Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 31, 1932, p. 4

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v m the georgetown herald wednesday evening august 3 1 at 1932 is delicious ye si cars do need attention in the hot weather roarj dual andgrnn get into all parte of your motpr more qukky baji in cooler weather blazing sun blisters the paint and decks the top what to do to overcome this destruction i change your oil at least every 500 miles 2 if you are driving very much have your car greased at least every 2 weeks during august let us dress the top of your car with highgrade top dressing the cost is only 100 and it wih save the top on your car we also do simonizing at reasonable prices it will save the finish of your car install a new fan belt and we make no extra charge for flushing out radiator at the same time for safetys sake let us keep in order your brakes steering headlights etc speights garage brake specialists phone 279w georgetown vl i like to think in heaven recompense wu1 be vouchsafed to those who journey hence with- cherished hopes perhaps un- gratiaed and that when heavens gate is open ed theyll see within a dear fi room r the tangled threads they left upon i oodfc loom neaiing fulfilment and shall be sur prised to find their fondest dreams are realiaed willa hoey albatbos9 see where it soars this thins by man created this nestuess bint on straining pb ions sp which dares the deep for some far port fi v- creature of tuneles quest maatiated ponderous aatatroas unslred un- mated hot craw athlrst on fulntinattoos fed plowing a path where only ughtnlngn sped like some huge soul unshackled and elated now it is gene with all its whining roar and nsw the dreamy soughing of the wind takes up its sons of fog and weather the waves drift in as idly as before and flashing seagulls half unconsci- s y descend and rise as lightly as a feath er x j e scruggs careless handling rwce a report received by the ontario marketing board states that in an ellort to induct apple giowersu pre- yent the bruising oi appes during nar- vesungand parsing it laarsb of illinois college of agriculture cites marketing studies which have revealed wide dirierences in market prices as a result of methods of handling trull in orchards in one case he satd that there was a dm erence of 65 per cent between prices received lor apples at the terminal market in con sequence of the method of harvest ing and- cnjl exhibit at the onjs extra train service a canadian national exhitolion standard time only sept 3rd 5th 7th ajid 10th the following trains on the above dates will operate between toronto and stratford and intermediate joints going to toronto leave limkhoube 745 aa leave georgetown 7js aj leave norval 804 aj arrive parkdale a0 km arrive toronto 0110 alt betvkntng peoh toronto leave parkdale 1oj0 pji arrive norval 11 jo pal arrive oborobtown uj8 pj arrive irmkhoubk u2u pj- canadian national railways tlia illustrating in a pictoiral way the varied opportunities offered- in can ada to the inventor and the tourist k the canadian national railways ex httat at the canadian national ex hibition this year emphasises the far- flung transportation facilities offered by the national system and brings to the fore the numerous beauty and tuwi parks which tnmke the dominion a paradise lor visiters the commercial and manufacturing im portance of the nation is also stressed and some idea of the industrial cen tres and export trade can be gleaned by special features which are devoted to showing scenes of canadas busy porta views of the west indies and pictures of various dtles noted for their manufacturing plants the outstanding feature of toe ex hibit housed in the west wins of the railways building is a travelling pan oramsv which will take its spectators hlf way around the world entitled from the tropics to the arctic cir cle it gives in a brief way son conception of the greatness of the canadian national system as an ar tery of national travel and trade on both the land and the sea as the panorama slowly revolves the visitors will see in succession large pai or the british west indies the mari time provinces fishing lo northern ontario the popular canadian na tional shmfnrt resort at mlnakl al most on the borderline of manitoba jasper park lodge in the heart of the canadian rockies the pacific coast of british columbia and big game hunting in northern bjo alaska these scenes travel on endless chain and show the highlights of each territory featured on each side of the panorama will be shown revolving cxhtmt of the transatlan tic and transpaclflc ports to mihiiii h saint john quebec montreal vancouver and prince rupert are reaustistleally pictured on these turn tables with the port of prominently shown on the travelling panorama miniature of one