Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 13, 1932, p. 1

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a- i v f 5ixtysixth year of publksiion the georgetown herald wednesday evening april 13uvl932 150 per annum in advance 200 to ila the georgetown herald j m moors member canadian weekly newspaper association cnr tina table standard time going east passenger and mail 1020 am passenger 239 pm passenger and mail l30 pm passenger stops or passengers coins east and toronto 955 pm sundays going bast passenger 239 pjn passenger 813 pin passenger 955 pm going west passenger and maili passenger passenger and mail passenger sunday passenger sunday 725 am 54 ajn 308 pjn 2s pjn gjl pjn 1023 pm gain- north mail and passenger 835 ajn gains soeth mall and passenger 63b njn arrow lnoteasmjj seivfce jueeve georgetown daily westxwmd- itso 1330 dhl iso pjn 7j0 pm im pjn daily ex cept saturday saturday only 1x50 pjn 10j50 am saturday sunday and holi days only leave georgetown dally astfcound tjkt ajn 1045 ajn l pjf 530 pjn 120 pjn 10j0 pjn saturdays sundays holidays only reduced fares to holders of season titjdbcs t amd infoemation at longs dlrectorty uk hoy daub barrister and 8eueatr georgetown ontario offices gregory theatre bids mill st clarence h wiggins seliettar natary pakhe cleeb ctrjein block georgetown telephone 158 jgraham gmhmt and bairiaten etc brampton ontario k q graham b h graham r c h bowyer kknnkth at langdon baiitoiu setieuar natary rakue pint mortgage money to loan office main street sooth fuone 88 georgetown r a got here just in time tom walkers wife was taken ill so suddenly that there was no time to take her in to town so tom hurried to the telephone and call ed the doctor the doctor was out on his calls but tom finally located him at a neighbors on the next concession and he came right over its pleurisy the doctor told tom shell be all right but i got here just in time its lucky you have m telephone good fishing- keep oct p r watson nils mjdxs marion priest ljxs das geaneton office boors b tets except thursday afternoons f l hkath 11x8 txiks dentist ofllce in lane block one door north of cnelus carriage factory ajn to 0 miss lamb practical maternity by day or week par particulars phone strs qeoixetown r b no 3 georgetown ontario chiropracric wkaxson tvs palmer graduate 18 yearn practice no mwdlrtne surgery cjetexsjaaby xray service office over dominion stare monday wednesday and satanday 3 to 5 and 730 to 30 pjn other days and hours by anpotntznent ami fra1nkpetch urjsnsbd adctionkek far the os atpe and raatan prcanpt osrvtee mvtorthm aorxj georgetown sirs post oflaoa cheltenham c e mcclure anctaoneer beat estate merchandise and farm pot terms phone h r i georgetown ontario j sanford stewatrttown plonblnglliisiiiilwng plttne 84 r 12 georgetowm rjl no 2 monuments pollock a ingham gsdt ont- ttatpma our wodt tn qreeonpooal ondctery suits and topcoats rude to meastjrr every fit guaranteed very ws re- sim ah aorta of repairing done jtne bulla and ttapcbatal a rose a ura jane wnlme almost a ate km icsmsnt of streetarule celabrased her oand ntrthday on march utpt a th of bar nasta miwrood otbatb- otnxt bar giand ken 1st ilasi its s n nu and bar trantf- isnilaliii mm alex murphy and tsar tawliaiai of port credit were present wall bar a of hatoraanrj wen twxbfm fnm umubl have your eyes elxamined by o t walker dosc eyesight speciklisc brsunpton who will be at watsons drug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month pbone watson8 drdo store for appodrtmknt or yaa amy eaalt o t vtauckr at hts omee in rramptoai ttw newest style of irlawneri at reasonable prices would you like to be blind j magine yourself to be blind and beingssked to buy a motor ear or silverware or clothing or a pair of shoes or a clock or a refrigerator or a suite of furni ture imagine yourself to be set down in a main street with stores on both sides of it and beting bidden to pur chase the thing or things on your shopping list being blind you would not iodow what store or stores to enter and even if you did find yourself in the right class of store you wouktnt be able to sdeot tntel- ut what you were bidden buy you wouldnt snow anything about values it would be cruel to sand a blind person i to do selective buying i ftm would be like a blind person when you start out to buy something jf tttere were no edwttsetxents in the newspapers i and ma gating which you read when march wincbusher in the spring and through the waking woodlands ring the merry songs of feathered folk freed once agaun from winters yoke i boo feel glad until i see a thousand sign surrounding max and each one reads beware i eep out this stream is ours we own the trout- when brat i reel the friendly sun and know jack frost is on tne run a feeling up my spine does creep and thoughts before me dance and i see a- swiftly moving stream i cast and then and then my dream is broken by this warning shout we own this cxeek and you get dut i o march winds what