Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 11, 1932, p. 4

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mphifi w f iiiiiatowi j tba geonetowtt herald wad nesday evening may 1 1th 1932 v s the extra mkirsof thatgou superior wira and superior processes of manufacturing build aatra year of service into vry rod of oflbwatt fence that is artaw each rou vwwkbwaxr me an a lifetime satisfaction tulbwayjabs copper bearing steel wira fence cost no wore than lightweight in ferior fabrics and assures yon doable the ufa of ordinary fence o j lb w a y banner steel posts built like a railroad rail aasrjr to aiive no post oolas zinc i fences 1 all -ojibway- farm fence is lhiril tc stand foub i oneminute immersions by the j prsece acid test 2 hade throughout line wires i locks and stayv of fall gauge ztffiatsstaf copper bearing galvanised steel wire x guaranteed full length soils j the ojibway guarantee of service will be gladly ex plained by your dealer no j other fence carries as high a guarantee and at no advance ia price srvice tbebaudoe builder an old num travelling a lone highway came at the evening cold and gray to a chasm vast and deep and wide the old man crossed in the twilight ules qj neeuiig were read and him the sullen stream had no fear for him but be turned when sate on the other side and built a bridge to mh the tide old man said a pilgrim near you are wasting your strength with building here your journey will end with the ending day you never again will pass this way you have crossed the chasm dark and wide why build you this bridge at even- tkle the builder lifted his old gray head good friend la this way i have oon he said there followed after me today a youth whose f eel must pass tbia way this chasm that has been as naught toanoe to that fair youth may a pitfall be he too must cross in the twilight vdim good friend t am building this bridge for him i vt nisjlsm blida and head office ojabway easex county oat first prize essay the following essay written by willa price or georgetown high school was awarded first prise at the recent wc ttj contest held m georgetown it is wisdom te- abstain from the dae of habit fuming drags inchsdrng county council after an interna ol six weeks tan county council met in me house on tuesday april 3titn hal- oourt mill- mortgage saje of farm property under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction subject to a reserved bid c satlleoay may 21st a t- i9 at twotmrty oclock in the afternoon sau ui uie uiu at the mcoibbon house georgetown reports of the standing odmroiueec by prank potch esquire auctioneer ooniinned and special oommnrucatious were also read members present messrs campoell main hall uieave feer naroer appelbe cuxrie hrecx- on uotunson teorden hewon and harris with the warden jkeeve read- iiead in uie cnair f timothy alsike red clover alfalfa mangold and turnip seed the best peocurabte and at right pricea also all kinds of garden seeds georgetown flour feed mills d wcbessey phone 195 georgetown spring millinery you are cottfialvw invited to inspect our showing of spring millinery in all the fattest styles stud colors misses claridge herald block w- 1 a a a 1 1 a a a tu v jt ftl w pvsv mm hydro electric system ewavawasswaws as sa as aaisab s aa aa sa as sa as an aa aa best light bulbs of all sizes guaranteed i orders taken for ranges ano- appliances of all kinds office tiowiihall baabbbbabbbbaaabbiipabbbaaabbabaia a at the most common narcotics or drugs are opium morphine and cocaine these in moderate use relieve pain and produce steep but in excessive amount produce stupour and uncon sciousness every person has a na tural appetite for food and a natural thirst for water tout those taking the drugs mentioned above soon develop a craving for them certain cmninon medicines such as some of the worthless catarrh reme dies which are comprised partly of cocaine cough medicines and the so- called consumptive cures containing morphine are possibly responsible for rairamg people to become slaves to narcotics in patent medicines the amount of narcotics is reduced greatly now and the federal department of heatlh has restricted then- sale these drugs are very injurious to our bodies both mentally and physi cally some people ask does the temptation to drink help men to be strongt they think that if men have to face the temptation to drink the effort to resist it probably helps them to cultivate strength and develop their willpower we find then that drinking is not a temptation in a sense that gambling and falsehood are it causes failure and defeat from which it is easy for people tn their normal senses to ab- staln they use their will power and judgment to turn away from such evils in time the drug- has to be taken in incerasing amounts to produce the de sired effect and tin person becomes a slave to it it need not be said that these habits or evils are very difficult to break all good canadians should guard against this evil and lead others tof ollow the straight and narrow road of life tobacco and its smoke are especial ly harmful to the young it con tains that terrible poison of nicotine when a boy smokes for the first time he becomes very