Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 14, 1932, p. 1

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v i j v- rf the georgetown v herald y 1 sixtysixth year of publication the georgetown herald wednemlay evening september 14th 1932 1 jo per in advance 200 to ujsjl the georgetown herald jr m moors tusher mnd proprietor canadian weekly newspaper cxnr time table standard time gefxu east passenger anjlsaajl 1030 ajn passenger 239 pm psaaenaer and mail 630 njm passenger vttops for passengers sjomgrast and toronto 956 pjn sundays going bast passenger 2jb tun pssawnger am pjn peawanger aju pjo going west ps sam mm and mail 1m bin psrssrngat bit ajn passenger 08 pjm passenger and mall 835 pm paasemnj bunday 812 ajn passenger sunday 1023 pjn going north mail and passenger v 855 axn going senth- afall and pmwrngrr v 830 pjn help yourself arrow bis seiv1ce fasti im standard tim and you help youriountry help yourself today to shredded wheat and you help others eat too for canadas leading product wheat isbadc of this great food bargain just a few cents for twelve big biscuits wheat 12 big biscuits jn every box made in canada ty canadians of canadian wheat there 18 no death wj mukv am 1258 ajn 556 pjn 828 pjn sat only mb pjn dally except bat ujh pjn saturday only 1e 6m ajn dally except bun 960 ajn 14 pan 440 pjn cuxw pjn tops only on nag signal bob pjn 815 pjn sundays and holiday only reduced fare to holders of scsmoii ticketa xicajhm amd infoailatlon at longs red rose tea orangepekoe 38c lib its quality satisfies theres economy in its trench directory ut smxdalb georgetown ontario offices gregory tfceatrebkw mill st craaxncb h wiggins aaarrastor tmiakar notary i offices otosul block oemgetowa telephone us b a and bowybk barrmera bts la ontario orataun x b graham o k kmnrh ml langdon notary famte i ajw to loan afaln street sooth georgetown djdji kdjb v lwa auxibm oaboe hours too kxoapt tbjnaday afternoons r l hbath lab bjml in lane mock one door north of vneuvs oarriaat factory- hours sun to pan chiropractic fhuoir the ghnwaweetov kaer oradnsts u yoarls practise no medtctos bu ostaopaiby 1kry service offlso over pomlnlon store mondst wednesday and satorday ito and mo to j0 pan days and boors by appotntment utm biahenei imj dawns suredeath fly spray the bestfor the least money flies are germ camera- depositing their filth on every thing they touch why pay 40c or 35c when you can get a full 8 oz bottle of the best for 25c tanglefoot paper wilsons- pads aeroxin fly coib use stockaid cattle spray we aell it in bulk bring your own container darins drug store phone 327 georgetown frank petch uoxnbxd aooxiombam the ollilln at peel and haman svsttaw os 61r3 ooixxutlons do we get resulta i most say that i m very pleased with your work in hand ling my collections i had con sidered these almost hopeless july 28 wsj key aiken onuments 4 ingham to oater worth j qa ont ato bisw flume m ibsenst w whhf tb orawwood the new way to buy coal bine coal v fwr 1 tea of or man no extra jclivcry charges to mobyal atxwajttqttii torn 1011001 hgtveyour eyes examined by o t walker dosc eyesight specialist brampton who will be at watsons drug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month phone watsons dxtjg stork fob appointhknt or yoa may eonndt o t wslkkh at his offloe in bramptnai the newest style of gl at reasonable price there s a breathless hush in the woodland deep where the wind in the treetops lies jisleop for all in a moment autumn stirred and he spell is cast on leaf and bird the leaves hang motionless branch es bend awaiting the touch that will mean the end the flowers droop that were brave last spring the birds that were gayest refuse to sing no stir in the air or eartri oraky mar bummer is lingering there to die alas for summer on touch of toll can it really be that this lsall a passionate growing of green young things a stir and throbbing of floppy wings a sweet fruition meat ps best then a faded blossom an empty nest i the leaves fall shently gold and red and a cry goes whimpering dead all dead the leaves tell silently red and gold and a cry goes ringing for there behold the new earth springs from the fad ing mould and summer smiles with her latest breath whispering softly there is no deatnl the fright frightened a certain woman of noble presence and one attractive face spends her leiiure from home duties in advocat ing a cause one dear to 811 wo manly motherly women it would be hard to estimate the good that this woman has done through her clear sincere eloquent little talks to wo men her audience are drawn to her be fore she speaks her appearance is so winning once when she was com plimented upon the exquisite taste exhibited in her dress she laughed and told a story i years ago when i first gave talks she said i was oiled with impassion ed seal for his reform to he exclu sion of everything else i was otfee entertained in a small city toy he president of 1 the local womens cluq which i was to addres the fouowlng day arriving in p evening i met my hostess an intelligent oharnvins young woman and her husband and then retired as it was late next morning j was down early eager to talk over the work with njy hostess she had excused herself o superintend breakfast and as i sat alone i saw something white flash in at the door and disappear behind s bjg armchair presently a rosyllttk face peered cautiously out from behind the chair the child appeared to be excessively timid