Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 27, 1932, p. 2

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jt page 2 the gcmgct herald wednesday evening april 27th 1 932 rj the all canadian breakfast shredded heat delicious healthful economical satisfying madm in canada utith canadian whaat the canadian shredded wheat company ltd roval purple stock and poultry remedies calf meal protein concentrate for making your own laying meal we are distributers for georgetown and vicinity of ihese well known preparations and carty a full stock danns drug store phone 327 georgetown mccalx and butterick patterns the home ot belter brake service following our policy of last year we again invite the motorists of this vicinity to have their brakes tested free with a tapley meter we wish to call your attention to the fact that we are experts on bendix steeldraulic hydraulic and mechanical braking systems reuning or adjustments made prompt service speiglits garage the motor experts died lindsay at limehouse on saturday april 23rd 1032 mary lindsay hart one saturday april jtsrd at his lauc residence port credit james a hai beloved husband of kva melvinand late of ingram and bell cross at ouelph april 33th laa in ills 82nd year wm henry cross husband of isabella j barber for merly of oravenhurst and ge town obituary v mary undsay the sudden death or mary lindsay at her home in lunehouse last sat urday april 23rd removes one of ks- quesings most hlgttly esteemed cttl- sens deceased was a daughter of the late mr and mrs james undsay and trie last remaining member of the family she was born at ltmehouee and nod lived there her entire life- she was a lifelong member of tne presbyterian church in which she was an active worker and her death is deeply regretted by many triends the funeral took place on monday afternoon when the remains were in terred n the family plot inumenouae cemebery the service was conducted by rev dr howard assisted by bev pr mccoll and rev mr caldtwell thepallhearera were wto oowdy john nlckell j r undsay jos me- qowan root deughty dr meooii mluon buried m greenwood the remains of the late w h cross for many years a resident of stewart- town and georgetown were interred tin greenwood cemetery- georgetown this afternoon mr cross passed away at guelph on monday april ftstb- another resident of georgetown for some years j a bart passed away at his home in port credit on april aod and was burled in gree ceme tery here on monday dinner there was a good attendance at tne annual dinner of st georges church held in the sunday school room on monday evening rev w g o thompson rector was chairman of the evening and spoke jwords of welcome to the visitors and ttmembers present grace was sung and all partook of a delicious darner wen served on tastily decorated tabels ad orned with many mbaisture mags bear ing tne cross of ex george the gathering was then favored with two violin selections by mr jack thomp son accompanied fay mrs w f ley on the piano which were much ap preciated rev mr thompson then introduc ed the speaker of the evening ber g w tebtas of burlington old man sunshine of radio station qkoo it was a real pleasure to listen to old man sunshine as he took his audience on a trip to and around eng land describing many incidents on the voyage and slpat seeing trips la the old land hu address was produc tive of many hearty laughs but while dealing with the bright side the speak er did not fan to leave with bis hear ers inspiring thoughts regarding the more serious side of life it was a splendid address and those who did not hear tt missed a rare tr the evening throughout was a splendid success and marked another enjoyable and profitable evening at st georges rev mr boyd of mortal and mr a kirk spoke briefly during the even ing a hearty vote of thamri was ten dered rev- mr tehbs the ladles for the everlknt menu pqovldedl and others who entertained mens bible clmss and tuxis boys held successful banquet the mens bible class of the united church together with the tuxis boys and g of the congregation as sembled in the heaemi church last thursday night for their annual banquet and gettogether about seventy sat down to beauti fully decorated tables laden with del kious foodwhich showed wonderful taste by the ladies who assisted at the banquet after everyone had partaken to the fullest of the sumptuous repast mr david wilson president of the men class and tnastmast of the evening called the gathering to order and an nounoed the following toast ust the king responded to by the staging of god save the king the church proposed by mr arthur dayfoot and responded to by rev mr rumley j the sunday school proposed by mr wtoa long and responded to by messrs nell