Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 20, 1932, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixtysixth yew of pnuwtinn x the georgetown herald wednesday evening april 20th 1932 1jsq advance 200 to uaa the georgetown herald j ml mooke member canadian weekly newspaper aaaoclatkw cnr time table standard time going east passenger and mai lojo ajn passenger 3j9 pm passenger and mail 6j0 pjn pausenger stops or passengers going bast and toronta 956 pjn sundays going bast passenger is p passenger m 4 sul pjn passenger 955 pjn gota west passenger and mall 7js ajn passenger a passenger u passenger and maif 6js pm passenger sunday 3i pje passengef sunday pjn- matl and mali and going nerth assenger going swath s5 a sjspjn arrow indtuseb bus sqvke leave oeorgetown daily westbound ftvso am 1u0 an 9us0 nm 7j0 nm ouo pan dally ex- caps flatimlay saturday only an pjn 1050 ajn saturday sunday and hon- daya only leave oeorgetown dally rtaathoimrt 730 ajn 1006 ajn uo pm ao p fa30 pjn woo pjn saturdays sundays and holidays only reduced fares to holders of season tickets ttokkt8 and infoauianoif at lonqs dastflng bhlliant straight eight il rioddced in canada daoarba x 7 bonapot sis en s7horsepowar baht roomier sounovproofeol fbhsr bodies ride wlissanj liufnoiarl syncromash transmission iiaiii rj aatotnsba choke and many crow ojou j n oneill son obobx3ktown oldsmobile 6 8 directory lb eoiiuu georgetown ontario offices gregory theatre bide mm st clabknce h wiggins sauehar nesary paas offices oneill block georgetown telephone 15 graham atauaa aa bowybr brampton ontario k o graham k b oratiam c h bowyer kennkeh m langdon barrister saifcttar netary panta pint mortgage money to loan offices- main street sooth phone 88 f jl watson djxs mjkjb marion raubst office hours to 5 b altexsioons f jl hkath udlsl djojs offloe in lane block one door north of cneule oarriaee factory hours 0 ajn to pjbl avkss lamb practtcax matebmjttt nidk8x by day or week par particulars phone avr oi mputiiani r b no 2 qxxtgetown g oing to europ ocean fares greatly reduced 3rd class single montreal to british ports 6000 3rd class round trip montreal to british porta 10800 tourist single montreal to british ports 8400 tourist round trip montreal to british ports 14800 fnfl hrfus illation of sailings and rate from walter t evaos canadian pacific cunard white star and other ocean steamship companies chiropractic -nebjson- taw caanaaaitai palmer oraduate u years practice mo mfdtcmn 8urgery osfaouatl xdlrvy service offlee over dominion store monday wednesday and saturday 2 to 5 and 730 to svjo pjn other days and hours by appointment lav i ii i uaj p frank fetch ucbnsbd for the oa a peel ai txuuipt ouisue ohexenham 2rts oeorgetown ors post offlee flhrtwml c mcclure anctaoneer real bstate ilercbandlse and for terms ptoone 98 r s oeorgetown ontario monumits pollock a ingham cafjt ont qudbtery dbcunb df hbatb btatb the hsattrl record of uu canadian industrial rlam i more remarkable than that ifatsuiut among the industrial population of the ordted elates such la the atamans made by the bureau stahwrlni of the metropoutan uftu wtueh points out that tn the txnnjed states the deahraw in 19si amonr the mdua- z trial population was two per cent above that at una as compared with seven per cent below in canada dur ing the same period the decline lnf daathrate tn canada in umlsajb the bureau ot statlatks was- particularly remarkable in the case of messlns scarlet fewer dtphthr erla pneumooia tuberculoals and to teettnal trouhjea in cozopartng the aeathrats from theae jliiraw tn ltm with those of ims we uh a de- oune in mm at 56 per cent to ineasssm at 35 per cent tn scarlet fever of per cent in diphiheria of 18 per cent tn pneumontsv of 21 per cent tnber- otuoals and it 37 per cent in mlist lnal troubles or diarrheal o tbe bureau of btathsics adds the tollowtng comment oraat pragnas has been made te otnada tn reduc- tog the deainrate for daarrneal this decline is use i of evidence that pa in as r tone teedlngot children fa advancing in a roost tacouraednst manner jotamyteactiev can anyone be nunfahed ar arjinetlung char dhlnt dot teaser why of course not- prayers i dont uke patient in natures hospital ora a prometheus chained to a rock as an 1 1 do not like to hear him pray eagles living prey or even a statue who loans at twenty- five per cent unchanging and for then i think the borrower