Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 29, 1932, p. 4

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page 4 the georgetown heralfl wednesday evening june 29th 1932 the 12 big biscuits mean heaven my heavens ynot a place of gotaoh street but roads ot mow to ease the horses thai on this earth have borne the heat and strata s the pangs of hunger and the need less palri my heaven is a place of pastures green where dogs may romp that on this earth have been chained and restrained tram all their doggish play may run to meet their loved ones i every day i my heaven is a place where oata abound the ones i loved and lost or had around where all the little strays that had to roam will and a welcome and eternal home wula hoey news and information for the busy farmer braafl offers new market additional market was openetl to ontario fruit growers when brazil authorities decided tnat om fresh fruit may enter that country free of duty attractive pack sella goo growers are reminded that in times ot glutted or oversupplied markets buyers become more discriminating and purchase only the most attractive products in other words it is the eye that sells the goods choose a uhi package for presenting to the consumer pack carefully and in at tractive manner our sister dominion is noted for its tmiforoaanydeep shade of green and us relatively low tare content ont ario shippers who would seek an out let in the old land will be well ad vised to adhere rigidly to samples on which sales are based and use only uniformly weighted containers of at tractive appearance mooo twt i fmcasisso rmmlifcsoolsts00l whether ytfttre planning a roaring trip going ca or fish ing or just on picnic tootl dhi good ears good light tlm coleman sport- lita lantern and camp stova will dauvar right now anywhere and any dmal the instant lighting cola- sportut bantarn fm email in sin bat big tn britttanca only 13 inclma ugh weight only 3- iba yvt givve up to 150 camdlapowar of para white tight pyre glasa globe protects campctoyes and lanterns coumin cunp stoves are odnutar gam rmngmm that give foal imtsntigbni c wrwio uffat in jot ipittgaa no pttohwartiigg coofc mu in an op way mny- thtoc tw want any way yap want it bvwytbinc la bulltn folds np luce ww t ililug btaqrwao isaum r the coleman lamp ani stove company ltd toronto a ontario ask your dealer red rose tea at reduced prices red label 25 hb orange 1 ekoe 38 2 id firemens convention at georgetown july 29th 30th 31st and august 1st those outdoor drinjo by betty barclay take along your cooling drinks when yougo tar a tang ride to the mtj to enjoy a picnic a the woods hot hi snrtos water la pare end fully prepared fruit oerersge wfb add greatly to the enjoyment of suet oc casions also the ugjr used in home made beverages is an o m energy fuel for strenuous outdoor days rflyon have no thermos bottle a stream or mother earth herself ww quickly cool your regular bottle of beverage strawberry sara select sound fruit wash measure and place in a atone jar for every four quarts of b use on qu of vinegar cower the jar by tying a cheesecloth over it 8th- the berries daily for three of tour days strain whout enueeslng and nut into kettle pint of lkjnfc 80 warty minutes bottle cork and sea with oold water tor serving nio usfl euac wg wt fwrt btravwberry shrub porv tfenth aig pack in hamper market far ontaute b ha faiaea t mantreal late reports to tne ontario market ing board would in a possible market in montreal tor ontario straw berries in sections adjacent to mon treal tne crop lias suffered consider able damage front arbiter killing the report from further east states tnat while the plains nave wintered well besides being damaged from recent unfavorable weather this crop will be late to appearing on tne msrbel hearts far tesmg bmfa teaching clncksto roost at an early age tends to promote feather growth and helps materially in carrying the chiekef- user he critical period when they are moat likely to crowd- and tt la desirable to get the chicks to roost just as soon as they no longer need beat to keep them com- tortstde one of the best ways of getting chicks to roost fe to build a sloping roost to the rear of the brooder bouse or to one side of the house and enclose the unde side of the roost with a fine mesh wire so that the chicks can not get at the drop pings they will take to these tem porary roosts in no tanci use ef higher tirade seed mare general this tear agricultural representatives report am rnstiy countleajp ontario that ontario strawberries far winnipeg the first shipment of ontario straw berries to the west for a number of years was made by the vtndand growers cooperative ltd last week the shipment consisted of five hund red crates of carefully selected and packed berries precooled at grimsby and shipped via canadian