Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 7, 1932, p. 2

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fe pago 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening september 7th 1932 aaum t i citizens of georgetown v have you ever seriously thought of die advantages of modern sanitary sewer system for your town sanitary sewers are uxkspensibje in every community for the promotion of comfort and convenience prevention of communicable disease improvement of community health reduction of infant mortality extension of useful lives enhancement of property values development of civic pride and prestige location of productive industries why not get a preliminary estimate now a competent enktneer would supply this for a nominal chaise and if subsequently employed to supervise the work would probably remit this charge v the following considerations are worthy dfcareful thought 1 this work must be hone sometime indeed mat be demand ed at ant time by tbk provincial board op health v modem progress and general desire for sanitation urge it and mod ern decency requires it- 2 the continued pollution of he soil adjacent to dwellings by septic tanks and privies cannot go on indefinitely as nuisance of neigh bour to neighbour becomes more pronounced s the grave danger to heatlh and general desire to protect citl- sens especially chudreat from contagion 4 lack of modern necessities leading to comfort and health tends to cause young people to drift away to more progressive cornmunlues 5 prosperity of any community depends upon active industries which cannot carry on without adequate water supply and sewage disposal the low cost to the individual spread over the debenture period is exceedingly tow you will be more than surprised call in your engineer to give you an estimate talk to your oouncll ten them you favour a sewer system and now is the time to do the work costs were never lower your town needs a sewer system watch for article no 2 next issue of g herald n a robinson v butcher choice meats poultry butter and eggs at right prices w dkuvkk evbatt satosujat hon omhmwiowk burll m n a robinson butcher norvajl ont danns suredeath fly spray the pest for the least money flies are germ carriers depositing their filth on everjfe thing they touch why pay 40c or 35c when you can get a full 8 oz bottle of the best for 25c tanglefoot piper wilsons pads aeroxin fly coils use stockaidcattle spray we sell it in bulk bring your own container danns drug store phone 327 georgetown dud ijawsonat terra cottas on sunday september 4th 1932 elizabeth wraigg beloved wife of wm dew- son i s dfnemoeiah socmpkin in lowing memory of charles bimpkln who was accident ally killed be 12th 1931 sadly missed by wife and son obituary alexander ashknhurst the death occurred suddenly early tuesday morning of alexander ashen- hurst at tits late residence 685 an nette street toronto the latemr ashenhurst was born in halton coun- ty but had resided in toronto prac tically all his life previous to tax retirement from active life a few years ago he was finance secretary to the late sir edward kemp and associated with the sheet metal pro ducts company for many years he was a justice of the peace and in re ligion an anglican he was a man- be- r harmony ware no 438 the scottish rite and the ioof he is survived by his widow formerly miss emily cornwall of oakvilfe and two children mrs w c leggett and dr x k asbenhurst both of toronto mr wm ashenhurst of georgetown isf a brother baseball awarded prize at exhibition uorne rifles scott1sb band in thibuj riack with ntnk comfetrrrvk bands only two points bfcxow first prizb wmnkks oeorgetown visited acton an labor day and defeated the home team by the score of 7 to 6 in a good seven inning game walters started on the mound for georgetown and pitched a good game for three innings strik ing out sixbatsmen in the fourth acton got to his offerings tor 4 hits and 3 runs and in the fifth they col lected the same number of hits and runs at this juncture mcnally went on the mound and held acton hltless and runless for the balance of the same gibbons on the mound for acton pitched a very fine game going all the way acton visits georgetown on satur day in an exhibition game at 3 pm standard time oeorgetown- a 1 3 0 0 3 l 10 1 acton 0 0 03 3 00 rf si batteries georgetown walters mcnalry and ward acton osjbons and olbbons balunafad an event unique in the history of this community took place on sep tember 1st when the relatives and friends of mrs agnes young gathered at her home to tiring congratulationa on the occasion of her one hundredth birthday the weather being all that could be desired mrs young received her guests on he verandah with a hearty hsndsharr- and cheery words of greeting one- and all amongst the manypresents received were two beautiful boquets one from the erin presbyterian church and the other from the united ohureb baol- nafad the house was beautifully de corated with the many gift boquets which were sent hi by friends mr young has a wide circle of frwnds as there were guests present tram streetsvu grand valley to- ronto lynwood branjeton milton fergus all lowville claude- and ospringe the tasnabers of her family who were present rejoiced with her in this event