Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 23, 1932, p. 4

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i p page 4 the georgetown herald wed nesday evening march 23rd 1932 v 8 mclaughlin buick owners out of every 10 buy mclaughlin- buicks again and again investment that 80 insist cnoimjh for me says a business minrii 7 learned that ei sunt of emery ten mclomgblinbmck oumers stick te mdamgblln timirk i decided that it teas the car jot sac wbm nm autotmohtte gives such perfect service amt almost every owner buys the same make again tbats smrery c proof of satisfaction and ibis year especially mitb wizard control and all the other impoittut hmprertments mcfjmgk looks like tstnestmemt thorn rear vould ahrajsaojgy complete mowwing ihe pleasure im eostnmy of driving a nfrt aiifthliiibnick cm be ucmorutrated in a few m well be glad to place a car i oil as today jfnamed in canada iwjwur mclauchlin s v kilslg phonk im georgetown sinking op tbor asia after the on the 14th 18b1 lost a umebouse m losv down from we to the following was sinking of- the ada georgian bay on whenrone hundred mr lane a native among those who a tear for the loved a sigh for the bra one hundred souls death ere one prayer for mercynaa flown as the asia sank beneath the wave which remorselessly rolls oer her silent grave down down to the depths of the watery waste the sport of the storm fiends power the ship sped down with her living freight in that black despairing hour and bleeding hearts long will mourn the day when the asl was lost oi the geor gian bay the laugh was light ukt each face was bright as the loomed ones gastberedttn glee and the farewells were said as the brave ship sped to her fate tjeath the hungry sea while the storm king laughed- in us hellish sport as he reckoned bis victims leaving the port the gentle the good and the brave the matron the maid and toe child the strong and the weak alike went down m in the clutch of the hurricane wild the timid with wod despairing moan and the brave with a horror they dar ed not own i ah rtraenlpg and cruel was the sight as the winds wove aba doomed ones shroud the stars withdrew neauh the mantle of night and the moon hid her face with cloud while the demons of earth of air and sea howled loud mid the darkness in hor rible glee yes weep for the souls gone down neath the sweep of the storm kings breath who rest in unknown repose to peace in the i ilitalnam rl of death while hurons water now quietly oer the spot where perished a dred souls dominion department of agriculture canning business grows during the past decade there has been a rapid development of small canning establishments tn ruarl que bec in 1920 there were but four or ave cannings plants of this type whereas in 1931 there were fiftynine the output was 500000 cases of cann ed goods and in addition catsups may onnaise marmalade and jellies were made in oonsidcrubu volume the value of these canned goods produced in quebec in 1930 was over t4ono000 stm fresh on a to general motor broadcasts of aul maple tram cfkb ckcl e cfca at 9 pan leaf hockey teams 1 firemens convention at georgetown july 29th 30th 31st and august 1st but nobly the fe with the death shriek theb- ear ah they battled in vain for the fee- man they fought no cry for mercy would hear yet bravely they fought mid their watery grave the battle for ate tartxt death and the brave still even in dying they sans of the home on the beautiful shore of the sweet bye-andt-bye- or pull sailor pulir as they hjyilmilj tofked at the oar and they sank one by one in the mer ciless deep to wake on that shore where they the field force counts c b gooderham dominion apiarist for the department of agriculture at ottawa calls attention to an import ant phase of honey production in the fallowing statement the amount of honey which a colony can gather is largely dependent upon the number of bees that colony can release for field work during the period of the honey no and upon the ability of the bee keeper to keep this force contentedly working the total number of bees within the colony is not a reliable in dex as to its ability to gather honey because it is only those bees that- are above a definite age that are effective as nectar gatherers and it is the num ber of bees in this force that counts- in the production of surplus honey and furthermore the strength of this force la- dependent upon the care giv en the colony during trie previous eleven month- and not upon spring management alone as so many bee keepers fondly hope farmers account book panning is a business and if it doesnt pay the farmer wants to know why it doesnt pay some record of receipts and expenses together with an inventory a list with values of live stock feed implements etc on band taken at jhe beginning and end of the farmers year must be kept if be is to find out why or where it adoesnt pay a record of each de partment of the farm business should be kept the is the only way to find out how much is being made from each or which departments are not paying to assist the farmer tn this matter the dominion experimental farms have issued a very simple and useful little account book this little book while simple is a great step in advance of keeping no accounts whss it may be procured from tne keucsatons branch department of asjrtcukure ottawa for the