ill thus p that lacco is not required in his body if he persists in nmn be may force himself to become used to it oradu- ally be forms the habit and for it a person who smokes and uses nar cotics is easily wtnded less ambitious while his lungs and heart suffer these results as i have said before are not easily remedied many a good singer has ruined bis voice by con tinual smokirjg- por all those who enjoy life it is best to abstain since these drugs are so harmful those who form a habit of smoking and drinking do so result of their own folly why do people drink intoxicating honor the chief reason is that tneh- nrlends indulge in it it is the social rigtgw tw does it not bring dis grace to ourselves and our family if one person smotcji and drinks why should we then let us show our judgment and willpower by abstain ing- from such harmful evils wula price middle school qbfi were read ana considered iu commit- tee at uie wnole iui keeve blain in tna cnair mr jonn irving addressed the couii cil ui respect to the hill for milton transients lodged in the county gaol wtucn provokcd a lively discussion mr irving agreed that the town of mil ton wouid be quite willing to pay a reasonable cnarge but the iuhlton council were ol uie opinion that the charge oxsevenlyttve cents was ex orbitant mayor dyer corroborated the opinion by councillor irving and bod ed toatln view of the concessions and advantages which the town of milton allowed toe county the county should therefore- give oine consideration to the lvwk sir syer stated chat they were olten troubled with tramps from other districts and he always did his best- to get them to move on before nightj mr robinson lean guite under stand transients being anxious to get to oakvuie before night and i think mr sjer that at seventy-five- cents you are getting on mighty lucky r mayor syer suggested that if the amount for which the county had bill ed the town of milton hi cut in half then tjiey would bp willing to pay it it was anally moved by mr robin son seconded by mr morden that the county accept the offer of the town of milton to pay fifty per cent of the cost of the account as rendered for the housing of transients for 1931 and that a charge of so cetns per head per daj be made for future transients fof every twentylour hours or por tion thereof carried mr poblnson chairman of the edu cation committee submitted his re port and recommended that balance to the various schools be paid as fol lows for the year 1931 burlington oakvlue milton georgetown ouerpb streetsviue rockmood brampton waterdown gooksville 1396336 11362j9 1067598 378347 139728 51396 16875 79136 186088 9508 accidents and compensation during the tnosith of april there was 3518 accidents reported to the workmens compensation board compared with s836 during march and ids during april a year ago the fatal cases numbered 23 as against 25 of last april the benefits awarded amounted to t3s4st7s of which s3sbus8 was for compensation and 8165x87 for medi cal aid the benefits awarded during april a year ago amoymted to 510- 80755 in commenting on these figures r b mortey central manager indus trial accident prevention ftmonialhitis calls attention to increased interest m the whole question of accident prev ention he cites aa an example of this the tact that there were 10ss per sons registered at the safety con vention of the associations tn april and that these came from seventy- three different towns and dues being representative chiefly of the province of ontario although montreal and three american cities new york chicago and cleveland were included conductor you cant take that dog into the ooaou youll havs to put hrm tn the baggage car sweet young thing this is a ammal conductor well aa right take him in but he looks like a dog to me 25 lbs of fat gone mwmmt wart with it a threefold benefit eanw to this woman when she lost unwanted fat u up to a few months ago i was always troubled with rheumauam my joints were getting ma swollen it was rabery to walk i was then 15ft ibm which ia a great deal seeing i am only s it s inches tn height f thought i would try kraehen altbmwh v did not then believe it would reduce weight but i thooght it would perhaps eaae the pain i took balfalraaf wo- ful in a tumbler of boa water each morning and to my great delight i started to lose weight abo pain this i w and waa iso jba which i think an mends are doing to noticeable aim better ia heama the ate aalta aa ink b proof positive my all aaaung me what i am loltook it to and fed a lot mil kiuacben aauat the internal organs to throw off each day a and poisons that encumber utile by little that f yes but surely i palm of iheoaaatiam and nourhst cease yoa sad wonderfully healthy toot and n more so than swatbesonla vovr ussl r t448338 we also recommend acton con tinuation school be paid 385434 be ing the cost of education of county pupils and the levy on acton for high school purposes less the amount paid to ouelpb collegiate for acton piilpls we reco that mabel harring ton of acton he reappointed to toe georgetown entrance board the matter of grants to county fairs was again brought up and as usual resulted in a heated discussion the