Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 30, 1932, p. 4

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w i at- hjjifi hv4 the ge herald wednesdayevening alarch 30th 1932 made of canadian wheat economical healthfulsatisfying the camapun shmppep wheat company ltd a its the extra y vfearslof fliat ssfierior win sad superior processes of manufacturing birild- eatra years of service into evryj rod of ojibway fence that is why each roll of ojibway means hfetim satisfaction oj1bway all nmimlf copper bearing steel wire fence costs no snore than lightweight la- ferior fabrica and assures yon doable the kfe e ordinary fence ojibway banner sceat1 srvice gpjflukncb can be no kindly word phoe spoken lost no kindly deed is ever done ho vain nor can we measure when our paths are crossed how much from us our fellow man may gain let ub renumber as we go our way how nrach it meant to us to meet a friend who walked and tatted wth us but yesterday lot us remember once our head was bowed our difficulties seemed us down to weigh i and then we met a comrade in the crowd and we were hushing joking on the way time was when grief sat suerat in our room the home we loved was desolate and then came a rav of comfort fehrdugh tee gloom a friend who nnclerjaond was stand ing there i would somehow our influen could be v so full of help and comfort and de- light i t as that of friends who have encour aged me and sent- me brave and snuunsj when twas dark aa night a monologtjk jvxh bnih dhreno fences 1 all ojibway farm fence is gtaf to stand four i oneminute immersions by the preece acid test x made throughout line wires locks and stays of full i gauge tksmoi c o p p r bearing galvanised stell wire x guaranteed full length rolls i 4 the ojibway guarantee of service will be gladly ex- 1 plained by your dealer no other fence carries as high 8v guarantee and at no advance ha price 1 w the meditative houander delivered a monologue to ws dag you vae only a dog but i vish i vss sou ven you go your bed in you abas turn around dree tunes and lie down ven i gtf bed in i haf so look up the place and vtbd up de dock not out de est and undress myself and my wife vakesup and scolds and en de baby vakes and cries sad i haf to vauk htm de house around and den maybe i get myself to bed in tune to get up again ven you get up you shot stretch y dag your neofc s lit tle and you was up i haf to light de ore put on de kittle strap vk my wife and gat myself breakfast you be lays around all day and tat plenty ox am i haf to vorfc au day and be plenty of trouble ven yon die you is dead ven i die i haf to go somewhere again news and kifonnation for the busy farmer vviul chief agrt- c6operatie kxperimenta field crops oood seed la one of lbs foundation stones in successful culture experiments conducted at oac for more than half a century in test ing different varieties of held crops and seed seleotaone of these crops have emphasized the importance of sowing only the beat seed of the best varieties and those adapted to at farmers particular locality the agricultural and experimen tal union will once more diatrlbubi into every townsrsp and county of ontario tree of oharge to fanners r and with created wheat grass who make appmrarjoh selected seed of the best varieties aooordtng bo die tallowing list 1 testing three varieties of oats 2 testing two varieties- of six-row- ad barley inckwang one with sanooon awns n 3 tasting two varieties of rsullesb barley 4 testlngi three varieties of spring wheat 6 testing tesung two vartenes of field two varieties of buck- rye a testing two varieties of spring teaming three varieties of soy business nrsocunr irne tollovirsj taslnsas sunsnauy for ontario has been pummmd toy thf bank of montreal under dais of march 23rd x retail trade baa been stimulated in certain lines by sales at bargain prices but the total volume is con siderably below that of last year wholesale trade wtmbundsr the level of a year ago is not without expecta tion of a good aoctmg trade tins spring- as retail stocks are low collections are slow facturlng operations in almost all lines an below the levels of a year a a friasts are fairly arjttvety employed on new models re tail demand huwyai has not de veloped hi any msrjgbd degree opsnv- tkwsof agricultural implement plants are confined almost snarely to the re pair departments ptarniture plants working below normal and under the level of last year tanners report a slightly better feel wit a nun bide market and pressure for lower leat prices earing off boot and shoe matmifbonirera are reasonably busy rrsnpftatnp la keen tvutllw mills with few eatrrpthms are the steel and lumber ihduatriee eitrrsnrty dull ant o to oper ate on a rtenhnlng scale close to the mubk that v y mukyand head office ojibwaw essex