Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 7, 1932, p. 1

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a i i sixtysixth year of publication the georgetown herald wednesday evening september 7th 1932 150 per annum in advance 200 to usji the georgetown herald mimhff canadian weekly newspaper i j- v oatng west passenger and mail passenger paiwtn passenger and mail paaienger sunday narth mall and passenger galas- ssatb t a 8m am x0s pa 3s pm iftsl pjn oj pro arrow trloieasnj sekvke itailrn standard time asaun 1ilss am 13j5s a sjis pm 555 pan sjs pjn sat only ims pjn dally except bau has pjn saturday only a15 sum dally except sun s50 am 115 pjn 440 pm sin pjn stops only on flag signal 9js pjn bus pm sundays and holidays only reduced- fares to holder of season tickets tickafrs and enpobmation at jloncs w directory lk w dale osorgetown ontario omcoa aregory th bldg m1u at ctflhosi bc i4nodon v mahay money to loan onjrt time table standard time goteg east passenger and mall 1020 a passenger j i- pm passenger and mail 6j0 pjn imuitger stops for passengers gain east and toronto 9 56 pjntf sundays going beat passenger 29 pal punger bu pjn pnger 5o pjn home tf lea jxottifirt ibanb feeorgetoton winners of third prize in class c at the canadian national exhibition toronto september 1st 1932 y regulations re migratory birds readlngsfrom left to right the members of the band are as fouows top ftowwohn shepherd kenneth mcdonald ray thompson wilfred qui walter digging james clarke thomas boson omar dlggins anson thurston roy magloughlen middle row harold wheeler albert sanson charlie wulson ernest kenneth weston joseph carter reaben bason arthur herbert waldo diggina bottom row roy king harry hale roy bradley john addy roy norton bandmaster a r perrott h arvey king edward balungall wilfred leslie mark clark cyril brantford not in picture harry cook ernest forgraves allan marion olaf stapleton jack thompson norman herbert walter quandrell nell ci timings ed francis hanra jo a mato w l la ian baaek ana door north of owaars oairteaa itetory hours- suns to bvsm chiropractic a to and u0 to jo pjn i and honra by appotnicaent frank petch ooixbunons do we get results -r- a i warns wn 1 moat aay that i am m rasaied with your work in band tine v couecuona i had on sidered these anoat hopeleaa- jury ikb kelly aiken omanoxtwum ontakxo tot 1m telephone so monuments pollock ingham to cater gait out ifr yrj the hew way to buy coal blue coal da orders far 1 tea of waal no extrt delivery ttovgeslo moscvjuk btivwastttown otfn wlaualab nat oanag a fast john mcdwaht have your eyes examined by o twalker dosc eyesight specialist brampton who will be at watsons drug store georgetown the second wednesday of evejy wnonth ok appod phone watsons drug or yaa asay ramah o t the newest style of store for appointment at reasonable prices dont quit gala show lavatory and toim as uarirshd ha al fithaea arc you satisfied to do without bathroom conveniences and without uptodate kitchen facilities or other modern requirements that running water in your home will instantly make available to you prices have never been lower for canadianmade emco quality bathroom equipment and duro automatic pumping systems 13025 ohar c bathroom aaa as u 8272 the dnrospecisl pumping system all canadianmade having a capa city of 2s0 gals per hoar complete with 30 gat galvanized tank 2s or 60 cycle 110 volt motor costs only write for free illustrated booklets on bathroom equipment or plumbing supplies easy time payments both on pumps and bathroom fixtures may be arranged gr muckart piinhbing tmamrthing and elect ric wiring- telephone 319w or 319 box 476 georgetown empire boss mf6 co limited dtraosraciai lanata taraato wnudaeg vaaeearver 28 we do job printing when things go wrong as they some times will wnen the road youre trudging all uphill wnen funds are low and debts are high and you want to smile but you have to sigh when care is pressing you down a bit rest if you must but dont quit life is queer with its twists and turns as every one of us sometimes learns and many a failure turns about when he might nave won had he stuck it out dont give up though your pace is slow vou may succeed with another blow often the goal is nearer than it seems to a faint and faltering man often the straggler has given up when he might nave captured the vic tors cup and he learned too late when the night slipped down how close he was to the golden crown success ts failure turned inside out- trie silver tint of the clouds of doubt and you can never tell how close you are it may be near when it seems afar so stick to the fight when youre hardest hit- its when things seem worst that you mustnt quit buck wheelers judy by dennis h stovall edna and minnie keeper came into the sandblown yard to bid their brother goodbye when he brought the noisy car to a halt within a few steps of the ranch house door edna handed him a sup of paper on which were written all the articles she and her sister wanted him to buy while be was at san bernar dino jeff glanced at it and frowned he grinned goodnaturedly however when he looked at the two girls and shouted say i ought to leave a few things iri san berdos for somebody else then he stuffed the paper in a pocket of bis khaki shirt leaned far ther over and