majority of the council led by mr currie were strongly against milton being given a larger grant than other fains and a motion was finally carried giving a grant of 875 to each fair pay ment to be made the 1st of september on condition that the various fairs continue the matter of the oampbeuvule station was brought up the station had recently been put tn charge of a caretaker instead of a station master as a means of cutting expenses for me cpjt and was canning considerable inconveniences to the public in that district the county clerk was in structed to wlrte to the railway board for further particulars a grant of 300 for the r year 1932 was allowed the agricultural repre sentative the good roads committee in their report said that an inspection had been made o fall the county roads on april 19th and 20th and found the roads in very bad shape owing to toe fact that there had been no snow dur ing the winter and the frost went down more than usual the estimates for the yesu were carefully considered and a total of 6382766 wa sthought neces sary for the construction and main tenance of county roads for 1932 the committee also recommended that a rate of one mill be raised for county roads mr fimltri county roads engineer addressed the council in regard to the estimated expenditure conditions have changed said mr smith what constituted a good road years ago does not do so today prom the day a road is constructed the cost of maintenance begins and if you would have your roads kept in good condition a cer tain t must be paid out from time to time and some form of dust layer is the most economical bad roads indirectly are taking money out of the peoples pockets becuse rough bumpy roads increase the amount of gas consumption and the wear and tear of the car one mill on the dok av was not a bit too much for the work there was to be done a bylaw was mtroduced for the is suing of hrenses to auctioneers some members of the council were tn favor of a 30 annual license while others argued that a 10 license for a period of three months would bring better returns a bylaw to amend bylaw no 488 was finally passed relating to the is suing of licenses to auctioneers every license issued under this bylaw shall be given for the calendar year in which it is issued every person de siring a license shall pay to the coun ty treasurer the sum of 20 unless it shall be after the 1st of october in each year tn which case the appli cant shall pay the sum of 10 for a license it is further provided that during the first year of the operation of this amendment any applicant who is securing his previous license has paid for a part of the first year may have deducted from the cost of his license an amount in proportion to that pair of the year for which he has already paid all licenses issued under this bylaw shall empire at the close of the year in which they are issued bylaw to be effective from and after the pass ing thereof accounts passed and recommended to be paid were as follows hospital and special oonununi- aa 210100 education 4726312 old age pensions 174213 county buildings 12902 finance ljbimb printing 27343 agriculture 30000 the following property namely all and sinoolar those certain parcels or tracts of and and premises situate lying and being in the village of oeorgctown and the township of esquesing and all in the county of haiton and province of ontario and being composed of thirtynine and 62100 acres of the east half of town ship lot nineteen concession i4inein the survey of the said township of esxmesing and now in the village of georgetown and seven and 05100 acres being part of lot twenty of the saki concession nine in the said township and may be- more particularly known and described a commencing at a point on the north easterly limit of the said township lot nineteen dis tant two ohttins easterly from the westerly side ol john street as shown on ohlsholm millars plan dated janu ary 1854 thence southwesterly about north thirtyseven degrees fortysti minutes easj parallel to the said boundary of john street eighteen qtialns arid fortyone links to the northerly boundary of the orand trunk railway property thence north westerly along the said boundary of the grand trunk railway property to a point in a straight line distant bwentyflve chains and fifty unfa to its intersection with the easterly boundary of pajs george mccthulips plan registered june 20th 1854 thence north easterly along the 8outh east erly boundary of said george mc- pnlllips plan fourteen chains vand seventyeight links thence south for tyfive degrees and eleven minutes west seven chains following an old fence thence north easterly along an old fence ten chains and three links to the north easterly boundary of the said township lot nineteen thence south easterly along the last mention ed bjoundary seventeen chains and fifteen links to the place of beginning containing hy admeasurement forty- six and 87100 acres excepting a part of said lot nineteen sold to one bar ker containing 2 s3100 acres descrln- e in instrument no 5702 book l this property is situate on the limit of georgetown haiton county part of it being within the limits of georgetown it consists of