county out- job printing a speciality one cannot read the report of what transpired at the hanover town council l vahoout things have oometts a when a gorup of young fellows healthy in appearance and well dressed oome to she aottmrttlas al most in a spirit of here we are what are you going to grm us soma remarkable views were express ed by the boys one aud be would work on the farm aooonung to the wages he l tus would pes- sawy mean for aso a day and his board be would move to jne table and back when the mesh were ready anonher said hto ckuhes ware not suitable for farm worfcl- it seems preposterous that people should get it into their beaut that a cnuncu is obliged to see that they gat enough to eat and wear whether they work or not on the other aade of the picture we hear one oounoal testing si eonou- tkms when they wave boys one aasd he worked for three years on a farm for tio a month ami got to town only on saturday -gf-f- saved money and thought he had a good ptaoe an other said he asaaed for many years for a dollar a day and no eight hour day either another said be always sought to do twice as much as ha was expected to do the fust beasvas far too much paternalism even m hanover there is a ion that many men to whom the town bss given work ignored fm principle of life heki there are lots of men in band 8 treating seven varieties- of flint and dent husking oorn 10 tenting three vatietlesof itian- geta 11 testing two varieties of sugar mangels 12 hating three varieties of wede turnlpe 13 testing two varieties of rail 14 testing two varieties of neu carrots 15 testing field corn and soy beans grown separately and in com bination is testing sudan grass and two varieties of millet 17 testing sunflower sorgtnim and corn for fodder 18 testing grass peas vetches and soybeans ib testing rape kale and netd cabbage 20 testing three types of htfn trial sweet clover 21 testing two varieties of alfalfa 22 testing sweet corn for table use from different dates of planting 23 tesung three varieties of field certified seed field inspection of aeea crops for oeatlnctlon in ftonala resutts in the placing on the market of many thousands of bushels of seed of a quality superior to the no 1 grade services of this kind are rendered by dominion seed branch inspectoss lnconnectfaon with a wide range of seed crops with cereals and oorn inspection is made of the rtirshng crop to determine purity of variety with red olover type hardiness and freedom from bladder campion with alfaua and sweet clover origin and type with alslke origin and freedom from bladder champion with timo thy origin and freedom from oxeye daisy wiui brome and western rye origin and freedom from oouch each anptlrant must make a sec ond choice indicating the number op- postte the esun imem in case the first cannot be granted applications for true cooperative tnatrrtal should be addrasiedto w j aqulrreu a k college ouelph ont onion prodsetion onion g in southweetern ontario enjoyed a fairly successful year hi 1831 but toey fear mat with the low prices in other unes of farm produce there may be too many go ing ints onions an effort wia he made hy the cooperative astocautyoii to limit the acreage hie year it is pointed out that last year the brlesui marshes were again cultivated and that considerable acreage was added tor that reason weather counterac ted the crp increase however and the obcperauve was ablet to place such anrnhai as was at hand a market glut k feared this year if the inexperienced grower should at tempt jwrhm prodttcttan origin and purity certified seed alter cleaning to graded tagged and liealed by jfcnr- rriment inspectors the seed in spection certificate bag attached bears the certtfloattoxi as to ohfi ori gin grade and quatttyof the seen the three prairie provinces pro vide the bulk of certified seed of cer eals flax and grasses manlmhi and ontario the greater part of the cer tified ved of clovers while most of the certified seed corn is of- ontario prednatlon- how she keeps her weight dcwn i do secfeurlail work and therft- fore lead a more or teas sedentary life writes miss l m a- i find a iinall dose of knuefan salts every monung keep me perfectly fit and in good condition my normal weight is 116 ibtand having taken kntcnen salu regularly for three yean i never put on surplus weight you cannot put on superfluous flesh when yu are aa healthy and active as you must be if you take knischen salts activity it the enemy of tat when you take vitmlbring kruscben salts for a few days that old indolent arm chair feeling deserts you it doesnt matter how rat you are the urge for activity has grot you and v youre stepping lively- and best of all you like this activity you walk a couple of miles and enjoy it you thought youd never dance 000m again but you find