v j a y sixtysixth year of publication the georgetown herald j m moose pohuaher and proprietor member canadian weekly newspaper association cnr time ti standard time able going bust passenger and mall 1020 am passenger 2j39 pjn passenger and mall 630 pjn paqsenger stops foe passengers going east and toronto 95s pjn sundays going east passenger 13a pjn passenger sos pjn passenger 956 pjn 7j5 ajn gallic west passenger and mau paasenge fti4 ajn passenger 208 pjn passenger and mail 3spm passenger sunday 8m pin passenger sunday 1021 pjn j5 ajn ooinr north mau and passenger going south 2s pjn arrow bus se iikieased leave georgetown dally westbound 8j50 m nso pan 3jb0 pji lso pm 850 pjn dally ex cept saturday saturday only jjj50 pjn i0j am saturday bandar and nou- day only lean osorntown dady aasttommd s30 am daily except sunday 1ud6 am 130 pan 30 pjn 10jo pjn saturdays houdaya only reduced fare to holder of 5rnyn tickets t and doroamaxjon at longs directory is ix soy due banmar and setteuar georgetown ontario offloes oracjory theatre bids aflll st clasknce h wiggins gotantter notary puehe ofnces ovelu block georgetown telephone 1m oubam banman eta ftriiiafrvtp oottazio e q graham e b oraham a h kenneth m langikon iollcltar notary fvuatte first mortspage money to- loan ofoeeav main street south phono 88 georgetown the georgetown herald wednesday ef ening may isa 1932 150 par annum in advance 200 to usjl f b watson mabion onto hourn 0 to 6 except ttn af f l heath iuhi aajxs office la laua block one door north of onedina oarrlase factory hourav a am to turn mis psactioai tatksnitt ntjbsk by day or weak for particulars phone sire oenrjastowa r r no x georgetown chiropractic vmaaaic the chhuaasulat palmer graduate is yearn fvactaoe no m surgery osteopathy iray service offloe onr dominion stan monday wednesday and itaumlaj a to 6 and 730 to j0 pjn other days and hour by appointment frank petch tar taa cheltenham mrss georgetown flrs post oitam qnettenharri c e mcclure anctxaneet baal estate ideronandls and farm the man who needs life insurance most is the man who cannot get it ask any of the 400000 men who an last year ware turned down by the ilia insurance companies when they wanted i an accident or a few dtyt of 111 aest often convert a good risk into a r applicant the policy you can buy today stay not bo obtainable next year wit awn are buying all the life insurance they can while they are still insurable three billions of insurance is carried by the sun ufa on the lives of aaen who refute to take the chance of finding they are ineligible for insurance when my need i mort the time to insure js now sun life assurance coampany of canada montreal tor terms jptwne hrl aiingumeu ontario nuson measly bead jrwjutenuary erection eat tba first canadian peni tentiary or women la near and will pratiably be occupied ua july the new lixatltutlon will provide ac- oornmodanon for 100 women prisoners the project was started more than 10 years ago when a prison wall was erected toe ea was then abandoned about work was again started on ore separa te prison tor women and was apwdnauy pushed long until now only anal de tails remain to be catnpajted the new b will give mnoh nwwuwl quarters for the oonetantiy tuueiuc nuttslmsf of women oosntaed to penal insttturtlone and at the womens grlson at argmi is the only one in canada its hr will be drawn xrcan ah parts of the dominion at pnsent the womens prison within the oenltinyary ptoper la said to be over- rowded and ax taxed to its vumost not only in the ahopa but also in the sleeping quarters t pot off tbdj motorists drmikj with dafecttte hradllghtn were warned they would ace pnjseoiitlori thronanout the bro- ylnce toy hon ijsopold macauuy mm- ister o7hlgwaya be stated felt he jaid instructed nwrowpal and pro vincial pouoo oo such prqae- cutlon under be blfhway trafflo act one oneeyexl car and other tmpro- luurnxdated vebtctas snuet be trom the mtlianje lie way are a menaoe to every aane driver oh the road and they are deuberately flootlns the law las year about 0 aooidenu u fatal re- suited iran irnprapsr llghtn una ivgura by no means represeota the total as in many eases the pond won of the oars after an an render ed it lminm 40 what part the conditions of ihe bathta plar- jd m trtnginr atoitt the eoblelonr at reduced prices red label 25 lb urange i ekoe 38 2 lb they jiave seen gyproe lira tests and irrtavso it resists fire use qyproe for the walla ceilings and partitions of the home you are building or if you are doing over any rooms adding new ones in the attic partitioning the cellar be sure to use thin easy- to handle fire safe wiiboard it is an excellent bast for gyptex or albimnlna and may be papered or panelled far sals