Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 6, 1932, p. 2

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t page 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening april 6th 1932 932 g orange pekoe blend fresh from the gardens v t i born leslie alt peel memorial hospital brampton on wednesday march 30th 1832 to mr and mrs qeoree l leslie a son a m iiibh mcray cotk at knox manse a4 toil on wednesday march 30 1932 by rev h l beanie ma asnes j cole daughter of william cole and the late mrs oole of anton to alexander mckay son of the late mr and mrs donald mckay of bsqueslng i died keddie in oshawa ont on friday march 25th 1932 helen maude keddle daugtxter of the late mr and mrs james b keddle dearly joyedrslster of mrt f w brooke georgetown f better brake service following our policy of last year we again jnvite the motorists of this vicinity to have their brakes tested free with a tapley meter we wish to call your attention to the fact that we are experts on bendix steeldraulic hydraulic and mechanical braking systems reuning or adjustments made prompt service speights garage the motor experts nyal creophos nyal creophos is a strengthening tonic and tissue builder recommended for general debility nervous weakness deepseated coughs bronchitis asthmatic conditions 100 per bottle darins drug store phone 327 georgetown credit valley creamery georgetown i cream wanted s we will pay the highest market price for cream deliver- 5 ed at our creamery or phone 332 and our truck jj will call credit valley creamery 5 georgetown ontario a blanket contract thats ttie und of contract which is moot freauently award ed to us which covers every thing inside and outside the home because we guarantee to use the materials your arontteot spedfles stay within tbe est- mate and build as quickly as is humanly possible you play safe when you employ us to build liar you free delivery service to all points in georgetown acton milton and burraanduga ueiluaj in mdemokiam slkiohtholme in loving memory of a dear husband and father ar thur 8elghaaoline who passed way april mo 1925 in our hearts your memory lingers sweetly tender fond and tee there is not a day or hrii that we do not thin of sadly missed by wile and daugh ter obituary william j campfekll the deatlocctirred at bss home on saturday of win j gansnbph 1 hihsdale ave e aged 70 after sudden heart attack before retiring and coming to ore in toronto he was actively connected with the mill ing trade at bloomfleld prince ed ward county nerval and wtxuby be b survived by ms wife three victor h canapbeu toronto l of port o and aitjair c of ottawa and ttiree daughters mrs w a johnson mcra wuaon aldred and mrs fred oollop barky knight wuh deep and genuine regret tbe many young friends of harry knigh 21 yearold son of mr and mrs harry kntght queen street west learned of his death which came with abutting suddenness at the pety memorial hos pital shortly before noon last wednes day he had successfully underwent an operation for appendicitis at the hospital last 8turday and it believed be was making sp pro gress low recovery s was on tuesday night that computations de veloped whfcih later proved fatal harry was bora in brampton and has always lived here m recent years working at the dale estate he was a member of cnrtst anglican church besides the griefstricken parents his rwig is mourned by flour sisters mrs w o k3ng brampton mis t atf oruna and hilda and nellie at noaoe brampton conservator miss hm keddie- at her home 44 oojborne st e oshawa in the early morning of good friday march 29th miss helen mauds keddle eldest daughter of the late mr and mrs jrikeddte pa ed peacefully from this me to that of the great beyond herigcdng marks the close of a life of singularly faith ful and service for others practically all of miss keddie8 life has been spent in oshawa educated in our public and ebgfa 8crraoa she i from normal to take a posi tion on the staff of public school teachers- and taught during the course of her many yean service all grades from te primary to entrance georgetown lumber co ltd phone georgetown 250 acton 120 dont be old fashioned j why bother waiting on the whim of your setting bens it is alow and yj ana buy your chicks now so the pullets will be laying at the right season to make money and pj the cockerels be in fine shape for tbe table aj fine 8ttjrdy chicks from government lmwubm flocks blood tested by our baotoriotaglst