is that you say trmlt season opens up in may o spring why must you make me feel that yearning for a rod and reel for well you know that soon to be a slave to grief and misery when uuxulgh the land an tree and ftst v 111 see ttus u beast these grounds are private and these streams are stocked with dreams the finest of tnls fair lands trout and farther down ill read keep out i harold 3 wood a nat- monstrous speckled ordeal toy water by beulah marie dix x av owabd daybreak oawin may i new woke with a harassed sense 4 of a burden laid down that he must now resume he tried to float back into sound sleep and forgetful- ness but tried in vain his father william mayhew was as just and as merciless a puritan as ever set foot in the bay colony and yesterday william mayhew had miss ed the eight pounds in good rngtiih gold which he hard stored in the chim neycupboard and hat forthwith ac cused dick scoot of tbe theft dick had arrived early in march 1639 aboard the good ship seafjower this snip anchored in the town oove in plain sight of master mayhews house in middle street near wind mill bill together with various ar ticles of merchnndloe consigned to plaster mayhew the seanower brought two indentured servants dick scott and palntnot daue hired labor is scarce and unsatisfactory in those days and gawln greeted these two lads with warm interest if it like you master where are nana to be met with was the first question that dick scott asked and oawte uked brim thebetter for aahig tt he was a sturdy sunburn ed youngster son of a yeomantn not tingham and he confessed that he had iwtih lkmif to tturee years service tn puritan mausatcnusetts on the strength of reading cant john smiths ny remarkable lorveninres in vir- done you snajl be beaten rvftvertisemente are hke radtovwon they enable you to see in your home what is tn stores what stores have what you plan to baj also they give dcumlptl ten you many of- your oueerkms prases lgelniormed in your home about roods of desire you can go shnpplng ronflrlefitly to known yhru of supply and you know bow to errairdne caw wanted article and what tn pay for il advertisements save your tune and safe guard you against the danger of mis rrurao what is advertised regularly worthy and is good value e guided by advertisements when you plan to spend money for things to wear to eat to give your home easements and comforts to save your time to increase the output of your own labor or of your soil or flocks or herds or orviiards or to protect your life your health your property of money what advertisers do and spend in this and in other newspapers to get your attention and favor should have your wairn- approval for what may be expense to them represents economy for you ths advk is apoanored by the oanarltan weekly nevaraaperi atttoraatlpn as for paintsoi bardtow he was a quiet pale youtti of twenty the son of a ctothworter in bradford the kind of lad who would serve faithfully make himself a householder at the end of three years so oawtn decided reading his face palntnot wots almost too resxwetful too self- eflacmg there was no gleam of humor m his paleblue eyes barely thirteen days later oawtn mayhew returned home across boston neck from roxbuxy where he had gone to look at oxen and met dick scott lng a walk wtth ms dinner in his pocket and oawtns own fowungnlece under his arm whither bound was aawins sur- prlsed greeting anywhere outside of boston said dick have you pe dick made no answer and oawin is still more astonished to see team in his eyes it was not a country then the boy was running away already master mayhew had rebuked bun sternly for inatientviai to bis humble tasks as a servingman oawin put tab hand on dicks col lar and htm with a s face tor bringing the gun then he took it and linked his arm into ttw younger boys arm and ujded him home all the way o told anper- aonal tales about the unhappy fate that waited for servingmen who were so llladvlsed as to run away latter be was able without lying to leave bta father urdlsturbed in the belief that dick had gone ont to meat him in the bono of getting some hunting wuham mayhew scolded oaratn soundly tor taking a man from his labor at so busy a season and dtok overheard an and realised that tne young master at aotne cost to hknsfw had saved htm from terrible nuniabt- raent prom that hour dick loved oawin and served him artth all his heart oawin was at flmt surprised by his demotion then embarrassed and then to his surprise be found himself be- fl a and favoring dick if ever a young man needed a friend it was this graceless youth be was good- tempered brave kind to arrlmala and cheerful but these virtues were noth ing in the eyes of william mayhew par if you live in a puritan home you must do aa the puritans do wil liam mayhew was a stem silent man devoted to duty and as ms duty lay in carving a home out of the wcder- ness and in helping to establish the igxicurure the industries and the foreign m of massachutts he had little enough line for