Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 14, 1932, p. 4

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wa r x t paget 4 the georgetown herald wednesday september 14th 1932 1 m 7 eightysbcth annual fall fair at georgetown tuesday and wednesday a october 4thtnd 5th special prizes horses 800 5 00 1 single high 8tepper by the president k mcwhlrter 1 jbkagit turnout mad by provincial paper mills 1 bast fanners turnout single by r k anderson mjp r 500 4 best tally driver bytieorgetown coating mills 6 00 5 beat delivery horse in harness by n h brawn bakery 3 00 of beat road horse by w c betsey and h barnes 3 00 t best oenueman driver by t brill co hat value 5 00 8 best half mile dash open 2 in 3 heats 5 of purse r to enter 15 00 10 00 8 best general purpose horse h rein 1st set- of whspple- trees by j n oneill or son value t00 2nd hughie st mcdonald 2d0 0 w best agricultural horse on rein by john irving s 00 11 potato roe by smith 8ton and john mc- donald fl 00 3 00 11 best herd of horses not leas tilth three 1st 81000 off any article purchased from massey harris com pany 2nd tfum oft any article purchased from massey harris companys agent a d hume 10 00 13 best heavy team on grounds inc heavy draft agrt- cultural and general purpose by reeve ourrie and j richardson a 14 best spring colt sired by brilliant by wan brennan to be deducted off service tee for ims 1st 54 2nd 8360 3rd 2joo- f w 00 15 novelty race quick hitch single horse harness and hitch and drive once around the ring and i 1st hat by d brill value 8500 2nd cash 8300 7 00 cattle 1 beat jersey female by credit valley creamery 3 00 2 beet registered shorthorn female by ool o o brown 3 00 4 best holstrrn ftauk by dr leannontb 3 00 5 best calf over 4 months shown by boy or girl by dr paul sliver cup 10 00 best ayrshire female by l w dann 3 00 t best group 3 dairy cows consisting of 1 mature cow 1 two year old heifer and 1 yearling to be sired by a pure bred bull a cabinet containing a twenty- six piece set of rogers bmptre pattern flatware value 81196 given by t baton ox toronto canada u 98 8 best baby beef by john bingham 3 00 s best veal calf by erwtn ooldham and maple leaf dairy 4 00 300 3 00 300 3 00 200 2 00 500 200 2 00 2 00 5 00 j 00 sheep and pigs 1 bast pen of bacon bogs not lees than three by c j buck 3 00 beat pen of fine wool sheep not lest than 4 sheep one male and 3 females by j beaumont 3 00 beat pen ol long wool sheep one male and 3 females by r y barraclough 3 00 best of market lambs by w king and h marshall 3 00 300 200 2 00 300 300 3 00 3 00 200 200 comfsn8ation rm some of these summers lin going fo p where peaks pierce the heavens or rivers flow or down by the ocean where billows roll or out where the quiet can soothe my soul i and my diary my camera and i down through the valleys or up near the sky up by the edelweiss down by the sea and bring something home to live with me all yours what just throw my vacations and were they something in passing to away a jours to otherwhere somewhere maps and timetables a suitcase in pack old friends to leave and new friends to greet nodding and pg to holiday street doing somewhere with that restless expression marching along with a seasons pro- cession some of these summers this holi day haste packing unpacking forgetting and waste give me ajoumey a jaunt that shall be sa forever a memory living in nel roundbips from here to the promise of there what from today that tomorrow can snare urge of a season an instinct to roam 4but give me some raemortes to bring back home take me to mountains or down by the miscellaneous best 3 ma butter in h lb prints by r d warren best 6 aba butter in 1 lb prints by w f smith best pair dressed chicken l m bennett goods best pair dressed dock by kersey best pair dressed chicken by mcdougal bros 3 00 3 00 400 3 60 4 00 beat pair dressed chicken by n robi nerval 4 off best pair dressed- chicken by tone flvkes 3 so best pair dressed chicken by a j blackburn goods so best pair dressed chicken by a x farneu goods 3 00 bushel alstke seed by morley petttt 3 80 tfamt i rnmvf flmwt hw unrw pwtiit 2 00 3 m x 1 il si it it il x7 x a 11 best v bushel red clover seed by morley pettlt xli best loaf of homemade bread ironing board valued at sflo by j b maovioteto st son xls best loaf of homemade bread by walter lawson 1st 40 is maple leaf flour 2nd 24 aba maple leaf flour zl4 best pair dressed chickens by barry robertson is best collection of baking by h clmoclure done by lady in eaquesra township consisting of 1 layer cake 1 pie m doa tea biscuits i do cookies and u do tarts prise m bed r f value 18 best layer cake