil temperature regulator an efficiency feature of the new oldsmobile six iht which also chr ull automatic choke engine decarbonizer free wheeling ride control syncromesh transmission j n oneill son peons 1 the dependable oldsmobile i have your eyes examinee by o t walker dojsc eyenate who will he at watsons drag stan gu the second wednesday of wsy month phone watsons drug stoki vox aryoorllbnt or jn may iimh o t walkzst st hat oatee ti ii the newest style of glsaw it n mihih prloes credit valley creamery georgetown cream wanted we will pay the highest market price for cream deliver ed at our creamery or phone 332 and our truck will call credit valley creamery georgetown ontario millinery hats at greatly reduced price ftrom 100 ap also scarfs and a variety of eaee goods unit bt uttu uttle by little the time goes by- short if you slog through it long if you sigh uttle by little an hour a day gone with tbe years that have van ished amy uttle by uttle tbe raoe is run trouble and watting and toil are done uttle by uttle the ales grow- clear uttle by uttle the mm comes near utte by utile the days smile out chadder and brighter on pain and doubt v uttle by uttle the seed we sow into a beautiful yield will grow uttle by uttle the world grows strong rjtehtlag tbe battle of right and wrong uttle by btue the wrong gives way uttle by uttle the right has sway uttle by littte all longing sputa struggle up nearer tbe shinin goals uttle by uttle toe good in men bfr to beauty for human ken little by little tbe angels see prophecim better at good to be uttle fay uttle the ood of ail lifts fee world nearer tbe pl call wlhlam fleming freneh onk of tbk koads to fcltjm two officials in tbe employ of he province of bunttoba art now serving prtoon sentences lor bavins msnp- propriated upwards of one hundred tfr dollars which they betnnd lost on horse racing the s given on reading such an item at news as this la men tawg ami deliberate act of dishonesty plundered the treasury of targe nan of money that however is not the way these the probability is that neither of these men desired or intended to rob the province of anything large nuns of money were in their keeping ant each man persuaded himself that if he were to borrow a small sum just for a day or two be could bet it on a sore thing and double bis money two or three times over pay back what he bad buiio sad ham a big profit out of it a man knows for instance that a certain horse race is to be run on a certain day be has he behaves sure information as to which hone wm win if he had a hundred del- lam he feeis sure be could win trie hundred be beam got tbe money cant et it anywhere unless be should borrow it just for a day or two out of one funds that are in his be listens to that temntatfcwi he is a goner bran at he borrows and wins and pays back he is a goner be cause the thint uul so easy he warned so much be wm do it again and go in steeper if he loses and eventhe first urns he may lose he dads himself tor a criminal posttnon be most get out of it and he bor rows more funds plunges tries to recover be tens himself that if be can win enough to square the a count and gel bis feet back on sand ground he wffl newer again be so a fool as to put his ringers into money not his own b is not so even if he wins enough to square himself be does not do it instead he regain oon- oderjce in bknsejf he feels that ha is clever and that he can go on a make bag money pay back un and bve on buy street be doss not win out he loses ha gat in deeper and deeper sriietrstng comes to ugmt he is arrested tried and sent to prison people say he hd not seam to be that kind of fellow the fact a he did not consider bhnaslf to be tztat kind of fejtow when be finds hknsetf in prison be tens himself that it havt as if be were a crook uke the rest- he is there more from bed mot than anything esse he to more uke those around hum than be knows they too have ex- coses everyone of n wish an of them bad tootstbt arouse they did not do it or if they did they du not mean to do it it was an errmmt or they were framed by tbe wicked police the weak tbe irresolute who yield to temptihfwwwho deceive thesn- tenworaroy otter peoples t hi the bops of making sain for thean- serrea always claim that they meant no harm always meant to pay it back they know very wett however toat they betrayed the trust reposed in them many have done it nearly asways the result h the same ex posure disgrace pripiiiiii so oer- toin b the result that one would ex pect that even weahtngs would know better than set foot on so ruinous a road general news misses cl aridge upstairs herald block hydro electric system best ught bulbs