the things he dismissed as levity- england had suffered in those days from leisure class of cavaliers who became rich through their land holdings and dis torted uiemselres at the erprnsr of of the thrifty working class to which umyhew belonged has emigration to- ihe new worw was a protest against these goings on he believed in stern ajppcesskn of gayety dick scott beyond peradventure was a disciple of sport he worked long hours in his masters service but he had an utaxrdsotoua habit of whisttlng jigs at his work and in dancing too i m m hold oawtn realised ajbat dick scott had been brought up in a merry tmme in lierrie england by no oonoetv- able stretch of the imagrnatlnn could the word merrie nave been tt to the massachiiseus of those day was mirth a crime master may hew would nave sakt unreslimtlngiy that it was he ttuasbed dick scott for whistling dance music be scold ed him for running and leaning in the streets and fields he rebuked htm sternly for loud laughter be made it clear to the boy by constant lec tures that he wanted a grave seri ous introspective sort or- young fel low who concerned hhnserf only with his daily work and tfae sadratlon of his souj take pwntnot baretov for tern said his master be praiseworihy and sober a lad entered this colony master mayhew was accordantly eareroeiy vexed- when jiintnot said that lw father had promised to send money to buy mm out of las time so that he could leave his good service in the spring r vaa mitatrard fortune that would deprive the master of palntnot and leave nim dark to ease fits indignation- he scolded dick all the more dick took the ratings with manly resignation sad succeed ed in jiving somewhat more decorous ly then uke a clap of thunder came the discovery of ft theft of eight pounds in gotch- aitting on his bed the morning after this olamlty ckawui uiki the events of the night before his lather had found the money gone and look ing further had found that a smail bam was also gone from ok ti with swift and terrible wrath wil liam mayhew examined the whole household the old servrnrnen testi- hsd that they had gone quietly to bed by nine of the dock and had not stirred until morning paintrwc too said he had never entered the kitchen alter enpper then picks turn cane i came in tote- he athnltatrrt readi ly 1 went to master wlntbrops house on an errand- i remember the errand it should not have kept you what then i stoppedjto play at chuck-farth- por thacjuoc and ohen i returned home and to bed aye i remember now i was hungry and i ate the ham you stole my oam- faith such is not aauod ateamng in my fathers house and h wan but a very utile ham as tor the gold i knew not of its exteteuce and i did net touch it william mayhews thin face ed its most foreboding sternly he ordered dick to go to the room be shared with three other men and old benanuel adams sateadfcnt of the servants was ordered to watch him at every instant until he om ed his theft i cannot confess a deed i dad not do called the lad resolutely as ben anuel led him up b stairs there the matter rested ove and oawtn dressing with a heavy heart wondered whether any evidence could be found that would dear poor dick of tbis charge oawin half elded that dick tntahty easily taken the gold in preparation for fresh effort to escape but why tn that oase had he not fled at one breakfast over oawtn followed his father into a small room that served him as an office touching the case of richard scott- began the master 1 desire yon to go to the town cove and say to captain bersey of the little neptune that i have business for htm be sails next week for the vtogtnla planta tions oawn retched a do you purpose sir tnseh dick into vtrglnlat- he is idle worldlyminded and goodfornaught wuuam mayhew re plied now to the rest he is a thief and to that an ohntinsto- liar that will not confess bis stn there is no proof- broke in oawin were there proof said bss father xemly this youth had dent last night in goal he as a ssuef by his own confession a man that will steal meat will steal money i win sea his time to simon hersey and he may sen it to whomsoever he please captain hersey will sell dick to work on a tobacco pmntackm can you not realise sir that tne lad may be innocent i am too patient with you an swered william mayhew the bag of money is gone some one wsthln ttns is the thief whom else do you suspect zacchaeus or increase or perchance old benanuel they are trusty men that have for years been in there is oawin said stubbornly he has been no longer in your service than dick scott thou shalt not bear false witness master mayhew replied sternly talnuiot has a reason for wanting large sum of money he is sly those tight lips of fats may well hold back the truth he uched my dog when he bought no one was looking and lied to me about it tbreaer such a man would not ecrjpie to lie in anottier oause tou chop logic uke a woxnan- sour ly answered master maytasr gawln bowed and went suerathr from the room in his heart lay a