of the canadian national btrmshtps r a robinson i butcher i choice meats poultry butter and eggs at right pake i we muvkb stvttavy satdkdaartlone oboatorown mar is j n a- robinson butcher norval ont freight steamers and of the canada- briusn west indies liners will gently sway on a most realistic imitation of the open sea i a fun sixe mounted buffalo as wen as one of the finest collect tons of mounted game birds found in the canadian wilds ever samiieifciil will also be exhwted the canadian national telegraphs whtbe reatured by a large globe it will slowly turn on its axis and will be set as part of a display emphasis ing the worldwide sendee offered by toe national telegraph system the hotel system of the canadian national railways am be pictured by a i of the main nnrfng room of the chateau lanrier at ottawa while the em ess department win also be featured by an exhibit showing the varied faculties for the safe and prompt handling of express shipments the national steamships fall and winter millinery in all the leading shapes and colors at misses cl aripge herati block im m jfev- k- kjjt f xiv t 1 bfs v aw br- t hpfj zr iilf j if connlcr check books get your supply of counter check books at the herald off ice serrlees to the west indies will be featured by a large glass map of the route cwe by the lady on each side will be decorative panels suggestive of the territory served and hi front will be real coral sand from bermuda with some of the specimens of coral fi too much sense to break jau i remember years ago talking with the sheriff in a little town in a wes tern desert be was talking about ht jail it was a flimsy affair and any one who wanted to could get out why dent they do it i asked they have too much sense he answered just look at that bis hand pointed to the vast panse of waterless desert that about the little town he had only to telegraph to the few places where the fugitives must of necessity go for food or water and they would ham ttoen escape cut off the fact was that the desert was the true prison wall 8ucn a wall of necessity is around all our community life what is it that keeps people to then- tasks not the laws upon use statute books not any fashion or theory it is the stem necessity which piesses on us all the necessity of working together tf we are to preserve our lives we are so helpless when left to our serves and we know it the most terrible punish ment is to be an outlaw the man without a eootnry the man without friends is in a desperate pligtit our very existence depends on coopera tion our wisdom is in learning what are use essentials in this cooperation it ts only when we are in the pres ence of glim unescapabla facts that we know what morality realty means we are m a trap and we utter a sud den sharp and bitter cry but etr- caimstannca being what they are do not yield the change u there is to be any must take place in ourselves only a moral force la adequate to ctcl lease us the way out is not the easy way the voice or righteousness is one that calls to repentance to change of mind it is stern austere relentless m its demands you have tried one way and now you see where it has led yotr ton must try an other way and try it mightily if yon would a man who has lived is he pleased in ib health be can a news and inforniatsori r or the busy farraer warble files constitute a serious pes oi cattle wherever tbey are oasn- mon it is estimated by tednu en tomologists uial fully 60 per oent of the nines takeb ocf cattle in 13so were damaged by this pest and the loos 11 value td hides amownert to 1100000 rne annuavloss througnout canada from this pestiq estimated at iram s7oto000 to the best time to remove finished supers of comb ts in the early after noon when the bees are working well in the fields it can easily be done by mowing smoke into khe supers at the top to drive most of the bees down as the cover is lifted the bees above the cover may be brushed aft with a large feather from a turkeys wing after most of the bees have been driven down the super should be lifted at one end and the bees jn the bottom brushed off quickly before any can return the super can then be asurried into a building and stood on end in- front of a window so that the remaining bees will leave it and fly to the window where they make their escape s- meae use mrsdiw tn ontario usually has about four am onehalf million acres of hay crops each year in passing across the pro vince just before haying time one can not hefc feeling that many of these acres are not paying the taxes and the cost of handling the crap sta tistical reports indlrstr an average yield of only one and onehalf tons to the acre and this can certainly be much un upon for the incaawavfi good drainage and sweet soil are very important roots or grasses- and clovers are