Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 13, 1932, p. 2

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vv7 i a page 2 the qeorpetqwn herald wednesday evening april 13th 192 v shoes below cost i i is i ti rj jl t j t t two hundred pairs mens and boys solid leather boots in sizes for men 6 to 11 and boys up to 5 i o v i have been fortunate in purchasing tjie above clearing lines from the manufacturer they are regular lines of unquestionable quality and 1 am offering the same to the- people of georgetown and vicinity at prices never before heard of in- this locality tor the quality of goods offered it will pay you to get your footjfenr at our store only two prices um mm mfist of these shoes sold for 400 and 450 and you will find both dress and work boots of exceptional value dont miss this oppor tunity to secure your requirements in boots these twohundred pairs of boots are on a special counter in the centre of our store a general line of ladles and mens coats suits and dresses at greatly reduced prices h silver phone 375 where your dollar goes farther georgetown the home 0 better brake service following our policy of last year we again invite the motorists of this vicinity to have their brakes tested free with a tapley meter we wish to call your attention to the fact that we are experts on bendix steeldraulic hydraulic and mechanical braking systems relunung or adjustments made prompt service speights garage the motor experts born wakrkn on april 11th at the priv ate patients pavilion to mr and lira carey r warren toronto a son nikd devar at edmonton an march 31 1832 robert dewar youngest son of the late david dewar funeral thursday april 14 at 2 pm interment evergreen cemetery mutom bkbhky at toronto general hospital pavilion on tuesday april 12th una annte betsey the funeral wlu take place from her town council watkb rates to oo up-day- ik1iit ma vino jlinli july and august council rhol in special session at 8 pm aiirll ial tn wuterwortai building with mayor in the clmlr and late home on ma ul ueu april lain at 3 oclock an thursday interment in reeve all member of council present mr d wllnon oddrrewd council- re rale of interest to be paid by oor ponulnn hoad ofnce statins they could not cruirsre less than 0 coun cil to see uhftt ran be done ahoul it mr andrew dobble addressed oouncil re starling a service etatlon at the property of the late mr campbell mr leroy dale oddrerwed council vviuouglibys water rates lunlcallbni were wad from of bank of montreal and 9tone ltd parr seconded- by olb- in ttie opinion of this coun ell waterworks bylaw no 190 should be repealed and a new byjaw pre- pared to meet the modern conditions under which the waterworks system is being carried on and also to provide for an increase of rates of domestic users and to provide what rates shall be charged commercial users and others whlo are not set out in said bylav no 100 and to provide such additional clusas to more effectively operate our wjaerworks system- and especially to provide that all plumbers or any other persons before i a water service of any kind should obtain a permit from umr clerk al lowing the installation of the same ahd further lo provide for penalties if said permit is not obtained carried yeas messrs mayor cummlnga davis gibbons parr and speight nays barnes and reeve cleave moved by parr seconded by speight that the motion re daylight saving be left over for a week in order to have a special meeting of oouncil to huroa same lost teas oiboons parr and speight nays mayor reeve barries cummlngs davis moved by davis seconded by cum- mtogs that the time for daylightsav ing be changed in toe daylightsaving bylaw from the first sunday in june to the 1st sunday in september carried yeas mayor reeve barnes chmranpgs davis parr nafye gib bons and speight moved by davis seconded by cleave that mr andrew dobble have the privilege of ailing in ditches at his service station on guelph street on condition that it does not interfere with the drainage he to be given 40 ft of 14 inch tile for this purpose this work to beerformed under the direction of the streets and walks committee carried moved by olbbdns seconded by curnmings that jitemttuaiwbbys contract for the supply of water to the golf links yrtth the corporation of georgetown be rescinded and that a new contract be made with said j a wluougrrby whereby he be put on a meter and charged at the prevailing commercial rate motion lost yeas cumlmngs and gibbons wayg mayon recfcre barnes davis parr and seplgrat moved toy olbbons seconded by barnes that the mayor and treasurer be instructed to sign notes for money borrowed from the bank of montreal for thirty days at 6 carried moved by davis seconded by qleave that we do now adjourn to meet at the next regular meeting or at the 73utof the iaynrcsrried greenwood cemetery mbs j t bosk mrs rose wife of james t rose m of the bronte hutted church board pa moil away at her home in bronte ust thursday