Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 14, 1932, p. 3

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7 v the georgetown herald ywed nesday i september 14th 1932 s fragrance sealed in metal salada trcsh from the gardens brills ladfts shop is now skowing fall and winter coats local news w les le men in styles to delight tle at prices to please th your particular wants will be courteously catered to d brill co y georgetown corner mill and main sts phone 167 long limit bargain fares to toronto saturday september 1 7th only 100 return tickets honored oornf all trains saturday sept 17th returning au trains from toronto up to and including monday sept 19th tickets good in coac only no baggage checked reduced rates at toronto hotels secure time table tickets etc from nearest agent ft131 canadian national thanltsglvlnt day oct 10h trout flshlnj season closes tcday everything fe going to be all right crgoumm pall pair oct h and 5th ball game bronte vs georgetown ar georgetown park on saturday next at 2 30 st georges tennis club wild hold a dance in the town hall on friday sept 30th i the womens association of knox church will hold their annual bazaar on saturday nov 26th acton invites you to their pali pair next tuesday and wedriesday sept 20th and 21st girls lookout club play in the presbyterian church limehouse thursday sept 15th there are a number who havd overlooked the payment of their first instalment ot taxes the tax collec tor will appreciate an early settlement the famous violinist seigmund stelnburg will paly some selections composed by mr jack thompson georgetown over cfjrb tonight commencing atv45 standard time a dance under the auspices of orion lodge will be held in the arena on wednesday evening oct stt watch for further particulars an remember the date oct 5th motorists and other drivers of vehicles are kindly asked to keep off the race course in trie park until after pair day as the directors are endeav oring ao get jt in shape for the races we understaarip that the y ouhlds of the county and diatrlct are asked to meet at limehouse pres byterian church thursday night sept 15th immediately after the play concert mr thomas ellenton of george town was a successful competitor at toronto exhibition this yea be was awarded first priae for willow work of any class second for reed work flower basket and second for waste paper basket f we thank chief inspector geo s guthrie of the toronto detective force for a very interesting copy of the police patrol official organ of the toronto police association of which be to the editor the orenfell association plan to pack a barrel of preserved fruit jam and honey for the labrador mission will you please leave your donation at the home of dr f b watson be fore sept 15th mrs j b macken- ale sectreas personals mi r d gardner of orangeville was a caller in town on tuesday mrs mary healey and mrs e car- mlchael of sudbury are visiting with mr and mrs a e wright mrs roy jenkins and sons irvine and rowan of toronto are holidaying at mr and mrs geo smiths miss qkorla jenkins of toronto re turned home last week after spend ing a month with her grand parents mifihovmrs alex jenkins dr campbell laldlaw of ottawa and mr r j laldlaw of st andrews college toronto were visitors during the week with d- and miss mccoll mr and mrs a b castell return ed to their home in hlghgate on saturday after spending two weeks with friends in town mr and mrs clarence anderson- of union returned home monday even ing offer spending a few days at mc kay lake muskoka mrs minnie coflen mrs n hunter miss hunter and mr wilfred hunter were in itoronto on monday attend ing the funeral of the late alfred travis who was accldently killed by an agio on prlday scout news machinery demonstration thoj under the supervision of the massey harris co a disc plowing demon- ver the boys were so loud in tbjeur stratyon in stubble and alfalfa sod will be held an thursday afternoon sept 22nd on the farm of mr l devries lot 17 con s all cordially in vited to attend it last wednesday evening was one to be remembered because on that event ful night the beaver patrol losers in the two nonths- competition persent- ed a banquet to the rest of the troop why the beavers permitted the poxes to jump fifteen marks ahead is un known to all of us including themsel ves however we suppose that it is final proof that science always con quers brute strength the banquet was a great snnnwg and a concrete example of farm re lief each boy in an effort to outdo his companion arrived with a large parcel of egg sandwiches and as result most of us since that fatal night are unable to pass a hen with out blushing profusely the coffee wastvery good until the second time it was boiled and then a small ex plosion took place inside the pot and the coffeebag just ceased to exist however the grounds dldnt taste so bad and alls well that ends well an added interst to the party was supplied by the ladies of the tennis club who were also holding a social evening the