fron eggs which averaged 24 ounces and over to the dozen bray chickjrtatchery brampton ont oaaastta sat ofllee fbomb imv other bray hatcheries at welland ixmnvine hageravule lindsay and petertooro head ortcb 84 caih ont mqulrleb by mall should be ad to b ppnnbsbaaanannaanannnnbsnnanmbbnbftt local representatite geo- c brown norvml phone oeonpatown m2 r xl now is the time t da year panting paperhangmg of pape and priest oucdaulb gtven george ford phojne 205 george wood for sale mnr xm choice hardwood bason and auapat 3jo par atbde end balk mo burdwood umba and rails mjom tni mi jl k oouun oenericttetolrjn at ab ttmae gaikms ramorsd aiillj at i musa tawt6d u statla sattssa r ksv4 a anra pooiqe an gmmamowh m 1911 at tbe request of the late 8ant of public schools mr ttce she mnfi tbe position of principal of mary st aotsool wtuch position she held for nineteen years as well teacher of the primary oaas wtnch latter podtton the retained until fail lng health oaused her to reengn at the close of 1029- the many evidences of good will showered upon her at this tune testi fied to the high esteem in which mba keddle was beld by pupus expupus teachers of trie mary st school staff and of tbe town these mave not ofr through all the months of her to give frequent evidence of their tovtn affection by tbe sending of beautiful sowers always keenly ap preciated for their beauty as well as the kindly remembrance they express ed many such i were received from the mary st home and school olob of wtaaoh she was the first president and latterly honorary presi dent her rvlatkinehlnd were eve of the 1 w tbose whom she was moat ctoeely afnoo a member of blmcoe st united church miss keddle was also an in terested meusbet of the women mis- y society but she participated actively to the work of the sunday school where for many years she directed tbe work in the primary department her daily living bears us own high testimony to her gracious influence tbe lives of those who have been to know her be an to very many she win be remembered long and lovingly as teacher friend and guide oshawa times deceased was she dearly loved sister of mrs f w brooke georgetown oases at haiton assizes hatton county spring assises will open at tbe court house at mutipn monday next there is one criminal case the bbng versus stanley russel pf oakvule soarrow versus lawson the plain tiff when riding hfe bicycle between acton and oeoreetown alleges he was struck by a car driven by walter iaweon and ckums 5000 damages antt costs w n robinson on behalf of ms infant daugtater versus byern auto accident brought for 20000 damages for injuries to his little daughter al leged to have been struck by defend ants car driven by dorothy sutton jury haxedhurat versus featsier- stone auto andont brought to re cover 5000 damages for gertrude hasebum fer injuries alleged to have been suffered when struck by defendants car and 2000 for charles haselhurat ber husband recapture prisoners fhre inmates of the ontario re formatory at ouelnh who made a break for liberty monday afternoon captured within forfcynve min utes alter tbey had left the instiou- taon the fugitives who used a team and wagon to drive away from the moun were pursued by a posse of guana and aty police and were naught frttntn a quarter of a mile of the rfarav the men wre george tuiiilnani windsor thomas ftnnessy ottawa wultasa simpson undsay anthony bitav and patrick aito peach asahmadt they threatened pickets who attempted tcj atop them ma they were leaving the reformatory grounds they failed to put tap a fight i s skoln the city a and s to the of- ftosrs wlbnoo eaumng anarttouble ey were placed in close cdnfme- itoowtat and win appear in ponce ooui town council lions club donate eovntatn to town grant to band- water rates to go up 2000 damages a8ked by d a mclaughlin council met in regular eiession on tuesdsy evening mayor mackenzie in the chair reeve cleave and coun cillors parr cummtngs davis gib- dam barnes and speight present minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed mr charles bumsides on behalf of the tjons club asked that a drinking fountain be installed on main street ttie lions club wbuld supply the fountain if council would install same moyeu by speight seconded by davis that the generous offer of the lions blub to donate a drinking foun tain to the town of georgetown be accepted with thanks arid that the waterworks committee meet the lions club regarding the