i v h etowti o sixtysixth year of publication the georgetown herald wednesday evening july 27th 1932 150 per annum in advance 200 to uja v the georgetown herald j m moors pmbuzber and- proprietor member canadian weekly newspaper association cjyr time table standard time going east passenger and mall 1030 am passenger 339 pm passenger and mall 630 pjn passenger stops for passengers going east and toronto 956 pjn sundays going east passenger 239 pjn passenger 812 djn passenger 9s0fp- a going west passenger and man passenger passenger passenger and mall passenger sunday passenger sunday going north mall ancv passenger going soath maa and passenger 64 am 208 pm 635 pjn 931 pjn 1022 pjn 628 pjn arrow idtleased bus seivice eastern standard tune tlsttaxa jo sum 1256 am 365 pjn 5j5i pjn 835 pjn sat only s5 pja dally exceptsat 1168 pjn saturday only 845 sun dally except sun lis pjn ajfo pjn jot jus stops only on flag signal 9j5 pjn 815 pjn sundays and holidays only reduced fares to holders of scsprm tickets tickets and information at longs directory better tiot to know life is so kind never x let us know the last time wo go down the long steep hill never to know when falls the last soft snow nor what bright bird wlll be the last to trill never to kjiow what joy will be the last nor when fleet youth will turn and wing away nor to havespresage trtat tile height is pat i of that brief passion which no lovesan stay life is so kind far kinder than wc dream- when hitter pain and overwhelm ing darken the hours nor give us then a gleam i of silver spray ocrossr the death- blackened reef if i had known that day you were to j i never never could have said goodbye edith lombard squires rf i depression and the press the removal of the spectator from palmerston to ouelphf emphasizes the difficulties under which country news papers now carry on local weeklies have been hit verjr hard by the da predion and the outlook for- the rural press of ontario at present is not a promising one a jew years ago no one would expect to find a town the size of palmerston without a well equipped newspaper office now the question is which town will be next to lose its local newspaper under the present conditions newspapers can ex 1st only in communities where loyal support is given to them and the town that loses its newspaper loses one of its most important assets arthur en terprise through the vstnadian rockie via canadian pacific balls j ka m it was our privilege last month to enjoy another trip through the can adian rockies this time we travelled on the canadian pacific railways luxurious train trip was a very the courtesy of the splendid dlnlu ninkui and tlie qt one indeed ibe train offlclalt carfrserylce an the lb hot dale barrister and solicitor oeorgetown ontario oooss oratory thesstre bldg mill st clarence b- wiggins souottor notary pnbtk- cfltees oneill block oeoigetbwn telephone 158 graham gbabam and bowtee a barristers etc btainpton ontario e a graham k b graham o h bowyer kknneth m lanodon arrmssr 8sucuar notary public flrot mortgage money to loan omces main street south phone 88 oeorgetown f r watson djos wloj0 marion fboc8t ud8 djuvjs ofbce houra 8 to 6 except thursday afternoon f ik heath ljk8 djx8 office in lane block one door north of oneills carriage factory hour 8 ajn to p- chiropractic neoson- the cruropraotor palmer graduate 19 years pracuoe no medicine surgery otneopathy xray service office over dominion store monday wednesday and saturday 9 to 6 and 730 to 930 pjn other days and hoars by appointment cslfilsfld insthtoas lantern good light and lots of it tterfs the fine ulht you x ja saw for afreralark choiva about siur place lor oudac trim r cott or caban lor all gen eral use coleman lancara mode 220b produces up to mo capdle- power of daar white ughc ljahta l makes and bums lt own gas equlppad with rototypa bur- nor and horning noanu haa good dear mka chimney gnan poree- uda a nuector top nickel placod tounc the coleman lamp and stove company lu toronto a ontario ask your dealer frank petch licensed auctioneer for the coomues of feel and halton prompt service telephoties cheltenham 26r23 georgetown jlr3 post office cheltenham collections a boaaanet from a brampton client tour services hsve been greatly appreciated resules ex tremely gratifying cant stress my thanks too highly june 10 1932 we cam help- you with your 1m troubles too kelly aiken ttm rattabte collectors oeanoeviixe ontario monuments pollock ingham successors to cater at worth gait ont designs on atocsest phone s048 inapeai our work ha qieenwood oametery i- new way to ffuy coal 1mue coal on orders for 1 ton of foel no extra delivery charges lo nqrvaii 8tbwattown glen williams stone school dhhstmt allowed far cash if net owby a pa aeootmt john mcdonald nomsrnw fwrosniowit your garage lined with sheetrock will be easy to heat and fireproof too for sheetrock doss not burn all you need is a saw a hammer some nails well tell you how sheetrock tbo firepboof wallboahd georgetown lumber company limited sjsbbb people who are suffering from eye weariness and imperfect vision should know they oan receive relief by hav ing their eyes examined by a specialist one who thoroughly understands the science of ot- tomelry h a stein 8ocesaor to p r boblnson at dsturs drag store rrery wednesday afternoon phone 1st far omintiaent greetings to provincial firemen in convention at georgetqwn july 29th to august 1st comfortable pullmantcar accommoda tion provided added materlalljxi the enjoyment of our holiday 7 leaving toronto on sunday evening