Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 23, 1932, p. 2

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f 1- fvge 2 ff the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 23rd 1932- smart easter ewe i- v jal apparel a few days before easter 7 have you purchased your new easter outfit you must see thener coats dresses and suits that have just ayrfvedv they represent the latest in spring fashions styled and priced to suit every type and purse to see them is to like tben to like them i to buv and j they are irresistahle at our exceptionally low prices h silver where yowr dollar goes farther phone 375 main st georgetown i 1 have you driven your car all winter was your car in storage all winter cars that are driven during winter months require a special going over to make them safe for summer driving brakes must be adjusted carbon removed valves ground the whole car greased and tightened cars that are not driven accumulate rust in various vital spots and unlesfclose attention is paid by experts serious trouble may de velop later on let us put your car in shape now our re low we give your car expert attention and we can do the work now before die spring rush speights garage the motor experts ft- have your eyes examinee ot walked dosc who aiangflk opscbvbsi will be at watson drug store georgetown the second wednesday of orrery month roomk watsons dtdo stokk fob arrodrmknt or ki assy in sssi o t walxxs at has osawe is 1 use isu style or hum at credit valley creamery georgetown j cream wanted j we wul pay the highest market price for cream deliver- ed at our creamery or phone 332 and our truck pa will call credit valley creamery j georgetown ontario our roofing gives maximum service it is made to last and stand the stress and strain of all w and outdoor oondtttonri you can lay t yourself or in will arrange to ian it laid or you let ns figure on your nest roofing job we may save you money we know we can give you service flee pellwjry ser to all points in georgetown georgetown lumber co ud fbuph georgetown 250 acton 120 born davis in georgetown on tuesday march 15th 192 to mr and tars ohas t e davis hee gwendoline edwards a daughter gwendoline died orant in deorgetown on monday march 21st 1932 major l orant in his 8sth year willouoilby at st michaels hospital on friday march 18 1933 rose wtlloughby aged 62 yearn emerson rat georgetown on sat urday march lath 1932 sarah em mersoh dearly beloved daughter of mr and mrs jas ernmerson in memoblam 8cjott in loving memory of our dear mother rachael scott who passed away march 24th 1930 there are daughters who miss you badly and rind the tune long since you went and we think of you dally and hourly but try to be brave and content sadly missed by her dausgiters nellie and maud 3 0b1tuary mbs mart a 8loan mary a laidte widow of wmuam j- sloan died it bar home in milton on saturday afternoon after a jupef illness she was m her seventyruth year and had been a resident of mil ton or many years she was a mem ber of knox presbyterian cawreh her husband died one year ago sur viving- are three sons and one dsugh- ter angus j sloan woodstock wil liam k sloan peterboro frank j sloan toronto and mrs e j vine of hamilton the funeral took place to evergreen cemetery mrs sarah keixt ham8haw on march 9 sarah kelly the be loved wife of hah rambhaw passed peacefully away after an illness tending several months at her home at 8985 blrwood avenue detroit mic higan ttu late mrs ramabaw was born at cheowullams ontario where she spent her early girlhood days and later m 1883 became a resident of acton in 1888 aha married ball bam- shaw and subsequently moved to de troit she was a devoted wife and mottw and her genial nature endear ed her to a wide circle of friends the funeral service was held at the home and was conducted by the rev abbot of the first baptist church high land park michigan left to mourn her demise in addition to her sorrow ing husband are her three devoted children arthur ada and and four grandchildren the ment took place at the evei cemetery on saturday march the presence of many sorrowing friends tile pallbearers were aetessra r willis bail peters newman o church and baughman free press sabah kmmbbson the home of mr and mrs james ekmnerson was saddened on saturday last march 19th when then dearly beloved daughter sarah sally pau ed away deceased had been 111 about a year sbe was 22 years of age and came to canada with her parents three years ago bsatdea her pauesots she la survived by one sister eunice who deeply mourn her death to gether with numerous mends she made since coming to georgetown the funeral took place from her fathers home on monday afternoon the service being conducted by rev mr frith burial took place in greenwood cemetery georgetown the pahbearers were robju ernmerson jos emmenon wm young ooudns alec taylor alfred collins and f broomhead there were beautiful floral tributes from sister eunice bar and mrs john emmeraon and f amuy mr and bars wm emmeraon and family mr b stone and friends at smith 4c atones baptist church qhoir georgetown football team mr and mrs p broomhead