youre getting as spry aa ever the old tingling active feeling reaches even your feet one bottle is enough to prove to you that krascfcw jrtfl m you ie yovngpt arprysr inon energetio yoalt enjoy tu er mlrnite of a baby chicks and custom hatching hollywood 80tf t chicks hatched from ggs aver aging better than w oa with po sags less than at oas to the down all breeders are 1 and 1 years old selected for alas and egg type mated to young males pullets excluded from breeding us red clever entries what is reported to be a worlds record entry of red clover seed labitea at any txhajaton or fair was the achievement of the ottawa valley 8eed growers rcrrhng to george r patersnn of the ontario markeuoe board at ttw annual seedufair held by this orssnl- aatkxi in hawkestwry march is tn is one hundred and twentythree in dividual tuts of red clover were plac ed an dhgday in two classes ctiere were 18 entries tn the certified class and 78 in the open class that the quality of red clover pro duced in the ottawa valley is second to none might be realised from ttse fact that on official analysis over forty of ihe total entries revealed absolute freedom from weed seeds and over easts per cent graded no 1 much of the success enjoyed by the growers in this district in ceresla as well as red clover has been doe tn tbe esrahlhiiiimniit off seed cleaning plsnitn to town who have hid their everything in thai town that to town relief we are not fcokinar m syropaony to those who are real deserving but tbera are many who should be tom that their first doty to hnshe for trjernselvesand the group of young fellows are irnjortort in this class aanower post cable crossingtdo not anchor sew tustae deereaatag at die annual convention of kent county wood inspectors held re cently at rvatftsun several delegates reported sow hustle to be dm ii cawing in otent according to a h martin assistant director crops and markets branch ivovlnelal department of agriculture thomas skinner weed lu for oarrirtni tv re ported a so per cent decrease of xrm tustle in one year mr skinner aaya that thai successful battle against sow thutle was brougm about by- the wholehearted cooperation of tbe farmers and road superintendents with the weed inapeator control measures tn kent county on small patches const of spraying march ohloks 13c april ho g week old pullets osc batch ing eggs limited number m fertile 4hc limited number of o a a barred bock omeks ss than leghorns started chicks 4o per extra will oobtom hatch for svlc per ggg for small quantities reduction on larger quantities to 2kc for 1000 and over your eggs will receive afmclal atten tion equipped wftn asperate hatcher ct vr and thursday momlnga oraniskigh pwnhry farm glrn ruwvarx 3 tg00000 tww the very ideal how cam i main a toot dollar bar inonf ww an ttw wars aad maanat r r i- a r li nw oapaads apoai thaw aa duxajata af uarifty raaarfiaa ailaai imtian war fa a ara aaaarly taaav ham i the way akaa at carroll wkara oaly krwt qaafily fooda n itmaia aj aald far laai dtaa kfarior uoaa look oar today barraaa wriat eat row oadar ajo sax by thoppro ne at carrolta tv vrr uap carrolls quabty firat al tnifl olejtcia risfns s 25c ancy ck ocoutes 2- j am 32c special qoictt quaker premium package oats ecamuesy always carraos sbead wwappad bacon b i special ptnsii finest japan cefisepfcia25c car o blaad coffee av 4g carralta oeldaa tip tex vifcpkg35l super suds 2- is spsrlal paailri soap beads 3 15 rthi flea waa polifflor 1 45 maalaraas par pcanut butter vajbrjr mial cbofca blueberries no 1 ua j q a o ontario strawberries no x rt ta 25 jtttomatos 5 rlaia- graaa vasmitaaev easrshve 4 2 no 2 rim 15c avasaar law 3at peas sieve 2 no2talgc lavsr pork an bean3 2nrws04nlaa23c jb do 23c vaai dry ctaaw ale ccmtenu of 6bth30c shortening lib pkg fq oavvaceam spaghetti dai haata eura ctoiea peaches dried 1axnnloc 2sw29c lvaavabay d art pears 2no2tm2sc rmn swaat wlaw corm 4 mo 2 hrn 25c asttskjsrwtlslaaflsxaalaskwsavvsaa spaeial patrico kippar s n a c k s 3 14 salmon lib tin ctlletts flaked lye 14c carrob own cleanser 2 15c nugget 2 23c kmmgllswshwa leaf lettuce bunch oranges perdos main street 21c 5c head lettuce large 40c and 49c ubby pork sad beans 2s phone 157 georgetown 4 for 25c dixib its ontawo ssbss vstlon dw tbavtte has spread ex early after harvest cum wjrncgsr fallowing is a abort rotation taeludlna one specialised enxpauch as tnbacoow sugar baota or some other hoed crop is very elleottve in cnectring au weeds tnchwllpg sow tlnstle 5d il5 ilwttas vttaw esatswwl lr i jnartsaaltambsmaavl aa crosslnx do not anoaorjssoossarw a otntrspslr job with the result that the cables are dragred from tile rtver bsl and jont oat ol eonuhuslon a botsworthy tnst at tola os cumd when in a recent saow storm a user to avoid oolltaloluuirew out