by mrs h robertaan sliver pie knife value 17 best collecoontpancy baking homemade 10 varieties by c w swackhamtner table lamp zll best doaen of buna by m olarkson 19 best collection pastry by r ltcata goods value 20 best 5 ma honey in comb by h w hmfaon 21 best display cut flowers by c fready goods xs2 best hamper oft snow apples by arorlpps z23 best bushel oflonions w r watson v 24 best 3 spikes gladioli lvll red properly named tn separate containers by dr neuson gladioli bums value 2ft best pair of pallets m table varieties by w j campbell laying maab value 28 best display m ball by merchant or manufacturing firm by bank of montreal 00 37 best 3 pies 1 apple 1 fruit 1 lemon pyrex plate by bond hardware ouesph value 38 best loaf of bread one pie one white layer cake made from parity flour 1st prise ob lb bag purity flour 2nd prise 48 t bag purity flour 3rd 24 lb bag purity flour by w 0 bessey value by j m moore- loaf homemade bread herald 1 year v doa fresh regs herald 1 x best and neatest 1 lb batter herald 1 x best bushel table turnips herald 1 x best dressed young goose not less than 8 lbs cash t x 1 articles to become the pi up ly of donor kssat ooairrnnon best essay by public school pupil subject what i consider ontario baste industry kaaayto bs in hands of secre tary not later than saturday oct 1st by charlotte mccullougb 235 400 5 00 150 3 60 1 to 200 300 300 300 300 200 339 4 00 800 180 150 1 so 1 50 400 300 ttnu water the flowers in my garden of dreams but when i come borne let my mem ories be something of somewhere to live with me by henry b warner the menace of insects bctcnuas nave recently drawn up new and severe indlctsnents against household insect peats jaitsculariy against the seven principal ptrbb ermmlesfllea mosqultoto roaches moths fleas bedbugs and ants known for years as one of the filth iest things alive the fly naa been oon- victed as the carrier of at least 30 diseases it contributes directly to the death of at least 7000 persons an nually by spreading disease files are held i for os per cent of the typhoid cases in cities and 05 per cent to rural diriets tbey multiply with terrifying rapidity in one from may ut to bg jfjtb a female fly and her progeny aslsbi duce nearly 5jss730001m00 oftst the flys body and even its wings ap parently smooth and shining are cov ered wifh small hairs and bristles which offer aaqallent lodging places for germs as it crawls owr flltn the flys eating habits am in fact every phase of its conduct are dtity and dbgustlnb iff the extreme to soften us food so hat 4 te swal lowed the fly vomits upon it itayini nosta of dangerous germs upon utv oonfujned portions of its meal files wut trait from one to thirty miles for food at on ceding they will eat half their weight in food and wul gorge themselves in half a mlnuts gx even less time sf not disturbed sixty kinds of mosquitoes are found is the united they are con- denned ewefly as carriers of imteria and dengo or btal fever arhlah sometimes bnriwai aptdemlc in the southern states the meaanios prin cipal menaoe lies m the fact that it is likely to inject germs directly into the wood of its victim the itching and swelling caused by its attack are largely due to a nouns snqsu re leased during the btttng to fhta he blood so that the liquid can easily bs swallowed by the mowulto cclrroacnes are the tetfthuselah- at the inaact worid as they fjwviept ltve to be four years old tbeai ojtby insects carry the gsrns of d typhoid dyssptery totmtupg leprasy and malignant tumors neat a he fly the eockroaeb is the most dsqgwrj oaa as a carrier of q rvoor some tmomimto worth of textus and other numrlal annually and are ba bouu any killing the raojar naoths does little good as the usually have been laid before the moth files the larva under favorable f condltlorw way rjavour word for and other animal fibers eaual to about 12 txnea tb walfht of the salnar beclban carry dyseotry s taapbns anthrax infantile paralysis relapsing fever bobonjo ptegue and leprosy tbeh- painful betes vile odors and menace as disease spreaders make them especially ohmrrlotis and dan gerous lsedbugg are so foulemhiing tttat birds win not tough trjeen ants and fleas are properly cfaued with the other pubuc enemies- as devo cis of materials and s of disease fleas have been assoclat- ed with animal diseases and with bu bonlc plague tbam are v000 dtfler- ent kmds of ants but four of them do the most damage the tiny red variety the small black ant the car penter and the pavement ant interesting research ilea back of the stftyajoranent of the chemical war tare- agamatlnfect pists scientists yirtweralitj apot