Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 13, 1932, p. 4

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p i page 4 7 the georgetown herald wednesday evening april f3th 1932 f tl bannerposts with a ifcu save money f when you build qood fence the dollar you put into good fences re turns its investment many times over first you save work time and labor when building fences with steel posts banner posts are easy to haul easy to handle easynto drive no post holes to dig the large slit wing anchor plate anchor the post as driven the continuous notches on face of post allow any and every line wire to be attached just where it crosses the post eight clamps fur- nshed free with each post use banner steel posts for your fence construction save money and have better looking longer lasting fences manuf acturbd in canada ay mills and head office ojibway essex county one you get what you order when you buy brays chicks 100 live delivery guaranteed of sturdy chicks tram government in spected and approved flocks mood tested by our oboterlologisufrom eggs which averaged 24 ounces and more to the dose cash in on our experience thousands did last year and are co p now for their 1933 chtrrn let their experience with brays chicks help you make real money this year on your poultry free booklet bray chick hatchery brampton ont oppettepaat offlon phone tttv other bray hatcheries at wejlaod durmvllle haeerarille undaty and peterboro head office st catharines oat inquiries by mall should be addressed to st catharines local representative geo c brown norval phone georgetown 382 r h spring millinery you afe cordially invited to inspect our showing of spring millinery in all the latest styles and colors misses cl aridge upstairs herald block firemens convention at georgetown july 29th 30th 31st and august 1st hydro electric system ih i h ii i 1 best light bulbs of all sizes guaranteed orcters taken fop ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hall looking for trouble i then jf youve looking for trouble worry and woe youll find in abrtndanon wherever you go but should joy and gtarhvra be your dally quest im sure you will find them north south east and west if youre looking for snubs every day of the week i feax you wluhmfl what you con- but if yc5preferred say to look for a smile i know you would meet jone within the neat mile if youre looking for enemies you wlm soon see a sinister menace wherever you be but if for a change you should look for a ftiend an early success would your effort at tend if youre looking for trouble its easy to and fof its seeking the jpeople who have it in mind but ttkmlferi troubles come to each life unaware r lis stay is but short if contentment is ithere 3x3 in tit- news and infonnation for the busy farmer htt trees available many farmers are taking advantage of the opportunity to secure trees from the forwstry branch this spring for retbrestatlon purposes the former limit of 3500 trees for one individual hasbeen rescinded and ttie land owner can secure as many- as he wishes for reforeatry work the limit of 500 trees for windbreak purposes still applies the trees are sent out the latter part of april so that interested farmers should act quickly write to the for estry branch parliament buildings toronto secure an application form with he necessary instructions weekly crap report brace county reports fall wheat to have some through the winter well although showing some growing on ton auue a percentage of clover in elgin particularly sweet clover has heaved badly about 35 per cent of cheese factories are running in fron- tenac more seed grains have been cleaned ait the local drawing plant in grenvule than ever before fall wheat and clovers are in good condition 4n huron several southern counties re port sales of dairy cattle to united states at good prices preparation for spring- work is toe order of business on most farms at present all mac hinery is being repaired with pur chases of new equipment at a mini mum bight carloads of agricultual limestone were brought into peel coun ty in the past year a considerable number of hogs are being marketed in petertsorough sheep owners in prince bextard report a riendld lamb crop in waterloo fall wheat alfalfa and clover have come through the winter in good condition prices re ceived for liveetock generally are dis appointing many orchards in wet land county are being pruned care of hitching eggs this is the time of the year when the farmer with a good poultry flock ottds riitrhtng eggs in big demand too much care can not be exercised in culling eggs which are intended for hatching use a metal bucket should not be used because the slightest con tact with a hard surface may cause a cheek or crack in the shell straw or burlap gives protection there should be plenty of nests available to the hens from 