may see that countenance bright under be pressed to pray for food and the first flashlight bom the outrun- drink iners of the king of day then flush and in that book we all should heed lor fade id the shadows of its slkll 1mb younger obnkration which says the lender as sure as i have eyes to read it does not say take interest i do n6t like to hear him pray on bended knees about an hour jor grabe to spend aright the day who knows his neighbor has no hour id rather see him go to mill and buy the luckless brother bread and see the children eat their fill and laugh beneath thelr humble shed i do not like to hear him pray let blessings on the widow be who never seeks her home to say if want overtakes- you come to me i hate the prayer so loud and long thats offered for tbe oruhnns weal by him who sees him crushed by wrong and only with the lips does feel i do not like to hear her pray with jewelled ear and silken dress whose washer woman tolls by day and then is asked to work for less such pious shavers i despise with folded bands and face demure they lift to heaven their angel eyes then steal the earnings at the poor i do not like such soulless prayers if wrong i hope to be forgiven no angels wing them upward bears theyre lost a million miles from heaven be blest i contour or of the clouds floating far the old man df mountain the grave and colin range who guard over peak and jasper national inmcuntsvin of jas- i park is not die- by ms altitude for in its com- neighborhood it is three thousand feet humbler than mount edith cavell while mount robeon overtops it nearly ave thousand feet nor is its position except for its haunting inescapablllty especially out standing in an eden of excellence the unique thing about avis that milelong face unturned to the sky it to so rnarvelously distinct in de tail as to renund you of dequlnceys word that for terror or c overhead now drip with perspira tion under a slow or sudden now light in tbe dying embers at sun set and at nlgntfuj harden into rigidity against an overcast sky lie in spectral response in the moon light or perchance in darker hours slyly take a drink out of the oreat dipper of course the old man has his vari ant moods bts long face is no sign of superior piety or of a morose dis position- be dees not look like a an well one tune- at counsel great saint and we would not call we sneered inyouchb elation him a great saint and we would not call him i great sinner we rather think he is a jolly old man looking on the bright side- of life thougn seri ous enough on oncastpn for cwsmnlf watch tab makeup for- the stage on which he appear- he dikes a foggy day now wrapping up his head as if taking a nap now covering himself from bead to foot wtth a dense sod downy blanket t0 vapori now his head emerges leasing his body sah under the downy wrap now be tucks the coverlet trader his cheek and chin now he folds a muffler around his throat now he heads hut ker chief fa ins nose as tf hiding a yawn feigning a sneeae now he inhalns and emits from ms close lips a volume of fogsmoke as if toe had just finished initial cigarette moreover be is so human that you feel as if he hears the laughter of hikers and h riders or trails the n ashing dttves of the gol fers on the green at the lodge the honk of the cats speeding over the nonskid taraand road and foe whistle of the orsfhnental unused it halts on its way from ocean to this younger generation seems to mock at all our preaching to want to build its house of dreams wihhaut our wiser twaching it looks at us with cool disdain and scorns the bints were giving weve lived of coarse but all tn vain what do we know of living- we are tbe kuljoys of the place wbd cry beware of strangers sin lurks behind use anilmg face the streets are full of dangers bo poor on fogies that we are we sit with fingers drumftng the pate depair ray pa and ms who dread what next is coming we corned the om who would advte to seek our own salvation so why should we grow sorely vexed or trouble seek to borrow theyll be tbe killjoys of tbe next glad age which starts tomorrow f the good advice their needing not tbevji very soon he giving and near their children wonder what they know of hfe and living notes and comments wuos paying petert oolteottora are deucevuy slow tax fact quite slow so say onllertion asynrlw eustnasa men sod even doctors- in spite of this undisputed utffjoulty in obtatn- ing