june 19th accompanied by mrs moore and- alleen we arrived in vancouver on thursday morning at sam a little tired but happy after crossing the vast plairies and viewing the wonderful scenery of the rockies prom vancouver to victoria was a beautiful sail oi one of the canadian pacifics palatial steamers which ules between the ciait and british colum bias capital city during our stay in vancciuer vve had the pleasure of a visit with miss ann mcicay formerly of oeorgetown and dr jim black an old oeorgetown high school boy whose- home was in kcclc- wood after two weeks spent with relatives and friends at the coast we started on our homeward journey and as we a- gain wended our way through those majestic mcuntains taking in the grandeur of the scenery we decided to give our readers a pen picture of one of canadas most popular slght-seeing- tours the canadian rockies which inter pose their giant bulk between uie pacific coast and the prairies form one of the most remarkable moun tain regions of the world composed of some five ranges they offer nearly 650 miles of magrilflcient scenery snowy peaks glaciers rugged preci pices waterfalls foaming torrents canyonvjojj kes like vast sanhires and amethysts set in the pipe olac mountains they attract every year thousands of visitors for whom luxur ious hotels and comfortable bungalo camps provide headquarters although the canadian pacific rail services do not begin until we reach vancouver and although there are some canadian pacific steamer ser vices much farther afield than vic toria we will begin our journey through the rockies at this beautiful city victoria situated on vancouver is land population 660001 stands on a promotory overlooking the straits of juan de puca across to the snowcap ped olympic mountains on the main land owing bq bbe cnaraoterbstic beauty of its residential district it has often been called a bit of england on the shores of the pacific victorias beauty lies in rs residential districts its boulevards parks public buildings numerous bathing beaches and semi- tropical foliage the empress hotel most western of the chain of canadian pacific hotels overlooks the inner harbor within a stones throw of the parliament build ings it is an hotel of stately architec ture hospitable spirit spacious atmos phere and social warmth its beau tiful gardens are a fitting accompani ment of its own ivygrown walls adjoining the eznpress hotel an a- musement casino the crystal oarden contains one of the largest glassen closed saltwater swimming pools in the world together with dancing floors promenades etc victoria is the capital of british columbia the parliament buildings which rank among the handsomest m america overlook the inner harbor adjoining them is the provincial mu seum very complete and interesting and containing a large assortment of specimens of natural history native woods indian curias and prehistoric tnstntixrrms the provincial library contains a large collection of histori cal prints documents and other works of great value and interest one of the ntys public parks beacon hill park contains 154 acres laid out as recreation grounds and pleasure gardens fifteen minutes walk from the empress hotel and in cluded in all sightseeing trips in the city magnificent views can be obtaln- trom beacon hill across the straits of juan de puca and of olympic mount ains on the malnuuirj near brentwood a charming resort on saanich inlet about fifteen miles from the city by streetcar or auto mobile are the beautiful and famous gardens of mr k p butchart in no part of america can any more diver sified gardens be found than these for besides sunken gardens there are acres of rose gardens stretches of velvet lawns bordered with flowers of every description and a japanese or fairy garden visitors are admitted with out charge every day saanich mountain otvervatory is reached by automobile or streetcarl the new telescope which has a 73- inch reflector is the second largest in the world the observatory in addition to being of interest itself commands from its site one of the finest views on the pacific coast victoria can be considered as an ap proximation to the golfers paradise for in its equable climate golf can be enjoyed every day of the year three 18hole and two 9thcle courses are open u visitors and- are all convenient to- the city well kept and of fine location ouests at the brnnress hotel have special privileges at the colwoqd coif and country club the fishing and shooting on van couver island are of the best trout salmon pheasant grouse cougar bear deer and moose being the prises 8hawnigan idfce canrtchan lake sproat lake oreat central lake and campbell river are amongst the most famous flailing waters of this contin ent there are also excellent blra ahootlrag and big game hunting there are as many good motor traps radiating from victoria as from any other place in america the roads are excellent among the popular trips is the famous aiaioiiot drive to shawnlgn and duncan nanatmo via parksville to cameron lake on oyer albeml summit another is the orand island highway touxrvlctoiia dun can katasjntp cameron lake port afcerrd quallcum and campbell river land the entire georgian circuit in ternational tour the greatest and most complete scenic tour on the con tinent r protn victoria deughtfuj excursions may be nude into the interior of van couver island either- by the ssinamalt and nanatmo railway or by automob ile ktcehrnt hotels are to be found at cameron lake and elsewhere splendid fishing can be enjoyed at numerous places