13 to 16 nests per 100 birds when culled hahhmg eggs should be kept in a cool room germ growth starts at srtemperature of eg degrees and the room in which the eggs are kept until delivered to the hatchery should not be more than so to 60 degrees eggs should be deliver ed to the hatchery as soon after they are collected as possible clean the benhoame with the coming of spring the chickenhouse should he cleaned thor oughly doubtless there are breeding places for lice and nuts that should be routed out and destroyed before the warm weather comes to increase the pests by thousands firstly remove all perches nests feeding hoppers water containers and other movable equipment clean out all the litter and sweep the floor and walls to re ive dust c and other dirt after the first job has been complet ed the interior of be thicken house should lie washed with hot soapy tar a broom is a good tool for do ing this task well and quickly spray the walk and floor with some good disinfectant the bouse should be thoroughly dried and ventilated after the spraying before the chickens are allowed to enter oaheettve patehashu toe qui is luu of farm supplies should be a from a community s according to george r pateraon of the ontario marketing get your supply of counter check books at the herald oficfe ii i ii i i i miaa a i sm i aw board it is a different problem in one community than in another since the type of farming enterprise numy to a community varies the dairy fanner purchases commodities that differ from what is a common buying prac tice of the fruit grower the poultry- mans needs differ from the mtxet fanner and so on the first essential step tobe taken by a purchasing association is a survey of the situation if the far mers in the community served by the asodatkm are purchasing too many feeds that should be grown at home and if the variety of feed purchased is too great steps should be taken to rectify this condition dairy farmers in a community should strive to grow those feeds that can best be grown at borne and which will be suit a dairy ration an abundance of high quality protein orughoge should form the basis of oomsmilntj effort if the soils are suitable to a program of this kind well and good but if clovers and other legumes require to be aided in their abundant growth by drainage improv ed ullage and possibly a sou corrective then steps may be taken eohecttvety through the purchasing association to provide the materials required to ef fect the change then the supple mentary feeds should be made to be uniform in type fruit and vegeinlej gr have i variety of opi on s of far notation and rtlsrsss control the best authorities on these subjects can readuy be consulted and collective purchasing made exceedingly simple if prays and fertiliser formulae are standardised more than they are at t working out a program of this kind it may well be borne tn mind that i afadenti collective pur chase one of the heavy items of cost of production is pared to the bone and ins margin of prom enlarged lastly credit or the fln of collective purchases must be sound the onjaniation or individual srtto pays casts has immediately cut the of pndoouon the man who for credit is handicapped at toe and la the large majority of will nerer catch jopi objeal bv water continued from page 1 tins is a boat we are handling not a loom snapped gawin v3o for ward and sit on the weather side mo the other side the left side do aou want to drown qod forbid muttered fslntaot scrambling clmnslly to the place gawln indicated yet i would say tjr that i have no need of money for my tanner is to send eight pounds to me gawln started had the tight lips said too much he shot a searching glance at paintnot huddled in his seat wincing when the cold sprajy drummed into his face and side eight pounds thought oawin why should falntnot have mentioned the exact sum of eight pounds why should he have made his latest remark at all except in order to throw sus picion away from himself ypu stole my fathers money said gawln at a venture confess it now to me and i will intercede for you falntnot sttid nothing his lips were locked tightly together he would keep silent now knowing there was no possible proof against him and oawin knew it too his direct ac cusatibn had failed was there any other way in wlhch he could force confession some ordeal ordeal by water gawin put the thought aside he had no right to torture falntnot much as he wished to do so and then s squall came sweeping down off windmill hill oawin was so absorb ed in his thoughts that he failed to notice it and then failed to lufl promptly the shallop instantly cap steed and the two young men found themselves floundering in the icy water alongside her gawin was a strong swimmer as be fitted a bay colonist he went after paintnot who being unable to swim wal drowning noisily