spoke just loud enough to be heard above the wild hanging of the motor dont look for me back before five and please dont worry if im not back by six ill have to wait my turn at the land office i am going to nave old buck wheeler nailed down good and proper before i start borne waving a brown hand the boy then started off say girls jeff called over his shoulder dont forget to put that peaky roan colt in the stable real early thin afternoon youd better get the cows in from the alfalfa pasture by fivethirty piute can help you with that job if buck wheelers judy come over oh her podadot piebald dont let hef annoyf you dont yod worry edna answered hurry aiorqr big piyaiiet rptwe can run this ranch fori one day anyhow without your hehrx the little ear skipped out across the bronsed spaces of the llano plats as if bent on making the long trip in one leap and for trie first time the two girls were left alone on the isolat ed ranch old buck wheelen was the nearest neighbor to the keppera his wife was dead and he and judy his only child a girl of sixteen ran the ranch and raised a ccunual cropjof trouble the keepers had scarcely taken possession of the red crag when hos tilities had begun buck wheeler and judy had come over to serve the cus tomary ultimatum old buck had very little to say about the scenery or the climate but he had offered the infor mation in unmistakable language that a certain corngr stake or monument was pot at the location te former owner indicated instead it was buri ed under the sand several yards west this j the bottom of the arroyo which the new owners of the red cray might wrongfully claim let htm have the old lndr ma andimlnnle had said willingly enough whats a fear acres more or leas in a region where there is mora land than atmosphere jeff however bad netbeen inclined to past the matter over anrely on tha dvasert inner yic nwiifi onwi jrauua itcm its meant that tmhad right and title a considerable strip of land along patriarchs word to him this was pumi case ox murl he was not going to lie oown and let muck wage over fiun boot and qpurs lie nad taaen up the cnaiienge and the ngiit went un just as it had been going for years unnumbered this made matters unpleasant for edna and minnie in that they were denied the opportunity to get ac quainted with buck wheelers juoy coccept tor that nrst day when sue nad come over with her fauer to make the preumlnary announcement about ue lust corner stake she bad never approached wilhln speaking distance ine girls knew her hair was red red as the ochre cliffs when the desert sun named on them tney had look ed straight into her eyes that morn ing too and had noticed how deep ly calm and blue tney were indeed judy had the manner and bearing of one who could take care of herself in almost any situation she neither smiled nor scowled but there was something in her silent gaze that had touched a responsive chord in the neaxts of edna and minnie the sisters were thinking of judy when they returned to the ranch house that morning jeff left on his hurry trip to san bernardino not for two days had they seen the redhair ed girl i wish she would come over and give us a chance to be descent edna remarked with a longing glance in the direction of the cluster of un- palnted buildings and corrals that covered the floor of browngrassed bench on the opposite side of the aivoyo she thinks of oourse we are loaded for trouble and have drawn a dead line between then- ranch and ours we didnt start animosities mln nie reminded but judys dad lost no time in getting thenv under way vou can partly blame jeff for flaring up the way he did it isnt human nature to look pleasant when some body goes out of his way lo tep on your toes thats all true enough still judy may have little or nothing to do with it possibly not as far as im lng more nope i there aint nothing your brother could do right now nles stinging words had not affected buck in the least he straightened in the saddle and cocked an eye to the leaden sky theres goto to be a big blow he informed judy thought wed better come over and tell you an warn you to keep mside keep inside why whats go ing to happen edna stammri the broken question in a voice of anxiety her gase on judy the latter had reined the little calico pony up near the step never had she been so close and never had the two girls seen eyes that were so blue her ups were as red as wild sumac berries and her features were attractive in spite of freckles and tan again tn judys calm look edna and aiwwi caught a silent appeal as if the girl wanted to speak to them but lacked the courage you folks are tenderfeet out in this country declared old buck with his frank sincerity tve lived here in these parts a long time and my ad vice is for you to keep in the house for the next few briars judy and me have already driven your calves and that roan colt in the stable tonr cowa will be safe over against the hluff with these words the bearded rancher turned his mount around and rode off hurriedly judys spotted cay- use following close behind edna and minnie stood speechless and watched the two riders drop out of sight into the arroyo suddenly they were aroused by puff of wind which lifted a cloud of dust and sand from the dry yards hurling it against the side of the house this