Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 9, 1932, p. 1

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ft r- the j etown sigtysixth year of publication the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 9th 1932 150 per annum in advance 200 to ujsla the georgetown herald j m imknut member oarnrllan weekly newspaper association c n r tone table standard time gains eut passenger and mail 1030 ajn passenger 2j9 pm passenger and mail 6j0 pm passenger stops for passengers going east and toronto 955 pm 8iiaday going east passenger u pjn passenger 812 pm passenger 955 pjn soior we assenger- and mall passenger passenger and majl passenger sunday passenger sunday going north man and pjattenger hag seesli mail and pawsenger 735 ajm 208 pjn 025 pan 31 ajn 1022 pm j8 a 628 pin arrow incbeasei bus service eastern standard time leave oeorgetown daily westbouna 850 am 1230 pm 350 pun 710 pm c9s0 pm dally ex cept saturday saturday only 1150 pm 1050 am saturday sunday and holi days only leave georgetown dally eastbound 720 am 1005 am 220 pm 550 pna 830 pm mum pjn saturdays sundays a holidays only reduced fares to holders of season tickets tickets and information at longs t- directory us box dale barraster and sauehar oeorgetown ontario offloea ong blag mia 8k olabknck h wiggins uaueitor notary p otooas omtul block osofeelown t-4ephons- 1m aatabam graham aad bowykk braunpton ontario oraham k b oranam ol jh bowyei l ulnodon soueitor notary faaue pint monrege money to oaorgatown main street south phona 8 r b watson djas- mjkb marion puest lds dds oxtaee hours 8 to a except thursday aftamoona p l hratb id8 d j j oosoa in laste block one door north of onealla carriage factory boura am to pjn mim lamb rmvacncae acateknrrx mitsi by day or weak par particular phone airs oaorgetown a k i cinagutowa ontario t roomier drivers name all the qnalrdej of a motor car that go ta inspire its owner with lasting pride and row name the very things that make the new chevrolet six the worlds most popular automobile and the groat c-rawit-a- fasw the new chevrolet is 20 more powerful has downdraft carburetion for quicker pidcup and combines silent svncromesh transmission with free wheeling lowest operating cost of saty full- sized automobile comfort bmutm six cylinder smoothness and bodies by fisher fingertip adjustable fisher nonglare windwrieul tiltbeam interior son visor meujty n nftctmoderri fisher bodies deeper and narrower radiator longer hood with adjustable hood ports interior luxury and conveniences have been carefully fml generous use of chrome plating throughout safety syncromesh transmission with wornvandsector type ig gear and powerful fourwheel brakes ensure positive car control under all conditions rearmounted gasoline tank lasting satisfaction under the general motors owner service policy any chevrolet owner experiencing defective workmanship or il on a chevrolet during the warranty period may call on any authorized chevrolet dealer in or the united states where the labor and parts will be supplied at no cost over 10000 dealers stand back of this warranty for your protection produced im cimmj 1wew offivroijet six a aii scj symcromeeai atarl slllflj fr- few ii isg-p- 5 v j n oimeill soim chiropractic nb3lskn- the cauropraetor giateate 19 yeara pnvouce v medicate sorrery osteopauir xray service wa and saturday 2 to s and 720 to 9j0 pm d houra fay appo fnnk petca atjotionekb f paal aad hahav prompt sarrlea georgetown fllrs post otaea gheltenharn c e mcclure auctioneer ttaerchandise anu run terms phone mrs ontario georgetown dr 8tjtrkrland bye bar nose and throat specialist at georgetown wednesday evening sat afternoon and evening boors 3 nun till 9 pm or by ap pointment classes supplied office at moss matthews main st home phone 107 r 6 3tp its wise to use the most re liable and effective service a- rallable for your difficult col lections that is what kelly 4k aiken the persistent cooeeiora 0bai4okvtixb ont otter you send your list or single note or account to them today j sanford stgwtuuowu m plambingttinsniilhini botutes cheerlmflj uvea phcme 84 r 12 georgetown rr no 2 monuments pollock ingham gah on neaarna an begaam tnapset oar work in qraenwood phone 14 oeoboetown listen to general motor broadcast of afl maple leaf hockey teanal bane gamea from cfhb ckcl or cfca at 9 run advertise it pays a should be home by this time i mrs fowleswas worcied her hiwbanrl had gone to town for the day but he was to be bade in plenty of tjine to feed the stock and now it was getting tadc then the telephone rang t orrymsu7 came tier husbands voice i cant get hqme till late better taatyhonc george bothwell and ask