within a few stiwccs distance of him clenching his hand into the boys collar gawln towed him to the overturned shallop placing him on one side and gripping his collar hard gawuv found that he could keep paintnot s scared face weu above water except when a large wave swept over the craft grimly in that moment of intense effort gawln felt that providence had sent him the very opportunity he had wanted and when falntnot gagging and choking began to moan with the fear of death gawln stern and self- possessed the son of a puritan who ready for him we are lost gulped falntnot as god wills said oawin across the bottom of the shallop he could see the boston shore and the ships at anchor in the town cove he saw men running along the deck of the little neptune and a boat put off from her side but falntnot was too low in the water to see it i am dying he wailed i trust you have a clear consd ence said oawin twould be an awful thing to die unpenitent with an unconfessed sin upon your soul a large wave surged over falntnsts bead he choked for a full half- minute after he had emerged from it then he fied to scramble higher upon the bottom of the shallop he was thwarted in this design by oawtns strong aims pressing him back is your strength ebbing asked oawin so is it with mine soon i feel it within me i shall be constrain ed to loose my hold upon you master gawln i cried falntnot ptteously do not let me drownl do not slay my soul alive hold me up until i confess be quick bade gawin time is short this was true because the boat from the little neptune was now but a very short distance away but to paintnot who saw nothing but ga- wlnli stem face and the wilderness of cold water that was choking him there was no prospect of rescue i took the money be gulped it is hidden in the attic under the floor ing in the spring when the ships come in i had it in mind to say that my father had sent it and you would allow dick scott to be sold for your sin why not wept paintnot he to wicked he deserves punishment hb voice died in a spluttering wan oawin bad let him slink far deeper than before and the selfconfessed thief and liar came to the surface strangling i told you my strength was wan ing so that i could not hold you as before said oawin truthfully enough for the ley water was beginning to sap even his great power of body if your father is to send you money you rogue why should you steal my father is a ruined man an swered falntnot his bouse and loom have burned he choked again oawin feeling more exhausted than ever made shift to keep faintnots nose and lips above water until the rescue boat arrived row for life lacs he bade the sailors when he had been pulled over the side to safety my servant here is half dead thereupon falntont collapsed in the bottom of the boat having swal lowed much salt water he presently became very sick and very ready to believe that he was indeed dying oawin on tale other hand felt new strength surge through his veins the boat returned to shore and he hauled falntnot ashore in amp and abject state only to flnd william may- hew among the crowd who had has tened to the landingplace father said oawin mhe stolen money is hidden in the attic and falntnot barstow has sdhethdng to confess to you oawin waited until he heard the wretched falntnot make a faltering confession and then he hurried away to his nome on middle street he rub bed himself down put on dry clothes and had just time to cheer dick with a word of assurance that the truth was out when master mayhew arriv ed richard said the master you are forgiven for the theft of the ham and you did not steal the money see to it that you walk more corcumspeouy from now forward for you see to what heavy suspicion your wanton behavi our has brought you dick took both the pardon and the warning wath a manly face having the wit to say nothing then he left the room- and william mayhew made to oawin what was for him a remark able confession oawin he said i misjudged those two youths falntnot barstow is perjured and graceless knave you will not send htm awayajkb no replied his father and fched slightly i can deal with him here after a moment he added oawin my son how did you bring that subtle villain to confess oawin looked up with a little pale smile that made him very like his father sir he said gravely for his souls good i did persuade him h ere an dtk ju ere forty british sportsmen will make up five parties which have arranged to fish trout and salmon on the miramicni river n b miring 1932 according to an nouneement by the provincial director of information and tourist travel canada shipped more than 6 000 000 pairs bf rubber and rubber soled boots and shoes valu ed at approximately j4i08100 to more than 80 countries during 1911 according to iniormation given out by the dominion depart ment of trade and commerce ravelling