slow to pene trate wet boos and wherever there is a surplus of water on the soo sir is shut out and hence the baoterlsl lire is- either weakened or kilted an other point in meadow imnrowement is the use high quality seed if poor seed is used the meadow starts out with a handicap good drain age good seed and a uberal supply of suitable fertiliser make profitable george b clark dominion feed commissioner calls attention to the fact that under provisions of the feeding stuffs act all registrations expire autonavtmslly on september 30th fouowimt the date of issue also that all comtnercial feeding stuffs must be registered and that the fee for registration is f- per brand- feeds must be labelled exactly a registered and the guaraotced analy sis statement of ingredients and other information requited for registrauoa must -trf- on labels or tags at tached to feed containers under the feeding stuffs act no change in the composition of a reg istered brand shall be made without reregistering it- any change in the guaranteed analysis or ingredients of a registered brand calls for the sub mission of a new a with the usual fee and sample and the asslsm- ment of a new re number the mild weather of the last three falls hi the lake erie counties ofl ontario in particular has resulted in an alarming spread of clover dodder otherwise known as long vine this parasitic plant is one of the most serious menaces to clover because of the fact fact that is is almost lm- pcsaaje to separate dodder from clover seed and where dodder goes to seed in clover field some spread is inevit able 1 the clover dodder is a delicate vine like plant which starts with a very fine green shoot hard to detect and wnidh attatrhes itself to the stem of the growing plant finally breaking a- way entirely from its own root and living on the clover plant any badly infwtfwl field should be plowed under and planted to a hoed or grain crop for a sufficient leawtn of time to completely eradicate any accumulation of dodder which may have taken place m the sou where a slight infestation is noticed patches containing the dortnrr can be cat and used for fodder before the field is ripe in view of tne fact that an clover seed for export must be absol utely free from dodder seed the only sale proced for theseed giu is to inakeeare at the outset that the seed he sows is absolutely tree clover dodder kflbag caaca grass exposure of eoucn grass roots to the sun for a fear days in hot slimmer is one of the most effective ways of ridding the soil of this pest under favorable wea conditions it is possible to kill couch grass roots com pletely by two or three days exposure but with the pi of moisture they will retain then- vitality for sometime it ts difficult to kill couch grass roots under humid conditions and plowing under couch sod is of comparatively little use in destroying it even when plowed as deep as is inches the spread of the plant is through the root system and use only effective way of eliminating it is to work the roots up where the sun can get at them and burn or dry the vi tality out of tbesn weekly crap kp recent nuns have helped the new aeedtngs of clover while pastures ex- eopt in w ontario are excellent harvesting is about completed and threshing has progressed favorably yields of wheat and barley are ave rage but oats re quite ught a oon- sirterrlr amount of afterharvest cul tivation la being done in the tobacco distracts of southern ontario a large acreage of second cutting of alfalfa was handled m waldlmanrt red clover fields are very prominent in larnhton a fasarable s for grass has menat the poutlry on range hasbeen well supplied with green feed and in sects so that pullets are well matured wellington reports an apparent in crease over last year tnoorn borer in festatlon yields of fall wheat aver red well over 30 bushels to the acre tomatoes and cam made splendid growth during the month of august rust is prevalent in leeds oonnty particularly on late oats orassbopper danrage is reported m some physician the gihysiclsi- docs not natter hlm askhtm what he would like to do he tela him the unwel come truth ton have allowed the devices of your awn heart and here you are if you keep on asyou base been doing you wtn die there bj no maglinedidne that eta save you but attyou sre wining to live differ ently com- esse is not without hobs1 nestle in prayer far your own itte cfeclslan bj in your hands y j hoy hes got two black eyea- afrs buavxm my uttle bar baa been very wicked today be got into a ngnt and got a black eye- rev mr drowsle j8o i preoeire wmte come into the other room and i sill wrestle to prayer for you wnuerroum better go home and wrestle in prayer far yoar own uttle nixt end of the trail continued from page 1 land flung the door wide while uie women huddled together