Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 31, 1932, p. 1

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i the georgetown herald sixtysixth year of publication the georgetown herald wednesday evening august 31st 1932 the georgetown herald j ml moore rabuaber and proprietor member canadian weekly newspaper cnr time table standard time gains bart passenger and mall 1020 ajri passenger 239 pjn passenger and mall 630 pjn riiiin i stops for passengers coin bast and toronto 986 pjn sundays going east bawsenger 2s9 pm faasenaer ju 812 pjn faasenger 9m pjn fra cmat west passenger and mall passenger nlaiilfflinl mail gaiiismajiysimday 7j8 jn bm ajn x0b pjn 2s pjn 1022 pjn 855 ajn bj8 pjn coh north man and passenger going soalb mau and plan isfiii have your eyes examinee o t walker dosc eyesight specialist brampton who vyillbe t watsons drug stqre georgetown the second wednesday of every month prone watsons drug storkfol k appointment or yoa may eoasalt o t walkek at hla office in bramptea trie newest style of g at reasonable prices arrow wctiasjjj sebvfcs s6 m mfc56 ajn 1xs6 ajn sjss pjn 658 pjn sjb pjn sat only 0ms6 pjn dally except sat 11j56 pjn saturday only cub ajn dally except sun 9js0 ajn 1j6 pjn 440 pjn 6jr pjn stops only on hag signal sos pjn ms pjn sundays and holidays only reduced fares to holder of iiesrni tickets and nwormaiion at longs directory ie roy daub georgetown ontario cmces orctjory theatre bide mill 8t- clarence b wiggins notary paboa offices ottem block georgetown 158 tattnim wawaai and bowkkr brampton ontario b q graham x b graham o b bowyer kenneth m langdon mattsa- natsry pwaue first mortgage money to loan main street sooth georgetown w r watson ivdjs nuks offlos hours to 5 except thursday w l beats uu djks in lena block one door north of otfelllls carriage factory hours am to pjn chirontacnc nerlson the omr radonte tt years pracode mo mwpritna surgery osteopathy xray service office over dominion stars monday- wednesday andbwurday 1 to and jo to jo pjn other days and nonrs by shi mi frank petch of pad and baman franspt flsrvios oeorcetown ors ooujkotiowb do we get results a toronto okmt whtsst x mustsay that i sot very pleased with your work to hand ling my cotlentlnria i bad con- kelly aiken oranoev1xu ontario est uh telephone bo monuments pollock ingham as to ostar wrh gait om out waist tn owniwooil the new way to buy coal btaecoal no eitri delivery charges to r woxvai btkwarttown wmih mtatjumb- stolfat schkm not owtes sobn mcdonald x owmimowm oiltahov record 104 children killed 1827 tnjiued by automobiles in 1931 x nearly half of these accidents were caused by children playing in the street what a shameful record what a startling appeal to fcsoth mothers aria motorts this year let us give every child a chance a motor vehicles branch ontario department of highways leopold macaulay a the way of the world v laugh and the world laughs with you weep and you weep alone this good old earth mast borrow its mirth it has trouble enough of its own 8ing and the hilk will answer sigh and tt is tost on the air the echoes rebound to a joyful sound but they shrink from voicing care rejoice and men will seek you orleve and they turn and go they want full measure of your pleas- i ure but they do not want your woe be glad and your friends are be sad and you lose them all there are none to decline your nee- tared wine but alone you must drink lifes gall feast ana your halls are crowded past and the world goes by forget and forgive it will help you to live but no man cad help you to die there is room in the halls of pleasure for a long and lordly train but one by one we must all march on thro the narrow aisle of b j 150 per annum in advance 200 to u4la the end of tie trail by harriet lummls smith we do job printing can you buy as much anywhere for the money q thrift is a most commendable trait the practice of knowing what one gets for or money and gett ing it r j can you think of aigything that gives you more value for your money titan this j notice that friends of yours or friends of your friends are visiting have visitors are ill have been bereaved have rebuilt or remodelled their home bought a new home are officers in a society have been blessed with a new baby that they have had an acci dent or been married ip net the intimate activities of the community family life are reflected the pages of your local newspaper 52 weeks in every year i besides you read of your councils town town ship or county activities of the progress or retrogres sion of your district and literally hundreds of other items 4 the business people send you each week messages of savings latest styles patterns and weaves in wear ables and tasty economical food stuffs you can stay indoors for weeks and still be better informed of vital community affairs than inany who are continually about and trust to hearsay for news through your local paper q do you honestly believe that you get a bigger pr better dtie dollar and fifty cents worth anywhere if you agree with us that you 3o not will you try to make our task of keeping our subscription list paid up easier by watching the label on your herald and paying yours when it falls due thank you just to be sure turn to the first page now and look at the label aruer wayland stopped work and looked at the sun ones youd better knock off he said to his adopted son robert i want you to take a payment over to hiram watson as long as youre going to college in the fall i guess i dont need to tell yon that levant receipt- robert