Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 6, 1932, p. 4

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rr pe 4 the gebtgetdwn herald wednesday evening april 6th 1932 vs the breakfast that satisfies shredded heat with all the bran of the whole wheat economical and nourishing madmlncmmidmjilhcmmmiflmwkmmt thi canadian shmddcd wheat company lift sentdbknt if wealth were all a man required and all an earth u be desired then he would be a tool to rttur and let the douam slip away v it nowbiag mattered more than aaln and bavlng money ended pain whod stop at so much cash per hour tt read a book or grow a bower it money were the stamp of worth the source of fellowship and mirth tnen be would be a fool whod spend pie time it takes co make a mend buf hes the tool who squanders health and frwthtwilpb joys to pile up wealth who tramples beeuoydown and turns bis every thought on what he earns for peace and joy and hearts content are born and bred of senllmenc and woo spends all his time lor gold shall sigh tor ttrencta when he is old a dueat v i the five points op wise buying by s rider canadian steel ltd new and information for the busy fanner conspires to destroy your fence sun rata or snow they axe all the same to ojibway farm fence because of two things -oj1bway- wire and ojibwav construction v steal wire made of copper bearing jfegfc copper and steel mended into i that wears far longer than ordinary st wire pore zinc is bonded to every ojibwaywire by ear ipmial zinc insulating pro a f th la bath stiff stay and hour joint ojibway fenee the horizontal ana apright wires are so join ed that bmittsaw cannot be bald lasting of w at i am wires full gauge every rei ml length lhm nttsagtrir alga b rwa- aasassnos of 1m satisfaction ask for oar gsaarantee of service tt is w as naaeh as yonr fence only the bestranaw ean carry so caaanlete a vey zincf fences see your newest dtnjermrite us direct 1 oraty land hat will respond to good treatment should be cultivated at all mere- are fnany thnrsanrts or acres in ontario that will not produce farm crops profitably and should be refor ested without toother waste of time abd energy every farmer can secure this year any xunnbsr of trees tor icjtfuteiaat hru nnrsoees by applying to the porestry branch a toronto ap plication tombs are available sit your local agricultural office one of the most important rnanu- facturing interests of the canadian steel corporation limited is the manufacture of farm pence which is marketed under our own ojibway brand our experience in selling to tanners through dealers who handle our product has given us material on which talis article is based the five points of wise buying as we see them are know what you want know wiiy youf want it know who makes it know what it know how to use it the first point know what you want needs little elaboration tor trie farm owners they of all peaple pro bably know their purchase needs best but generally speaking it is amaz ing bo mark how few people buy ac cording to program or budget ttteir purohases as a result about half retail salesmanship today rests on the weakness iryaxul of the strength of human nature how often both men and women buy something they dont want because for the moment uvetllvj critical opinion ot some clerk seems more important than their flnannlai welfare men na general- are actual victimsof propaganda to xfce effect h ere am cstk ere there are over 450 miles of motor highways 100 miles of roads 2492 miles of trails and lioo miles of telephone lines in the twenty national parks of canada which cover an area of over 1 s 800 square miles in differ ent parts of the dominion soil matt ke attgbt tacdae fan hot the soil used in hotbeds should ha the beat for the purpose that it u frvrihi to obtain states an official of the central rap farm ottawa the wanrres or failure of iitf prised crop may dffwial to very large degree upon he asonu given to the proper preparation of bhe soil sons that are too one in tex ture will not drain property and such a soil whue it may be amply rich in plant food may lack only the ad of a little sand to make it tratlsr on the other bead a deficiency of humus wfu have a tendency to allow the sou to nornravrt wh is ukey to prevent even root ileveloprnenc nndj teo does not pwrtntt of a umpei cub trgoutlon of moisture through the soil sew cssea 8aeg as that weeds tor s mai loss a of between mo and u0 mutton dott in canada baa year the direct ton in crop actually d or killed out ay weeds was over one hundred tnfflhmn whue the remainder wai made up ot freight charges for carry- tag weed seeds along wsh grain clo ver and other crops loss of moiatnre dssyec of farm value due to weeds and the increase in cultivation neosraany where these soil robbers were to msbgate this loss the be cleaned up careful preassdtnt cukrvation will clean up ordinary nekfe whale partial aitmmrt tallow and the sowing of snaotl crops like buckwheat rape and tur nips are lemisnmdnrt for very bad of mob tenacious weeds nd row beetle a dean seed bed pins clean clover seed and clean seed gram ot a high standard of pnray sad gsaifnwalon will give a bag tnoreaao in yield over the other kxnd at praattoaby no