of all sizes giaranteed orders taken for ranges and n appliances of all kinds office town hall awh to provide food for de- on the towns dliaiit re lief fund rabbit hunts have bean or- ganrse by or men who have al ready brought in several handled of the animals which were il to needy booseholda at oakville council t armwt u hut with all the p except beewe w n itobmaos mayor moat gave it out in a no un certain sound that there would be a change in the mmstsnkrjment situation before next winter the town will have to out it out or go bankrupt was the terse way in which he put it be thought ft not unwise to speak of it now as those who have been profit ing by the towns relief program will have to get alogg wunout relief next winter so that that in a fire which ilistiiijml tbe pro perty of dover brothers proton sta tion mrs wesley dever a bride of one month lost her item engage ment ring though it seemed uke looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack searchers set to work to and the jewel among tbe ashes and debris they had not been at work long wbjen stanley lyons pioked up tbe ring blackened but the stone undamaged and it was returned to the delighted counter check books get your supply of counter a check books at the herald office j l i n k rt m sit ii i on february nth bert- uunbertns former a stent at the- dundalk a p b depot was a agent at oorbetton a d snyder present at oorbett win be transferr ed to bfwnsnton a bolt of hgmtng which mysteri ously found us way into the mom in which they were atttlng partially stunned but did no injury to the fami ly of w j overland cataract during hut trrursdsrys e storm a a m of tb peel county bmstetn breedsrsf asboeation ar- rsrigemente were completed for s ban quet to be held in brampton on mar tan quest speakers whj be the bon t i kennedy vnnteler of agricul ture t o houjek of chippewa ar thur whnttaimi obettenbam and wilson wail ontario oatf cqvb orawnpiosm wfll be guests of honor r odem la streetsvflle b aben bsnlonssd ttntonah tfaalqe wbse skatt on the anf at bi bt was nfaytng taytwflsi eomganvoni when the tee gave way be rmuaged to cling to thoedge of she lee and pull ed bnnatt to aiefcr be suffered ad mexreetm floyd watt 11 son of mr and mr benry wat makon was badly to- yured on thnrsday of last week when attacked by anhto3ieed ban on tbe ut of mar h perry toronto towrahip wmtbad r by mr perry ml a sew days p tysnd was mttagf the bun a out ot h ere an dtk ere new itrunswick will be selected as the training ground for the boston llruins ijolcey club prior tothel93in h l season about 40 players will go into the hunting ramps some time around october 15 autumn sowing ot all grains in soviet russu last year amounted to 954000oc aires representing a decrease of 108 per rent from the official fall sowing programme mapped out by the government srcording to a recent cable re- reived by the canadian depart ment of trade and commerce weekend tripe so popular last year on canadian railway unes wfll remain in force this year after february 29 the date set for their discontinuation the canadian passenger association has reached this derision under pressure of public demand under this ar rangement round trip tickets between any canadian stations lor any weekend are offered by the railways at the rate of one and a quarter timet the regular single fare two alberta speedtsfcating re cords were smashed at the recent banff winter sports carnival the 220 yards event wss won by a e hardy at saskatoon in 20 seconds flat 40 seconds better than the former alberta record the three mile event was also taken by hardy m w minutes aqd 26 seconds being 23 and s6 seconds less than the former alberta record miss margaret j nicol ot dnimheuer waseiected carnival qoeen and wilf reign over the banff winter sports carnival of 1933 travellers in canada at easter tide will have the benefit ot the same ticket pii ss were granted the christmas ac cording to a recent announcement made by the canadian passenger association on behalf of the cana dian pacific and canadian na tional ruuways this eeocsssion wul be tare and a quarter for round trip generally to the travelling public between thursday march 24 and sunday march 27 with return svadible up to tuesday march 29 fiftyseven ltgreer lea ef salmon and trout fishing rivers lakes and streawin new bruns wick will be put up to punue auction at the parliament building frederieton april 7 next at apset prices ranging between 26 per annum and 112000 per annum is the announcement of hon l- p d tilley provincial minister of lands and mines they represent the pick at salmon fishing facilities on this aids ot the american continent