in the back ground a handsome young fellow stepped lightly from the car the bur ly figure of the sheriff following at the sight of them mr wayland ut tered a gasping sob me stood back to let them pass the young man was looking about him with an air of curiosity that to fr wayland was the refinement of cruelty before anyone could say a word the telephone bell began to ring and to the tense people listening the sound was intolerably loud cynthia moved to answer the sum mons but mr wayland strode past her and snatched up the receiver hello be boomed the voice that answered was breath less likethat of one who has been running that you wayland yes l this is hlraar watson bobs here whatv -bobs- here dragged himself to our door just now with a broken lea and tile money safe were going to colt in our truck and bring him home youd better tele phone dr levett and have him on hand when the hoy getsr there yes cried mr wayland pod rang off a minute later be had the doc tor on the wire when again he hung up the re ceiver john wayland faced the stranger under his roof my son has been found- he said ju youre not he rd have sworn you were though and rvejenown htan since he was ten years old the anger in the young mans face vanished youve known him since he was ten years old most fathers know their sons earlier than that robert is an adopted son but we love bbn as weff as though he had been our own soa the young mans voice shook as the next question wis voiced will you toll me where you got falm- a family named peck adopted him when he was a- baby thoy lost thelr ltves in a ore and the boy was the only one to escape theyd always been closedmouthdd about- him and their papers were burned too we didnt know anything about titan but we took him and adopted him legally the young man sat down and tor a moment put his hand across his eyes ive been looking for my bro ther he said brokenly and it looks as if id found him alter bob was brought home and before the doctors arrival the way- lands and cynthia heard the story the stranger had been brought up by a welltodo chicago family and not until a year ago bad he learned that he was an adopted child when he had beard that he was one of twins be begged for permission to search for his brother ihls adopted parents bad been most reluctant to agree to this but at length yielded to his importunities from the recoi of the orphanage to which his parents sent him the searcher found that his brother bad been adopted by a fami ly named peck irving in warren junc tion he bad gone there hopefully only to find that nine years before mr and mrs peck had perished in a fire he had visited the cemetery and stood beside their graves looking down with strange tumult of feelings on a smaller grave marked harry aged five years be would have gone back to chicago convinced that his brother was dead bad not sheriff hoffman intervened roberts story was briefer on the day he left borne with the money hs hd decided that instead of taking the street car and walking two miles in the sim be would walk four miles through the wood- he had covered twothirds of the distance when the storm came up- a lightning bolt striking a tall tree near him threw him to the ground stunning hhn when he had ccane to himself he was pinned fast by a huge urab snd his leg was broken to free himself had taken turn some time to drag lifeless limb over the mile that lay between him and the watson home was still a more painful task at ten oclock the night of his injury he had crawled to the steps of the farmhouse and called loudly enough vb attract attention before he had fainted the stranger wriose name was gra ham kennedy stayed at the farm until bis brother bad quite recovered then the two went to chicago for a short visit before the opening of col lege in late sejslember robert en tered as fr in the agricultur al college of the university in which tus brother was already a junior ro bert won honors from the start and even aunt sophia was proud of him you know she told cynthia one afternoon when the girl had come out to ace mrs wayland we heard that roberts grandfatrier was a minister and a great scholar snd rve always said that blood will tell hv wetx see for latest the deceased groceryman knocked at the gates of hades and demanded en why do you want to come here demanded satan i want to collect some old accounts from two of my former customers who died before me bo do you know they are here well every time i tried to collect this was the place they referred me to alfalfa bnsuare full bloom appears to be the best time to cut alfalfa for ensilage wilt ing alfalfa for five hours improves the quality of ensilage and is recom mended for this crop the addition of 25 per cent of timothy to alfalfa seems to improve the quality of the ensllaae while a mixture of