Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 1, 1932, p. 4

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-f- 1 page 4 3 the georgetown herald wediiqfidil jft s for housewives everywhere t ight in tune with the omej x are these three coleman neces sities priced so reasonable that they quietly pay for dtexnaelvea in the time and taborsavins service and satisfaction they give the instantgas iron smooths the way on ironing day saves time workatnol clothes lights instantly no waiting has kototype generator with cleaning needle which can be operated while iron- is burning doublepointed same perfect results on forward and backward strokes tapered ironing base makes it easy to iron under buttons use it anywhere no cords or wires tfcumfclo instant- gas appliances the sportute lantern its an instant ligkti rsingumaalie type just the light for any camping trip or outdoor task small in slse but big in brilliance weighs only 3 lbs- yet gives up to 150 candlepower of pure white light pyrez glass globe protects mantle has builtin rjumpand many features of larger lanterns its a doubleduty lantern for use indoors or out the no io camp stove- just the stove for camp cooki a general utility purposes itsamin- iatin gas range always ready to cook good eabvuwlnd baffles pn trftconinafflatnftwindprcolgfay cast iron burner japs wont burn out hotblast prenemer quickly ge orie quart fuel tank two hours supply for both burners easily removed for filling everything j packed insioe for carrying hand somely finished in maroonbrown bakedon enamel casey at tbb bat published by request it looked extremely rocatssr the mud- vule nine that day the score stood two to four with but an inning left to play so when cooney died at second and burrows did the name a pallor wreathed the features of um patrons of the game a straggling few got up to go lowing there the rest with that nope which springseternal within the human breast for they thought only casey eoum get a whack at that theyd put up even money now with oasey at the bat but plynn preceded casey and uke- wise so did blake and the former was a puddin and the latter was a fake news and info for the busy fannex anew pamphlet on trie feedlngjand management of turkeys has been pre pared by the poultry department o ac and ks available to farmers de siring information of this kind noilun weeds mr j a carroll director of the crops and markets branch has com piled an interesting summary of pro visions of the weed control act in cluding a list of tne weeds which are deemed noxious bladder campion oxeye daisy sow thistles white cockle wild oats canada thistle blue weed chicory docks ragweed ribgrass stlnkweed tumbling mils lard wild carrot burdocks wild lettuces costly mm une 1st 1932 t- naturally the aim of the potato so that on the stricken multitude a grower is to rjrobucfl- tne biggest and rtnyw silence sat base crop at the lowest possible cost- for there seemed but little chance ot this is dependent upon a number of tne coleman lamp and stove company ltd toronto a ontajuo ask your dealer umhw at these prices yon cant do belter s wh watt brays chicks from government approved flocks blood tested by our bacteriologist now offered at these prices rooks and reds j9js5 per 1st white wyandottes and white rocks mjm leghorns sftas ten day olders sum three week olders sujm attractive quantity mucks t free brooder box with each order so or more send si per 100 balance on safe arrival 100 live deltvery guaranteed producing so000 weekly for sat customers act now to cash in cm yocr poottry pbcvttb later 681012 week old pallets get oar prices bray chick hatchery mtampton ont on l all u past oaaoa pronb wjw other bray hatcheries at welland txansbm hsgcrsvffle undaay and peterboro head offlce 8 oibiiiiihm oat inquiries by man ihooul be aivft based to st oatharmes local repre geo c brown norral a r m hen yon are bafldlng is fae beat time to make your home safe from the damage fire can dot order tiaaeandlabobr saying gyprac wahboaxd for all interior walls eeflbiss and partitions when remodelling extra space may be gained by diriaung the atuc and lent with gyproe partition too can paper it or panel it if you wish and it is excellent base for gyptex ox alabastine caseys getting to the oat but flynn let drim a single to toe wonderment of all and the mucbdesptoed blakey tore the cover off the ball and when the dust had lifted and they saw what bad occurred there was blakey safe at second and flynn ahugging third then from the gladdened multitude went up a joyous yell rumbled m the mountaintops it rattled in he dell it