was quickly followed by another puff and then another with a multitude of dust clouds rising from everywhere like the smoke of a can nonade off to the east the horizon had turned to tnk and an the sky was overcast with a leaden curtain something dreadful is going to hap- pe declared edna m a low voice r fflksubdued fear as she laid cori- ling liand on aalnriies arm the national parks service of the department of interior ottawa has just issued the regulations regarding migratory birds for the current year a summary of the regulations as they apply to ontario follows open seasons ducks geese brant rails coots and wilsons or jacksnip in that part of ontario lying north and west of the french and mattawa ltivers and also including all oeor- gain bay waters september f to de- terubar 15th in that part of ontario lying south of the french and atat- lawa rivers but not including any portion of the georgian bay waters september 15 to december 15 eider ducks north of the quebec j may be cochrane winnipeg line of the cana dian national railways september 1 o december is wobdcocksepteinber 15 tb novem- closed seasons there is a closed season throughout the year on wood ducks swans cranes curlew willets oodwits up land plover blackbellied and golden plover greater and yellow legs avocets dowitchere knots oystercatchers phataropes stilts surfbirds turn- stones and all the shore birds not provided with an open season in above schedule there is a closed season throughout the year on the following nongame birds t auks auklets bitterns fulmars gannets grebesc guillemots gulls her ons jaegers loons inurres petrel puffins shearwaters and terns there is a closed season throughout the year on the following insectivor ous birds bobolinks catbirds chick adees nickers flycatchers grosbeaks hummingbirds kinglets martins mea- dowlarks nighthawks or buubats nut hatches orioles robins shrikes swal lows swifts tanagefs titmice vireoo thrushes warblers waswtngs whlp- porwills woodpeckers and wrens and and all other perching birds which feed entirely or chiefly on ln no person shall kill hunt capture injure take or molest any migratory game birds during the closed season and no person shall sell expose for sale offer for sale buy trade or traf fic in any migratory game bird at any time the taking of the nests or eggs oi migratory game migratory insectivor ous and migratory nongame birds is prohibited the killing hunting capturing taxing or moleating of migratory in sectivorous and migratory non birds their nests or eggs is prohibited the possession of migratory game birds killed during the open is allowed in ontario until march following open season bag limits ducks 15 geese 15 brant 15 rails coots and gallinules is in the aggregate wilsons or jadt- snipe 5 woodcock s and not more than 125 woodcock or 150 ducks in one give a thought otve a thought to any plan that will help a brother man any scheme which shows a human comfort to enhance and put not your thought aside though sunoms may be denied olve a thought to things i little better than a dream par as clouds dissolve to blue even dreams may yet come true and what seems an idle thought prove to be with blessing fraught give p thought to thohawho are prom your circle very far children who are seldom glad old folks who are often sad mothers who like yours of old worth their weight in gold give a thought to what you may do for others every day things which though they trivial seem heaven may brightest jewels deem for the things of love and light shine resplendent in joods sight a a cooper notes and comments ouns and appliances the use of answnattc fantoloadlng swiveg or marhhw guns or battery or any gun larger than number 10 gauge is pro hibited and the use of any aeroplane powerboat sau boat wounded live birds as decays night light and shooting from any ho diae motor vehicle is lorbadden the mwiw of rnigratory birds earlier than sunrise or later than sunset is prohibited the penalty for violation of the migratory bud laws is a fine of not more than three hundred dollars and not less than ten dollars or tjngaison- meat for a term not exceeding six or both one and a contemporary has asked for an explanation of the common idea that a newspaper should- devote a major part of its space to ig upon or denoimrlng existing evtla in support of this argument that a news paper should not limit itself to con demnation of ihe ills of the comnuinl- ty we would like to say that all too frequently persistent crtticlsncioevelbps unwanted publicity often a matter ts better to be left quiet than to be dragged before the pufiuc mind lls- cussed pulled to pieces commented upohvnd held up as a horrible ex- acaple of all that is distasteful too often we are prone to look on the blackest side of a besetting sin and while we are busy criticising we might be more profitably engaged in better ing the lot of mankind generally in our humble opinion a newspaper will be performing its allotted task if it fcunlsbea a happy hour to its readers we believe the moral caubre at a publication shouklbe and in the main is gauged by the lass of literature it presents to jits readers therefore why should we seektn the gutter tor our material wheif the fundamental aim of mankind u to see newst why pat intestest on bokatow- ed trodbavk