m the pore on each swff of the insects body th r4exnlcsl aataja while hautnvea to ntan and ant- have 4be peculiar taup of raualyxlng the lnae breathing or- isews and lnuarimtkm forttsa biwy farraer coueet apsle data w j narweafher andw s rowe ojic experts began recently the col lection of cost anf irsooajse data from ample growers in norfolk county later the project will be extended to ttiy peel durham northumber land and prince edward cou when the datahas been obtained the agricultural economics branch will analyse it systematically and reports will be made to tnurvtdual fanners be fore the flnal report s complete the- work is being done in coopera tion with the agricultural economics branch of the federal department sweet oarer nemost suitable stage at which to cut sweet clover for ensilage to when the majority of plants are in aill bkxxq- writes b a hopkins do minion field llufibandman in his annual report for 1031 he also ob serves it is feasible 6 haul the crop to the suo mxnedlately after cutting or within two or three boars while tbe addition of water to sweet clover ensilage is not reoiantnended as is the case with oatsoeaswetoh en silage sweet clover held in storagi for periods varying from three to nine months does not appear to sustain any damage or me any of its pal- tability weekly fjrap reaart dufferln county teports some po tatoes moving at to 00 cents per 90 m bag wheat in halton la tag as high as so bus to 53 bus acre huron bas sad ylewa of barley np to so bus per acre on some fair essex has harvested a valuable li tomato crop a consm nurnber of western feeder and atockar cattle came into kent recently the bean crop in kant is snottydue to ex cessive rainfall just drier puntmg time the grain crap in lincoln a osappotnttnr mtdafchnx has also had severatitoads of western cattle brought in rturtnrttoe past few weeks and more farmers than usual plan to go west far their feeders to oxford oats yielded as nigh as 70 bus per atcre but the apple crop there win be oxuy 50 per cent of last year dur ham has had good yields of peas and barley ontario and york countastbob report wheat yields of 45 bus per acre as quite oonynon oom ww he bumwtorsajnj4mart m leeds sereral is- teats are under way the quality of red clover seed in renfrew will be below that of last year that county wul have alfalfa than ever before daflerta fata orawera the potato and rertulser field day arranged in tbe shelburne district by ralph c banbury agricultural repre sentative for dufferln county proved susxastfedi one nandred and fifty growers torjudlng nishv from fbe nelgl i us oountkf paracularly stancoe visited a number of held cultural methods were evp by tbe owners and fertility and disease problems discussed by ntenxbem of tbe oao c sod potato oertlflcatioa aiaffs addresses wera ansa by prof h o beff and h whiteslcy of ihe qao j tr cassln ontario markets branch and t blsmt jitp tbe quality of the dunvnte pij and those lb the nelghbartag sections ig ing more generally recognised tbe annual ave topi j petition whkto wil tie b heetton with tbe rlrsgetown fair oct n h and 13 will have special attrac tions tor junior fanners it far the kent county i4v stock t asrod have donaoad v bead of live stock to tbe ludgotowa mr job printing promptly and neatly executed at the herald office fall and winter millinery in all the leading shapes and colors at an rasenrlal mgredlent in tbe most efficient sprays is the extract of a certain species of dried chrsyanthe- mnm flowers tbe suhnanrm was dia- co tar accident near a bunch of wild vowels which had beoq withered were ub many d4 insects the matter was investigated by scientists who discovered tbe effect of this flower extract on tbe insects i tkin epnaratusw tbe battle la far from won it is estimated that there are from 300000 to 1 wmjo0 kinds of insects in the world thousands of them banruecs to naa fpi worlds mnots far outr weigh all the human kings animals reptiles and birds ut ogether tbe war between man and iaiirf win be a tang one but for tbe- urn bel tbe home at least bat bean ma reaaonabry sere thanks to tbe work wbich has shown the way to direct the terror of tbe haitleneht nrhamlcal warfare a the insect armies corn- board for prises m the judging com petition the stock given away win be registered purebred ltve stock n tbe beef cattle judging eompetl tioo tb boy ffiaung the highest score will receive a castt xba boy making tbe highest score hi jodglnsf of dairy cattle wiu receive a calf ao s sow win be gjvjrj jo thebby making the lugnest oilyj few ooatut be high standing boy s he jug cbote of calf f6g or a lasab j a qarner