wayland turned his flushed fsce toward the older man if any bodys going to stop work be said why dont your you go and pay mr watson while i stick to the job john waylands mouth twisted into a rather grim smile the man had plenty of humor but of a ragged sort that people sometimes had difficulty in recognising i guess m stand by my first idea he replied you may be better at those logarithm things you were trying to erplam to me the other day but im better at the farm work yet awhile under his tan robert flushed again for ten years he had called john wayland father but be had reached thepolnt of actually under standing him he would have been atnased had he known the amount of pride am tenderness under his foster fathers rattier gruff exterior i know my work is worth nothing compared o yours only it seems tough to leave you sweating in this heat while i go off on an errand anybody could do youll do your share of sweating i cant let you have one of the horses today and cryder said he wouldnt have the car fixed before friday you can take the trolley of course but youll have a good two miles to walk ill be ready in ten minutes de clared robert as be started on a run for the house mr wayland looked after the boy as nos one was on hand to observe htm his lace was suddenly trans formed by n expression of affection folks say its risky taking a bay when you dont know anything about his forebears his thoughts ran but id like to know how many own sans would be more willing to do their share we didnt make any mliitake when we took bob when robert came downstairs band- some in his best suit mr wayland was sitting at the diningroom table counting gold coins from a canvas bag and placing them in little piles beore him the troy stood waiting with disapproval written on his ex pressive face be had often dlwarmert with his father the advisablmty of opening a checking account but mr wayland bad little confidence to banks ookt coin m a canvas bag ro tosom hiding place he himself had selected was his idea of security five hundred dollars he uim or his wife they went to bed ana siepi peace uliy when morning came and the boy had not appearea mrs wayland made no secret or her alarm lis not lite kooeri to leave you to do the chores uayoe he got wet yesterday and causu coid and is sic ai tne wai- xm vooo better drive overhand see mr wayland wouki doc admit that oe shared her anxiety lie only said tve got an errand in the village this inuruuig 1u drive out and see nat aus bob tveral little matters delayed him and it was past ten oclook wnen he uiove inrougn the village from me ixircn of doctor levetts none a voice nailed him and a gui or eighteen or hereabouts came racing down the path to the wagon good morning oar wayland sue cried iie lartber drove his horse up to the curb ana alighted oood morn ing cynthia he cried f im vrur out u supper to x two so telr auntie wayland please haveatefet cake bui if bobs plan for winter now a day nd td ame by that time tell him im angry tnat i dont know as ill ever speax to turn again you are angry at bob yes i am i saw horn on the train yesterday and be wouldnt speak to me mr wayland moved slightly he itood with his feet apart as if on leek of a rocking ship you saw dob on the train where why rve been at helens for i month and i came down on the af lernoon train bob got on at warren junction and i supposed id nave company all the way i gave him most dassllng smile and would you oelleve it he looked into my face and cut me dead now have i changed as much as that in a month the girl looked up laughingly into the rugged face that was g down at ner then drew back with a start oh mr wayland are you sick with an effort the man regained control of himself sink no what put that idea into your head why i dont know you look so pale and queer cynthia seamed to have forgotten the thread of bar story unto the man recalled it to her you were saying the provincial government has an nounced that in conjunction with the dominion government it is the gov ernments intention to continue assis tance to municipalities in the matter of direct relief by the payment of twothirds of the cost the municipali ty bearing onethird it has been fur ther stated that where the munickiali ty conskfers it is unable to assume even mis oneuilrd of the cost of direct rellei representation should be made to the municipal board of the rrovracial government for further re lief assistance tram the government uertain municipalities have made such representatio and have had their shre the post reduced from a unra io onefifth it would seem that this is the op- virtune moment for all municipalities torsive serious consideration to this question of fall and winter relief and to ascertain whether they will be in a position to bear this onethird cost or not it would be most unwise to wait until the cold weather is upon us and the unemployed are in need or fuel as welf as food to then con- alder the matter we may as well face the tact that unemployment wtlf oe with usjust as much this tall and winter as it- was last fall and winter but if we plan wisely now much of the confusion delay and suffering ex perienced last year can be prevented municipalities should encourage strong crop report to a bbaotmjl cloud committees to get to work now in the endeavour to raise funds for this work of relief and with the object of lay ing plans for proper control and dis tribution y many of the unemployed have been busy cultivating the little marbt gar den patch and planting such nig as potatoes beets