satisfaction for just debts we find sports palaces of all lands holding thelcapsoltw c night after night and use fans paid for their a what in the world is the matter wtth whenyon are building is the best time to snake your home safe from the damage fire can do order timeandiaboar saving gyproc wajuoard for all 10161101 walm mgf and nvnlitiotts vvbetti i ebsuueiliit extra ace amy be gained by caridiiig the attic and base- it with gyproc partitions yon can paper it or panel ft if yon wish and it is an ea base for gyptex or ausmstme c ont georgetown ont hydro hedric system best light bulbs of all sizes guaranteed orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds offfi town hail nothing surpasses the tvmsui face here nature with her sharpest tlve chisel has carved a face outclass ing the sphinx of egypt the lion of lucerne or tbe confederate cmefs on stone mountain in sculptural skin nature has here excelled herself also for old- man mountain is mare clear- cot than the stone face in new eng land the grandfather mountain in north oaraltpa caesars head in south oaraans or the sleeping oiant in yellrxvstona yet the old man of jasper far and high and old as he ts we dnd to be not weird but winsome not vain but venerable nbt cold but cc able indeed he is so human that our eyes come book to him again and again as we wander for daws through garden of grandeur yonder to the north from the town of jasper lechnes the colin oolossus the right side of the face is turned toward you there fa the mouth mant forehead tbe jagged eye brows are inclined and exposed strata the nose is a ridge of rock prm lng in a great cliff the iigper and lower up fit close together at the mouth the ehtn unheaves in a mas- srve boulder there a stianp de pression under the chin and the right jaw which is anatomlcauy correct though giving tbe old man a gaunt and starved look- the ear js hlnden a bare hint is it that we may have the gender wrong on a dear day from a vantage ground like oldford point you can see tn stone outeropp- lrsjs that right eye even to tbe lashes and the puff under it and what ap pears to be a wart on the old mans nose directly be the eyes if indeed he has another eye wtstte the back of the head slight ttevatod is sunk in the pillow of a peak the bulk of the body covered wttb a seamy quilt and bulging above the breast stretches full length along the sky line eastward generally the old man is swarthy but he colors under the direct rays of the sun you observe brcwr and pink on tbe forehead and cheek while around the chin mere is a green ish hue and the grey elopes adjac ent northward snggest a goatee it you are looking from such am eleva tion as the oavell highway as a rule you must give your tma- ginatton tree rein and much liberty to recognise the statuary in natures vast and varied studio but the old man of jasper needs no vlsiua tn advance or belabored frntmdutilon af ter your arrival you recognise him at once as ewe recognised adam in bden for there was none other like him tn all the world as you gase up at the old man on a summer day you may wonder why they call him old is there not the strength of youth in every line and lineament of bis manly masterful face what but elastic youth could face such a struggle of the elements waning against it from the feathery apowflakw scatter ed by titan storms to uweatapults of li touried by mtgbrcr jove and think of such an endurance test aa be has stood and still sbmnda and will stand for ayel beyond a doubt it takes tbe vigor of the raorxrjng tape to star tn the gypmajiiirm of creation by keeping balance on a ridgepole of the rockies so why not call him the young man and yet take another look at htm what youth ever had such a long face and you notice he keeps his bed all the tkfte moreover he lies so still that you mtght suspect turn to be rhi tk or paralytic perish the thought but it may be that he dopes etoerl and that snowpatch on pate it must be a bald spot father time has garnered too closety or be the bandage cor a poultice on but aching forehead when you come tp think of it that shrunken cmawls evidently due to age and that cluxnp of grey beard tells the same tale and when the winter snows robe these rrfjorious ajnks9ds in spouees esttune the old man ashen and whitens and for a fact looks old besides when a geogiogts wtrbrpers to you that the old man ns tmrn long boge adam and a thelogtan