national express refrigerator car mr jack reares manager of the co operative stated this was a trial ship ment and preparations were under way to forward several more cars during the present season these berries win be handled througn mr h k toms winnipeg representative of the on tario growers market council a care ful checkup of the first shlnrnente will be rnade to insure against dis crepancies in pack or package of the cars to ifouow 1 quart water a cups sogar a cups chopped pi 1 cop orange juice boil water jujjsran minute ada fruit jincts and dilute witttiotd water if either fresh or canned pl be used take along your own lemons of sugar a cvsssd p- pitcher bquease ismon hike into pkoherand stir veent naffvofm f sugar into it until iooroughiy dwaolyr ed pour into pail add pure water brought with ou tor safety sate stir fttorooghry eover nall and place in sprtac creek or mot earth to oool rkvkkagbs foat okofirs ku ik biblbibiajim bray chicks a end of sbason raucks bocks and reds per 100 tsjw white wyandottes and white hooks 35 iitgorns sza5 10 day old teghoms si13s 3 week old leghorns litas send tljoo per 100 balance on arrival from government approved flocks free brooder box 50 or more act gf quickly bra y cmcx hatcher y bkampton ont osaawase taat owvm 5 other bray hatciierles at welland imrnsvffle hagwrsvffle uncuay s and peterooro hkad officx st cataerraaa oaw innnlries by mall should be srmiawmn to bt oajttiartnes i local repnttittite geo c brown nonrsj special summer display trimmed hats and sport hats at greatly reduced prices misses claridge jpatajn herald block i hydro electric system f i best light bulbs of all sizes g orders taken for ranges twr s appliances of all kinds z wmti the hiwpj hostess finds freane occasion to prepare a coo beverage for a large group here aretaas ex cellent recipes tor such hereragea your guests wih sppredate phe flaava of them and the oulekenergy jjnie of the sugar used is just the ttftaf needed after bridge tennis or even a walk around the place party ranch 1 pint tea infusion 1 putt cold water 3 cops sugar 3 cups crushed p 1 cup orange fines v cup lemon jutes cup strawberry syrup mix ail the ing and stir wa- ta the sugar to dissolved dilute wtth crushed lee serve in tall glasses gar nished with thin slices of lemon and maiwjchtno cherries frstt pan far a craw about 4 gallons 00 glasses 130 small 4 pounds sugar 1 quart water 3 quarts tea infusion 1 quart lemon juice 1 quart orange juice 1 quart grape juice 1 quart grated p ait gallons iced water 1 cup straaaberry slices a cups fancy orange siloes make syrup of sugar and 1 quart water make tea infusion by pouring 1 quarts cupa boftmg water over 5 tatdesporan tea oool fjombtne ayrop tea fruit julete lneappv and iced water add atia slioesjhjd orarjgealloes which may be cast iff fancy shapes or inerehr halved or ouar- tered lea water may be used and poured over block of ice w fiunch bowl when strasrnerrles are oaf of season the a atkes awn lie reptaced by another cop of on suoea rat inauroe halved er fluar- tered to serve eanaoer groan notice to credators and others the estate of m motsumari late of the skid town of oeoci gentleman dboaawafl who died cgt or shout the assond day of june ims sre hereby notified to send in to ate imrtenngnm ivswonal biftatiilallwi of the sakl deejsbsed on or las ig day of july ltaa fun par ticulars of tnetr r ftntnt after the said date the said personal hepreaenttive wffl catrfbuta the of jthe said ueo hajrlns xegard only to chums of whtch it shall have notice to the eacruskaa of an others and tt will not be habit to any person of whose claim it whan ant then have notice for the assets i distributed or shy part thereof datkd at toronto ontario th feortesnth day of jans lwtt hatxona tnttjbt oompartr 1m 30 king st kaat toronto oat by lsbot tsaul ribltoll toqpiho snada si oh 0 mere has been an and grass sfertijjias numner of to- quitabs rsgacdmsj the trvaliiw iri of grain for smut has shown a great in oraaaaj ovgr areroui waara fkuuamg min screen ojepots base repotted an smand for screens seed warjag plants an over the province have bad more lav u operatom report that their fan been three times ss large as they uad ar these facta would indicate that farm ers ssniersry are putting forth every effort this year to secure the highest possible yield per acre in this way they plan to reduce the production therefore be in a bejter rotate market beananoi qwanty the merchandising of po as in the ease of dost of other commod ities is in a statelet- ekajlge and g who propose to keeptdsreaat of the times rflust of necessity re- cognise that met this is the opinion afj t oastfn central ontario pot ato growers association on evi dence ot itua change is that many consumers in elbes and towns are on coming interested in the manner in which