more cost only vigorous seed test toy government authori ties should be used oetata f bta a msrdiwtshlfi decrease in tne num ber of tanas and cattle on ontario farms and six inn nasi in the number of sheep and pradtry fnamul bhe farm u lost released in connection with jbe ism census tne bouowtng 1931 sad ism ibm u 8n33 ssbjote 411 119 mstsm vsapa 1088163 mjaa 13t3 ljaun asjmusgs ijmjwi 11j478 s4js71 mill andltead office ojibway essex cos ont j bvatatifwsbataaabibwibbirbaarsvasawa hydro electric system best ught bulbs of all sizes guaranteed orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hall counter check books get your supply of cotjnf er check books t at the herald oficfef swine poultry ives sbrough the oountrystde tuiaisii snpptytng me with cheap fuel and logs help the tsrneral living conditions at the owner and his uutglsiulii they help to control the hood danger and act augment the water open streams that are tapped by the wells they ate ef fecstve wlndbreakb and beautify the cottntrryskte provision should be made for the iiisiihihiii of the old trees which wan eventually he eat or das of old if a is decided to keep a oeu in bush this may be done by narrrsl rerproduotion or by painting many woodkrss have no natural pro duction betanse they rue ta tthe stock bm ttte windtlngs each as they giniilialii break and the sapdnas pack che soil and injure the roots of the luge trees continued uathiiing means one grad ual depreciation and the eventual dis appearance of tne woodka- a new crop of win be ap pearing ttrts spring and wib be des troyed as m former years if a fence does not keep the stack oat san francisco was en fete re cently when the canadian pacific liner empress of britain arrived there from honolulu tor a two day stay on her 128day winter cruise of world ports about 80 addi tional passengers joined the ship at san francisco and anotheihifty at los angeles for the last lap of her voyage through the panama csnal to new ydrk the mineral position of the british empire is the bugsestive title of a paper by dr charles carojell deputy minister of minos which will be the leading toic tor discussion at the annual iitjk olthe canadian institute v riming and metallurgy in montreal oh april 5 6 and tv this sawte topic will prownke mudf dia- ussion afthe forthcoming im perial economic conference trba the trrmmlng of berry bashes la a very uuput task m the early epring the canes of red raspberries anould be eat hack a hatle at the tops borne of the canes have branches and these should be cot bank to a length ot ataost ten tnebeai tht thtck bear the most fruit tnin out the canes m the h so ttaat they win stand about atar inches apart if the pasntb are left m hills leave out eight canes to a farm let the re ot black raspberries bhe stand of canes in the butb had beat be left un- dwbjrted but tfjsy should be out back more severely than reds twelve hundred jvomens crtstiftutes in the p usually give sorne oon- rflrkirstlori during march and april to mntaung a program for neat year the institute year ends in april and the edurattonal program tor the fol iowing twelve n h usually com plated in may or earjy in june print ed copies being placed in the hands of the mstfihers the j prac ttn a to have an address paper or us of real pnaetloal value to the lawwie at each meet most branches ban to have rnmetrilng to bear ws to do for all con nod at these ttatherlnos the fol lowing is s mod eiwmple of one such r- moatothe doors of crpportunity are nwrked push and pull roil oahr oariadtan product where 7omd sad bow daed tr fond vwtarjg i tguajiliii traw to aerre tftmwii isd i ohnarliavt bsoaationa ham wah sftemoon tea a optm to jhear trom of aanbrtaaori of tsastttorlt wtatofa taavs proven t and to take tn tbs ras aom to of fh wai in the otoottg atulbtxwaml of the that thex are too sensible to shop a raund when very often it is merely a sari of pride that satisfies no ope ori much as the sales person able to take advantage of li this is to be found to current humor where haxrassed husbands are depleted as martyrs to taelr wives eminently sensible atti- iasde that as buyers they are just as entitled to get the moat for ttielr dollals as the sellers are endued to get tne most propt for their goods knowing why you want it is a very important point in wise buying a young married couple for example may purchase star cunlng room chairs eeft in toe dining room they can give only part time service in most newly established homes reflection if not experience would show that those cnahs will find their way over the whole bouse they accomodate un- eapentedly numerous guests in the irving room serve in the utofaen dur ing rainy speus to dry the weeks laundry later- on very likely they can be used as a cage for the first little toddler- all this is to indicate tnat most thmga can be and should be used tor other purposes than the direct need which leads to their pur chase one of our fencing products tor example protects cattle in a field from not entirely of course and we make no such claim but the man who loses a valuable hull by lightning would have been glad if he toad considered that point wtujb be purchased bis fence hired men work rat