agrioauural r tattay of kant- u ascretsry of the tire stock frntpoveiajent a and b superfjsing the judging com petition bar bj ch iudgiflt of the atoy la if you feel wicked and examine the tan oammandrnenta youll and that m those few abort paragraphs m working evaiy4hlu8 in wow then tommy brown said thet wan to set you a little prioblem bnpnoae there- wmre five abjldreh and theh- mother had amy fooar ardjitoai to abare but them wba varrbj ito aire each child an fottal abar how waqm ahe do itf 3saah the aotatoea aaaj tbe boar at the fatrtmov ami gentleman rve sold this bottle for year and never once beard a d of oonspaatnt what does that bstoptical usbmer nhat dead men tan iwtajtatv oauarla raekera oestare ai rlgbt dareetiaa in the producuon of better quality products he farmer laouires tbe same meenuve as tboae engaged la otber llnea of b namely price j a carroll secretary ontario mar keting board a definite step towards ment of quality he continued taken recently when j the ontario meat p ran agreed to cooperate m grading bebs on be rao t am hop ing that w ma opnsider tbs as forerunner of what we may bt other farib prooucts the most affectty aditc work for tbe improroment of quality is done in my optalon at the h of farm prod ean do muotf towards inga w quality if they wffl buy asnciwxnng to grade jfany tanners bate pride tn their craft and invariably strive to produce the best a large jum wffl change tbeh- rrahbods only when shown that it pays to do so it s amocuit to forsee any real bnpsvjnramjnt 1 uallty while tbe man producing an inferior tstosbsot u receiving a prm aknost tbe careful farmer who to turn out a top grade article the solution in my estimation ilea wflb the buyers offann products i believe that when buyers will offer a cash in ducement to tbe farmer producing top quality only then will a general im provement be effected in other words i am oonvtooed that purchasing by grade la tbe only answer to tbeuquea- tlen of improving the quality oot farm products clerks notice of first poslteg of voters list vet utf imlpfaalcsvastty be taws of oj pant notice is hereby given that i nave compiled with sections 0 and 10 of the voters list ant and that i bare pott- d up in my oosee at georgetown on tbe 30th day of september 1033 the bat of all persons entitled to vote hi the monlrtpallty tor uonbers of par- nwment and at munlmpa mentions as appeara fb be entitled to vote accord ing to the last rovlaea aeiiiiaaiuint rou a th snob jlat reasahu there for jnsnfwtion i and i hereby can upon an voters to bs mia pr to any waora er cording to law sgasaalatobe in within 31 4an from tb mtb iv pf august dated thai 1st day of a fost0raduate degree continued from page 1 and made her way through a crowd of distracted women who were- trying to mix some mustard paste ginger tea and various other household remedies in a low chair sat a pale and trembling mother holding in her lap a little girl about two years old the childs lips were tightly closed and her eyes jtsfe staring as if in fright at the comrtrotion round her but she iy perfectly quiet and showed ho signs of painor suffering can you tell me what hap pened to the child asked amy gent ly the womans laps were so dry that she could hardly speak we cant get her to take a single thing she whispered she keeps her mouth shut just like that and we cant get it open in despalt of receiving any aniwer to her question amy knelt by tna-j- oluur and began to examine the uttls girl more closely in a moment she- discovered sprhe grains of greenish powder on the childs neck- and dress poison i paris green i said amy as she rose quickly and found herself confronting a big mat whose sleeves were rolled up above his elbows great drops of sweat stood out on hlssfcjre- bead and his strong features were quivering loagotay yea miss said hiram boynton i was out in the field putting paris green on the potatoes and aflce fol lowed tne into the fleld wrilch she never would have thought of doln if her mother had been home but i never knew it ll i turned round and she was eating out of the can how long agoj i it cant be fifteen mlnutek he said tr picked her up and rah noine with her as quick as i oould trtats in our favor amy said jhbw mr boynton bring tne as quickly as you ean some pieces of rusty ironj ld nails binges or ahy old iron provided its rusty and also bring me a piece of lime or if you havent got any knock some plaster ing from tbe wall i want some clean basins she said some molasses and a little powdered alum perhaps some of you neighbors can get these for me i dont know of any alum in tbe bouse said one ive got plenty of it at home