were mm john acckechnle balunafad mrs- david wm moran streetsvllle misses barbers and janet at home miss maud toronto sad mr james at home also two sonsinlaw mr john mckerhnle and mr david w moran and two grandsons david oliver moran and james wm moran dnrmc the afternoon the guests ocompanled by their hostess proceed reception on return to town many oeorgetown chiaens attended the exhibition last thursday it was music day and oeorgetown band was there to uphold their reputation as a masical organisation and if possible again win first place in their class as a band there were nine bands in the com petition and some good bands too after all had played their selections we were still satisfied that none of them had anything on oeorgetown hut the judge thought otherwise and when he announced bis de it was a surprise to many talented musicians present who bad voiced their opinion the forest band was awarded first prise port ottmme second and oeorgetown third toere being only one point difference between each of the three leading bands on their return home the oeorge town boys were entertained to a sumptuous supper at the home of mr and mrs wilfred gill this was followed by a public de monstration and reception in which many townsfolk took part a parade was formed beaded by the band and ail marched to the comer of main and mill streets where addresses of congratulations were made toy mayor m reeve cleave councillors parr cummlngs and ottpaas and mr a b oastell a former bandmaster for many years all expressed the pride of the community in having such a splendid musical organisation in our town bandmaster perrott replied thanking all for their ktnd words and splendid reception they had done their best and while they had not quite reached the top this year they were not dls couraged but would aspire to greater things in the future oeorgetown ckrwns are proud of their band and congratulate the boys on their splendid achievement we dont all think the same as the judge town council deputation heard bank asks ti1at bach taxes be col lected accounts passed kmhfal council met in regular session tuesday evening with mayor maken xle in the chair reeve cleave ana councillors davis parr cummlngs olbbons barnes and speight present a representative of trie neptune meter co was present and addressed council r installing water meters no action was tkm mr saxe addressed council re sur face water coming into the creaxnerj and damaging his property he also drew attention to a dangerous hole at end of walk tujbirnt of his residence property council agreed to look into the matter messrs e mcwhlrter and m l near on behalf of esouesing agricul- tursu society asked council for usual grant for tthe pall fair to be held in oeorgetown on oct 4th and 5th moved by davis seconded by cleave that the agricultural society he given the usual grant of tloo carrled letters were received from the man ager of the bank of montreal and manager of the bank onmplslnlng of surface and numerous fine herds of dairy cattle may be seen from the passing water frsrfhl wekrrived at klenora akmmportant the streets running into the basetnems divisional point on the cpjt about or their buildings a letter- was read from the bank of montreal regarding the finances of the town and asking council to jvery effort to have monies due in laxes collected in order that the or- ugatibns of the town to the bank may be met when due a number of accounts were passed umehouse cleopatran the vogue of the bracelet is as old as the ancient arts them selves and as modern as this moment as these unusually charming bracelets attest by a stroke of good fortune we were able to a wi l such a splendid showing at one time and by a stroke of good buying we are able to offer them at prices as ftipg as the braceletal j h jordan wrtefitimekmr georgetown jeweler atlas the kind of tire youve al ways wanted stronger fully guaranteed reaakmalpiy priced the atlas tjre is not an ordinary tire it cant be and live up to the guarantee imperial oil ltd places behind it i a definite written guarantee protects you against accidentsv blowouts cuts bruises under inflation wheels out of alignment faulty brake and any other riad hazards gome in and investigate the aflas tire and jthe atlas g today j i bete are the prices on various atlas tires at x 440 f ego 2b z cm 710- s0 x 4j0 7w mm js as x 4t5 at x 500 s75 30 x 500 to atlas sold exclustyely in georgetown by iight garage mi- ffcobbpswwrw- v v j geotvelpiwn ed to the united ohureb where rev ltr altken assisted by rev mr wad den conducted a short service end ex tended coogratulationi to mrs young on having attained such a wonderful e at the tea hour abo o hundred guests sat down to tables spread on the lawn these were loaded with every dainty which anyone could de sire the decorations being in gold and purple the crowning event took place when the birthday cake adorned with one hundred candles was lighted by the two grandsons and when every candle was burning mrs young leaned over and succeeded m blowing a good ly number out mrs young is still bright and acttaw and her many- friends wish her many more years of usefulness miss bessie bbxnle has returned to tkwoate having spent the holidays with her miss maude young jeft for toronto