about forty acres 40 all cultivated and is said to be fit for market gardening or for dairy purposes there is a bank barn frame dwelling bouse and a garage these buildings are said to be prac tically new and in good condition 4v i v i i 1 i how many supbttwist cords 1st prize 2ndprize 3rd prize 4ti prize 5 prizes each 95 prizes each 104 prizes 1 100000 cash 50000 cash 20000 cash 10000 cash 5000 cash 1000 cash 300000 -sl-vssfes- 01 the avemgegoodfear toe 3000 i- goodyear prize contest the residence is about two blocks from g station terms op 8ale the above pro perty will be put up for sale in one parcel subject as seated to a nesarved bid ten per cent of the purchase money tobe paid at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafte without i for furtb1er particulars and conditions of sale apply to parish pitspatrlck bank of toronto cham bers brcckvilte ontario or to ken neth m langdon barrister oeorge- town on dated at brockvule this second day of may ax 1932 st a s colman general tracking b aad weed general trucking at au garbage removed weekly rates harwood tso mixed rails 2jw smgle cord phone 231 gueoroktown 6348415 a resolution was passed recommend ing that in the future the chairman of the good roads committee and the warden be the committee to pass the accounts of the good roads this fol- ed a resolution to pass a bylaw appointing a permanent good roads qofnmlttee of three members instead i lot five the motion moved by mr currie and seconded by mr appwbe was lost the council adjourned at 030 pjm to meet at the can of the warden here another version of an old mm mary had a little mule arid it followed her to skule and the teacher like a hue stepped up behind the mule and hit him with a rale and then ttiere was no skule money coming in old you ever need money as bad ly as you need it right bowt could you matte use of real cash it can be had by xlera is a nsii in vsiuch you have a chance to win 100000 or any one of 103 other prizes without spending a cent of money simply take a look at the six goodyear tires which we have in a special display these six tires are ol various sizes types and ply- thicknesses estimate the number of individual cords in each find the total and divide by six to get an average submit the figure you get on a standard entry form there is nothing for you to buy nothing to pay a acc of goodyear super- twist cord material is on display to help you make your estimate the exact numfjer of cords in each of the goodyear tires has been deposited with a trust com pany at the close of the contest the correct figures will be disclosed the average of the numbers ob tained by this official count must be accepted as final anyone from a family vherc a caf is owned is eligible to bnter the contest except tire dealer rubber company employees and the families of each closing date june 5th 1932 address the goodyear super- twist cord contest new toronto toronto 14 ontario v j n oneill son pbonk m oeoboetown warning pishing and tftsrsspassino any person fishing or trespassing on the following properties wwst half lot 16 con t east half lot m eon east half lot 17 eon in the town ship of esq wttl be p brant pltminq cob of streams and pond every kelly aiken tse persistent collectors at orangevirxe ontario a list of your debtors dont send deadwood only tf you need immediate cash for naturaljy deadwood is slow to move especially this year telephone no ss eat ism baby chicks 8 o whits ughoknb oac it aggro bocks prom stock bred tor the high est standard in production egg sin and colour body- aba and uniformity and cbasass tree vitality prom eggs averaging at least 24 ounces to the dozen and no egg weighing leas than to ounces to the dozen chick pattern may 10th and after reduction madft on large orders low advertising costs fthts year only 25c per chick make these low prices possible phone feasvoat 41 r 11 ar arrite britannia poultry farm j sandusky soas r r no the new way to buy coal bine coal on orders for or i 1 tan of no extra delivery charges to r norval 8tkwarttown glen williams stone school discount anewe not owing a past imaai john mcdonald oaoaatpvm uii suits amd topcoats mads to aakastjzte r nt guaranteed very reason able prices sana omil asaa piianig 100 an softs of reparrtm done re re- une 8atta and toprnats a rose -7- tahjoat ribroll roofing colored or plain for hniavoa bares abeda asuage council btandard or acorn- oaalhynaay aad quick to lay permanent ptootagsdnat fire free estimates gladly sent send a economical and good red rose tea red label 25 i lb every package guaranteed counte check books a amwsaw waawawamwa i at j s get your supply of counter check books at the herald office nb account too small the banivpf montreal is a bank lor people in every class and walk of life while it has tje resources and fa cilities to handle transactions of the utmost size and ion portanceit prides itself on being a bank where small accounts are welcome ioucan start an interest- bearing savings account with the deposit of one- dollar bankqf montreal establrshed i8l7 baal assets tn excess of 7xoooooo georgetown branch o wilson rvianager jjgij a

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