son- sunring desire to prove dicks reinenabers rebeluon of mackenziein 1837 mrs acnes young of baixina- fad cwjeiutated issttt easter season lake your pleasures and food in modexauon work as much ts you can in the fresh air and youll enjoy liv ing to be a i thats the philosophy of mom agnes young of h near here- who has cele brated her lootfa raster season t enjoy every day and am not the least bit tlredpof- irving- mrs young told the star during an interview- stirrtng days of he william lyon matrrrtrsle rebellion m 18s7 are dts- ot in mm young memory al though she was only jive at the qme she remembers bow goverranent troops s an fartnhoqses whose owners were anyotrrl of betray robetb fsttowbound roads prevented the so ldiers from reaching her borne on the island- id cthlnguacousy but her rather didnt take any chances carefully hid his rifle under in the floor his gun ahd his bis two most cfjerasbed p came with htm from argyllshire scot land in uai laier when ttmes be came hard the watch waft madid for a lad good reason for rebelling- declared mrs young with frtrmfdawti recalling the tlooo re ward that was on his head gov ernment sjokavera got nearly every gun in oalrdon which belonged to a rebel they knew that mackenrte went atnortg his jiiaaflila 1 1 and lived with tthem but k took them ten years to finally catch btxa social activities and methods of transrxjrtation during her earty years easily recalled by mrs young we had as much fun when i was girt as they have tioday we had parties and a lively time always my itorite dance was the reel though i used to have so much to do during ttoe day that i d hav to go danc ing at night for estercase i leafftfatjber when i was young that a girl who to work at tqim borne was paid 350 a month nr her services mrs young retrembera her first train ride to toronto on the grand trunk rail way m lass before that her father and motber used to make the journey by sleigh tn the tail of the year with load of pork and farm produce the start would be made late at night in to get a good position at the woke me up whats thatr- i looked sleepily out over the little clearing at the summit of the moun tain our fire had died down but the landscape was flooded with moonlight i saw something moving and rubbed my eyes open just in time to see young bear shatnhling off into tne brush i got a great thrill out or that and u was not a thrill of fear 1 only wish i might have seen the mother too before she departed for i have no doubt she land us a call i ihdnk t may truly say that wild bears are just about as dangerous as that apart tram the white polar bear of the arctic regions there are three native species of bears on the north aroerioan contin the black bear the kriaily and the alaska brown bear the black bear known in some sections sis the clnpamrm bear has been found with slight variation in all parts of the united tarns it was a- black bear that i saw on bluemoun tain and it is the halftame alack bear that- fs familiar to many visitors in our national parks where happily the breed is protected the black bear is by nature shy and inoffenslq i fancy be is more common than thinkt for he hasi learned from bitter experience to keep out of the way of men i havesamcsjxoa- woods often in a blueberry pasture we may be wan hid unawares by the bright eyes of a black bear the gristly is the big bear of the rocky mountains confirming whose ferocity we have our own american folklore perhaps the gristly was once more saving and aggressive than today but a sort of evolution has taken care of that man killers bave been hnntrd down and slain and the s have been loose who pipe- friend ferred to seek safety in flight of bimouv course no one in his senses wwjdl deiiberatediy annoy a wild gristly and a wounded one is a tad actor a mother gtixsty too may be expec to protect her oubs very effectively the prophet hosea noted the ferocuy of a bear bereaved of her wtneips but i believe that a wud grixxty in the reeky wmntalnw is tar safer than an autcmoblle on tne rdgbway a at shuitlecap and other games foot ball in those days was a mere riot in the streets frowned upon by the law- yet the young men played it on occasion uedtng o outlet for their extra strersjtjo and vatahty ah these things and the last one especially seemed to master william uayiwwa sum iyjof of dicks world- llness only oawtn saw the fine clean manhood ta the boy oawins own tetnalng up had beta a teres not a boy who nsads these i on imagine what hto wasuke tat a true puritarl bome- ctawin was pqs- ub a uttle in acrranoe of bta time he loved tub traper sincerely sjlhougu he daauavd many of use iieedlesi hart- smta iss tatjawr wtvgtasr ejavai it the greavl bear bogy am conduced that the bears repu tation tor ferocity is largely the result of foot lore many are tjbe stories that base come down to us of bears that have carried oft children and st was not an very long ago that illadvised parents and nurses sought to frlsditen chlktren tatto obedience