struck upon the hillside and re bounded on the flat for oasey mightycasey was advanc ing to the bat there was ease in caseys manner he stepped into his place there was pride in caseys bearing and a smile on caseys face and when responding to the cheers he lightly doffed his hat no stranger in the crowd could doubt twas casey at toe bat ten thousand eyes were on him as he rubbed his hands with dirt five thousand tongues applauded when be wiped them h hls shirt then whh the new york ground thebah into ms defiance gleamed in caseys eye a sneer curled caseys lip and now tne leathercovered sphere came burling through tba sir and casey stood awatfehtog it to haughty grandeur there close by the sturdy b the boll unheeded sped thai aint my style said casey strike one the umpire said from the benches black with people there went up a muffled roar like the heating of storm waves on stern and distant shore km hknl kill the umpire r shouted some one on the stand and its lately theyd havva killed mm bad not casey raised with a smile of christian charity great caseys visage shone be sttued the rising tumult he the game go on he signalled to sir timothy more the spheroid flew but casey still ignored it and the um pire said strike two fraudl cried the maddened thous ands and an echo a fraud but one scornful look from oasey and the auchrnrc was awed they saw bis face grow stern and cold they saw his muscles strain and they knew that oasey wouldnt let that ball go by again the sneer is gone from caseys up bis teeth are clenched in hate be pounds with cruel violence his bat upon the plate and now the pitcher holds the bait and now be lets tt go and now the air is shattered by the force of caseys blow oh somewhere in una favored land the sun is shining bright the band is playing somewhere and somewhere hearts are light and somewhere men are wishing nd somewhere children shout but there is no joy in afndvllle mighty casey has struck out l thayer treating seed potatoes factors such aa good soil quality a seed spraying and cultivation while the importance of these features iinquestionfv very often the prospect of a good cropis ruined through neg- ilect to practice seed treatment which toaimed to reduce the enormous losses and inconvenience caused by scab black leg and rhiaoctonla all- pf which occur in every province of canada the commonest method used to treat seed potatoes is formalin treatment a solution of one pound of formalin to 40 gallon of water is made up and placed in a barrel the seed potatoes uncut are placed in a sack and sus pended in the liquid for two hours when we bag- la pulled up and- the solution allowed to drain back into the barrel then the seed may be cut and planted jc soy beans an effort is being made to estab lish a mill at chatham to handle soy beans and to market the products thereof meetings have been held to interest farmers of kent and essex in growing soy beans to supply this fac tory it is wellknown that the dis trict is especially adaptedto the grow ing of soy deans and a market for the porduets is established with a demand at present entails the yearly im portation of six million pounds of bean oil atone sweet clever as bfanam during recent years many aimers have been growing sweet clover in rotation with potatoes a full crop of sweet clover plowed under may be considered worth as much as as to 30 tons of barnyard manure where far mers have plenty of manure available it may not be desirable to grow sweet clover for the purpose of plowing it down but where the manure supply is limited it has been profitable to follow the above plan of action the most essential precau to be ob served in growing sweet clover are to make sure that the soil is not acid hat it is well enough drained to pre vent heaving and that the seed is in oculated a problem with chicks one of the big problems in connec tion witil raising chicks is cannibalism luxuries a blind txnst who earns a good lrv lng taking letters from dictation has a reputation for almost never making a mistake she explains that it would not do or her to make mistakes be cause she would not be able to go back and correct tliem mistakes are the luxuries of people wlth norma vision but they are not or her the reason the majority of us make so many mistakes is thatwe can un consciously we take the attitude that if we mike a mistake we can correct it later carelessness not ignorance is the explanation of most mistakes and even when the explanation is ignor ance it is seldom inevitable you may mispell a word in your letter because you know no better but you could have looked it up