but gathering courage she emerged and remarked i isnt a bit sfwaldl of course not deary i i sajd smiling and holding out my hand but the child kept at a safe distance and next to my astonishment said earn estly oo neednt twy to scare me 1 wouldnt lor tbt world you darllngl i said really troubled for i lqve children dearly why do yon think of such a thing my mama told my papa said the utile fright but i isnt a bit fwtght- ened at the first opportunity i went to my room and sought hie mirror and when j saw reituy saw my ityattnig gown of most u color my careless neckdressing my hair hast ily and thoughtlessly pinned uo any isotw well i was twlghteoed i took the lesson delivered through the mouth of the child to heart and realised then and there that a womens dress is one mode of ex pression of herself within and as such well worth its share of thoughtful at tention a postgraduate degree by j mervm bull it was a modest sign to stir up so much commotion in rtverdale it was fatsened beneath a window on the principal street and on it in gilt letters just large enough to be seen from the street was the name amy farland sx nevertheless within an hotuv after the sign appeared it wasnown throughout he village that amy land as qrandms barton it had sot up doctor among the first to read the sign were samantha dale and arabella lootcfleld who had come to the vil lage from the byland district to do their weekly shopping h stopped for a moment and hen ap proached the picket fence i never saw a sign hung out here befeora she said what does it say belle v amy farland mjd samantha gased in openmouthed astonishment for cansdeace sake she exclaimed what does the child mean shh dont speak so loud i whis pered arabella nervously lta walk along amy isn t exactly a child now she continued and you know oho has been away studying for four or ore years and you neednt tell me arabella iook- fleld said samantha with a toss of her head why amy farland was born in the ryland district before you moved in there in the very boose where hiram beynton lives now many a time rve carried her in my arms and when she was a little girl she was forever nxln up a sick lamb or something of that kind around the farm why we had an old t rooster that got his leg broken and amy fixed up the leg and he went stumpin arognd torjl dont know hoar long and now here she hangs out this sign with mj on it just the same as doctor pirmley but samantha protested arabella she wouldnt dare to do it unless she had been through the regular course aajawtaken the degree just like other doctors arabella had herself once wished to do sopiethlflg do you mean to toll me began samantha slowly enact any farland ypung as the was went to hoanttam and lectures and saw all the ditad things there just as the cnen dpt no doubt of it said arabella de cidedly she never could have taken her degree without it then that makes it all toe worse said samantha with conviction i dont think a woman ever ought f see such tilings here comes qocjtor pirmley now he doesnt a of such notions you may he sure good morning doctor she balled bsoo oood moming said the doctor aa he stopped his none at the side waft how is the rrteumatisan these daya- oh fair a inlddto atve tne a bard twinge once in a while dont know as j shab employ you any knager i see there is a new mj down here what do you think of that so i understand said the doe- tor gravely without answering the question well i must drive aksgg go on nelll but when the old doctor realty saw the little sign he bit bis up amy farlandv he mused as his old horse jogged along it may be all sight but im too old to see u ttus giving the full mx to a wosaan means masculine airs and talk and femtrjne collapse in an opinions crop report the only sure happiness for anyi nation is to be round m tne peace and prosperiiy of the woole world tuce r wales our greatest single economic prob lem today is to arrest drftaunn and expand credo ogdcn 1 the government has been more interested in stocks and bonds and tne ucabr tape than u baa been to human beings uene ttmney rapid communicatiaa of injonna- uon and ideas h -r- is one of the mest valuable means of foster ing international herbert me4 owtag a past aeewaat john m0fvrid wtomlsw tawatfjivsm canada permanent character imti there u lion and rock in ths veins of canada as well as gold and illver the item and heroic qualities that con- quered s wilderness and built dominion united from ocean to ocean still predominate in canadian chlncter there is a permanency in this country that grows out of that duracter it is expressed in institutions as well as individual craftsmanship and frugal industry the bank of montreal was the tint permanent bank in canada having successfully cooperated with this countrys people add business through the ups and downs of 11 years the bank today faces the future firm in lis faith iq the permanency pf canadas ptogress and jhe charterer slid lesojucefulpejs pf die capadita people bank of moiftreal established l8l7 jot at assbts in bxcbs 7oooooooo georgetown branch d wilson manager tt comes just at the time too wljea j should be glad to ghe up a part of my practtee to a young loan vflsh her name was araoo inste of amy for rd hke to help a son of ijsjvu farland so it was not strange that the new doctors practice- was small at first and increased very sftswiy were however a few families employed her regularly amys tlenta the village people them but amy farland was not