by warning them that a bear would get them if they werent good it was always a hear how oaten have bears and ghosts peopled the mysterious dark lbr such terrified uttle ones la sramkeapsarea time be bear was the the task seemed impossible but oawin had plenty of seralstenee palntnot barstow might be tbe thief r was not likely as oawtn admitted to himself but the thing to do with out question was to find out what palntaot knew accordingly oawin ordered tbe boy to accompany hm tn the shallop a small stdttng b to retch some sacks of com from bis fathers farm at puden point 1sujtaot obeyed rehjctanuj he was afraid of the water and never before had he been asked to accompany the young nueter in the boat otd ben anuel was a great sailor the duty should have fallen to him but o was determined that one oav but palntnot should go he wtahedv to talk with the boy atone no sooner was the sail raised and the shallop under way than oawin i have good hope that pick scott may be cleared of the charge that hangs over htm irnag was asms vus eta aaaaaua au i s a 1 1 1 1 saj wwa w- n he slipped away a odd tune to play aaid paintr demure ly 1 teaied that was the odef truly i am glad he is not though he is lightminded j am loath to believe bun guilty of so grievous a sin aa stealing taj a more grievous sin- said oanrtn savagely to steal and to throw the guilt upon another yes truly sir heaven keep us ail from- sbi at this point oawin lost pati 7be has no need of money 3rm de- tabney to buy your time as ser vant faintnot said nothing the boat heeled over in e frean- ening breese and a aplaah of cams over tbe lee rao cqnianuad ea rar i it isnt new for girls to be taught to do more than housework said mrs young my father and mother to toronto to become a dxvssmaker i was engaged by a mrs ijyons who had a shop e so queen 8t there were no sewing i- and every bit of sturhtng had to be done by hand and there was nothing but slat ma terial used there she added proudly various iwiwrtha stand out in mrs y i she- le february during mueh she sun shone day street buses in ttoronto wbere the passengers sat back to back and her li james who were given i meagre m eutjutred their edu- cation by studying with their children too many things mi one if you want to uve to be a hun dred is the practical advice of mrs young although her hearing and eyesight are not as food aa they were a few years ago she kan walk without dtxtoeulty and takes an active interest hi everything about her she wul c her one hundreth birthday on seritember r she ts an arden presbyterian and a lifelong llberal mm young makre her home- with two daflsbtera janet and barbara and her son lames there are three outer daumaters mrs david warren of streetsrule mrs john leohnie ty said theodore roosevelt in one of his books win fight only if wourided or cornered or at least if he thanks tbe alaska gristly a 1100pound ianc is closely akin to the rocky m variety his neighbor la the alaska brown bear of which there are four or five varieties tbe largest of these is the hadlak bear whose mae may measure as much as ten feet in length to die xacuraltat and the photographer these are the most in teresting wud animals on the contin ent and those who have closely ob served them report that they are rela tively liarmless tbe alaska bears however bave their ene and their traducers and thousands of them have been killed by fur hunters and sheep raisers to day they are threatened with exxer- pmtrrtttvr game has haw bailinafad and miss maud of toronto symbol for an unknown object of fear ow easy said he is a bush sup posed a bear or course there la biblical authority for this tradition when irascible aha wan annoyed by the children who m bun and called mm bald ad he turned sad cursed them and two shebean earns out of the wood and slew fortytwo of them a nice bedtime story tor tattle hebrew bogn wustt i bebeve k is quite true that the big nfattt brown bear of europe is or 9e was a dangerous 1h and most of the fobxlore sioriaaoame from europe for has crimes the genuer rtorth american bear has unjustly suf fered tradvaonsdht it has been considered virtue to kin a bear a mark of special o and prowess there may have been same excuse for it in the early days wben bears were snore nunoerous and took toll of the pto- neears scanty nook and heads but to day bear addling is done for glory by socalled sportsmen or for profit by fur traders coeeduentfy the bear population of north america has been jreastng at an alarming rate and in spate of laut awe there ts yet canger that the bear may go tbe way of aiie eft and the bison i must confess that my personal ac- ujalnhance with bears has been ninlt- ed 1 have watched them in soos and muohas i d of soos i rnuet admdt that the beam seemed car less unhappy in captivity txavu animals of the oat tribe ttaatr sense of hurnor tbelx playnllnees and tnetr eurlosry concerning the ludbcroub ereatures out side tbe bars seem to beep them to impost the tooredoan of their euvliuu- i