for stunorn and trout the immense douglas fir forests of the interior and the bahny climate make- a trip into ttoe interior won derfully attractive varahnarvec population with ou butbs 207000 ta situated on burrard contmued on fate 41 ge6rxgt6vvn fike brigade top row left to right r taiwhn t orieves p mccartney o martin j- hall a roney r eason f sykes h hlltz middle row c spence h shepherd n carter t olvens p armstrong w beau mont j armstrong j shepherd bottom bow r mccartney m brown h savings a kean n tuck chief w h long deputychief a b parr h helnbecker d latimer geo h smith president provincial firemens association james qardhoose organiser provincial firemens association v j armstrono secretary provincial firemens association drwlitetotnn 3ire srtgabe vj eoroetown like other villages in a new coufitxynhad its fires and methods were sought to minimize the menace as the barber family came here in 1837 and as bhey were all of a mechanical bent of mind i imagine that joseph sr who was a machinist was the btrpderof ow ouurver the first fire engine that i can find any trace ot though someone mentions that there was an earlier and smaller engine than this one i it was a boxlike affair mounted on four wheels and with a wheel with a handle on each side whereby four men could work it and thus drive a stream of water against- the flames through hose made of leather and joined with copper rivets this hose wa very heavy and not very pliable this engine had no suction pipe and water had to be carried in palls and emptied into the box the last stage of this engine was pathetic if tradition can be believed a are occurring in qlen williams it was hauled there and whether it proved of no avail or not i do not know but instead of hauling it back to its native heath they drowned it in the deepest part of the village pond no one is left to tell the tale of the personnel of that fire department but the legend is that james hlggms was captain in the eighteen seventies the rescue was purchased a hand engine with a wooden handle on each side at which twenty men could furnish the power and laborious work it surely was for the writer recneanberi pumping his insldes out at the fire which consumed the exchange hotel where mr mcgtbbons now stands quite a number of large cisterns were sunk at convenient points where water was no available and these were filled from the roofs of nearby buildings if a dry season occurred then they had to be replenished bf filling them from the pond on the west side of main st where the electric road runs our hick and ladder wagon was of home manufacture built by culp ac mckrnzie a formerly well known firm of carriage builders in the seventies and it speaks well for their workmanship that it is still doing duty if required after sixty years of service tlls engine and ladder wagon furnished protection under the chlefshlp of doctor m h starr h h spiers and mark maw until the installation of the waterworks in 1891 the llose reel company and the hook and ladder company wen two separate organizations but were amalgamated upon the com pletion of the waterworks as our hose reel and hook and ladder companies wee always run on a volunteer basis it is needles to add that nearly every ablebodied man in oeorgetown was a member at some time or other during his llfettme another interesting fact is that there are three men still living who served under the chlefshlp of doctor starr in the late seventies viz john taylor james hickey living here and james- litster of oak- vllle if there are others i am not aware in 1800 it was thought our fire fighting apparatus was not suffi cient to cope with a fire in the business section of the village and a steam engine was suggested the reeve called a public meeting in the town hall and a representative of the waterous engine co of brant- ford and mr ronald of brussels were present after listening to each man extolling bhe merits of their respec tive engines it was decided to purchase the brantford one but the next day there was a revulsion of opinion for mr ronald in looking over the situation stated that oeorgetown had the best are protection right at it doorstep namely silvercneek and thus was born their waterworks system which is really a monument to the late jos barber jr a councillor at that time and who gave practically all his time to superintending the installation of the same mr james warren of walkerton was the engineer following the installation of the waterworks the fire brigade has kept pace with the times the old hose reels drown by man power have been replaced by an uptouate motor fire truck with complete equipment owing to the growth of the town an additional water supply was installed in 1922 at a co t of tsoooo and today oeorgetown has one of the best fire protection systems in the dominion chiefs of the brigade who have succeeded those previously men tioned were messrs nell hunter deceased rtobert erwtn albert tost and nelson tuck the present chief with w h long deputychlel oeorgetown fire brigade from its inception has always been manned by men who have never spared themselves in time of danger and whose efficiency has been proven in numerous instances where fires have been extinguished thereby preventing the loss of life and property of our cltlbens i we thank mr qeorge reld one of the early members of the brigade for much of the information given above r w h long 1st vicepresident provincial firemens association j k williams 2nd vicepresident provincial firemens association thos f hasmngb treasurer provincial