Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 12, 1932, p. 2

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1 pace 2 t 9 y i tha georgetown herald wednesday evening qatober 12th 1932 mas halloa county public school teachers co at georgetown a splendid showing under unfavourajbe conditions at georgetown fair this is the time of opportunity featuring new fall lines of all kinds of othing boots shoes at immensely reduced prices our annual fait sale presents bargains at this time of the year when they are most desirable prices welre never so low bargains were never so numerous supply your pall and winter clothing needs now and save the timwl convention of the bal lon public school teachers was held in the r room of the george town public school on thursday and friday october 6 and t the attend- max was very large and meat interest was shown in all d during the hist mnrntngn of the convention a visit was paid ntp the provincial paper amis and the alli ance paper mils where the teachers were most courteously received and conducted through tne nulls in the afternoon an address on school fairs was given by amr a j kirstine agricultural representative for hal- ton and following ttoat the conven tion divided into two suctions graded and ungraded in the evening the womens in stitute served a banquet in the base ment of the tjnited church when mayor mtrrfnc and mr duncan chairman of the public school board extended a welcome to the visiting teachers miss m j morris british wwihny teaaber now teaching in burlington in a very pleasant and interesting talk gave her audience an idea of the school system of her home lawn londonderry northern ireland mb margaret dickie and mrs rev howard contributed musical numbers which were much enjoyed and the boys band under jute direction of bandmaster perrotf both surprised phone 375 where your dollar goes farther georgetown r f 2 mode regard the ring we invtte attention to new and fascinating motifs which distin guish tine modern mode in rings a visit win disclose some un usual examples of what the corny blned art of modern lapidaries and precjousmfitawrntths has created to become p of modern jewelry one must first became informed inspec tion is aonctted j h jordan ynwaxmuomwct georgetown jeweller will be held in the united church georgetown on sunday oct 1 1932 special preacher n rev j a tuer m a bd at 1 1 am and 7 pm anthems by the united church choir soloists 11 sum mr chas warnes 7 pm miss marjory budd wafaner road baptist church toronto monday evening oct 1 7th 6 to 8adockf0wl supper served by the men ot the gmgregation jl oclock ivosmspesjcr rev archkr wallace- ma bd noted preacher and author toronto music by emmanuel college male quartette united church choir georgetown boys band admission 40 25 cents everybody anvited k acajttbau the bag at the city hall bault ste marie is st half mast today in re apect to r q campbell city cterk who died after an illness of severs weeks he was in his 77th year and bad been edttstn of the city for 3 yean born at ouelnh he was married in 1m2 to jean moor symon and once conducted a knitting mac hine plant at georgetown winch was uestiuy by fire be went to seult ste marie in 1s00 and with o symon founded the symoncampbell hard ware co and built the block of that me again fire broke out and the store was almost completely destroyed he sold out in wis to mr symon and tookta position with the dry hie has s as a ponue school trustee tax collector and clerk he was a charter lu of the rotary club and was its fust secretary for more than 33 yearn deceased has been a lurwwiei of st andrews church prior to tjnkm when he was a pres byterian and later when it bec part of the united ohurch of canada de was a m of toe ma sonic order keystone and b lodges a knight templar and a member of rose orotx chanter two sons survive charles b campbell manager of the royal bank at brace mines and r a of the boo y aaa 8va toss so convnleto is oar stock ot staple molwork items and so ef ficient pur anil methods you- will cave time for any mmwork you ieuuue by ordering here any item of special nature from details provided by you or from a famished eheer- k tally by us will be promptly accurately produced and deliv ered at prices that invite your businesbl free delivery service ad points in georgetown aoton milton and surrounding territory sfecial 1st quality slate coated roontag weight dm per ran regulsr ssos bale price wnue it laws sua is georgetown