by tha georgetown ijrniher co j1k macacainun tt son geotmwn r ii 1 m a ii ras ijaorgtmown vwat- evkning when the fleetlnr shadows steep in dusk t the brightness oo our world when evening in her dignity nhter curtains hath unfurld then ccmes the moment most supreme in all my weary day tls then i sit ic tranquil rest aixl dream the hours away a quiet peace steals oer my soul as evening shadows creep the trees aroon dreamy luuaiys that the birds to sleep and ol far d in paradise there peeps one lonely star i watch tl as it twinkles and beckons from afar the shadows whisper to my heart a message of oods love they tell me he is watching with ms angola trp above in happtness i gaze and dream and list xo evenings songs a heavenly peace descends on me to wash away day v wrongs at twilight i ooloven moments fleet by on gausy wings lifting the soul in gladness above all earthly things tls then that god is nearest to soothe all worldly care when twilight folds about us and evenings everywhere hasel wajdle georgetown variety of animal pets but as it la a temporary resident in my present ad dress i have to be content with the birds andtne squirrels i can assure anyone who may read these noteec that a very great many hours can be passed pleasantly watch ing the antics the uttle iiigenlous stratagems and the domestic life of the smaul wild or domestic life- that remains to us after generations of per secution and hunting to teach them silly artificial tricks is a waste of time their own natural games are much more amusing animals are not dumb- we simply do not speak their languages with study one can learn tne mpanlng of many of the things ttlrds and animals say to one another lockup lodgers on thk inckbasb sketches from boyhood john d swain i have always been glad that i parents brought me up po treat ii with kindness they showed me that there was a lot more tun uvwabohlng all sorts of birds and animals at work or play rather than treating them with cruelty which seems to be too common a trait among small boys i am in no sense a naturalist and have uttle scientific knowledge of ano- llogy but i have closely studied the habits of small beasts in our clime and derived much pleasure from them and many of them seem to nave realized my friendly feelings and have reciprocated readily as a small boy i bad the biggest dog i ever have seen he made the dogs in the uncle tom shows took lite poodles i i preserved his njeasurieraenv a fullblooded english mastiff end never fat jte weighed 175 pounds and measured she feet one inch from tip of tall to munle i had an e wagon with shafts ana wtuffletree and a regular harness made by the village harness maker in those days there was no house delivery of mafl i used to hitch my mastiff up drive a mile to the village get the mall and do such errands as mother gave me load the wagpn and drive home in winters i used a sled and often raced my dog against horses on the show- covered roads the dog enjoyed st as much as i and we never had any ac cidents save that once or twice he saw a cat and tried to ohase it over a atone wall he never paid the slightest attention to other dogs when in harness and would stand without hitching tame foxes and crows have figured in my life also horses most of the domestic animals and some wild ones for mare than half a century phoebe birds have returned to nest in the same spot in the old house in which i was born and i suppose they still do so though i havent seen the place m years we used to have to clean out the old nests now and then so they could find room for new ones contrary to the usual belief cats taken to a new home seldom return if kindly treated they usually repiain with the family but a friend recent ly told me that be took his oat to a new home four miles from be old one the cat remained contentedly until it was time to have her kittens then she went back to the old plane inasmuch as every cat learns every inch of its territory every possible exit in casesof danger she had prob ably long ago picked out a place to rear her young ones every day she came back to be fed and when the kittens were partly brown tnousrh un able to walk she brought each one in her mouth the entire four miles to the new home and proudly displayed them when one considers the weight of a kitten he realises that her teat was akin to a mans travettmu four mues with a fully packed suitcase in his mouth there were highways to cross stone walls and fences to leap over dangers tram dogs and small boys but this mother cat nmiiatinl the trips safjalu cats will resqlly follow their owners for a long walk as dogs do i toad three cats in ne hampshire who walked miles across country with us if we stopped to call on a wdsjhiwr the