canadian pacific aross the dominion from detroit and visiting niagara falls toron to ottawa montreal and saint john prior to sailing by s s mellta lor their home countnes eight european ford motor dealers wete lavishly entertained at all itieb they stopped at s s montclare the snip that inaugurated oanadlan pacific ocean passepger service at halifax this winter altar a lapse of twenty years saluted the port with a shrill blast of her whistle good friday evening when she ended her last visit to maritime ports for the 19111932 trscotlsnd will send ajkoffldal trade mission shitd nadathuo spring with a vieww developing closer business relations vieji the dominion over a hundred scot tish arms have already booked apace on the ship which has been fitted out for the purpose by the corporation of glasgow her majesty queen mary and her two sons the duke of york and pnnce george showed great interest in the canadian industries section at the british industries fair at olyropia london on the occasion of their visit the royal party was received by hon g howard ferguson high com missioner for canada the highest canadian mountain kt ascent was made in march when russell h bennett of mln neapolis clifford white of banff and joe weiss of basher accom plished the unprecedented feat of climbing to the peak of the snow dome rehtre of the vast columbia icefields the peak is over 11000 feet above sea level bargain rates are forecast foi western lines of the canadian pacific railway said c b foster passenger traffic manager of the railway on his recent arrival in winnipeg after an official visit to the pacific coast the successful experiment in popular low rates excursions in eastern canada this year has invited consideration of extension of the project to the west he added in continuance of its policy oi intercity visits between tn msjor centres of population in eastern canada the caaadian pacific railway will on annl 8 operate one of the most ambitious of these projects by running 1 round trip excursion from toronto to mont real at a cost below onefourth of that of the ordinary return fare there is every indication of heavy participation in the excuraioit all canada as well aa many interested mining men in far dis tant lands will have an oppor tunity of listening to the speech ol his excellency the governor general the earl of bessbofough to be delivered at the annual banquet of the canadian institute of mining and metallurgy at montreal thursday evening april t it will be broadcast over 21 nation from halifax to vaneou ver over the lines of the commu nirations department of the cans dian pacific railway 83s in bed with backache two yean ago i suffered with evrrr paiiis in the tonal of my hark mnd could with difficulty bold myself upright at times i had to go to bed for a vnrk at a time 1 went to and from ltkpital for 8 moiitlts and they cert ni nly dd me good imt they told me 1 1 y could not keep giving me medk ine but that i needed complete rest for 6 months awtty from the children i could not bring myself to be parted from the children so l did not go to hospital any more i started using kruarhen salts ana have rud no trouble with my back since mrs w kruarhen contains vital salts that go right down to the root cause of barkache soon after you start on kruachert the sharpest pajns of backache cease as you persevere with uk uttle daily dose the twinges become less and less frequent until bnaoy you hardly know what an ache or pain is then if youre wise youll prevent the possibility of a relapse by continuing the tiny taste less pinch of kruscben evvry rooniing when a aouthbound car crashed irsto ttie havy rack which fonn kee pookavlue was driving south on no 10 jilghway ssrturday mr keeto son wlubun wfib was waftdng bemnd the rek to jump to fr about mile ftuifaer n one of tte 1mm in the team wuopsedvand kred irvine oootanrlj ketetrthfitftiaw had to draw the wrinlal home on jl 4tone- bomt the jtone la atlu suhw btrt vmnx got tap the new way to buy coal bine coal let the color be your guide no shovelling required automatically screened and loaded standard anthracite in all si select lump smithing and cannel john mcdonald gmnojctqlvn edward dough widely known i ouelpti reside and prominent in industrial ttrolos ned in the general hospital ouetph on sunday last af ter a brief illness born in england i mr olough who was in his offeyawn year had been at resident at ouelpti tor tbe past twentytwo yearn fori twenty years he had been basperln- beradent of the ouelph wonted and i spinning mufe spring rhfes by betty barclay spring calls for lighter dishes par ticularly if we wtah to avoid spring fever an annoying malady that fol lows the continuation of winters heavy diet into wanner weather etalarts raw vegetables fruit cups and that good old standby rhubarb pie are in order hele are two exceljpnt