sum of ben cents h ere am dtk ere tbarelare 77 mills in canada in tae cotton textile industry from which the ytl value of produc tion according to latest available figure is s68687s66 an outstandingly popular sport at banff ia the bathing in the hot sulphur pools operated by the banff springs hotel add the canadian government last year 89000 people used the pools july 24 to august 6 1933 is the new date set or the worlds grain exhibition and conference to be held at regina sabkatchewaui railway exaeutivea from all over the continent ill be among those attending the exjubition regimental colors approved by hia majesty the king and donated by the hon robert harris late chief justice at neva scotia to the annapolis regiment first battalion annapolis royal ns reached their destination recently having been carried on s-s- moot- a sixteen thousand mile tele phone call was put through from schreiben int to sydney aus tralia recently after telephone campanies and the canadian pari- fic railway department of com munications had pooled tbeirre- aourcee over a 000mile front in canada the startling ooscoyeries of radium and silver at great bear lake as well as many other im portant topic are to be discussed in the technical sessions el the i meetin of the canadian institute of mining and lletal- llurgr in montreal on april 6 6 aad a part of the proceedings ta to broadcant- sewenty atlantic crossings in the hips of one c is tbe leeotd of c h williams of toronto who this month reached tha three beera and tan mark in the canadian pacific duchess of atholl he ia not yet 46 and baa been ii msiiiuj regularly in canadian pacific liners 1912 only two to relate the sad tale or picture the ship temp w t a boy and a girl alone to be saved where the strong and the rugged were lost brave boy and brave girtl thus to win in the fight that yet battled with death through that awful ntght- depermxg joe it leaves it give you satisfaction through years of hardest wear ojibwav oofptt bemmg zinc insulatcd farm fence ziac insulated ojibway copper bearing steel farm pence full no 9 gauge gal vanized wire throughout vvill stand f o ur one minute immersions in the preece acid test the severest test of zinc galvanizing known to science thats why yem know ojib- way farm fence will give lifetime service for economy and endurance erect ojibwav farm fence on banner steel posts built like a rulroad rail large slit wing anchor plate locks the post perman ently into the ground dirt set end and corner posts no cement no post hole digging easy to haul and drive ask your dealer about the 0j1b- way guarantee of service m- and head office o taaefc counhij 0n bsriy last spilim writes a ooncrl- butor while i was staying at a de lightful old faxrnhouse my curiosfty was aroused by narllu talk of jos since i had bttle to amuae me i decided to listen carefuny and then guess what be was hke later i could see how my guess gjwn with the character and looks of the real joe the family e s of icr jen kins and his wife and three grand- chfldre b aged twelve violet ten and may stac tbe day i leaebed the farm eaob inni of the family planned something for joe to do when he came oh look grandmal cried little may kkdes arms and legs are all fell off wbattl i dot then before mrs jenkins could snssii oh i know joell mend her for me why of course amid grandma and i know bell pot leg bands on my pretty new white wyanodttes i dont want them to get nxbad with the other chickens yes said mr jenkins and i think hell enjoy setthsg out those plants for me and bob win enjoy it too if joe leads the wawl vjourse i would spoke dp bob as we took our places at tbe dinner table tvs fun to work alone with joel weu said violet i hope he wonlt be too busy to t bis promise to mel he said next time he came he was game to bring some pretty colored raffia and show me bow to make b with wire crass and pine straw now all i want him to do said bob is to help mo fix up my fishing tackle and m fishing with me i hope be will said mrs jenkins 1 never feel w if two of you are fishing l joe is such a levelhestded febowl the more i beard tbe mere i spec ulated on joe nearly every day sorne one awake of nbn that closet door sans fondly i must get jos to fix it aald mr jenkins and again a was violet who said if you could buy a gvjorl strong rope grandpa we could get job to fix a nice swing under the bag oak by tbe tune the daay set for joes arrival came i bad decided that he must be gams to stag at month and that be was muscular young man with for work i felt ahnoat as excited as the children they all went to ihe station tn the antnrnrnhfle warn mr jenkins mrs jenkhaw atayed at home to cook tne beat supper she possibly could at tbe tint sound of tbe horn they came round the land in the road 1 went outside and watched as the ca rdrove into the yard and they au began to jump out tbe bar fellow musthave sat with use two little girls on the back seat 1 tbeusjbi l my eyes and looked rat no bigfellowl tmteacl into tbe bouse came tearing the jonieasvlookihg boy i ever saw be was lost bobs ray grow mere alfalfa tthere are excellent arguments for greater use of the alfalfa crop in western canada at the present time there is a definite tendency to increase trie acreage of forage crops alfalfa ould certainly be grown on part of this land it is true that the acre- sage