cabbages etc we most heartily commend them for this and in all good faith would suggest to them that it might be wiser to store some of their garden produce for the fall rather than to try to sill them nnw for the very low prices that are paid so many persons are hawking the small produce of then- little plot from door to door prices are low things like potatoes beets carrots etc niay with greater wisdom be star ed for the hard days ahead announced and replacing the bag he put it in roberts bands then be laughed at the youths wry face youre so keen on banks be said wait till you make some money then you can put it all in one robert smiled yes sir to much rather carry a cheek or five hundred made out to hiram watson than all this gold hlnam will take one as- quick as rthe other remember the receipt as the young man left the bouse sophia mr waylands aunt looked after him and shook her head lugu briously the watpteg of her nature had begun many years ago to her youth whensbe bad deluged to suspi cion until now her habtt was to thins the worst of everyone i wouldnt do chat if it were my maney she stated now mournfully her nephews face became darkly red td trust bob with every penny rve got you dont know anything about the blood in hla veins well never know where the pecks got him since all their papers were destroyed at their death fires are awful things maybe i didnt know anything about titan when i took him but i do now and there was never a better boy than bob mattle and i did the best job of our lives when we took him aunt sophia shook her head like a aplnlster old raven blood will tell she announced and her nephew went out scowling a little later the tieat of the after noon was broken by a violent thun derstorm all work was interrupter for a good hour and the men w longer than usual to make up for their rest although supper was an hour and a half late robert had not re turned hachyt you watson up- asked aunt sophia better can hiram table nephew the family sat down to what for demanded gruffly to see if robert really did take him the money its a trig temptation for a boy whenever had anything had anyone bat aunt sophia made the suggestion mr wayland might have acted on it if he called up now though he thought be would simply be sharing her doubta robert win come home when he gets readyhe replied gruffly theres no use ter phoning when at ten oeiook robert had not appeared however and aunt sophia bad gone to betj he attempted to tele phone to watson only to find that the storm had put the wires ant of com mission oh well the watsons hare asked nlm to stay an mbt thats an ur watson oonsolecf nkntev crimes of violence were unknown in the ooramuinty and the pomfbqtty of danger to robert in carrying out his eoomusslon djd not oongr to etthar oh yes be walked right by me without noticing my -rt- i could have attracted his attention of course bat i was afraid somebody would think i was oytog to scrape ac quaintance with a stranger i thought hed get off at mayfleld and then was going to have a good laugh at him but after i found he was going to the city are you sure it was bob cynthia levett had already become vaguely aware of the tension in the mind of hex listener this question stole the blood from her cheek am i sure it was bob she repeated why i couktnt be mistaken to bob you know that i didnt know whether you got a good look at him or not oh yes i did but why are you sktog me ell these questions i gave bob five hundred dollars to cash yesterday to make a payment on that land i bought from watson and he hasnt come back the man and ghi looked into each others eyes cynthias voice was hardly above a whisper when at last these words came theres a mis take bob couldnt thats the way i felt but after au we dont know what kind of blood is to him what makes you think he was going to the city why he was tjwrtng to a young man across the aisle who asked him if he knew a good hotel to the otty thatwasnt extensive i hear bob say tm going to stay at the hatha way house mr wayland wiped the beads of perspiration from his forehead til drive on to the watsons to see if i can get any news there it was noon before mr wayland walked into bis own home and at the sight of him his wife threw up her hands hes dead she cried mr wayland saudown heavily in the nearest chair h wish that all mattle oh john what do you mean hes stolen from us mattle he never went near the watsons and yesterday cynthia levett saw him on the way to the city the brokenhearted man and wo man stared at each other to a dase the woman did not cry out but to that moment of alienee she tasted the anguish of death at last she forced her white hps to ask what are you going to do tve done it already the sheriff has gone to the- city to bring him back john bow could you our boy hes not our bay after this if the lad weve loved and trusted would do this hes not going to get away with it cynthia heard hkn telling a young fellow the name of the hotel he waa going to maybe that was just a blind well see tad cynthia speak to him she bowed but he didnt seem to notice her he got on the train at warren junction at warren junction why how did he get there i dont know somebody might have given him a lift in a machine and of course he wouldnt buy a ticket at this station the awful day lagged by when roberts nonappearance was n sarily explained to aunt sophia she was gloomily triumphant over the fulfillment of her prophecy during the afternoon cynthia peared her eyes swollen with long weeping there must be some pla km