placing of foun tain carried messrs hale herbert and mag ibughlen on behalf of the lome rifles scottish band asked couricu for a in flnhctg the band ibbbns was opposed to ly gnvnt until hef knew whether tbe controlled by citizens of a district conference on church hfe anid work was held monday in the molted church representatives front the congregations of glen wil liams limehouse bathnefart melville and ashgrovewere present or the mjutta they now i r v dean d-d- dntted band he thought cauuoh ofbber toronto addressed tbe manakemens- cssix conbjrence on the organisatton- rautee composed of iepresenatrests and life of the- church- mr a- maclaren then led i in a discuadpn band militia and council moved by cleave seconded by davis that the georgetown band be given a grant of tloocarrtod teas- mayor reeve ciinrmlngs barnes davis parr speight tiays gibbons mr gibbons said his only reasons for voting apnwt motion was toe manner in which public money was being spent no one appreciated the band more than he did messrs heinbecker st son of the georgetown woollen mills owing to purchase of- new machinery etc ask ed for an extension of time on pay ment of rent on property they also asked permission to remove one mule now in the building which was worn out movea by gibbons seconded by parr that messrs heinbecker son be permitted to remove made and put outside and replace with other mule now in building carried a cnmrrninlcatlon was read from tbe bank of montreal notifying council of increase of interest on loans to bf from 5vi mr david wilson local manager of tbe bank of montreal was present and explained tbe reason for the raise of rates there was considerable discussion regarding toe raising of interest rate by the bank owing to tbe fact tbat georgetown had been paying 6 for considerable tune when other muni cipalities were getting money at moved by cummlnga seconded by olbbons tbat this council through mr wilson make application to the head office of the bank of montreal to have the rate of interest- remain at 5tt as mutually agreed upon at the beginning of the year considering al so that we bad been paying 6 for some time after the other municipali ties had only been paying 1k and also as uhe prevailing rate of interest is at the present time only i this council do not see why they should pay carried moved by parr seconded by speight that mns ryan collector of water rates be instructed to notify all those in arrears that if the same are net paid by june 15th nest their iwater servlce will be discontinued and steps- taken to collect amounts owing car ried councillor parr gave notice of mo tion to be presented at neat meeting regarding tbe raising of water rates in georgetown qoudcubn- gibbons gave notice tost be would nut a motion next meeting nlgtot to have the present agreement for water with mr wuloagbny rescind ed and a new agreement made where by be would pay the same rates ai set for other commercial users ifr d a mclaughlin to a com munioation to council asked damages of 0000 for injuries r by his daughter miss annie l when she fell in front of mr c j bucks butcher shop breaking her leg in boo places on march 21st communications were read re in digent patients afeo from chief n tuck of fire brigade asking for boots etc for bremen the following accounts were ed h marcbment ww sts tlaoo james harding good roads 275 w c cmjmingham good roads 275 d hills sfe a10 h maiehment ww ats gllloo m armstrong sts 240 a hunter sts 240 james hanung 950 james harding waterworks loo h marohment ww sta 18jm george ferry ww b0 h marchment sts park la00 h marchment sts good roads ljoo 275 275 4j8 4563 ubs 275 110 143 100 sjs v ax 400 400 205 si do loo mao 2825 2j0 629 75 105 121 4s17 geor hydro st ilgbm 47500 john mcdonald coal town hall 1680 a urwlngstone s00 w r watson stationery 220 council adjourned to meet at the call of the mayor w 0 cunningham sts james harding sts powerttte devices ww oarjsdian brass cc w bell telephone num bell telephone town hall l w dun stationery r h tnompson scoo ww fred sinclair town truck o r muckart town house- j k oneill a bon town truck j n oneill son ww wbn ward court services e c rtwmpbon eotnt services bell telephone chiefs res john mcdonald coal ww a is coleman sts harirs bras sis w j bdnnie sts w manshall stamps georgetown hydro town ball georgetown hydro fire hall georgetown hydro fire alarm georgetown hydro ww office georgetown hydro power norval the brampton