at ambor olowk dssn sjjh assjb- th rtrsr soosfioia otsr at the spot wtsrs tto naaavgaaoo asol teltpheoe ranidrrasvi ware able to rerra the oaiia r raiahu jt through a lonff trssoh eat ta tbs lest all told these mbniartas taleshoae 9vv vtr w mm t wits vm ckre et bakr bbleki proper oare and management is es- seottal to the sucnesatul raising of baby cmota they ahould have a generous supply of pure water always available drinking vuaialu hartnr germs and often the water will he- come contaminated and may spread dtaaas through the entire flock ttoen there is the danger of some infected euoks in every hateh danger at dia rrhoea in some form or other loose bowel and intrrklnal trouble doevt penmt a few ehteto to intent your entire flock march vvwalhrr tbe value of anew in protecting crops and provkarai a reserve of moisture tor aha spring and summer is rotjognlaed tfaki year as never before the entire prorusce enjoyed open until tbe first of march tntaot ttsat it roused aprare- heranon aa to the effect on opthsln onota bsporm were recetvsd fromt if number of agrioulturml representa tives noctng that- damage was hstng done to clover and so fall wheat then came a heavy snowtan providing hie moat deairahle kind of blanket against sun wind and frost orow4h cannot be expsotext for asveral weeks and in the mearrtfcrne it jsderl tfost roots be proteoted while fnsk tree buds may suffer to some cutset mm the low temperature any toes of tins nature la likely tn be bal- by the uaf of teseots that am stirred into hob early actrrtty seraral opemes among them the san jose scale have increased in numbers wah the reoer mdid- wmtera may tunva method of ooatrol laa near aero weather suah as maroh has tup- tel j baby chicks 8 c vvhiik lbohokn8 otc rlsgwitl kook8 from stock bred cor the high est standard in produeuon egg alas and colour body she sad uniformity and ibstsiai free vitality from eggs sverasms at least 4 ounces to the dessn and no egg weighing leva than 33 ounces to tbe doam chick pricks waits tssl half of march and all april its each saay 13o each larjssnav april 1314c each may bth to end 10c each 8tartbd ohicikb suo per ohlck per week more than above prices anaroac hatchinc prom suc an egg m lots of iso or lea to ie an egg tai lota of 1000 it win be wen to place with r more our orb your order early us is stlb atjod phone oseksvios 4 r 11 sr wrha britannia poultry fann j sandiisky scan b r msr alip the new way to buy coal i bine goal let the color be your qukfc no shovelling retruired automatically screened and loaded standard aritbttcito in ausixosx select lump smithing and cannel john mcdonald ntonb law naamardwhr are you among those who say i never read advertisements t o say i never read advertisements would be much like saying i never use soap or i never read newspapera or no one can teach me anything or i know everything many good but not very wise persona seem to think that all advertisements are just the vainglorious braggings of those who publish them designed to part fools and their money the truth is that moat advertisements are incitements to their readers to do or be or buy or use something fyr their immediate or prospective advan tage advertisers to be successful and to long hove to offer somet of value or of desire something realty wanted or needed by the public advertisers to live long must not cheat the expecta tions or confidence of those who buy what they offer or propose here are some questions to be answered by those who say i never read advertisements i what alarm clock would you buy if you needed one 2 what camera would you buy for your own use or to give to a son or daughter 3 what motor car possesses your favor 4 what face cream or shaving soap or cream or tooth paste did you use today 5 what lauhdry soap or flakes is in your kitchen right now 6 does the breakfast bacon which you like best have a brand name 7- the watch on your wrist what name does it bear 8 your shoes who made them 9 your life insurance policy what company issued it 10 the ginger ale which you serve to guests what brand is it ii the tea which you buy regularly- what brand is it 12 the soup and baked beans and the tomato catsup now on yourpantty shelves what brands are they you see whether or not you consciously or habitually read advertisements you buy by preference what advertiaeinents have recommended to your confidence and what experience has proven to be satisfactory thevthinga which we dont buy and which have a sickish life are those which are nolt advertised and which try to ride into public favor on the backs of welladvertised products he it jr to orsesrdiscredit tony 1 never read aosrertisfsrraetits this adv ibaponaored by the caned ian weekly newspapers i rliiiisiaqmi v

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