alter so extended vacation hot sod mrs oeorge aitkin have returned from holidays having spent part of their vacation a the oa keswick at perodsw mus- mlst myrtle aoen has left to take of a school near orangevule her many mends wish her evert suc cess j the reopenlng u v m the unit ed church on sunday were enjoyed by hugs enklences at both morning and evening servjeee the cfanreh which has been r de was much ad- amtenl by all and tb flcwera which banked the sosptt and platform added greatly to the beauty of the uuerlor during the morning service- her mr altken extended the thanks of the i ra to the womens assoda- oofi for the excellent work which bad been accomplished through their ef forts the special music at both senlcts was provided by the merpbal quar tette of toronto under the leadership at mr thomas palmer this is their lihird vkdt to balllnafad wbdeh shows bow much their music is appreciated rev m m- bennett of toronto gave the address at both services in the morning address he chose bis text from- 1 rtingx and upon the top of the pillars was illy work- in wham he stressed the necessity of cmuvatlng beauty as a means of developing the ohrlsthm ufe in the evening he spoke tram jeremiah ssvji dealing with oar rnakmg use of the st use lessthings in life mr bennetts ad dresses were both inspiring end help ful and were received by an apprecia tive audience mr arthur hm was home owen sound for the week end and holiday on returning monday he took little freddie back with him for a couple of weeks mr and mrs arthur aaae and children of sukohlde spent the holiday and week end with mrs r ine mrs e marshall attended a tlon at mrs huggms on saturday last given for mrs ja nee miss lillian marshall youngest daughter of mrs buggins- mrs m is spending a few days with friends in rllnafh mrs kirkpatrick who has been quite ill is recovering although slowly congratulations to mr mark given on obtaining a second and a third prbs- on his two horses shown at the cana dian national exhibition the past week messrs fred dick and john packer are three happy boys these days as their slstar just arrived from kngland on sunday miss packer is to live with the boys on the farm and we extend to her a hearty wel to our community mr andmm v swackhammer of albany ny miss nellie of detroit and mrs diefenthal and children of new york city narrowly escaped seri ous injury on friday last while drtv ing west on the highway near kit pleasant s truck shot onto thehlgh way from tne north immediately in front of them mr owackhanuner had the presence of mind to slain on his brakes and stopped the car with in a few feet thus averting what might have been a serious accident as it was no one was hurt other than a shaking up but the front of the car was bsdoy da the truck driver had disregarded the stop- sign and after the accident did not stop re was caught however and placed under arrest the women institute held thetr monthly meeting at the home of mrs john meredith on thursday last there was a splendid attendance and mrs parr of oeorgetown gave a very interesting talk and demonstration on hstmlpirw miss peggy smethurst who has been visiting friends in toronto returned home last week in time to start to school on sept 1st rev and mrs caldwell mrs o meredith and miss helen returned borne on sunday morning alter spend ing a week on manltoulln island h marchment ww ts c stacey sts thomas carey park james harding park james harding sts h marchment ww h marchment ww isaac miller good roads h marchment sts h marchment ww oeorgetown hydro ore hall oeorgetown hydro ore alarm oeorgetown hydro ww oeorgetown hydro town hall oeorgetown hydro ww power bell telephone oo num office j k oneill sc son sts p sinclair town truck leroy dale legal fees n snyder sts oeorgetown lumber co thos j speers park richardsons- hardware park o r muckart town hall r h thompson sc co ww king calcuim products sts t j speight fire truck bailey bros own truck oeorgetown lumber co sts h920 130 900 110 1310 1800 1800 410 1800 1800 76 126 112 s44 4333 638 340 1400 500 197 25628 7073 336 630 130 10633 330 1516 133 w o marshall stamps for taxes 1500 bell telephone co chiefs res 305 robert bason good roads 3336 w r watson stationery 330 a livingstone sts 2030 w o marshall witness fees 470 here is a smooth racket an ingenious swindler has invented a new scheme which he has worked on restaurant proprietors in many vicinities with considerable success dressed in ragged and dirty clothes be approaches the proprietor and asks for a meal stating that be has not eaten or three days and has no money with which to pay being furnished with v meal he pulls a handkerchief out of the breast poc ket of his coat and as he does a ten dollar bill come out with it and falls upon the counter this usually at tracts the attention of the proprietor who naturally seises the bill and tak ing out the price of the meal gives therheggar the change when the pro prietor takes the ten dollar bill to the bank he is informed it is counter feit the bank also informed him after bearing the circumstances that nothing can be done about it because the swindler had not actually passed the bill to the proprietor erin through the canadian rockies v via canadian tactile hallway jf m m in our absence from