Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 9, 1932, p. 4

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aaawaaaasaatsai paae 4 the georgetown herald wed nesdayjccning march 9th 1932 i ts hot meals during lent shredded with hot milk appetizing invigorating satisfying juadm in canajm with cmmajian wkmal the canadian shredded wheat tohpany lfb i i i in in i the dependable oldsmobile j n oneill sow phone 14 georgetown listen to general bibtenr hacker teams ham a cfca at s of an maple leaf ofbb ckcl or i credit valley creamery s georgetown cream wanted we wall pay the highest market price for cream deliver- ed at our creamery or phone 332 and our liruck j will call v credit valley creamery z georgetown li ontario the call of the old home ckxxmjye you grim old city im going home to ttvet im done with crowded pavements and towering building grey and lights that blink at hunger and men too tired to play couraare the haunts of heartache and lonellneas and greed the home town though a small town has all that humans need im going back to friendship green fields and skies of blue and many a worthwhile pleasure which god denies to you time was the city called us the youthful and the strong come here where fashion relgneth tis here that you belong the little towns are hopeless the j little towns are slow ait the great world is doing the citys the first to know here fame and fortune wait you and wanting to be wise and eager to be clever i yielded to your lies but all you had to give me were bur dens for my back and now i know the home town has much the cities lack goodbye you grim old cltyj the nome towns calling me its folloaro wise as yours ture and just as smart to see your books today are their books their girls like yours are dressed they know as soon as you know whats newest and whats best they rtde like you in motors they sing the self same songs all that you have rn boast of save pomp to them belongs but they have kept lifes sweetness they go serene to sleep and they have breath and beauty yon had but could not keep rvebeard the old town call me come bade you wandering son come back to fields of clover come bade to rod and gunl come back to fish and rabbits to partridge and quail come back to health and freedom where joy is not for sale ill teed you and ni house you give you neighbors true the songs of birds at morning blossoms sweet with dew a dog to be your comrade a life thats good to live a playground for your children the city cannot give rve had my fling at fortune and now rve faced about through lonely hours and idle rye sat and thought things out nn done with light of splendor rm sick of rush and strain im going to live and neighbor with wholesome folk again rve heard the home town can me and going back i am where there is more contentznent and less of pride and sham rm heading for the home town my tyfe to start anew where there is less of heartache and more of friendship true edgar a quest ill and unusual soups for winter and spring by betty barclay hydro electric system 1 sa p ii ml i m i aw i best light bulbs of all sizes guaranteed orders taken for ranges appliances of all kinds ij m ii i i ll ii 1 ii h off4ce town hall more food is needed in wltner and the soup which has been neglected in hot weather is again in order we always order soup at hotel club or restaurant so it seems fitting that it should be part of our home dinner here are two suggestions for soups that are as delicious as they are good both contain a touch of sugar which accentuates the flavor of the vege tables and gives the soup an added best corn blaawe drain a can of com and chop fine simmer for one half hour m a quart of salted water fym through a col ander return the com to the with the same water add a of sugar and pour slowly tablespoons flour winch thoroughly mixed with two butter stir until smooth and gradually a pint of heated milk moment before serving season wtl salt and pepper and pour slowly upon two wellbeaten eggs carrot soap wash scrape and slice una twelve mthiim size carrotsr place in sauce pan wth two tablespoons batter sea son with bait and one teaspoon sugar oook slowly turning constantly until the carrots begin to color add two cups good broth and let carrots boil slowly to a glass remove carrots and press ttirougb a strainer return to the broth in the saucepan untfl