from geortwown 260 lumber co ac lawisnn ajwjwavw r haineb at oienwiluams on tues- day oct 11th 13 john haines aged si years funeral service at st asians church on thursday at uo pm in terment in chenarilllams cemetery obituary ljmehouse mm jaaorent la visiting friends in georgetown mr and mrs j nome and jack of acton visited mr and mrs c mere dith over the week end mr and mrs brown of kmgsrule and mr d oowdy of toronto call ed on mr and mm w oowdy on sunday mr and mrs w mills and children win and helen of toronto spent the week end and holiday with mrs lefxndevin mr arthur hill was home from owen sound for the week end holiday mr and mrs a l marshall and dean of toronto visited their par ents over the holiday and week end messrs wm ralph and miss k marshall of toronto visited mr r marshall tor the week end holiday mr and mrs w oowdy spent thankagrrlng with mr and mrs dougals oowdy m toronto miss margaret swacr hammer was taken quite ill last week end we hope she will soon be around again mrs s kbftpatrlok is gaming dsms- and we are pleased to see her sole to be about again mrs r doughty we are sorry to report does not seem to be gaining but rather to be gradually getting weaker toe anniversary services at the presbyterian church on sunday were well a both afternoon and evening rev- mr mcpaul of mil ton brought two wonderful m messes which avers most inspiring and help ful toe choir is also to be con gratulated on the splendid rendering of their special mussc for the om on monday evening an anniversary concert and tea was hem in the piwfbyterlan church though the attendance was not as large aa it might have been owing to toe wet weather the program was excellent and thoroughly enjoyed by all those taking part were male quartette from bora mills miss orlndell of acton elocutionist miss argue of eden mhla soloist and mm mhphau pianist miss fleck ot oeorgetown soloist mrs howard miss lillian howard sndmr and mrs j nickel of lime- house rev mr caldwell of the united church brought greeting from his congregation quite a number of our people at tended both oeorgetown and erin pairs last week mrs k marshall is visiting friends in erin and bslllnafart health atsrokt tb4 following communicable ejs- eases were reported by the moh to voeorgetown board of health for sept ism diphtheria scarlet fever fc b smalkpox 7- 0 chlctenpox i 1 measles 0 oerman m 0 mnavps tnfantlle paralysis tynoold frer oougrt 0 pn whgmjml liiiw listeners on friday the reports of the two drlngatri to the ontario educational association were received andjhs in stitute divided into groups according to forms for tree discussion of prob- kms peculiar to each in the after noon inspector denyes addressed the convention and urged that the usual support be given the league of mar tions the committee on resolutions brought their report in which they re commended thatjthe thanks ot the convention be hgendend rev r w rumley and revtw q o thompson for conducting the opening eve and the ladies of the tjnited church for serving dinner on thursday and friday the officers for the next year are hon pivinsneetor denyes president miss kdna weill vtoereejdentmr ralph hughes secretary mlm m z bennett treasurer mrs m r moore the owwsmwi closed wh the staging of the rational anthem prize essay at fair following is the flrat prise essay at bsquestng fair at oeorgetown last wednesday it was written by helen masjjsen of peacock school 7th what oowbad ok basic iwxistry the province of ontario though so immensely rich jn minerals forests and manufactures km primarily an agricultural country it p ah itof aou and a climate suited to the production of many crops so that farming has been the chief hukistry of its people since its firs settlers started their primitive operations oyer ana hundred years ago but evep to day the development of the agricul tural resources of- the province offers great opportunities oats wheat barley peas beans and com are the sxluclp yields oram gio however does not re- present the whole effort of the on tario farmer here is the natural home of mixed tanning and dairy ing in au its branches is the back bone of agricultural- ontario pro duces nearly half the butter and cheese made in canada and there are over one thousand cheese f and creameries in ontario large quantities of butter and cheese are exported the livestock industry of ontario is very important and some of the r homes cattle sheep and swine the continent are raised to the