am happy to say that the d and rig bear seems to have disappeared from and that tins exhalation of mans i and a beasts hmmllatlon has apparently not pakl i can l the agist in my boy an batten with a long stick and a tavgnlonfclng costume a huge brown bear beld by a chain at tached do a ring in his nose starioh lng on his mod legs and performing xttlos at the command of his roaster she hat pasted around lor xmlea tavs have no more of ttoatt not bemg uke ntanrod a been daffaniut to enforce in best and in ism those laws were so liberalised at the behest of rattlernen and other special interests that pro tection is now vliaxialty nonexistent in order to save the bears of alaska from total evil notion a movement is now on foot sponsored by the ameri can society of mammalogistn the new york zoological society and other o v to s more ade quate game laws and also to set aside chichagof and adxnixalty istands as penmanent wudnfe sanctuaries or n parks ttus rnovemtnt if sncobsstul will also save many square miles of virgin forest from the wood- piltta i rt h y admirary isanti off southeastern alaska is about ninety miles long and from ti to forty miles wide grdchagof is somewhat smaller there is uttle or no cattle raising on these islands because the grsxrhg is poor but they furnish an ideal home for bears it is estttrnated that there sue now 5oo0 brown and grjaaly bears liv ing en these two tolands or half the entire hear population of alaska the bear is by an odds tbe noblest wild animal extant on this continent and i for one wish i knew him bet ter he pniaiti courage dignity waitinq serene i fold nay hands and wait nor care for wind or tide or sea i rave no more gainst time or fate for lot my own shall come to me i stay my haste i make delays for what avails this eager pace i stand amid the eternal ways and what is mine shall know my face asleep awake by xugbt or day the friends i seek are seeking me- no wlpd can drive my bark astray nor change the tide of destiny what matter if i stand alone i wait with joy tbe coming years my heart shall reap where it has sown and garner upua fruit of tears the waters know their own and draw the brook that sixangs in yonder height so flows the good with equal law unto the soul of pure delight tbe stars come nightly to the sky the tidal wave unto the sea nor time nor space nor deep npr can keep my own away from me r john burnoughn m friendship all that can be expected of any inan is to make tbe best use of tbe that are within his power only contented man is rich so we must for the things that bring content and first of these is td find a friend and if you find two friends you are indeed a lucky man and if you ffiau three friends real friends then yii are a rich and powerful man in prosperity it is easy to find a but in adversity it is most loult of ail things no matter 1ss small a mans means may be if be gives of what he has to his friend at is the sane as if it were a great amount a mans pleasures are in sured by sharing them with a friend and has griefs are reduced fay secur ing the ayrnpathy of a friend the counsel of a friend is trie best counsel because r will be true advice for when received from a mere acmjatntance it may be so fined with flattery that lbs value win be destroyed ahd faithful and true counsel rarely comes except ing from the true friend it is aaid that in youth we have visions and in old age dreams and the vision and tbe dream may give us an ideal of perfection but experience and large contact with men compel us to accept the man who measures in bis virtues only to the substantial average dt we view a man as a whole and find him good as a friend we nuat not be diverted fromthe happy average the everyday human average by us ing a magnifying gtasb upon bis faiuhs or frailties we must in order to have and hold a friend accent ban- he is demanding one thing in re turn for our affection fidelity harry b hawes in pathfinder drvobob jud gives m ten commandments he harms fewer people annually than the deer hunter why kill turn fisblng for bis 8t0pfkr oiiravuig in the txacforests of tbe wiramav near a turbulent stream of clear water tbe author of casuals in the cvmicaans bad many lixtereeung expeilenoes leopards often pa the oanxp and awamil the sleepers by thar cry near at hand were plentiful signs of vssttjng bears from the vault of the sky came the hoarse call of the wud geese cleaning tbe deep blue with tbetr swiftly moving wedge everywhere were sights and sounds to charm a lover of nature one evening writes miss herbert as the sraadows drew down i was g my w back to camp after a dapreaalrjgty otankaftensoon when ntwrrmrar picture was vouchsafied me the rarest and moat inuailllili of wuk sirhnaettea a small black bear was dtjigentty fishing for rata supper he tay extended face down on a ratting log that lay across a narrow stream he was caffrrrng baby trout and otner migravesded ash that i cannot name tn doaene wath ms open nr thrusting ins forearm deep into tbe