oldest cat would mount the win- dowedll endwhen she thought we had called tang enough would keep tapping on the window until we came out to resume our walk this same cat was very grouchy when her eldest daughter bad her nrat utter of sdt- iens left the house and we had to take her meals to her outside the yard fence i used to go to a nelgnjw about a mile distant to brtng home the weekly- wash and always tram tree on jump u upon- when transient travellers out of work and with no place- to live who are on the tramp from place to place are increas ing on the route passing through ortllia every night the lockup floor is covered with these men who take refuge from the cold night atr they are a quiet civil lot and obey the rules willingly nor do they gamble might be expected they appear to be thankful for the hospitality extend ed to them which is a place to sleep and a breakfast at the beginning of the winter about so to 75 meals were served month but so far in april over 800 meals have been given and at the rate the men are calling the number win be over 800 at the end of the i all the men who come to town for the nlgtrt do not lodge in the lockup some- fknd a warm spot in a factory flrehole or in warm places where ttoey will not be in the way steadily a procession goes to the north country or on to the west and just as steadily a procession ouan from toe west and north country all are looking or employment most of them in tact nearly all are not tramps in the ordinary sense of the term they are men who have wmked when ernnloynaent was to be found ttwy are young fellows who have no home or have left home to lighten the load on the family purse or older men with out family ties some are highly edu cated and one recent visitor could speak seven languages the passing of the snow has loosed regular flood of canvassers on tha town amongst these are the usual number of chaps who want people to help them get a college education but there as not so much sympathy for these chaps even if they are gen uine ss a college education is not of such great advantage today as hosts of college men are out of employment these appeals by agents have become so frequent that a number of house wives do not answer the door now at in may the midas touch has may sweet maid en may pot see whereer she steps each dawning day the dandelions in happy crowds are seen like sunbeams gay the spears of grass between the midas touch has may ught heart ed may and watch her course oo field and up land way where gypsy biutehttps all glad and bold are welcomed with the spring by young and old the midas touch has may sweet win- some may the primrose eyes of gold she gives they say she sets tne glowing oowsup here and there by rill or marshy pool with shining hair the midas touch has may sweet win some may allx thorn notes and comments its a good thought for all of us this one thing 1 do forgetting those tktug which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are be fore i press towards the mark of our high calling phil 31 to 14 this is ttao time of year when the usual argument commences between the owner of hens and his neighbor who prides himself on his flower beds and garden we would advise an poultry owners to keep their feather ed flock opoped up during this season the gold production in canada during march set up a new high re cord canadian producers reported an output of 2s667s ounces during the month and advance of 1u per cent above the february total of 226891 ounces according to the dominion bureau of statsstirs 715302 ounces were obtained from oanartlan mines during the first quarter of 1833 las compared with 99us02 ounces extract ed in the corresponding period of lssi the problem of carina for uus ever increasing mass of humanity has yet to be solved camps run on semi military unas are now suggested here men oouk be fed for 30c to 26c a day and mun- idpauuea would be relieved and house holders given a utile packet and times p rout the old cat would onto my shoulder and ride ntfy feet of the yard whore- would get off and disappear kittens were disposed of this cat used to into the attic for an afternoon and when ready to come down stairs knew how to open the door which had an omfaahkmed thumb latch she would hang to the bani ster with one paw and strike via thumb latch with the other till the door opened another oat vc owned learned to open our refrigerator in the same way we kept her saucer of milk and dish of boiled nan in r i never knew her to touch anything but her own food nor to break a dish or spul snore than a drop or two of milk knit as she left the refrigerator door open i tightened the thumb latch so she could not open it one day she brought in a younger smaller cat