potatoea are grown they are rieginiog to ask it the potatoea have been grown from certified seed at they have been sprayed to pervent blight and many other questions pertaining to prod wjtion arjd even greater numbers are asking for a dis tinct variety of potato j drawers who select tbesufaad care fully and who jouow the best cultural practices will tax general produce a higher yield of potatoes of which meets the grafting drrnarytn todays cortsomer pfw to cope with the present low prices of afl grain crops low prices for tar mproduce had little effect on the attendance at farm and borne reek qac last week tne change from regional gatherings m previous years worked out wen and tea abort courses to anfcp and oekl sno eeoraonncs and hsetl- cottnre were emlnantly soeoessful and ably earned out as a result many farmers and their wives secured essen tial bn inatl about various phaws of farm life and work which they eoold have derived tn no other man- oastist far alfalfa meal faasfme la great briuan oeorge r pateroon ontario mar- kettnc board ststes that there la an outlet for alfalfa meal in the united khssdom ontario producers at pre sent have to u chiefly with south africa the meal exported by the ontario fruit and vegetable orowers interests will be advanced by the recent sppoiottnent of karl b oonger as trade- promotion represen tative on the montreal and district markets this year mr oonger is well- known in the perishable produce busi ness tn eastern canada being form erly associated with the dominion iftruit exchange at ottawa orowers fjave expressed themselves as pleased with the appolnttnent feeling that everyone will be given fair and honest representation and that defects in grading and packing will be eliminated gradually the markets council has abo reappointed h s toms as trade representative on the prairie markets tt will be recalled that mr toms de monstrated very clearly the value of an ontario representative to promote the sale of ontario produce in the west last year he has just returned to winnipeg after visiting the prin cipal markets on the prairies and re ports condltionfi greatly improved over last year with prospects for a record being established for ontario produce on western markets this year there will also be a representative of the growers handling their produce in the maratimes business summary the following is a brier summary of information received by the bank of montreal from its branches through out ontario retail trade has len mildly stimu lated by more seasonable weather and sports goods and summer clothing are in fair demand wholesale trade is spotty with buying largely confined to small lots volume continues below that of last year oodectkias are slow manufacturing operations gen erally continue much below the levels of a year sgp automobile nroduo- tion has seasonally increased sales or small and large models are fairly satisfactory out there is little tma for the mesttumpriced models furni ture plants are extremely dull tex tile mills continue busy with produc tion normal tanners are quiet fol lowing drastic declines in hide prices boot and shoe factories are only fair ly busy and on the cheaper lines the metal trades are very quiet and the lumbering- industry dormant at girls prise racket in leap year women may propose itill and heres the sting- but ttir timid bashful victim knows that he must buy the ring j just anotheb backet it is announced from windsor that several gasoline itatinna in the border cities and essex county are buying low grade gas oolortng it c l and selling tt a advertised brands of high test gas it baa also been stated that r american gssoune is bootlegged to bpnjer senps bioiieat things than monet money la only part of our compen sation for llfels labor true money is necessary for ones physical exist ence but it never has and never wqi buy the finer tbttgs if life do thing well and you win find joy tn the heart ss well as in the pay en velope ffl alee the wheel of this new mclaughlin buick straight eight of lujfhimuniljljljlsas i mine try wizard control rkfe regulator step on the gas then youll i i decided on this big sedan at laos eshffifca fttraeory faxmctrba in sv king fhone m georgetown we ames you to ovfv a new mclaughlinb fjicu call or paone and wef put a car at your ofenosat wbml sheetrock- the wall naterjal n handy aheef fern is made ipitlj a pore of gyp- sum which does not bijjf let us tdl yjtra more about it geetrock tasjhnjpoqf y feiifetow lofoctwjij uwted -n- afir the new way to buy coal bine coal osa oreers w 1 tea of faal or aware no extrldclivery xhargeslo womwal attewawftoww oxen wnixiasu stone fscboof itlinaal asjawaa ear oaab it mat owing jt raat aeaawat john mclkiiald awtsiiawfawt z t i ffi i i i- i t i t7rmtja

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