she said as she sat with roberts foster parents in the living room dont peoples memories some times give way mr wayland smiled grimly yes they do but it would be considerable ofa coincidence if a young fellows memory caved in just when he hap pened to have five hundred dollars in his pocket perhaps hes sick and delirious there must be something robert couktnt have done such a thing to have cynthia about was a com fort for she shared the grief of the others profoundly perceiving this the girl accepted mrs waylands in vitation to spend the night- she wanted to be on hand to hear the first word of any new developments too about six oclock the telephone rang and 3 1 telegram was read over the j starting for home with prls- tossns that he uvea in chicago and that his name is kennedy win bring fun out tonight for your tmt hoffman mr wayland repeatevl the telegram to his breathless listeners be may be eraxy- cynthia cried tor an we know then is sanity to his family or stealing croaked aunt sophia blood win ten- at ten oclock a teeter drove to the door of the tjmhoote mr wwy- oonuoubd cat fa 4 a tofkly world it is conceded on au sides that the present depression ootbd be jlfted if men bad faith constant meditation upon evil reports and long periods of hope deferred have sickened the heart of the average man of today true it is that faith to o04 is thenrst requi site to spiritual and material prosperi ty and faith in ones fellowmen there can be no lasting growth of the spiritual man until qod is made su preme object of mans faith qod will do his share but notwlthtsandlng man the free will agent has an im portant part to play in keeping the temple of god free from corroding thoughts the psalmist evidently had come to such aeonalusion when he prayed let the words of my mouth and the- meditations of my heart be acceptable to thy sight as a church we have reached the place where we think upon things that are not accetpable to god since they lack the essential of faith the great apostle to the oentues paul whose words echo so truly the voice of qod in writing to the pnilipplans urged them to think upon things of good report the early church was confronted with greaterburdens than is the church today the whole world was the responsibility of a mere handful of persecuted men and wo men and yet to the face of the trem endous task and the empty treasury they were enabled to- attend to the necessity of the saints and push on in the great work of ovarajelixation below will be found a brief synopsis beautiful cloud with folds so 60ft and of telegraphic reports received at the sir head office of the bank of montreal swimming to the pure ilet ahl from its branches under date of aug thy fleeces bathed in sunlight while below thy shadow oer the vale moves slow where midst their labor pause the reaper train as cool ft comes along the grata beautiful cloud i would x were with thee in thy calm way oer lanct and sea to reekm thy unrolling skirts and on earth as on an open hook on streams that tie her realms with silver bands and the long ways that seam her lands and hear her humming dtles and the sound of the great ocean breaking round ay i would sail upon thy airboms car to blooming regions distant far lb where the sun of andalus shines on ms own olivegroves vines or the soft lights of italys bright sky in smiles upon her ruins ue winiam oudden bryant 25th 1932 general orata cutting is rapidly nearing completion in manitoba ana in saskatchewan over 50 3 the wheat has been cut in alberta and northern saskatchewan operations have been delayed by fairly general heavy rains threshing is now under way in ail three provinces and is gen eral to manitoba in quebec harvest ing of grains is becoming general with good yields indicated and later crops are developing normally in the maritime provinces crop prospects generally are favourable n british columbia heavy rains have been bene- fkclal to crops though damage 4s re ported in some districts prospects continue good quebec having operations are gen erally completed the crop is below average good grain yields are antl- olpaied corn is late but shows satis factory growth potato and other root crops require warm weather tobacco is a favourable progress apple crop prospects are good pastures are holding out welt ontario threshing returns indicat yiat the yield of fall wheat iabbove the average and barley average whiie oats in many sections did not ful well and the grain is light in south western ontario sugar beets and beans have shown marked improvement and average crops are now expected some slight damage to corn from borer is reported and potato blight is fairly prevalent the yield of early peaches was satisfactory and the bate crop is promising grapes are also promis ing while apples show prospects great ly reduced from those of last year- cutting and curing of tobacco is mak ing satisfactory progress under favour able conditions and the former esti mate of a good crop of satisfactory quality is borne out to date maritime provinces the hay crop will be about average grains are ripening and promise a good yield potatoes show satisfactory progress but rot has developed in some districts due to excessive moisture the an napolis valley apple crop is reported to be of a very good quality some early varieties are already on the market pastures continue in good condition parliament to meet in october as a man tbtoketirtn his heart so is he faithless thintrhng is the mill stone about the neck of the church and the world today god has not