cummings jack mac mien and praser ur at tins juncture in the programme mr wilson spoke very highly of mr maclarens interesting work in the church and specialty as leader of the mens class he asked htm to accept the faawwsv sincere thanks and as a ismsili token of appreciation mr lbrown on behalf of the class present ed mr machuen with a travelling set mr maelaren who was quite taken by surprise thanked the gentlemen for their very generous gift and said he was glad to have the privilege of toe- in leader of the mens class of the un ited ctorch and would- do all in his power to- make it a auoreee mr maelaren then introduced mr e d otter of the national council of canadian young mens christian as- sedations and guest speaker of the evening mr otter delivered a very inspiring and interesting address on the place of the qhurch and sun day school in the new social order kfrr evans then proposed the toast to tne ladles which rata respond ed to by miss tnman during the evening vocal and in strumental n were given by the misses mcuntock and messrs jack armstrong ralph boss and david wuson mr a maelaren was the ac- thc annual public school entertain ment held on tuesday and thursday ofbefevetttngs of last week was one of the best yet given by the pupils and was enjoyed by out many citiziens who packed the large auditorium of the school at both entertainments the mother ooose operetta was given by the junior pupils of the school and the parts of mother goose jack and jill peter pumpkin eater contrary mary jock sprat and other mother goose characters were clever ly taken by the girls and boys of ten der years the music was under the direction of miss harrison while the various teachers of the grades gave great assistance jn assembling the dif ferent parts and in training the child ren for trie pretty drills the fresh pretty costumes added greatly to the appearance in the final grand march the prizes given hy the school board to those taking the highest saandingf t runen pfi at the last elntrance examination were w presented by mr john d kelly chair man of the evening those receiving prizes were frank bolger ian mac kenzie dorothy mcuntock and esther brill mr godfrey moved a vote of thanks which was tendered tne speakers of the evening mr aral onettl one of the commit tee in charge if the banquet thanked the various speakers and artists for their part in the program a vary eleugbttul evening was brought to a elate ay the singing of auld lang syne spring millinery you are conhally invited to inspect our showing of spring millinery inr all the latest styles and colors parkdale lodge visits credit lodge the titanic di8a8tkb t ztsasu ago misses claridge uftstbirs twenty years ago on friday april 15th che ocean liner thanlc on her malrtm voyage from england to mew york struck an iceberg in the afhintki ocean off the american i coast and foundered with an appalling loss of ufe of over twelve hundred p and crew many of the v of the tra gedy were prominent ciliai of ca nada and the tinned states it will be remembered by many the g coast boat lady laurier was die- patched from halifax to assist in the of passengers in life about seventy members of parkdale lodge aj am headed by their worshipful master george puthrie were entertained by credit lodge on friday evening april zznd after meeting bn the lodge boom the com pany were banquette in the library where an excel repast was y the wires of the local mas ons and mayor mackemde welcomed them ha name of the corporation the usual toast list was presented with w bra b qollop proposing grand lodge this was interesting ly lemor to by r w bro peaker of parkdale lodge who spoke of his early associations with georgetown v w bro geo ford then in an le manner unjuo our guests parkdale lodge and called on w bro geo guthrie to reply he was mini iimi lisy received and three cheers were given for the r george town bay he spoke feelingly of the km strwstnerl by the death of major grant and recalled many happy mem- lories of the old days around the mar ket square w bro guthrie also suit ably ulanked credit lodge for the pmwntsrmn of a bouquet of flowers tor bis good lady the toast to the visitors was given by bro m d mackinnon and respond ed to bar w b buuner of eft dennis bro a j mcmaster of antl- public school concert v an excellent entertainment enjoyed by packed houses both evenings the mixed choir the boys choir and others who wlll probably go to milton to take part in the county festival ii may were heard in their respective numbers miss gibson teacher of the junior first class played all the ac companiments of the evening in a very acceptable manner the pupils of the fourth class gave an amusing little play the knave of hearts and