first clash came when- a large nocolate cake belonging to the ladies mysteriously disappeared from its place in the pantry natur ally suspicion immediately tell upon the knights of the bare knees and cross examination took place h ere and there maintaining her position anions world nations ai a producer of minerals cinatim led the world in the production of nickel ami as bestos in 1931 cairn second in gold platinum metals and cobalt third in silver and fobrth in re fined sine mystery cruises so popular out of new y6rk soulhammon and alontrealhave come to the paci fic coast being ushered in there by the trim little coastal liner princess patricia of the cana dian pacific service which took the first of these cruises recently the ship had a full sailing list the canadian open golf cham pionship third of the ace contests figuring yearly in the royal and ancient game will be staged on tha course of the royal york hotel toronto next year word to that errect having been receiv ed by the secretary of the links from the royal rnrfi qqk association church mews st albans charch glenwuuams seventeenth sunday after trinity sunday school 2 pm evensong 3 pjn st pauls church nnrfal service in st pauls cnuraa- will be conducted at 3 oclock in the af ternoon on sunday next instead of at 730 as usual there will be no ser vice at st johns church stewarttown on 8unaay next tea and sale of baking the ladles of the scotch block circle of knox presoyterian church georgetown will hold a tea and sale of homemade baking on prlday sept 16th in the sunday school room from 4 to 830 the tea menu will include chicken salads and pie admission 25 cents motored band to toronto in our report last week s omit ted to state that the members of lome rifles scottish band were motored to toronto by the georgetown lions club there were fourteen cars in all and the band boys appreciate very much the generous assistance giver them by the members of the above club st georges charch rev woo thompson rector seventeenth sunday after trinity holy communion b ajn sunday school 10 ajn holy communion 11 am evensong 7 pan preacher at evensong rev r s boyd r baptist charch rev a n frith pastor mr char les kirk organist the sunday school meets at 10 am lesson the report of the spies hunibera 13 public wor ship and preaching service at 11 ajn and 7 pm the lord will give grace and qlory the young peoples union meets on monday 8 pin sub ject social service united chaves rev r w rumley minister mr norman laird choir leader 10 ajn sunday school and bible classes- 11 am the sacrament of the lords supper 7 p m evenlns service music by the choir all are welcome prlday evening 8 oclock preparatory service conducted by the pastor session will meet at 7 45 protests or innocence that even the rev mr thompson was willing to believe them and so the missing cake remains a mystery tne evening clos ed with nothing worse occurimg than a missing cake and a broken tooth which one of the boys sustained in one of our harmless games competition will commence again next week and since the two patrol leaders are now attending bash school they with then- superior edu- cation ought to set a new standard of excellence in the troop on saturday sept loth scout franklin cleaves and r ftrestlne t l went on their firstclass hike of seven miles to a spot three miles the other side of ashgrove they rooked their own meals slept in a leanto built by themselves and returned home on sunday at noon the hike was a success and the boys are preparing their reports for this wednesday to be handedflftp an examiner and mark ed seventyseven per cent of wheat and 3 per cent of oats and barley in the three western provinces were hurasted by sep tember 3 according to the report issued on jbat data froaa the gen- era agricultural department can adian pacific railway winnipeg this result was reached in spite of the halt is harvesting opera tions due to heavy rains in wide sections of the prairie provinces fcd the girls lookout club of limehouse will stage a play in the presbyterian charch limehouse on thurs night sept 1 5 at 8 oclock a few other features besides the play homing doves will make the programme patriotism romance wit and wisdom depicted something new and rare admission j adults 25c onldren 15c dies visiting kin mrs peter mcoil 10th line brin died saturday evening suddenly de ceased had been in good health and had gone to visit her husbands mother with her husband and was preparing to leave for home when she was stricken and died before medical aid could be brought she was a mem ber of bums presbyterian church and noted for her musical ability she is survived by her husband and one son archie at home oddfellows elect officers monday evening sept 12th was election qt officers at orion looge 109 lojoj when the following brothers were elected to fill the respective chairs noble grand bro gordon snence vice grand bro harry watklns recording sec bro a b parr financial sec bro john t arm- brampton fair i l li i less tuesday and wednesday sept 