juniors are present ing their two one act plays tvs new housekeeper- and my lord in livery in the narva parish hall on turesisiy evening april 12h good musical numbers will also be given these players although not in finals were given high sta in the peel juniors dramatic series 2se and 15c scotcn block croktnolk totjrnamknt following are the reaauts of recent croldnole tournamenti games of wbsctt were held as follows good friday at mr frank ruddeu the winners were ladles mra wel- ungton wilson oents wedtngton wtl- n consolation john sudden on march slat at oeorge wilson the winners were l m harold reed gents t j brov midge latton frank oblsboxm at home church in peel mrs annie taylor gents welmnaton wilson of about 800 was suffered by r cant burlington dt when fire thought to have been oaused by sparks from the cwmney broke oat on the roof of his home the blase was qaet- led wish tbe help of nei bible printed in 1613 now owned by mr a e of geoeoetown rbst one of the oldest ir not the oldest bible we have yea heard of in canada is now in the posessian of mr a e tost of georvtown and was formerly owned by the gibauparente of his father liie late henry tost it was printed in london england by robert barker printer bo the kings most excellent majestic anno 1013 the front page bears the following to the most high and mlghtle prince james by the grace of god king of great britain france and ireland defender of the faith etc the book is well preserved and con tains the date of birth of some of mr hosts ancestors r is a valuable possession and prised very much by its owner district conference xn tjntted church on ways and means of meeting our respo at lso pun the young people rep resenting the above fields met at a beautiful banquet provided by toe members of the y p l of george town tjniued otmrch at the close of the banquet rev mr runuey pas tor of- the church introduced dr dean who gave a very fine address on the meaning of individual respon- sdbtuty dr outerbridge of japan then addressed those at the banquet and members of the congregation on mmiiiimn m japan and the immedi ate need of christianity in the great est country in the orient it was an anie address every one felt indeed that great days are upon us this conference was one of the first of a series to be held in the province of ontario during the spring months georgetown business men in year 1850 tbe following list of men who were in business in georgetown has been handed to us for publication they were forwarded to mayor j b mac- kemsie by an old georgetown boy w r walker now of niagara palis ny who intends vistttng georgetown bhls surjimer after a feapse of many years the direxcry from wrdch they were taken mi walker says was printed about 1850 alien wlltam boots and shoes andersen alexander gro and feed armour nickolas watches etc bailey isaiah tailor bailey thdntas carpenter barber bros paper and carding mill barclay as mcleod dry goods bennett l l photo and dentist burdhlu robert grocer craig joseph and brosprinters m a mus ftremens convention voluntary subscription ust- the roubwing have contributed the amounts opposite their names to assist georgetown fhre brigade to meet the expenses of tbe big provincial con vention to be held to georgetown july 29th 30th 31st and aug 1st 19331 contributions may be left wtta deputychief w h- long previously ackno 30810 sank of commerce 1000 bank of montreal 1000 jersey breeders banquet ttie most successful banquet ever held by the jersey cattle ok of baaton and peel counties was very much enjoyed by all present in st pauls united church school room mutoru on tnesdcy evening march 29tta over flffey being present from peel oouxay tbe attendance was better than eapected anfl tbe pro of which dr o l christie of oic guelpb was the guest speaker was of a varied char acter tbe toastmaster mr peter dick of georgetown helton county and president of the club perform ed bis duties very acceptably the address of welcome was given by mil tons popular mayor r syer tbe speaker of the evening dr christie was introduced by mr ehno asbton of very high quaubcatlone and publishers of the herald culp ss mbkemne carriage mfns- dakon miss milliner j dayfoot j b tanner de potle j a gro and liquors freeman william physician oalhralth alfred watches etc oane henry boots and shoes grant tsravian grocer henderson phthp grocer hlggins james hotel hutock j c tanner hood te mcklnsjon general stone mccann