Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 7, 1932, p. 4

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r v n pace 4 i eightysixth annual fall fair -at- georgetown tuesday and wednesday october 4th and 5th at v s 4 s 6 t 10 11 5 00 s 00 3 00 900 5 00 6 special prizes horses i single high 8tepper by- the president e mcwhlrter 5 00 single turnout road by provincial paper mulls 5 00 best farmers turnout single by r k anderson mp best uady driver by georgetown coating mil la best delivery hoiseln harness by n h browns bakery best road horse by w p bessey and h barnes best gentleman driverby d brill co hat value best half mile dash open 1 in s heats 5 of purse ito enter is 00 10 o0 best general purpose horse in rein 1st set of whipple- trees by jn otfclll son value 40 2nd hughle a mcdonald 30o 00 best agricultural horse on rein by john irving 3 00 potato race by smith stone and john mc donald s 00 s 00 best herd of hones not less than three 1st 1000 off any article purchased from massey harris com pany 2nd 500 off any article purchased from massey harris companys agent a d hume 10 00 best heavy team on grounds including heavy draft agri cultural and general purpose toy reeve currle and j richardson 6 00 cattle best jersey female by credit valley creamery 3 00 best registered shorthorn female by col q o brown 3 00 best hoistein female by dr learmonth 3 00 best calf over 4 months shown by boy or girl by dr paul silver cup 10 00 best ayrshire female by l w dann 3 00 best group 3 dairy cows consisting of 1 mature cow 1 two year old heifer and 1 yearling to be sired by a pure bred bull a cabinet containing a twenty- six piece set of rogers empire pattern flatware value 1155 given by t eaton co toronto canada h best baby beef by john bingham 3 00 best veal calf by erwln ooldham and maple leaf dairy 4 00 sheep and pigs best pen of bacon hogs not less than three by c j buck 3 00 best pen of fine wool sheep not less than 4 sheep one male and 3 females by j beaumont 3 00 best pen of long wool sheep one male and 3 females by e y barraclough 3 00 best of market lambs by w king and h marshal 3 0o 13 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 jtoo 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 just a man harried from cradle to grave v fettered by laws like some stoical slave hurried tram mothers fond arms to a chair now see the darling wee man sitting there l rushed into rompers to buy them was joy then he was daddys own regular boy ringlets cut off they had shone like spun goldi curls were not meant for a big four yearold i hastened through lower school asked to forsake marbles and topefca career was stake furnished with brain food to make him advance praised for his progress by uncles and aunts speeded through senior grades help ed out at home head crammed with facts till it felt lute a tome made to take music that art which refines intricate symbols on intricate lines rlusmed at morning at noon and night all through his college days know ledge is might i teased and tormented by laurels dis played- winners are those of which heroe are made urged till he mastered the tricks ol theiame olven a char in some great hall ol fame now prodding others to get into stride laggards are one thing we cannot abide i harassed by worries that filled him with fright wearied by rushing from morning mil night nerves all atlngle and head all a throb caught in the mesh of the masterful mob valiantly struggling to keep up the pace forced while to midlife to give up the race broken in body in spirit and mind soon he has followed the way of man kind fold his hand tenderly over his breast close his sad eyelids at last he has rest maude latdman miscellaneous z 1 best 3 lis butter in lb prints by r d warren 3 00 x 2 best fcs butter in 1 lb prints by w f smith 3 00 x 3 best pair dressed chicken x a bennett goods 400 it best pair dressed duck by f kersey 3 50 x 5 best pair dressed chicken by mcdougat bros 4 00 x b best pair dressed chicken by i robinson norval 4 00 x 7 best pair dressed chleken by thos sykes 50 x 8 best pan- dressed chlrkrn by a j blackburn goods 3 50 x best pair dressed chicken by a e farnell goods 5 00 10 best v bushel alsbke seed by mbrley pettft 2 50 11 best h bushel red clover seed by mbrley pettlt 3 50 xu best loaf of homemade bread ironing board valued at tspa by j b martrmiir sc son 3 00 xls best loaf of homemade brad by walter lavwson 1st 48 has maple leaf flour 2nd 34 aba maple leaf flour 2 25 x14 best pair dressed chickens by harry robertson 4 00 15 best collection of baking by h c moclure done by lady in i esqnesing township consisting of 1 layer cake 1 pie v do tea biscuits tt dos cookies and u do tarts prise silk bed spread value 18 beat layer cake by mrs r robertson stiver pie knife value 1 50 17 best