andfaurauy from doreen mr and mis taylor and peggy lilly adele and neoma wm young and sister smith 6c stone were represented at the funeral by nine girls slater em- ptoyees of iusb sally and the george town football club was represented y mr stewart halton presbytery the meeting of uic haleen presby tery was held on tuesday milrch 15 in trinity united church burlington the morning c session opened at 10 jo with the chairman rev j a neili ph b of hornby presiding the de votional exercises were conducted by rev c h woltz ol carlisle wdtli the singing of a hymn prayer and an inspirational addross following the reading of the min utes a resolution on peace was pre sented by rev f w u brailey and seconded by rev a macuowon we the members of the halton presbytery of the united church of canada do hereby resolve 1 that we look with the utmost disfavor upon military training in mate educational institutions and urge the ousrjandment of the cadet system 2 that we are unwilling ever again to bless or sanction war us a method of settling international disputes 3 that as a branch of the christian church we are giving headershlp to the growing conviction that national ism and militarism are of the anti thesis to the gospel ol ilesus christ 4 that we most prayerfully peti tion the provincial and federal gov ernments serious and urgent con- alderation to these pronouncements in order that we may snow consistency wiul our avowed outlawry of war and seek trie complete dernilitaralisation o the minds of our people visitors vr the presbytery were revjgp xjhas haokett president flt hamilton conference t h bole of thorold arid dr oordon welland avenue onlted church su catnarlnes who were a delegation on behalf of the westminister church st catharines mr a maclaren chairman of the missionary and maintenance fund committee reported that the presby tery raised in 1913 a total of 22683 as compared with 25528 in 1930 and 23693 in 1929 he urged that this year an earlier start be made towards raising the objective instead of leav ing it until after conference or the last few months of the year rural group conferences are to be held in that connection resolutions were passed to mem bers of the presbytery who are ill and have suffered bereavement re- centty f a resolution was passed nominat ing dr t albert moore general sec retary of the council toronto for the office of lioderator of the united church of canada at the next general council in september were received from the committee the finance emergency fund commit tee pensions committee and statlstlc- ilttee nest meeting will be held at on tuesday miay 10th the ladies of trinity onited church served lunch at noon gazette ashgrove the st patrioks social held on friday evening under the auspices of the womens institute was quite suc cessful mir a o kirstine of mil ton agricultural representative gave an interesting talk on the ferguson hlghwayf of which he showed many beautiful slides mccullough brothers of acton played several instrumental selections miss ruth olrfen sang some irish songs which wttft comm unity frngi made a very enjoyable program delicious refreshments were served at the close bethel young people were the guests at ashgrove yps on sunday evening in the church here a very fine program wasr rendered by the visitors mrs emmeraon ford gave an address on prayer and miss leila featherstone read a paper on easter the musical part of ithe service con sisted ol a solo duet trio and quar tette the following members taking part in the various numbers misses febttierarje and isabel stephens messrs percy merry carlos feather- stone and cole erin m na robin30n butcher mrmtt poultry butter and ems t right price grvkbx 8attd av rbooflc gbosuuttovvn mlrll r a robinson norvajuont major l grant after being in poor health for some months major laehlan orant one of oeorgetowns oldest best known and most highly esteemed drasniw passed away at the home of his granddaughter mrs amobt barsy on monday morning deceased was born in scotland 86 years ago and came with bis parents to canada wlen about 4 years of age and settled in streeawille later moving to qlemwil- ms after serving his apprentice ship as a cleric in the mercantile busi ness in acton d was in busi ness in geo but retired quite a number of years ago he was clerk of the division court here for many years and took an active interest in municipal affairs being counclbor reeve and a member of county council a fenian raid veteran and a member of the militia for many years being quartermaster in the halton rifles he was a member of credit lodge af sc am for over abzty years and a past master for 52 years member of grand lodge and dis trict secretary of hamilton district when the late edward flnley district deputy m 1030 be appointed urand representative of the grand lodge of kansas to the grand lodge of canada in the pro vince of ontario he was one ost the tint memtoers of georgetown sigh school board on which he served for some years in pouucs he was st re former and in religion a lifelong presbyterian being a member of the besslon for over so years the sate