very hot and serve a fieck of bread and stjoait do you remember your childhood news and information for the busy farmer crap rotation beneoui the chief advantages of crop rota tion oonslst hi maintaining the pro ductivity of the land at a higher level in distributing the farm labour more uniformly throughout the season and in controlling more effectively weeds insects and fungous diseases crop rotation is the growing of different crops upon the same land in a de finite order recurring succession for potato growers if marketing conditions had been consistent with the high quality of the 1031 potato crop last year could be designated as outstanding in the history of potato growing in ontario said c e broughton ontario market- ins board and a practical grower himself actual conditions however were anything but reassurtns he continued so there should remain in the minds of potato growers just two thoughts namely benefit from experience and intelligently plan for the 1932 crop on being asked lor his opinion in this oonnecttonjlilr broughton re plied potatoeef require a soil hawing a high content of humus and one that 1s rich in plant food acreage should be held at a normal figure by t normal figure- i mean that the amount of acreage set aside for the grow of potatoes should be limit ed by the amount of soli preeminently suited to producing this particular tyipe of crop concluding 4he interview mr broughton said orading or potatoes has made- wonderful progress in on tario during the past three years and it is now possible to get supplies of this product properly graded and to excellent condition consequently the trade has not found it necessary to import potatoes to answer their re quirements for a high class product this winter alfalfa acreage increases alfalfa now stands sixth in area among all field crops grown in the province of ontario and occupies abont 650000 acres according to james laughland oac ouelph the great increase in this crop durum the lstst twenty years has been due to the development of hardy strains along with the outstanding merits of alfalfa as a forage crop being a hardy deep rooted perennial legume alfalfa im proves the texture of the soil adds humus and aids in the storing of nitrates it begins to grow early in bering helps to control weeds and remains green throughout the season the yield is greater than from red clover and timothy and the hay has a much higher feeding value the marked increase in the alfalfa acre age during recent years is one of the best reasons for further erpurihlon the total area devoted xo hay and pasture in ontario amounts to about six million acres there was a one crop of alfalfa seed in this- province last year and it is now available at reasonable prices it offers a splen did opportunity to increase the acre- age of this most valuable crop controohur black boos rootrot or blackroot is a fairly common disease of strawberry plants apparently plants of any age may be attacked but they are most susceptible at two periods shortly after being set out and at fruiting time in some patches little or no evidence of the disease can be found while in others so per cent or even 75 per cent of the plants are destroyed the principal control measures which have been found useful are 1 practice a fairly long crop rota tion strawberries should not follow a iny crop in less than five years if possible 1 avoid introducing the disease when setting out a patch secure plants from a field which was free from root- rot the previous year then discard from these any plants which have blackened roots 3 protect the plants during the win ter by means of a suitable mulch as soon as the ground becomes frosen hard cover the rows wtth two or three inches of clean straw facts absat ens two tons of grain will produce 48 dtasen eggs sold as grain at a price of 1 per cwt it would be wortn 40 sold as eggs at 25c per dosen it would be worth 120 an egg is 68 per cent water 13 per cent protein 10 per cent fat 11 per cent lime or ash in an egg 80 per cent is white 30 per cent yolk and 10 per cent shell the best eggs of the year are those laid in the mcmuis of april may and june an egg eaten b september and the piece of bread butter and sugar for which you asked daily if so dont forget that your child ren win appreciate this favorite mld- aftemoon snack of all ages