collection fancy baking homemade 10 varieties by c w swat hammer table lamp 3 50 xlr best dosen of buns by m clarfcson 100 19 best rwllectum pastry by r lteata goods value 2 00 30 best s us honey in comb by h w hmton 2 00 31 best display cut mowers by c f ready goods 3 00 rn best hamper of snow apples by a e cripps 2 00 x33 best bushel of oiuons w r watson 3 00 24 best 3 spikes olajlou 1 vt 1 red properly named in separate containers by dr nellsoa gladioli bums value 2 00 35 best pair of pullets ratable varieties by w j campbell laying mash value m 28 best display in ball by merchant or manufacturing firm by bank of montreal 6 00 4 00 37 best 3 pies 1 apple 1 fruit 1 lemon pyrex plate by bond hardware quelph value 0 00 g- fall and winter millinery in all the leading shapes and colors at misses claridge fptafca hu block counter check books get your supply of counter check books i the herald mice at plum jam and jelly by betty barclay youve heard of a juicy plum dropping into someones lap havent you well there are plenty of nice juicy plums in the markets today for tbe housewife who knows how delici ous plum jam and jelly can be when cold winter days roll tound rtsfkriiklnnad plums are tbe best fuvoredxfor jams and jellies now instead of using underripe fruit as in grandmothers day fully ripened fruit with atl its luscious color and flavor can be made into wholesome health ful jellies bottled fruit pectin makes this possible this is pure fruit pec tinthat substance m fruits that makes jelly jell it is extracted from fruits having plenty of it refined concentrated to a known and definite strength and bottled it is now pos sible to add a controlled amount of pectin to any fruit and thus get per fect results use these two tested and tasted recipes for plum jelly and plum jam ripe pham jolij ripe fran jelly 4 cups 3 lbs juice 1 cups 3u ins sugar h bottle fruit pectin to prepare juice crush thoroughly about 4 pounds fully ripe fruit po not peel or pit add 1 cup water tor ripe prune jelly add juice of 1 lemon bring to a boll cover and simmer 10 minutes place fruit to- jelly cloth or bag and squeese out juice measure sugar and juice into large saucepan and mix bring to boll over hottest fire and at once add pectin stirring constantly then bring to a full rolling boil and boll hard tt minute remove from fire skim pour quickly paraffin hot jelly at once makes about 11 glasses 6 fluid ounces each ripe ptasn jam ripe prone jam 4 cups 2 lbs crushed fruit cup water 7tt cups 3m las sugar bottle fruli pectin to prepare fruit pit about 1 bbs fully ripe fruit do not peel out in to small pieces and crush thoroughly measure fruit solidly packed and water into a large kettle for ripe prune jam add juke of i lemon stir until mixture bolls cover and simmer 13 minutes aod sugar mix well and bring to a full rolling boll over hottest are stir constantly be fore and while boiling boil hard 1 minute remove from fire and attar in pectin skim pour quickly para ffin hot jam at once makes about 11 glasses 8 fluid ounces each orange milk foam serves 1 8 tablespoons orange juice 8 tablespoons evaporated milk 6 tatjlespoons cold water 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon grated orange rind beat or shake thoroughly serve at once in a lame glass chilling with fee if desired fresh milk may be used in place of evaporated rank this is an excellent midmeal drink for children who aft undernourished it is a a good beverage accompani ment for meals evaporated milk makes the drink very economical coconut salads one seldom thinks of coconut when preparing a salad at least one sel dom does until she has experimented with this food in salad form after that the coconut salad is a frequent delicacy try these and tie convinced coeomtt salad deueioes 2 cups cabbage finely shredded 1 cup grated pineapple drained 1 cup coconut premium shred cup mayonnaise dash of salt crisp c by allowing it to stand in ice water drain and dry thoroughly toss lightly together with remaining ingredients serve on crisp lettuce garnish with strips of pitn- lento and chopped chives serves 8 staffed prase salad 3 packages cream cheese can coconut southern style chopped 3 tablespoons mayonnaise 24 cooked prunes seeded blend cheese coconut and mayon naise 8tuff prunes with mixture serve on crisp lettuce oarnlsh with additional mayonnaise serves 8 some- of the society women look good in these new evening gowns but they would no doubt look better if they were a little farther m them dumb dora at baseball game oh look we bare a man on every beset i another dumb onejtbats nothing so has the other side r i i the georgetown herald ved ncsday evening september 7th 1932 m 1 1 news and infoaraisulion for tbe busy farmer when to cat ssnfluweis it is generally recommended to cut sunflowers