to hex 8srd year after a long nines survmng are her hiwfcanrl one sister mian k morgan president of the hakton presbyterial wjub and former missionary of japan the remadna were brought to georgetown on saturday afternoon and interred in greenwood cemetery rev a maogowan oftirrulng mr x t dose is the son of the late mt and mrs lawrence rose formerx georgetown mr lawrence rose owned and operated the georgetown flour mills many yearn ago restyling we remodel old jewelry into modern attractive designs our oharges car remodeltng are so moderate that the advantage be comes out oball proportion to the cost our jewelry repair ing is based on the same mod eratecharge pollsy in remodel ing or repairlnc oor ougsehuans will prove hespfull j h jordan watchmaker georgetown jeweoer free- while they last a beautiful pastel shade bathroom tumbler with every purchase of a tek tooth brush the tek is ttoe newest most s tooth brash and is guaranteed by the old reliable firm of johnson at johnson price 50c i j h- h danivsdrug store phone 327 georgetovn mecaix and btjtjwjtlck ratsrms obituary womens instrrute the april meeting of the george town womens institute was held at the home of mrs j d kelly in the absence of the president who attending sv convention in toronto esquesing council stewarttown april 11 1933 the council met pursuant to ad journment- deputy reeve w o ap pelbe councillors l l mullin wesley murray and n a robinson present reeve george gurrie in the chair minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed robinson mullln that the treas urer pay bell telephone account 38153 s3t0 8311 ojm 490 hydro electric power comm brampton light at council chamber 3 months 549 board of hydro comm george town st llghtsat gtenwuliams jan 1 to mftr 31st 5200 dr r learmont for blood test of cattle ordered by moh 600 carried appckbe murray that the treas urer pay the following charity aocxs a w benton to goods isa j h emmh 1 cord of wood 350 jos t marchment to goods b07 i m bennett to goods 809 w neabltt to goods li93 j o farlow sect to date for goods ssoo thos mcbrfcte i bagts potatoes 1jm carried mun rray appelbe that leave be granted to introduce a bylaw to amend bylaw no 7o3 and that said bylaw be now read a nrst time car ried mullln robinson that bylaw tl amend bylaw norjo havuxr been read a first tune be now read a sec ond and third times and passed and that the salary of trie clerk shall be 65000 per annum and that the- cor porate seal be attached thereto car ried appelbe murray that the following rate of wages be paid during 1932 for man with team 45c per hour for man 20c per hour for man with tractor l80 per hour carried robinson mullln that the treas urer pay james mctrwac amount over paid on 191 taxes 135 carried mullln robinson that the clerk be instructed to advertise for fenders for crushing elevating into bio and hauling material per yard per mile for the year iq3s material to be crushed to m and for further information apply- to road superln- tendentor reeve all tenders to be in hands of clerk by april 26th 1932 carried mullln robinson that the treas urer pay road sheets as presented by hoad superintendent 10873 carried the reports- dr paul moh with regards the premises of all those sup plying milk in olenwuliams was read and discussed robinson mullln that this oouncil do now adjourn to meet on monday may 9th at 130 pm carried annik bbs8kt one of georgetowns most highly esteemed crusens in the person of mtas annie bessey passed away at toronto general hospital on tuesday morning following an operation some days ago miss bessey was a daugh ter of the late mr and mrs em bessey and was born tn esquestr she has resided in georgetown and vicinity all her life where she made mamy mends who deeply regret her death she was a msirrrbtr of knox presbyterian church and a true christian woman beloved by an who knew her she is survived by two sister mrs alfred bated of pahner- stor and mm g o lawrence of to ronto and her nephew mr john r tiber who maided with her the funeral will take place from her late home market st georgetown on thursday at s pn church news st albana chssrea olen third sunday after easter sunday sebool 9pm evensong 3 pjm st geartew rev w g o thomapsoay hector third 8unday after easier holy communion 8 am sunday school 10 ant holy communioci 11 am- even- sonf 7- pjn chwrch the pastor will preach bow mane nam appreciated the series from reve lations and how many of us mourn over the immn jnspirstual equlpmentf the 1st vice- president mrs dan liv ingstone toot charge of the meeting which was cpened in the usual man ner it was carried that anopier do nation of fruit olive oil or cod liver os be sent to the armenian boys in the weston sanitarium arrangements for the summer series meeting were made this year georgetown is to have with then the institutes from nerval hornby stew arttown and ashgrove it was de cided that this meeting be held in the arena a collection will be taken at that