major orant in recent years contri buted a number of historical articles of the early days m halton which were published jnjshe herald and much enjoyed and appreciated by his many friends and readers generally a good man who bad the best inter ests of his home town and oommsurdty at heart and contributed his share to lta betterment has been removed but his memory shall kmaln in the hearts of those who knew ham best he is survived by one eon john of ohioatjo the funeral which is m charge of the manorrto order takes place tins after noon to the family plot in greenvood cemetery firemens convention woldntabt stjbscbntion ifflst the fbucnrtmj have contributed the amounts epveatto their name to susstet georgetown firs brigade to mtest the expenses of the- big provincial ooo verjtkm to be held in georgetown onf july asth mtn 31st and aug ufc 1033 oorjtxftwuons may to left with deputychief vt h lose previously actaowledged 4311 00 dominion stores 10 00 ft stone mi 00 jlkr norman lvatrd is the baritone soloist at knox presbyterian cbsoch when the obolr under the leadership of mr l acpolbsutwul give maunders beautiful esittetahwstrkjtwe t calvary we are sorry to report that mr thos marshall is quite seriously ill with pneumonia a rngjily respected erin township oftisen passed away at the family re sidence lot ib con 4 on saturday march 5th in- the person of william h burrows in his 72nd year mm frank robinson recently un derwent an operation for appendicitis at the guetph general hospital we are pleased to report that she is mak ing satisfactory gain towards recovery for four years pastor of the alton united church and honbherdn rev w m leo tendered his resignation to accept another charge he will con- tlnue to minister in his present charge until june 1st when his resignation takes effect the death took place on saturday of davidson wilkinson cubson of brajrnpton in has seventyseventh year a native of erin township he was fr of the united church and liberal in politics surviving are his widow who before her marriage was janet paterson and two daughters bins joseph watson queensvllle and mrs george klrkwood at terra cotta his mobher a monagenarlan at erin also survives him the funeral took place on tuesday to melville church caledon interment at melville ceme tery advocate local council of wonten the march meeting of the local council of wqmen was held in the public library on friday last march 18th with the president mrs j b mackenzie in the chair mrs p harley reported that the sum of 2200 had been raised for the benevolent work of the council at a social evening at her home in january mrs harley also gave a report ofihe feb 7th meeting of the central reellerebrnrntttee a ltstter from mr t imbleau sec retary of the georgetown lions club huggesung that the recreation com mittee of the council meet the direc tors of the lions club to discuss the swtmunlng pool project was read a motbon was passed to accede this request and to leave the arrange ments in the hands of ttbe recreation comtener mrs harley at the request oj mrs hutt who asked bo be reliever of the duties of press representative miss muriel thompson was appointed to this ol- ftce 1 final arrangements were made for the st patricks tea to be held in the auditorium of the public library the next day the reading of a press article foodstuffs and fruits grown in blrtfhh empire rjrought the meeting to aolose acton mr a a worden who has been rather seriously ill is now imtproving nicety mrs wm bingham and son thoa of hamilton were he guests of mrs robert j bennett this week mr and mrs d wheeler announce the engagement of itheir second daughter doris irene to mr clarence king of georgetown the marriage wm talce place quietly the latter part of the month while hauling wood on his farm mr j m near had qui an experi ence when the team brolce through the ice and were pvungect into the water unhitching ahem from the loaded wagon jtnd getting them from the icy water proved quite a task mr h b christie of the editorial staff of the brandsford expositor has been appointed by the executive com mittee of the general council of the united church of canada to the board of publications to mil the va cancy on the board occasioned by the deatri of the late judge h p moore at bhe annual meeting of the board the new chairman rev s d chown dd rrn was requested to write letters of sympathy to the relatives of deceased officers rev j m duncan dj3- former editor of sunday school publications mr h p moore acton ontario the former chairman of the board and the late book steward rev 8 w fallls dj3 free press double futfebal held at alton friends formed a cortege a mile long to pay thfelr respects at the funer al att alton on monday of the late john pines and nte son harvey who were killed at a level crossing at mel ville cross on friday night the two bodies were placed in tiie one grave at forest lawn cemetery neiglibors acting as pallbearers for the elder victim and chums carrying the casket of the son the funeral service was conducted in st andrews undtoed church orangeville by the rev c f mcintosh pailtoearerb for the