at the dose of a meeting of the directors of the canadian pacific held at montreal february 8 president e w beatty announced that in order to help we farmers over the presuit period of depression the company has of fered to writeoft interest on land contracts for the year 1931 this offer will be extended to the year 1932 os condition that the con tract holder pays his taxes and on full installment on hia contract this year further encouragement in the form of a bonus wul be given to those who make payments on sccount of srrears of interest the bonus to be in proportion to pay ment made this should be of great assistance to contract holders on the companys lapds who have suffered through depressed markets or crop failures 82 tbe railroad cannot oonunu to pay a million dollars a day in taxes they cannot pay iniercz on their bonds umv cannot b7 new equipment unless tney mn the money in putting the rail roads in a sound moneymaking position we are siding the wbols country sayi tbe hornell ny tribune tirana montreal witnessed an uu esdented invasion from quelec on the arm weekend of feb ruary when over 3000 meru wo men and children drawn from all ranks and classes arrived on the three dollar return canadian pa cific excursion from the ancient capital pour special trains were seated on a glittering las throne between two huge natural icebergs kiss margaret steven son of edmonton in her role ss carnival queen and assisted by bis bonor lieutenantgovernor w l walsh opened the 16th an nual banff winter sports carni val at thatoanadlan rockies re sort this month the appointment or w r- pat terson to be genera auditor canadian paelfte railway has been announced effective feb ruary 1 over the sbmatnre of s x lloyd comptroller in succes sion to 0 qahsn who died re cently ifr patterson who was born in toronto in 1890 is one of the youngest railway executives on the continent plans tor a national champion ship for arouse and woodcock dogs are nxder way and new brunswick b considered as the beat possible locality for staging tbe event field enthusiasts in the united states recently held a meeting to discuss tbe champion ship and ware greatly influenced by the advlat of osark ripley well known sport writer who strongly advocated the claims of new brunswick indication at the contribution made and being made to civilisa tion by the ensdneering profession was demonstrated at tbe 4th annual convention of the engi neering institute of canada held at tbe royal york hotel toronto recently a very wide vsriety of topics formed the basts of spee and discussions st tbe convention at wbloh the most out standing men to the profession were present a uula brown jug left grand pre ns- recently on a long jour ney sooth to the land of dixie unlike the brown jug of the old song it did not oontaln ale or anything likely to excite the v 8 customs officials just water from the blstovic well of bvange- una st orsnd pre memorial park site of the ibtrthplaca of long- fefiowa berotne the water will be used to christen tbe new 10000 ton steamer tacadla to be operated on the run between new tork and yarmouth nm skttng the sport that has had tbe greatest growth of any winter activity ta om past decade reach ed ha peak tbu year with thou sands of skiers trekking out to the lawwatnaa north of mont real aver weekend special trains are put at their disposal by tbe rrudian pacloo rail way similar weekend outlbgs rg encoarared by this railway in all the great central of popu- uuon and it bakes a major place at all sport meeting across urn -j- unxmplqynfknt work comss man end trie end of expenditures on public works designed ostensibry for un employment rebel has been advocat ed by the post for some months and is now clearly foreshadowed by pre mier taschereau of quebec in a statement to the legislature mr tas chereau not only announced toat que bec was through iwpmrllrig irfllmons on public works but that ottawa also had no intention of renewing the policy he said we of tbe province of quebec hove said that we are at an end of our resources for the under- taking or works of this kind and we know that such is the position at ot- tawa ttic net result of two years forced expenditure on unnecessary pubhc works is that some 130000000 has been added to the dead weight of tbe dominion the provinces and the municipalities and that some 30000 individuate have received steady work for two years not a few munlcipau ties have been just about bankrupted and the credit both of tbe provinces and the dominion has been severely strained jpinsnrmj post- takt iff james cameron who has been curat section foreman s chelten- ham for many years is betog trans