firemens association ufffs ihsrobs there are loyal hearts there are aplr- its brave there are souls that are purs and true then give to the world the best you have the best will come back to you give love and love to our life will flow a strength in you utmost need have faith and a score of hearts will show their faith in your word and olve truth and your gift will be in kind and hdnor will honor meet and a smile that is sweet wul surely find a smile that is lust as sweet for life is a mirror of king and slave tis jusb what you are and do then give to the world the best you have jr and the best will come back to you some child needs a vacation hurrah holidays are here and the children burst from the k school room into the bright june sunshine im going to grandmas were going camping such echoes were heard on all sides but there iriebtti the group of happy laughing children was jackie only too well did he know what his holidays would be he lived downtown where summei was one long hot dusty nightmare last year some of the neighbour cbiai- ren had been invited to go to the country for two weeks by the neigh borhood workers association jackie had listened to their glowing tales when they returned and away down in hu heart had hoped that hed go omettme he walked a little way behind his cla then be saw janle his little stsjstaajlflnxiing to meet him oh jackie i were going to the country- mother asked the rjelgraxtrhood work ers lady and she said we could and we only have to watt a few dsyysl perhaps people outside our city dont realize what an invitation to some little city dweller for a two weeks holiday means it means a real holiday the kind country child ren have that helps to build up weak little bodies and brighten sad faces we can only count on the gener osity and klndrtfjrs of our country people to make our project a smysm will you give some little boy or girt a vacation in your home we offer no iretnuneratian to the hostess but we do provide transport ation and a free medical for each child before he leaves the city a letter to mr f n stafueford nelgnborhobd workers association xl wellesley street toronto whl give some little city boy or girl a joyous two weeks that will always be re membered premier opposes councils controlling school taxes municipal control of school taxa tion and of school boards which has been extensively advocated from some sections of the province is quttely but firmly frowned upon by premier george s benry in t report of the department of education such a thing states mr henry could not be done by an enactment of the legislature the change he adds would be a complete l sa of the policy of the province in rela tion to bhe schools in atxoiwlahce with accepted practice the generally should be consulted he i ed before infringing upon the right of local boards to control the cost of education there is no present indication he declared that the legislature would approve such a measure and it is difficult to see how any govern ment could proceed along- the line proposed without the plainest war rant from public opinion whatever essays in this direction may have been tried in other countries they have little application to the situa tion in oltaiio from which long ex perience has built up its own system of schools with remarkable results l2u motor vehicle accidents occurred in kajbxy morning hours if you drive a motor vehicle of any kind the next time you are rtj4wl to relax vigilance because the hour is early and traffic light dont 1283 accidents occurred in the province of ontario jast year between m and breakfast tuna afost of these accidents took place h aim drivers concluding there wasnt much competition for rightofway stepped on the accelerator just a little harder than usual and took it for granted that the approaching tatersectton or blind curve would be clear this attitude resulted in 82 known deaths and known injuries to 768 per sons in 1031 an analysis of the ac cident statistics furnished by motor vehicles branch of the ontario de partment of wghtways indicates clear- 1 ly that there is no hour during the night or day in any season or under any conditions when either motorist or pedestrian can afford lo take a chance a salesman not a bataoak georgetown fire truck ambitious youn g people who are trying to help defray part of thelr sehool expenses should be careful not to resort to the methods of the beg gar when a young man asks the housewife who answers his ring at her doorbell to subscribe to some magaz ine because if tie secures a certain number of subscatptlons he will be able to continue bis school course he adopts the tactics of a beggar and not a salesman another point is that the method he is using gets htm nowhere people may excuse sjich appeals in a school boy but if be tries the same methods after graduation he will meet with ridicule and resent ment if he tried to be a salesman instead of a beggar it instead of ap pealing to the housewifes sympathy he tried to show jtasr the maga zine he represented gave her a lot for her money he would be develontng himself in a warthat would prove in valuable later be a salesman not a beggar gardens a party at the etiological stood puzzled before a bud the first its a beagle the second its not its a howl bystander you are both its an awk a young married couple started out with the baby to buy a baby carriage they purchased one put the baby in it and started- home ew smiled tney wondered why finally they noticed that the clerk had omit ted to remove toe sign from the car riage it rtwf fi i tv t