hfan tattlp us oat so the stock was fed aisdlan ikrwlers worry waa ended no wonder she amid mm mm j the tiirnino of the road it may be a long way to the turn in the road the path may be rugged and heavy oilwload our hearts grow faint from hope de ferred and sad with needless yearning but some day somewhere the turn will appear then will vanish our weariness doubt and fear our hearts will be filled wtut joy and cheer and strength and hope returning the sky over head piay be laden with gray the wind cold and chilling andjireaiy the day not a glint of sunshine across the way to relieving- jthe days dull emliig but a rift in the clouds will some day greet our view the bright eager sunbeams come struggling thru giving glimpses beyond of the clear azure blue and a brighter tomorrow revealing our hearts may be burdened with sorrow and care too sad for a song and to weary for prayer dismayed at the troubles we meet everywhere while our strength is swiftly waning but some day faint heart comes a turn in the tide gods love is so deep his mercy so wide neither sunshine nor storm can for ever abide each one as we need were receiving then lets travel joyously blithely along with sometimes a prayer and often a sonag and always a lift for the weak in the throng till we come to the long roads turn ing the learned miss fleming by agnes o brogan the cooipejiionsrilp of a yellow cat the girl aruwered vincbcitively is a relief to the persecution of a lot ol brainless reporters phew billy whistled im one of those the girl swung her heels i knew you wecv she said quietly uninvited billy seated himself upon a bench facing the little flgure on the wall his face fell gloomily xx you knew what this assignment meant to rac he said sighing how fve counted upon itl just because your aunt is so determined in her refusal to be interested it will be a big thing for the man who accomplishes it you could help me out if you would just ask her to see- roe that would be a simple ghdng for you to do and it rjhigvrtt mean so mucta to mii r the girl wrinkled her brows per plexedly do i uisderstaftd ttus to be an off air of trie jteart she mocked if so miss fleming might not e entirely obdurate she has been quot ed by one of your papery as searching for a soul mate so if that is the case the girl slipped gracefully down from the wall the lprd forbid 1 ejaculated billy im rpretty anxious for this interview but not desperate enough to propose to a female encyclopedia inorder to get it pardon me lie added hastily t forgot she was your aunt thff girl waved her hands oh don t- mind us she said sweetly were used to reporters thats why we like yellow cats billys lugubrious face brightened visibly as he looked at her standing before him you are a good deal old- the piiilsophek i saw him sitting in hjs door tremblfhg as old men do his house was old his barn was old and still his eyes seemed new ds eyes had seen three times my years and kept a twinkle still tho they had looked at birth and death and hree- graves on a hill let me sit down with you i said and you will make me wise tell me what is it keeps the joy still shining in your eyes then like an ofdtune orator iznpressively he rose t make the most of all that comes the least of all that goes author unknown orange pekoe blend 09 didnt kjjow he had it tea frefhltoin die gardens why i should always be delegated to this highbrow stuff coan- pteined billy atkins i dont understand interviewing the authoress in her lair and all tht heres cfils fleming person spells her narne helene writer of treatises on domes tic science and director of something in schools now what questions can i ask her why dont they send a man like brothers been there answered brothers laconically sent me because i wear glasses but it would be easier to find audience with the kaiser than to be admitted to the presence of the learn ed helene saw her though from a distance she was sitting upon an upper veranda evidently correcting proof trials the nearest i got severe looking anxiously queried billy r no name for it answered brothers forblddlzigs the word thought if i could see the niece id get in the two miss flemings are rusticating out there together but miss niece was probably avoiding the wily reporter silly fuss to make over some new fangled style of learning anyway grumbled billy jamming his hat on his head well heres to my success and promotion the stubborn author ess shall be hunted down look out she doesnt mistake your attentions for intentions called bro thers as a parting shot they say shes looking for a soul mate can write pretty romance stuff too for a lady well along billy found the old fleming man sion set well