wtmmm0i a s doubt no ksaer b rs owtsaa old not fllmrtatrtr hw tlw qm sww wwswcwawewavavag a w sjqtmtatn of jasper and j to won at a r a of necessity you look up to the om man from every road and ridge as yon roam the valley th fasfli you have no m to he liar to pat him cn aha head or stroke his cheek or pun nlfc heard m person- na aharnvn ilks a child on ins lathers sues nor mpmttasslon htbexty surgeon remlaytng an aygmwatfng growth or a dantast pulling a tootnv a barber shavtng a stubby emn not to the least bance while you hike to the top of owfort point and ride to the crest of signal and yearn for the heights of oavell you never think of crawling over the face of tbe old mant it is a matter of innate and irautaral respect you keep your distance and be keeps his ami then there is vnore tdsre 1 the mapmttfon of a pres ence that overlooks you night and day you plod your way aweaiy op the trail you paddle your through tbe prnwuniss ripples of lac beauvert you cross tbe swollen athsrhawoa swirling towards the aietn ocean and play aad work mat rest to the townslte and round about and you go to your couch at night with your window open juuthsrward as danaers window was open toward jeraauaiabsjafor always the old on peijasmu guard occaxpies the crest above you moreover that upturned face tuts your own face skyward his eternal gave into the upper sir hints to yon of something beyond mortal ken and so begin like an eagle from a crag on aquila to spread the ptadons of your soul and oasr upward bven so the old man has drawn you to a sweeter sou and lifted you to a loftier level sad given you a longer look into the larger life so ball to the old man mnrrrttatn monitor of jasper and monarch of the oolln range as- he breathes stellar atmosphere looks unwinking at storm and sun smokes arctic clouds and star dust keeps watchful eye on rjrsus major and miner dines from the polar pantry of the muky way makes atwa- sanoe to tbe queen of night wreathe and regales bsmsesf with aurora borealis a great b giant of stone one with the day and tbe night inscrutable rmohanglngl to the old man mountain ball and farewell the sense of moral obligation toony is it erhtem even we wonder plea sure at an coals debts be hanged seems bo be the uuveasal motto what a deplorable co when people adopt suoh an atttttxde of rrreapo sunilty our whrds eoravmhc system is the sooner we jack our selves ufv and realise tbe trend of modem nwalsjilu of firing the better twin be for us all almost every pesrsoo would uke to- have tmsnds to go plaees to be consulted courted loah the ques tion is biow do yon set that way simple eno it is who are the folks that people uke who are to de mand who are ahraye happily busy they are che ones wtao are interested in many things and in many people who have taken up actrrttiea who stir out and try to heap tn the worlds to better contritions to heap others it is easy enosajh to be lonely neglected fotwotten just uetonsc satfoentered do not take up any pedal mteawjts do not join with others in trying to pot anything ao- crots do not exude jortng sytnpathy and by to gtve a lift to anybody whether you wol be eorloro or sought after depends on you- xf you are recluse you will not meet or the nice people about you and they vul not know or anprecdateyou if you storcerety uke folks and nave kin dred interests with tdhem and and plan with them you wtn have mends ttxeres not sv chance to the world of a public spirited person be- ooming lonely good citizen tftesun life has a big stake in the hfe ff canada where ashgrove pollowtng is the report of a s mo 9 ebtiuestog aabgrova the naxses appear to order of merit no exam inations were held at master to any grades except the sr ib and jr ii on account of fulness sr iv mary atesapder uoyd fish er basel nhkwfl sr rn bdlth wrtswlesworth t7 charlotte wilson 77 angus asc- nabb 71 jr m marlon rjsck oieave wu- mm wullam bradley robt alexander nmoy bnddeu wtp aleasndsr john bradley roy bradley jr ii frances wtiaesworth 7 wao sr i marlon bradley promoted to jr v ward brown- ridge ifargaret ajemnder jr prtjouglas ourrie and betty ruddeu v ruth k omen teacbee lenw11xjams of junior room of wuuams pufbuc school nasnes acpear in order of meru it curss bona bua bennett henry ixirrtrrmn doreen wujett oeorge brythe and norman ridley tbrnfly hadley jackie craw ford marjory pry joe moltsnemy and wjburn ltfuuanent oeorge kason robert