new recipes jellied rhubarb pie 1 package quick setting gclatid6s sert lemon flavor 1 cup boiling ifater i cup orange juice 2 lbs young strawberry rhubarb is cups granulated sugar out rhubarb in oneinch pieces steam in double boiler ur41 tender but unbroken add sugar when near ly done dissolve quicksetting gela tin dessert in nailing water measure any juice from rhubarb and add water if necessary to make cup add to gelatin add orange juice chllh un til it begins to thicken and then fold in carefully the pieces of rhubarb pour into small baked pastry shells and chill until arm garnish tops with meringue or a rosette of soften ed cream cheese cream cheese and vegeiakle salad 1 package oldcsettlng gelatin des- bert lemon flavor 1 teaspoon salt l teaspoon paprika 4 teaspoon celery sah i oup boiling water cup cold water cup vinegar 1 cream cheese 2 tablespoons milk 2 teaspoons minced parsley 1 teaspoon grated onion v teaspoon paprika s cup small thtnlyaliccd beets 1 cup cooked u beans mixquick setting gelatinj andleason- ings add boiling water and mir until completely dissolved add cold water and vinegar oool soften cream cheese witn milk add parsley onion and paprika add 4 cup or gelatin mixture ohil remaining gelatin until it be gins to thicken add beets and wax beans pour into melon mould arid chill until ann then pour cream cheese mixture on top of ths to fill mould chm until firm golden glow dessert 1 package lemon junket 1 pint milk 1 cup stewed apricots prepare half the lemon junket with half the milk accoiidng to directions on package pour into five individual des- l scrt glasses rub ths stewed dried apricots through a sieve and swipten to taste when liie junket is flrm add a layer of apricots cover with the other half of the lemon junket prepared as the first when firm set away to chill hsney ambnuia salad serves 1 v dip 4 or 5 orange slices in sllghtly- warmed honey which has been plac ed in a flat bowl or saucer then dip both sides of slices in coconut ar- lange on a bed of lettuce and gar nish with dots of canned or maras chino cherry pieces i baked orange relish for meat iservcs 08 2 large oranges 3 or 4 sfices canned pineapple 1 teaspoon cinnamon 8 whole cloves teaspoon nutmeg cup pineapple juice 13 cup sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice slice oranges chin using skin and pulp cut up pineapple jcombme all ingredients and place ui glass or earthen baking disb teaks lnmoder ate oven or j to 2v hours this is delicious relish with meats you s should be discontented t hat man or woman who is completely contented is in a sorry state every man woman and child should have aspirations desires for something higher and better than is now possessed it is godlike to be discontented poverty pf mind and estate is a manifestation of contentedness laborers if they were properly discontented would raise the character and quality of their work and would receive higher pay men and women in salaried jobs doing manual or clerical wosk are unlikely to receive prorriotion if they exhibit contentedness those who go farthest and highest in the worlds estimation are they who have the creative impulse plus initiative they are those who strive tfcrjjossess or reach what is beyond them things beyond us are made known to us by and in advertisements advertisers dangle in front of us electric refrigerators electric laborsaving domestic mec hanisms personal charm and beauty the pleasures of travel fine furniture and furnishings the vigor and benefits of better health cultural occupations and re- creationa higherpaid employment and the ways and means by which we can make our time and labor give us more money and more leisure advertisements are designed to stir us out of bovine content by putting pictures before us pictures of the imagination these pictures create longings in us and longings find a way of translating themselves into purpose ambition and resolution n ot the news not the stones not the information not the entertaining and educational articles contained in newspapers and pushers of us toward something better and higher its in them they are urgent and narrow-pur- vivid they are deliberately devised to make us do magazines are it is the advi posed and something perhaps contentment is permissible in those who have reached their seventieth birthday but those young er than 70 who say they are completely content merely say that they have collapsed mentally and physically ideals change desires change objectives change but never should any of us be contented andweh never be contented if we keep reading advertisements pictureful pressureful advertisements let us all be grateful for and to them advertisements are the foes of contented men and women this advt lsapo by the canadian weekly newapansra asaocjahon x bb i

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