meeting to assist lo defraying mrs hunter of norval thencrave the meeting a very interesting talk on the dos and donts for the sick room this talk wasa splendid one and contained muoh valuable informa tion and was very much appreciated by all present the george branch is much indebted to mm hun ter for this and other talks that she has so ably and cheerfully given the members next followed a report from mrs litffhgstone of the district anni held at milton mrs george cainpbell spoke briefly on the coming girls convention- it is hoped that many glr from this centre will be able to attend this convention after these speakers followed a few minutes of cosmnunlty singing and the roll call each member was ask ed to answer the roll with the name of her favorite flower mr ralph ross was introduced to the meeting and gave a very in teresting- talk on his travels in the british isles and on the continent last summer et was indeed a privilege to listen to mcr ross and in fancy take trip to ttie places which he so well described many many places of historical interest were spoken of and the ladles one and all were bred with a desire to see these wonderful castles cathedrals forests and mountains mrs feller and mrs allatt each favored the meeting with vocal solos with dr marion priest as accompanist a very hearty vote of thanks was ex tended to the hostess after the sing ing ofood save the king a happy social time was spent together before the meeting adjourned com barn and stock destroyed by fire a disastrous fire took place early last friday mornins when lightning struck the fine lange bank barn of hasenecker and asbeck at lot 19 con 9 esoueslng near glen williams when the fire was first noticed about 3 sun the whole structure was a mass of flame and it was impossible to save anything in the bulks ng eight horses so head of cattle for ty pigs hens etc together with the implements which were all new 3000 bushels of barley and other grains from two years crops were all totally destroyed messrs hasenecker and asbeck pur chased the farm from dr mcandrew a couple of years ago and were mak ing good headway when bit by this very heavy loss which is only partly covered by insurance price down i brown label half pound now 25 cents see rebate forms already mailed to you we protect you against all loss notice to creditors or use estate at major lachlan grant late of the town of georxetown fat the coanty of hal ton qrnrmaa deceased all persons having claim against the estate of the late rorwan orantj who coed on or about one 21st day of march 1932 at the town of georgetown are required to send to the undersigned solicitor for his executors on or before the first day of may 1932 full paruonlars of their credit lodge visited by djxgjm mu1r the road to pr lkad8 through the farm mr united charon rev r w rumley minister norman laird choir leader 10 sunday school and bible classes 11 ana morning worship hoeta proclaims ooda love series on rtie message of the prophets 7 pjn evenlngservloe tils sower and the sotl 1st in series on the parables of jesus bow do we build charaotert i do it now don mat for flies and insects lo remind you that screen time has cornel oh our twtmatf on door and window screens before mr and mrs house fry call i are you sjolnf to screen the porch tuts year a you vowed you would last anmmerf ifows the tunel rwtrry bervke toa patata in cksiattuwu i georgetown luniber co pbooe 250 aartattsn army capt w braduy xjeut j hooke sunday next sunday school at 10 am hoi taw meeting 11 ajn sunday sebool and bible claas 3 pjn balvav- uen meetmg at pm tuesday 730 hone league ladles meeting wed nesday a pjn nubile meeting ah baptist charea- pubue warship sunday u am and 9 peiile wihiiii tnd ui jial kc of the 7 en in the morrtlnai rev a n prita will eobclude u series of ser- otv tbs twelve aposttoaft preaohmc on the zaajot andjoe txalow in jthe ereama the sub ject win be lear be school meats at- 4 ajn to study b call of afenv on monday at pjb fae towsj paqmewlmfstsnc wlu be cnarse of thp burplea tin life john maaob pttsr win be renewed a band of younc rl more than 260 farmers assenobled tn the town bill at acton on monday april 11th to discuss the farm situa tion mr a g m bruyns was chair man and blr o o plank secretary in an address ie title of which b mentioned above mr bruyns explain ed that the only salvation for the farroeni was in a 100 organisation because not even a combination of the orthodox remedies could cure the situation any longer if one fanner grumbles tiehind his plough nobody beam it but ifuhe 200000 fanners of ontario could grumble together it would i make a mighty roar the meeting enthusiastically passed a resolution without one d wee tiling voice that farmers organisation was desirable- necessary and urgent how to organise the next item on the program was announced by mr d russell f acton who defended the opinion that la was better to organise without the txpq whereas mr h hannaui pleaded to organise