town last week we overlooked the fact that we had promised to oonclude our narrative in last issue august 31st however here ve are again leaving calgary about 5 pjn we commence our journey homeward across the prairie and oh what contrast to the mountainous regions left behind from the ranching coun try we pass into the vast grain ares and on through the beautiful pralrk cities of medicine hat swift curnft moose jaw regina and brandonirto winnipeg all along the jine prospects o a bountiful harvest was in evidence and in manltobaespecially leaving winnipeg we still have flat country for many miles and thous- ands of acres of fertilesoljvthat is being cultivated hyuiparently happy and contented fanners mixed farming is more apparent through this section 10- pjmand after a parade on the platforms for some fifteen mmutes the only means of exercise on a long journey outside of playing bridge we say farewell to bur dining car crew who have been with us right through from the boast and retire to our berths after another perfect dajr of eating reading and playing bridge at 719 am we wake up at port arthur and the forenoon is spent enjoying the beautiful scenery along the northern shore of lake superior where the train skirts the edge of that magnlfldent body of water for many miles passing through a number of short tunnels enroute which no doubt add a minor thrill to some of the younger couples travelling this most enjoyable route crossing the ntpigon river which flows from lake ntpigon into lake superior one cannot fall to think of the large speckled trout that have made this stream famous fisher men from all over the continent go to fish in the ntpigon and we dont blame them in fact we felt rather envious of a couple of parties we saw fully equipped enjoying the real sport of casting for the speckled beau ties during pur few minutes stay at this point in our journey after leaving the shores of lake superior we pass through a land of lakes rivers and forests dotted at various distances with small settle ments or some hardy pioneer clearing a homestead in the forest on through white river where there are no mosquitoes in the winter tune chapleau and cartier we arrived at sudbury at 1030 pm another night in our berths and wake up in good old toronto at 730 pjn on sunday morning after a most enjoyable trip on the canadian pacifics splendid train the domin ion thirty miles by motor and we are back home in oeorgetown better satisfied than ever with the old home town and country surrounding in the centre of ontario the banner pro vince of the dominion after all the older we get we realise more fully the truth in that old adage the fun of going away is the pleasure of getting home again fall fairs acton brampton caledon erin oeorgetown milton sept 2031 sept 3726 sept 2821 oct 67 oct vs sept 3324 bubal school fairs held halton count in fishers comers mt nemo trafalgar brookville hornby llmehouse monday sept 13th tuesday sept 13th wednesday sept 14th thursday sept 15th friday sept 16th saturday sept 17th hello trfanma fm a good boy when amy married bill temple her people made her promise to visit hem often hut after young bill came the visits were less and less frequent although the old folks were only 40 miles or so away then one night amys mother telephoned and they found bow pleasant and inexpensive a visit by long distance can be so every sunday night now grandma calls them the weekly chats make them all happier and the cost is only a few cents lew ii ham cus 7j00 avj siiu i wigti nfs mbj0 sjw a buy this food bargain and boost canada r a few cents for shredded wheat not only bays a bargain but also boosts this countrys greatest industry only canadian wheat is used for shredded wheat to joar part by earing this nourishing ajibunjly food every day shredded wheat 12 big biscuits in every box made in canada it canadians of canadian wheat milton mrsnd mrs f c white daughter evelyn and mrs vsnfleet returned on prkjaylast from their summer cot tage at wasagm beach three rinks ram the milton ladles lawn bowling olub attended t6e an nual ladles tournament at oeorge town on friday last sad were snecess- ful in bringing back two ttrisss 1st end sua mia olaowr and agts phljlp winning 1st prjat tod byes 8jncjh- and basel tssksr jnj the tongue of she land roller on which wilfrid iwakertng fanner of snldert tra township was rw- log broke throwing hhn in front of the machine which went ever him or- rt1 of streetsvule was called and found no mrajtcn bones but be is bad ly bruised messrs k leonard white tfmtor of the ohsrnpion am jack hamilton correspondent for s pwladakphla la malaslnf pinmiehtng oo left on mon day last on 8 aoooinue asotor hrlp to k ottawa montreal quebec truck kldna is not ofrtclal- ak- banned attttough notes have appeared in tne press to the effect that it has been declared illegal to transport parties each as ptenjb groups on trucks no mtsructions to anwseiutylnfraatlona of arm an order nave been t here as far as i know there if no law swatestttr sam district tespeetor akoore of toe ontario vrwrinasl po lice recently i have seen note to use eftept tnat such s practice is b- legal to the press but i know ofgae sooh undeiatsndlng behnf sotaslly te e at least i have reeatved no lusuu relative