petrtcfcfcnrpentar mckay h gro and provisions mckenzle o c foundry anbt shingle factory mckinnnncdonaldv bjacksmith man robere woollen factory meadows james ebker and con fectionery v miller ott martue works moore james g1 store and bailiff noble wllram boots and sioeb packer j c grocer phillips samuel telegraph opera tor and insuranoe agent ranny maleonn physician reid donald hardware roe w w auctioneer wines and liquors rose lawrence grist mill j rose tbonras blacksmith ruston thcmas drugs rusten rose hop growers shaw w m wtordow and blind usutunviuiiei slntaemck henry quarry standwi sb beatty grocers statham slaa tinware taylor j 1 harness thayer cfcaries cabinet mtastr tnonxoson benjamin hotel travis elijah cauent maker vinegar factory co so page prop white e c envelopes whttaker thomas hardware wright william physician young robertdtv court clerk young tbnnxas hardware tbe young peoples society wiu meet n the church on friday evening at 8 ccloelc the program being arranged by the literary and citjzen- shtp rommltteea everybody is wel- corao the happy hearts mjsstoh band held heir first meeting on saturday afternoon in spite of the- storm there were enough present to put on an excellent programme and all the of ficers were in their- places the black bearded barbarian which is a story of life of g l mckay or formosa is being ued as their study book for tbe year tine members of toe band will meet for practice in the church on saturday afternoon exreeve of calkdon passes in 93rd year and wen fated to talk on agriculture dr ohjistle aatd agricueure was in a pretty bad way and contrasted the situation of today with the situation when he was a boy oh the farm in dundas 000017 when ohhgatkms were not incurred there as today home steading was cone farmers their own sugar bad their own wheat ground into flour and stored up for the year schools were not so expen sive roads were not ao good taxes not ao nigh bait as soon as expensive public and hash schools roads auto mobiles and many other things of lmiaoveimpnrb were made greater ob ligations bad to be shouldered by tbe farmer he tnatsir a case where sou lbs of mlbc was sold for sao on a farm investment for a day while men employed on campus at tbe o ac were receiving more in pay per day with no luwrtiiais than tbe farmer yet he said the best way was not to let yourself get sick over present conditions fanners before have stood toe test and would do ao again stress was also hud on tbe necessity of learning farming from tbe ground up same as any other trade or business and in so doing would be better qualified to carry on agricul ture parmera to be eoocessful would necessarily need to cooperate hi ab branches of their work barton he said was a good county and if you go in for dairying choose a good breed of cattle if you liked jer seys stock and breed the best aa they were one of the best breeds in tbe whole world th nossibuuisf of a good profit were bitter then most any other breed bat with patient effort each breed of cattle will bring good results at tow producing cattle were the cause of a tsjat deal of ion mr j o bnu police magistrate of county of peel himself a prominent jersey breeder and known all over canada and the v 8 paid great tri bute to efforts made to increase value ot stock in the united states arid canada be pjmeembetng responsible in no small tseasurotn toss respect mr bull moved a vote of thanks to tbe guest sneaker of tbe evening which was irslmrsasllnahy to by hearty land clapping miss reha wyue of streetonue gave a very lenrnd lo mr j c stmarer agricultural rep- iiifssliiu of peel county introduc ed the guest of honor marian ora- ram of britannia peel county aged 12 years who had won a braothni grt- ver cap at brampton fab- for- beat jersey calf over a score of competi tors alsofirst at school fab- and first at oboksviue and streeaovute fain txris boy whole young fcj keenly in terested to arrtouature sad brines honor to the jersey breeders others who spoke brefty were mr jaa hnkkne r of peel bxd- etetn ohm sir bird expiesiovrnt hatton hototein orao mr green of state of nbnots tjaa mr bren ner acting secretary of jersey breed ers association of canada mr jos dolson and bav jack bmesr of peel ms boulter of n fans ont fruit grower and utuuilnsnt jersey b who owns a jersey fa near oenssjttoani was also ptossns the play the sucks put on by junior club was wen r and mass young people win compete tthht cluuisuayl u at