within the upo both speakers handled their swords m an able manner and although tw dealt each other soma freayy blows the decorum of the mecrt- bttr was never disturbed unless some good salvos of laughter might be call ed so a largo nsajonjty of the meeting was oftb opinion that organisation with in the d40 was preferable there fore smother meeting will be nauijiq thursday night by the anton u w q ojub where avery farmer feelirsx the urgency of orwa mq bava the tlrlitrth to ob wm dbttod ulm ij 3 there was a good attendance at credit lodge a e ajc last friday night on the occasion of the official visit of r w bro alex mulr dj3 oil for wellington enstrtct r w bro mulr and visiting brethren were welcomed by w bro david wil son wjc of credit lodge after which the nrst degree was exempuned thejdtstrlct deputy congratulated the master and officers of the lodge on their splendid work after which the gathering adjourned to the fourth degree- the banquet which followed was presided over by w bro david wil son wm of credit lodge who an nounced the toast hst as follows grand lodge proposed by r w bro barraclough resp to by r w bro mulr ddlom who spoke on the duties of the lodge to the brethren silent toast was drank to the mem ory of vw bro l grant and w bra l p greenwood the toast to the visitors- was ably proposedtty bro h o dayfoot and eloquently replied to by bro dean of corinthian lodge toronto who direct ed attention to the fundamentals of hospitality and its apnlifatlnn through the ages w bro warden fergus w bro btssell of kora w bro w o thompson and bro r b fouus also replied to this toast mr collins of toronto delighted the gathering with bis r of well selected songs in which be accompanied by bio chas bjrk a splendid evening was brought to sj close lay the singing of auld syne ahd take notice that after the nrst day of may 1932 the execu tore will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate having re gard only to the claims of which they shall tben have bad notice and that they wtn not be liable to any per ansa of whose nlatm v have received notice for the datr or any part thereof dated at georgetown bills sottr day of march 1931 kenneth m laiodon georgetown ontario eaucitor for srneet y bairaclough and j arnobt early fats kxecutora st more power to you heat keeps you acuve x in spring weather 12 bio biscuits j m j j cmmjm milt cmmmdtmm wttamt the canadian shkdoed vfheat company lit norval the old and new tyme dance giv en by the i sodeby tn the pariah hall last friday evenfng proved most enjoyable to the many present the music and floor man ager were good and the menu served by the ladles was excellent the com mittee in charge were mrs t hew- on miss prairie magulre mr j morgason and mr w patey a number of young men from the village and vicinity took in the ex cursion to montreal over the week end all report a most enjoyable trip the young bachelors are giving an other of then- popular dances to the parish ball this friday night the easter thankoffering meeting of toe jwmjb of norval united church was held op wednesday afternoon last the president mrs lawrence may was in the ehatr devotional exercises were conducted by mrs barakx lyons and lbs win strttser led in prayer mrs b m jo of toronto was the special speaker and gave a very totersstlng and help ful address miss alleeri moore kk georgetown contributed two vocal sel ections which were much enjoyed and appreciated mrs wilson was the ac- ccmpanlst a social hour t quality into the bargain bseast taa b t o i mltae t can be done- b w jwl doal jkitv ratohts fc awa lilaaul pam coa qamity sinm al carroll skcial prices effective till apri oxydol 19 large pttg comfort 10 bars lmbitcd old cheese carrota own fc 23c s ibm aawcatbrme pilchards 4 15 walnuts lb flour s4jaba53c ousco 1jbewe prunes 3 mmnbtku peache i lbs s9c avtnbav qmmcsjt aprkots usiot viwrmm blueberries iir loc cherries 3 urn 25 un 15c peaches pears s tirrt5 milk z 21 darks caw spaghetti 10 csnatrsowa macaroni 13 tomatoes 120 chipso pkg 9c aad 21c cfiwi lyebi 14c rlugget 2 tisu 83c cleanser 2 has 15c at the close of the meeting when the ladies of the wmj5 served tea firemens convention toloktabt 8tjxtscstrt10n ij8t the foilowidi have oantiibnted the amounts opposite their narnes to asast oeonrotown win brlfade to meet the expenses of thenkf pj ooo- ventlon to ba nekf la uwaautuau on july atth aoili slat and aoj 1st loonfcrtbutlooa may be left with prsvlosnr aclpjowveijgai pioobadi from pkwrra ntwsiiw 0000im0 quality babo 2 am 27c first economy always tuodti t m oatflakes 21 puddings23 a i caaka fiohi bsntaia corn 3 i- 27 cum vaawy taasa peas 2 15 carrolls own fine i- new low prices our 39cjbienrj now lb our 49c blend now lb t 29c our 55c blend now lb 39c our 70c blend now lb 45c 65c i oranges per do he lettuce lslaistreet 30c 40c 49c lemons pr dox 23c 2 for 17c horseradish m bottle rlbc phone 357 georgetown cv l astii

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