dawleasn bud bsd roy marchmera oerald moody and vernon klrby absent sr i bona jan ofcvjmrm bqlle norton otynn staerasn raymond addy onarotyne davidson pass wlnruo wlbett ujy lawauy laurenxe beauroont harold fsohenk doreen umtfn john wa doro thy cnarkiv- bllty a norton absent prhneraans mudred sason as- trld christensen xtvhrn oaaton bhly isley marjory schenk- pasa irene corner and ltjihseen buck verna louth mary wulett stanley dickenson mehrrh beaimkmt ruthrie norton hereto preston absent ourstomer you nude a mistake bank never make nrnsj takes here sir oostomer then ttt much obliged for the extra av m t son anaid i msw kakloon ww jua v matin vjmthe algbt o ern w ttm a vsny tsat m r jearn tn estml ttdajr daar now bad sj mg etawosur when rvepnnsfb- uty rests heavily upon those who are to public office fran the prune minister down to the towmship coun cillor there te apt to be fire of criticism some people think df tbe town or to council as body of small lu but after au the local municipal body has to do with tbe things which affect every day life and is therefore pr the most important institution of govern ment so far as the indlvkdual is con cerned tbe rural oounjcuior serves the pubsto for little or nothing often times his oxuy pay oonaasbs of a lot of bitter and m uncalled for criticism bat he b s tbe non- 11c weal and as a good csasbu township and town clerks too though they get a small salary ere public servants who play parts bi me arfxalrs of rocnt tfheb- duti are e nv milring vnuch anowtafege and exos- rience the real wortrj of our town- town eaby b not asways appreciated kasaintalnss9l k hat 5000 sbfloyaes k pays l in taxes over 600000 k irmm vested ever ssook0000 in csuimnami mt 4t4oaat canadians have a big stake in the si life lad year it paid to caagdiia policy- 4 mmtrg of tstajf ovwrajbs over 8toiooa dsvias thh aamanoai it will pay to c ortnth tji atoio bsa 90000p0a every bendary undtrm sun ijft polity refssver society o a jpouudmt claimant for public ttuef sun life assurance company of canada hadobvwmonmal ai adds spring to your step shredded itat jfwirci 1w camadum vvhear comtamy lis obcat nvavjtas m mcw monggii hot for yearn has pnfbuo tn in the new ear inbdest been us great ag this year attendance at all the larj ger motor shows was most erscourag- ing from the rrtendtxrtrrt of those whrj expect to see totenst cryetalixe into safes latter on wird from bsujtex where oerneral ifotoa of canada re- cently held their anfltlgfe salon telav of an attendance of m0 people at the display in the novaeootian hotel actual sales wan good and the bst of prospects quite satisfactory nrajuy imm vtsstlno cars canada will soon have to start bak ing extra milliners of loaves of bread extra millions of pounds of and storsmg op the pantry generally onmpany is owning this year as unuai motor toortscs form the thrlted states 111 throne tbe highsraya the dorntnfon ifa the great summer plaffground of che autoroobos and there seems no reason to doubt that the cuatotnary tofluat win eooh last year a total of 90 oars entered oaxstda from the united tsatts qr touring purrjoses a of wsjtoo comgaerd with mso of the total 3gaa cam en tered for a days run itestsa ror a sday period and 741 for a period up to six months ontario attracted vl7k ears quebec m5jsb brunswick smmtes pitace island the seagut tudand province had onb- one siaomnhttri entered from the united states during year it admitted for a sbrtyday psrlod vessarfosd the bows bbsihass is duuy scissors grtoder looking up declared the omer dead said the undjertaker pine- said the jodm looking better ssc the beauty doctor qsatr sam tbs car rotten said ttm pretty sotv salq we amttrsav i csan- osjtf sam the vara to best- said b rju asw saw said the nrjask- aald the rnbo uoung brtatser aakj the boot- thepraachsr tstkvrftsm i who ilk aaa worjdpc have v eyes ejcamined by o t walker dosc eyesight spetaust branipton who will be at watsons drug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month pbokb wat80kt8 drug srfoatx for aptodfrmknt or yaw aaay n o t waudtjt at ids oates tn 1 the nswsssrstarls of i 4 you save 10c lb red rose 1 at the new reduced prices is great value no omrrtce lb red laiel 25c oc how iborage peloe 38c 43 this very superior tea is now yonrs ad ahout the price of cjieap balk if you exeegt to sell you must advert yy s u

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