back among ha trees from the roadside it had not al ways been a fleming mansion in fact the name was newly adopted the famous suithoress having sprung from unknowrmess into sudden prominence there was an evidence of deep study in her briefest articles of wonderful practical discoveries which set the general student mind to thinking mks helene fleming was a woman of un common ability 80 billy atkins went in unusual trepidation for that self confident young man up the flower bordered path to the door the en trance was imposing billy rang with no response to his ring billy tried the side door bowing with assumed assuredness to the servant who open ed it miss pelmlng the writer could he see her for just a moment no he would not send up his card but the visit was important miss fleming was too busily engag ed to see callers i but this begged billy is very urgent miss naming will see no one for a moment billy camped hope fully upon the doorstep but the door was firmly closed hast angrily he made his way around to a rear door a staring maid confronted him vas it miss fleming you vlsh to see or de niece roh either one he answered hasti ly it had occurred to him that the niece migsrt be persuaded to act as en voy to trie very difficult aunt and billy prided himself upon his persua sive powers with young women in de garten dere directed the maid shes out dere somewheres by de wall 80 buiy started wiusulnbv to en- ctrclethe rear garden wall high upon one post at last he discovered a huge yellow cat and ugh upon the corre sponding one perched a very pert look ing young woman perhaps his first l permess was caused by the girls swinging heels which cuoked against the garden wan in tune to her huonmlng voice and to a certain rak ish angle maybe of her bright red hat how do you do said billy easily after a brief scrutiny the girl stared over his head billy laughed allow me he explained to both apologize and introduce jnyself i came primarily to see miss fleming ixnvhe paused eloquently miss fleming is not to be seen therefore the matter being urgent i take it upon myself to seek out and ennst the assistance of her young niece please billy held out an ingratiat ing hand be a good girl and come down and help me out the good girl regarded mm con- tcmptuously then turned and delib erately addressed tho yellow cat peter she said how old do you suppose this callow youth tikes us to be petar continuing the toilet of his paws the youth referred to an swered in self defense from the length of your dress and the look in your eyes i should take you to bo about sixteen dresses are worn very short tails year sriaujreturnerl full axwn young women in my ex perience btlrtold her are not found perched upon gatepost with cats for contntuuoo er than you seetneo up there upon the wall he conceded the girl nodded- yes she repeat ed seriously a god deal older for a moment she stood studying his good notured disappointed face then impulsively seated herself at his side maybe she suggested just maybe you know i could answer a few of those questions of yours with out disturbing jny aunt you i billys brows went up in credulously she nodded i always go over my aunts copy as it comes from the mac hine breathlessly billy grabbed at pencil and paper its a confounded sub ject to get at he said apologetlcally but ill do my best from these in structions lets see interrupted the girl and in a moment it was her pencil that was flying across the pages of billys note book there 1 she said at test raising a sparkling glowing face that covers the subject pretty well i think and now with a childish movement she held the book behind her back pro mise before i give it to you solemnly promise that you wont open this wont read a word of it till you are back in the office its some trier then said billy sadly i knew it was too good to be true promise demanded the girl my hand on it she added qutckiy billy glanced into the teasing temp ting eyes down at the tittle proffered hand then surrendered cross your heart laughed toe girl cross my heart said buiy over the soft hand he held close in his own he saw suddenly a womans erect form approaching a woman with fine intelligent features and white severely brushed hah blushing confusedly the girl with drew her hand leaving in its place the reporters book auntie she said ill be with you directly goodbye she added meaningly as with new hopefulness billy waited goodbye the girl repeated and picking up her yellow cat passed swiftly through the garden gsite dazedly billy glanrwl after them the witch he muttered what non sense has she scribbled in that book nothing to do with the case of course buiy atkins youve been