father were george duncan isaac sargent an drew adams russell jenkins arthur huston sr and norman davidson ohums who carried the remains of the son were arthur maxwell thos stubtos leonard maxwell percy cul- lln arthur huston jr and arnold coroetu delicious gaynor and farrell flylni colors in new is sparki4nu3 film on with delicious a sparkling fox comr edy drama reuniting the stars come dian and director of sunny side up to be seen at the gregory theatre georgetown saturday bsarch 26th afternoon nnd ovening janet gaynor and charles farreu the costars reaped more than their usual share of honors in the fascinat ing romance around whloh the tune ful plot revolves six george gersh win melodies are featured in the pro duction one of which somebody from somewhere is sune by janet and bids fair t repeat the enormous success of her im a dreamer num ber in sunny bide up el brendel as janette ataunchest friend and farrelts comical valet heeds the brilliant supporting cast which includes raul rouhen manya robertl virginia cherril onve tell and many others david butler who guided farrell and miss gaynor- in both their former mnwlcftl successes directed bellplou which is an ori ginal from the gifted pen of buy- bol ton spring millinery you are cordially invited to inspect our showing of spring millinery in all the latest styles and colors misseclaridge herald block church news st albans church glen wtuuma good friday service at 74o m easter day holy communion 9 so am evensong 3 pjn milton rev j w alkanb is we are sorry to say still confined to his bed through inhess his many friends hope he will soon recover the numerous friends of mrs jack harmant nee ellen clement who has been seriously 111 at ouelph oen- eral hospital will be pleased to learn that she is doing nicely and is on the way to recovery milton branch 136 canadian legion bebl held an enthusiastic meet ing in hheir club rooms on monday march 14th in which the following officers and executive were elected for the coming year president oeorge cookman 1st vicepres h earl 3rd vtce-pres- 7- thompson secretary h f allan treasurer g gilbert execu tive committee comrades w r allen w h patterson j mccallum r s adams sgt at arms a patterson hejd back by a mild winter the toe harvesting was started on martins pond here on tuesday morning after snowstorms and cold weather had brought new hope to mr martin the local deader the ice which is of first- class quallby reached a bhlckness of mora than ten inches fearing an ice famine because of one weather mr martin had a carload of ice shipped in from lake stmcoe about two weeks ago champion knox presbyterisw church rev a l howard ma phx pastor easter sermons at both ser- vioes- special easter music baptist church dr c h schutt of toronto will be the special preacher in the bap church on sunday evening through out bhe day the music and messages will be in keeping with easter sun day school at 10 sun public worship 11 sxn and 7 pm easter thankof fering salvation army capt w bradley lieut j bootee sunday next sunday school at 10 am holiness meeting 11 sun sunday school and bible class 3 pjn salva tion meeting at 7 pin tuesday 730 home league ladies meeting wed nesday 8 pjn public meeting all welcome united church rev r w rumley minister mr norman laird choir leader 10 ajn sundsay school and bible classes 11 am easter morning worship the risen christ and a living church anthems by the choir 7 pjn easter evening song service leot by the choir orders of service for the congregation and when they beheld him they worshipped him let us join in the worship of the saviour of the world st george church rev w o o thonxpson rector good friday litany and ante-oom- munlon at 030 ajn the three hours service from 12 noon to 3 pjn every- one is urged to be present and may come at any time and leave when they wish easter day holy communion at 730 am sunday school at 18 am when the children will bring their lenten boxes holy communion at ii aj evensong at 7 pm let everyone be in church on the day of the resurrec tion and every communicant present at the altar seems obvious a redhaired boy applied for a job in a butcher shop how much will you give me triree dollars a week but what can you do to make yourself useful around a butxther shop anything well can you dress a chicken not on 3 a week said the boy isorval stuart mhdkmald of st andrews college aurora son of rov e and mrs mcdonald of norval carried off the medal and junior championship of ontario in the gymnastic contest held in slxnoos y toronto on the evening of march 10th under auspices of the amateur athletic union or canada congratulations stuart visitor how many men and women were born here last year hauve rmone but the number of fiaiike wm qulte mlml senteaued tothree months chavrleo evans was sentenced in oeorxeetown police court by magis trate j r elliott of mltton to three months in the common jail on a charge of having liquor for sale laid by provincial constable cookman of milton r smith shouted the teacher who was getting out of patience with his class why were you absent yester day please sir i attended my