doc tor said arabella lockaeld quick ly m be back in just a minute she had hardly gone when htram boynton came rushing into the room like a whirlwind heres the iron and lime miss i he cried breathlessly amy instantly selected the most rusty bits of old iron and put them in a basin she poured warm water upon them and stirred them very thoroughly while she added bits of tbe lime i wonder what professor andrews would say to this mess she thought it is certainly one of the emergency cases that he was so fontf of talking about and the essential ingredients are here even if it isnt puns sea quloxld she poured a part of the liquid into a tumbler and turned toward the wo man who was holding the child you cant get her mouth open its no use o try he woman said des pairingly miss lockneld will you help me said amy to arabella who had just returned with the alum til try take this tumbler for me please snd be ready to pour when i tell you the room was perfectly silent row except for the ticking of tne tall clock every one was watching amy she took the little child gently in her arms and lacing oft hand beneath the chin gave a quick strong pres sure at the angle of the jaw and the little nxaitll flow open tsouy down slowly mis lor held said amy tbe child choked but in a moment tbe act of swallowing began involun tarily i declare said samantha oaoe in a whisper tbe doctor knows what she is kboutl row saldjtmy mix up a little of the powdered alum in some molasses when this dose was given it acted as an eme and the poison was sooq where amy oould examine it carefully neutralised thoroughly she said been if the stomach isnt perfectly empty it cant do much harm then in a ton wbtah carried assurance she said to thorn aut i think the little girl will soon be batter now will some one please bring me a bastn of warm water and a cloth right away doctor said soman- tb aj etul whispering amy bathed the childs face and the ug brown eye soon vegan to have their natural expression again it was not long before the little patient stretched out her hand and called kitty klttyl sa picked up the kitten and brought it to the child heres the kitty for alice good doctor make alice all well again and say doctor hadnt we all better go out into tbe other room or outdoors perhaps she will go to sleep and if you want anything rjoctor just speak and we ahan bear you amy smiled as pie women went out but as the door as not quit dosed and samanthas voice was rather ou she overboard that fluent person- say tag to a bow resident in the ryland district oh yes doctor farland was born in this vary house and ive carried the- doctor in my arms many a tun she was a very smart child indeed and began early to show that she had a great medical knack we had old shanghai rooster that got its leg broke and he doctor shhtil shut the door salt some one and amy heard no more for some rime while little alice slept on her breast then there was a rattling of wheels outside and samantha dale met dr ptrmley at the door- olad to see you doctor she said but doctor farland happened to come along providential and i guess youtt say shes done all right doctor ptrmley hurried in and look ed at tbe quietly sleeping child what have you done he asked amy told him and he looked at her with such a strange expression that it brought the deep color to her cheeks i think well just try the stomach pump as an additional precaution be remarked but after applying it he remarked hardly anything left in the atom aob and the poison is perfectly hiram boynton and the neighbors were now ail 1 the room amy lifted the little girl and put her la hirams arms ajtorratsed her little hand to pat hirams cheek and the big man stood holding ber while the tears ran down tub face doctor flrmley rose with delibera tion be had jogietbing to do and he wanted to do it thoroughly mr boynton be began doctor farland bas saved the life of your little girl you know that but i want to say that she has done it in a way that i might not have thought of if i had been without my medicine- case tben he turned to amy and said doctor i have several critical cases waiting for me hi the village and i roust hurry back if if you wish 1 will look in with youand see mrs jackson in the morning 1featt you doctor was all amy oould say hunting tjrjeenah s- mia yim recent years there bas exceptional increase tn the number of people of this county who enjoy the sport of hunt ing and many thousands ego afield yearly with rifle or shotgun wo other section of the world cari offer to the sportsman the same favourable con ditions as prevail hucanadaj with its immense areas of virgin territory