ferred to tnglewood and with ha fami ly will move here wuhin a few days excess mb a dvhgee to health likaitaqe compjswqg are apt to reject ppwktiotw of qyrweight men wooteti4faa9jr wrt tdocd to any riaks cock tketdth omxaot loom be main tained when tberei exoeanve weight fat la apt to ihoiten life and eo6- tipatlon impaired mental activity loea of energy and atr are but a tern of many compla which gsmetunes arise in overweight men and women why not lote tm aup fmt regain glorious bealth and good looka again simply take a half t of kstocbeo salta in a glaaa of hot waiter every inoining before breakfktt krujtchen b the amfc and healthy way to reduce bsrd on al prirmplo the alersderbing action of fouaehen cam be apeeded by pmtting out tatty meats pastries mnd going light on butter cream and pofirioea krvschen helpa blood nerves glands and body organs o lnnction property a-ain- you gam aiitaittg new strenfth and tctgy feel yean younger look better work better why postpone attiwc and superb besatht staut the kruscbesa tresment today i free trial offer 1 yon lave nevsr ued stiisilsiii nj u bow st oar taspvfue ws tar ruwtsibctted a crmt pd1 guhtt pckcc i it easy for yoa to prom otfdsum hrnttntjf ask your dnisait for the new giai4t tsc jtmckaac with ttrtwratc trial boiie rirffirrrnt f nr btmrt osmc wk oprm tbe trial bottle firat per it ta useietukd trwnuiwfmutlryasnvigogdtj crtawcbcn floes evrrtlsiac cwpm ta clo tlga rrtriibx bottle ta mill uipodunew tju r btwk your drarriat b autigorisccl to i your 7sc imrracdbtrry and wttlaoot vtmi ftrnve tried cntacwn free st our waal could be fmlrcrr r criffitras rujtbrs ltd bssub 17so iran lta toronto a b cxlutan xard oeneral truoktaat at all times and garbage removed weekly at lowest rates barwdod sim single oord ironed rails cuo atngie card phdnk ml a rose taauht oppeshe oweffl sprtraj win be here soon start bw havtng your clothes looking clean and neat for very small coat rerjeung rernodoung preadngand cleanmgdone bolts and spring ooata french cleaned and pressed glss trousers pressed and i be sb1aled traders adrteiiasd to the undeislgned and endorsed tvjnderfor patnttng of south leaf of burlmglon bridge wul be received untd m oelenk nsen tessas march s lata for the painting ot tha h south leaf of the taauoulu bride burthagton fswainal we ooun- ty ont form of contract can be specification and forms of tender ob tained at tins denarbtibnt at the of tloea of the rtini knglneer knuity building toronto on toronto bau- ders rtsrhange dt construction ind tries 11m bay street toronto 6 ora- and at the post office hamlrtrm ont tenders will not be less made an minted forms by the densrtinent and hi saxordsnos wiite conditions rirsntairasd thereto bach tender most be under a of esquesing agricultured society a trip to the old land by- hon duncan marshall in the town hall georgetown mon march 14th at 8 oclock j w nickeil old time fiddler and others will take part in the admission ss cents chairman- e mcwhirter pr3sident by an accepted cheque on a ch bank payable to ttse order of the lon- ister of public works equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender borah of the dnortnlon of oanada or bonds ot the nanavrlian nstlonal ball- way snpany wm also be arirep as security or bonds and a cheque it renuired to make up an odd dnbjabxhns seoretary depautoienii of pujbue worka ottawa february 23 iso the new way to buy coal blue coal let tbe color be your guide mo shovelling required automatically screened and loaded standard anjudsvcite in m select lump smithing and cannel john mcdonald n t j seldom are substitutes equal in quality hero is a messase tosd sltoppera of both sexes and vaiyl i nsist upon branded trademarked and advertised merchandise do not accept a suv stitute for what you name long experience hag ahowyn that goods which are widely and steadily advertised in the newspapers are the ones that are worthy of your faith modern newspaper advertising does you a great service it permits you to accept without fear goods you have never tested what others have believed in and accepted you also may buy witiyconfidence r i advertisers must be and remain honest if they want to be successful in business today their an nouncements bear their names and signatures they tell the truth to protect themselves as well as to safe guard you a newspaper advertisement is a publicly printed bond between advertising merchahta and the buying public it is the strongest guarantee for goods of hon est quality at fair and coinpetrrovtprtosa thrifty shoppers will buy advertised good and refuse to accept any substitutes a ru jy

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