water he patiently held at there per fectly m until the flsh below were pertaiaded that at was riotmng to be afraid of tbeff they gathered about r in shoals because the oo in the paw was ah liunlwahle attraction again and again the taaherman with drew his paw closed on a fistful of sfaaning silver which he released moat carefully and ate with manifest en joyment after each course of rata hanqtat be would rnedrtate a while an it cakmhstlng carefully the relghaa of bras to wbtch he had attainsd then wath a sktewtse tut to give has arm greater length he would begin to for half an hour i watched him suddenly he brought up his paw with no flsh in tta grip and reusing bets liead looked fuiliveiy from side to side seeing nothing auspedung every thing the wind having veered the dread human stent had reached ms nostrils trudge pack and begone coun seled the wardens of tbe wild wfbt an awkward shuffle he backed iron ids log and went off into the din ijweat hurdertbeaore the lord i hare bear tantijnr and i think the only tnne lever snwawlld bear waa iuue by a bsvatal ais ago my wife and i were aoendmg the narht in a shener or lisaant booihs on the top of bias moorsaifn tn rth adtron- eaojal msoanttaaa tawavmans mr and mrs robert freestone cask- vule celebrated their golden weddtna anraveraary at tltetr home on tuesday cf last week mr fm ta a nattwe of cafcrluei mrs freestooet madden name was exotiy bass fron ittieiaai v the naarrtasa osre mony took place at the home of mr iyeeatones parents on aden st on april tab iso ty rev oanoo yromll of at jndera oburca wttham fesjaby at the only ofdcnqe resident who waa prisma en ttiav- nnr i ten comrnandmento tor 1033 leap year brides have been laid down by superior judge thomas p graham san fnandaco known as the great reconciler judge oraiaun has liubched up hun dreds of martial quarrels in the di vorce court during his 31 years on the bench his conanandments for wouldbe brides follow 1 select your husband as you would your wedding dress not for a slick surface but for wearing qualities 3 look before you leap then dont leap 3 first make sure you love him then pop tbe question 4 ask yo if you are wtuing to darn bis socks mend and wash bis shirts and cook his meals and if the answer is yes you may be sure you love him 5 know thy man as thou knowest thyself 6 be sure you love him as you love yourself 7 be ready for stortra and be not afraid when they come 8 be resolved to make a bome for him so pleasant he will be reluctant to leave hi the morning and eager to return at night 9 be sure that you can be uaresteu in your niisbands liiaei and then see that you are always 10 betneuaher that marriage is a 5050 pio and be prepared to play the game i am sthx rich we have passed through a panic suffered from a crash on toe stock market and are now mare than hdf way through tbe depression and i am etui rich it maybe true that i have much less to live on than i had a year ago but it is certainly true bhat i have just as much as ever to uve tor tne real values of life are unshaken and solid j tbe de has not kwci tbe value of a ednsle friendship neigh bors still greet us in the same old cordial way business associates be lieve in us and our sons- hold us in high respect the wifes welcome at the close of bh day has not depreciat ed tn the least and our otaughtere continue to lavish their affection utwrj us with the same old extravagance my faith in the goodness of tbe universe is unimpaired by that faith i am emboldened as i face defeat and despair tbe prayers my mcqsr taugbt me and the fajth in ocd in stilled tn me by a devout father re main as priceless treasures no depres sion can touch no nation becomes great by becont- tng rich neither does a man find en during satisfaction in life by owning aomettilngoniy by beaxaxung s thing the most degrading puv is that which results from killing the spirit that the body may be served this depression la a challenge not a catastrophe a generation that has conquered the air and sent gajnt planes oucung the globe which ha plunged into the deeps and disported on the oceans floor which has climb ed above the clouds and lived in tbe stratosphere is now faced with the challenge to rise above its dependence on mere things and seek an -ernanclpa- of mai tlon of the spirit tbe last six months have been for many men a thrilling spiritual ad venture tttrough which they have dis covered theh- real wealth bereft of dividends and proflqs they are discov ering the nirttsnlng powers of a strong religious fajth the abiding values of co heroism honor charity and tnjsjtwuy lamest a financial crisis can wipe out profits and bring business to a staridsllli but character iabeyood its reach it can rob us of all we have but ttusnnot affebtl what we are tncls aervtag remain secure i am suu rich because i am tode- psndeatjy rich none of my wealth de pends ijpbn busutea conditions or market reportajtor l smith hrthe sejkaiboa bajsu

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