ailed the food supply has not failed though we oftentimes think it has but men have failed by rig their faith in the wrong objects money has failed in tts highest purpose be cause men have failed to honor qod with his substance and that does not apply solely to the rien it applies to every man woman and child who has had the respoafbillty of spending a tenpent piece and who have deliber ately wasted one penny of it on that which was not bread where is the individual that can escape that indict ment but god to waiting waiting for a pentent people to confess thelr stos and to return to faith to hsm it u high ame we as christs repre sentatives started a eamri of right thinking whatsoever things are of good report meditate on these things outlook for church in globe if buicks had bars the dominion parliament will meet some time in october to consider the r of he four trade agree ments negotiated with different states of the commonwealth at the wf bconomkt conference while the ot tawa house is to session other em pire parliaments will be considering the tangable results of the conference twelve allred trade treaties designed to unite one quarter of the worlds population to closer economic com pact from the nansdisn viewpoint the most important treaty is with the united kingdom in its broad out lines it secures for canada a perfer- red position to the british market for such products as wheat butter eggs cheese fruits copper tobacco and modifications of restrictions against canadian tobacco in return grants new or increased margtoa of preference on 2s0 manufactured goods chiefly iron and steel textiles chemi cals and glass canadian automobile manufacturers will secure triff concessions in the south african and rhodeslan mar kets through treaties with these do minions the irish free state is ex pected to materially increase its pur chases of canadian wheat from all parts or canada the com ments of canadian statesmen manu facturers and agriculturists express high hopes and gratification at the understandings arrived at by thaxsoft- ferenoe prospects of increased hwe with the united kingdom are receiv ed with i notes and comments considerable to the papers these days about a back to the land movement we have noticed where some men have been offered 16 to 20 a month and their board to help with the harvest and they 1 to go back to the hand these would rather join to a demon- demndlng 10 a week for the of the family and s2 a week child fs a cash contribution fromthe federal treasury ex ontario men who a threw uto their jobs jhey thought were and lucrative positions other united states cities are back again in the home fold poorer but wiser for their ex periences when dull tunes came to the big cities the canadians were the first to get their walking tickets some had been residents of the re public for twelve or fourteen yean but had failed to take out their final ciusenslup papers with the result that they were recently tow to get out what a story the mclaughlutbulcks used by imperial conference delegates could ten if they could only speak what political and trade secrets have been whispered within the luxurious interiors of these oars in the past taw weeks at ottawa says a writer hi mayfalr not the carillon sending forth n musk over the city from artythree bells ten pounds to ten tons in weight nor yet the archlte- oural dignity of that pile of stone which crowns parliament bill not the caredfor charm of the driveway as our car rolled into ottawa along the banks of a serene indeed his toric rldeau river nor yet the avenue of flags which leads up to that turreted castle which is the chateau laurier instead it is the battery of domin ioncrested mrflaughllnbulcta and the royal crown cars of government bouse which gives one the singular thrill on reaching ottawa today it is the new theme in our motorcon scious uvea sleek khaklchauffeured motor cars dart at you from every line of traf fic they have first right to the choice parking places they have right way upon each and every occasion with no license plate but the all- compellmg imperial bconomkt con ference 1939t and the flag of the particular dominion at the radiator cap they assert their claim to pre cedence noiselessly swiftly as a mer cury in the present scheme of ot tawa life they take second place only to the viceregal cars from rldeau hall actually chsy exes more interest ottawa people have become accus tomed to the crown cars more than that these very butoks if they ever could get together and hold confab of their own probably oonld reveal a more accurate story of this soontobehistoric conference than any official documents game regulations when a doctor doctors a doctor doss he doctor the doctor the way the doctored doctor wants to he doctored or doss the doctor doing the doctoring doctor the other dohtpr in his own wiart ignorance of the law does not ex cuse one for breaking it icoowiedge of the regulations below may save unpleasa and perhaps more severe penalties it is unlawful in ontario 1 to employ a guide unless he is licensed 2 to carry a loaded gun in a motor car or other vehicle 3 to molest or destroy a den or usual place of habitation of any fur- bearing animal other than wolf 4 to use snares for any purpose in the counties of victoria -peter- boro hojtityt lennox addtogton frontenac leeds and qrerrville 5 to shoot betowen sunset and sunrise standard time or between sunset on saturday and sunrise on the following monday standard time 0 to shoot or spear muakrat to set a trap closer than ave