corn and alfalfa produces an excellent nwiilage the addition of molasses at the rate of two to four per cent and crude sugar at the rate of one to two per cent anpiu the quality of alfalfa ensilage the sddiuon of salt does not appear to tnxgaove the quality of alfalfa en silage while the addition of ume re sulted in such poor qualtts of ensil age tnat the cows did not eat ttf alfalfa cut in full bloom and placed in the silo without cutting produces a rotted material which is not fit for feed staring alfalfa in the silo for per iods varying from three to rdne months appear to have no adverse effect on its feeding quality mswh fradaee needed tot bay mar riage license galti aug xji see said the far mer where a young couple in ok lahoma bought a marriage license for 175 a bushel of onions and ten pounds of green peppers well at lo cal prices for market produce that license would east- one dosen earn of corn a bunch of earorta basket of waxed beans bunch of leaf lettuce bunch of celery beads one cabbage casket of tomatoes bas ket as peas one vegetable marrow three pounds of spinach one head of chinese lettuce s cauliflower two egg plants daseh eggs pound of butter one arktog c quart of goose berries red snd i woke currants bas ket of peaches basket of plu h ket of blueberries one cantaloupe and two boxes of ra chatnpln i i do you turn a tap or- if your home is not equipped vith running water let a duro pressure water system prove what a benefit it can be a a duro water pump will allow you to have running water throughout your home barn and dairy and more important to install a modern emco bathroom an improvement you undoubtedly have long desired trices have never been lower and easy time pay ments can be arranged look at these prices the durospecial pumping system all canadianmade complete only complete three piece bathroom with fittings ready for installation alov 9000 s8272 au as free bookxets we win gladly mail you without cost booklets sbowiqg oar rap- line and g r muckart phimbing thurniddnn and elect- ric wiring telephone 319w or 31 9j tox 476 georgetown empire brass mfg co limited torsat ft capacity iso mux per hour alt we vdlvse mtd fitting bftsomk psasp oats to got galvmnimad tmmk g no r cyeb er 08o zt ts eyeb the laugh corner klcfaer what started the orand canyon- oulde a scotchman lost a penny in a ditch a village doctor saw an old farm er who was mending a gate o well ailes said the doctor a bit of paint and putty coven up a lot of your mistakes yes said oues and a pick and shovel covers up a lot of yours tor young clerk could you learn to love fie do you think josephine day young stenographer well napoleon you never can tell i learn ed short hand in six weeks sandy pulled out his handkerchief and a set of false teeth hit the deck they are the auld wcmianvt he explained picking them up i caught her eating between meals irate parentdidnt i see you kiss my adughter slr nervy youth how should i know do you think id be gawking around when i was doing a thing like thatt father to son who has just spoken to a pretty girl do you know that glrlt- bon know her why im engag ed to her father heavensl are you beriotks about her san ob no just a passing fiancee a friend noticed dugald riding along the street on a womans bicycle bow came ye buy thatt the friend well it was like this said dugald i was walking with janet the other evening and when we came to a darkish part of the moor she said t love ye dugald i love ye so much ru give ye anything ye like 80 when i had thought it over a bit i took her bkycle oealar rravf you crahn that you were when you proposed to her yes str can you prove it yes sir- hcw by porduclngthe plaintiff to court and letting the jury look at her teacher pointing to the map now willie when you stand facing north you have on the right hand the great continent of asia what uavev you on your left willie a wart but i cant help it teacher goodbye said sandy marnonakl and dont forget os take uttle don alds glasses off when he tent looking at anything two salesmen met to the smoker of a train number one well rve had a good month orders have been a in good number two i cant say as much ive had only three orders au year number one three orders bakes alive man i what is your line number two railway locomo tives judge you told the waiter you were going out to get money to pay your mil why didnt you return to the restaurant accused i was caught getting the money n commercial all kinds of commercial printing turned out promptly and efficiently at the office of tbe georgetown herald your home printer and publisher is prepared to fill any of your printing require ments and is a local industry deserving your patronage the georgetown herald georgetown a f xwaaxwsw c sfc s r

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