of remains small and many trials have resulted in dlsap- pnmtment tbe reasons for this boweres are weq understood alf alfa is a crop that requires special condittons and proper hartrhng but it is a crop which wul prove very valu- able to the man who will tryto un derstand how it should be grown meai now that the sap season is here u is timely to point out that rt leads tbe world in respect to pure maple products under the pro visions of the maple products indus try act 1931 the word maple may be used only bo designate a maple nvodnot 100 per cent pure any adul teration is not permitted whatever tbe canadian product is offered under tbe name of maple it is 100 per cent pure being the product by evap oration of pure maple sap the governor general patron of tbe canadian institute of mining metallurgy will attend the annual m in montreal oa april 6 6 and 7 it has been arrange that baa address to the assembled mining men wul be broadcast to ah quarters of the dominion for the benefit of three who cannot attend the m choice of 14 tastefully worded easts greetings either in engbah or ia tha language of the country of destination are at the disposal of the public in canadian pacific telegraph offices at a standard rat of one dollar on and after march 19 tbe form conveying the message will be decorated with traditional easter lilies and noes- sag can be sent over a wide range of countries throughout earopa or canadas increasing importance in gold production is repreaentad by s nnntber of important papera oa gold at tbe annus niisaiiis of the canadua institute of mining and metallurgy in montreal on april 6 s sad 1 tha ireatop- mants ia tha quebec gold belt are particularly prominent ia asssasa atawaavwmsmasa afsmttafaatl nmlkmiurwitmmluthlltjktll illjind n aafcr uium r mrc ath m ik laorw to i j hmm cwrglts kovc yaw monty satisfaction x3uaranteedi yom oimnraair arc mr tint cnaaiijvraiir11 yoor mhimtim m mw upon an every carroll ttore should anytfang faal to jdtm yon we wmm to luisarw about it proenpdy samfaction or your wowey rconjed ium been the carroll policy daroughouf our 40 yean of giotaery rrrailibc shop at carrolls for orrtin mfafnioci and great carvntfp carrolls 1 nanwvabw clxca qaalkr tomat6e 2 15c tm omla qi fax beans 2 1 29c law altaic pork beans 2 fear 23c ga vabav tgndcr sieve 4 peas 21 peas 20c cocoa special your favorite oatau vxdound tin 19 chateau speaial cron or iteentvc cam syrup sperialf callaliaii white beans 5 b 10 sprisl cusafa1 soap 10 37 cm iii i fauriii qmit peaches 2 29 new prunes 325 vjht tsm oil ostt blueberries r 10 applesauce 10 raspberries 25 25 alhaicwo oatr strwhetties j able figs 2- 29c chicks l 5c chocotates 125 ceylon tea 39c 55 flour iabng powder sreoali puddings 2 sardines 4- codfish 15c vbm tm ciln salmon 23c lobster st 32c vkortaals4 pickles sr avoid late catting u a kirk eorninlon agrostologist ottawa observes in connection with i that wixsxr4rilling due to im proper nisnagexnent of the crop can be prevented by avoiding late cut during the first season the crop should not be out at all if it is very weedy it may be aovtseahle to go over the fleia with a mower and cut off tbe weeds to prevent them from maturing seed in winch case the cnprung should be done early in tbe fall and with tbe cutter bar of tbe mower set high in saicoreding years the crop may be cut for hay once or twice according to cdrewmatances but if a second cutt ing is taken a should be made quite early tn the season so that there will be wifnrlent tame for a strong fall growth with a dearcut victory of 40 malting h in the i 61 oa tharound canadian pacific railway hoefcav team in tha moot- reel rauvfaytsasnhone league took lor tae second year in sucees- sion tha b w deattj trophy and tbe rauwaytelepboae cup the team started off the season with three defeats staging a great comeback to end ia aral position poor to tha playcits 829 advektisk it pats notice to creditors of the estate of john m of the township af ctuagwa- to the oeanty af peal far- 5f and bad red as i snook bands with ban 1 notieed that his expreaston was wonderful sweetl hta took iiiujnirt to say how you and t are bodjtlea and tta al ways ready to nelp yoal when i braird that his vbdt would last only two eiiuta i wondered bow in the world be could do an taut was expected of ban bait when supper was over be began to mend the doll and an hour later tittle atay went to bed with e3ne atllsaboth just as good as- ever tn bar arma and so tt want on unltl joea risk was over be bad br1 eaob at tbe family and ah tne tans be a to be having tta tedlaat tort of howayl be even found intay bttle wayiof do- hxf me to myself beam aaake good crop tbe dominion experimental station at latimridge alta reports a decided increase tn interest in the growing of field beans in wiiluin canada par tkmlariy in irrigated areas hereto fore practically all tbe beans used in ctttes and towns of western canada bare been imported from j the tjmsed states and eastern canada a point ure ijetobrtdge for example uses about six carloads of 30000 podnds each annually beans require a long season to mature and should be planted surnotetntiy early to ensure rgalrf loss from fall frosts the small while varieties are beat suited to market demand and it js also pointed out that too rich land too beavy irrigating too thin seeding