she must have in some way told this friend oome with me i can give you something good to eatl i watch ed them the uttle cat sat basnde her looking up into her face wistfully then at the refrigerator door mean while our cat was patiently patting the door catch with no results finally with a rearlook of disgust on her face she stalked majestically away tout be fore she did so she fetched her little friend a wallop on the ear she evi dently felt humiliated and grcanbyt i have spoken more of oats uian of dogs because i base owned more i like doits when there ls plenty of yard room but cats ere more sooth ing to one who writes for his t dogs demand too much attention in the bouse ere too exuberant stud never can resist putting muddy paws on a clean pair of white flannel trous ers were i to live on a large coun try assets a should wuh to farmers must organize with wheat at sue a buahel and fruit and milk and eggs and farm products at propor low pircss the farmer is at bis wits end to keep body and soul and farm alive wit each day one bears critkdsm against the canadian wheat pool the united states utorrilrratlon board and against farmers oooperetlves the stabilisation board is the poll tlcal end of the united states coop erative movement it was a board for med by washington to hand several hundred million dollars to united states farmers to balance what the tariff was doing for the united states manufacturers but through the stem- usatlon board the line eooperattve work being done for the fanners has received no end of abuse btamusa- uon la root cooperation stabilisation is government pap and should be dis tinguished as such in the minds of the public cooperative farm movements are the salvation of the soil producer far mers must never forget that organi sation will beat disorganisation every time otoorganhed the farmer wheth er he is farming fndt or wheat prey for every middle man for every or poultry or animal husbandry at a financial and political avoup that can get a toehold on his work and pro ducts the farm products of united states sell to ttw public tor xtt buuon dol lars ttoe farmers of united states receive cor then only 7tt button dol lars canada la much higher beca wheat canadas bfcj crop is not per ishable the consumer in new york pays 18c for milk the farmer getsjsn of that a- with a to awaken each morning smile brightening my face to greet the day with reverence for the op portunities it contains to approach my work with a clean mind to hold ever before me even in the doing of uttle thlnars the ultimate purpose to ward whsohvl am working to meet men and women with l on my lips and love in my heart to be gentle kind and courteous through all the hours to approach the night with weariness that ever woos sleep and the jay that comes from work weu done this is bow i desire to wisely my days xt wotjld appear from newspaper reports of council meetings says the municipal world that some councils are using the ballot system of appoint ing oflhtlasi and deciding questions this bcantrary to the m internal act section am cd of whloh provides that no vote ahaa be taken try ballot or by any other method of secret voting and every vote so taken shall be of no effect the electors at large are en titled to know how their representa tives vote on every question coun cillors who have not enrnsrh back- ae to express their convictions in public should not be reelected canadians make it- it makes canadians lots of foopt for the money the cahadiah shmdped wheat company itft tor the graduate who is ready to embark on ttfes career an enduring remenxorance is highly suitable nothing could be more appreciated than a practical gift of our high quality jewelry our special offering in eludes wrist watches and rings for him or her gifts that wfll prove pleasant reminders in future years expert repairs w j h jordan georgetown jeweller the moderation league of on tario is again struggling for public attention to the newspapers seek ing support in then- campaign urging the government to legalise the sale of wines and beers by the glass in licensed hotels clubs and testaurants speakers are going from city to city to secure public interest in the propos ed amerjdxnent anyone whous ac quainted with the working of such a system as in quebec and western pro vinces where wines and beers ate terr red at tattles in taverns and night clubs would surely prefer to allow the present liquor legislation with au its faults to remain m ontario tnrcusdi the prater v oo-op- ei alius xnuvement the consumer in vancouver pays jjs cents per pound for his milk the fraser valley farm- er isu 1 cent per pound in eng land when a hen lays an est there are tan middle men with their ten profits to get