in the dictionary it is a pity that more young people do not eel asfthig blind girl does that mistakes are too costly a luxury to be indulged in for blundering and then correcting the blunder is not as good a way as doing the task right in the first rjlace understanding others how much happier we could be with people how much more air to them and how much encrgywe could save from the strain of anger if only we took the viewpoint of others- before we let our opposing emotions rise if somebody says something to you of which you do not approve or ix he antagonises you or your views m any way just cahnly ask him just how do you mean that why do you believe uact way as he makes his meaning clear or tells why he awnfs what he thinks you will see that there is some sense in it there are always two sides to every question and he is simply on the other side of the fence a peep over to his standing ground will not only make you a broader per son but will usually enable you and him to come to some harmonious mutual understanding pluck or weve jogged along in this world years wove had our joys weve shed our tears weve had our mixture of praise jeers and manys the time weve had our fears its the man today with the steady grin who opens his soul lots the sunshine in i its not what he was but what he i might have been tharhiakes him buck up and work to win v- ue may be slow aria dark and gray to those who are down along hfcs way to those who lack hope and are full of dismay for them tomorrows just another day to one who has purpose and a- goal ahead undaunted clear rce from dread he often works while ute sluggards in bed to strike the iron while the iron ls red theres many a man you- can see by his face wont lpake an attempt to take a mans ftlace he wont speed tip to winj bu is wtll- lng to- chase v thats why he stands last at the end ofthe race with a purposeful will where you know you axe right you can step out and conquer all thafs4ji sight u mountains dissolve- dorehess breaks into light and thats because you put up chat fight i e mooilllcuddy john w hobbs joins c p r directorate english as a wokld laifguagk in the year 1s01 the number of peo ple who spoke knglrsh was only twen tyfive million by um it had grown to one hundred and eleven minions today it is used by over two hundred mintnns and is rapidly inoreasmg more man tea per cent of the worlds population use kngltwi as their only when chicks pick at the feathers and flesh of then- mates recent studies indicate that this is more likely to occur where the chicks in brooders axe fnporl t lurrrt min direct rays of the sun should not he allowed to come into the room in which tba chicks are carried in brooders artifi cial lighting is proving satisfactory and it should be so arranged as to cast no shadows ventilation is important and provision should be made for the cold air to come hi at tne top through an opening near the ceiling but care must be taken to deflect this cold air so that it will be properly heated be fore coming in contact with the chicks firemens convention at georgetown july 29th 30th 31st ant august 1st s s best light bulbs of all sizes gttanunteed orders taken for ranges and rti anl appliances of all kinds gisr fs office tovm jtell by i960 nt nothing unforeseen oc curs english will be used by twice as as any other language and by the year 3000 it win be the b of communication between one- quarter of the inhabitants of the globe afore than that since mi is being taught m vie schools of almost every civilised country tt tain by that hne more than half the worlds population will be able to read english there car be hardly any doubt but that in course of time eng lish is bound to become the world language the english is mating peo ple control ail the australian con tinent nearly all the north ameri can and much of the african and asian their prospects for growth to numbers and wealth are unapproaehed by any other language group for ca nada australia and south africa are clearly destined to herome populous powers taken odecttety the differ ent natfimf and commonwealths have practical oonrmand of nearly bay the worlds surface and more than halt its resources now available their sense of duty should equal their pride of du and at they rise to their re- aponsabilttles beh- influence will in deed be potent and wbatsr language it is strong er than the homan more flexsble than the oreek mora eloquent than the french and eonorous as the bparirsh it is the language for the thinker the philosopher the statesman the mer chant the- artisan with nearly five hundred thoosand words it has