province m the niagara fruit belt ontario poaseeneii one of the most beautiful and fertile fruitgrowing districts in the british brapire orapea and peaches are grown here rn the open air and cherries apples plums pears and small fruits yield bountiful crops large canning fasories handle both fruit and vegetables and are located at many eenties tdbaeco is grown extensively in the counties of essex kent and nor folk along lake erie both the soil and the climate are found to be quite suitable to the cultivation of the plant and the product is of very good quality the cultivation at sugar beets is also important they are grown in the vicinity of chatham and wallaceburg the produ ton baa increased greatly since the early war years many hundreds of active organisa tions managed by the farmers tnem serves exist to advance the interests of agriculture m the community these include the ontario agricul tural and kaperlmental farms co operative societies formers clubs horticultural societies and associa tions ot dairymen fruitgrowers and livestock breeders we now see why agriculture is classed as the primary industry of ontario and it exercises such an tnflnwnre on the lives of ontario people that the prosperity or failure of trie whole province goes band in hand with the prosperity or failure of the ontario farmer suow1no of fancy work above average r the eightyeighth annual fall pair of esquelngr agricultural society held aa oeorgetown on wednesday last was one of the best in the history of the society in regard to exhibits but the attendance was much smaller owing to the wet weather that prevailed throughout the day the exhibit of horses cattle and sheep was exceptionally good and in cluded aome very choice stock the exhibit of poultry was also good but xiotas large as in some previous yeark tn be hall the exhibit was never better many fine samples of grain roots and vegetables were on display the exhibit of borne made baking was a- feature of the show and the ladles responsible are to be congratu lated on a showing which would be hard to beat the display of flowers was larger than ever and very beautiful the exhibit of ladles fancy work was as usual very large and high- class attracting the attention of many fair visitors the horse racing htdles bajt horseshoe puvchirst and midway tractions provided entertainment for the crowd the program of music provided by lome rifles u8oottlsh band of georgetown was excellent and many coropumentary remarks were heard in the gathering regarding our splen did band in the ball game the alliance paper mills defeated smith a stone by a score of 12 to w the track was fairly heavy for the borae races but there were some good beats the results were as follows 2j7 marvin harvester 4 3 3 j mcdowell toronto strang hsxu3 4 3 h reed woodbrldge partesan a a a ohapman toronto orattan jr 1 1 1 rountree weston ub harry okum 2 1 1 1 h oooksvilterpar lap orattan 3 4 4 4 r scottf- toronto lady mcgregor 1 3 3 a vi harvey acton row oanoot s s 5 r talbot toronto mono orattan 4 3 3 3 p oonnor rosemount open race paldanlon 1 1 mckay oakviue skya window a 9 bovard brampton rango 3 3 mckay oak- ville the officers in charge of the fair scout news the fox patrol certainly gave the beavers a great a last week the beavers who boasted a lead ot nineteen pomta are now only two points ahead due to s sudden burst of energy on the part ot the foxes however of a full patrol only two b as were present at the meeting and the absence of the patrol leader and the second was a great hand loan the rest of the boys are certain that these ofbcera probably won some toys at our fall eabvnluon and remained in the avtnma to ptav with h the foxes continue w work it looks like one more tnt banquet with the b acttng as hosts and the tanle groaning under its weight of cake and egg aandwlchea last saturday four of the boys went on a hike to tne mountain with the intention of pawing some fire- lighting tests tb hike was so suc cessful that practically all of the troop started out early monday morn ing bound for the same d the boys amused themselves around the quarry until time to prepare dinner tne meal was eaten in the shadow of the towering cliffs which afforded protection from a herd of tame bulls wandering m the loc the boys d efforts were very gratifying especially the soup the presence of ants added the meaty flavor which everygood woodsmanap preciates after some games the troop left for home but another hike will be