when they are about 60 to 60 per oent in bloom states e 8 hopkins dominion field hiisbandman at this stage they contain more dry matter than at earlier stages and are more easily handled than at other stages if the heads are allowed to firm until the seed is in the dough stage the stocks become top heavy and difficult to cut and handle in the field and difficulty is also experienced in getting the larger heads to pass through the throat o the ensilage outter feeder purchase policy renewal of the feeder purchase policy designed to encourage the win- ter feeding of cattle- and lambs of- suitable type and quality is announc ed by the hon robert weir federal minister of agriculture under the terms of this pqllcy broadly put die federal department will pay the rea sonable travelling expenses of a far mer or his agent to the stockyard point of purchase tbe feeder sales or nearest station to range point at which feeder svpckja purchased to secure the benefits itthe policy at least one car of stocltl20 hd of cattle or 40 lambs or a combined car figured on 2 lambs as the equivalent of one beef animal must be pur chased- stock purchased is subject to approval as tomype and suitable by he official representative of the do minion live stock branch serving the point of purchase immaturity and culei injure frail ontario growers are again advised against the practice of placing tamta ture fruit on the market c e broughton of the ontario marketing board reports that only re cently he noticed a quantity of plums on the toronto market which should have been left on the trees for at least another two weeks another practice detrimetnal to tbe business as a whole is that of selling cull fruit to jobbers who are definite ly in the market for this quality or product generally it does pot seem to be known that there is a law against selling culls unless these are beta transported direct to a process ing plant to be used in the manu facture of apple byproducts according to mr broughton grow ers should cooperate in an effort to keep the market free from culls the marketing of culls does serious injury to the entire trade through creating dissatisfied customers planting of osiers increased n ontario revised acreage figures for ontario indicate that 868 acres have beep planted to celery this year the two leading districts lambton county and burlington report plantings of 400 and 235 acres respectively weather conditions have been favorable and crop prospects are from average to somewhat better than normal i weekly crop report reports from county representatives indicate that excellent yields of grain arerbetng reported in certain parts of western ontario while in other sec tions yields are considerably lower than in 1031 some fall wheat has been seeded for the 1033 crop many creameries report at lftto 2s per cent decrease in out put in comparison with 1031 bruce county reports live stock in good condition due to good pasturing while in the whole milk trade njore demanc is shown for milk from t rete4 sows buojcwheat- barley mixtures look very prombjlng in the low late land of grand vauey- dundalfc sections in dufferin some fine crops of secondcut alfalfa have been harvegtedln orey peel has had outbreak of weevils in old winter wheat and barley damage from leaf qoppers s reported from south slmcoe in waterloo fall wheat is yielding about 40 bus to the acre oats about 40 bus and muted grain and barley average yield late tomato crops have come along- 1 well in essex due 0 recent r kxcrllfr yields from secondcrop alfalfa of one quality are noted in severalc counties sent county will have an average crop of burley tobacco peaches of most varieties are a good crop in lincoln middlesex has enjoyed firstclass pas tures this summer one farmer in that county bad 4j00 bus from 100 acres while another had a yield of 60 bus per acre favourable weather for harvesting has been general a carload of purebred hrbrin were recently shipped from prince edward county on thinnmx mangels experiments carried out over a period of eight years by the do minion experimental farm ottawa show that the largest crop of mangels is seu when they are thinned to a distance of 9 inches apart the re port also observes that tbe system of blocking plants into small bunches re sults in the production of many small roots which are dxtncult to harvest sheep and swtne classes an outstanding feature of the sheep and swtne sections at tbe central canada exhibition were the nlaiaii open to county pens of lambs and bac on hogs selected and entered by agricultural representatives fn counties in eastern ontario and wes tern quebec a good deal of good natured rivalry was evident between the residents of the various counties with entries in these classes in the class open to pens of lambs lanark won