all jobs and the more m ornea with a of direction tiawfiuln wul often do several jons ako but somebody else has to think for them and usually in advance knowing who makes it is mighty sound advice lo farmer expects good crops from poor land there is no more reason to expect value in product if there are not outstanding resources at the command of the manufacturer resources mean capi tal to buy the beat materials at the lowest pri t is in quantity when the market is in the m tuers favor h that caattal lsnt available it stands to reason that in ore purchase of materials to sea st a enmrpetattre price there will be some tendency to rawrlface quality the only rihuanlhraplsts in this mighty business of belling and buying are the buyers resources also mean equipment doobors arent the only people who bury uoeir rrnrnskra they can be buried in the heart of toe metal that makes a muk bucket m knowing who makes av ask about makers resouross his equipment the type of labor employed and bod out from your dealer not how far that maker stands behind his product not bow long he will stand back at it next and in importance second to no other point ts know what at oosts approach this qi motion from the standpoint of the snrroraftil banker he measures an things in terms ot interest not because he likes to par- tacularly but because all cost includes interest cost this fundamental fact admit buying is rarely considered but whenever you exchange you own money for some product no matter what its use you never cease paying tor that product ao long as you live and your estate when you otte long aftiiwanii will be toe poorer because of that purchase ar money in the form of owned capital can draw interest if inve xf you pay 50000 to fence your land the reasonable rate of interest which you could have obtained on chat ss0o00 each means what you are pay ing for the me of that fence which must eventually be replaced wise buying means taking this in to account so nbat your puroloases of material will not he so soon ovmucat- ed that you win be losing double inter est for a service which should have been obtained by one tnvssfomens of capital no land is rich enough no labor by the farmer is effective onntig to oversoome the harajavrap of the tovlsme mortgages you incur ttxrough unwise buying what fanner would run two parallel rows of fence about one piece of prop erty but many praperittes never theless have rtrarattom double and triple rows of fence because the first erected a bargain didnt stand up and had to be replaced again and pr again ttiere is of course nothing that can be done about the loss of batonat on money you expend except to spend so wisely that profits elsewhere will more than make up for that toss onry in that way can lixdrgamdence be achieved the final point in wise buying is know how tn use it this me dent take chancre on utilisation of products you buy products worth buying come with full instruction bow to erect to install or to put into ass reputable manuwrtiirera will go to almost say length to help you erect install or use properly for the best ds products cannot get a u bo show their true worth unless the man who uses ahem does as directed knowing farm pence as we do we also know that trnproper erection is the cause of many ttwwrsinds of dol lata being lost yearly on many farms but pacing is only one erarnple of how important at is for the wise buyer to know bow to use bis purchase if you hare any doubt about bow to nandle any product use his majestys malls write to the manufacturer directly and ou will not only get any information or ssstwanrvi lajawnnl but you am get that rrarmutaoturerrti deep est appreciation tor your courtesy suits and topcoats belief that economic conditions were gradually improving and that the forthcoming imperial econo mic conference at ottawa would be one of the big historical events in the development of the domi nion was expressed by senator gideon robertson former minh- ier or labor who sailedon s3 tyoritcalra from halifax lecenthj as canadas chief delegate to the 16th annual conference of the international labor organisation at geneva canada rapid change from an exporter ot raw minerals to an exporter of finished and semi finished products will be well set forth at the annual meetjnv ot the canadian institute of mining and metallurgy in montreal on april b 6 and 7 a nabiber of important papers will describe the new srnelcers and refineries that have effected this change with five steamers inservice between port mcnicoh sad the head of the lakes during the coming season the canadian paci fic railway announces that they will now accept shipments of freight at eastern points destined to points in w canada via port mcnicou ont ana thstr lake and rail route subject to delay at port mcnicou pending the first sailing changes in the management of maritime province summer hotels of the canadian pacific railway will shortly become official jomdb a caahman who managed tne lakeside inn yarmouth n3- and is at present in charge of tag place viger hotel in montreal anil become manager of the algon quin hotel st andrews nb and he will be succeeded in the man agement of the lakeside inn by jeremiah daley jr