and too wide spacing of rows all tend to prolong the period of growth farm fflnrai i come back tne present low price of oats and other feeds in contrast with the high er costs of gas and oil required in tiaajua operation combine as che dominion animal busbiusdxnan sug gests to indicate- that the v horse is rapidly regaining favour as a merninn of farm power he predicts that v the next few years will see a revival in horse breeding and the useof heavy draft liorses on the farms of canada both east and west as he points out unoer present cjondatlnfia horses can be bred and reared cheaply ana wnen they have reached working age the charges for depreciation fuel and repairs are surprisingly low for the selfoiling engine has nothing what ever on the selfrepairing heavy draft norse all pbtrson8 having against the estate of the late john matthews who died on or about the 28th day of february 1931 at tbe township of ghinguacousy are re quired to send to the underslgxafid so licitor for his executors on or before the 8th day of april 1b32 tall par ticulars of their iatf and take notice that after the 9th day of april 1932 the exec will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice and that tbey win not be liable to any person oat whose claim they shall not have then re ceived notice for the assets so distri buted or any part thereof dated at oeorgetown this 8th day march 19m kenneth 1c lanqdok oeorgetown ontario solicitor for annie matthews and albert chancer bis executors 9t lynn valley tomatoes grapefruit main street ajway aeatawx 1 5 tuts 25c oranges per doz 5 for 25c lemons per doz phone 357 georgetown aweamaf 40c and 50c 23c i of a rose tailoa opposite onetn o spring win be here soon start by i having your clothes looking clean and neat for very small cost reaching r pre and urt done i suits and spring ooete cleaned and pressed tut trousers pr and refreabed 18a it paakeya farm offlctal records show tbatr tbe poul try population of canada has doub led each ten years during the period of the past thirty years bacil suc ceeding period of tow prices for farm products finds the poultry nock com ing to tbe faxmera rescue at the present time it can easily be showh that tbe poultry nock properly bred hbtoaed and looked after is from the standpoint of capital tavestxaent and feed cost one of the best paying lines of farm effort bach succeed tog year appears to make it more clear that the farm is the logical place for the development of the poultry in dustry with respect to both egg ai meat production tbe farm bock is a useful rneohantpr tne marketing of otherwise uraaaleeule products hi the form of eggs and poultry banks and loan co and the farm which vhaa a poultry i flock a much better task than the fkie which who of- would bare men- alouldl dqjo you do ye even to to than fouceman cto achoofboy owns this cow and calf r jamhny i dont know who owns so at last i takl i the cow but i have an idea who owns fobeeman wen trho owns alfr acbenony the cow the new way to buy coal blue coal let the cc4orbe your gnkie no shovelling required automatically screened and loaded starjdard anthracite in ad sixes select lump smithing and cannel i are you among those who say i never read advertisements t o say i never read advertisements would be much like saying i never use soap or i never reiad newspapers or no one can teach me anything or 1 know everything many good but not very wise persons seem to think that all advertisements are jusl the vainglorious braggings of those who publish them designed to part fools and their money the truth is that most advertisements are incitements to their readers to do or be or buy or use something for their immediate or prospective advan tage advertisers to be successful and to live long have to offer something of value or of desire something really wanted or needed by the public advertisers to live long must not cheat the expecta tions or confidence of those who buy wliat they offer or propose here are some questions to be answered by those who say i never read advertisements f 1 what alarm clock would you buy if you needed one 2 what camera would you buy for your own use or to give c to a son or daughter 3 what motor car possesses your favor 4 what face cream or shaving soap or cream or tooth paste did you use today 5 what laundry soap or flakes is in your kitchen rignt now 6 does the breakfast bacon which you like best have a brand v name 7 the watch on your wrist what name does it bear 8 your shoes who made them 9 your life insurance policy what company issued it 1 0 the ginger ale which you serve to guests what brand is it 1 1 the tea which you buy regularly what brand is it 1 2 the soup and baked beans and the tomato catsup now on your pantry shelves what brands are they you see whether or not you consciously or habitually read advertisements you buy by preference what advertisements have recommended to your confidence and what experience has proven to j be satisfactory the things which we dont buy and which have a aickish life are those which are not advertised and which try to ride into public favor on the backs of welladvertised products it is to ones discredit to my 1 never read aclvlirat this advt b avoxunred by the oanadbxn weekly newspapers assomatlon s f yka hlj j a v

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