sugarbread is one of the cheapest sources of quickenergy an ordinary slice of buttered bread well sprinkled with sugar wm cost only a trifle yet it tti the calories and the quick- energy of many a bulkier cttsh otve the children then- bread and sugar especially when the day is chill and little bodies need something that will produce heat and energy quickly win teh breakfasts winter breakfasts should be ample meals not a piece of toast and a cup of tea or coffee with the orange juice cereal and ham or bacon serve a sweet dish the quick energy of the sugar will fortify the family against cold when stepptrag out to school or work aprteot and prase marmalade v pound aprtootn 1 cup sugar h pound prunes 4 cups water wash the prunes and apricots thor oughly and put hem in the water to soak ovemighit oook the fruit taj gether for 10 minutes add the sugsrl and shrm until the juice is fairly rich pourinto hot clean jetty es seat pnme jam 0 cups prunes i oranges 1h pints water lemon h teaspoon salt soak the prunes overnight in the water oook 10 minutes in the water in which they soaked drain and cut into small pieces slice the oranges and lemons including the peeling very than and cook rapidly in the prune juice for ib minutes add the prune pulptne sugar and the salt and oook urjul thick stlrctog constantly seal in hot sterile jars ks 5ks aibssssbbs irapabssbibrs8i prince william of prussia the ekv- est ion of toe german exorownf prince is a lawyer among other german nro7aulea are how a bank oterk farmers a shipping clerk a motorsauesman and an artist tile l of au the atetnhers of parliament 33jx0 in au during the centuries hwfmiii 1398 and ina re nantalivrt to a wonderful opmp tlsfornaulon bum aook srtioll of nniwimw i to be lamed i and march is worth more to the aver age person in a northern clime than oneeaten between april and august the egg is aptly termed bottled sunshine it is rich in proteins vit amins and minerals of the five vsamlns the egg supplies vitamin a b d and k it is parti cularly rich in d the sunshine vitam in couldnt comb hair cripple y rse i bad been suffering with rfera- n cor about s years and about this time last year wis laid up for lo weeks my hands and arms and knee were the wont affected i could not get about at all t could not wash my nee or comb my hair au this had to be done for me at the beginningr of this year 1 started taking kruachen salts every morning and 1 am pleased to say i am quite well now and ajile to see to my home and can go out in all kind- of weather without it affecting me mis p k rtvfimatann la associated with an excess of uric add fa the system two of the ingredients of kruschen salts hare the power of dfcmilvinjr uric add so as to render it capable of being easily washed out of the system other ingiedienta of knncheo assist nature to rush out this dissolved uric add throujzti the bowels and the kidneys other ingredients still prrvent food re taking place in the intestine and thereby check the fornution not only of uric add but of other impurities which poison the blood and pave the way to ill- free trial offer if you have tterer tried tcr try l sow st our exprtue tve hsve dtartrtbated s tjtnat ktmny specisl giant pavekaecs wmtb ssalm it caurjr for jroa to prove our claim for vuuisetf ask roar dracsw for tbe new giastt isc this consists of our regular 7sc ixhale twetlw trith a kparstr trial bottle saftklrat for nboat one week open the trial bottle first pat it to the test and the ft not entirely ronvja that kriufchen di t wt- claim it to do tl rtaubtr bottle la still as bdod j new tsta ft back your dr is authorised co retain your 7sc immetllatrty and whtlwmt qnrwmbm voq bavw jrted iciiiacnen free at our eapanae whtt could be hlwrrt mannfacsared by r griffith ilucbra itd msncbattt en rstah 17 ml lnpoctrra mcguuvra bnaw ltd- toronto i a whale which landed on the beach at uazitterirasg oaxnarwjqatilre was 11 feet lorm and weighed 1000 potmda funds are tetng raised to one of qrfontahlre most landrjultka the sawtent wltkclmtll at narthlelgh ow totaey iiiteattgitlon of one thotumitrt child ren in qlugow beerns to pscm that there- to a dlatlnct oryniyntloii luwwusb height and inftelllgface which was more riottceahle ajnoag lx tbtxx gteta tj you dry this in your automobile can yon motor with perfect peace of mind derived from tbe knowledge that a