27 128 over 3000 in prizes races 2jt2 trot or pace 230 trot or pace running race potato race on horseback potato race for ladies on horseback peel and doherin reqimeqlal band in attendance fair night dance in armouries under auspices of peel fit dufferin regiment martin ramsay orchestra hwfsesboe aching contest good prizes come and bring the family a- if ii jobprinting a speciality treasurer bro sam walker it is hoped to be able to hold a joint installation with verdun rebekah lodge on monday oct 3rd greg theatre friday september 18th the silent witness detective drama starring greta nissen qany comedy spanky fox news use your guest tickets on friday night saturday september 17th matinee at 3 pjn the wet parade story by upton sinclair starring dorothy jordan walter huston lewis stone and nell hamilton mickey mouse cartoon blue rhythm tuesday and wednesday sept 30th and 31st huddle grand entertain ment starring ramon novarrov and madge byans comedy high school hoofer chapter 7 the shadow of the eagle dlnnerware nights a correction the director of acton fall fair desire to correct an error which was made in the list of donations as bub liahed in the prise list eaqueaing council is credited with a contribu tlon of 6000 whereas the council has this year made a grant of its 00 to the societys funds this amount is quite in kxepinfe with the trend of conditions and is 2800 lower than last year the error is regretted and the board desires to express thelr regret for any inconvenience the council may have been occasioned by tne publication of he wrong amount the acton walr board knox church and please keep in mind four special sundays sept 25th ratty sundam oct 2nd communion service oct 8 limehouse anniversary oct j6th oeorgetowp knox anniversary these dates are nxed ones by reso lutions of the sessions concerned for several years back the anniversary at knox has been the 3rd sunday in oct next sunday sept 18th the rev mr gosseline will preach and dr howard will conduct anniversary ser vices at port monicholl explains drppession money went for naneawenush while essentials were neglected piano instruction will be given in classes by miss margaret dickie at ojit who has just taken the course under the mispinra of the ca bureau for advancement of music at toronto this course oovers only the first two years of piano instruction children above junior second will be taken at a charge of 36 cents for a fortyfive minute lesson these classes wis be held in the georgetown public school from 4 to w0 application forms are being- given to the choqren at school parents kindly read them tardfully registration day wul be thursday sept 22nd from a to s ocloc in the assembly room of tba public school it v wuaan mornlngside presbyterian church toronto op saturday september 10th was the scene of the marriage of lenora onma second daughter of mr james wilson and the late mrs wil son georgetown to mr wilfrid b ford son of mr and mrs oeorge ford of georgetown rev k fore man officiated- the bride was at tended by her sister miss kathleen wilson and mr wakefield ford bro ther of the roomwas beat man the wedding musts wm played by mrs foreman following ths ceremony a reception was head at the old mill tea oardens later tne couple left on a motor trip to hew york by way of montreal on their return mr and mm ford wfll rende la oaorse- the carleton place canad pub lishes the following letter from a fait lake alberta man who analyses the causes of the existing depression as follows dear mr editor tnere seems to be so much talk about our so called prosperity i believe its my duty to write my views of the same as pos sible sos we can make up our minds we had auto change our ways of liv ing and so forth i have taken my own case tor in stance i see my mistakes and many others have acted likewise i bought an auto instead of a farm and it is worn out but the farm i figured on is still ok i invested in a radio instead of a cow and the radio gives static instead of mllfc i am feeding five nice bounds which answer to the names of red red wing slobber jake and bayrum instead of five pigs i had our piano tuned instead of the well cleaned out i spent all my cash in 1828 and used my credit in 1828 and traded up my future wages orf instalments in 183c so hard times caught me in bad shape but fall if i haq spent my last ten dollars for flour and wheat instead of gat and ou id nave been ok i built a nice garage last year instead of cov ering my barn and i loafed in a mountln vwo weeks instead of being m the pasture fixing it sos the cow wont get out but she is dry and mort gaged to boot for two blankets my wife bought from an agent instead of paying the taxes tin on a cash basis now but aint got no cash i am ued to the end of my rope and the man im working for is busted on account of nobody wont pay him i had 4 saved up for a rainy day it turned dry and i spent the 84 saved for a inner tubes i tried to make both anas meet with a turnip patch but when i got turnips ready to sell everybody was