this brought an en joyable evening to a close mr j d kelly chairman in his remarks stated that georgetown had the best equipped public school and most efficient staff of teatthers in the county and from the inspectors an nual report we quite agree with the chairman be also stated that the salaries and operating expenses of tne school were practically the same to day as in 1931 therefore the incense in taxation is not due to public school expenditure we are proud of our public school record and congratulate miss ryan principal and her efficient staff of teachers and the children of all forms on the excellent entertainment provid ed the parents and citizens generally the whole program was splendidly produced and most creditable to teach ers and pupils new ford eight admired by many along with many others we had the pleasure of a ride in the ruw ford bight which was demonstraud at a e cripps oarage georgetown by norton motors of acton on thursday afu r- noon last modern slreamlhus charcu urra ow designs of tin bodies for the now ford cars from the vtype radiator slie11 with its grille lo llx fuel tank n tjie rear the streamline effect has been carried out rocf and sill lines arc curvsd and harmonize with the deeply crown ed fenders and long wide running boards a belt moulding runs bark from the radlator the windshield set at a iddegree slant with narrow front pillars af fords excellent driving vision an oval instrument panel with con trols grouped conveniently materially adds to driving ease the spark lever has been eliminated through the use of automatic spark control choke and throttleare conveniently located on a coincidental lock on the steering column secures both ignition and steering passenger comfort is insured by am ple head room and leg room this has been accomplished not only byf using a doubledrop frame but also by hnproyements in the bodies la die we have had many inquiries about our perman- ant wave prices for your benefit and maybe ours here they are bobbed hair r 300 400 500 600 700 growing or long hair qualtty used pads 40o charmainettt 500 vidotone 70o lustre 80o oil of tulipwood 900 every wave guaranteed for appoffttment or further information call at v lillicos erin band concert gregory theatre georgctowp thursday april 28 the following request programme will be given national anthem chairman s remarks march colonel bogy sousa overture the gypsy festival fsklo bandsman r hale cornet solo the roskry bands man wilson accompanied by band descriptive fantasia the hunting scene violin solo bandsman j thompson medley operatic gems from the opera intermission selection h m 8 pinafore clarinet solo bandmaster a per- rott southern medleir in coonland trombone cniarbette bandsmen in the death of bridget garrity beloved wife of john kelly who pas sed away at her residence in toronto on april 19th a former resident of cataract passed away she was a ember of the toman catholic church business seems to have rounded the corner at the local c p b station we are creditably informed that much freight in the way of live stock and potatoes has been moving lately and prospects are bright for the future during the months of may june jury august and september the merchants of erin intend closing their places of business at 13 oclock noon wednesdays and remain closed ull the following morning mrs m babtngton owen sound ontario announces the engagement of her elder daughter florence may teacher on the erin continuation school staff for five years to carroll keith stevenson m d of milton ont younger son of trie kev j 8 and mrs stevenson of kettleby ont the marriage to take place early in may advocate dlgglns clark and thompson irish medley best loved irish melodies vocal solo bandsman c wilson march rellgioso hymn abide with me finale maple leaf regt march the campbells are coming admission 25 cents business 8ummcaky quity and bro t s rul br of oranton w bra orosse of parkdale lodge thanked credit lodge for a very en joyable evening and this was suitably u by w bro d wuson v w bra sam kirk tl picked up scores of bodies containing life belts floating in the ocean wnfke on a press trip to halifax about eight years ago the editor and mrs mows toured the atlantic coast on the lady laurter and met the captain a huge bronzed man of the sea who piloted the rescue boat on thto eventful oc casion which staggered the world with grief some weeks after the tragedy occurred bodies were picked up float ing at sea church news st alhaaa chea plftn sunday after easter and feast of st philip and st james sunday sehool a00pjn evensong j00 pan cap w bradley lieut j sunday next sooday school at is sja hnllnees meeting 11 an sunday sehool and stale class s pjn o tdon meeting at 1 pm