held in the near future he tqsarest do you think you could live on three pounds s weekr bha tea bat no bug exhibit of cattle horses sheep and fowl grain vegetables and homew baking the best in years president edward mowhirter 1st vicepresident george l leslie 2nd vicepresident martin near treasurer p w cleave secretary wm a wilson directors w mcuntock w v grant dr f l heath dr r t paul r b poults w c bessey w o anthony oliver hunter prank fetch j a elliott lome mullm w o appelbe george coeave d wilson w j alexander george qur- rie t h pook q moffat j filler l w dann v la t brownridge h mcdowell 7 o mar hail t l leslie ool jtfason a a mcdonald lady direotora m j m moore mrs nodweu mrs allan devareaux and wive of the officers and direc tors ot the society following is the list of prise win ners heavy draft horace brood mare loidsoell bros b mathews colt 1932a heweon mat- news colt 1 yr old a heweon n mckinnon colt 2 yr okd laudell bros bewspn mathews colt 3 yrs old heweon mathews team how- son lausdeu a anderson agrlcanwral bancs brood mare a j murray henry wilson c holnngreen colt c holl- ingreen h wilson ah murray 1 yr old colt jackson bros hewson 2 yr old c h mffrtmnnn jackson bros a j murray s yr old colt- jackson bros h wilson a hewson teamjackson bros t j brown ridge j mocready brood mare w o brownridge w b held a j murray 1 yr old colt clark bros e armstrong w h len 2 yr old k armstrong b a mrkinnnn clark bros 3 yr old colt t j brownridge w b held w h allan tea cl bros w p laulaw carriage nnrses colt n f lindsay w o moffat 1 yr old colt moffat kerr lindsay a yr old colt kerr 3 yr old colt kerr geo lane brood maw lind say moffat clark bros single m harness kerr webber webber team kerr webber ponies mrs w wheeler oolt o jackson a moaceekln a momeekln 1 yr old colt moffat mc- seekin 2 yr old ooltrreld jas mc lean w h allan 3 yr old oolt- ar- momeekip clark bros brood marejackson o miller j b dever- eaux single in harness w al lan teamjuian webber saddle horses j b deavereux allan mckay spechli i high stepper kerr webber single turnout weber mrliran farmers tumouukerr webber lady drivers webber mrs o burt delivery horseclark bros laldlaw general v purpose horse laldlaw clark agricultural horse jackson bros n mnkmnon potato raoe wright herd of horses hewson kerr heavy team hewson jackson bros spring colt by brilliant holnngreen miller hunter novelty race allan brownridge road horse w h allan cattlk cow o c burt t el cook bull calf burt 2 yr old heifer burt mc- kmnon 1 yr old heifer mckinnon cook belter calf oardhouse mckin non buuburt barnes mnklnnon nerd burt m cow f h boulter o clark j m dolson 2 yr old helferj m dolson clark l o kua 1 yr old heifer ella clark alexander heifer calf boulter ella bull clark ella j m dolson bull calf klla alexan der herd clark boulter ella cow t o dolson w j praxer a yr old heifer dolson praxer 1 yr old heifer dolson praxer heifer calf praser dolson bull dolson fraaer hunter bull calf dolson hunter herd dolson fnuser ayrshire cow credriotone farm lausdell 2 yr old heifer credbolme farm tsusnell pawley 1 yr od heifer cradholme farm lausdeu pa heifer calf credbolme farm laus dell bull credbolme farm lausdell pawley bull calf lausdell ored- holme farm herd credbolme farm lausdeu pawley special jersey female j at dolson ella shorthorn female oardhouse burt holateln female dolson fraaer calf by dr paul oeo o burt aatmer female credhoime farm r eatons special t o dolson baby beer b a moklnnon veal calf t j fisher john alex ander sheep ram aged olarkaon st son w m sutton shearling rsnnarkeon st son o t wilson ram lamb clark- son son j o norrtsb ewe clark- son son j o norrish shearling ewe clarkson son j o norrish ewe lambngrrlsh clarkson sweep stakes clarkson son anyother down ram aged clarkson jas bowman shearling ram malt land bowman ram lamb r a mcenery maiuand ewe bowman robertson shearling ewe moenery maltland ewe lamb- robertson clarkson mcenery cotswsm ram aged j oardhouse shearling ram j oardhouse oardhouse ewe jt oardhouse shearing ewerrj lamb j qardbouse oardhouse oxford down rain j e ouatamgham shearling ram j7 c cunningham a n stark ram lamb j c cunningham a n start ewe j c oautingnara shearling ewe cunningham ewe lamb cunningham sweepstakes cunningham ram frank mack shearling ram d w baxter f mack ram lamb- mack baxter ewe baiter mack shearling ewe baxter mack ewe lamb baxter mack aweepstakes ram a s wilson o busseu shearjlng ram guy bussell ram lamb a a wilson