selling turnips for notnjng and the market was glutted tm worried puim to the bone and wifes klnfolk are coming over next tuesday to spend two weeks write or telephone if you hear of any relief from the government coming down my way and im will ing in be nlr a conservative a liberal a uja or a communist for a few months if that will help out any in a new orleans court a man was charged with abusing his team and using loud and profane language one of the witnesses was an old negro ddd he indulge in profanity 1j witness seemed puxaled so the lawyer put the question in another form what i mean uncle sam is did he use words that wouud be proper for a minister to use in a sermon oh yes sab the old man re plied with a grin but deyd have to be ranged in different order everybody likes grape jelly by betty barclay maybe the youngsters like it most and how thankful mother will be when she can go to her jelly cup board and aelect a glass of good luscious wholesome grape jelly to spread on slices of bread for those ravenous kiddles coming home from school yes schooldays are here again but the older folkerhave a sw tooth too and besides serving it with hot biscuits and crackers another delightful way of adding to the saw- orlness of the good roast pork dhwr is to serve grape jelly with it use these two tested recipes ripe grape jetty 4 cups 2b juice 7v cups 3v4 lbs sugar v bottle vi cup fruit pectin to prepare juke stem about i lbs fully ripe grapes and crush thorough ly add cup water taring to a boil cover and simmer 10 minutes place fruit in a jelly doth or bag and squeese out juke measure sugar and juice into urge saucepan and mix bring to a boaf over hottest ore and at once add pec tin stirring constantly then bring to a full rolling boil and boil bard u minute remove from fire skkn pour quickly paraffin hot jelly at once makes about 11 glasses 0 quid ounces each spaced grape jeuy i cups 2v ma juice t cup vinegar 1 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon cinnamon 8 cups 3vi lbs sugar hi bottle vi cup trait pectin to prepare juice stem and crush 3 pounds fully ripe grapes add vtn gar cloves and cinnamon bring bo a boll cover and simmer 10 minutes place fruit in jelly cloth or bag and squeese out juice measure sugar and juice into lanxe sauceapn and mix bring to a twt over hottest fire and at once addpso- tin stirring constantly then brins to a full rolling boll and boil hard h minute remove from fire skim pour qulckly paraffin hot jelly at once makes about 11 glasses 8 fluid ounces all vecords for the story of the big one that rot away were broken recently when a well- known fisherman hooked a beaver in vermillion lakes and played it for flva minutes after which the tradition was fulfilled with loss of fly and leader the hero of exploit was a c bennett of toronto a guest at the banff sprlnrs hotel canadians got a thrill recently when captai j a molllson in trepid transatlantic solo flyer poke over the air which he has conquered from the mayfair lounge of the canadian pacific liner empress of britain cap tain molllson was heard on 34 radio atatjonw from halifax to victoria over a network arranged by the canadian pacific depart ment of co l load rakers distributed the broadcast 80000 visitors at the tug ex hibition at toronto es though the prtbcess royal veteran or the canadian pacific railway b c coast steamship fleet pas been scrapped and is now jn the limbo of departed amps her forecastle bell remains on the air at ocean palls bc where it has been installed at the ocean palls united church mis sion which ministers to the spiri tual welfare of japanese children j b and be bargains jj asabssesaaawaaawaswasaaasasbamg tweed bloomers boys strong tweed bloomers regular 100 to 150 clearing out at 79c and 99c coats boys odd tweed coats only wloo boys straight knickers blue serge 39c heavy tweed knickers 49c ma go sweaters boys wool cotton and wool sweaters and pull- j overs regular 100 to 150 sale price 79c shirts boys broadcloth and print shirts sizes 13 i3j4 1 4 at 7sc boots and s14oes boys heavy school boots sizes ii to 13 198 sizes i to 5l 3l19 childs 1 strap slipper 5 to 7j ggg 8 to 9j 115 misses 1 1 to i3j4 125 simplicity patterns anttjjnn fashions in stock we deliver mcbean co k georgetown ontario cup stewed and strained pumpkin ltt cups muk for 1 cup milk and h cup light cream 1 package vanilla junket u teaspoon cinnamon teaspoon ginger teaspoon salt mix pumpkin wuh salt ginger and cinnamon add milk or milk and cream and stir thoroughly warm mixture to lukewarm 110 decrees f not hot stirring constantly re move from stove and add junket pow der stir briskly not snore than one minute pour at once into individual dessert glasses let stand until aim about 10 minutes chill and serve whipped cream may be added as topp ing if desired h c bailey electric wiring and repairs phone 232 georgetown officii uid unorrtotml delegates to the imperial koonomtc confer eneo vent stcbtseeliub from auar- pat 11th to the hth two tours from ottawa were rrnjretl