ytlthln rapid and comfortable rrwrta of access vast hunting areas tws country possesses over 1000000 square miles of forest which shelters game animals ranging from the timid rabbit to the huge and dangerous grusaly bear moose caribou elk deer bighorn sheep mountain goat timber wolf and bear are plentiful and may be hunted duringopen season of gen erous length i wod fowl abandant tbe numerous lakes and ponds of northern canada are the breeding places of the main waterfowl popu lation of the american continent consequently ducks geese and other waterfowl are plentiful in normal years the ruffled grouse or partridge is the most important upland bird and is common to every province while woodcock prairie chicken hun garian partridge and ptarmigan pro vide good sport in certain dhtbicts hanttng dreamt easy accessibility is an outstanding fea ture of much of canadas hunting territory the country is- well served by roads railways and steamboat lines over wbich the sportsman may travel in comfort to the going in point areas previously inaccessible may also now be reached by airplane in a few hours flight detraining or going in points are numerous thorugnout game areas and at these will be found reliable outfitters and qualified guides who are prepared to look after tbe sportsmans every need and guidance while in the hunting territory in sev eral of the provinces it is compulsory for the hunter to be accompanied by a guide but even in those provinces where it is nocompulsory it la often advisable to engage guides these men being familiar with the territory in wbktb they operate are able to add greatly to the enjoyment and success of the trip o game in canada a practical form of con servation is found in tbe setting aside of tracts of public lands as game re serves and in the rigid protection of game in its extensive ni and provincial parks in these areas the game trniltlp rapidly under pro tection and spreads over into the surrounding country this favour able condition coupled with sound protective l regualting the open seasons bdft- limits issuing of licenses eux assures continuance of a supply of gawanimals and buds in their native habitat canada is thus able to offer the hunter exceptional opportuni for sport in nraimii hamttng with camei to the camerahunter and the stud ent of wild life the ot pro vinces offer unusual opportunities for interesting experiences end records there is no closed season en game to the camerahunter and throughout the year be will find favourable con ditions to study the nabtta of animals and birds and to photograph them in their natural surroundings game laws af the r tbe game laws of the different pro vinces are drafted by the provincial qovemments with a view to ig local conditions consequently them is nof uniform game law for the do- minion as a whole as these game laws are subject to revision rasa year to year persons contemplating a hum- tog trip are advised to obtain copies of the current gam taws and regola- tlons of the province to which they in tend to hunt the national devekspmeat bureau of the department of tbe interior at ottawa will gladly supply infonnapon on hunting tn canada by either com plying with requests or referring suns to other sources from which tbe par tkndars desired may be obtained the iauqh corner that the early bird catches the worm is something weve often been taught and yet we may state if tbe worm has slept late it surely would not have been caught isaac was tailing rubeasteln all about his encounter with a burglar veil you see i heard a noise i rushed down stairs and pointed de loaded revolver at de burglars head de villain took no notice of me at all he just looked at that beautiful re volver and said how much do yoo vant for dat veil now reubensteln how could i shoot de man ven be wanted to talk business mary as the new baby la shown to her and ber two brothers obi nurse he isnt chinese nurse of course not mary well our teacher says that every fourth child la chinese stout woman to utile boy can you tell me if i can get through this gate to tbe parkf little boy i guess so a load of bay has just gone through john do you know the difference between a woman and a telephone jack no jobo well both repeat what they hear but the telephone repeats it ex actly as it bears it all kinds of commercial printing turned out promptly and jefficiently at the office of the j georgetown herald your home printer and publisher is prepared to fill any of yo lr printing require ments and is a local industry deserving your patronage the etown georgetown ontario lmmim lm-

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