the cera helps quality com either for for jutuwng is the result of suitable seed and suitable preparation of the u ontario growers of corn cor husking purpose are warned that planting thiscrop later than the end of the first week in june may prevent its ripening tests have been con ducted at the oac relative to dif ferent dates of planting coupled with fertilisation with high rw t- fer tilisers records obtained show that weeks delay in planting could tie largely overcome by the use of suit able fertilisers fertilisers of an ana lysis of 3 118 or 3 106 used at the rate of 600 pounds per acre at the tune of planting have been found to sten the ripening of the crop at least a week it is a wellknown fact that corn well advanced toward ripening makes a richer quality of ensilage than doe green com with white immature ears growers of this crop for silage pur poses can inrwease the total weight per acre and also greatly improve the bnerltng quality of com by proper re gulation of manuring and fertilizing toronto busmen magnate haul dbiinguiahed career john wllborfoice heobs who has just been made a director o iho canadian packic railway company is a typical canadian and equully typical of business success his pew directorship be ng added to a series of executive connections with some of the most important business and fin ancial concerns in the dominion le was born in london ont pn december 2 1875 son of wll- llsm richard hobbs and annie osborpe and graduated from the university of toronto fclth the degree of bachelor of arts in 1898 diner walter just look at that piece of chicken its nothing but skin and bones walter yes sir dyou want the feathers too the rector now moliy would you rather be beautiful or good molly id rather be beautiful and repent power packed fod j inpularforovsr35yttrm fa it is nourismna taaty and conomlcal mmdm im cmmmjm wfta cmrnmilmm wkamt the cahaimam iwueoded wheat compamy lift spring millinery you are cordially invited to inspect our showing of spring millinery in all the latest styles and colors misses claridge upstairs herald block transcanada bxobway the transcanada highway g pro ject that has been the subject of dis cussion for many years is under vig orous construction- already consider able stretches of it are completed during the past few m an army of 40000 men have been working on the construction of stretches of this highway in the more remote sections of ontario of the total length of the highway which when completed will be sjb37 miles over one third or 13m miles is in the province of on tario recently finished sections in the province make it possible f of mot orists to travel try road through very attractive scenery in a statement to the ontario leg ialaiure recently the minister of lands and forests stated that among the 40- 000 men- whohad been w in use highway not one crime had bee com mitted which speaks wen for the in herent respect for law and order a- nvnrz canadians rorar w hobbs in 1906 he married katharine babbitt they have one daugh ter entering the service of the hobbs kfanufacturlng coropany limited in london ont in 1898 he became manager of the con solidated plate class company limited toronto in 1901 and managing director in 1907 he is now the organisations presi dent other interests include direc torships in the lake or the woods milling company limited the imperial bank of canada the continental lars insurance com pany the scottish union insur ance company of edinburgh scotland and the securities holding corporation his social interests are many and varied he is an ardent devotee of fishing golf and ten nis and is a member of the tork national hunt and ontario joc key clubs toronto he also belongs to the royal canadian yacht club the caledon moun tain trout club and the lambton golf club his montreal dubs include the mount royal forest snd stream and mount bruno golf club suits and topcoats mabh to jkeastjitb every at guaranteed very able prices balis cleaned snd pn 100 all sorts of repairing done we re- line 8uu and ttopdoatn a rose tatxob bank of montreal estowmhed l8l7 ga presentation in easily understandable form of the banks semiannual statement 30th april 1932 power of indefinite expansion for it is as rapacious rat words as the race at of territory the language of aauknn and of shakespeare tt has enshrined th mightiest and best uterature the wdrsf has ever seen yet it is at the suae tbne the awrsnlest most direct and most practical of languages the lan guage of b and eommeme of love and senswnent of homely joy and lofty sptratoh the most puable ezpresnve and nenble of