both leavink the capital ii special can- itun pacific train late friday ntcht august 11 sbawtnlkaa palls and three rivers were vis ited by one party while the other mernbers were cruising down the st lawrence from kingston to montreal and spending saturday evening in the metropolis none of the united kingdom canadian australian new zealand or new foundland or irish goternment pslqlstera were able fb absent themselves from conference de liberations but their delegations were wellrepresented minis ters enjojlng the trips wore hon n c havenxa and hon a p j fourte south africa and hon ii w moffau southern rhodesia the canadian government was represented by hon arthur ssuve add hon maurice dupre with the sliawlnlgan party and hon al fred duranleau and hon h a stewart with the other party s- monuments pollock a ingham nunc hots to oater si worth gait out mapect our work in areenwood meeting for men only acton fair september 2021 monster arena performance first night races contests high jumping music etc maypole dandng races 217 suscl sl28 trot or pace continuous r before grandstand tiddlers boys contests dancing minstrels new low price 25c this year not a duix moment at acton fatb n a robinson live stock dealer and bnleker nerval live stock trucking all loads fully insured phone georgetown 101 13 f paix fairs acton caledon brampt qeoroktowrl brtn clept ao21 septam sept 17m oct 45 oct 97 i rural school fairs held ut haltqn county brookviue bbfiaiy upafaoum thursttay sept 15th friday sept 18th astantay bapt nth j wood for sale nsw low fricrs choice hardwood beech and atjaple 350 per smtpe cord rails 1x50 hardwood limns and rails tun j brandford bm hi awes sssj taj notice to creditors the creditors of elisabeth hume late of georgetown widow who died on the twentyeighth day of jury 1b33 are required to send to the un dersigned solicitor their full names addresses and descriptions fun parti culars of their claims and the nature of the securities 4f any held by them and this notice betas given in pur suance of section 51 of the trustees act rjbjo 1917 chapter iso notice is hereby given that on and after the aeventh day of october 1w3 the rxecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties lesaary entitled thereto and they will not be resnonsable for any claims of whsch they have not then received notice dated this seventh day of sep tember una isabella laldlaw hums and alexander fevjnaon hume kaecutora n a faraats aoton ontario ttsstr aolkitor united church gveorgetown sun sept 18th at 3 pm hot john line toronto the christians respon sibility ftr serial recokttudiud discussion follows address silver ceoeetaan every han is welcome music by lome rifles scottish band soloist chas wiluon pure food store ii cakes castile soap 25c 3 pkga quaker corn flakes 23c 3 tins millionnaires soup vegetable and tomato 25c 4 small tins select pink salmon 25c 2 lb christies ginger cakes 25c choice breakfast bacon sliced per lb 15c tea- bisk try this for making tea biscuits quickly 35c club house brand pure catsup spice per pkg 10c no i tin corned beef 15c 2 lb pure lard 21c heinz white pickling vinegar per gal 59c jelly glasses per doz 75c new honey fresh fruit and vegetables a e f arnell phone 75 we deliver new advertisements chord organ timing and rktairs itgmbiowiiiflbcisuery yearly leonard downey s3 ateyal bask 1 tokonto miss mathews t teacher of piano and theory also clashes fokbeaenneks lawn lawn t saws esc also repair work on fnrnatnre oall at shop on km street or phone utt dt laird sw baa house to rent on kcnrdook street rrmimailni jan 1st ah apply to jaa wnn mt at bfcewe u let on main street north seven rooms and bath furnace aarage apply to j w kennedy phone 163 tf to rent baptist oh apartment ha baptist church parson age possession immediately apply rev a nfrhh at the parsonage far sale 14 acres good thud cut alfalfa check road and oth line isqueslng- telephone georgetown a r ii it ta rent bight room house in college view all conveniences furnace etc posses sion oct 1st apply to f braiaby phone 340 georgetown u 20000 for quick sale a real choice home balance gwoo00 on terms to wilt purchaser no agents write box h herald office 5tp new cesspools ww pud drama to dig old law noiili i liuim it cleaned on short notice also washing and any other work james wnilama box ibp nn an ta rent cement block two story and attic light water and furnace handy to factories on olen road nuii oct 1 lbsz or can be arranged earlier jlpply w r anthony bow ell brampton a r colman tars general tracking at an times and wood for sale chofoe at lawest birch and mixed wood tost ge tf wood no i hardwood b sad t50 hardwood limbs sad wood t3jn hai knots tor fur nace u0 rsuib kuo sa quantity m is rates bardwood j50 ansjle oordj mixed raas tuo single aoord phone js1 ljlt frautris beafttj sbtppe sto tt bhazepootrag etc phoe 141 concrete work i am prapsiwd to do ooaexsta worn of an r- i grren f off dkarge if yon reomre aai as that mas

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