a test oc good breeding cemed judy is welcome to come here feel it we must heed buck wheelers and stay any time she please3 ills her place to call tne ranch house and all the red crag with its encircling demesne of sunblistered ridges ravines and the sand hills seemed unusually lonely this autumn morning an oppressive stillness accentuated by a dull gray sky made the isolation more com plete whewww i feel exactly as if we were the lone inhabitants of the moon i ejaculated edna tossing off her big sun hat lets get busy at something dont you notice what a funny feeling there is in the air right now this must be earthquake weather i quiet your nerves big sister we dont have such weather out here we are in southern cauuornja you know lets read and mend taking turns at the stocking bag and a hook making themselves comfortable on the living room lounge the two sis ters promised themselves three hours or more of this occ for it was only eight oclock and there would be few outside chores to do till noon as they darned and read they paused now and then to look at the graying sky and to note vrlth a growing sense of uneasiness the leaden pall that nuns over the jagged tooth of old oraybaek rdnnle who was the last to read laid the bood aside for lunch time was drawing near edna proposed that they drive the roan colt in be fore dinner both had started to ward the door when they heard a clattering of hoofs as if one or more riders had rushed up to the house this was followed by a deepthroated call of salutation tallaqaal a bit frightened and uncertain the p- girls went to the door to dis cover buck wheeler and judy in the yard the rancnerv bearded face wore an expression of grave concern arent you girls alone when edna answered with an affirmative shake of v yours httun it off to town early this triornnv ts there something you want of our brothert minnie mqultexl rather in a quick look of iwprossh frotn ataarpxwvaoted ber from aay- t can warning and go mside we ought to know for sure that everything is all right out at the ham though jeff left the stock in our care lets skip lo the corral we can get there and hack tn no timer min nie always the impulsive one of the two seised bunas hand and they went running across the yard a fierce gust of wind struck them and almost hurled them from their feet before they realised what had hap pened they were caught in the blind ing swirl of flying sand enveloped in the smothering cloud buffeted by the gale they were driven whlymllly intead of reaching the corral gate as they had intended doing tney were driven across the open lot and on to ward the bluffs before they knew it they had lost all sense of direction they could see no distance at au for a chocking mass of flying sand was hurled upon them to breathe was impassible so dense and stifling was the avalanche of gritty stuff that rained from everywehre petting their cheeks like a million bits of flint unable to keep their feet and a- trald of being separated the girls dropped to their knees groping their way over the ground but clinging tightly to each other while they struggled and pushed through the swirling make gasping and choking they heard the muffled clattering of hoofs for a dreadful moment they sat in a close huddle afraid of being trampled on then the hoofbeats died away and the two were starting on again when a girls figure suddenly thrust through the hlmrtlng swirl scarcely daring to open their eyes because of the flying sand edna and minnie became aware of judys res- i have often been impressed by the relation ot a persons tr of animals lo his treatment of persons nave ollcn tnougnt i would try to ex press ine ihnugnt we know that one of the surest tests oi good bveedrng ues m our at titude towardt strangers di considerations may prompt and aiwwtwttc when we are dealing with acquaintances but do we treat strangers similarly the people we never saw before and ex pect never to see again snamals are like those strangers if we are rude to the stranger it is be cause we know that he will have no opportunity to talk against us and ail even the pets in our dumb acquaintances could voice their knowledge some of us might have to sacrifice our reputations for good breedlngtbe reputation we have ac quired with the people who might in jur u in some way if we were dis courteous- to them poutkt choice between right and wrong eanave no place in true char acter and good breeding the rude mw- person who can be otherwise when policy dictates is especially contexnptible for bis occasional dis plays of the better serf indicate a choice for meanness as bis if the twin evils pear and worry could be elhhtnawd the human race be just one hundred per cent worry spr from brood- lng over things that might h pear arises dun thinking too much over what migut result if those things that might happen did happen pear and worry never yet have helped a situation they rnake a difficult one more difficult admittedly in trying times it is hard to keep from worrying yet worry can be avoided or at least gr lessened by the simple ex pedient of making the best passable provision for the future and then concentrating onttvtng one day at a time in other words plan i1 but do not keep aimlessly tmiirf over tn the mind pnsstmrltlea that could not he changed anyway