tuesday ud home league ladles meeting wed nesday 8 pm public meetmg ah welcome union ctiarrch an evening service under the aus pices of the womens missionary so ciety will be held in onion presbyter ian church on sunday may 1st at 7j0 pan rev mr mrmulan of for mosa will be the speaker rprrrtal music st oeergew chare rev w g o tnompson fifth sunday after faster and of st philip and st- james apostles and martyrs hob- comsnunlon faflo a m sunday school 1000 am boty communion 1100 ua kvensong mo pjn monday tuesday and wednesday are rogation days or days of mtereea- slon for the country and the cropa thursday may 5th ascension day gijenw1ixiams will be held on mothers day may 8th in united the following brief business sum mary for ontario is published by the bapk of montreal under date of april 22nd cold weather retarded uie sale of easter goods amt spring furnishings tne volume of trade both retail and wholesale is below that of last year collections are slow with the excep tion of textile mills which generally are very busy manufacturing opera tions in practically all hues are be low the levels of a year ago the automotive trade has been stimulated by the coming into production of the new ford model and by substantial price reductions announced in a num ber of opier makes operations how ever are substantially under last the surest gui d e i cleab vision f you do not enjoy clear vis ion you will suffer from per formance proci if your eyes smart or burn and re fuse at times to properly focus on near or distant objects you should have them tested at once by an optometrist who is com petent to prescribe remedial len ses for then- peculiar shortcom ings such service you can get here at moderate cost p e robinson phone 7 for appointment or phone 278j or 278w thank you georgetown t n a robinson butcher choice meats poultry butter and eggs at right prices we deliver every saturdaypboke georgetown wlru n a robinson butcher norval ont e now is the time to have it done when prices are reduced your money goes farther you want to spend your money today in the way that will get you the most for it and prices far eave- troughing are at a level where yoiasctually save money by spending now ridge roll pooling water pipes have your roof repaired before the summer rains plumbing a heating you can enjoy all those splendid comforts of modern heat and sanitary fclumblng ot freedom from dirt and drudgery which make the home a source of conveni ence to you and a pride to your family repairing of all kinds why throw away old kettles palls watering cans etc have them repaired and save money au repairs i delivered phone 273w for our prices farmers would do well to phone and get our estimates on their work ugbesf qullty f l mcguvray john st prsapi service the popular priced shop georgetown i m aic m mi teiimtslly uufjctr huh church jwgjjf- year pumlture plants are very quiet i sunday bcnooi win taseiiu nw imj oti t n i ben of tne charge of the service to the morning mrs w j hm has returned from wo where she was visiting her sister mm j marsden mr d masales of pont credit spent sunday with mr and mrs clayton the school children are glad to hear that mlaa mclaughlin la improving and hope she will soon be able to be tssek at school mr george taylor of toronto spent sunday with his mother mhs doste hepburn ot toronto spent ths week end at h toe many friends of mrs will allen are glad to see her much unproved in mr sad mrs mucheu of toronto visited mr sod sirs b hill over the mr t o newton of toronto has started a bakery in our village we wish him every success in his new bus- mr and mrs h hayward and fam ily of ofheltenham visited mr and mrs wagstaffe on sunday mr harold wheeler who has redec orated his lee cream parlor will open it next ashgrove public worship and preaching serr vices st ii ajn and 1 pjn rev a n frith will preach in the morning on the springs of ufe and in the evening on the key of knowledge tne ordinance of lb lords suupei m the morning sunday school 10 am oca m on monday at pm the young will study the work of otarcx prayer meeting thursday wen ss ousg fralg orehsdaboe tsmt gdkwgelwwn lumber co jlirivwilawtlitson georgetown ont georgetown ont united rev r w rumley minister nonnsn laird choir lasderc id sunday school and bible classes llfimmrtcv am morning worship theway of social itedmpuon isaiah and tha cross series on tha tntmmsat the prophets 1 pat fiiing sa i the wheat sad the rer matt s lso series on the parables of ju i old hymns sung by the congregation splendk amsto by use ohotr ad srs eve enjoyed tne play- eyea of lmytfmen by the aypa of stew- arotwn on monday april 11th on friday evening april 15th asta- grovs young peoples society enter tained the jbjrnby