brothers wedding whom old he marry a woman air idsotf shouted trie irate teacher did you ever hear of anyone marry ing a man- i i i tesi 1r my uerl- v diamonds watches wedding rings your easter costume is not complete without that finishing touch which onry good jewellery can give pearls crystal beads bracelets- vanity cases necklets necklet and earring sets necklet and ring sets all are to be found here at prices in keeping with the times novelty whisks the nifty whisk offers a delightful line of useful and exclusive prizes for both ladies and gentlemen j h jordan watebmaker georgetown jeweller expert rataiks j pkompt service overnight bedroom sleeping cars popular i canadian pacific 1160 pm train for torontols a common call nowadays into the railway offices by the travelling publie the company reports a very heavy demand of late for this type of accommodation and this has necessitated operation of bedroom sleeping cars on the runs between montreal and quebec montreal and toronto ottawa and toronto toronto and de troit and montreal and detroit privacy comfort and the last word in convenience and luxury are keynotes of thia latest devel opment in overoisxbt travel by canadian pacific as expressed in these single and double bedroom and compartment ears whicri represent the equivalent of the finest of hotel aoeornomodation they provide all the luxurious appointments of individual pri vate rooms with a real bed that assures deep and refreshing sleep each room has toilet lavatory electric fan overhead ventilator with exhaust fan xadnia lamp and other conveniences the whole being- decorated in restful colors in the double bedroom cars an overhead bed may he opened from the waul if desired affording additional fjtifsi some further features of the sleeping cars may be enumerated which make the hours of sleep so refreshingly delightful tem peratures are controlled ther mostatically throughout the train rouer bearings assure smoothness of motion coil spring mattresses invite restful slumber heavuy padded carpeting harmonizes with interior arrangementa creatines general toothing effect berths are wide and long and unusually roomy- the service fa presented to travellers as a masterpiece of trans portation luxury and comfort it is the realization of all those refinements of art and effic eouipment w n the inception of thia new service it which travel dreamed from 1 has won increasins favor among travellers who distinguish between good average service and per fection in travel the word moderne hasita fullest and most inclusive expression in these cars inthe womens dressing rooms attached to the sleeping cars there is real comfort and satisfaction- the most fastidious woman will find facinrjes aneb as she would expect to see in a fiistdass hotel mirrored dressing table and other toilet accessories provide maximum accommodation without over crowding here are vanity chains co placed ample artificial and natural lights in softly colored shades spotlessly white lavatories with hot and cold running water specially disp soap and a neverending supply of dean linen thai affords the requisite pendant to refreshing sleep perfect toilette the men are treated in like fashion they too have commodious duresaing rooms where they can foregather not only for the purpose of h their toilets but also for an enjoyable smoke before retirinr or after they have slept their room is perfectly lighted well ventilated amply supplied retlrini ly lighted well venl ivatories of newest design ai harmonizes with the general finish and fxunsahinga with lavatories of newest design and in ations layout shews lower car and above double icture single hedroozn omear strathmore farm holds three milk and butter pro duction records wis milk and butter are the topic of conversation attention must needs be dnracted to the canadian padflo rail- ways supply farm at strathmore alts where tares bovine aristocrats have estab lished outstanding pro- duction records for 1981 tor the whole of canada there is little to choose between the three cows a glance at their pictures telh the story excellent stock waff hascnga mots pnresn iss worth the lhctora 0 uksvmcausslay cd primrose lily platf co mosuypowtaao and k w jones the companys 8 tandent of agricuhurn and animal try is jnsthr proud ostthe aehism lstotutposaaewsakbsvu4 govsarrunent rssralatlou led all the mok- froduosra in canada bar over s00o lbs avinsj c a yearly record on november 27 1981- with io461 lbs of milk and 1160 lbs of butter inlmo aaa fouryearold she held another record with 2t202 lbs of milk end 1071 lbs of batter tneixtsxt ughest sank production re- cordfcwlsslgositolminrosexuypietra 181147- yho also held the butter record for the doirrrnlosi for thsssaxoear bar per- fohnanis was mwltha ofmflk and lilo lbs of batter sh iss aa outs4an3ihg show animal tad tookfins prnteln thstejryeoit daavat vancouver and victoria ft 1wl m tb foayandptxdnction rscord for csaudk for bouiiutk and batter is held by under odvsmmtnt rapbglab in 1931 with rjrjwih7tpv3sfs5e rt bchtepjt j fcrfajassjsjtoisw vis

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