now chief cleric at the cornwalhs inn kent- villens among deeds of heroism at tea the rescue of tbs 37 mas of tag salvage ship reindeer by volunteer seamen of the ss montcalm re cently will rank high ably se conded by captain roth well who ired the montcalm to make a for the lifeboat and with very by seas running the men under second officer knight put through as pretty a piece of work a one could wish to wee wss the com ment of j g rosa of moos jaw lorruer mp or that city who was a passenger and wlllnsaci the re scue from start to finish 831 a b oouatan general trucking at all garbage removed wnntly ratea barwood tajbo single oord mixe rails guo atngte cor phokb ml cusoboglown baby chicks akd custom batching made to mgasctatg j5ery guaranteed very able prices reaaovx- satts aad vrsarad 100 hollywood 8jow ohtoks hatched from eggs aver aging better than m ore with no eggs less than m oss to the caosen all b are i sad x years old selected tor aha and egg type mated to young males pullets viimi from breeding pens tatarrh cueks 19c april jjcj s week old pallets can hatch ing eggs n ti mie fertile mo limited nrrrrmer of o a ol barred bosk chicks to more whan ijbfbonis sta chicks ac per weak extra will otjstoiat hatoh for suo per egg tor small qnwnmbea radraa on larger onantxties to ao tor 1000 and over your egga win receive apscral atten tion tftriulpneel with argarate hatcher tasrchtng monday and thursday tnorrunga oramsleigh pwobry firm diatlat let ontakio the rifersr toaxsrtd a talxtm new way to buy coed lucxoal let the colorf be your gukto no shovelrjgior reqtiired automatically screenecl and loaded aaidisctto in select lump smithinn and caianel john mcdonald ammmm v- s tr- sago tehoniatarakakowa greetings chief swiftest rider 3 ajbawoara have be ha anon captain r f3rftoiis li jock letts eoawjoandsr of the transatlantic r haer emnress of britain since his new 42500 vasaat regained the bine ribbon of the atlantic for the british empire by all riiraen of people but none haws been more sincerely offered than the recent tribota of the sir nations indiana encamped at tlorettevula quebec where they are establishing village in wtjich tioandent arts of the ledman am practiced members of the six nations under tne leadership of 81 year old chief wolverine recently honoured the canadian padua commodore by adopting him into the tribes and o s chieftainship upon him s s tribute feats of seamanship with the big white war- meeting tne empress of britain fa their gsfly decorated birchbark canoes a score of lrsvea and squaws led by wolverine running bull american horse and princess white eagle danced with their whoops ss princess white esgle snd chief wolverine crowned the new chief with a war bonnet of eagles feathers photos show celt chiefs and braves in their canoes duster round the big ship as she srrivea right the final ceremony and the deer skin certif icate of adoption ill you should be discontented t hat man or woman who is completely contented is in a aony state every man woman and child should have aspirations desires for something higher and better than is n6w possessed it is godlike to be discontented poverty of mind and estate is a manifestation of contentedneas laborers if they were properry discontented would raise the character and quality of their work and would receive higher pay men and women in salaried jobs doing manual or clerical work are unlikely to receive promotion if they exhibit contentedness those who go farthest and highest in thejworlds estimation are they who have the creative impulse plus initiative they are those who strive to possess or reach what is beyond them things beyond us are made known to us by and in advertisements advertisers dangle in front of us electric refrigerators electric laborsaving domestic mec hanisms personal charm and beauty the pleasures of travel fine furniture and furnishings the vigor and benefits of better health cultural occupations and re creations higherpaid employment and the ways and means by which we can make our time and labor give lis more money and more leisure advertisements are designed to stir us out of bovine content by putting pictures before us pictures of the imagination these pictures create longings in us and longings find a way of translating themselves into purpose ambition and resolution n ot the news not the stories not the information not the entertaining and educational articles contained in newspapers and magazines are the pushers of us toward something better and higher it is the avtvertiaenoents in them they are urgent and narrowpur posed and are vivid they are deliberately devised to make us do something pefhapa contentment is permissible in those who have reached their seventieth birthday but those yoyng- er than 70 who say they are completely content merely say that they have collapsed mentally and physically ideaje change desires change objectives change but never should any of us be contented and wqlj never be contented if we keep reading advertisements pictureful pressureful advertisements let us all be grateful for and to them adveisiseatients are the foes of contented men and women j

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