brarnpton for the eiaminkaoatup of peel county draxraatki art tbe kmbea or at pauls j grinrcu were ultfhty eunavstojlajtedi on the splendid repast that was preravred 4tua is pnty gattma as they anltmav ed tor tneg a xiehlgh in tbe death of thomas qutnn at the home of patrick canity centre road catedton on tuesday march aatti the laet rnetnber of a pioneer family of oaledon township passed away in his 83rd year be was connected with toe muni cipal business of oaledon township for about two score years and was a keen student of municipal affairs reputed to be one of the wealthiest men in oaledon he had the reputation of being a keen business map and a friend to toe poor be was a liberal in pontics and a membe of tbe ro- mancatbotlc church the deceased was unmarried bajlunafad miss muriel rlckests of owen sound has returned to her home after spending the baste- vacation with her grandmother mrs etleabeth shor- tul a wedding of interest to the whole district took place at the manse ac ton on wednesday march 30th when mlas agnes cole became the bride of mr alexander sandy mckay they returned from a fnotor trip on satur day to take up residence on the grooms farm on the 0th tine of es- quesing their many friends wish them many happy years 01 wedded bliss quite a number took in the confer ence and attended the banquet in the united church georgetown monday afternoon and evening miss nell mckay is visiting with erin commencing april 1st the price of milk will be 12 ql tickets foral00 6 qt tickets 50c 3 qt tickets 25c we are sorry to report that mrs geo klrkwood is ill with an attack of pneumonia we wish her a speedy recovery- a e graham mjp of toronto ancf his son lee student at toronto university spent easter vdth mr and mrs h matthews 1 we are pleased to report that mrs prank robdufion who recently under went a serious operation at oueiph general hospital has sufficiently re covered to be removed to the home of miss f robinson where she is convalescing 1 mr wluard teeter arm miss vic toria wallace warren perm ujsa spent the esaster houday at toe home of the formers parentis mr robert teete amanda hulook second daughter of mr and mrs wm hwcck of to ronto passed away on easter morn ing in her 28th year although she had been in failing health since last november she was conva escing and toe end oame as a shock to the family and friends when she slept away advocate milton health report the following conwnnnkable dis eases were reported by the 1mb to georgetown board of health for mar 1933 diphtheria scarlet fever smallpox ohickenpoox measles oerman measles infantile paralysis typhoid fe whooping cough oesvjiiosptnal menin mr and mrs w w king of to ronto spent easter with her parents inspector and mrs j m denyes the influenza epidemic still has a number of our citizens under its in fluence and feeling wretchedly ill miss dorothy harbun of toronto spent easter at the home of her aunt mrs jas murray woodward ave postmaster dewar we regret to say is mnte ill at bio home here his many friends hope he wlh have a speedy recovery mr and mrs charles p roper of bradford spent easter wito his par ents mr and mrs j p roper the many friends of km jack hwrmant who has been seriously 111 at oueiph general hospital for sev eral weeks will be pleased to know that she was well enough to be brought home yesterday afternoon she is doing nicely we regret to report tbe serious ill ness of t a hutehlneori barrister and joins his many friends in wish ing him a speedy recovery mr hut- chlnsons partner oeorge e edjlott is we are sorry to say also hi and ha numerous friends hope he win have an earty recovery crjamgion iis education a menace a new slant on the jxnsible effects of universal education in a world gripped by jnhaharal depression was furnished toe otoer day by dr robert a mullren vfamous scientist in an address at hendrix college in arkan sas dr milliken was tvwng a warn ing that colleges and universities mux not try to educate too many students this he said is a practice that tajceupported schools are espe cially apt to adopt and he pointed to conditions in germany as an example in oermany he said young men are crowding into tbe universities as never before and he redded the state hat made such education practically free the easiest and cheapest thing to do in a time of un employment is to go to the university tbe result la that tbe professions are being flooded with men for whom there are no possible