to be easily discouraged 8be attended faithfully to the work she bad to da and tried to make tm better prepara tions for the wort she expected to do one morning in june mrs farland was sitting by the open window whan amy came in from her tittle round of calls in spite of the f of the morning amys step was slow and listless she took off her bat and laid it on the table wlh a stab something troubles you asjul said her mother what fc r tears whfeh m act quite fall dim med the girls eye for a mnsnent mother dear she said slowly if it wasnt for you i feel as if 1 shook give it all up and v away tell me what has happened dear said mrs farland gently doctor pirmley has refused to consult with me on mrs jarssons case amy answered mrs farland looked rather relieved than otherwise at her dan statement and asked at once u mrs jackson daneerously sfckr no mother she is really sssettng better but it takes a long time end they are frightened because the doe- tor isnt a man but only amy war- land i suppose tbey employed me only because they were such ti se of yours and fathers amy began her mother earnestly try to meet this trouble as bravely aa you have others doctor whmjay is an old man with strong pi but i think the ttine will eome when he will change his opinion now teste a vacation from your books today it will do you good she said cheer fully rve got some things that re been waiting a good while to send to old arandma dodge dont you want to take them to her you muds hit how kind she used to be to us when we lived in the ryland district thats just the trip i want she said quickly til be ready to ten minutes and she tripped up the stairs singing trie mountains the mountains we greet them with a song the long drive through the pleas ant country and the visit with an odd friend did much to dispel amys de pression when she started for home she decided to stop at tne boose where she had lived as a child 111 just drive up to it and ask for a drink of water she aald to her self and that will gwe me a chance to look around why whats gotng oq down the road people m out there goes a team going pell- mell toward riverdale oo on there tricksy why the trouble seems to beuour old house and ss she drove nearer bsmsntma gale ran out of the house and waved her apron excitedly in the sir amyl amy farlandl come in here quick and see if can do anything to help what is it aamantha as amy as she drove into the yard we just found it out samax said fend nathan pollard has gone to the tillage after doctor fllmley bat itll toe more than an boor before any doctor can get here and then the poor dear child will be dead- amy entered up fatniuar tjcsjtmw on vats 4 ufe has more to offer titan merely the making or tng of money for seiflsb enjoyment andrew- w watt timrtllri wiatln i anil liiaij rates dur ing the win is sb an cnxee uuwusu aawdsvaaber now prevailing msti m l mqne- e g is wen ander m irp awhrate a pqpd sjersaec motets and ialllj m the first recipe for avoid too lengthy medltaltnrvs on tta pastandre maurois the greatest burden our system gosernsnent carries today is i richar b byrd itothing in h 11 stood stni and nothing sir harold bowden has ewer eeer win we must be prepared to build up from now a osmpeten deal with our bankrupt world weils despite our taeffeattxe methods training and guidance still the mrpllnri jewris e getber and oorsrflt go the modern is a tatr- tbe difference hllwctw nice peace and a swell home la the aba of use- mttrnirtt tnitjgi cantor much ef greatness m men is tost because no uppottuutty riehard washburn child tinder tt luueas ed production is nosatomatte cure sor of ao tbjousiltlea that mires in man abnost the g vltauty is the keynote life and ployment one keylog alfred p sloan jr in the jam- polities is not mtereatmg to intelli gent persons george jean nathan power and respoossariity cannot be separated pputtoauy a ry oalrta oooudge hove is a gift from heaven when the girt to wttbdrasm the one who baa lost it is to be pitied not beamed duusnd 8tatwttcg are an right ves but what is petent toterpretation of dewey if but one message i may leave be- htod one single word of courage for my kind tt would be this oh brother sister friend whatever life may bring what god may send no matter whether clouds lift soon or aolve the of the twentksth erntmj by the axaatata of the eighteenth or sal lowing the muuediu of the teenmvnleholas ecurray butler a more eojntable cusarthaaon be ohtalrard of the p eg 1 labor brain and i tor pesbody a stn asmaltoaaaent tt is often aald that the sower of human sympathy to lighten the sor rows and trials of thta nfe cannot wen be mmstlinahrt this was evidently held by uncle jsero ectored man who used in avsaa t town he had buuu money from two iiiiwiiiss men to the hhwprtf np in the that before ion tt wise to gtve up the and return to what be called odd- jraawrtn xoifflml he sold his carpenter toast and with a nttle money out of his osfl leather porae was able to make mat a sunt a to dlsrbarge his debt to one of his swo credttors bpt aurely you bavent nsoney enough ssft to pay tar arnold too have yon obese zerot asked tbls gentleman referring to the other creditor atat got but jest enough f bb on till i ken am some more remarked uncle zero weft what an you going to do about it still the u nan th teo yo- what i jest thought rd better do replied oracle zero i pay yo yoh money aan an i ayaa- pthbe with msssa arnold an dat11 about ax it up ebenl traffic hravntst not