feet to muakrat house burrow feed house or pushup or within 20 feet of 1 beaver house 7 to peimlt the flesh of any ani mal or turd taken suitable for food to be destroyed or spoilt or the of furbearing animals to be destroy ed or spoht 8 to carry a firearm for the pur pose of hunting to essex kent lamb- ton elgin middlesex oxford nor folk brant raldimand welland lincoln wentworth york peel hal- ton waterloo perth south welling ton and south huron without a lic ense 9 to angle or hunt without a license if you are a nonresident 10 to take any small or large mouthed black bass niasktoonge speckled trout brown trout rainbow trout or other pacific trout accept by angling 11 to buy sell or export black bass masktnonge speckled trout b trout rainbow trout or other pacific trout no matter how procured 01 to sell pickerel pikeperch or sore pike or lake trout taken by angling or in any other manner ex under jkense nonresidents may on leav ing the province take- the lawful catch of two days fishing is uhlpptno coupon supplied with angling license is attached to package containing such list 12 to fish from a boat or other floating device or through the file to the counties of victoria peterhoro durham and northumberland and the waters of the river trent and lake scugog to any county during the close season for the taking of bass and masklnonge if you hear a person complimented why dont you find an opporunlty to tell him about it this world needs more pleasant reports and fewer bit ter criuatsms if you want to be popular remember the nice things which one person says of another and then ten them it is such a little thing to repeat a compliment no matter how tog and important the man a genuine compliment gives plea sure you uke to bear pl things about yourself you feel that you do is not much and that you are given little credit and at the same tune you seldom give or repeat compliments life nas hard roads aplenty pain and discouragements not a few if you can make a sad ex perience less painful by saying a kind word why not do it desist from repeating the evil things you hear the government of saskatchewan has worked out a plan to alio the farmers to pay their debts in wheat until no it will he accepted on the basis of 70 cents per bushel that win apply to dealings which far mers have had with the g in the way of relief and adwanee for seed grain etc details are not giv en to fun but with the enreption of binder twine the farmer can payhls obligations to the go with his wheat relief as we have come to understand the word is something which is not repaid by the person who receives it if tt has to be paid back tt is not relief to this sense it is a loan the saskatchewan idea is seiun the farmers cannot pay their debts to the form of taxes and loans to cash because they have no cash wheat to them is the one med ium of exchange and it is reasonable to accept it at a air price even if that price is to advance of mat pam on the open market fbtb statlatlca for the month of june and far the flat she t w af this year reported by the ontjario fire marshall just issued show an increase in fires but a decrease to losses not uiwued by insurance in comparison with 1031 there was an increase of 67 to flies reported for june and for the period january to june an increase of bjb losses not covered by innirsnre to june 1831were s99jsj as compared with t01s not insurance covered for oune 1m2 from january to june the losses not taken care of by in surance in 1931 amounted to s1573- 768 while this year they fell to 781- 574 in the past six months 212 hams were burned 0449 dwellings 45 stores and 182 factories these fig ures show a orcrease of 50 in bams and ss in factories and an increase of 74s to dwelling and m in stores over last year of the same period the largest ore to the month of june was the burning of the lethenby lumber yard at midland with a loss estimated at smile contaoioc8 smile even if it hurts you the re sults may be a surprise tws world is only a looking class gtvtog back to every man the reflection of his own face frown at if and the world wut ins incomes of most of us have been seriously reduced salaried people business people farmers and wage earners many are quite up against it with no income at all and have to live on the surplus of former years dur ing the days of prosperity money came easily and we became careless to our spending and extravagant in our imagined needs what were re- gared as luxuries but a few years ago we have come to regard as deeesslties now with our reduced imaome we must give up many things and- it is inter esting to observe the reactions of dif ferent persons to the enforced econ omy some become bitter and blame the social order the government and everything but their own lack of tore sight to not providing- for the rainy day some are unable to readjust their spending to their red to- come and are trying to cany on on their old schedule until the sails some in and the bank account is exhaust ed and necessity compels them to call a halt and there are those who ac tually get a good deal of fun out of budgeting their reduced income they consider and weigh values plan what is necessary and what can be done without and find that after an a lowered income need not effect the lasting fundamentals of a happy home to wsks up every man expects me day and find h return a sour look laugh and you and as a rule he really does ant ex wai ttnd t a tans nosspsiilcn far sa the waking sppart litiq

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