o bussell ewt a s wilson bussell hearting ewe wilson bussell ewe lamb wilson bussell sweepstakes a s wilson specials pen ot one wool a s wilson jas bowman pen of long wool w clarkson st son j oardhouse pr market lambs maltland baxter hogs berkshire boar w o brownridge boar 1832 brownridge sow brownridge mil ler sow rs33 brownridge miller sweepstakes brownridge boarj f robertson a n stark boar 1833 robertson stark robertson son stark boarw b reld boar 1832 w b reld sow w held sow 1033 w b reid special pen ot bertsin w b poultry rocks barred cock alexander fendley ben alexander cockerel alexander alam pullet alexander rook white or aov cock w w fraaer fraaer hen n bjdler fraaer cockerel rldler fnuer pullet fraa er herb cleave wyandotte white cock l j fisher ben allan fraaer cockerel fraaer allan pullet pras- ercleave wyandotts buff or aov oock fraaer hen iproaer alexander eockeral alexander r i red cock alexander hen alexander eockeral allan alexander pullet allan alex ander leghorns white cock- alexan der hen alexander fendley ucjwwi alexander align pullet fraasr allah leghorns aov cock vkaasr rldler nen mdler rvner cockerel fraser rldler pullet rideir rldler ancona oock fraaer allan hen fraaer allan eockeral vraser allan pullet fraser allan onptngton buff cock fraaer fendley hen fendley fraaer eockeral fraaer fendley pullet fraaer allan orpington aov cook fraser rldler hen rldler fraaer eockeral fraaer rldler pul- letirldler fraaer oornlsh cock- alexander hen alexander eo fraser pullet alexander alexander turkeys male allan rldler fe male rldler allan oeese toulouse male rldler rld ler female rldler rldler bmden male allan femaleallan duc pek male rldler brown ridge female rldler brownridge rouen male allan female allan female aov male rldler allan allan rldler f pair of rabbuaaexander special oeo c browne grata winter wheat e wilson p wilson winter wheat red r h hunter spring wneatf r fendley j c cunningham small peas t j brownridge mlaa black pcu other varletyrounnlngbam r m hunter oats t j brownridge e wilson baxey cunningham k wilson col lection of grain c wuaon vk bus sr alslke p wilson v bus ol red doverm aicnabb basts and vegeiabkm bushel of potatoes w j mcdon ald h a hunter collecuon of pota toes r- h hunter cutord burt field carrots d c tendley r h hunter shipping turnips w j mc donald t j brownridge feeding tur- nipsw j mcdonald j c cunning- haun mangel wurtaels d c fendley j c cunningham pumpkins j c cunningham t j fisher ensilage corn v burt d c fendley citrons c stein mrs herb cleave water melon k wilson t j fisher squash field d c fendley t cook squash hubbard h wilson f r fendley carrots shorthorn ve wilson c stein turnip beets b h hunter c stein long be e wilson r h hunter parsnips r h hunter jesse brandfbrd cabbage white jesse brandford cabbage red cunrdngham jesse brandford celery jesse brand- fartf cauliflower d o fendky 1 on ions red r h hunter f r fendley onions other variety f r fendley b r hunter tomatoes d c fend ley mrs paul bushel ot onions o l wacson collection ot vege d c bendley bushel ot tomtps w j mcdonald fran snow apples breckon stein kings of tnmpkma r c breckon blen- heln pippin breckon allan mecul- loush northern spy breckon t j fisher baldwin breckon r l greening breckon c stein russet breckon mccuuough mcintosh red breckon stein crabs c stein brec kon pears bartlett f r fendley breckon pears other variety breok- on stein pears flemish beaut breckon stein puma loxntjarbv breckon plums other variety 1 k fendley f r- fendlev grapes fahm breckon r k hunter grapes red breckon r h hunter grapes white p r fendley r h hunter col- lection of collection of export apples breckon geraniums double mr h ooidv haun mrs w j mcdonald begonias lulimwis mia goldham mrs mc donald begonlaa rex mm goldham r c breckon eoleusr mrs breckon mrs goldham ferns sprengert miss e oblack jems other variety d c fendley mm breckon sweet scented geranium mrs mcdonald b plant in bloom aflm black o l watson bouse plants miss black mrs goldham dustey millar mrs w r watson mm breckon plant tn bloom mrs goldham mrs w j cat fus display of asters f r c stein collection ot asters f r fendley 0 stein display ot cosmos bre mrs harold cleave oounga breckon mrs w r watson dis play of t breckon mrs a k dodds cactus dahlias mrs dodds breckon collection ot gladioli brec kon verbena lrieioii mrs dodds miquonette mrs mcdonald breckon marigold mrs dodds f r fedley display pansiea mrs harold cleave mrs dodds