nationwide service organ ization with more than 1000 authorized stations re inforces your cars reliability aotenforces the broad and generous provisions of the general motors owner service policy jou can ifyoul own x new mc laugh li n b u ick sv king phone z3t fikokgkpwn ft ustaa is eneral mora awli of all maple laaf hockejr team name guoatm from cfrb cnxl sv cfca at 9 pj- mu0 l transcanada atxlfexpense tottks arranged fob tocki8ts ran steamer aatomobile and afa- uner oambfaie to sspply inao- isllnn in tiafel four separate forms of public trans port will be utilised by the canadian national railways tais sirnmr in conducting two special transcanada allexpense tours leaving montreal and toronto in july of ine 8000 miles which will be traversed by both tours about 6000 miles will be covered by rail moo miles- by steamer ap proximately 500 miles by automobile and some 80 miles by air this is the first year in which a jo by an nas been included in such a tour ar- ranjtemeojs having been made with the canadian airways tamltart for a flight on the return journey from victoria to vancouver this flight will be optional and is being altered at a slight arwiimnnal chanae three flying boats each ranahle of carrying sbc passengers win be em ployed in the service taking off from victoria early in the afternoon of jury 20th and august 3 and landing vancouver harbor at the foot of the canadian national steamships pier about an hour later through the provision of this sup plementary service tourists win be afforded the novel opportunity of viewing the beauties of the pactflc coast straits from the deck of a steamer and from the cabin of an atr uner a safe containing s0o worth of stamps money orders and postal or ders was stolen from the subpost of- flee in algtmrth rd orassendale uverpool large enough to deal with one hun dred coaches an boor the largest motorcoach station in the world is be ing built at victoria trfvsrlnn a rose taixam opposite ornebl l spring wilibe hem s having your cothealool neat for vervanau cost jtcepabms reniodellng neaping and cleaning done suits and spring coals rxe cleaned and p jla trousers pi mad and refreshed tso btart by baby chicks s c white leghorns ojlc barkejo rocks prom stock bred for the high est standard in production egg she and colour body she and uniformity and disease free vitality from eggs averaging at least at ounces to the dvoaen and no egg weighing less thian 33 ounces to the dosen chick pricks stirln last half of starch and an april 14c each may 13c each ligharss april ltc each stay oth to end loo each started chicks s4c per chick per week more than above prices ctjstom hatcherjo from 3 he an egg in lots of iso or leas to 20 an egg- in lots of 100q or more it will be wen to place your order early rmm with ua is stm goodf britauarur poultry fawn j sndiisky sobs l quslnrjr first ecanstrsy always spw siwr star panry flour 24lb bag 48 cheer up things cost less at carroll johnsons wax i ell lb tin 48 spscial snow cap pilchards a baal micioao b 2 l-lb- tins vrrviratd tin 9c st i rawberries ayimer rcgoaw 1 21 mushrooms taraaii 2 25 nnsn ba cboioi tpmatoes 2 15c olives aa omm i- 2 aaaaaaaoowsaaaa fnkfonl tow peas 2 no i a- 15c mclanas iaml jellies 4rv 23e 0sajaasjsjjasaaaaaw4wa m sptcial frsy iwnsos qorned pickles n 25 mustard tin 14 24c 48c pea soup s 19c codfish 15c eogl sd milk 19e toddy 45 teasj5 39c 49c 70e csmtvoit fiaa m coffees 33c 39c 45c allsorts beef tin 14 jumbo sweet peas 140 3ptcaaar srfmosi crawford peach lawaaasms 40hii 25 wfowaawaaabvaaaaaaaaai sprriil im mooa asparagus 3 si canaltb btcaavfm bacon 16c ammonia p5c fa aa a jiffy jiff shop at carrolls aivb savf cd camrous uswted aatrsi i lemons pesr doz grapefruit main street 23c 4 for 19c lettuce peanuts 2 for 15c 3 lb 29c phone 357 ceoretown nat oat the new way to buy coal bluccoaf let the colotr be your gume no shovelling required automatically screened and loaxlecl stenaard andsradte in adsok select lump smithing nd cannel john mcdonald illustrated lecture under auspices of esquesing agricultural society a trip to the old land by hon duncan marshall in the 1 town hall georgetown mon march 1 4th at 8 oclock j w nickell old time fiddler others will take part in the program admission 25 cents cshairman e- mcwhirter president k j v v v

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