cleverly disposed of and just when you might have landed real copy but there was his promise jove i he oould still feel the arm clasp of that little hand a very pleasant and leretofore unknown sensation trem bled about the region of billys honest heait jovef he murmured again a laughed softly what luck cried brothers as buiy tried to pass unseen into the seclusion of his offioe he must read her mes sage alone half an hour later be rushed about wildly bis voice trium phant what luck he cried what luck well just about the best ever full and comprehensive atrlcle per sonal touch too because it was writ ten by the lady herself oh come off jeered brothers but billy was back in bis room residing a personal postscript youre to be congratulated he read upon having this esutvelng article direct from the pen of the author for little man i am the author aunt is only my amsnivnns i couldnt help it could i because you got us mixed rm doing this to make up for my disagreeable remark as to the preference for oats and heres hoping for that riiornotian yours helene fleming billy closed his eyes in smiling rem iniscence then rushed to the phone may i come out tonight he begged his unseen listener to try at least to speak my gratitude there was silence for a moment unless he added humbly you still have a preference for yellow cats if answered miss fleming sweet ly you can cyvercotne your averslop to a female ercjclopedla corning now cried billy righto laughed the learned helene the hours seerned long to buiy while waiting for his watch to tell him that it was a proper hour to call he took it out so often that once he thought it had stopped and put it to his ear to test it but when the hands stood at 730 the time he had set for starting lie began a journey that should have required twice the time he gave it trie days were still long and he was informed that he would find the authoress where he had met her before in the garden there he went and there we leave them a cliscontented farmer wished if possible to trade his farm for a more deslrahle one and accortttngh- nsted it wmzi a real estate agency a few days afterwards he readin a newspaper the advertasement of it prepared by the agency it described in glowing terms the many charms comforts conveni ences and aovantages of the place three times the old i airner read that ad then he called m nls wife and had her read it to him then be seised the telephone and called up the real estate office say cancel that ad about my farm be shouted- tve decided not to selkrl thats the kind of place rve been wanting for years and i did not know i had it if many of us could see our jobs and our lives and our possession as others see them perhaps like the farmer we shouldnt be so allnred anxious to swap them for somethlng we fancy would be better bishop f w warne began in oakville was bishop francis wesley wame 41 years ndssionary msncp of the metho dist episcopal church in india who died in new york march 1st began his nussaonary career in oakville whee that village was part of cooksville cir cuit he was bom in balllnafad erin towrjshlp ontario and educated at albert college belleville and the garrett biblical institute evantson m fiftytwo years ago he married margueretaa daughter of rev t if jefferis who died in oakville in 1922 aged 100 years miss martha jefferis of oakville is a sisterinlaw of the late bishop his only daughter being mrs h f fisher toronto workmafts compensation 8tatescknt the accidents reported to the workmens oorarensation board dur ing the month or pebruary numbered 4033 as compared with 3601 chrring january and 3ji24 during- pebruary a year ago r there were- 37 fatal accidents at against 16 in january and 28 in february last year the benefits awarded tor tmafuary amounted to mojubl30 4s362ssob of which was for cdmpensatlon and 87- 77265 for meoaeal afd and for janu ary 1932 the total benefits awarded amounted to45s0 of wmch 363b1jm was for compensation and w0ojo far medical ajd exempt from jury service officials have often had persons inquire why so many farmers are oh the juries for district courts the list of those exempt from service re veals the reason the list of exemp tions is as follows all persons 60 years of age or over mesxtbers of the privy council of canada and the executive council of ontario members of the senate house of conmons and assembly secretaries of the go and lieuten- antgovernor every officer or person in the service of the governorgeneral or lietaienantgovemor every officer clerk or servant of the senate house of o assembly or of pubuc departments of canada or ontario every officer and servant of the dc- minion and provincial oovernrnents