first and third with renfrew second while in the bacon hog sec tion qrenvule was first lanark sec ond and renfrew third ontario potato oatleak j t oasson ontario marketing board states that the early potato crop is being marketed rapidly and yields are averaging about sixtyfive per cent of those of- last year the southern counties have almost finished shipping and the crop in the central apart of the province is being moved as quickly as it la ready the dooley or late potato crop is p favourably recent rains which hue been more or- less general have greatly impro the appearance of many fields a good crop of late potatoes is anticipated if favourable weather conditions continue jnnlors at the new junior agricultural sec tion at the central canada exhibition was an outstanding feature the special cl open in rnembera of calf clubs in eastern ontario and western queued created keen in terest around the ringside between 35 and 40 club members exhibited their calves and the manner in which they turned them out and handledj them in the ring created a good deep of favourable comment the group of ayrshlres from stormont was awarded the championship for groups while donald motntyre one of the rnembera of tbe winning group re ceived the championship award for his calf this same young man won first for showmanship in the class open to calf club mernhers and later chainpiqek snowmen in he junior assuon another new feature was a naltertnakmg competition twenty- eight oung ten couvetedvwtth bob warren of brnaniua righto whining first awaitl buck wheebkbs juy continued from page 1 which explosives bad been sjbpt for safety at the timevhen the blasting was done on the red crag this proved a welcoming haven judy let go her hold of edna minnie long enough to strain at thick wooden door at wrenched it open and with little cei mony shoved the almost ex pair through the narrow opening once inside the three sank in a hud dle on the stone flagging thtey were locked in a dungeon wrapped in black darkness while they cleared their lungs and got their breath they heard the walling moaning and shrieking of the storm as it beat and and raged against the bluff and howling like a million demons over the ranch finally the gale subsided and edna and minnie still sitting in a close huddle exchanged a fw lowspjken words judy kept silent hut her companion heard ber cjmb up to the dsor and attempted t3- open it evidently she was having dilhculty in gettincrnt open for she faulcd tj push jt back wed better hslp her edna suggested getting up when all three of them put their united strength to the door however they still could not budge it what shall we do how shall we ever get out edna exclaimed in inuffled tones of despair we qhab suffocate if- we have u remain in xnla buck hole much lon ger minnie addeo the torm rau be ever by now for its so vsry quiet jjutstde j judy continued to hold her silence but in the still period thai followeot both edna and minnie fjt the touch of her strong hand never had they experienced anything more assuring than this kindly caress she climbed up to the door again and began to pound with her fists against the panel the other two girls shouted and call ed but their stifled voices seemed to go nowhere at last came the crunching- of feet on the sand just outside the heavy door however and the dee- throated voice of old buck wheeler was plain ly beard followed by the digging away the sand from the door and it was not long before the girls were re turned from their temporary prison but the experience of the girls with judy bad given the touch of friend ship the girls had desired to have and in spite of tbe bad beginning of nelghborllness the kindly feeling grew stronger when jeff returned the war was made easy for him by the neighborly calls of judy for confer ence which led to a settlement be tween buck wheeler and jeff of the boundary line dispute- jell felt he could not hold any enmity against ills neighbors after the way thsy had sav ed his sisters when left alone at the ranch but when jeff offered to let buck have all the land even buck loosened up and said they would split it even the laij6h corner pastor you say you cannot get along with your husband people must learn to bear and forbear did you every try heaping coals of ore on bis head young wife no i never did but rve tried boiling hot water youre getting along when you can remember the time when it was con sidered a luxury to be born in a hospl- teacherrtosnmy come here and give me what youve got in your mouth i tommy i wish i couk ifs voorbwche father so you want to marry ray daughter suitor yes but first i want to know if there is any insanity in your family v father no and theres pot going to be any it usually takes a week or two to fully recover from a vacation qive