to if miim items larbcated that m view otatt ersiswmwsi s s ith people see o t ttpotm fcy n new york city pittsburg philadelphia and buffalo a county herd of six specially lected from h herds throughout halton county is being enchanted at toronto exhibition elton mcllean of trafalgar who county held man for the hnlntem association owns one of the entries in the county herd and is also an exhibitor in the holsteln class in the second game of the wol ta finals played here on tuesday evening last mfltoos undefeated ladies tennis team defeated fergus ladies 3 sets to 3 sets and became western ontario champlrm for class bv milboo win now meet cjeotre ontario for higher honors miss an derson of fergos was tne outstanding player of the w d sinclair brtn thresher suf fered scalds about the head and shoulders when he removed the cap from a radiator on a tractor in which the water was boiling miss jean sanders suffered a frac tured ankle and other painful bruises when she fell into an opep trap door while visiting at the home of mrs peter binnle on friday last on tuesday evening dr dear and oeorge sanders competed in a scotch doubles tournament at acton when they played for the beardmore trophy they won second honors and electric irons at the finals of the mens open ootf tournament of orangeville oolf club on august 84th at 4he rriveibobne course at wvttle w- hbjish op first honors and a beautiful oolf club his score on the anal round was it being two below the par of the course duncan graham lot 31 tenth line erin celebrated his 84th birthday on the farm on which he was born on august 84th mr orahsm and his father are the only persons who have ever owned then- farm which was deeded from the orown in 1830 it is one of the most picturesque places ip klin township and is called afterj the oraham home in acetland olacnen lodge acton dont sunt on flat tssuts a flat tire means bard going the sir you pump into your tires does not seem to amount to much but it is as essential to a pleasant trip as the gasoline in tne tank courtesy is like the air in the the it doss not supply motive power but it makes the journey mom comfort- ssbie it eases the jojts tour eduov don vwnhlnel with roar astnral abi lity say egitw yon forward in lite at ar wss rapid rake wtanout everyone here had considered oeorgetown band would again repeat their winning of last year at toronto exhibition as the ooncftr in acton showed a tag improvement over a yagr ago congratulations are extended on the splendid showing they have made however in this competition the davight saving tim in acton terminated on sunday night septem ber 4th at midnight this is in ac cordanoe with the proclamation pub lished at the time the daylight saving was adotped mt and mrs j o matthews and miss helen ostrander returned this week from a tendays motor trip to flint michigan detroit and toledo ohio they also visited with mr and mrs charles bill monro michi gan and dr and mrs j a macmur- chy dresden ontario on atuiriayierrastlng mrs f k mcintosh sustained painful isjures ft her knee when she tripped over a pipe that was being used to an the gas tanks at dug service station on mill street mrs hcmtosh had sev eral parcels in ber arms and the boy who had ween stationed to warn ped estrians of the pipe on the sidewalk apparently thought that she saw the pipe the knee cap was bodly injur- ed and mrs mcintosh will be un able to get around for some weeks the second annual scotch double bowling tournament for the beard more challenge cop took plane on tuesday night on actons beautiful grounds- eighteen rinks competed brwmdton oeorgetown erin qrand valley and acton supplying their aqst three games of 10 ends each the cug still remains in acton h btnethurst ape r salmon being it wwwataswwsswsswsswwawss fg ch ibc wodl m bnj row jxh cjirsfi ttor and dttrf r dprioa compare our prices weigh our values fair comparisons reveal just whats what giving fair to quality compare our regular prices then oar pedal value we bebeve thai this wul deckle for you cataduarreiy that camata is uw place to spend yur grocery allowance quanty fooda at sower prices uw cooked corned beef 2 tins 29c pnrjeu mlsl sweet pickle5 droit r t9c grlmbr swt pickle relish 3701 r 0c special uptons new stoneless red plum jam nr21 canloaw sliced bacon byrma sauce bfi mm tr sauer kraut 2 tjni ble c i 4 pxenfer of aas 9w sva bound to s stsagsm e thf ssswrkm vpa may itaws ab the gas fob im ow winners with a wins snd plus of re hmolved the land yt feel anwry wasp ta tbe twaft i br oeexasd o- saunders of erin twsnrsvstsoe wsi sl comteey that wlatss tps pbiktbg second prt wfcft win sad -speciai- oven fresh warslimallqw chocolate isciits 25 2 lbs pftgfilo special peanut butter i 29c 8uttek rihcj biscuits 23 crew blacks j fruit cup i drinks 27c vhawy brand red cohoe salmon u12c fafeciae patrico crossed fish tiny fanqv heinz vinegar svnwr jt 15c maltep fhiese ckkken and rice a tin 10e tv its mitl fruit jaus ibhsiti it soaelal f princess flakes focsi 2 pfcss 29c mfqt soap vrr 0 bfr 39c oxyrjol or chipfo mollvc 3swats3r 45 pi rasw saxssgwsswwavwsawgwwsswsawsgpl qumhty ffnl economy mwuy mth a m 3sis cooking onions 10 lb 19c main street flhe557 georgetown iiw v

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