young peoples society a delightful programme con sisting of papers ant m num bers was given by use hornby young people those taking part were mr neul mr howard w mr clif ford wrigwjesworth moss buth robert son miss isabel wtiggleewarth a social boor of c and game followed after which lunch was served the regular meeting ot the asa- grove v l met on april lfrth hi the hawment of the church mrs cam pbell the dbtrict president addressed the m readings were given by- mrs oecfl wilson and mm neuson stark a musical number was itmder- ad by miss lola oral am the roll call was aimwiiml by a cookie recipe and snnrmlit after lunch there was s buib sad seed exchange on wesfmeswur evening a pragrea iv crokipoie party was held in thel msvzjotjto 4ijrolvch fras weu with sales largely confined to the large departmental stores sales of leather have slowed up slightly with volume about equal to that of last year manu facturers of electric refrigerators are reasonably busy demand has been furthered try the slim natural ice har vest production of hies is falling oil and is now under last year the steel and lumber trades continue st a low ebb prizes offered in tibe contest public asked to estimate member cords ttw wlmm mm injs j cwvjbam gents first mr w wuson fjon- aoatlonatr fred ifetddell ths newxsom aodmands gathered at the rosne of mr sad mnv row land melbourn and ms tom helbourn opthntsixay evening to we thstn hits ths zmlgnkwrhood the evening ass sbtsat a uuiig cards and crok- bverybody likes trying for a prise the challenge to skill and judgement is often as strong a lure as the prise itself whether it be estlrnating the number of beans in a jar solving an intricate puzzle or itnojrfng a name tor somebodys soap there is a sat isfaction tn putting ones brains to work in competition with others the prise contest just announced by the qoodyear tire company offers an unusual opportunity to those who pride themselves on their powers of deduction never before have people been ask ed to estimate the number oaf cords in an automobile tiro some people are not even aware that there are such things ss cards in a tire of course tire manufacturers know that it is the cords that give the tire its strength but it is dvoubtful if even the men who make tires have ever before oounted the number of cords boms ires contain more cords than others pjt this reason six different types and suies of tires havebeen se lected pcptestapts are belnsr asked to estimate ttw average number of cords in these six tires tiie eonto do not show on- the sur face of tire they are irrsbedded in rubber under the tread they are risible when tire b cut la two the ends of ths cords can then kw seep in the rubber tt section of the tire fab ric showing the cords is on lllsoiay st tire stores tbroughout pan ads to palp oontastants in making their estimate and entry forms can be obtalned from the dealer tne announcement states that the correct nusnber of cords ins been as certained toy officials ot the ooodvear qapsnahy sns ba been placed under seal uatll the contest ends sh4ri6reea of the doodyear isstnnany and of all fuller- co arif itptarrad ppm one joss to do wkh ore naanff fwoturlog is eugttoe nils puts artery one on an equaf feoung lbs oontest closes on june 5th and ones of the winners are bo be an nouootd sbortly sfteiwsrds v sssvsssssavsawwsvsa f i vincs i gmtt into urn tn 4a and witj sra cnmii mng i of tuossfy swmtsfc w fc naf pricas t srrast imm gold silver and precious stones kawt bo ptaca fa a g yow i hh n flf fir graatw valoa pi traastara we ilisntaih bamv ea foods foods wil ba w lull i lnajhiag abovo ab pure awl afcosm in pwrliwid ninhy toe so bo down k law shop at carrolls year ulerrl of iwa ynw of b prlcw kw raw ovdw from lki wrafc tm of wmal lioryi carroll s special wsflsuovq bswm tender sieve 4 4 no 2 oc tins 3 cacroiti on bacon dalatily sfitad ii vadwtapfkd lb 16c cwtotfi rlcb old cheese 23c cacrotr twm rolud oats 6 lbs 21c mdmi onow olives v 21c special 1 ayaner cxwice qualtty golden bantam corn 3 no 2 oc tins c3 32c 27c eackes miuat tin 1 5c 1 canoa owa teas 29c 39c 45c 65c special your favorite cheese chateau 2 v4lb pfcgs 27 special rewrttrees olde eagbsh cocoa j4lb tin 19 arbr ctboio tomatoes 3 rgoc i aykwwwai jj1 cans uo ij5c pklclcs 10c i 0ffee ftwaoswad lb 33c 39c 45c wr ar qvra frv b- coco iwti o special oxydol large 1 qc package i vsr aad wtui each pat we ivvoo 1 fakes of kirks com wstsr castile soap frec l s i ffwuis oa f4p s a vrwwa y special price effective til may 4 btsgsjaskssaa jualtty first economy always awsssisw if isiew jbbctfje per lb main street 2sc oranges per dos loc lemons per doz pbooe 357 30c 40c 49c 23c georgetown a i

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