lmj1 iitttnt listen to the story of the highway eensueteker if yon dont believe trsa- flc it mrrraemg one of these ob servers atslfcavd this nssner at a point east of toronto on the kii road icglsteid zijmw passing cars fen a single day another countmeter at point near hong branch ontario cars hi a day and a of vebselea passed a tonge street north the same day thats a car about every free seconds and these are typical in stances b daily average trafiac on ontario highways this year was xrtm ears a day as o with xstoea year ago the fsrares were complied at 90s census atnttona tbsm tf ontario can be taken as an est- aj nothing to be nassl what use provincial to do about it is qui hen t- ae aald blsndepart- l ever tbahsdi baaaasfdef blgli- take heart and wait despair may tangle darkly at your feet your faith be dimmed and hops once cool and sweet be tootbut suddenly above a bin a heavenly lamp set on a heavenly sill wm shine for you and point the way to go sow well i know i have waited through the dark and i have seen a star rise to tne martrsy 5- repeatedly it has not fatted me yet i have learned god never win forget to light his lamp if we but wait for it it wot be lit cnsce nou croweil notes and comments canada paid the whole shot of the coat of the imperial ootissreiste mrtntflnt toe hotel bills of the dele- igaxes motor transportation etc etc the erpenae was heavy but if the conference leaks the etup out of the present stagnation no one will grumble report states that there will be some left out of the voted for the purpose radio owners have you secured your werners for this year th bef you need a license tor each radio that is of course tf you base moge than one rigid enforcement of an act prohmlttng an radlp iiusvjiii from selling or servicing any radio est to an unlicensed owner hasbeen prisms ed by the department of marhuf at o who have recently given duo tp all dealers in this district the act is not a new one a to local dealers who have been ones tinned regarding it but waa incorpor ated in drgf mmtel ntles governing the radio act some three orfouryeara it baa not however been espdly enforced despite the belief that one license only is required for each home regard less of how many receiving sets are being dsed it iscosnpulsory that for each set owned one be secured with the close of harvest eomes to of tne fan fair there ai of toexn and they lv world of work and expenditures the laa bemkt inlaws the decline aa use i iiaawlu store parity to the eatovsmmscat of imal man b s iaken oat of ats aadald the good- tmr- atorse code septal have a tall fair of their own and a body of directors sad other omcera who give a tot of their tame to the of msmssdng and fc them a lot of other people too reauxtng tne fall hurls a thing which heaps every eonwiiudxty ireely give 1rt1 for prises the trig idea of the faq fair is to induce people to compete to tne arts of peace this means producing better crape and varieties of grains and field and gar den plants of better uve stock and farm and household loluii ltaojueshy pell fair vrtu be held at g october tth and 5th the prtae usts will be issued next week when copses may be had front w a wuson the secretary oct ready for the big fair at georsbbtown next there la honor in winning a prise or two bach season that comes brings an upportuuity for you to mea sure your ability with that of rjour gt to win the credit if iajti v and to learn srnnrthmg if betttr than your own tne result of an this is better farm crops better live stock better vegetables and fnuta better homes and better lives nt a it means prestige at noma broad for the agricultural pro of canada world prestige ra the pr of a natkm liisdiii at the local fan fairs there were s483 to the workmen board during the month of as compared with mil in july fatal aeddeata dutrng august i bered jo aa against 19 in july the total benefits awarded d august amounted to ttmu j s01jb of this being lor and anjsjc4b for medl compared with hdbjwjv assarded in benefits during july tms years record to date shows ag- n reported ao aa uu with 38m for the same period f uxjl and total beneftts awarded x- 30ej5ias as against 9jsmjgjs to the end of august 1ss1 i how no to pat toob bolls 4- omy the tallori sir with your little bill said a meek voice outside the ah wen i ca business the processor said to the children it youll just wait a minute sow muih is it this rear my manr- jhe touir bad eome m while he waa weyt its been adloubling ao many mam you see the tailor repned a little gruffy and i think rd ltkar the itx two thousand pwih ott sm oh thats nothing the nun asm carelessly remarked feeling to his imcket aa af he always carried at least that amount about with htm but wouldnt you use to wait just another year and make it four thous and just think how rash youd bal why you might be a king if you i- i dont know as rd care about be ing a king the man said thought fully but it dew sound a powerful sight o money well i think m on the de- of course you wttll aald the pro- tberes good sense in you i goodday to you mymanl ul you ever have to pay htmt that fomjf thousand pounds synrle asked ssswvne door closed parting creditor never my chou the piled emphatically bel go on doubling it tm he dtea yon ace its always rt worth while to get twice as watting another i just like s man he keeps a ghi waiting two yaanvto get snarrled and sag two aunntee at toe 3 r i t

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