ed howe the sage of atchison once reroarked i am an old man and i have had lots of troubes but the worst of them were the ones that never- happened worry and fear thrive when ones thoughts turn in upon himself when the mind can be directed away from serf fear and worry himteih bern la a case in point not keg ago the president of a large manu facturing concern found hlmeslf con stantly worrying about his business his associates the state of his health everything that came along wisely he consulted his doctor you have a farm up country said his physkclan go up there build a henhouse hake a pigsty do something with your hands oo to bed early and stop thinner about yourself the manufacturer went for atx months he led the simple life be went to bed early arose early every day he dad some work with his hands work at which he was not skilled be rashrngled the barn roof never be fore had he done that sort of witwhf toward all living things is a fundamental of character habitual t miutr marks the wailbred person and precludes cruelty or un fairness to our dumb friends just as positively ss to persons i when a man pets his dog before people and the animal accepts those attentions with fear watch that man he is a hypocrite i it is not going too tar to say that a close observer can pick out the truly humane depend able i of a family by watch ing uje house pets actions toward each member good breeding and kindness axe not a fine suit to be worn only on dis play occasions rather they are a part of ones being they either belong in the person or they do not klrtdnras is a foundation virtue its roanlf eatatloos are many and various but when analysed they run back to a common source the selfish desire to see other creatures comfortable and happy good breeding when sincere is just another name for kindness mixed with social politeness etiquette etc we call it by various names but one of the best tests of its worth its sincerity and dependability may be found in the persons attitude toward dumb animals they left the grasp of her strong capable hands as she helped them up and led them on without a word yet with the unerring certainty of one born to the terrors of the desert she pulled them forward from the shel- her head ithe man continued brus- p u query i tpought 1 saw that brother tbr tjeasewood bush to another until they came up under the pro tecting lee ot the bluff several hun dred yards- behind tha ranch liouse hemr close against the bro cliff wa ah om powder bouse or cave m ocfitmued oa rvaa mans disadvantage we read in the first chapter of oenesls that man was given donolnfcn over the bah of the sea and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth and yet not one of those forms of ufa that man was to tato dnmmlon over knows there is a iv la ass ion on and their ruler ts tha only being who is worried while the mrda and beasts eat of the ptantxof the land man goes hungry m tha sajdst of pmnty and he had to ononentrate on what he was doing he discovered that he was t much more about shing les than he was about himself he had ceased to worry he was cured here briefly is another t t a foreman ot a mchiii shop was wor ried about bis job the fear that his work was unsatisfactory to ids superi or preyed on bis mind determining to take his mind off his shop and off himself be took up the culture of flowers he concentrated on delphin ium as it grew well in that locality he began studying that flower and hybrldhung it when he died re cently he had aomxnollshed two mines be had long ceased to worry about himself and his work and he had succeeded in establishing a new anftl beautiful strain of the hardy larkspur for every man and woman there s some pastime some hobby some avocation that will prove so ab sorbing there will not be room left for fear or worry this alxaithlng interest will help to banish borrowed trouble will avoid the crossing of bridges before they are reached is it not worth searching for the blue bell wheat and motor oars the tr influence of a good wheat crop on canadas morale be ginning now to be felt ma the golden stream starts to flow from the prairies i easily understood from a study of economic effects first of all a man who grows a section of wheat at v bushels tb the acre has lgjwo bus hels of wheat which is a very tidy fortune- and an important factor ln local business revival then the af fects of the crop extend down through railway storage and harbor organisa tions and ultimately to industries generally throughout the country the handling of the wheat crop is a trig item both for dometsjk use and for export kxporta of canadian wheat in the month of july this year were nearly 30000000 bushels cornpared with 12000000 bushels in jutyflml the city of vancouver is an wr of a community benefiting from grain activity the total shipments of train from vancouver for the crap year ending july is were over stqoo000 bushels as compared to 7jnqo0obua- hels for the previous crop year every cent added to the price of grain means several nuuton douais additional for the revtval of oanadlan business automobile manufacturers are confident that this years good crop wtn mean increased demand for ears eapwcitajly tn the western fo- hi- m sjslmiiiiii iifiifafrrtaimm

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