between that egg end the break fast taboe m british odlumbk when a hen lays an egg the nrnn of mid dle men because of poultry co-opera- ttves has been considerably reduced but the spread is stnl too large buevator companies take delight in miipint the canadian wheat pool some folks are so busy defending their dignity against imaginary and real affronts that they have time for nothing else an tanocent remark a hawnueas glance a moment of thought lessness and they are alighted they wear their feelings on their sleeves go through life carrying a chip on their shoulders 1 if you are one of the un fortunates make a determined reso lution to change right away hap piness your can never know when you let yourself wallow in a frame of mind that keeps you ever thinking that people are trying to offend you and hurt you there is enough misery in she natural order of your existence without going after more shake off that miserable feeling people a not going out of their way to slight you change your tune instead of frown erect each im insult with a smile your digestion will im mediately i and an will your disposkiorju dont take yourself too seriously overlooking the fact that the bool and its cooperatives do more and wul do more for the mla of the farmer than all the gov and eleva tor companies combined because the pools operations landed into who middle of a world depression does not detract from the great benefits ttat have been derived by gio through followng the principle of ccoperatlon the stabilisation board of wash ington was created tor im purpose of distributing government subvention to farmers and the fact that it happened to distribute several hundred rmlltniwi of government monies should not mixed up in ttoe puhue mind with good work being done hy farm and cooperative groups through the united states and canada speculators noddle men and poli ticians may slander his pools and bis organisations but the farmers an swer must always be organise organ ise and work and stick together the farmers only possible escape front tba lite of a peon which now oonfronte him is econo organisa tion along cooperative lines van couver sun rasaing by i shall pees through this world tat once amy good thing therefore that i can do or any mwrnves that i can snow to shy human creature let do it now let me not defer it neglect it for i shall not pass thta way ssjsan 8 ojvjjs dayijoht saving which oanw into effect in several places tilroughout canada recently la stul looked upon an inovtuoo and a novelty but few people realise that the present system of standard time has not yet beeb in operation for fifty years standard time was the idea of a canadian sir sandford fleming as chief engineer of the canadian pacific railway he was brought into contact withthe tnconvenlenoe caused by the ev town and dty had its i ume based on the sun a tame table for a traneoontm- was therefore well nigh back in 1870 he made she at a meetmsr in toronto that the world should be divided into twenty four sections one for each hour of the day and that time within each of these areas should be stan dard the idea caught on both on this continent and in europe bir sandfordb standard system was brought into effect in canada and the united states in november 1883 there ere stfrf those who can remem ber when the clocks were moved for ward seventeen minute the next year standard time was adopted by the european countries at a confer ence held in washington and the system soon became universal btr sandford flembig idea was one of canadas most strurjrar conbibiipona to science and eonunsrol in ar britain and inany sajropaan countries dayught saving te now as much the w tnle sb standard una t- j ladies we have had many mqiiries snoot our perman- ant wave prices for your benefit and mnybe out here they are bobbed hair growing or long hair 300 quality used pads 400 400 charrnainette 500 500 vidotone 700 600 lustre 800 700 oil of tulipwood 900 every wave guaranteed for appointrnent or further infonimftion call at ullicos or phone 278j or 278w georgetown thank you n a robinson butcher choice meats poultry butter and eggs at right prices we ditlrvkb every satubday phone aeoboktown lurll n a robinson batcher nor v al ont canadian pacific railway and 2 steamship company reduced rates on all s to and from europe special weekend fares good going friday noon returning following monday midnight elmer c thompson phone 119w and j georgetown agent for cunard white star and allied steamship companies trips arranged on the great lakes stea hydro electric system best ught bulbs of all sizes guuantwed g orders taken for ranges 5 and 5 appliances of sill kinds s office town hall s i i js steswrnsspmbm -fh- j- r j v i- siiiiaii