display of roses c stem mrs dodds stocks f r fendley mrs harold clea sweet peas f r fendley r r hunter disnlsy of petunias mrs dodds mrs goldham display of zinnias b stein salvia breckon mrs asrw collection of perennials brecknn mc donald band boqnelci stein f r fendley table tjasket c mcdonald table mr stein hvmg room bouquetmrs dodds mrs hi o bailey 3 spikes of gladioli breckon datry s lbs of fresh butter mrs j bird mrs swlbier i la ot dairy butter- mrs j bird wtrs swuser mrs fea- themtop s ma of dairy rniltflr mm j bird mrs swltser mrs featber- aton 3 ttxr of butter by r d warren mrs switaer 6 lbs of butter by w k smit m swltser 1 lb butter by j m moore mrs j bird loaf of bread white mrs h ro bertson mrs judge loaf of bread brown mrs judge mrs bird buns of rolls mrs robertson mrs judge lea biscuits uk black mrs robert son cookies mrs dodd mrs h cleave marcaroons mrs w c bes sey mrs b cleave tarts mm bes- seymrs dodds apple pie mrs ro bertson mrs w a thompson t fruit pie jatrs ooldbam w c bessey custard pie bella wheeler mrs h robertson pumpkin pie h robert son airs oowlham aponge cake mrs harold cleave mrs bessey dark layer cake mrs h robertson mrs dodds light layer cake mrs robert son mrs ooldbam exhibit of baking mrs robertson mm dodds mm bessey canned vfgetahlns flavin n judge canned fruit switaer judge pickles swe o wbeeler pic sour swltser meat sauce swltser mrs harold cleave marma lademrs judge raspberry vinegar judge dodds 8 dressed chicken by l m bennett t j msber dressed ducks by rj ker sey oeo c brown dressed chicken by mcdoogal bros oeo c brown dressed by n robinson t j fisher dressed chicken by thos sykes f r fendley dressed chicken by at j blackburn k wilson dressed chick en by a k parnedjrjjf fisher dressed hfa by bbflflertaon t j brownridge dreasedvjpose by j m moore wc o brownridge loaf of bread by j b u mm judge loaf of bread by walter law- son mrs judge collecuon of baaing by bl c mcchire mrs harold cleave layer cake by mrs h robertson mrs harold cleave collection of baking by c w svnckhamtner mrs h robert son doe buns by clarkson mrs switxer collection ot pastry by ucata mrs dodds 5rnv of honey mrs dodds 3 pies by donds hardware- mrs h robertson loaf of bread pie cake mrs herb cleave mrs cunn ingham mrs dodds loaf of bread by herald mrs judge mn ftllau lie- qui tough ta mlts fine wool w o brownridge mrs mark clark mrs b e nixon socks fine woo t j brownridge w o brownridge ma j b adasaaon socks coarse wool mrs nixon w o brownridge rags braided mrs adaminn mrs ooldham mrs mc donald rug crochet mrs w r watson mrs w a mcdonald rug wool yam mrs harold cleave miss feral wallace r coat sleeve- wool mrs nixon w o brownridge emn cetnrepiece colored mrs har old cleave w o brownridge mabel sparling ptuow sups mt emb mrs watson miss lucy edwards mrs paul pillow sups any other kind mrs watson mfas enwards mm goldham bed towels emb and int mr ooldbam mm watson mrs paul guests towels colored emb mrs watson mbs wallace mrs clark bath towels emb miss wal lace mrs braisby mrs watson bath j crochet trimmrs watson mrs ad mrs bz a bauer tea towels emb man wallace mrs wat son miss edwards ladies pyjamas mbs enwards ladtss pyjamas auk- miss wallace ladies stepin mrs watson miss wallace todies bed jac ket c mccunosnjn mrs paul ladies work bag mrs watson miss wallace ladles fancy b slippers mrs watson lamp shade mrs harold cleave mtas wallace mbs edwards library centrepiece mfca sparling miss ooktham clark sofa pillow clark sofa clark man ojuiltodarrs watson mrs paul wards tea easy and imilrtri mia on mrs paul tstung- mrs paul mrs watson oonttnued on page 3 pillow ed- nht- fivulis know r carrolls tteakfast bacon pono- 20c carrolls ham bologna 16c t duiiham corn starch pkg 8c special curfcs dsiwciasjs porlt and beans 4 si 27 carrolls famous old cheese poavd sic carrolls own ilcnd coffee pod 45c carrqllsnew i crown brand mnffiat corn svwjp s lbs 29c i slb tin 16e carrolls rolled oats 6 hs 19c special for stuidvrlclns ingersoll malted swftf 2 iv f5sors ati ploor wax lib clov salmon 31c tvrmarom i smoked pineapple i pilchards g tin 25c plb tin 15c special lynn vamay cholqa pie pumpkin h i sm ywggawwail i ctatj nciv cagle 1 2 1lb tin ichipsot oxypql i larfc pcltwt 21 c bccmjbtie soapror jchut use calay 3 ckx21c i fzooking onions 10 lb peg- 17c spanish onions 3 lx for 20c sweet potatoes 6 for 19c meuin street plmieww georgetown r i j frfr a iri i -n- n

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