every judge ponce magistrate sher iff coroner jailer keeper of bouse of correction or lockup sberuts of ficer or constable every officer in the army or navy on full pay all mem bers of militia corps every pilot or seaman engaged in the pursuit of his calling every head of a municipal council every municipal treasurer clerk collector assessment commis sioner a and officer every professor teacher or servant of a uni versity college institute of learning or any kind of school every minister priest or ecclesiastic of any kind every banister and solicitor of the supreme court actually uiacliutng and every student of law every officer of any court of justice every surgeon physician dental surgeon rjharmao-u- tical cherrdst and veterinary surgeon every editor reporter and piinrer of any ptufblic newspaper or journal every person employed hi the man agement or working of a railway or street railway every telegraph and telephone operator every miller every fueman if bis name is included in a list which must be submitted to of ficials before the jury list is selected shell frames at reducer prices regular 400 to 700 for 250 to 500 white gold frames rimless style special 500 to 1000 donr boss rais oppabtunrry to have your eyes kx mined by p e robinson ro eyesight specialist who is at danna drug store georgetown every wednesday phone 3x7 fob apporntbstent hours 1 p m to 9 pan cks get totjr chicks eably so they will start making money for you when egg prices are nigh lay the foundation of a good flock with brays chicks from government approved and inspected flocks bloodtested by our bacteriologist 7 standard breeds chicks- shipped twice weekly 100 rive delivery guara let our years of experience help you now is the time write for free booklet rivinitprices bray chick hatchery brampton ont opaoatte pad ofbee phone t23w other bray hatcheries at welland dunnvule hagersvllle lindsay and peterboro head office st cathsutees ont inquiries by mail should be addressed to st catharines local representative geo c brown jnorval phone georgetown 382 r 21 time tested before it leaves the ma it gives you satisfaction tjtrourla years of hardest wmttner wear ojibway copper bearing zjnc insulated farm fence terra ootta too late for last issue a numaer of our young people were kindly entertained to a social party at the home of mr and mrs j cook of the 9th line on thurs evening where they tripped the light- fantastic oil the wee hours the music was ably supplied by the terra cotta or- heraia and all report a very enjoy- tcce cutting is now the general order of the day the halum braas ooanpany are busy sl nick at present the new burnrite coal oo ltd of toronto have again resumed opera tions in mr p 0 ihdmpsons brick plant vve are pleased to learn that they are to e their staff dally and some of our local men are getting employment there we wteh this new industry continued inarin hi mtr and afra rob starret and family of oeorgetown have moved in to mr h logans house on the 16th line we velcome jthem as citizens to our midst we are pleased to team that afra j mcrfally is how luaaovl and hope soon to hear of ner complete re- a number of our young people at tended a dance held in beaver hall cheltenham on iuesday evening mar 1st under the aisplreii of the terra cotta ban team the terra cotta orchestra furnished the music for the occasion while mr j u craine ably filled the poistion as master of cerernonles all report a good time mrs j eaves is on the stck list we hope soon to hear of ber recovery the crows are arriving in great nurrabers which is another harbinger of spring bristol england can boast of two really ancient inns the license of one having been in exihenro in 1s41 while the other is described on a city plan dating from between- 1jso and 1ss0 as app a very ancient hostelrjr artificial leather made- from wool is one of the successful expertmeats car ried out by the britist puanuutut of 8nrtiuftc and industrial reeara an efgbtday amtch no msgar tbn zinc insulated ojibway copper bearing steel farm pence full no 9 gauge gal vanized wire throughout will stand four one minute immersions in the preece acid test the severest teat of zinc galvanizing known to science thats why you know ojib way farm fence will give lifetime service for econorny and endurance erect ojibway- farm fence on banner steel posts built like a railroad rail large slit wing anchor plate locks the post perman ently into the ground dirt set end and corner postal no cement no post hole digging easy to haul and drive ask your dealer about the ojib way guarantee of service ztjls insulated j f ij3btig yr

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