cupid a break you cant ex pect true love to run smoothly when it is on the rocks during a recent dance a boy and a girl went out to sit on the porch for a while he got sentimental he what a nlghtl what a girl i what a moon what a combination she heavens is that showing toot the man who wants a few things and really wants them bad enough is likely to get some of them at least drivers of commercial vehicles figure laroely tn auto accidents it is difficult to understand how drivers expert enough to be in charge of comnierctb motorannlcles could be involved mjover 1800 accidents in one province in one year yet that is ontarios record for 1931 last year 110 commercial vehicles were involved in fatal accidents 1jm8 were involved in accidents in which personal injury was sust these are official figures furnished by the motor vehicles branch of the on tario department of highways if is expected that the use of com mercial vehicles in tbe province will continue to increase it is therefore of the utmost importance that drivers thereof take warning from last years appalling experience and it is equally imperative that drivers of pleasure cars and pedes trians cooperate in an effort to put a stop to the senseless needless kill ing and fiwig sf- humans on on tarios streets and highways excess fat ruining her health better after losing 14 lbs there are a number of bodily ali ments that are apt to arise in over weight men and women and if excess fat is reduced in tbe right way very i often improved health follows as it did with this woman i used to have a great deal of fat that seemed to nearly stop me breath ing e when i knelt down to do my housework or was walking up a hill i would simply have to fight for my breath for about 20 minutes but now thai has all gone thanks to kjruschen i have lost 14 rbs m weight and am able to get about m comfort i can work all day and not feel una i feel so much better and am so pleased to have lost somerof the fat that was steadily gaining ground with me and ruining my general health miss a k there are six vital mineral salts in kruschen these salts contiat the cause of fat by assisting the internal organs to perform their fiinctkans pro perlyto throw off each day those waste products and poisons which if allowed to acrmmulate win be con verted by the bodys chemistry into fatty uttue tauijhj ordinary aperi ents kruschen does not eonttne its action to a single part of the system its tonlc extend to every organ land norve and veta decide golf prize on roof of world bttk prince of wales trophy one of golfdoms ft most envied possessions baa just been decided on the spectacular links of the banff springs oolt course a mile above sea level in the heart of tbe canadian rockies this year the tropov went over seas to an englishman down from oxford univer sity a newcomer to the ranks of champions who made the long trip a week ahead of play re is w a slme bedfordshire golf club bedford eng land who la seen shaking hands with the runner- up gordon macwilllams bowness golf club taugary one time alberta champion mr slme won the final four up and three to play and ikti game was refereed by bill thompson genial pro of the banff course who is seen standing between the pair a large gallery followed tbe play the brewster cup championship was decided at tbe same time over tbe banff springs course it was a womans championship and was takea by mrs o p dewplf right in photograph of ver non bc who defeated miss jean mcmillan or calgary alta in a close fight that was only docldci on the 18th hole by one up layout snows the two champions being congratu lated by their opponents and the prince of wales cup with the banff springs hotelin the background education costs were m8- cusskd ccnnautee will sleet again at islnea an oelaber lath warden readhead nelson reeve robinson oakvtlle and reeve cleave of georgetown represented halton at the gathering of county council rep resentatives in qrangevml last wed nesday to discus the evardnountmg costs of secondary education the meeting was largely attended the following were appointed a commit tee to draft resolutions j f brown sbetbourne mr cunnhighajn alhs- ton w n robinson oakvule k ml readhead nelson it was decided to meet to milton on october 18th all wardens and educational chairmen are requested to attend orangevule ban ner you know its t tea red rose tea red label 25c uk we say its tbe greatest value yoa can buy jb commercial all kinds of commercial printing turned out promptly and efficiently at the office of the georgetown herald m your home printer and publisher i is prepared to fill any of yo 11 printing require- ments and is a local industry deservirig your patronage car the georgetown herald georgetown ontario a iavhrj fe

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