all vehicles of eimsaldd that have erer cra and the most suitable to become the tvenal speech- the u of this langusge meant the pm of com merce irrtnehry art soience dvuhm- tlon and christianity around she uobe thus b one of the maahuest forces in rsbhartng in that new era se ardently wished for yet so long delay ed nham straw snavosaas and per fect peace sisut oare all the earth paam oh uaywtmn tt you to i awm s bottle of emerberry wine last tesja r see if youll sea aw the canadian dollar la at i cuaoount in tne onlted states yet no canadian city has failed to pay its debts promptly or has found itself unable to meet its pay rolls detroit owes a million dollars to its employees chicago is practically bankrupt philadelphia is to dire straits the banks turned down loan to new york but here in canada toronto raises fly000000 in two hours and a half montreal sold a tlljooojooo loan with out any trouble hamilton gets all the money it wants from the tanks and soon there la absolutely no question about c credit our people nave a billion and s quarter on to the banks yet with this clear reeord we allow the vs to say what our money is worth orillia newsletter tjeov said little tommy teacher told to that the olrre branch was an emblem of what la the em- btemof wart om mossomsp oanae the weary hviviy vv no man e bows to fate as a tor of oouitosy the new way to buy coal blue coal on orders vbr 1 ten or store of fuel no extra delivery charges to norval slw waatttown gunwltxiams 8tonb- school dbneant allowed for cash if net owtnr a past aecoamt john mcdonald hwnuw cwoubttown liabiuties liabilities to the pvbuc deposits pybu m itmtmi adaftrr mice notes of the bank in circulation peyjbu cm jrmtml bills payable ormfb tamed md omtoatmnp lettrts of credit outstanding fatmmcul itspmsaiiities undertaken em behalf of n far comt- tmeraat trmnuktiom tee offsetting awtetmt xj in restmrces other liabilities ttemu which do mot rome unaei the fotegoing heading total liabilitica to the public liabilities to the shareholders capital surplus and undivided profits be r for dividends this awtomtu represent the iharehoideri interest oi the bank oet winch liahiiitiet to the pmhlu take precedence total liabilities resources to meet the fdregoing liabilities the bank has cash an its vaults and in the central gold reserves notes of and cheques on other banks payahu m cath on pretentatton money on deposit with other banks available on demand or at thart natter government other bonds and debentures cidtedme setunites the greater pjrfom of mvwa mulurrt at early date stocks railway and industrial and other rforsk call- loans outside of canada secured by bondt ttocks and mother negotiable euntret of greater value than the loant and repreientm money yuukff available wtth no disturbing effect on condmont in c call loans in canada payable on demand and secured by bonds and ftockjof greater rr at current anotationt thorn the loant bankers acceptances prime drafts accepted by other banks total of quickly available resources equal to 57 h of aft liabilities to the public other loans to mtanuaamreri farmen merchant and others on conditions oa astent with sound hank bank premises properttet only are carried m the names propcrhet only are earned m me names of the ttocm and bond of these ompante are entirely thn holding iw luwinaaai i by the bank and appear on the houkt at fioo tmvb case alt other of the bankt premises the rvalue of which urgety exceeds 1400 jtoo ap pro under thtt keadini real estate and mortgages oh real estate acamred m the course of she banks bmstmess and m procets being reaiired upon customers liability under letters of credit represents ttabdihes of customers on account of letters of credit issued by the bank for their account other assets not included in the foregoing making total assets of td meet payment of uamhtiet tgjht public of of 62670108170 14j56o00 2431618 847895218 i74j46j02 67231088208 76j01599h 74861248121 78491119x1 2j3o874270 2763915031 228901 14679 60147359 20262 324 j 5 j64561062 1336739 3854812566 3367238838 14500000 jj0 1775736x3 47895218 itaring an aatts ovtr luibilitiv to the pmjuic of profit and loss account profir tot tu halfymt mdinj joeh apfil ij1 dnihrnda pd py mt m shmnhmm pnva iw tu dominion gimnaaa nimifliim fiw niil prfflwini balanot of pratt mnd low aoounc iat ocfottar buno of profit and lotti oumfl omm 0t6ojooomot satjitflss rifcapayw t 100494s i ticttrtmgthtfbajkbdtltrmtmcdbyiu hhtory ut pogcy in less ami tht txttul of its lemno for 114 ytort the boat of montreal km i m

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