jobs and job less educated men make for social unrest for revolutions and for wars the implications of hat remark are interesting teaching a man bow to think apparently is fine business as long as thete is soraething for the man to do with himself but if you let him sit down to idleness he is apt to start thinking about the society in- which he lives and if he sits down long enougb be may decide that something ought to be done about it this of course is just another way of voicing a truth that we often over look that educating a man is simply niakingnun dissatisfied with things fas they are- a process of arousing his discontent and fixing iris eyes oh tbe world that ought to be instead of tbe world that is it weeks out this way all the way down the hue the illiterate is less apt to protest about bad living and working conditions than a man who managed to get through gnunmar 1 as a boy that man in turn more easily satisfied than toe higb school graduate who dtoesnx get dfc- contended as quicklyvas the college man in a nation that is committed bo a belief in the value of universal edu cation the possible effects of that ris ing scale of discontent are worth thinking about vancouver sun s automobiles all in same crash- icy pavement la blamed for a mul tiple accident on one sixteen mile creek bridge at palermo saturday night when tavo cars met headon another car 9 following hit a machine involved in the collision a fourth car crashed into a wrecking truck wniob was giving assistance and a fifth car rammed the side of tbe bridge in an wttvrpt to avoid the other auaos the driver or the car which collided with the truck seymour cohn elm- hurst ave detroit suffered head in juries and his wife lacerations to the leg the cars whoh met headon driven by clayton w hell berestford ave toronto and w bl ford klngswood ave toronto be fore they could signal a macnine driven by clifford plvaey st george crashed into one of the damaged cars while a wrecking truck was extricat ing one of the cars the cohn car- crashed into it and tore away half of oneside in an attempt to avoid the mixup a oliver of toronto skidd ed and drove has auto into the bridge railing provincial officer ted kyle of oooksviue investigated free gladiolus to advertise our superior washing ton bulbs we are giving away several thousand gladiolus premullnus hy brids a new type of gladio lus tughh leooaxunended on ac oount of the long flowering period and the exquisite pastel coloring tf planted in succession they will bloom from may to november mall this ad with 25c no stamps for packing and mailing of one package contain ing 24 bulbs guaranteed to bloom this offer is good until april istta pdgbt sound bulb co v aaepabue blag b wash prunes i lb 25 widen helped to nsaks a very fol wad cnyalxw wfepsag jrniiai gtssbdor 0a0srssbma1sjssjw1 rakw it pays me it pays me not u this th wmv you it about j ynur prctu ijtn of food buying t art you in you dpartmiing you g llowgrvr to tsactt msvntagcr if you dont know youre mving moty the chanc ar you ar not w say com- pabe our prices wfigh our values s-vi- ai mot confined to tfrrfisti ndviriiau bargsmin nil our prlcaa art rwrtacd to giv you day bt and dy out value dont b in tha alar procne noticeable ocononty by buving all your groceries at carroll carrolls l quality first economy always bacon lb- lev onost fmfc fin eggs do 19c omc asttml dates 2 lbs 2v mustard 14c 24c 48c fmxf tam figs 1 i raisins nmni sm t lb lfc t no 1 on lc strawberries rinllc raspberries tin lie cmltlon coffee 33c 39c 45c h fim takla csisco lib da omwiimmi moffbts 2plg2r tw st cwmi sunbra pkg iu an all bran pkg 12 jnlchards walnuts vjjb j2c pumpkin i to 10c l j cm asparagus tin 19c curv cm spaghetti iot jerries tin j5c spli upeooi smwbatrr jam 2 r 59 special 9 roas flour 79 spcdal orroti freah relkd oats 6 19 spci trk pork and 2 spedal grn valley tenjct 4 tins ion nectar sandwich biscuits ib 21 spesrial- cwp tender stvebt mixed pickles tr 25 jspcil del monte 3xtka choice dried peaches 29 hiriwmn soap 10 j9c ha wes floor was mb tin 43c 1000000 infants delight 5 23c for paiatclearolnc x3illex 10000 pkg salada tm broo l s 2t tjxldy foo and drira tfwcial 45 jelly r 5 piaa 7 c horn- b ui w j tomatoes 3 70 avlme chow av corn 4 eue sweet whtta tm000i0m0 no m0h 25 c -7- iggrvnuts- main street 3 lb 29c oranges per dos 10c dx leaf ajettuce nmm 40c mai 49c r 5c georgetown u s- t kti

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